Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 | 4/20/23


[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]



Medical Apartheids Lead to Very Dark Places

APR 20, 2023My recent decision to publicize Dr. Miller’s story struck a chord with many and, not long after, ended up on national television. I think that Dr. Miller’s story appealed to so many because it spoke to both the worst of what many of us have seen in the last few years and to the best in humanity many of us sincerely wished we’d seen more of. If you have not yet watched the interview, please do because it sets the context for this article:

One of the reasons Dr. Miller’s story struck a chord with so many people is because they directly experienced the medical discrimination he described and, in some cases, saw a loved one who was unvaccinated die because of their unethical treatment.

Before we go any further, I need to provide a few disclaimers since I have very strong feelings on this topic and am not necessarily writing from my typical impartial style.

When I write, I try to follow two rules:

The first is to not talk about myself because I don’t want what’s on here to be about me—the only time I share personal stories is when I feel others can relate to them, and they hence benefit from hearing them.

The second is not to make Nazi or Hitler analogies. This is because comparing people to Hitler is one of the most overused responses on the internet and because Hitler did some truly awful stuff to my family, so I do not like to ever inadvertently trivialize what happened in Nazi Germany.

This was a difficult article for me to write, and those rules will not be followed today.

[Ed.:   Never Again Is Now Global — A Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav


The Great COVID-19 Vaccine Bribe   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH™

“COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program”

APR 12, 2023


Many readers of this Substack have doubtless wondered why their “healthcare providers”—i.e., doctors, repeatedly exhorted them to get the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. In my extended social circle, I heard many reports of doctors being downright pushy about it—as though getting the COVID-19 vaccine was the single most pressing matter of medicine and health.

Even patients who’d recently recovered from COVID-19 were urged by their doctors to get the shots, as were patients who had bad reactions to the first injection.

For a long time Dr. McCullough and I wondered if these doctors really were that brainwashed, or was there some other explanation for their zeal?



Hold Fauci Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity! [SIGN THE PETITION]  Simone Gold, MD, JD

The time for Congress to act against Dr. Fauci is now, and I encourage you to sign our petition. Here’s why:

  • Dr. Tony Fauci, former head of the National Institutes of Health, is responsible for authorizing and initiating the Covid-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization (EUA), vaccines that have caused 300,000 excess US deaths;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci’s approval of Covid-19 vaccines, and his call to shut the economy down, caused $147 billion in damage to US economy;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci covered up the truth regarding the origins of Covid-19;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for telling Americans the truth about the origin of Covid-19
  • Dr. Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for promoting early treatment of Covid-19 and alternatives drugs like ivermectin;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci is responsible for the 26.6 million US citizens who were injured directly from Covid-19 vaccines;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci is responsible for the over 1.36 million people disabled from the Covid-19 vaccines;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci lied in sworn testimony before the U.S. Senate, denying that his NIH sent millions to China to perform gain-of-function research—committing a felony;
  • Dr. Tony Fauci lied to the American people regarding the effectiveness of masks; knowing full well not one study shows masks prevent the spread of Covid-19; and,
  • Dr. Tony Fauci lied about the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, telling Americans that they would protect against the virus, when they never did.

Dr. Fauci was the mastermind behind an unnecessary pandemic by funding the Wuhan laboratory behind COVID-19. Then, he forced deadly jab mandates on the American people.

It’s time for him to be held personally responsible for his crimes!

Click here to sign the petition to hold Dr. Fauci responsible for crimes against humanity.

Since Day 1 of the COVID lockdowns, I have been Dr. Fauci’s #1 enemy. Our legal team has helped in legal battles to protect workers from jab mandates, and we continue to defend doctors who prioritize their patients’ best interests.

Now, we’re asking you to demand Congress hold Dr. Fauci accountable for the death and suffering he has caused.

** Sign the Petition **    Hold Dr. Fauci Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity.

Thank you,

Simone Gold, MD, JD

Founder, America’s Frontline Doctors

The Trusted Name for Independent Information


The Pfizer board has lawyered up   ALEX BERENSON

Drs. Albert Bourla D.V.M. and Scott Gottlieb M.D. will both be represented by James P. Rouhandeh, a litigator last seen defending insulin for $500 a pen. Hey, somebody’s got to do it!

APR 20, 2023 – Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive and the World’s Favorite Veterinarian (TM), has found a lawyer for Berenson v Biden.

James P. Rouhandeh, the head of litigation at the 1,000-lawyer firm Davis Polk, yesterday notified James Lawrence, my lawyer, that he is representing Bourla.

Rouhandeh is also representing Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the senior Pfizer board member who successfully lobbied Twitter to ban me in August 2021. The fact Rouhandeh is working for both of them suggests Pfizer plans to take full responsibility for Gottlieb’s actions rather than saying he pushed Twitter on his own, but we will see.

Considered a top white-collar defense lawyer, Rouhandeh has represented Pfizer and Pfizer executives in prior cases.

He’s also worked for Morgan Stanley and has successfully defended the drugmaker Novo Nordisk over its massive insulin price hikes. (Though insulin was discovered in 1921 and has been commercially produced for almost a century, over the last 25 years, Novo Nordisk and other manufacturers have raised its price in the United States so much that some Americans have had to ration it.)


Former Nurse Describes COVID-19 Protocols As ‘Medical Murder’

April 20, 2023 – A former nurse who worked for Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Medical Center in California from 2015 until 2021 was fired for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. She describes COVID-19 protocols as “medical murder.”

Gail Macrae is a California nurse turned whistleblower who was fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 shot. She joined Liz Collin this week to discuss what she witnessed while working in health care during the pandemic.

Macrae has worked in hospitals, ICU care, and as a midwife. She worked for Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Medical Center in California from 2015 until 2021, when she was fired for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

As COVID ramped up in the spring of 2020, the media insisted hospitals were overflowing with patients, but that’s not what Macrae saw firsthand.

“They were never full of patients. As a matter of fact, from the onset of COVID, for the whole first year of this pandemic not only was our hospital under capacity, but I was getting canceled,” she said.


Deepen the backlash against public health   KATHERINE WATT

A rebuttal/reworking of an editorial by Lawrence O. Gostin and Sarah Wetter, published March 30, 2023 by Science journal.

APR 19, 2023 – Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, LLD, and James G. Hodge, Jr., JD, LLM, are two primary architects of the public health-pretext kill box frameworks incorporated into American federal and state law since the late 1990s, styled as legal preparedness for public health emergencies.

Gostin and Hodge have worked with dozens of other attorneys and legal scholars through academic and non-governmental organizations including Georgetown University O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law; Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health; World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law; Arizona State University Center for Public Health Law and Policy; Public Health Law Association; and the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. (There are dozens more such organizations.)

Among other projects, Gostin led development of the 2001 Model State Emergency Health Powers Act and its successor programs, pushed through each of the 50 state legislatures to form state-level legal control-and-kill systems1 that reinforce the American federal kill box system.

… The popular backlash against public health doesn’t need to be “fixed.”

The popular backlash against public health needs to be deepened and expanded until all federal and state public health bureaucracies are dismantled and de-funded, and the leaders who have carried out the control-and-kill programs of the last three years are arrested, tried, convicted and executed for the war crimes they have demonstrably committed and continue to carry out to this day.

Total Page Visits: 619

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.