Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 1/19/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]

WEF Insider Admits ‘Disease X’ Will Be Final Solution To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls   The Prisoner

January 19, 2024 – The World Economic Forum starts this week in Davos where Klaus Schwab and his unelected bureaucrats will give center stage to a virus that the elite are warning will kill twenty times more people than Covid.

The WEF and the Bill Gates funded World Health Organization are joining forces to prime “Disease X” in their final push for the Pandemic Treaty which will strip the nations of the world of their sovereignty and officially sign then up to the New World Order’s global government.

For those who have been paying attention, the emergence of Disease X closely mirrors the shadowy origins of the Covid plandemic, with Bill Gates and the WHO holding tabletop exercises, the mainstream media disseminating fake news, and Klaus Schwab pontificating about casualties.

The similarities are so uncanny that we have to stop and ask, is Disease X the “pandemic that will get everyone’s attention” that Bill Gates and his ex-wife gleefully warned us about?

And LOOKEE here:

Nothing To See Here: The US Congress Introduced the ‘Disease X Act’ in June of 2023:


Does the US government perform and fund ‘enhanced’ Gain of Function research? Has it been legalized?    MERYL NASS

JAN 18, 2024 – What do you think? Check this out and let us know if the USG is making novel biowarfare agents? Is the RISK worth the benefit?


A sad Testimony of Lyndsey, RN on X

💥Happy 2nd SHOT Anniversary💥   2 years y’all! I’ve survived 2 yesrs

• 2 years I’ve been sick and injured from this poison. And I’m calling it what it is bc I feel “poisoned” every single freaking day

• 2 years I’ve been mainly bed-bound and unable to work as a RN, where before my jab I was once healthy, in the best shape of my life & ready to start a family. Now I’m 38, disabled & can barely do my Activities of Daily Living

• Before becoming a nurse, I was blessed naturally with freakish athletic ability and talent. Any sport I played I excelled in, especially softball.

• I started playing softball when I was 4 years old. I skipped tee ball bc I was too advanced and at 4 years old I was playing in coach pitch. I was just an itty bitty thing out there in the sea of these “big kids” and was given the nickname of PEANUT 😃

I was the smallest one out there but also the mightiest. Like they say dynamite comes in small packages.! 😆

In high school i lettered in varsity Volleyball, Basketball, and softball all 4 years. I earned so many accolades in softball and was a super star in my state.

I was a 4 time all county, 4 time all conference, 2 time all region, 2 time All state shortstop and pitcher, County player of the year, and 2 time State Champion 👊✊

Those were the happiest days of my life. After high school I went on to play college softball at a D2 school instead of going professional or playing D1 to be close to my family after my moms death my senior year.

I played 2 years of college ball and broke a few records my freshman year one being stolen base record: I was quick like lightning and my fastest time clocked in running to first base was 2.78 seconds in 40 feet 🐭 Of course I was lead off batter. I would get on base, steal 2nd and 3rd and would get hit home to score every time 😃. I was also being scouted to play professional softball but pursued being a nurse instead.

I am now confirmed, diagnosed and a documented adverse reaction to the mRNA vaccine with temporal association due to symptoms occurring 8 hours after my injection I was in cytokine storm by day 10 of my injury and I still currently am in it 2 years later.

My past medical history only consisted of a pollen allergy which I took daily Claritin for. That’s it No surgeries, or other problems. I didn’t even have a PCP at the time bc I was never sick and if I did get sick I would always just see my athletic trainer while at college or the urgent care.

I now suffer not only with being in cytokine storm, but also a bunch of new onset diagnosis that it has caused. POTS (postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) Mthfr gene mutation, tremors, muscle mass loss, neurocognitive issues, monocyte and macrophage activation with all three monocyte likes expressing S1 Vax spike, mitochondrial failure, nitric oxide pathway failure, shingles, ebv reactivated, tremors, hot flashes, hypertension, inappropriate sinus tach with pacs, pvcs, and ventricular trigeminy, adhd, depression, anxiety, ptsd, ocd, extensive hair loss alopecia, skin rashes and bumps, syncope, dizziness, tinnitus, shortness of breath on exertion , micro clotting and activated platelet cascade, joint pain and swelling, palpitations and the list goes on.

