Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |   1/25/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]


VIDEO – Vax injury – mother-in-law has dramatic personality change after J&J (CHD Dec.7, 2023)  [9:49]   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 25, 2024


Dr. Dan Neides gives tearful apology for pushing vaccines  [8:26]   Chananya Weissman

Dr. Dan Neides, former medical director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute.

Source: https://twitter.com/catsscareme2021/status/1749399388235997203?s=51&t=cuFVxywJAQdA0-l75QU1gA

[Ed.:  Now he’s sorry for contributing to the death of over 17 million people worldwide.  Gosh, that must feel awful!]


Dr Peter McCullough: How to Detox Spike Protein from Body (November 2023)

By Dr Frank Yap, M.D. – January 21, 2024

Base Spike Detox

According to Dr Peter McCullough (in a Twitter post – July 2023):

Base Spike Detox is what I am currently using in my practice for those who have had COVID-19 multiple times, one or more of the COVID-19 vaccines, or both and believe persistent SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could be causing problems in their body. A major publication is under review and editing; however, the information is far too important to hold back.

Update (Nov 2023): Published on August 25, 2023 in Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE PAPER > Base Spike Protein Detoxification and on November 21, 2023 in Cureus (PubMed – November 2023)

I have arrived, based on the emerging scientific literature and my clinical observation, that three OTC products are essential as a triple base combination:

  1. Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice a day
  2. Bromelain 500 mg once a day
  3. Nano/Liposomal Curcumin 500 mg twice a day

Additional products can be added, including NAC, IVM (Ivermectin), HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine), fluvoxamine, low-dose naltrexone, and blood thinners, depending on the clinical evaluation and the syndrome. The therapeutic objective is to start treatment and allow the body to clear Spike and its fragments with the natural reticuloendothelial system. I believe this triple combination is the best approach.

Patients can get a big head start if they self-initiate Base Spike Detox as they get organized for appointments. I have found three months is a minimum duration, and some require more than a year. Don’t expect instant results, be patient. I have a major manuscript under review for publication that summarizes the clinical rationale and evidence supporting Base Spike Detox.

Important safety warnings include bleeding for those on blood thinners or who have bleeding disorders (e.g., hemophilia), soy allergy, allergies to any component of the combination, and gastrointestinal intolerance. Women of childbearing potential without contraception, pregnant, breastfeeding, and children should not take this combination unless directed by a doctor.

Nattokinase and Spike Protein

Tanikawa et al. examined the effect of nattokinase on the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. In the first experiment, they demonstrated that spike was degraded in a time and dose-dependent manner in a cell lysate preparation that could be analogous to a vaccine recipient. The second experiment demonstrated that nattokinase degraded the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 infected cells. This was reproduced in a similar study done by Oba and colleagues in 2021.


Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson with Dr. McCullough Breaking Through Canadian Censorship   [29:21]    PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

US Congressional Hearing, Analysis of Fauci Testimony, Vaccine Deaths, Disease X, all Trickling Through to Public

JAN 24, 2024 – Nowhere is the importance of independent media more paramount than Canada. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has been a beacon of light to conservative Canadians who have been seeking the truth through the veils of the government false narrative. From her website:

“Inspirational and comedic speaker, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is the former co-host of The 700 Club Canada, and author of “Relentless Redemption”. Having been a keynote speaker at events with over 10,000 in attendance, her career has spanned many years in the entertainment industry; she has had the privilege of speaking with many influential men and women from Hollywood and beyond. She now hosts Laura-Lynn Live, an online-daily broadcast, bringing attention to current news and politics at this epic hour! Known as one of the most courageous women speaking out against the leftist agenda and woke culture, she believes it’s time to rise with courage, or sink with cowardice.”

Please watch this interview update for Canada on the January 9, 2024 US House Select Committee interrogation of Dr. Anthony Fauci followed by January 12 testimony from Drs. McCullough, Cole, and Milhoan on COVID-19 serious adverse events including death. We cover Disease X and much more. You can feel Thompson’s frustration as she puts cracks in the dam and wakes up Canada to the nightmare of the mass vaccination debacle.

