COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery
[Ed.: FEAR YOUR DOCTOR! Medicine is a disgraced profession. They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia. Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]
[Ed.: If you know someone injured by the jabs, direct them to to become a plaintiff.]
[Ed.: How Bad is My Batch? Enter your batch number(s) and find out. Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]
First Reported U.S. H5N1 Bird Flu Death, COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Brain Damage, and Hundreds of Operational Biolabs [21:07] NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on Brannon Howse Live
JAN 07, 2025
Please enjoy my interview on Worldview Tube with Brannon Howse, where we discuss breaking public health developments:
- The first H5N1 bird flu death ever reported in the United States: The Louisiana Department of Health should release more details — This patient was over 65 years old with multiple underlying health conditions. It’s entirely possible that these pre-existing conditions were the primary cause of death, rather than H5N1 itself. A few weeks ago, Labcorp launched an H5N1 bird flu PCR test in the U.S., now available for order through physicians. As a result, we can expect the Biopharmaceutical Complex to soon use falsely inflated PCR ‘case counts’ and the first reported death as tools to increase public fear of bird flu, driving higher demand for bird flu vaccinations.
2. Catastrophic Neurological and Psychiatric Damage from COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’: Increased risks of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myelitis, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
3. Biolabs: We need a clean sweep of the hundreds of operational BSL3/BSL4 biolabs that possess modified pathogens with pandemic potential, most of which are located in dense population centers. Since 2001, there have been ~300 confirmed biolab pathogen leaks globally, with the vast majority (78.6%) occurring in the United States. State-sponsored bio-terrorism must be SHUT DOWN to prevent another man-made pandemic.
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation
Please consider following both the McCullough Foundation and my personal account on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.
Excess Fluoride Exposure Lowers IQ in Children NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
New landmark meta-analysis indicates the need to halt artificial water fluoridation using industrial byproducts.
JAN 07, 2025
The study titled, Fluoride Exposure and Children’s IQ Scores: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, was just published in JAMA Pediatrics:
Key Points
Question – Is fluoride exposure associated with children’s IQ scores?
Findings – Despite differences in exposure and outcome measures and risk of bias across studies, and when using group-level and individual-level exposure estimates, this systematic review and meta-analysis of 74 cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies found significant inverse associations between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ scores. For fluoride measured in water, associations remained inverse when exposed groups were restricted to less than 4 mg/L or less than 2 mg/L but not when restricted to less than 1.5 mg/L; for fluoride measured in urine, associations remained inverse at less than 4 mg/L, less than 2 mg/L, and less than 1.5 mg/L; and among the subset of low risk-of-bias studies, there were inverse associations when exposed groups were restricted to less than 4 mg/L, less than 2 mg/L, and less than 1.5 mg/L for analyses of fluoride measured both in water and in urine.
Meaning – This comprehensive meta-analysis may inform future risk-benefit assessments of the use of fluoride in children’s oral health.
In simple terms, here’s what the study found:
- Higher Fluoride Exposure Linked to Lower IQ Scores:
- Children exposed to higher levels of fluoride consistently scored lower on IQ tests compared to those with lower exposure.
- Estimated Impact: On average, children’s IQ scores were lower by an SMD of −0.45 (~7 IQ points).
- Fluoride in Drinking Water and IQ Scores:
- When fluoride levels in drinking water increased, children’s IQ scores tended to decrease.
- At Levels Below 4 mg/L: IQ scores were lower (SMD: −0.22, ~3 IQ points).
- At Levels Below 2 mg/L: The effect was smaller and less certain (SMD: −0.18, ~3 IQ points).
- At Levels Below 1.5 mg/L: No clear relationship was detected.
- Fluoride in Urine and IQ Scores:
- Fluoride measured in children’s urine showed a clearer link to lower IQ scores than drinking water fluoride levels.
- At All Levels of Exposure: Higher urinary fluoride was linked to lower IQ scores (SMD: −0.15, ~2 IQ points).
- At Levels Below 4 mg/L: The effect remained significant (SMD: −0.20, ~3 IQ points).
- At Levels Below 2 mg/L: The link persisted (SMD: −0.08, ~1 IQ point).
- At Levels Below 1.5 mg/L: The link persisted (SMD: −0.08, ~1 IQ point).
- Impact of a 1-mg/L Increase in Urinary Fluoride on IQ:
- For every 1-mg/L increase in fluoride in a child’s urine, their IQ score decreased by about 1.63 points.
- In the most reliable studies, the decrease was slightly smaller at 1.14 points per 1-mg/L increase.
A few months ago, I summarized the deleterious effects of excess fluoride consumption and recommended policy that would enforce physical removal of unsafe levels:
Nosferatu in the Wake of the Covid Experience BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER
JANUARY 6, 2025
Bram Stoker’s classic Dracula (1892) was written as a Victorian-style moralizing tale of sin and its consequences. The author, a political and religious conservative of his times, never could have imagined that his novel would become a bestseller in his own time largely due to its lascivious imagery and terrifying plotline that fed into every anxiety over morality, science, and public health, much less kick off a century and a quarter of vampire films.
It also served as a crossover allegory with another concern of the time: the problem of infectious disease, which was then seen as traceable to some exogenous poisoning of the blood. Public health arose as an institution in the half-century prior, mostly dating from the identification and solution to the problem of cholera in London, which the famed epidemiologist John Snow traced to contaminated water from a pump on Broad Street.
Maintain cleanliness in mind, body, and spirit: that was the lesson of Dracula. It certainly stuck. And to this day, that same solution drives 21st purification measures. There is a persistent fear of a microbial planet, as Steve Templeton explains in his brilliant book.
The population panic over Covid demonstrated that nothing has changed. People sprayed down their mail and grocery bags to protect themselves against a respiratory virus that does not live on surfaces, wore masks as a symbol of protection and penance, and took recourse to an untested novel injection despite widespread awareness that such a thing could not work to sterilize anything much less end a pandemic.
The notion of a pathogen on the loose was also offered up as a moral judgment, as if the gods were rendering a guilty verdict on the rise of populist nationalism in the US and UK. We must sanitize the surfaces and filter the air, literally and metaphorically, in order to clean up both the microbial and political kingdoms. The effort to cleanse the public square of the deplorables resulted in unfathomable destruction.
This period also revealed huge class differences in the way people respond to infectious disease. The professional classes with their clean laptop-based lives gladly sheltered in place (so long as the money flows kept coming) while pushing the lower thirds of society into a subservient role of keeping the goods and services flowing, while bravely facing the pathogen and bearing disproportionate burden of building up herd immunity. They were later forced to be the first in line to try out the cure by injection.
All of which takes us to the incredible brilliance of the new film Nosferatu by Robert Eggers, a remake of the 1922 silent film. The plotline is very similar to Bram Stoker’s original Dracula, changed only to deal with possible copyright claims that came later in any case. But there were a few twists added as well, among which is the existence of plague brought by the demon figure himself. The small German town was overrun with death of the grimmest sort, and the scientists of the time ruled out an explanation that grappled with the occult.
In this way, the new film can be seen as an implicit critique of the scientism that ruled the day from 2020 to 2023 – and much of the modern and postmodern eras as well. In the book and in all movies, desperation to deal with the problem drives people to contact a famed scientist who lost his university post for his interest in seemingly primitive spiritual traditions. In the book he is Dr. Abraham Van Helsing; in the movies associated with Nosferatu, he is Dr. Albin Eberhart Von Franz. They were the same person, the wise dissident trained in the old ways who held the answer but had to be brought out of retirement.
The best lines in the new movie are given to Dr. Von Franz, as pointed out by the historian Alexander Burns.
“I have seen things in this world that would have made Isaac Newton crawl back into his mother’s womb!”
“We have not been so enlightened as we have been BLINDED by the gaseous light of SCIENCE!”
“I have wrestled with the devil as Jacob wrestled with the Angel, and I tell you that if we are to tame darkness we must first face that it exists!”
All the while, the enlightened medicine men continue to drug the poor afflicted woman with ether, force her to wear her corset to bed, tie her to the bed, and bleed her unceasingly, as if the bad poison will drip out of her at some point. The cure was not only worse than the disease; then as now, the cure became the disease.
Meanwhile, the peasants in Transylvania know well how to deal with the monster in the castle on the hill. They deploy prayers, crucifixes, garlic, and periodic hunts with wooden stakes to ward away and kill the evil in order to protect themselves and their communities.
Only Von Franz understands the point of all this superstition and is aware that it is ultimately more effective than any of the nostrums invented in the name of science.
The religious import and thematics of an infectious disease panic are impossible to avoid. They can take different forms, as they did most recently with preposterous rituals concerning six feet of distance, masking while walking and unmasking while sitting, the banning of singing and skateboarding, and pretending as if we know precisely where the bad pathogen resides (sometimes inside and sometimes outside; only the experts knew for sure).
These made-up sacramentals were fobbed on us in the name of science but there was also a distinct pre-scientific caste to the sociology of this pandemic. People dressed in loose woolens and slovenly rags in symbolic recreations of the flagellants, as I’ve pointed out many times. Anything and everything considered fun or celebratory was obviously banned, since revelry is aesthetically inconsistent with the community’s need for propitiation from sin.
Those who refused to go along with the mass mania, avoiding masking and potion injections, were scapegoated as the cause of the suffering of others. They were practicing the neologism called “freedumb.” Even the US president wished them ill, lustily forecasting a winter of suffering and death.
It was the decidedly secular among us who were most on board with Covid controls while the first to dissent as a community belonged to non-mainstream sects of believers among Orthodox Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Amish, and Mennonties, while sections of the country dominated by Evangelicals were next in line to doubt.
The highly educated secular elite classes were still holding on to the religion of Covid despotisms long after they had any relevance, even to the point of sacrificing their own children to the god Fauci and his magical snake oil.
Faith of the ages proved to be a better guide than the expert class, the blindness of which prolonged and worsened the problem. After all, the doctors in the fictional stories of Dracula and Nosferatu used the same method as the monster: draining the afflicted of blood. The mystical scholar from abroad knew otherwise: “And so now, let us do our work. We must place a stake through the heart. That is the only way.”
The terror of infection and the deployment of science to ward it off is still with us as the psychological path through which modern man grapples with his fear of death. Neither Dracula nor Nosferatu were created in a lab and the lab helped none at all in their eventual defeat. But the overlaps and parallels of the fictional story serve as a powerful metaphorical template to understand the infectious disease mania through which we all lived most recently.
Jeffrey A. Tucker Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Life After Lockdown, and many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.
Medical doctor: ‘Pandemic preparedness’ industry ‘like arsonists running the fire department’ LEO HOHMANN
Biden created another layer of federal bureaucracy when he created the permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. Will Trump abolish this freedom-killing monster? Don’t bank on it.
JAN 06, 2025
I reported back in July 2023 that the Biden administration had created a permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. This encapsulates everything that is wrong with our government at both the federal and state levels.
Today, I came across an excellent article at the Brownstone Institute that I’d like to share because it speaks to the indignity of the growing industry known as “pandemic preparedness.” Yes, it has become an industry and that should send chills down the spines of every freedom-loving American.
The article at Brownstone warrants our attention because it is authored by a physician with the rare courage to stand up and state the obvious about what’s going on in our country right now. Forced masking, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, social media censorship are all coming back. They’re all on the table as options our overlords claim to have the authority to implement at any time under the guise of protecting us from a pandemic.
Last time it was Covid, a disease pre-engineered in government laboratories. Now it’s the bird flu, a disease that’s been around for as long as there’s been birds.
And why, when we’ve already been through this tragedy and seen through all of the lies, is it coming back around again, like a bad dream that keeps repeating itself?
I’ll tell you why. Because the globalist elites who ran the first psychological operation, many of them tied in with the military and intelligence agencies, know from experience that they can get away with it. We, a once-free people, now allow ourselves to be ruled over like slaves serving their masters, when in fact if we still had a viable republic the government officials would be serving us, not the other way around. They would fear us. We wouldn’t fear them.
At the end of the day, this globalist agenda is a dehumanizing agenda. For slaves to be fully subdued, they must be submissive to their masters, even when the orders given are completely nonsensical and ludicrous. They say it. We do it. No questions asked.
At this point, if they do it again, we don’t even need to ask questions. We simply say no. We will not comply.
Anyone who still can’t see this reality, and refuses to resist, is at this point just as much a part of the problem as the government overlords and their lying media hacks who oppress us. Please read and share the article below by Dr. Clayton Baker.
The Pandemic Planners Come for Hoof and Hen…and Us Again BY CLAYTON J. BAKER, MD
JANUARY 4, 2025 – On December 31, 2024, the world received a year-end parting gift from the good folks at NIAID, Anthony Fauci’s old fiefdom at the National Institutes of Health. NIAID – the same unaccountable and secretive agency that Fauci used to fund the gain-of-function research of Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill and the Bat Lady in Wuhan that resulted in Covid – has a new director, one Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo.
Marrazzo and another NIAID colleague, Dr. Michael G. Ison, wrote a year-end editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine that accompanies a research paper on recent H5N1 Bird flu cases in the United States, as well as a case report of a lone case of severe illness associated with Bird flu in British Columbia.
Marrazzo and Ison summarize the findings of the research paper and case report as follows:
Investigators now report in the Journal a series of human cases from the United States and Canada. The former series involves 46 case patients with generally mild, self-limited infection with [Influenza type] A(H5N1): 20 with exposure to poultry, 25 with exposure to dairy cows, and 1 with undefined exposure.…Most case patients presented with conjunctivitis, almost half with fever, and a minority with mild respiratory symptoms, and all recovered. The only hospitalization occurred in the case patient with undefined exposure, although hospitalization was not for respiratory illness.
They elaborate on the single case of serious illness:
In Canada, a 13-year-old girl with mild asthma and obesity presented with conjunctivitis and fever and had progression to respiratory failure…After treatment that included oseltamivir, amantadine, and baloxavir, she recovered.
In other words:
- Over an eight-month period, from March to October 2024, 46 cases of human bird flu occurred in the United States, a country of 336 million people.
- There were zero deaths.
- 45 out of 46 infected persons had known exposure to animals.
- The majority of the cases consisted of conjunctivitis (commonly known as “pink eye”).
- Only one US patient was hospitalized, but this was not due to pneumonia – the principal life-threatening complication of influenza – and the patient recovered.
- One severe case was identified in Canada, a country of 40 million people, in an asthmatic, morbidly obese girl. She was treated successfully with respiratory support and existing antiviral medications, and she recovered.
Does this sound to you like a public health emergency worthy of the legacy media’s recent exhumation of discredited Covid-era fear-mongers like Dr. Leana Wen and Dr. Deborah “Scarf Lady” Birx? Does it justify their hair-on-fire pronouncements on cable news shows everywhere, pushing for indiscriminate PCR testing of animals and emergency authorization of more mRNA vaccines for humans?
Does this sound to you like justification to continue to kill and destroy (pro tip: “cull” means kill and destroy) millions upon millions of farm animals, when most animals who contract Bird flu survive, recover, and develop immunity?
Does this sound to you like justification for another Emergency Use Authorization of another mRNA vaccine?
No? Me neither.
But wait, there’s more.