I speak out about my injury bccause this poison needs pulled from the shelves ASAP and investigated 💯

#VaxInjuries, #VaxDeaths, #PfizerLied


Exposed: Moderna’s Vaccine Against Vaccine Dissent    By Lee Fang

January 16, 2024 – Finances at the vaccine manufacturer Moderna began to fall almost as quickly as they had risen, as most Americans resisted getting yet another COVID booster shot. The pharmaceutical company, whose pioneering mRNA vaccine had turned it from small startup to biotech giant worth more than $100 billion in just a few years, reported a third-quarter loss last year of $3.6 billion, as most Americans refused to get another COVID booster shot.

In a September call aimed at shoring up investors, Moderna’s thenchief commercial officer, Arpa Garay, attributed some of the hesitancy pummeling Moderna’s numbers to uninformed vaccine skeptics. “Despite some misinformation,” Garay said, COVID-19 still drove significant hospitalizations. “It really is a vaccine that’s relevant across all age groups,” she insisted.

To get past the “misinformation” and convince the public to take continual booster shots, Garay briefly noted that Moderna was “delving down” on ways to partner “across the ecosystem to make sure consumers are educated on the need for the vaccine.”

What Garay hinted at during the call, but didn’t disclose, was that Moderna already had a sprawling media operation in place aimed at identifying and responding to critics of vaccine policy and the drug industry. A series of internal company reports and communications reviewed by RealClearInvestigations show that Moderna has worked with former law enforcement and public health officials and a drug industry-funded non-governmental organization called The Public Good Projects (PGP) to confront the “root cause of vaccine hesitancy” by rapidly identifying and “shutting down misinformation.”

Part of this effort includes providing talking points to some 45,000 healthcare professionals “on how to respond when vaccine misinformation goes mainstream.” PGP and Moderna have created a new partnership, called the “Infodemic Training Program,” to prepare health care workers to respond to alleged vaccine-related misinformation.


Part 3: The Rise of a Deadly New Religion and its Crusade to Eliminate Non-Believers    BRUCHA WEISBERGER

We All Suffer Once You Can No Longer Debate “The Science” 

JAN 16, 2024 – BS”D

This is Part 3 of my reprint of A Midwestern Doctor’s very important article, “The Deadly Rise of Scientism.”

Part 2 (contains link to Part 1): https://truth613.substack.com/p/part-2-the-rise-of-a-deadly-new-religion

By A Midwestern Doctor


Taking a cue from the propagandists, Peter Hotez also searched for a label to silence all of his critics. He (possibly with the help of a PR firm) settled on “antiscience,” and as he only presents himself to sympathetic audiences who won’t question him, was able to keep upping the ante with it, before long claiming “antiscience” represented an existential danger to our Democracy, was the greatest killing force in the world, and hence called for governments around the world to be weaponized against anyone promoting “antiscience.”

For a while we ignored these antics because of how ridiculous they were, but eventually realized after this WHO sponsored tweet that it had gone too far (this is the type of thing that leads to dark places) and something needed to be done about it:


The FDA’s sham support of poisoning the American public   DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

Conversation with Katherine Watt–unmasking the FDA

JAN 16, 2024 – Legal researcher Katherine Watt has completely unmasked the FDA as a tool of global aggression against the people of the United States. Yes, the emperor has no clothes on — but it’s much worse than that.

The FDA is not just a naked man — it is a shameless, loathsome evil miscreant (our words) that is collaborating with the Department of Defense (DoD), The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other federal agencies in the global attack on American citizens and upon the Constitution that protects our rights and gives us strength and motivation to resist. [Emphasis added]

Katherine’s view soars from way above the fray to look at the global evil we are fighting and then gets practical as she focuses down on the nuts and bolts of the laws that have been passed, allowing the global minions to run amok within our government and among our unwitting citizens.

For those of you who understandably find it hard to believe that there is a global governance trying to force itself fully upon the world by weakening all resistance from the least threat to them, which is us — we lace into Katherine Watt’s presentation a brief history of world empires since the dawn of civilization.1

Under the guise of public health, they unleashed upon us a supposed mRNA “vaccine,” but in reality, we are not even allowed to know what is really in it, and federal laws have now removed all oversight of its manufacture and distribution, putting us at the mercy of people who have ill-intent toward us.2

The clearest marker or signal we have of the destructiveness of this biological weapon is the number of reports of death from the injections reported by the CDC and FDA (the VAERS system), which now surpasses 20,000. Every one of these reports almost certainly represents one hundred or more unreported deaths, so that 20,000 reports reflect at least 2,000,000 deaths of Americans,3 with the largest number occurring on the day of the shot and most of them within 2-3 days.