[Ed.:  Please share this protocol with anyone wanting to dissolve their spike proteins:

McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification
Nattokinase 2,000 units X2/day, bromelain 500 mg/X2/day, curcumin 500 mg X2/day
I would add to this lumbrokinase, which is 30X more powerful than nattokinase, and make sure that the
curcumin is a product called Curamin (TM) Extra Strength, which is 100% bioavailable to our body.


“17 million deaths world-wide”!  Fauci deaths.]


Journalist Who Attacked Top Tennis Player For Refusing COVID Vaccine Dies Suddenly   BY TYLER DURDEN

MONDAY, JAN 22, 2024 – 08:25 PM – Events have been so frenetic over the past few years that it may be difficult for some to remember, but at the height of the covid panic there was a massive media campaign to destroy the image of any celebrity that publicly refused to take the vaccine.  They could be TV or film celebrities, famous scientists, politicians or even sports figures; it didn’t matter.  Anyone with a “platform” and an audience was expected to toe the line on the government covid narrative, or suffer the consequences.

One could argue that the mandates and vaccines were more a loyalty test than an effort to save lives:  Those who complied were considered devout collectivists or at least people who could be controllable, and those who refused to comply immediately stood out as a potential threat.  This is how a world-class tennis player from Serbia, Novak Djokovic, was treated when it was revealed that he was not vaccinated when he entered the Australian Open in early 2022.

Djokovic was subsequently removed from the tournament and had his travel visa revoked.  Keep in mind the player had a clean bill of health at the time, but his example of defiance of the jab was considered unacceptable by Australian authorities.  What would follow was an endless attack on his character and intelligence on social media, which a number of corporate journalists joined in on.

One of the lead instigators of this attempt at cancellation was Mike Dickson, a prominent British sports journalist working for the Daily Mail.  Dickson is noted as being relentless in his criticism of Djokovic, calling the player “arrogant and deplorable” for refusing to submit.

This week, Mike Dickson is reported to have collapsed and “died suddenly” at the age of 59 while covering the Australian Open.  The cause of death has been kept confidential.


Will Disease X Be Leaked in 2025?  [10:33]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 23, 2024

Brace for Impact: Disease X, 20x Deadlier Than COVID?

It’s set to be 20x deadlier than COVID, and they’ve already begun working on a vaccine – even though it’s still ‘hypothetical.’ The prediction: 20 million dead worldwide, and many who survive will be left with paralysis and/or brain damage.


  • The WHO’s pandemic treaty is the gateway to a global, top-down totalitarian regime, a one world government. The reason we can be sure there will be additional pandemics, whether manufactured using either fear and hype alone or an actual bioweapon created for this very purpose, is because the takeover plan, aka The Great Reset, is based on the premise that we need global biosecurity surveillance and centralized response
  • A new contagion will likely be born in 2025, and media are already preparing us for it
  • January 15-19, 2024, global leaders met at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos summit where the key topic of discussion was “Preparing for Disease X,” a hypothetical new pandemic predicted to kill 20 times more people than COVID-19
  • In August 2023, a new vaccine research facility was set up in Wiltshire, England, to begin work on a vaccine against the unknown “Disease X”
  • The U.S. Congress introduced the “Disease X Act of 2023” (H.R.3832) in June 2023. The bill calls for the establishment of a BARDA program to develop “medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential.” The bill was referred to the Subcommittee on Health in early June 2023 but has not yet been passed


VIDEO – Military Police Officer – JJ Vax ruined my career (CHD Dec.7, 2023)   [17:53]   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 23, 2024


Long road to recovery for Minneapolis man who suffered two strokes after COVID jab   By Liz Collin 

Pence said it was the day after receiving his first dose that his left arm started to shake, and it continued to get worse.

January 22, 2024 – A Minneapolis man suffered two strokes after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Cain Pence, a self-proclaimed “wanderer of the world,” joined Liz Collin Reports to discuss how he’s been forced to rethink every step since.

[Ed.:  “Two strokes after the Jab”?  Two Strokes Over The Line!]  