Did You Know? The Government Can Force Medicate & Vaccinate You Kids Under the Law Tom Renz
JAN 06, 2025 – In the recent past, I was asked to look into a family that was facing a situation where their child had cancer and hospital was threatening to call child services if the parents and child did not consent to chemotherapy. In this particular case there were a number of reasons the parents and child did not want the chemo and they were, to my mind reasonable. More importantly, the idea that a child and his/her parents would be threatened by child services over medical decision seemed horrific – especially in light of all that I’ve learned about cancer recently. So I’ve dug into this a bit from the lawyer’s perspective and what I found was frankly terrifying.
Let me just open this up by being incredibly blunt, we are at a point where the state can legally commandeer your child’s medical care and there may be literally nothing you can do about it.
So what is the law and how could this be? Well, the law differs in various states but is guided by federal law and all states and the federal government agree – rightly so – that there needs to be laws to protect kids from terrible parents or guardians. That said – in some instances the law goes too far and becomes a problem. Below is 42 USC 5106i.
As you can see this statute requires that states empower child protective services to initiate legal proceedings to “prevent the withholding of medically indicated treatment from children with life threatening conditions.” There are two major issues here. The first is “life threatening conditions” which is not well-defined. The second is the use of the phrase “medically indicated treatment.” So why are these issues?
Let’s start with “life threatening conditions…” what does that mean? Well, it can mean just about anything if you control the science and that is the root of the problem with this entire section. COVID was called a life threatening condition and Remdesivir was the “medically indicated treatment.” So based on this law a state should have law allowing a child to be forced to accept Remdesivir if he or she had a case of COVID.
And this leads us directly to the other issue – what is “medically indicated treatment?” Here we have the same issue – if the same medical journals and medical associations that promoted masks and social distancing decide the next big pharma intervention is medically necessary this would be all it takes to force an intervention on a child. If a child had a minor early stage cancer that could be easily removed this same child could be forced through chemo and/or radiation under this scheme. Both chemo and radiation have serious, life-long consequences and yet they could be forced on a child if the “experts” claim it is medically necessary. Unfortunately all of those experts are making a lot of money off of such treatments and this legislation actually enshrines that conflict of interest with law.
There are numerous other issues with this approach to the law. This same law could actually be used to force treatment for a child that wanted gender affirming care over his or her parent’s wishes. If a school convinces a child that they are gender dysphoric that child and the school could point to the false science claiming that gender affirming care is “life saving” due to the [falsely claimed] higher suicide rate in kids with these issues. It is not hard to imagine how this could easily be stretched to vaccines – including the mRNA poisons. As new “vaccines” continue to come out I absolutely believe the establishment will eventually begin to use child services to force jab your kids and you will be unable to do anything about it.
There is a lot to unpack in the law related to parental rights and medical treatments. The law is written to ensure terrible parents do not withhold medical treatment in a way that is dangerous for kids but the problem is that our medical system is so corrupt that the law actually interfere’s with good parents trying to keep their kids safe from the big pharma medical complex.
The above is from the tentative draft of the Restatement of the Law – Children & Law and summarizes the law as it exists. I think this is a reasonable explanation of where we are now. Unfortunately where we are now opens the door for forced treatment of our kids with unsafe and horrific treatments and/or vaccines. The urgency to fix our healthcare system could not be more clear – we need to get this handled.
Bill Gates unleashes plan for new series of gene-based injections that will target Africa LEO HOHMANN
Global depopulation agenda moves forward
JAN 05, 2025 – Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is rolling out a plan to use Africans as guinea pigs for an expanded series of new genetically altering mRNA injections.
He calls them vaccines but we know they are not vaccines, at least not in the traditional meaning of the word. U.S. courts have even ruled that mRNA serums don’t qualify as vaccines.
The Covid vaccines, the first to use this technology, have been an unmitigated disaster.
But that hasn’t stopped Gates from pushing more of these gene-based jabs on the world.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $40 million initiative to support the production of messenger mRNA vaccines in Africa.
Gates’ foundation claims this investment will address what it refers to as “vaccine inequities” exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During that pandemic, African nations were often the last to receive Covid jabs. It worked to their benefit as fewer Africans died of Covid, per capita than Westerners.
Yet, the power of money never ceases and so Gates presses on in his efforts to vaccinate the world against every disease imaginable. And Africa will be ground zero for the plan.
Gates and his foundation hope to expand the testing of the mRNA injections on Africans before they are rolled out globally.
The funding will aid several manufacturers, including Senegal’s Pasteur Institute, in developing mRNA injections for the people of Africa.
Bill Gates emphasized the potential of mRNA technology to combat diseases like Rift Valley fever and tuberculosis while building Africa’s capacity for vaccine development.
Of course, no one is raising the question of why sub-Saharan African populations generally fared better than European, American, and Asian populations during the Covid pandemic. If the vaccines had worked, it should have been the opposite, because it was the African nations that were far less vaccinated with the Covid injection that the populations in North America and Europe.
The bottom line is this: The more one can stay away from Bill Gates and his toxic mRNA jabs, the better their chances of living a healthy and normal life.
Gates is driven by profit and by his insatiable desire to depopulate the world. Only a government that truly hates its own people would unleash on them Bill Gates and his poisonous death jabs.
EXPOSED: Secret Government Plot to Deploy Aerosolized ‘Vaccines’ Using Drones | Media Blackout [1:15:23] THE VIGILANT FOX
Introducing the top 10 stories they chose not to tell you this week.
JAN 05, 2025
#10 – Exposed: Secret Government Plot to Deploy Aerosolized ‘Vaccines’ Using Drones
People on social media are reporting strange symptoms after exposure to a mysterious fog blanketing their areas. This is happening across the U.S. and, as our research shows, in multiple countries.
The situation has garnered so much attention that even mainstream media outlets are offering their own explanations.
Some witnesses even claim to have spotted drones hovering above the fog. What’s going on here? The similarities to COVID-era controversies might shock you.
While Senators like Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and Roger Marshall have popularized the idea that EcoHealth Alliance’s 2018 DEFUSE proposal to DARPA involved gain-of-function research to make the COVID virus more dangerous, less attention has been given to another alarming aspect of the plan.
According to journalist Jon Fleetwood, the same DEFUSE plan talked about “aerosolizing COVID” and using “drones to release these particles.”
One chilling excerpt from the DEFUSE proposal reads: “This technology has a potential application in large-area inoculation of animals/humans.”
Fleetwood stressed, “That’s us!”
He further explained: “There’s a picture that maybe what was actually intended was to outfit drones with spray technology… and use it to release a virus vaccine. The idea is that they created the virus through gain-of-function research and other experiments to make it a self-spreading vaccine that acts like a virus.”
“Senators are saying there’s information in there that talks about gain of function on these viruses. And yes, that gain of function did happen,” Fleetwood continued.
“If that happened from the DEFUSE proposal, then what else also happened that’s inside the DEFUSE proposal?”
Have we been subject to another “Operation Sea Spray” without our consent? This is an eye-opening conversation well worth your time.
Read Jon’s full Substack piece here on the matter here.
(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below)
‘Respiratory Virus’ Allegedly Overwhelming Chinese Hospitals is Nothing More Than a Common Cold
Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining ‘Medical Mandates’ in Law By Guy Hatchard
There is a revolution in progress, and it is not a bloodless revolution.
December 18, 2024
The Gene Technology Bill introduced to Parliament this week includes the following provisions:—
- Mandatory medical activity authorisations: for a human medicine that is or contains gene technology that has been approved by at least two recognised overseas gene technology regulators.
- Emergency authorisations: when there is an actual or imminent threat to the health and safety of people or to the environment, for example, threat from a disease outbreak, or an industrial spillage. The Minister responsible for the Gene Technology Act (the Minister) will have the power to grant an emergency authorisation.
These clauses bypass the medical choice provisions of the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
They violate the conclusions of Phase 1 of the Royal Commission on the pandemic which found that vaccine mandates hurt people and the economy.
They pre-empt the findings of Phase Two of the Royal Commission which has yet to examine the safety of COVID-19 vaccines produced via gene editing.
It empowers the Minister to make health decisions affecting all Kiwis on the say-so of foreign gene regulators of his choice.
The Bill is being passed under Fast Track legislation designed to prevent public discussion of its controversial provisions and adequate understanding of its impact by MPs. There is no time sensitive need for this.
The Bill ignores the experience and lessons of the last five years of the pandemic which has been a gene technology disaster responsible for 30 million deaths worldwide. Its logic is therefore incomprehensible even to well-informed observers, but it appears to find echoes in a dark history:
“The sun shines” wrote Christopher Isherwood in his 1930s Berlin Stories “and Hitler is the master of this city. The sun shines, and dozens of my friends are in prison, possibly dead.” As are too many of my friends recently, young and old alike.
Following the 1933 Nazi acquisition of power, Germany underwent a rapid and sweeping revolution that reached deep into the fabric of daily life. At the beginning, it occurred quietly and out of sight of most of the population. At its core was ‘enabling’ legislation that empowered the government and its appointees (read: regulators) to take far reaching decisions on behalf of the whole population. Its core aim was Gleichschaltung—coordination—designed to bring citizens, government ministries, universities, cultural and social institutions inline with Hitler’s extreme beliefs and attitudes.
Today we are facing efforts aimed at global coordination of technology, including biotechnology, food tech and information technology. The New Zealand government appears very willing to play a leading role in this revolution, whatever the implications. We have reported on these previously at length (here, here, here and here).
In addition to the prospect of government reimposition of medical mandates, the Bill does not require labelling of gene altered foods. As this flies in the face of all the canons of food safety and traceability established over the last 100 years, the only possible motivations are either a desire to deny consumers any right to preferences, or a wish to avoid any safety monitoring or culpability. Not only will we be unable to exercise medical autonomy, but we will no longer know what we are eating. This is an extraordinary and frightening prospect and not just for those who struggle with allergies. Food choice is not the prerogative of the government or bioscientists no matter how sure of themselves.
Something absolutely fundamental and personal is being taken away from us
This Bill is being promoted and steered by Judith Collins, with the full support and encouragement of the Prime Minister Chris Luxon and the leader of the ACT Party David Seymour. Collins is a lawyer and long time Parliamentarian, she will fully understand the import of the Bill. As a previous leader of the National Party who lost an election, it is hard to escape the suggestion that Collins may be taking satisfaction from the imposition of her will on those who rejected her leadership. We have all heard stories of waiters who piss in the awkward customer’s beer and laugh behind their backs. I am sorry to draw such a gross comparison, but my sense of outrage demands it.
Evidence of Harm to Unborn and Nursing Infants and Their Mothers JAMES ROGUSKI
More than any other aspect of the COVID-19 democide, the information in this article clearly reveals the depth of the evil that we must defeat.
JAN 05, 2025
CV19 Bioweapon Shots are Democide on a Global Scale – Dr. Betsy Eads [1:05:58] By Greg Hunter
January 5, 2025 – There is no wonder why everyone is in the dark about the deaths and disabilities caused by the CV19 bioweapon vax. According to Dr. Michael Yeadon (who worked at Pfizer for 20 years bringing new drugs to market), more than five billion people around the world took the CV19 vax, at least 200 million were in the US alone. Try to do an internet search of negative effects from the CV19 vax, and one of the first things that pops up is from the CDC that says, “Most side effects are mild to moderate.” According to Dr. Betsy Eads, that is a total lie, and what Dr. Eads sees in the hospitals everyday tells the real story that is being covered up by just about everybody involved. Dr. Eads says, “There is a boom on procedures in the hospitals. These doctors are making big bucks. . . . They are doing procedures for things like cardiac catheterizations, fishing out blood clots, interventional radiology . . . for blood clots that go to the brain and cause strokes. You are talking about big procedures, long hospital stays, and you are talking about a lot of money being made, not just for the doctors and the hospitals, but for the whole system. It’s broken, and it’s all about money. It’s not about health and healing.”
The numbers of adverse events from the CV19 injections are vastly underreported, according to multiple studies. One study says, “Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” CV19 vax truth teller Steve Kirsch has just listed several of these studies on his Substack. Kirsch also listed a long list of facts that say “COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.”
Money manager and analyst Ed Dowd is out with new numbers of disabilities, now up to 4.8 million in the US alone. Also, cancers, especially in young people, are up about 10%. Add that to the death total from around the world, and that is a minimum of 15 million murdered since the CV19 shots were introduced, and you have a full-blown calamity with no sign of it abating. On top of that, there is no treatment happening for the vax injured, and no treatment is ever going to be given if the coverup continues of the CV19 bioweapon vax. Dr. Eads says, “Trump is going to use RICO (Racketeering) to expose the collusion between medical boards, journal articles and Big Pharma. That same collusion that fired multiple doctors (for warning about the CV19 shots) from their jobs and sanctioned them from medical boards in multiple states is going to be flipped with RICO violations. People are going to be arrested. . . . There are probably 15 million to 17 million dead in America from the CV19 vaccines–it’s just underreported. I stand behind what I said on one of the early shows I did with you that I believe at year five (since the CV19 shots started), we are going to be close to a billion people that are either permanently disabled or dead from these bioweapon shots.”
In closing, Dr. Eads says, “This is not only racketeering, but all of the 10 Nuremberg Codes have been violated. So, this is also Crimes Against Humanity. They can be brought up under RICO or under Nuremberg offences for Crimes Against Humanity. This story is huge. There have been more deaths than any war. . . . These are bioweapons. This is democide. This is murder. Look at all the polls that are out there of family members dying or being permanently disabled. It’s one out of three or four people. It’s incredible the amount of people that are now affected by these bioweapons.”
There is much more in the 1-hour and 6-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 26-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, exposing growing problems of the CV19 injections. Dr. Eads continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons for 1.4.25
WATCH [1:05:58]
[Ed.: Now that it’s inauguration time, it’s a great time also for the bubonic plague, no? Inauguration = bubunic plague, cause and effect.]
French Authorities Mandate Self-Amplifying mRNA Injections and a Third Booster Dose for Ducks Against Bird Flu NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
Risks of viral mutations, breakthrough infections, and human health concerns from mRNA residues in meat are ignored by public health officials.
JAN 04, 2025
Esteemed researcher Hélène Banoun has just published an article titled, Duck vaccination against bird flu in France, that provides a comprehensive overview of the reckless mass avian influenza duck vaccination campaign. Here are the key points:
- Introduction to Duck Vaccination Campaign in France
- France is the only country mandating vaccination of ducks against H5N1 avian influenza for farms with over 250 ducks .
- The vaccine campaign was launched in autumn 2023, targeting 61 million ducks annually, using both CEVA’s self-amplifying mRNA vaccine and Boehringer’s subunit vaccine .
- Farms with fewer than 250 ducks are prohibited from vaccinating .
- Despite being the only nation enforcing mass duck vaccination, no evidence exists of stringent safety measures to prevent vaccine residues in meat, nor transparency in pharmacokinetic studies.
2. Vaccine Types and Selection Process
- Two vaccines were tested and approved:
- Boehringer Ingelheim’s subunit vaccine: Traditional inactivated H5 subunit vaccine .
- CEVA’s self-amplifying mRNA vaccine: Encapsulated in ferric nanoparticles, contains squalene, and requires precise storage .