Katherine Watt also cites the laws that have been passed declaring that FDA participation in developing vaccines under the Emergency Authorization (EUA) can not lead to official approval of the so-called vaccines. None of the COVID “vaccines” has received official FDA approval, and any such approval is prohibited by the law.

Here is Katherine Watt’s own summary indictment of what is going on in the FDA’s sham support of poisoning the American public:


What’s the Magic Number of Vaccines Needed for COVID?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Here’s Why the Florida Surgeon General Wants to Halt COVID Shots

January 16, 2024  Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, is warning that the continued use of COVID-19 mRNA shots presents a grave risk and has called for an end to their use. While the press wasted no time in questioning his motives, Ladapo cites serious concerns that cannot be ignored.


  • With shockingly little data, questionable benefits and a high likelihood of adverse events, the continuing campaign for COVID-19 shots raises many red flags
  • The documentary “The Unseen Crisis,” detailed by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, scratches the surface of the many lives ruined by COVID-19 shots
  • For every 1 million shots, an estimated 1,010 to 1,510 serious adverse reactions, such as death, life-threatening conditions, hospitalization or significant disability may occur — but only about 75 hospitalizations would be prevented among those aged 18 to 49
  • Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has called for an end to the use of COVID-19 mRNA shots, citing concerns about DNA fragments in the products
  • The FDA provided no evidence that appropriate DNA integration assessments have been conducted on mRNA COVID-19 shots; in a statement, Ladapo says, “DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome”


Fully Vaxxed and Boosted “All My Children” Actor Dies Suddenly at Age 50 – COVID Suspected as Cause of Death   By Cullen Linebarger

Jan. 15, 2024 4:00 pm – A “fully healthy” middle-aged actor passed away far too soon, leaving his beloved fiancé devastated.

As TMZ reported, “All My Children” actor Alec Musser died suddenly Friday night at his home in Del Mar, CA. He was just 50 years old.

Musser’s fiancé Paige Press revealed that he was suffering from “a severe case of COVID” despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, as Fox News noted. [Emphasis added] She suspects COVID was Musser’s cause of death.


VIDEO – John Beaudoin presents death certificate info (COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries) to New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services (Jan.10, 2024)   [14:01]   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 14, 2024


Measles: The First Panic Narrative of 2024?   JD RUCKER

Are twin measles outbreaks on both sides of the Atlantic laying the groundwork for a new vaccine push? Article by Kit Knightly from Off-Guardian cross-posted with permission.

JAN 14, 2024 (Off-Guardian)—Measles outbreaks hit the headlines in the both the US and UK this week. The UK is allegedly in the middle of a serious measles outbreak centred on Birmingham. The BBC reports:

Birmingham Children’s Hospital has been inundated with the highest number in decades of youngsters with measles

The West Midlands has reportedly seen as many as 167 measles cases in total, the BBC claiming “low vaccination rate has been attributed to the rise.” (pretty sure they mean “the rise has been attributed to the low vaccination rate” but you never go to the BBC for accuracy.)

167 cases may not seem like a lot, but it towers over Philadelphia’s “outbreak”, where 8 WHOLE ENTIRE PEOPLE have tested positive for measles, according to NBC:

At least eight people have been diagnosed with measles in an outbreak that started last month in the Philadelphia area. The most recent two cases were confirmed on Monday.

Just like the BBC, NBC is quick off the mark when it comes to assigning blame:

“None of the people in Philadelphia who’ve been diagnosed [ever] got a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine”.

The NB and BBC reports were published just hours apart, about two different “outbreaks” in two different countries, yet both hit the exact same talking points.

To ram the message home, here’s a headline from Sky News:

Measles cases surge in England and Wales fuelled by vaccine hesitancy over MMR jab

…and another one from the Daily Mail:

Measles outbreak in Philly may have spread to Delaware as vaccine hesitancy creates breeding ground for outbreak

…and one from Forbes:

Measles Outbreak In Philadelphia Suggests Growing Problem Of Vaccine Hesitancy

…and the Evening Standard:

London’s vaccination rates are terrible and measles is on the rise — it’s time to act

It’s not hard to see where it’s going, is it?


Ivermectin May Defeat Cancer and Other Common Chronic Diseases of Aging    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

JAN 14, 2024  – If you think Big Pharma had good reasons to censor ivermectin during COVID-19 how about now when we know it is likely effective against all chronic diseases associated with aging?