Covid Having Failed to do the Job, Bill Gates Is Making a Second Run at culling the population     2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

JAN 22, 2024

The culling is ongoing…

Reminder: A “Peaceful Culling” is Underway    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

OCTOBER 22, 2022

…but the comments in the below NY Post article further prove that there is a great awakening underway…

by Paul Craig Roberts

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General and Big Pharma Shill Tedros Ghebreyesus has called on countries to sign on to WHO’s pandemic treaty so the world can prepare for “Disease X.”

Ghebreyesus, speaking in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos last Wednesday, said that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this “common enemy.”


No Charges Filed Against Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab in Calif As New Deadly Lab-Created Diseases Emerge   By Pamela Geller

January 21, 2024 – We need answers as to what exactly was happening at the secret illegal Chinese bio lab found in California. The lab was oozing with pathogens, housed “transgenic” mice, and even had a freezer labeled “Ebola.” Yet the CDC did little more than shrug for months.

Back in July, GR reported on: Illegal, Secret Chinese Bio-Agent Lab In Calif Raided by FBI, CDC, INFECTIOUS BACTERIAL, VIRAL AGENTS Found MALARIA, RUBELLA, HIV, Chlamydia, E. Coli, Streptococcus Pneumonia, Hepatitis B and C, Herpes

Gavin Newsom’s Office Funded Illegal, Secret Chinese Biolab Found With Infectious Material, Viral Agents


Nine Studies Report HIV Tests Are Turning Positive After COVID-19 Vaccination and Infection    THE VIGILANT FOX

JAN 19, 2024 – On the Shannon Joy Show, renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough raised eyebrows when he reported that nine studies now confirm that HIV tests are turning positive after COVID-19 “vaccination” and the virus itself. He clarified that the HIV virus isn’t there, indicating a false positive, but the big concern is immunodeficiency.

Dr. McCullough cited a 2022 study from the Cleveland Clinic that showed that people who took at least three COVID-19 injections were up to three times more likely to have recurrent COVID-19 infections than unvaccinated individuals.

The authors of the study stated, “The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.”

Dr. McCullough also expressed that he was convinced that both COVID and the vaccine worsen immunity:

“I’ve become pretty convinced that COVID itself worsens someone’s immunity [as well as] the vaccine. Most people who took the vaccine got COVID and took the vaccine since the vaccines don’t work. They [the vaccinated + prior infection] are even more deep in a hole on immunodeficiency.”


Beyond Covid: WEF Hypocrisy, Disease X and Implications of a Hypothetical Pathogen   Tom Renz

Will COVID-Vaccinated Individuals Be More Susceptible to Disease X?

JAN 21, 2024 – As we enter another election year and witness the strategic unveiling of ‘Disease X’ – is anyone else struck with a foreboding sense of Déjà vu? I mean, it’s like we’re stuck in ‘Groundhog’s Day’ and election infection is back, but this time instead of Event 201 & Covid we get Clade X & Disease X. Same thing, different year. Only this time, we’re told that this hypothetical virus is 20 times deadlier than Covid. IMPORTANT QUESTION: if we don’t know what Disease X is, how do the “experts” know that it has a mortality rate 20 times that of COVID-19?

This potentially deadly virus ‘Disease X’ had world leaders jet-setting to convene at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, but before we get into ‘Disease X’ – can we just take a minute to marvel at the never-ending hypocrisy of the global elite? The central theme of this year’s gathering is ‘Rebuilding Trust’… this from a crowd that lectures us on our carbon footprint and that demands that we ‘eat zee bugs’ to stop global warming that all flew on private jets to Davos. Even Greenpeace International admits this many private jets will spike CO2 Admissions.

The study, ‘CO2 Emissions from Private Flights to the World Economic Forum, published in December 2022 revealed that the CO2 emissions of the global elite were equivalent to about 350,000 average cars in the same time period.

A summary of the report reveals:

“An analysis commissioned by Greenpeace International shows that 1,040 private jets flew in and out of airports* serving the Swiss mountain resort of Davos during the week of the 2022 World Economic Forum (WEF), causing CO2 emissions from private jets four times greater than an average week.”