- Initially, only Boehringer’s vaccine was approved due to logistical constraints with CEVA’s storage requirements. In 2024, authorities purchased doses from both companies .
- The introduction of CEVA’s mRNA vaccine in food-producing animals raises significant concerns due to the lack of biodistribution and pharmacokinetic studies, as well as potential squalene toxicity in humans.
3. Vaccine Efficacy and Viral Shedding
- Viral shedding continues for up to 14 days, even in vaccinated ducks .
- In trials, vaccinated ducks still excreted the virus in significant amounts, posing ongoing risks for viral mutation and transmission .
- Vaccination fails to prevent virus shedding effectively, undermining the justification for mandatory mass vaccination and raising the risk of silent virus propagation.
4. Risks of Vaccine-Induced Mutations
- Vaccination can drive viral evolution, favoring more virulent or vaccine-resistant strains, as seen in China with H5N1 .
- Incomplete protection encourages silent spread, where infected but vaccinated birds show minimal symptoms while still excreting the virus.
- Evidence suggests that vaccination does not prevent the emergence of more pathogenic variants, contradicting the core objective .
5. Breakthrough Infections on Vaccinated Farms
- Despite widespread vaccination, outbreaks occurred in vaccinated flocks in late 2024, including confirmed cases in Landes and Eure .
- Affected areas implemented strict containment measures, including mass culling and trade restrictions .
- Breakthrough infections undermine the credibility of the vaccination strategy, as the measures required to contain outbreaks mirror those used before vaccination campaigns began.
6. Regulatory and Ethical Concerns
- The French Ministry of Agriculture mandated a third dose for mulard ducks, despite only two doses being approved under the vaccine’s ATU (Temporary Use Authorization) .
- The introduction of off-label dosing protocols creates significant ethical and liability concerns, exposing veterinarians and producers to potential legal repercussions.
7. Human Health Risks from mRNA Vaccine Residues
- CEVA’s self-amplifying mRNA may persist in duck tissues due to lipid nanoparticle (LNP) encapsulation, which protects mRNA from gastric degradation
- Poorly cooked duck meat could theoretically deliver intact mRNA particles to consumers, raising concerns about inadvertent human “vaccination” .
- No biodistribution or pharmacokinetic studies have been conducted to assess these risks .
- The absence of pharmacokinetic studies represents a grave regulatory failure, as the long-term risks of mRNA ingestion remain unknown.
8. Broader Implications
- Poultry vaccination is not accepted internationally for export, limiting market access for French producers .
- Vaccination campaigns continue without evidence of significant improvement in outbreak control .
- France risks economic and public trust damage while pursuing a strategy unsupported by international best practices.
- The compulsory duck vaccination program in France reveals significant scientific, ethical, and regulatory concerns:
- Limited vaccine efficacy with persistent viral shedding.
Risk of viral mutation driven by vaccination pressure. - Human health risks associated with mRNA residues in duck meat.
- Breakthrough infections proving the campaign’s limitations.
- Legal ambiguities regarding off-label vaccination practices.
- Limited vaccine efficacy with persistent viral shedding.
This paper indicates that mass animal avian influenza vaccination campaigns must never be initiated in the United States as is currently being pushed for by ‘experts’. The large number of risks far outweigh any theoretical benefits.
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation
Please consider following the McCullough Foundation and Nicolas Hulscher on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.
URGENT: A young child died of cardiac arrest after being jabbed during Moderna’s key Covid vaccine trial ALEX BERENSON
Moderna has not reported the death to a public trial registry or published results that show the death, effectively hiding it for years. What did the FDA know and did it respond? The agency won’t say.
JAN 03, 2025
A preschool-aged child died of cardio-respiratory arrest after getting a booster shot of Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccine in the company’s main clinical trial of the jab.
The death occurred about two years ago. Moderna has not apparently reported it in any preprint or scientific journal. Nor has the company disclosed the death on, a federal site where companies legally must report trial results.
In fact, Moderna has reported findings from the trial, called KidCOVE, and a related trial in a way that effectively hides the death. And the company and government still push mRNA Covid jabs on kids, though many studies show they are of little or no use.
If and when the company secretly told the Food and Drug Administration of the death – as it is legally required to do – is unclear. So is the agency’s response. The fact sheets the FDA and other national regulators use to describe the risks and benefits of Moderna’s vaccines for children do not mention the death.
Moderna did not respond to questions. Asked about deaths in the KidCOVE trial, the FDA released a statement that appeared worded to avoid confirming the death and did not disclose what, if any, actions the agency had taken in response.
In its statement, the FDA said only that “no deaths [were] reported” in the trials “that were the basis of the Emergency Use Authorization” of the shot for children in 2022. In fact, the KidCOVE trial was the basis of the authorization, though the death occurred after the authorization. The agency did not answer follow-up questions.
Moderna appears to have publicly disclosed the death only in an obscure database run by the European drug regulatory agency. The database offers the only full public safety results from KidCOVE, which included 11,942 children and ended in March 2024. Moderna claimed the death was unrelated to its vaccine, but the filing does not provide enough facts for an independent assessment.
The death occurred in late 2022 or early 2023, when children under 5 who had already received Moderna’s original mRNA-1273 vaccine in the trial’s main phase were offered a shot of its “1273.214” booster against an early Omicron variant.
The original mRNA vaccine formulations had not worked well against Omicron in children or adults. Moderna hoped to show that updated jabs that made the body produce a Omicron spike would protect better against Omicron. Because this portion of the trial did not include a placebo-blinded arm, the company would have known immediately that the death followed vaccination.
Moderna’s report to regulators lists the death as resulting from “cardio-respiratory arrest” – a sudden failure of the heart to beat.
Many underlying factors can cause cardiac arrest, including myocarditis, or heart muscle inflammation, which the mRNAs can cause, particularly in young people. But Moderna reported the death was unrelated to its vaccine. The company did not disclose in the report how it had reached that conclusion.
Moderna did not respond to a request for comment on the trial or its failure to publish the results.
(Cardio-respiratory arrest. Note Moderna’s claim that the death is not “causally related to treatment.”)
Mystery disease outbreak in China overwhelms hospitals in chilling echo of Covid dark days By LUKE ANDREWS
3 January 2025 DAILYMAIL.COM – China is reportedly being ravaged by a mysterious viral outbreak that is overwhelming some hospitals.
Videos on social media appear to show hospital units overrun with patients in face masks, and parents holding sick children in long lines in pediatric units.
There have also been unverified reports that crematoriums and funeral homes are being overwhelmed.
The alarming scenes and lack of official commentary have led some to draw similarities to the early days of the Covid outbreak in China.
Local news reports have blamed a little-known virus called human metapneumovirus (HMPV) — which normally causes a mild cold-like illness — for the latest outbreak, though officials have yet to confirm this.
The situation is similar to winter 2022/23 when China was hit with a wave of mycoplasma pneumonia cases, a condition dubbed ‘white lung’, which is also normally mild.
That outbreak was blamed on children having low natural immunity due to the effects of China’s harsh lockdowns and school closure measures aimed at containing Covid.
But official reports from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that regular flu is leading the latest outbreak, with 30 percent of tests coming back positive for influenza and one in seven people hospitalized with a severe respiratory illness testing positive for it.
The Chinese government and World Health Organization are yet to address the videos publicly, which are being widely circulated on social media.
But the Chinese CDC warned that rates of multiple flu-like illnesses are on the rise.
In its latest report, for the week to December 29, data suggested that 7.2 per cent of outpatient visits to local hospitals in northern provinces were due to a flu-like illness.
This was up 12 per cent on the previous week, and above the levels for the same week every flu season since 2021.
Data for the southern part of the country suggested that 5.7 per cent of outpatient visits were due to flu-like illness.
This was up 21 per cent on the previous week, and also above the level’s for the same week in 2021 when 4.1 per cent of visits were due to flu-like illness. It was, however, below the levels in 2022 and 2023.
Videos claiming to show overwhelmed hospital units in China started to appear online around New Year’s Eve.
They claim to show hospitals in Hunan — a province in the center of the country — as well as other areas.
Aboluowang News, a US-based news provider covering China, published quotes from a farmer in Hunan province, known as Mr Peng, who said he was caught up in the surge to hospitals.
‘A lot of people have caught colds, and most of them have [illness],’ he said in quotes translated to English.
‘About seven or eight people died this week in this area. Some were in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 40s.’
The website also published quotes it said were from a funeral director, called Ms Wang, who was claimed to have told them there were long lines at her crematorium.
‘There are long lines for cremation now,’ she said in translated quotes. ‘Today, three VIP furnaces were opened.
‘They were all burning and emitting a lot of smoke. It was terrible. If you don’t know about the crematorium, you would think it is selling New Year goods, just like holding a trade fair during the Chinese New Year.’
In another case, a Chinese video blogger called ‘Please Fei Ge’, said he and his wife had fallen ill with a disease after traveling to Guangzhou for an event.
After returning to their home province, which was not named, both had a fever, body aches and headaches — and isolated from their children for three days to avoid transmitting the infection.
He was quoted saying: ‘This feeling is exactly the same as when I got “yang” back then. It’s very uncomfortable. If you still remember that feeling, wear a mask when you go out in crowded places.’
The alarm was also raised in China last year over a surge in mystery pneumonia cases among children, with videos being posted online of mask-wearing crowds surging into Beijing’s hospitals.
Chinese officials said at the time the outbreak was not caused by a new virus, but was due to a rebound in diseases after the end of lockdowns.
READ MORE: China says new virus is NOT culprit in last year’s outbreak
[Ed.: Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” They’re going to fool far fewer people this time!]
Bill Gates Plays God Again, Funds Project That Is Turning Mosquitoes Into ‘Flying Vaccinators’
Breaking: The lawsuit v Pfizer by TX Attorney General, Ken Paxton is dismissed SASHA LATYPOVA
PREP Act and EUA law pre-empt civil lawsuits. These suits are theater/political campaigning. AGs serious about prosecution should bring criminal charges, not civil complaints.
DEC 31, 2024 – Happy almost New Year to all my readers and your families!
I hate to do this on the New Year’s eve – bring you disappointing news, and yet another “I told you so”, but I feel this is important information which may be overlooked during the holiday time. The AG Paxton’s (TX) case against Pfizer for deceptive marketing practices under TX law has been dismissed. The judge cited PREP Act as the reason for dismissal as it pre-empts state law and regulatory authority.
The AG of Kansas filed a very similar lawsuit in the summer of 2024, which I am certain will be dismissed, too.
Both Katherine Watt and I have written extensively about Prep Act and EUA law, describing them as the wall of the legal kill box that must be dismantled before any justice and accountability can begin for the covid crimes. As HHS Scy, RFK Jr can terminate the PREP Act declarations for covid and other fake “pandemic” emergencies (now active until end of 2029), but the PREP Act itself must be nullified by legislators. States can nullify the federal law, and the US Congress can act, too. AGs of states have authority to bring criminal charges, instead of filing pointless civil complaints.
Here are key materials from Katherine every attorney and plaintiff should know by heart now:
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
Here I am re-posting previous articles with mine and Katherine Wat’s analyses of the lawsuits by AGs of TX and KS, published in 2023-2024.
AG of Kansas suing Pfizer! Justice almost here… It’s happening…
I was asked by many readers to comment on the recent lawsuit by the Attorney General of Kansas against Pfizer for violating state’s deceptive marketing laws and injuring consumers.
Just a reminder, friends, I told you so many months ago:
For the brief answer to the current case by AG of KS, I am going to quote Katherine here, because I completely agree with her.
Reminder: You are not sick you are being POISONED
DEC 31, 2024
Heavy fog with a chemical smell has been reported in the US, UK, and Canada:
Actual evidence: This American has been having “respiratory issues — since the fog started” in her area.
She just changed the filter in her air purifier recently, she checks it again because of all this fog and WOW “What in the actual, f*ck.
Look at this filter, y’all. I’ve never pulled out a filter this dark in my life.
This is not normal. It’s black. Look at the new one. Oh my God, y’all. Oh my god.
This is f*cking crazy”
She says she’s had her windows open and it’s never looked like this before “Never in my life have I ever seen a filter like this. Never. I change these all the time. I have a ton of them. This is bananas”
This filter needs to be sent off and tested.
It appears to be a a massive chemical attack aimed at making as many people sick as possible.
Nothing is new under the sun. They have done it for decades, utilizing chemical agents to induce illness and subsequently attributing the effects to non-existent viruses.
“They simulated illness with something, some chemical weapon or something. And the main point of this was to deploy these biological weapons, which are the shots”
Sasha Latypova: COVID Wasn’t a Pandemic. It Was a Military Attack
DEC 16
Vaccine Tyrant Calls On Biden To Deploy Last Minute Mass Bird Flu Vaccines [VIDEO 11:40] Drew Hernandez
Dec. 30, 2024 11:00 am – Vaccine Tyrant, Dr. Leana Wen who has a history of calling for Americans to be denied public transport if not vaccinated due to so called disease prevention, appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on December 29, 2024, to amplify the so called mass threat of bird flu after reports of recent cases documented, emphasizing the need for rapid testing and vaccination. She called upon the Biden regime to authorize and mass distribute the already-existing H5N1 vaccine. Wen sounded the alarm claiming the response during the early days of the COVID-19 scamdemic were not efficient enough, advocating for quicker and more effective measures to tackle a potential bird flu pandemic. She also fear mongered potential response delays under the new Trump administration, suggesting that immediate action by Biden be taken as soon as possible before Trump’s inauguration. Here we go again…
Watch as Drew Hernandez breaks it all down. [11:40]
[Ed.: This vaccine is for the birds! But, even before vaccines, birds flew.]
Spy bosses ‘silenced’ Defense Department, FBI scientists from briefing Biden on COVID lab leak evidence By Josh Christenson and Ryan King
Published Dec. 26, 2024, 7:38 p.m. ET New York Post
Spy chiefs “silenced” researchers in the Defense Department and FBI who discovered strong evidence that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, The Post has learned.
As a result, their findings were kept out of an August 2021 report to President Biden on the origins of the global pandemic.
That report concluded that the virus behind COVID “was probably not genetically engineered.”
New evidence has emerged of top spy brass allegedly stifling evidence to back up the lab leak theory during the early pandemic days.
After the pandemic erupted in Wuhan, China, three scientists from the Defense Intelligence Agency began trying to figure out exactly where it came from — whether SARS-CoV-2 jumped from bats into humans, or whether the virus was man-made and came from a lab accident.
The “zoonotic origin” theory was backed by powerful members of the public health establishment, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, and questions about a possible “lab leak” were repeatedly dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
But the researchers’ analysis compiled dozens of data points in favor of a lab leak — compared with a “paucity of evidence supporting the natural origin theory,” a source familiar with their investigation told The Post.
The analysis was conducted by John Hardham, Robert Cutlip and Jean-Paul Chretien, three scientists in the Defense Intelligence Agency’s National Center for Medical Intelligence, which is tasked with examining potential biological weapons threats and dangerous infectious diseases.