This Substack recently wrote about the powerful anticancer properties of Fenbendazole:

PetDazole: Pharmaceutical Grade Pure Fenbendazole   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

JUNE 6, 2023 – Just like they went after one of the very best cures for PSYOP-19 in Ivermectin… …the Medical Industrial Complex does not want the truth to come out about a powerful cancer cure in Fenbendazole. Thanks to the deployment of the DEATHVAX™, we are now seeing parabolic increases in “turbo cancers.” Those responsible for these slow kill bioweapon injections…

Read full story  

I also mentioned in passing that one of reasons Ivermectin was so viciously maligned and suppressed was that if society were taking it to cure PSYOP-19 one of the side effects would be “sudden” plummeting cancer rates, and thus BigPharma et al. went all out to destroy this Nobel prize miracle drug.

What would happen if one did a combination therapy for both the prevention and treatment of cancer using BOTH Ivermectin and Fenbendazole? The synergistic pairing would be far more effective than just using one of these miraculous drugs.  [Emphasis added]

For many years now the cure for cancer was in plain sight right in front of everyone all this while, yet society was socially engineered to mindlessly “Trust the Science” such that they would undergo incredibly expensive (read: exorbitant profit margins) medical treatments that are toxic and deadly, instead of taking two inexpensive (read: minuscule profit margins) drugs that have zero adverse side effects.

It also turns out that Ivermectin is a powerful anti-aging drug!

This is precisely why the war on Ivermectin (and soon Fenbendazole) has only just begun…

by Dr. Marion Laderoute

Dr. Paul Marik recently quoted a prospective clinical trial where the participants were given 4000 international units of Vitamin D, omega 3’s and told to exercise and the risk of cancer dropped 50%.


The Denial of Adverse Event Risk Following Immunization and the Loss of Informed Consent – A Perspective   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Scathing 2018 Review of Human Vaccine Development, Safety, Efficacy, and Regulatory Management

JAN 14, 2024 – Like many of you, I have invested thousands of hours reading, writing, watching videos, being interviewed—all in honing myself into a vaccine expert. A recent paper caught my attention as an all-out venting of frustration on how the vaccine industry has gone wrong after nearly 200 years of vaccine ideology from the very first attempts at inoculating children with cowpox.

In a paper from K. Paul Stoller in Acta Scientific Pediatrics one year before the COVID-19 pandemic, many concerning issues with vaccine research, human trials, reporting of safety, efficacy, and the regulatory machine are fully ventilated. I was amazed at how many issues Stoller hit: Institute of Medicine, FDA, CDC, WHO, sudden infant death syndrome, autism, epidemic peanut and other new allergies, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, thimerosal, aluminum, SV40, vaccine failures, and fraud everywhere in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

Please take the time to read this paper and understand the frustrations with the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex were building before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak arrived at our shores. The COVID-19 vaccine debacle has brought many of the issues Stoller outlined in 2018 into contemporary view. The public is steaming.


Rand Paul Fires Off on What He Really Thinks Fauci Deserves: ‘Frankly, He Should Go to Prison’   By Ben Kew

Jan. 15, 2024 8:45 am – Sen. Rand Paul has reiterated his view that Dr. Anthony Fauci should go to prison.

The senator cited U.S.-funded gain-of-function research at a lab in Wuhan, China.

In an interview Sunday on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC-AM in New York, the Kentucky Republican accused Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of contributing to the deaths of “somewhere between 10 and 20 million” people in the COVID-19 pandemic.

“He’s never been held responsible for this. This is probably the worst decision ever made by a public health official in the history of time,” Paul told host John Catsimatidis on Sunday.

“For his dishonesty, frankly, he should go to prison. If you lie to Congress, and you’re dishonest, and you won’t accept responsibility,” the senator argued.

“Now the mistake in judgment, he should just be pilloried,” Paul said. “He should never be accepted.

“History should judge him as a deficient person who made one of the worst decisions in public health history — in the entire history of the world.”

The conversation begins around the 5-minute mark below:


“Scarf Lady” Dr. Deborah Birx Compares Long COVID to HIV: “Just Like HIV was Destroying Our Immune System”   (VIDEO  5:57)   By Jim Hft

Jan. 11, 2024 8:20 pm – Dr. Deborah Birx, the former White House coronavirus response coordinator who destroyed the country along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, drew parallels between long COVID and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in a recent interview with Chris Cuomo.