Among the Worst Atrocities in American Medicine, Ever!


JAN 20, 2024

The Murder of COVID-19 patients

Throughout the nation, patients diagnosed with COVID-19 are being held against their will and against the will of their families, while hospitals refuse them access to effective treatments, such as regimens involving hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, combined with other medications and nutraceuticals. Instead of helping the people in their care, the hospitals impose treatments like Remdesivir and ventilation that do more harm than good, and can be fatal.3 They perpetrate these crimes against their patients despite the efforts of families, attorneys, and outside physicians trying to rescue them—and even in defiance of court orders.4


Cancer Cases Expected to Hit Record High in 2024… What Changed?   By Jim Hoft

Jan. 21, 2024 10:40 amA recent report published by the American Cancer Society predicted that new cancer cases are expected to reach a new high in 2024. Over 2 million new cases of cancer are expected.

Cancer incidence has been rising for six of the most common cancers: breast, prostate, endometrial, pancreatic, kidney, and melanoma.

From the American Cancer Society – new cases of cancer are expected to rise this year.

As Leo Hohmann reported earlier.

The Wall Street Journal reports that doctors are baffled by the sudden rise in cancer among young people.

The Journal writes:

“Cancer is hitting more young people in the U.S. and around the globe, baffling doctors. Diagnosis rates in the U.S. rose in 2019 to 107.8 cases per 100,000 people under 50, up 12.8% from 95.6 in 2000, federal data show. A study in BMJ Oncology last year reported a sharp global rise in cancers in people under 50, with the highest rates in North America, Australia and Western Europe.”

As Leo mentioned in his report on The Gateway Pundit, the word “vaccine” appears nowhere in the article. It mindlessly goes on to say that doctors are “racing to figure out what is making them sick, and how to identify young people who are at high risk. They suspect that changes in the way we live—less physical activity, more ultra-processed foods, new toxins—have raised the risk for younger generations.”

Maybe doctors should start focusing on the obvious.



Federal Judge Orders CDC to Release V-safe Texts Detailing COVID Vaccine Injuries   By John-Michael Dumais

In a “huge win for transparency,” a federal judge this month ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to disclose the entirety of 7.8 million free-text reports detailing adverse reactions submitted by COVID-19 vaccine recipients through the V-safe monitoring app.

January 16, 2024 – In a “huge win for transparency,” a federal judge this month ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to disclose the entirety of a critical COVID-19 vaccine safety database to independent researchers and the public.  [Emphasis added]

The ruling requires the CDC to produce more than 7.8 million free-text reports detailing adverse reactions submitted by COVID-19 vaccine recipients through the V-safe monitoring app. The agency must release the texts according to a strict schedule over the next year.

The judge rejected the CDC’s claims that confidentiality concerns and resource limitations prevented the agency from publicly releasing the trove of first-hand testimonies.

Instead, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk for the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division, embraced arguments from the plaintiffs — the nonprofit watchdog group Freedom Coalition of Doctors for Choice — that obscuring the data enabled potentially misleading safety conclusions by hindering full understanding of the vaccines’ impacts.


ICYMI: Denver Health Medical Staff Receives First Live Ebola Vaccine that “Sheds” for the First Time in History  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Jan. 20, 2024 3:40 pm – A group of medical staff at Denver Health made history last November by being among the first to receive a live Ebola vaccine, a decision drawing attention due to its unusual nature and the vaccine’s reported “shedding” characteristics.

Although there are currently no Ebola outbreaks, the proactive approach of Denver Health’s High Risk Infection Team has been both lauded and questioned.

The live Ebola vaccine, administered to members of Denver Health’s High Risk Infection Team, is part of a proactive strategy to bolster defenses against potential future outbreaks.