Among their damning findings:
- The COVID virus contained a feature allowing for easier transmission to humans that was constructed in a manner similar to that described in a years-old Chinese study
- A Chinese military researcher applied for a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine just weeks after the virus was first sequenced in 2020. (He later died after falling from the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology’s roof, according to US investigators.)
- WIV researchers worked with US researchers who trained them to construct viruses without leaving a trace of them being engineered.
Rather than amplifying these findings, they were all but ignored as Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines was preparing her report on COVID origins — which Biden ordered in May 2021.
“The scientists who had the subject matter expertise were silenced,” the source said, noting that Biden and others remained “completely unwitting” about the evidence that SARS-CoV-2 likely leaked out of a lab.
The spy chiefs further forbade the scientists from sharing the information with Congress — even after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) expressly requested them in a March 2021 letter — or from rebutting a since-disgraced March 2020 paper — prompted by Fauci — that sought to discredit the lab leak theory.
Global COVID ‘Vaccine’ Damage Estimates by Edward Dowd [VIDEO 2:23] LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
“Killed: 7.5 – 15 million people, Disabled: 29 – 60 million people, Injured: 500 – 900 million people….Arrests made: ZERO”
DEC 29, 2024
Global COVID ‘vaccine’ damage estimates by ex-BlackRock executive, whistleblower, Ed Dowd:
Killed: 7.5 – 15 million people
Disabled: 29 – 60 million people
Injured: 500 – 900 million people
5 billion people received mRNA shot(s)
Arrests made: ZERO
Notice that the world appears to be in a constant wars, but in a matter of months every country magically agreed to use an untested, experimental ‘vaccine’ with lipid nanoparticles.
[Ed.: These numbers do not include those murdered in hospitals.]
SUBSCRIBER COMMENTS: Top Veterinarian Drops Bombshell: ‘Animal Vaccines Are Designed To Euthanize Our Pets’ 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
DEC 29, 2024
As usual, this Substack’s subscribers once again provide essential context and insights when writing their comments, and in yesterday’s bombshell article…
Top Veterinarian Drops Bombshell: ‘Animal Vaccines Are Designed To Euthanize Our Pets’
DEC 28
…we were all treated to especially fascinating and incisive experiences regarding the Veterinary Industrial Complex and their pet poisoning program.
Let us review some of these subscriber comments, starting with the most popular:
The fact that a vet can inject anything into a pet without the owner’s express approval means that are quite literally committing a crime. And yes, many people that were conned into taking these Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are suffering from VAIDS-induced symptoms that may express as brain damage, or impaired cognitive function. We know that these injections cause prion-based disease, and early onset Alzheimer’s Disease cases have surged since their rollout.
It is next to impossible to find a responsible vet these days, and just like medical doctors, they are all far too scared to lose their licenses and effectively go out of business.
And yet, there are vets that finally allow themselves to appreciate that harms of their handiwork:
‘COVID Cautious’ Bowling Is a Thing, and It Is Gloriously Ridiculous – Watch
BREAKING – New Study Finds COVID-19 ‘Vaccination’ Doubles Risk of Post-COVID Death NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ = Life-Reducing Injections
DEC 27, 2024
A few days ago, the study titled Evaluation of post-COVID mortality risk in cases classified as severe acute respiratory syndrome in Brazil: a longitudinal study for medium and long term was published in Frontiers in Medicine:
Background: There are few studies in the literature evaluating post-COVID mortality in Brazil, along medium and long term, especially in those who presented severe clinical disease.
Objective: This study aims to investigate the factors associated with post-COVID mortality of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) cases from 2020 to 2023 in Brazil, along medium and long term.
Methods: Retrospective cohort study using notification data of SARS classified as COVID-19 from the Brazilian National Information System, “Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica (SIVEP),” during the period 2020 to 2023. Data included demographics, comorbidities, vaccination status, number of COVID-19 vaccine doses, city of residence, and survival outcomes. Classic Cox, Cox mixed effects, and Cox fragility models were used to assess medium and long-term risks of dying post-COVID.
Results: In the medium and long-term periods studied, 5,157 deaths were recorded out of 15,147 reported SARS/COVID-19 cases. Of these deaths, 91.5% (N = 4,720) occurred within the first year, while 8,5% (N = 437) after the first year. People without formal education, the older adult, had higher percentages of deaths in both periods. In the medium-term post-COVID period, the risk of death was reduced by 8% for those who had been vaccinated while in the long-term post-COVID period, the risk of death almost doubled for those who had been vaccinated. While in the medium term, there was a reduction in mortality risk for those who took two or three doses, in the long term the risk of death was greater for those who took one or two doses.
Conclusion: The protective effect of COVID-19 immunization was observed up to one year after the first symptoms. After one year, the effect was reversed, showing an increased risk of death for those vaccinated. These results highlight the need for further research to elucidate the factors that contribute to these findings.
Merry Christmas, Tony: Fauci Loses Wildly Over-Priced Taxpayer-Funded Security for New Year By Ben Zeisloft
December 26, 2024 at 9:00am The Western Journal – Anthony Fauci will head into the new year as one of the highest-paid former federal employees in the nation.
But he won’t have the personal security detail that until recently burned even more taxpayer dollars.
The former COVID czar had been receiving security from the U.S. Marshals Service for the past two years, but he was recently pictured with what appears to be a private security guard outside of his home in Washington, D.C., after his Marshals entourage was disbanded, per a Monday report from the U.K.’s Daily Mail.
The outlet snapped photos of Fauci speaking with a member of his security team, as well as walking unaccompanied in his neighborhood.
In previous months, he was constantly surrounded by multiple Marshals. The entourage was prominent when Fauci ventured to television studios to record promos for his memoir, according to the Daily Mail.
The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases indeed had a massive federally funded security detail, costing the taxpayers $15 million between January 2023 and September 2024 alone, according to a federal memo obtained by Open The Books.
Now that the government funding has expired, Fauci appears to have shelled out for his own security services.
Fauci himself is currently worth $11 million.
That D.C. home outside of which he was photographed is valued at some $2.2 million, per real estate websites examined by the Daily Mail.
Even beyond the substantial nest egg, Fauci continues raking in around $$414,000 every year from the taxpayers in the form of his federal pension, per a previous analysis from Open The Books.
That means he makes more every year in retirement than the annual $400,000 salary allotted to President Joe Biden.
In other words, if Fauci wants private security guards for his own peace of mind, he can handle that himself.
Fauci without a doubt made a lot of people upset over the past few years amid his handling of the COVID crisis, especially after it became clear that Fauci lied about the gain-of-function virus research bankrolled by the National Institutes of Health, which likely caused the crisis in the first place.
But at least to some extent, Fauci’s desire for a security detail points to his own ego.
Even members of Congress and the Supreme Court, who are still in government and are far more important than Fauci ever was, do not receive the same kind of protection as the longtime unelected bureaucrat.
Fauci sincerely thought he could rule over the nation by divine fiat, even after those decrees from on high were determined to be completely divorced from scientific truth, and then ride off into the sunset with the pockets of his white lab coat stuffed with government cash.
Now the taxpayer is finally starting to have the last word.
EXPOSED: U.S. Government Actively Worked To Suppress Lab Leak Theory In Covid-19 Origin Probe
December 26, 2024 Yeshiva World News – As the Covid-19 pandemic raged in 2021, the U.S. intelligence community was tasked with uncovering the virus’s origins. But while the FBI pushed to highlight the possibility of a lab leak from Wuhan, China, internal roadblocks and political maneuvering appear to have buried critical evidence, the Wall Street Journal reports in a stunning expose.
Jason Bannan, a microbiologist and senior FBI scientist, was prepared to brief the White House in August 2021 on the bureau’s belief that Covid-19 likely originated from a Chinese lab. Yet, despite being the sole agency to hold this view with “moderate confidence,” Bannan was never called to present his findings to President Biden. Instead, intelligence officials aligned with the zoonotic transmission theory—suggesting the virus jumped from animals to humans—dominated the briefing.
“It’s surprising the White House didn’t ask,” Bannan said in his first public interview on the matter.
Internal disputes stretched beyond the FBI. A team of scientists at the Pentagon’s National Center for Medical Intelligence conducted a study concluding that Covid-19 was likely manipulated in a lab. Their findings contradicted the Defense Intelligence Agency’s official stance, resulting in the exclusion of their analysis from the final intelligence report.
By July 2021, the FBI’s collaboration with the Pentagon scientists was abruptly halted. A superior at the medical intelligence center reportedly ordered the scientists to stop sharing their research with the bureau, describing them as “off the reservation.”
The Wall Street Journal’s investigation revealed deep divisions within the intelligence community, with critical evidence left on the “cutting-room floor.” The FBI’s insistence on the lab leak theory contrasted with other agencies’ reluctance to challenge China’s narrative. Even as the Department of Energy later joined the FBI in supporting the lab leak theory, efforts to pursue the theory dwindled.
Despite over 1.2 million American deaths and mounting global pressure for accountability, the U.S. government’s official stance remains inconclusive. Congressional efforts to establish a commission similar to the 9/11 inquiry have faltered amid partisan disputes.
With the intelligence community’s attention shifting to other threats, former officials like Bannan argue that it’s time for a fresh investigation. “We need to re-examine what was left out,” Bannan urged, hinting at a troubling pattern of suppression and missed opportunities to uncover the truth.
Vaccine Injury Claims Spiked 27x After COVID-19 Injection Rollout NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
U.S. Government Accountability Office Report Exposes Critical Failures in the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
DEC 26, 2024
Last week, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report titled, COVID-19: Information on HHS’s Medical Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program:
To encourage the development of medical countermeasures, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act limited the legal liability of manufacturers and others for losses related to the administration or use of covered countermeasures. It also authorized HHS to establish the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to compensate individuals who die or suffer serious physical injuries directly caused by the administration or use of certain medical countermeasures. CICP is operated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)—an agency within HHS.
The program:
- “Received a surge of 13,333 COVID-19 claims—27 times the number of claims received in the first decade of the program”:
HRSA paid roughly $6.5 million in compensation for eligible claims as of June 2024, with most of that amount for serious injuries, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, caused by the H1N1 vaccine. About $400,000 was paid for injuries related to COVID-19 countermeasures, such as myocarditis (inflammatory heart condition).
This so-called compensation program is an insult to the millions of Americans that have been killed or injured by COVID-19 countermeasures:
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 must be abolished to ensure vaccine manufacturers are held fully accountable for safety and face true liability for harm caused. The next administration must implement a robust vaccine injury compensation program with adequate staff, abundant funding, and independent COVID-19 vaccine injury experts that aren’t compromised by Big Pharma.
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation
Please consider following both the McCullough Foundation and my personal account on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.
[Ed.: “Public health experts”?]
The Shocking History of Water Fluoridation [27:24]
Analyze & Optimize
May 6, 2022
The serendipitous investigation of a tooth disorder was later extrapolated to allow for hazardous, industrial waste products to be sold to public water suppliers.
Our Website:
Story of Fluoride Discovery:…
Lawrence McKay
10 Facts about Fluoride…
Fluoride Effects on other tissue:
National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
Tooth Brushing Habits After WWII:…
Fluoride Clear Negative Association with IQ:…
Where does water fluoride come from?
• Fluoride Fundamentals #4: Sources of …
Fluoride History………
Sources of Fluoride:
• Fluoride Fundamentals #4: Sources of …
[Ed.: Those who are criticizing RFK for being a narcissist and full of shit are qualified to say so because they are doctors. “First of all, do no harm.” Find me a ‘good lawyer.’]
Our Lives Depend on Not Trusting Medical Establishment/Gov’t Anymore BRUCHA WEISBERGER
The covid shots were designed to maim, kill, and damage reproduction. If this is not recognized, people will continue to follow future orders blindly, to their deaths.
DEC 25, 2024 BS”D
Former Pfizer executive Dr. Mike Yeadon spent his career designing drugs, so he ought to know a thing or two. Dr. Yeadon says that from the structure of the covid vaccine, it’s clear that it was designed with toxicity in mind. That means, they were MADE to harm.
Below is a tiny snapshot of the tragic – and planned – results. Mark C. Miller puts out multiple articles per week – a constant stream of documentation – showing the explosion in sudden deaths and injuries around the world after the covid vaccine rollout. This is just one of hundreds:
The CFR from the Pfizer trial show the vaccines make you 14x more likely to die from COVID STEVE KIRSCH
It’s trivial to calculate the CFR if you got a Pfizer shot. But I don’t think anyone has before now. So I’m going to do it for the very first time.
DEC 24, 2024
Executive summary
The case fatality rate (CFR) from the Pfizer trial shows you are 10X more likely to die if you get COVID and you are vaccinated.
Pfizer just forgot to point this out.
Same with the CDC and FDA. I’m sure they just forgot.
So I’m going to show you that the CFR is 10X higher for Pfizer and when you combine that with a 40% higher likelihood of being infected, we can now estimate that the COVID vaccine makes you 14X more likely to die from COVID. And that’s not counting your risk of all-cause mortality from the vaccine itself!
The Pfizer Phase 3 study CFR calculation
Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months showed for COVID deaths/cases:
Vaccinated: 1/8=.125
Unvaccinated: 2/162=.0123
Note: the deaths are in Table S4 in the Supplementary material
You were actually 10X more likely to die from COVID if you were vaccinated and you got COVID.
Survey data on risk of COVID infection (vaxxed v. unvaxxed)
We know from our own experiences that the vaccinated are more likely to get COVID.
From a recent survey I did, I found you were 40% more likely to get COVID if you got the shots. See vaxxed vs. unvaxxed survey.
So putting it together, you increase your risk of a COVID death 14X by getting the shots, according to Pfizer’s own data.
And the medical community always trusts the double blind randomized controlled trial data.
“What Do Vaccines and Sewer Rats Have in Common?”
The jabs can—BY LAW—be adulterated/misbranded
PREP Act shields manufacturers/doctors/etc. from all liability
[VIDEO 1:35]
Source: RogerHodkinson
Full Interview: [18:36]
We’ve seen the news, heard the reports. People who get COVID injections dropping dead within minutes. But what you didn’t hear in most cases is that it was their second or third injection. These extreme adverse events almost never happen following the first injection. Why?
And why do vaccine manufacturers recommend a waiting period of 21 days or more before taking a second shot?
The answer may lie in startling new findings from researcher Sasha Latypova, who has been exposing the dangers of the COVID vaccines since the beginning, and with the research of the Nobel Prize winning scientist, Charles Richet, who over a hundred years ago discovered anaphylaxis, or extreme allergic reactions.
Why do vaccine manufacturers test their products on mice and rats? Why do they not do any long term follow-up studies? Why do some people die from the injections while others develop lifelong health issues? Why do almost all SIDS babies die within days of a vaccine injection?
The answers are all linked, and revealed by Sasha’s groundbreaking research.
CATASTROPHIC BOMBSHELL UPDATE: 75 Australians Confirmed with SV40 Promoter DNA in their Bloodstream from “Vaccine” DNA “Contamination” 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
Evidence of Synthetic DNA Contamination in Blood
DEC 23, 2024
This is an incredibly important update that further irrefutably proves that the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” have been willfully deployed to genetical modify their recipients with random synthetic exogenous DNA as well as SV40 promotor enhancer sequences…
…and just yesterday an emergency letter had been forwarded to the Prime Minister of Australia that presented devastating evidence of the presence of synthetic DNA in the bloodstream of 75 Australians.