Addressing comparisons of long COVID to HIV, Birx, who has extensive research experience in HIV/AIDS, pointed out the similarity in their asymptomatic nature.

She noted that, like HIV, COVID-19’s impact on the body, especially in terms of long-term neurological effects and microclots, is still being understood.

Chris Cuomo: Comparisons to HIV. You’ve done a ton of research on this. Do you believe this is a false flag? Is there something that, contextually, people need to understand about that comparison? Or is this much darker a potential reality than we knew?

Deborah Birx: The reason the comparison to HIV is important is because HIV was also asymptomatic. I mean, you couldn’t see the virus through symptoms because people were infected for seven, eight, nine years before they developed symptoms. But HIV quietly destroyed our immune system. And we learned a lot about immunology from HIV, and it’s changed completely our cancer therapy. We’re learning now about mitochondria and viral impact and brain fog and the changes in our neurons and the cells that nourish our neurons that really allow us to think and move. And we’re learning that because of what Avalon Covid has done, and so there’s two sides of this coin. Every time, there’s a lot of destruction that mild and moderate Covid can do that is unseen, just like HIV was destroying our immune system. But what came out of that is brilliant science that changed how we treated HIV. And if you’re diagnosed today, you can live a very normal lifespan, and people not only survive, but thrive. We need to get to the place where people with long Covid, we’ve done the research so that people with long Covid can not only survive, but thrive.



  • Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
  • The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March 2020.
  • Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and ruin the record Trump economy based on this faulty model.
  • A later critique of the Imperial College Model found the study was “completely unusable for scientific purposes” — The Imperial College study was a complete sham.
  • Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, acting as experts, pushed a garbage model on the White House and the American public and destroyed the US economy.

As TGP reported in early 2020 — in mid-April of 2020, Dr. Fauci admitted that he and Dr. Birx persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy, knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives, economic and personal suffering, and commerce.

President admitted that during a press conference in April, “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus.

Now, a major study backed by Oxford University suggested that strict COVID lockdowns were no more effective at reducing infections than the Swedish-style softer approach, which allowed more personal freedom and recommended rather than mandated behaviors aimed at reducing the transmission of the virus.

This conclusion challenges the tyrannical lockdown adopted by many countries, including the US, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the US shut down all commerce for years and destroyed the economy, Sweden took a different approach to the COVID-19 pandemic on the first wave of COVID-19 than most other countries and just allowed the China coronavirus to run its course. Instead of shutting down the businesses, the government relied on voluntary measures and recommendations to slow the spread of the virus. These measures included social distancing, working from home, and avoiding gatherings of more than 50 people.

And because of Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci, 300,000 to 900,000 children died from starvation due to their economic lockdowns.

In an interview with Neil Cavuto, Birx admitted that she “knew” that COVID-19 vaccines “were not going to protect against infection,” yet she pushed them anyway.

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let’s be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated.”

“So that’s why I’m saying even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, if you’re unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. It’s effective. It’s a great antiviral. And really, that is what’s going to save your lives right now if you’re over 70, which if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70,” Birx said.

Dr. Birx was wrong again. There were more and more reports of patients who took Pfizer’s antiviral pill experiencing a second round of Covid-19 shortly after recovering, according to NBC.

Pfizer announced in 2022 that a recent trial study revealed its antiviral pill Paxlovid was not effective at preventing Covid-19 infection in adults who had been exposed to the virus through household contact.

Scientific documentation about post-Paxlovid relapse has been available since last fall. Pfizer’s application to the FDA for emergency use authorization of Paxlovid stated that in the placebo-controlled clinical trial — which included 2,246 participants — “several subjects appeared to have a rebound in SARS-CoV-2 RNA levels around Day 10 or Day 14” after beginning treatment.

Following this report, Pfizer released a statement admitting that it failed to reduce the risk of confirmed and symptomatic COVID-19 infection in adults living with someone who had been exposed to the virus.

“While we are disappointed in the outcome of this particular study, these results do not impact the strong efficacy and safety data we’ve observed in our earlier trial for the treatment of COVID-19 patients at high risk of developing severe illness, and we are pleased to see the growing global use of PAXLOVID in that population,” said Albert Bourla, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer.





18,204 Myopericarditis Cases from mRNA Vaccines December 2020 through March 2022 in VAERS, Yellow Card, EudraVigilance   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Not Rare, Not Mild, and Deadly in Some Cases

JAN 13, 2024 – The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has maintained one of the strongest false narratives throughout the pandemic—its on mRNA vaccine myopericarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle and adjacent lining around the heart (pericardium). The public health agencies, big tech, regulators, academic medical centers, vaccinated authors and editors, have all maintained that heart damage from the vaccines is “rare” “mild” “transient” and “quick to resolve.”