,,, From the FDA package insert:

“Shedding of vaccine virus into the urine or saliva was evaluated in 359 participants enrolled in 8 clinical studies who were vaccinated with ERVEBO or lower dose formulations. Vaccine virus RNA was detected by RT-PCR in the urine or saliva of some participants at timepoints ranging from Day 1 through Day 14 postvaccination. In the 3 studies that assessed shedding at Day 28, no samples tested positive. In Study 6, 31.7% (19/60) of participants 12 months through 17 years of age enrolled in a substudy shed vaccine virus in saliva following vaccination. Viral shedding was greatest on Day 7 and declined thereafter, with no shedding detected after Day 28. Vaccine virus RNA was detected by RT-PCR in vesicular fluid samples from some participants. In one participant, a sample collected 20 days after vaccination tested positive for vaccine virus RNA by RTPCR.”



Journalist Who Tried to Cancel Novak Djokovic for Being Unvaccinated Collapses and Dies Suddenly at Australia Open   By Jim Hft

Jan. 20, 2024 6:40 pm – The sports journalism community is in mourning following the sudden death of Mike Dickson, a respected writer for the Daily Mail.

Dickson, who was in Melbourne to cover the Australian Open, tragically collapsed and died shortly before his 60th birthday.

… In recent times, Dickson gained attention for his critical views on Novak Djokovic’s stance on the COVID-19 vaccine. Through various articles, Dickson not only challenged Djokovic’s decisions but also highlighted the potential implications for his legacy and public image.

In one of his pieces, Dickson wrote, “MIKE DICKSON: Novak Djokovic could ruin his chances of becoming the GOAT by refusing to take the vaccine… it is a strange hill to die on for a player who is so desperate to be loved.”



‘Tragic’: World Champion Pole Vaulter Dies at Age 29   By Lorri Wickenhauser

Jan. 20, 2024 7:15 am – A former world champion pole vaulter died Thursday at age 29.

Shawn Barber, a three-time NCAA champion with the University of Akron in Ohio, died “from medical complications,” the school’s Department of Athletics said in a news release Thursday.

The athlete’s specific cause of death was not released, but the university said he “had fallen ill and had been experiencing poor health for some time.”


Nine Studies Report HIV Tests Are Turning Positive After COVID-19 Vaccination and Infection    THE VIGILANT FOX

JAN 19, 2024 – On the Shannon Joy Show, renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough raised eyebrows when he reported that nine studies now confirm that HIV tests are turning positive after COVID-19 “vaccination” and the virus itself. He clarified that the HIV virus isn’t there, indicating a false positive, but the big concern is immunodeficiency.

Dr. McCullough cited a 2022 study from the Cleveland Clinic that showed that people who took at least three COVID-19 injections were up to three times more likely to have recurrent COVID-19 infections than unvaccinated individuals.

The authors of the study stated, “The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.”

Dr. McCullough also expressed that he was convinced that both COVID and the vaccine worsen immunity:

“I’ve become pretty convinced that COVID itself worsens someone’s immunity [as well as] the vaccine. Most people who took the vaccine got COVID and took the vaccine since the vaccines don’t work. They [the vaccinated + prior infection] are even more deep in a hole on immunodeficiency.”


Why is Davos so interested in Disease X? The global biosecurity agenda is critical for them to achieve the New World Order/Great Reset   MERYL NASS

They strung several very well constructed fairy tales together that, when believed, lead you to walk happily into their ovens and pay for the privilege. It’s that simple.

JAN 19, 2024Robert and Jill Malone wrote an excellent substack piece on what has been going on at Davos this week in a collaboration between the WHO and the WEF titled “Disease X and the Corrupt Lancet,” and they also discussed Disease X’s evil twin “One Health.”

The fact that the WEF and the WHO have become partners to terrify the world in order to get us back on track to allow them to make our decisions for us, extract lots of our money and lead us along the yellow brick road to One World Government should tell you plenty.

Quoting from the Malones’ piece (in italics):

The big push from the WHO and the WEF is that “Disease X” will be zoonotic. That money to surveil every speck of land in the world is the path forward to stopping “Disease X”. What a coincidence that the brand new CIA/intelligence agency designated to run the National Counterproliferation and Biosecurity Center to surveil pathogens intends to do just that. And that this happens to be intended to run in parallel with the CIA mission to surveil the world for other (nefarious?) purposes.