While the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) had consistently dismissed the DNA contamination as “misinformation,” this position stance is no longer tenable given this latest evidence.
The Prime Minister and the health minister are now confronted with unassailable evidence of intent to commit genocide.
The new evidence comes on the strength of the analysis of the FOIA emails from the Australian TGA by molecular geneticist par excellence Dr. Jessica Rose. The emails clearly acknowledge the use of a mammalian vector CMV (Cytomegalovirus) Promoter-Based Vector, with the insertion of the vector into the E.coli to express the mRNA genetic material for the “vaccines.”
Both Pfizer and Moderna (and their DoD and Pentagon handlers and patent holders) always knew that if they used the mammalian vector, then it would 100% integrate DNA into mammalian (i.e. human) cells; in other words, this was a deliberate genetic poisoning of humanity — there is no other way to interpret their intentions — these scientists all knew exactly what they were doing when they were designing these “vaccines.”
While DNA vector containing SV40 cancer promoter was wittingly used to manufacture the mRNA used in these “vaccines,” the far safer process to express mRNA for vaccine production would have used bacterial DNA vectors, such as T7 vector inserted into the E.coli bacteria.
For historical context, the T7 vector – a DNA vector with sequences designed to integrate into bacteria only has been used since 1986 — should have always been used from day one to manufacture the mRNA in these “vaccines” so that they would have been significantly safer. Not that these “vaccines” could ever be “safe and effective,” irrespective of any manufacturing processes, but nonetheless BigPharma at the behest of their Intelligence Industrial Complex owners designed the most unsafe slow kill product possible that would be the most effective at genetically modifying those foolish enough to uptake these poisons.
By using the mammalian DNA vectors, typically never inserted into E.coli bacteria to express mRNA for vaccines, the manufactures ensured the permanent genetic modification of anyone subjecting themselves to this kind of EUA gene “therapeutic,” and thus this further proves without a shadow of a doubt that the entire COVID “vaccine” scheme was always nothing more than a technocratic eugenics program.
Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) FOIA emails revealed that it was always known to the scientific authorities at the TGA that the mammalian DNA vector was used for the manufacturing process of the “vaccines.”
Also, the “vaccines” were purposely not purified properly, leaving the mammalian DNA that integrates into the human genome intact; however, it is now clear that both the mammalian DNA vector and the mRNA were mixed with the lipid nano particles that serve as a kind of FedEx transport express vehicle to deliver the contaminated DNA (bioweapon payloads) to every single cell in the body.
During the purification process, mRNA was separated from the DNA vector (plasmid), with the plasmid being a circular piece of DNA which got chopped up into pieces that were no longer circular. The remaining short strings of DNA still contained the full genetic material for the cancer promoter SV40, and this entire mixture was deliberately included in the “vaccine.” In other words, they always knew full well that said toxic mixture would integrate into the human genome while concurrently inducing cancer; hence, this is why we are witnessing the wholly unprecedented turbo cancer phenomenon for all age groups, even those that historically rarely develop cancer (i.e. children); to wit:
Why Does the COVID Vaccine Persist In The Body? A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR
The consequences of the questionable decisions made to manufacture the mRNA vaccines
DEC 23, 2024 – Recently, new data emerged showing that the COVID vaccines persist for up to 700 days within patients (and likely longer). As this is quite concerning to many, I was required to write an article explaining how this happens, and how it relates to the egregious production process that characterized the COVID-19 vaccines.
Upsides and Downsides
A lot of things in life are trade-offs, and as I’ve gotten older, more and more I’ve come to appreciate how many things in our society boil down to the fact that the options for addressing them all have significant downsides, so in many cases no solution exists which is satisfactory to all parties involved.
As such, this dilemma is typically managed by some combination of the following:
•Having a biased focus which emphasizes the benefits of an approach a side supports and downplays its downsides (or conversely disproportionately focuses on the downsides of an opposing position). To this point, I’ve had countless issues I’ve debated both sides of and been able to effectively persuade audiences of each one—which highlights how subjective many of the entrenched beliefs we hold actually are (and, in turn, is why I put so much work here into fairly presenting both sides of each controversial topic I cover).
•Sweeping the downsides under the rug and gaslighting the populace into believing they don’t exist.
•Blitzing the public into supporting a questionable policy before they have time to recognize its downsides, and if that fails, overtly forcing them to go along with it.
Note: I believe one of the reasons why governments frequently do horrible things to their people is because they are put in the position of having to “solve” a problem (but with no truly satisfactory way to do it), so they become habituated to using the three previous strategies to push their chosen policies along and simultaneously develop a collective mentality that those questionable approaches are necessary for the “greater good.”
There are many different manifestations of this dilemma, many of which I believe are essentially reflective of a foundational concept in medicine—sensitivity and specificity.
An ideal diagnostic test would catch every instance of a disease (100% sensitivity) and simultaneously never have a false positive (100% specificity). Unfortunately, in almost all cases, this is impossible to do, and instead a trade-off exists where you can either prioritize sensitivity (which leads to a significant number of false positives) or prioritize specificity (which leads to a significant number of false negatives). During COVID for example, a decision was made to prioritize sensitivity with the PCR tests (by having a high replication cycle thresholds) so no cases of COVID would be missed, but this resulted in such poor specificity that the PCR tests effectively became worthless (except for drumming up fear) since they produced so many false positives.
As such, when tests are designed, attempts are made to ensure there is a good balance between sensitivity and specificity. In some cases this is successful (e.g., there are many lab results we will take at face value), but in many other cases, given the technology involved, it’s not really possible to do so (or it is, but lobbying led to overdiagnosis so a medical product could be sold).
Official Data Shows Alarming Death Surge Only Impacted Covid-Vaccinated By Frank Bergman
Official data released by the UK government has exposed an alarming explosion of deaths that only impacted people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
December 22, 2024 – Official data released by the UK government has exposed an alarming explosion of deaths that only impacted people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
The data shows that the vaccinated population suffered a huge surge in deaths compared to the unvaccinated.
In the UK, approximately 30 percent of the population has never received a dose of the Covid “vaccine.”
Large numbers of people who received the first dose later refused additional injections.
According to the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA), by July 2022, 18.9 million people had refused the first dose of the Covid injection.
21.5 million people had refused the second dose of the “vaccine.”
Among those who received the first dose, 2.6 million people refused the second, and 30.4 million refused the third injection of the Covid shots.
In addition, 8.9 million people received the second dose but refused the third.
According to the UKHSA’s figures, 63.4 million people were eligible for vaccination at that point.
Therefore, the data show that 30 percent of the UK population remained completely unvaccinated as of July 2022.
34 percent were not double vaccinated, and 50 percent were not triple vaccinated.
However, the vaccinated population accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023.
The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent of Covid deaths.
Perhaps the most troubling information revealed in the data is the fact that deaths increased among the groups who received more “vaccine” doses.
The vast majority of the deaths are among those vaccinated four times.
This quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all Covid deaths among the vaccinated.
The figures were published by the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the “Deaths by Vaccination Status” dataset.
The ONS data reveals:
The Forgotten Dangers of Ultrasound A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR
What no one tells you about having a healthy pregnancy
DEC 21, 2024
Story at a Glance:
•The medical field has had a long history of exposing mothers to “treatments” that harm their infants. After decades of work to stop the routine x-raying of fetuses, the “safe and effective” practice of prenatal ultrasound (US) was adopted in its place.
•While US is thought to be safe, there are decades of research showing it can harm tissues. Initially, this was well recognized, but as the ultrasound industry took off, it became a forgotten side of medicine, and research in this area became almost impossible to conduct.
• There is a large body of evidence showing fetuses are particularly vulnerable to US. Most concerningly, dozens of trials were conducted in China immediately prior to mothers planning to have abortions, which showed giving an US beforehand clearly damaged fetal tissues.
•The harms of US are dose dependent. Unfortunately, in 1992, despite widespread concerns about the safety of prenatal US (e.g., CNN did a program on it) the FDA chose to raise the permissible US levels 8-fold (and often more). Given that the studies showing the dangers of US were conducted at levels far below the original threshold, this increase is quite concerning, and may have played a pivotal role in the outbreak of chronic childhood illnesses that occurred around this time.
•Conversely, the benefits of prenatal US are often vastly overstated, and in many cases put mothers on unnecessary “treatment” plans which harm them and their infants.
•This article, we will review the body of literature on the risks and benefits of prenatal US, alternatives to prenatal US, and the strategies for pregnant mothers we have found are the most helpful to ensure a healthy and vibrant child, along with strategies for preventing common pregnancy issues like miscarriages, pregnancy back pain, swelling and preeclampsia.
One of the human body’s most incredible aspects is its capacity to adapt to many different environments and tasks. Unfortunately, this adaptability has a significant drawback. The earlier in life an input enters one’s system, the more of a long-lasting effect it has on each aspect of one’s being. Psychologically, for example, experiences in early childhood (e.g., abuse or trauma), including those so early on the individual can’t even consciously remember them, can often pattern the rest of the individual’s life (and in many cases their descendants as well).
Tragically, that principle has also been deliberately utilized throughout history to create obedient subjects.
Note: this principle has also been abused throughout history to create lifelong loyalty (e.g., this is the reason why the fast food industry devotes so much marketing to children, and McDonald’s puts such a big focus on Happy Meals).
Similarly, within medicine it’s well recognized that being exposed to a toxin or infection as a fetus (especially in the first two months of life) can be immensely consequential for the rest of their life (e.g., by causing birth defects).
Unfortunately, this principle is frequently ignored (e.g., by pushing the COVID vaccine on pregnant mothers). Many of us believe the wanton disregard of it (e.g., with the bloated childhood vaccine schedule—the harms of which are discussed further herer) is a root cause of many of the chronic illnesses our society now faces.
In this article, I will cover a danger most of our children are exposed to that is seldom recognized.
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism …except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism:
December 12, 2024 Wikileaks
Causal relationship between vaccine induced immunity and autism
Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism
[Ed.: Then you have the millions of parents who noticed their child had developed autism within a week of being vaccinated.]
December 20, 2024 Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) As undeniable evidence mounts that fluoride harms children’s brains, a historic ruling by a federal judge—and a report the government tried desperately to bury—may finally end the practice of adding this toxin to America’s drinking water.
For over two decades, scientists have warned about the harmful effects of fluoride exposure on the developing brain. Since 63% of the U.S. has fluoride in its drinking water, this is a critical issue affecting millions of Americans! Unfortunately, government agencies like CDC—along with the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics—dismissed concerns and stubbornly continued to champion water fluoridation.
This all changed last month with a pivotal court ruling. But, first, some background: In 2016, the NIH’s National Toxicology Program (NTP) was charged with analyzing the large volume of studies on fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Shortly after, an advocacy group sued the EPA in a bid to force it to remove fluoride from drinking water. Knowing that a report from NTP was forthcoming, U.S. District Judge Edward Chen stayed the case until the report’s release. Little did he know how long he would have to wait.
Not only did it take NTP six years to complete the report, but when it was ready to publish in May 2022, officials at CDC and HHS betrayed their duty to the American people by trying to suppress the report! Ultimately, it took another year and a court order from Judge Chen for the report to be released. As HighWire viewers may have suspected, the report did not bode well for water fluoridation.
This September, with the NTP report finally in hand, Judge Chen made his historic ruling: “[T]he Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (‘mg/L’) – the level presently considered ‘optimal’ in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children.” He concluded:
[T]here is substantial and scientifically credible evidence establishing that fluoride poses a risk to human health; it is associated with a reduction in the IQ of children and is hazardous at dosages that are far too close to fluoride levels in the drinking water of the United States. And this risk is unreasonable under Amended TSCA.
The court then ordered the EPA to “to engage with a regulatory response,” but the even better news is that many townships aren’t waiting to protect their kids from this toxic exposure. Abilene (TX), Hillsboro (OR), Lebanon (OR), Yorktown (NY), and Winter Haven (FL) have already decided to end, or forego starting, fluoridation in the wake of the Court’s ruling, and many other communities, including Lyndon (WA), Monroe (WI), Naples (FL) and Tampa Bay (FL), are considering the same. Visit the Fluoride Action Network for materials you can use to demand action in your city.
Congratulations to the legal team, with a special kudos to current Siri & Glimstad partner Michael Connett who has focused on fighting the fluoride issue, and the plaintiffs, for this landmark win that will have a lasting impact on the health of all American children! For more details, watch The HighWire interview with Connett.
DEMONIC: “Kill and Harvest.” Patients are Being Euthanized to Harvest Their Organs By Wesley Smith
“In the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and Canada, people who want euthanasia can become organ donors…Let’s call it “kill and harvest”…
December 16, 2024
In the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and Canada, people who want euthanasia can become organ donors. (A recent report in Spain showed that 13 percent of those euthanized donated organs.) Let’s call it “kill and harvest,” a policy heartily approved by our ever more crassly utilitarian medical establishment.
Indeed, a recent study in JAMA Surgery applauds procuring the kidneys of the euthanized because, after five years, the organs of those killed by doctors and then transplanted have worked well — even better than kidneys donated by people after brain death. From the conclusion of the study, which discusses donation after circulatory death from euthanasia (DCD-V):
This study found that DCD-V kidney transplantation yielded a lower incidence of DGF [delayed graft function] compared with DCD-III kidney transplantation [controlled circulatory death after removing life support] and yielded long-term results similar to those of DCD-III and DBD [donation after brain death] kidney transplantation. The findings suggest that DCD-V is a safe and valuable way to increase the kidney donor pool.
Yes, DCD-V, or kill and harvest, is now its own category in organ-transplant medicine.
This is so disheartening.
Allowing kill and harvest represents to me a collapse in organ-transplant ethics. The dead-donor rule is supposed to prevent people from being killed for their organs. Letting suicidal people who qualify for euthanasia know that they can become organ donors comes perilously close to doing precisely that, and in some cases, donating has been a factor in choosing when to be euthanized. Among the serious problems of this approach:
- People who ask for euthanasia almost never receive suicide-prevention services, and instead, may be contacted by organ-donation organizations asking for their organs. This is a profound failure of true compassion and a form of abandonment, particularly since the ability to donate could become the tipping point on wanting to become dead.
- Perceiving the suicidal who want euthanasia as organ donors can lead to their objectification because obtaining or donating the organs can become the paramount consideration rather than their personal well-being.
- Many, perhaps most, of those killed and harvested are not terminally ill. Some of the mentally ill euthanized in the Netherlands and Belgium (and soon, in Canada) are mentally ill but physically healthy. In other words, the only reason they are dead is they were subjected to voluntary homicide.
- Hospitals are turned into killing centers because the euthanasia followed by harvesting must usually take place in a hospital adjacent to the surgical suite where the organs will be procured.
Where will this go next? Well, why not live harvesting as the means of euthanasia? After all, the patient wants to die and this could lead to even more viable organs! And don’t call me an alarmist. Killing by organ harvesting is already being discussed in organ-transplant medicine and bioethics journals.