The world has seen something quite different. Heart damage appears to be common. Symptoms including chest pain, palpitations, and effort intolerance are frequent. Most concerning, there is an epidemic of cardiac arrest, unexplained death, and insurance claims for younger employed workers since the vaccine rollout in 2021.

A paper from Lane et al shed some light on this topic and has taken away much of the false narrative. Using CDC VAERS, UK Yellow Card, and EU EudraVigilance reporting systems, the summarized 18,204 cases of myopericarditis. An additional literature review found dozens of well documented fatal cases.

From the safety database entries, the mortality rate was 0.22%. From the reported cases in the peer-reviewed literature, fatal outcomes occurred in 0.41 to 45.85% of cases. While there is a broad range, even a death rate of 0.5% when applied to a huge population with subclinical and clinical myocarditis yields a large number of deaths in young people that is impossible not to notice.

So the next time you hear that myopericarditis with Pfizer or Moderna is rare or benign, feel free to share this issue of Courageous Discourse Substack.



COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause Harm Five Years after Injection   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

US Congressional Testimony from Drs. McCullough, Cole, and Milhoan on Long-Term Health Impact of Genetic Vaccination–Full Hearing   [2:30:43]

JAN 13, 2024 – Friday January 12, 2024, Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene held a historic US Congressional Panel in The Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill to learn why COVID-19 vaccination continues to cause record injuries, disabilities, and deaths, even years after the primary series in 2021.

The hearing was attended by Greene (R-GA), Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), US Representatives Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), and Any Biggs (R-AZ) and the witnesses were Dr. Peter McCullough adult internal medicine, cardiology, Dr. Ryan Cole, clinical pathology, and Dr. Kirk Milhoan, pediatrics, pediatric cardiology.

The two hour session was nonstop from opening statements and questions from our lawmakers to the experts. It was live-stream broadcasted through many channels and press took interviews from Greene and Johnson. The audience included stakeholders who have suffered injuries from COVID-19 vaccination, students, corporate executives, independent media, and the Children’s Health Defense.

Dozens of citations are given for the Congressional Record from the peer-reviewed literature, safety databases, and slides were shown demonstrating COVID-19 vaccine Spike protein doing widespread damage to the human body. Dr. McCullough pointed out for genetic products, the FDA regulatory window for safety concerns is five years. Americans are worried. A Rasmussen poll out on the day of the hearing reported 53% of Americans think severe side effects from the vaccines are leading to large numbers of unexplained deaths.

Please take the time to review this hearing and please share it widely with your family, friends, and colleagues. At the end Senator Johnson makes a plea to physicians and other healthcare workers to come forward, be honest in their missteps, and get on the right side of history. COVID-19 vaccination has been a biological safety catastrophe for the world. On January 12, 2024, all three witnesses called for market withdrawal of all COVID-19 vaccine products for safety concerns—its in the record.



The Magnificent Seven   STEVE KIRSCH

These people are as heroic, in my view, as the originals.

JAN 13, 2024

US Senate

  1. Senator Ron Johnson

US House

  1. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG)
  2. Rep. Andy Biggs
  3. Rep. Warren Davidson
  4. Rep. Thomas Massie
  5. Rep. Chip Roy
  6. Rep. Bill Posey (who tried to get CDC’s William Thompson to testify in front of Congress about the corruption inside the CDC but the other Members wouldn’t allow that).

Here is the problem in a nutshell: we don’t have sufficient support in Congress to hold an official hearing

MTG sits on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus PandemicBut she is the only red-pilled member of committee AFAIK. The Republican Chair of the committee, Dr. Wenstrup, is, effectively, a card-carrying member of the medical establishment and is only interested in COVID origin story. Rand Paul isn’t much better.

That is why MTG’s hearings (such as the vaccine injury hearing on January 12, 2024) are all unofficial and she cannot compel any testimony from HHS agencies nor can she hold them accountable.

Until that happens, progress will be limited.

Goliath vs. the Dream Team

Fortunately for us, Goliath has assembled the Dream Team and Bret Weinstein and others like our odds. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch this excellent interview by Tucker Carlson. It’s worth your time. If you can’t watch the whole thing, just start listening at 58:19 for the Goliath reference.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.