According to the WHO, Disease X is all about One Health solutions. The World Health organization describes One Health as the following:

WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines   By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education.

January 19, 2024 – The threat of a new pandemic and so-called “misinformation.” The future of democracy. The future impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in society. The “green agenda.”

These were just some of the topics on the agenda at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, which concluded today.

Some of the highlights of this year’s meeting included warnings of how a yet-unknown “Disease X” may cause the next pandemic, discussions on how AI could lead to the rapid development of new vaccines, and talk about how AI could either fall victim to — or filter out — so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

1986: The Untold Story   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 20, 2024

Untouchable Jabs: They Dodged This Act Like the Mafia

The COVID-19 mRNA shots are the most dangerous ‘vaccines’ ever rolled out. Who’s paying the medical expenses incurred by the hundreds of thousands of Americans injured by these shots, and how did the drug industry dodge this act and become a modern-day mafia?


  • Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), was part of a small group of parents of vaccine injured children who fought for the creation of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA)
  • Unfortunately, the law has not lived up to its initial purpose, and has instead allowed the drug industry to become the most influential industry on earth
  • The original bill, S. 2117, introduced in 1984 contained multiple safety provisions aimed at ensuring informed consent and making vaccines safer for all, and did not provide liability protection for vaccine makers or doctors
  • Shortly after its passing in 1986, Congress, the Department of Human Services and the Justice Department gutted the bill of crucial safety and compensation provisions, and ultimately granted vaccine makers complete protection from all liability, including liability for design defects
  • Why was the NCVIA gutted? Because every incidence of liability and financial award is an admission that vaccines can cause harm

What We’ve Learned from Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports    A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

Please share yours as well so we can unravel this mystery

January 7, 2024

Story at a Glance:

•After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed.”
•At this point, we believe this is a real phenomenon as we have seen numerous patient cases which can only be explained by mRNA shedding.

•Some of the most frequent questions about shedding include: “how much do I need to consider mRNA shedding when dating?” “is vaccinated blood safe?” “how do I protect myself from shedding?” and “what are the potential mechanisms that could explain how shedding is possible?”
•In this article, we will present everything we currently know about shedding (e.g., the evidence for it, who tends to shed, who is affected by shedding, what symptoms are typically observed after shedding). Much of this has been made possible by the hundreds of individuals who have shared their shedding experiences—if you can, please share your story too.

Note: after publishing the original article, it received a lot of feedback (e.g., a tweet about it received over 500,000 views). This is a significantly revised version of the previous article which takes into account what has been learned since then.
When doctors in this movement speak at events about the vaccines, by far the most common question they receive is “is vaccine shedding real?”

This is understandable as COVID vaccine shedding (becoming ill from vaccinated individuals) represents the one way the unvaccinated are also at risk from the vaccines and hence still need to be directly concerned about them.

Simultaneously, this is a difficult question to answer for a few key reasons.
First and foremost, we believe it is critical to not publicly espouse divisive ideas (e.g., “PureBloods” vs. those who were vaccinated) that prevent the public from coming together and helping everyone. The vaccines were marketed on the basis of division (e.g., by encouraging immense discrimination against the unvaccinated), and many unvaccinated individuals thus understandably hold a lot of resentment for how the vaccinated treated them. We do not want to perpetuate anything similar (e.g., discrimination in the other direction).

Likewise, we don’t want to create any more unnecessary fear—which is an inevitable consequence of opening up a conversation about shedding.

Finally, in theory, shedding with the mRNA vaccines should be “impossible.” Because of this, stating it’s real puts anyone who does so in a very awkward position.

That being said, from having looked into this extensively, I am relatively sure of the following:
1. Shedding is very real.
2. People’s sensitivity to it greatly varies.
3. Most of the people who are highly sensitive to shedding have already figured it out, so if you do not already believe it is an issue for you, you probably don’t need to worry about it.
4. There is still no agreed upon mechanism to explain why it happens.

For all of these reasons, we would greatly appreciated if you could share your shedding experiences (hundreds already have). Those stories are being collected in the comments section of this article.

Total Page Visits: 1065

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.