If we ever sink to that level of crassness and patient abandonment, I have no doubt a study will one day appear in JAMA Surgery applauding the approach as “a valuable way to increase” the organ pool.,
Follow LifeNews on the MeWe social media network for the latest pro-life news free from Facebook’s censorship! Note: Wesley J. Smith, J.D., is a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a bioethics attorney who blogs at Human Exeptionalism.
[Ed.: Hey, ‘a buck’s a buck’!]
Australian Parliament Inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis, Submission 86 SASHA LATYPOVA
Committee Secretariat Re: Inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis
DEC 18, 2024 – I don’t know the name of the author of this letter to the Australian Parliament. Nor do I know the date when this inquiry happened. It is addressed to a “committee” but I don’t know which committee. If any of my readers from Australia know these details, please post in comments.
I am reproducing this letter here in its entirety. It has a lot of good references and resources mentioned, and discusses the evidence that all vaccines are producing anaphylaxis, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, and the epidemic of chronic illness.
The Letter
Dear Committee Secretariat,
While Australian health authorities and medical agencies spend an inordinate amount of time, effort and money examining the growing epidemic of childhood allergies in Australia and the testing for allergies and the various treatments and precautions, amazingly they spend virtually no time or investigation into the causes of the worsening allergy epidemic. We must finally start our journey to discovery here with the most obvious, yet suppressed, likely cause of this growing childhood epidemic.
Firstly, let’s examine why children started to develop peanut allergies from the mid-1960s. It all started after they added peanut oil to vaccines.
Product Patented for Merck Said to Extend Immunity (1964)
Listed as Adjuvant 65 on the vaccine insert (A.K.A peanut oil). During the 1970s and 1980s peanut oil became a common practice and ingredient in vaccines. Coincidentally, peanut allergies began rising exponentially in children as more vaccines were administered. Heather Fraser in her 2010 book, The History of the Peanut Allergy Epidemic, documents this.
Concomitantly, hospital records indicate anaphylaxis reactions to vaccines and food anaphylaxis in children rose dramatically during this period. It was around this time that medical regulators and health authorities granted GRAS status (Generally Recognized as Safe) to peanut oil in vaccines so that it no longer needed to be listed as an ingredient in vaccines. Yet another deliberate and willful deceit to hide the known dangers of vaccines from the public.
Dr Buttram found that yeast protein (a potent allergen) and peanut oil are still used as excipients or adjuvants in vaccines but remain unlisted on the vaccine inserts. Also some vaccines include bovine material and egg medium. And we wonder why so many kids have developed allergies to peanuts, dairy, wheat and eggs!?! .. Maybe because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers refined peanut oil as GRAS (generally recognized as safe), vaccine manufacturers think it safe to use as a vaccine adjuvant while not recognizing the differences in physiology and function between food protein sources that are gut-digested from those syringed directly into the bloodstream. That issue could wind up becoming a critical learning for much of medicine, pharmaceutical and vaccine makers. Charles Janeway, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and Yale University School of Medicine professor in 1989, revealed that adjuvants were the “immunologists’ dirty little secret”.
Doctor Buttram has observed in his practice: “Doctors knew that as the number and potency of vaccines increased, so too would the risk of side effects that included soaring IgE and atopy [genetic tendency to develop classic allergy diseases, e.g., asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, food sensitivities, especially in autistic children].
Anaphylaxis immediately following vaccination had finally become an ‘obstacle’ to the routine jab, doctors observed.”
Post-Acute COVID Vaccination Syndrome (PACVS): Biomarkers Uncovered NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
New study links PACVS to the vaccine-induced Spike protein, uncovering autoimmune dysregulation and chronic, persistent symptoms.
DEC 17, 2024
The study titled, Autoantibodies Targeting G-Protein-Coupled Receptors and RAS-Related Molecules in Post-Acute COVID Vaccination Syndrome: A Retrospective Case Series Study, was just published in the journal Biomedicines:
Here’s what they found:
Elevated Spike Antibodies vs. Nucleocapsid Antibodies
Patients with PACVS show markedly elevated anti-spike (S) antibodies (mean= 3011.2 BAU/mL) and minimal anti-nucleocapsid (N) antibodies (mean = 0.4 BAU/mL). This confirms symptoms arise post-vaccination, not from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study found a positive correlation between anti-spike (S) antibodies and ACE2 autoantibodies, suggesting an anti-idiotype mechanism where the immune response to the Spike protein triggers autoantibodies targeting ACE2. Additionally, elevated Spike antibody levels were associated with specific symptoms, such as widespread burning sensations.
PACVS Symptoms
Began days to weeks after vaccination (median onset: 10 days). Persisted for a median of 20 months (range: 4–32 months), demonstrating the chronic nature of this syndrome.
Symptoms included:
- Chronic fatigue and mental fog
- Memory loss and neurological symptoms
- Tachycardia, hypertension, and cardiovascular issues
- Widespread burning sensations and neuralgia
- Skin symptoms: bruising, edema, and rashes
Key Autoantibodies and Associated Symptoms
The authors emphasize that the Spike protein can trigger autoimmunity through mechanisms such as molecular mimicry, where the immune system mistakenly targets human receptors.
- ACE2 Autoantibodies
- Linked to:
- Skin bruising
- Skin edema and rashes
- Hypertension
- Linked to:
- MAS1 Autoantibodies
- Linked to:
- Widespread burning sensations
- Linked to:
- ATR1 Autoantibodies
- Linked to:
- Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes)
- Linked to:
- STAB1 Autoantibodies
- Linked to:
- Skin edema and rashes
- Linked to:
- ADRA2A Autoantibodies
- Inversely associated with:
- Memory loss and mental fog
- Inversely associated with:
Dr. Yeadon: “Imagine if More People Understood That They’ve Been DELIBERATELY POISONED, INURED, KILLED & FERTILITY REDUCED.“ Lioness of Judah Ministry
“The question arises often about whether the many harms from the injections was deliberate or inadvertent. Unfortunately, they’re the former.” By Dr. Mike Yeadon
April 3, 2024
Dear all,
The question arises often about whether the many harms from the injections was deliberate or inadvertent. Unfortunately, they’re the former.
As a trained toxicologist & former research leader for over 30 years, using the framework we call “rational drug discovery” or “structure-based drug design”, I can see unequivocal evidence of intentionality. I have been saying this for some time, tentatively in 2020 (because I too didn’t want to believe my own deductions, eariy on) and with ever-increasing firmness.
Three distinct & independent mechanisms of toxicity, including clear targeting of reproduction.
A colleague with very different skill sets and training has detected at least two, further mechanisms of toxicity.
Those few who are ex-pharma agree with my assessment that:
1. The elements in the design that I’ve pointed out are so obviously problematic and also unnecessary to the ostensible purpose (immunisation).
2. Any of the routine processes we used for at least 20 years if not longer would have picked at least some of them up, long before they reached even first dose to humans.
3. The hideously large inflow of serious adverse effects to VAERS, Yellow Card & the like would have rung warning bells in every “advanced” country. Instead, the cover-up became intense, immediately, indicating that it was expected.
4. The killer evidence: open letters to the regulatory authorities were written & issued before any of these products received “emergency use authorization”, laying out the concerns we’d noticed to that time (Dec 1, 2020). All of the concerns have occurred.
Best wishes,
PS: this was a reply in a discussion thread, but I thought it so important that I’ve made it a fresh post.
Why? Because I’m not aware of anyone else, who is as well-qualified to make these statements is saying it.
Imagine if more people understood that they’ve been DELIBERATELY POISONED, INURED, KILLED & FERTILITY REDUCED. I think there’d be riots.
Catherine Austin Fitts: “What Happens When 70% of the Parents in America Discover That They Have Systematically Poisoned Their Children [With ‘Vaccines’]?” [VIDEOS] By Frank Bergman
A former top government official has warned the public that the vast majority of parents have “systematically poisoned their children” by injecting them with “vaccines.”
December 16, 2024
A former top government official has warned the public that the vast majority of parents have “systematically poisoned their children” by injecting them with “vaccines.”
The warning was issued by Catherine Austin Fitts who served in President George H.W. Bush’s administration as the assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing (HUD).
Fitts is an American investment banker who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co.
In a new interview with CHD TV, Fitts has blown the whistle on a scheme between pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and health officials to make huge profits from pushing “vaccines” onto the public.
Fitts argues that doctors and health officials “are financially complicit in [the] murder” of millions of people who have been killed by the Covid mRNA injections and other so-called “vaccines.”
“What happens when 70% of the parents in America discover that they have systematically poisoned their children [with ‘vaccines’]?” Fitts asserts.
“[And] if you look at…how much money [doctors have] made from vaccines…they are financially complicit in murder.”
Fitts continues by describing the “chief political challenges” now facing America as members of the public increasingly realized they we pushed into being “poisoned.”
Fitts also notes that while parents have been lied to by doctors, the doctors themselves are guilty of “murder” due to their pushing “vaccines” on kids.
“One of the chief political challenges [is] what happens when 70% of the parents in America discover that they have systematically poisoned their children [with vaccines]?” Fitts asks rhetorically.
“How do they get over that?
“How do you help them get over that?…
“How do you get 70% of the parents in America to look in the mirror and say I’m the patsy?
“And because I’m the patsy, I poisoned my children.”
Fitts goes on to note: “I think [doctors have] profited [off ‘vaccines’].
“If you look at [pediatrician] Paul Thomas’ study, how much money they’ve made from vaccines, I think you’re talking about people, who, they’re not just stupid, they’re not just brainwashed, they are financially complicit in murder.”
The red alert from Fitts follows a similar warning from world-renowned data expert Ed Dowd.
Dowd is sounding the alarm after uncovering evidence that reveals excess deaths are continuing to skyrocket in children who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
According to an alarming warning from leading Wall Street data analyst Ed Dowd, excess child deaths are still accelerating and show no sign of slowing down.
Dowd is a former executive at the world’s largest investment firm BlackRock and is considered one of America’s leading data experts.
Through his expert analysis of insurance industry data, Dowd has become a prominent figure in investigations into the impact of the global Covid vaccination campaign.
Dowd is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies a global macro alternative investment firm.
The team at Phinance, which includes a handful of high-level scientists, data analysts, and financial experts, has been investigating surges in deaths and injuries following the Covid “vaccine” rollout.
During a new interview on “The Jimmy Dore Show,” Dowd produced shocking data showing that excess child deaths are still surging higher, long after the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were first released almost four years ago.
Dowd made the discovery while analyzing the official data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Dowd’s data shows that excess deaths for children aged one to fourteen have surged higher each year since the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out in 2021.
According to Dowd, excess deaths for children in this age group spiked by a staggering 22% in 2023 – the last full year of data.
Dowd notes that this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”
Sasha Latypova: COVID Wasn’t a Pandemic. It Was a Military Attack [VIDEO 6:07] LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
This is the REAL STORY of how COVID started in the U.S.
DEC 16, 2024
This is the REAL STORY of how COVID started in the U.S.—Don’t let Deep State shills like Kash Patel gaslight you.
“[COVID wasn’t] a pandemic. It [was] a military attack. It [was] a deployment of chemical [and] maybe radiological weapons.”
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes for Mic Meow how the COVID “pandemic” was actually pulled off in the U.S., highlighting the U.S. military’s involvement in the release of a biological (and potentially radiological) weapon, the lack of evidence supporting the existence of a patient zero in the U.S. (or even China), and the rollout of “hospital murder protocols,” which were used to generate the deaths needed to make it look like there was a “pandemic” occurring.
“They simulated illness with something, some chemical weapon or something. And the main point of this was to deploy these biological weapons, which are the shots”
Source: RogerHodkinson
Related articles:
[Ed.: I disagree with the Lioness. I don’t believe that Kash is a Deep State shill. One of us is mistaken…]
Part 3: The FDA’s War Against America’s Health BRUCHA WEISBERGER
Vaccine disasters, and more coverups: deadly SSRIs and dementia drugs. Don’t miss this!
DEC 15, 2024 BS”D
This is Part 3 of my republishing of A Midwestern Doctor’s excellent expose on the egregious harm the FDA has caused to the American people. For the beginning: and
Link to AMD’s original is at the end of this article.
By A Midwestern Doctor
Vaccine Coverups
Many have been horrified to learn that the FDA and CDC systematically ignored every possible sign the COVID vaccines were dangerous as they pushed it on more and more people (e.g., in this leaked recording, consider how stubbornly the head of FDA’s vaccine division refuses to acknowledge any of the evidence brought forward by a group of permanently injured vaccine recipients).
BW: Please see AMD original article link for the embedded videos, which did not copy.
This severe betrayal of trust from our authorities thus made many ask, “How could this have happened?” In truth, this did not come out of nowhere. Rather it was simply the subsequent escalation of a longstanding tendency by the government to push vaccines they knew were unsafe and ineffective to market, synopsized in this remarkable presentation by Suzanne Humphries, MD, and covered in much more detail in this article:
In Humphries’ talk, she briefly mentions the following:
•Throughout the history of vaccination, many vaccine disasters have occurred.
•When developing the polio vaccine, a key challenge Salk faced was administering enough formaldehyde to the polio virus to inactivate the virus but not enough that it deformed it to the point it could no longer solicit a sufficient antibody response. Due to the national fear surrounding polio, an “emergency” existed which justified an expedited 1955 approval and Salk advocating for an (untested) accelerated manufacturing process which was at risk of containing live polio viruses. Then, two weeks after the vaccine was released, cases began emerging across America of children who had become paralyzed in the limb that was injected with Salk’s polio vaccine.
In the subsequent investigation, it was discovered that many of the labs that produced the polio vaccines had never had their product tested on humans, and an NIH researcher (Bernice Eddy) had already discovered that those vaccines caused polio. Still, her bosses decided to release the vaccine nonetheless.
•Five years later (in 1960), Eddy also discovered that the polio vaccines were contaminated with a cancer causing virus (SV-40). Her superiors (who’d already discovered it the previous year) decided not to disclose her findings to the public (to maintain public trust in the vaccine program). Eddy then bravely presented them at a cancer conference, after which she was demoted and lost her lab. It was not until 1963 (as evidence of the problem continued to mount) that the federal government forced the vaccine manufacturers to stop growing the vaccine on SV-40 contaminated monkey kidneys—at which point between 40-98 million Americans (and many more globally) were infected—although a case can be made SV-40 was present until around the year 2000 in some of the vaccines (e.g., we still frequently find it is critical to treat the SV-40 component of cancer).
This caused a massive cancer wave, which until the even worse COVID-19 vaccines, was completely unprecedented in American history.
The Elite’s Witch Hunt: Smearing those who advocate TRUE SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY while Protecting Big Pharma Interests BRUCHA WEISBERGER
The real ‘witch doctors’ are the elites weaponizing public health to protect Big Pharma’s profits.
DEC 14, 2024 BS”D
As the evil goes down, it’s fighting harder than ever … and its hypocrisy is being exposed. Finally, the curtain is pulled aside and the public can readily glimpse the corruption and unvarnished greed of the “venerated” medical and scientific establishment and their government counterparts.
I am republishing much of an excellent article from Sayer Ji’s substack. Link to his original at the end.
By Sayer Ji, December 11
In a stunning display of elitist overreach, 15 Harvard-affiliated Nobel Laureates, already part of a larger group of 77 laureates, voiced their opposition to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination for Health Secretary. Their attacks culminate in a particularly hyperbolic statement from Roger D. Kornberg, a 2007 chemistry laureate, who described Kennedy’s leadership as a return to “witch doctors and quackery” and even called him “the gravest threat to public health, going beyond even a pandemic to the ravages of disease.”
While these words aim to smear Kennedy, they expose a deeper truth: the entrenched power structures Kornberg and his peers represent are not about protecting public health but preserving their influence. Kornberg’s own extensive ties to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries reveal glaring conflicts of interest that cast doubt on the objectivity of his critique.
For details on the origin of the smear campaign, read my previous article on the 77 Nobel Laureates’ letter: What the Nobel Laureates Aren’t Saying.
Roger Kornberg’s Big Pharma Ties
Kornberg’s condemnation of RFK Jr. demands scrutiny in light of his significant ties to the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. His professional roles include:
- Cocrystal Pharma, Inc.
- Role: Chairman of the Board and Chief Scientist; Co-founder.
- Focus: Development of antiviral drugs, including for COVID-19.
- Conflict: Direct financial and professional incentives in pharmaceutical ventures create bias when opposing Kennedy’s calls for accountability in drug safety.
- Teva Pharmaceuticals
- Role: Advisor.
- Focus: A global pharmaceutical giant producing generics and proprietary drugs.
- Conflict: An advisory role at a major pharma company inherently aligns Kornberg with industry interests, undermining impartiality.
- Tissue Dynamics
- Role: Advisory Board Member.
- Focus: AI/ML-driven drug development.
- Conflict: Involvement in pharmaceutical innovation creates vested interests in regulatory policies that favor drug development pipelines.
- Pacific Biosciences
- Role: Advisory Board Member.
- Focus: Genetic sequencing and biotech applications.
- Conflict: Alignment with biotech initiatives that intersect with pharmaceutical interests.
These ties highlight Kornberg’s deep entanglement with the very industries RFK Jr. has criticized for prioritizing profits over public health.
The Etymology of “Pharmacy”: An Ironic Twist
The irony in Kornberg’s “witch doctor” accusation becomes even more striking when we examine the historical roots of pharmaceutical terminology. The very word “pharmacy” derives from the ancient Greek “pharmakeia” (φαρμακεία), which carried multiple meanings:
- “The use of any kind of drugs, potions, or spells”
- “Use of enchantments, practice of sorcery”
- “Poisoner, sorcerer, magician”
This etymology reveals a telling paradox: while Harvard’s elites attempt to paint Kennedy as a “witch doctor,” they seem unaware that their own pharmaceutical terminology carries these exact historical associations with sorcery and potions. The ancient Greek “pharmakon” itself meant “enchanted potion” or “charm spell”—making their witch hunt against medical dissenters not just politically motivated, but linguistically ironic.
This historical context adds another layer to the current debate: those quick to dismiss alternative viewpoints as “quackery” (another term whose origins are part of a critique against allopathic medical interventions) might benefit from examining their own institutional roots. The transformation of “pharmakeia” from its origins in potions and spells to modern pharmaceutical medicine mirrors a broader pattern of established interests attempting to monopolize the definition of legitimate medical practice.
Peter Hotez says they have “big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st”, then names bird flu, a new coronavirus, SARS, mosquito-transmitted viruses, dengue, zika, oropouche virus, yellow fever, whooping cough, measles, and polio, and says “all that’s going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump Administration.” Huh?
Watching Hotez, I definitely got the impression that he was voicing a threat. See the Hotez clip here:
Back to Sayer Ji’s article:
Fluoridation: The Unspoken Hypocrisy
Kornberg’s attack also underscores the hypocrisy of the public health establishment’s stance on coercive policies. Beyond mRNA vaccine mandates, the elites backing Kornberg continue to promote fluoridation—a policy that mirrors the same ethical violations RFK Jr. has called out.
Robert Malone’s limited-hangout confession
He admits he has worked/works(?) for the DOD (DTRA), he agrees with my overall interpretation of the government’s role in the mRNA atrocity (thanks!), and offers excuses for his employer…
DEC 11, 2024
This article is my response to the recent Substack post from “Who is Robert Malone” (yeah, who is he?):
COVID-19 Seroprevalence Study: For Official Department of Defense Use Only … Until Now
Leading Cardiologist: 100 Million Vaccinated Americans May Have IRREVERSIBLE Heart Damage By Frank Bergman
According to Dr. Thomas Levy, Covid vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who receive the injections.
December 9, 2024
A leading cardiologist has warned that over 100 million Americans may now have irreversible heart damage after receiving Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
According to Dr. Thomas Levy, Covid vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who receive the injections.
A minimum of 7 million Americans who took the Covid vaccine in 2021 now have severely damaged hearts, according to Dr. Levy.
However, the top doctor said that number is now likely to reach over 100 million people.
Dr. Levy is a renowned cardiologist and an attorney-at-law who also serves as the contributing editor for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.
Levy told MIT computer scientist and vaccine data expert Steve Kirsch that the spike protein’s effect on the heart is even worse than previously thought.
In an article, Kirsch, the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), highlighted the heart damage in vaccinated pilots.
As Slay News has previously reported, soaring heart damage among pilots was recently revealed in a change to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines.
Back in 2022, the FAA quietly changed the electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters for pilots to accommodate those with cardiac injury.
The update suggests the injections are causing an unprecedented amount of pilots to fail their screening.
In its updated “Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners,” the FAA widened the ECG parameters beyond the normal range (PR max of 0.2).
According to Kirsch, this range wasn’t widened by a little, it was a lot.
“The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots,” Kirsch explained in his article.
“My best guess right now is that over 50 million Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot.”
WATCH [1:29]
As Slay News recently reported, a major county in Washington state is battling a crisis of surging heart attack deaths among the almost universally Covid-vaccinated population.
King County, which covers Washington’s most populous city of Seattle, has a population of 2.271 million people.
A whopping 98% of King County residents received at least one shot of a Covid “vaccine” since they were rolled out for public use in early 2021.
However, an explosive study uncovered alarming data after analyzing autopsy records for the county.
The team of leading American researchers, led by world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough analyzed data for the county from 2015 to 2023.
The peer-reviewed study found a staggering 1,236% surge in excess heart attack and cardiac arrest deaths among King County’s residents.
Reflecting on this alarming data during an interview last week, Dr. McCullough said:
“So it looks like the vaccines are the smoking gun.”
The top doctor has been at the forefront of exposing the harms of the Covid mRNA injections.
In a separate interview last month, Dr. McCullough, one of the world’s most revered medical experts, issued a warning to the public that Covid mRNA “vaccines” were created to “strict military criteria” to serve as a “bioweapon.”
McCullough raised the alarm in a new interview while revealing the devastating impact on humanity caused by the mass global vaccination campaign.
“As a doctor, I have never seen something so injurious to the human body,” McCullough revealed.
The Covid “vaccines” are “a weapon,” he added.
“According to strict military criteria, it’s a bioweapon.”
WATCH [0:58]
Meanwhile, secret official data from Santa Clara County has exposed a shocking surge in all-cause deaths among residents who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
The spike in mortality rates was revealed in the county’s official statistics after the hidden records were unsealed by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The data shows that non-COVID-19 all-cause mortality (NCACM) started spiking during the first quarter of 2021 when the mRNA shots were first rolled out for public use.
Outgoing “Biden” Regime Extends PSYOP-19 ‘Emergency Declaration’ to Extend Legal Immunity to BigPharma DEATHVAX™ Manufacturers Until 2029 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
DEC 12, 2024
The Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” conveniently fall under this corrupt PREP Act, which provides sweeping liability immunity for vaccine manufacturers, distributors, licensed health professional and essentially anyone else that was pushing these deadly gene altering poisons, effectively preventing any and all lawsuits save for those considered “willful misconduct.” Of course, the entire scamdemic and associated “vaccines” fall under willful misconduct, and then some.
The illegitimate Federal government and its unconstitutional agencies are to this very day in late 2024 still pretending that COVID-19 is somehow an ongoing public emergency as they continue to stockpile like there’s no tomorrow these Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) spike protein factory injections; in other words, this is all for your protection and benefit, so that when (not if) you die prematurely from these “vaccines,” just remember that you saved granny, helped reverse “climate change,” and that your self-inflicted or voluntary euthanasia means that you are anything but an anti-vaxxer, anti-science domestic terrorist deplorable, such that upon precipitously departing this life you do so as a most virtuous virtue signaler.
Of course, Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci, Gates, et al. all thank you for your service.
The question now becomes, will Mister Operation Warp Speed aka President Trump finally admit the true nature of his “beautiful vaccines,” thus unleashing RFK Jr. et al. to reverse this PREP Act extension as they commence with the mass arrests of the bioterrorists that have further weaponized the Medical Industrial Complex on behalf of their Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers? Or will there be more of the same empty promises and blusterous patriotic rhetoric as more and more ‘new and improved’ Modified mRNA “vaccine” products are rolled out for followup scamdemics and other fake “health emergencies” in order to nudge the naive into continuing to partake in these statist mass bio-suicide rituals by subjecting themselves to these never-ending injections?
If the PREP Act is not overturned over the next couple of month, and if all of these BigPharma, NWO globopedo and Three-Letter Agency criminals continue to roam free, then you know exactly what MAGA and MAHA really stand for.
More shall be revealed imminently.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
TERRIFYING: Hundreds Of Deadly Virus Samples That Can Be Weaponized Go Missing From Lab
December 11, 2024 Yeshiva World – In a shocking and deeply troubling biosecurity incident, health authorities in Queensland, Australia, have revealed that 323 vials of live viruses, including extremely lethal pathogens, are missing. Among the unaccounted samples are nearly 100 vials of Hendra virus, two vials of Hantavirus, and 223 vials of Lyssavirus, all of them lethal to humans. Despite their disappearance in 2021, the breach was only confirmed in August 2023, and only announced this week, leaving critical questions unanswered for over two years.
The breach occurred at Queensland’s Public Health Virology Laboratory when a freezer malfunctioned, forcing a transfer of the virus samples to another freezer. Alarmingly, proper documentation of the transfer was not completed. A health official added that while the samples may have been destroyed through routine autoclaving, the lack of records makes it impossible to verify their fate.
The missing viruses are highly dangerous and have the potential to cause devastating consequences:
- Hendra Virus: Known for infecting horses, this virus can jump to humans and has an alarming 57% mortality rate. It was first identified in Brisbane’s suburb of Hendra in 1994 and is naturally hosted by fruit bats.
- Hantavirus: Originating in rodents, this virus spreads through their droppings, urine, or saliva and causes Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in humans, with a fatality rate of 38% in symptomatic cases.
- Lyssavirus: A rabies-like virus that is almost always fatal once symptoms appear, Lyssavirus claims an estimated 59,000 lives annually worldwide.
While officials have sought to reassure the public, their assurances do little to ease growing anxieties. Queensland Health Minister Tim Nicholls said there have been no recent cases of Hendra or Lyssavirus in Queensland and no recorded instances of Hantavirus in Australia. However, the delay in confirming the breach and the lack of clarity around the samples’ fate leave serious gaps in public confidence.
In light of this alarming breach, Queensland Health has commissioned an independent investigation. Retired Supreme Court Judge Martin Daubney AM KC and biosecurity expert Dr. Julian Druce will lead the inquiry to uncover how this failure occurred and establish measures to prevent future incidents.
Immediate steps have been taken to address systemic failures, including retraining staff, auditing permits, and reviewing storage protocols. “I want to stress that there have been no public health incidents linked to these materials,” Nicholls stated, though this reassurance may feel hollow given the scope of the breach.
Authorities have dismissed concerns of deliberate foul play, insisting there is no evidence that the samples were stolen or mishandled maliciously. Still, the fact that such lethal viruses could go missing highlights vulnerabilities in biosecurity practices.
“Vaccine Shedding”: Major Study Confirms Covid-Vaxxed Cause Side Effects in Unvaccinated People LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
The study finally confirms the existence of “vaccine shedding” – an issue previously shot down by health officials as a “conspiracy theory.”
DEC 11, 2024
By Frank Bergman December 10, 2024
A major new peer-reviewed study has confirmed that unvaccinated people can suffer from the harmful side effects of Covid mRNA “vaccines” by just being around people who have received the injections.
The study finally confirms the existence of “vaccine shedding” – an issue previously shot down by health officials as a “conspiracy theory.”
Alarmingly, the study found that unvaccinated people suffer vaccine harms even if they are “indirectly exposed” to those who received Covid mRNA shots.
A study titled, “Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals,” was just published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
The team of top American researchers behind the study was led by Professor Jill Newman and Dr. Sue E. Peters.
The study revealed shocking findings: Unvaccinated women who were around vaccinated people daily (within 6 feet) suffered vaccine side effects.
The women suffered a 34% higher risk of heavy menstrual bleeding, a 28% higher chance of their period starting over a week early, and a 26% higher chance of menstrual bleeding lasting more than seven days.
Women with little close contact with vaccinated people saw no change.
One of the authors of the study wrote:
“After more than a year of censorship from the medical journals, our landmark study and manuscript have been published demonstrating significant circumstantial evidence that something is being shed from the COVID-19 vaccinated population to the unvaccinated population.
“It is far beyond time for these toxic injections to be withdrawn from the market.”
Reacting to the study’s alarming findings, esteemed physician Dr. Pierre Kory wrote on X:
“The most puzzling thing we’ve seen with the vaccine is its ability to ‘shed’ and harm those who never got it.
“A peer-reviewed study just validated the thousands of shedding reports sent to us.”
Dr. Kory also detailed the “vaccine shedding” phenomenon during an interview on American Thought Leaders.
WATCH [3:25]
In the study’s paper, the researchers prove the scientific plausibility of these findings by providing evidence supported by several key observations.
They discuss five key points in the paper:
Timing Consistency with Shedding Studies:
68.4% of respondents reported symptoms within one week of being near a vaccinated individual, with 48.6% experiencing symptoms within 3 days or the same day, aligning with the FDA’s guidance on vaccine-shedding timelines.
Prolonged Presence of Vaccine Components:
The detection of mRNA fragments and spike protein in vaccinated individuals’ blood for extended periods (up to 187 days) provides evidence of prolonged circulation of potential transmissible components.
FRIGHTENING: “Crystal-Like Fibers” Coming Out of a Person’s Fingers and Toes Following a Covid Injection LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
“…a woman named Margaret describes her granddaughter developing “crystal-like fibers” coming out of her toes and fingers following at least one COVID injection.”
DEC 10, 2024
Anybody aware of any stories like this one, describing “crystal-like fibers” coming out of a person’s fingers and toes following a COVID injection?
This interview was posted by Children’s Health Defense approximately a year ago. It features a woman named Margaret who describes her granddaughter developing “crystal-like fibers” coming out of her toes and fingers following at least one COVID injection.
“They’re clear. They’re crunchy. They’re long like a hair, and they’re in the cuticles of her toe. It then moved to all her fingers. And it was on her other toe also,” Margaret says. Margaret notes that she herself has had Morgellons before, and seems to speculate that it may be related?
For reference, according to Grok: “Morgellons disease (MD) is a condition characterized by a variety of symptoms, most notably the presence of fibers or filamentous structures under or emerging from the skin.” The disease apparently has an unknown etiology.
Grok also notes that a “2012 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that the condition was similar to delusional infestation, with fibers primarily identified as textile material. They did not find evidence of a new infection or a common identifiable medical condition.”
Science Confirms Sv40 DNA in Pfizer’s Covid Shot, Validating Concerns Over Unexplored Genetic Health Risks [VIDEO 15:40] LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
A recent peer-reviewed study led by three German researchers has confirmed the presence of significant amounts of residual DNA, including the controversial SV40 promoter, in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine
DEC 10, 2024
By Tamara Ugolini December 09, 2024
The peer-reviewed findings confirm the presence of significant residual DNA, including the controversial SV40 promoter, in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, igniting further concern around the long-term risks, transmissibility, and potential gene therapy implications that regulators fail to address.
A recent peer-reviewed study led by three German researchers has confirmed the presence of significant amounts of residual DNA, including the controversial SV40 promoter, in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine vials.
Titled “BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/ Enhancer Sequence,” the findings validate previous research by genomics expert Kevin McKernan and virologist David Speicher, and further authenticates the concerns of people like former pharmacist specializing in regulatory oversight Maria Gutschi, molecular biologist Laura Braden, pediatric neurologist Eric Payne, biochemist Jessica Rose and more.
The findings directly contradict what infectious disease researcher Tara Moriarty told CUPE union members in September 2021 during a vaccine policy town hall where “vaccine hesitant” members had their concerns quelled through blatant misinformation by the supposed expert.
McKernan broke down the findings of the recently published study, raising serious concerns for public health with unprecedented, unregulated, and uncontrolled risks associated with these novel, modified RNA spike protein injections.
He calls the recent research “the final nail in the coffin” that confirms the presence of DNA, in disturbing amounts that are often three or fourfold higher than regulators have deemed ‘acceptable.’
McKernan points to another paper showing that the DNA amounts found in these vials are likely underestimated, with only 30% of the DNA being detected in standard analyses, suggesting the true amount of DNA in the vials could be as high as 100 to 140 nanograms (ng) – magnitudes higher than the FDA and WHO’s 10 ng/dose threshold.
Despite this research, and others confirming that DNA from vaccines is entering the bloodstream of individuals injected with mRNA, contamination continues with regulators failing to effectively address the potential repercussions.
Ian Brighthope: “60 million deadly vaccines have been administered” [2:14]
The heartbreaking moment when Professor Ian Brighthope breaks down in tears in front of thousands of people in Perth upon realizing that 60 million deadly vaccines have been administered to innocent Australians, now causing death and cancer.
Newly Published Study Shows Shedding Of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA
A new study found a strong association of new onset menstrual irregularities with “indirect” exposure to Covid vaccines, i.e. being in proximity with vaccinated persons. Shedding is real.
DEC 09, 2024 – As many of my readers know, about a year ago I spent months researching and writing on the topic of “shedding” of gene therapy medicinal products (GTMP), a class of therapies which the Covid vaccines are categorized under. That effort was first inspired by patients reporting to me and my partner Scott Marsland at our vaccine injury/Long Covid Leading Edge Clinic that new and chronic symptoms were flaring after social outings and/or close exposures to recently vaccinated individuals.
A classic example from one of my patients: “Hey Doc, every time I go to Trader Joes, I feel terrible because all of my symptoms flare up and I have to get out of there within 10 minutes, why is that?”
Before I go on, I want to remind all of the prescience of the founder of the private Centner Academy in Miami, Leila Centner. In early 2021, out of concern for shedding exposure to the spike protein, she prohibited students from attending the school within 30 days of vaccination (which admittedly was a guess as to how long shedding might occur after vaccination):
Bird Flu: The “Next Pandemic” Is Right On Schedule 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
DEC 09, 2024 – As the slow kill bioweapon-induced VAIDS epidemic gains momentum, and as the powers that be work overtime to foment various psyops and false flag events to thwart President Trump’s second term, what we are now witnessing is that PSYOP-25 may very well be on deck as their next disruptive scheme.
Fauci’s henchman Peter Hotez was recently activated in a predictive programming strategy to normalize their followup scamdemic exactly as his demented boss had done in 2017 in order to subvert President Trump’s first term:
Hotez, who over the last several decades was “awarded” grants in the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to come up with a vaccine for hookworm with exactly nothing to show for his “research” to date, is somehow still “expert” enough to now be warning of “big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st” like bird flu, more coronaviruses, SARS Mosquito-transmitted viruses, Dengue, Zika, Oropouche virus, yellow fever, whooping cough, measles and even polio, or all of his gain of function and vaccine-induced diseases.
The only big picture stuff that should be coming down the pike on January 21st are mass arrests of these bioterrorist sociopaths:
Was DoD the Managing Agency for Operation Warp Speed? ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
Pfizer did not commit fraud, but rather delivered the fraud that the US Government ordered
DEC 08, 2024 – Quite a bit of controversy has been generated by those who assert that the Pfizer contract issued by the DoD for the Bio N Tech mRNA COVID “vaccines” proves that the DoD was the managing agency for the development of this product. The phrase “Pfizer did not commit fraud, but rather delivered the fraud that the US Government ordered” certainly has more than a grain of truth. In contrast, my understanding and analysis indicates that the leading proponents of the theory that this contract proves that DoD was the agency that managed operation warp speed appear to not have a full appreciation of the nuances, and have overstated the implications. The purpose of this essay is to help the general public to gain more insight into the back story of this non-Federal Acquisition Regulations contract, which employed a non-traditional federal contracting vehicle known as an “Other Transactional Authority” contract.
If you really want to understand how the sausage gets made within the US Government with these big programs, I hope you will stick through this essay to the end.
Unfortunately, the two leading proponents of this theory of the case (Watt and Latypova) have seen fit to repeatedly personally attack both myself and my wife Dr. Jill Malone for years now as part of their advocacy of this interpretation, presumably because of my long history of working with the US Department of Defense in the Biodefense sector, and in particular with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate (DTRA CB), which is “dual-hatted” as the Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JSTO-CBD) under the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP).
Some Relevant Bona Fides
Those who have followed me closely may recall that over two years ago I was the first to disclose that a different branch of DTRA, the Threat Mitigation Branch (based on Fort Belvoir, VA), was a major funder of the Chinese CCP/PLA Wuhan Institute of Virology, and so shared responsibility with NIH/NIAID for the funding which lead to the eventual release of SARS-CoV-2 into the world. The DTRA/Threat Mitigation Branch funding was provided in the context of the DTRA/TMB “International Cooperation” activities, which are focused on cooperative threat reduction. DTRA CB chain of command is separate from DTRA/TMB at the level I was interacting with them, and I had no knowledge of the WIV funding until I started asking questions of DTRA GS employees that I knew when it became clear that there had been USG funding of the WIV.
The DTRA Threat Mitigation Branch is headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and has personnel stationed at various locations worldwide. The branch is organized into several teams, including:
- Research and Development: Conducts research and development in areas such as blast effects mitigation, counter-CBRN agents, and non-lethal effects.
- Threat Analysis and Forecasting: Analyzes and forecasts emerging threats, providing strategic insights to inform DTRA’s counter-WMD efforts.
- International Cooperation: Collaborates with international partners to reduce the threat posed by WMD and related materials, technologies, and expertise.
- Operations and Training: Develops and conducts training exercises, and provides operational support for DTRA’s counter-WMD efforts.
Budget and Funding
The DTRA Threat Mitigation Branch receives funding through the Department of Defense (DoD) budget, with a focus on research and development, operations, and international cooperation. The branch’s budget is allocated across various programs and initiatives, including blast effects mitigation, counter-CBRN agents, non-lethal effects, and cooperative threat reduction.
One of the DTRA CB / JPEO CBD programs for which I served as a contractor was named “DOMANE,” and was envisioned and managed by Dr. David Hone, a GS-15 level government employee (GS-15 is basically the same rank as a brigadier general.) Dr. Hone and I came up with the concept of DOMANE during a discussion at my horse farm, but Hone developed and managed the program. Another character in this sordid affair who has written thousands of hate posts about me is George Webb, who repeatedly and ignorantly asserts that I was the director of DOMANE- as if a part-time contractor would be assigned to run a major DTRA CB drug discovery and repurposing program. At one point, in some web-based DOMANE communication, it was asserted that DOMANE should get credit for the development of Remdesivir- consequent to DTRA CB funding for the (failed) African clinical trials that tested use of Remdesivir for treating Ebola infection. On the basis of this, there emerged a cluster of haters (lead by George Webb) that assert that I was responsible for Remdesivir being approved for COVID. Just to say it, neither myself nor (to the best of my knowledge) DTRA-CB or the DOMANE program had any role in advancing Remdesivir for use to treat COVID. I understand that NIH/NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci, specifically, were responsible for this travesty, not DTRA CB, and certainly not me.
What is an OTA?
The notorious DoD Pfizer contract that Watt and Latypova often speak of was issued under a special federal contracting process known as an “Other Transactional Authority” or OTA. The OTA structure was put into place in response to general governmental bureaucratic frustration relating to biodefense product development and acquisition under the standard contracting process that is subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations or FAR. The FAR is written to cover all Federal acquisition activities – from developing and purchasing pencils to tanks, planes, submarines, and aircraft carriers. As you might imagine, the FAR is extraordinarily detailed and cumbersome. The process of issuing and awarding a FAR-compliant contract can take up to two years, often at least nine months if very actively expedited. And, as one might hope, it requires many legally binding commitments from the contractor (the company getting the contract from USG). For example, these typically include keeping daily time sheets for all company employees – including those in management or not actually working on the contract! A company that fails to fulfill USG contract obligations under a FAR-compliant contract can be placed under terms that require it to pay back the full contract to the government, and even to pay for a competitor to perform the task or deliver the product to the government. The contracting instrument for this is called a “cure letter”. I have had three clients during my career that had been placed under cure letters – not due to any fault of mine – and I can attest that this is a major big deal. Issuing and managing/overseeing/auditing FAR-compliant awards is very labor-intensive for the USG.
There are two major issues that the USG has to contend with concerning large FAR-compliant contracts. First, the pool of trained and certified contracting officers (CO) is getting smaller and smaller. Becoming a CO is a high-risk pathway for a government employee. As part of their training, it is made clear that CO will go to jail if evidence of contracting corruption or malfeasance is identified. No glory, modest pay, and lots of risk and responsibility. Not something that many govies want to take on. The contracting officer corps has been retiring out for many years now, diminishing from year to year. Second, corporations (often referred to as “beltway bandits”) that specialize in federal contracting are usually not leaders in technology (or drug) development, and those who are leaders are focused on their sector and not on federal contracting. To illustrate the point, it has been my experience over decades that a federal FAR-compliant contract will add about 30% to 50% overhead to the cost of doing the work for a private sector contract. So, if you are a big pharma or biotech innovator, you have to be pretty desperate to want to work for the US Government.
What’s a government agency to do? Particularly one tasked with rapidly developing medical countermeasures to engineered pathogens and emerging infectious diseases?
Well, the developed answer was the Other Transactional Authority or OTA. Basically the idea here was to develop a compromise. By limiting the scope to just research and development of a “solution” through to a “demonstration” product (rather than actually acquiring the “solution” or “product,”) a simplified contract could be rapidly developed and issued, and the more burdensome contracting clauses could be waived without breaching the FAR, which was designed for actual acquisition and deployment. And to make this system run even faster, it was decided that contractors could be “pre-qualified” as suitable for award of an OTA by making them pay a fee to a private company that would vet their suitability – and in this way circumvent some of the problems with the diminishing CO staffing issue. In other words, outsource many of the contracting officer tasks to the private sector. The way this actually works is that the company that wants to get federal OTA contracts has to pay a fee to the outsourced private contracting company to pre-qualify them. Sort of like having to pay your bank to pre-qualify you for a home loan if you want to get a house financed.
Here is an AI-generated summary of how this works for the DoD:
CATASTROPHIC BOMBSHELL: First Ever Definitive Proof That Pfizer’s COVID “Vaccine” Integrates Into The Human Genome 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
DEC 06, 2024 – The genetic sequence found in Pfizer’s Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” integrates into the human genome, and now all future “vaccinated” generations are genetically modified , as well as their offspring.
These Pfizer genetic sequences will be passed on forever in not just the “vaccinated,” but, also, in the offspring of unvaccinated individuals procreating with those that have been genetically modified.
And now, for the first time ever, it has been irrefutably proven that DNA contamination from these “vaccines” is not some accidental “contamination” or benign artifact, but, rather, a ticking time bomb that will permanently alter the genetic fabric of humanity.
We have evidence that the SV40 promotor sequences that were deliberately added to Pfizer’s deadly “vaccine” are aggressively replicating inside the very tumors that they are causing, thus accelerating the metastization of VAIDS-induced turbo cancers; to wit:
A Cure to Long Covid & Vaccine Injury Syndromes. JOHN LEAKE
Dr. Peter McCullough’s new paper, published by the European Society of Medicine, just set the standard of care for this great scourge of our time.
DEC 04, 2024
In case you missed it or didn’t quite catch its significance due to the Latinisms in the title, my colleague Nicolas Hulscher just announced on our Substack that Dr. Peter McCullough has—through tireless investigative scholarship and clinical practice—honed in on a cure for Long Covid & Vaccine Injury Syndromes.
Before I go into the details of Nic’s triumphant announcement, I’d like to give a bit of background information about what we believe is the primary cause of Long Covid & Vaccine Injury Syndromes—namely, the Spike Protein.
There is a steadily increasing body of evidence that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and the spike protein induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines linger in the body for an indeterminate period of time.
Long Covid Syndrome and Vaccine Injury Syndrome seem to be closely related and to amplify each other. Because the vaccine does NOT prevent infection, we have seen cases in which the patient is repeatedly exposed to the viral spike protein and the spike protein induced by the vaccine and boosters. Moreover, we are concerned that the vaccine may actually be impairing the immune system’s ability to mount an effective response when it is exposed to new variants. The trouble with the viral spike protein seems to be related to the fact that it did not arise through natural evolution, but was optimized in a laboratory to infect humans.
Thus, the key to treating both Long Covid and Vaccine Injury Syndromes is eliminating the foreign spike protein from the body. The clearest clinical expression of this syndrome is COVID-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis, which even the CDC has acknowledged (while deceptively obscuring the true prevalence of this debilitating side effect).
For the last three years, Dr. Peter McCullough has tirelessly sought to find any safe and effective molecule or combination of molecules that could eliminate the spike. While no silver bullet—such as penicillin against syphilis—has been found, he has assembled Spike detoxification protocol, consisting of over-the-counter Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin. For patients suffering from Myopericarditis, colchicine is added to the protocol.
As Nic Hulscher just announced this morning, the paper titled Resolution of Refractory COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myopericarditis with Adjunctive Rapamycin—co-authored by Nicolas Hulscher, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Alexander Vickery—has just been published by the European Society of Medicine. As they noted in their Abstract:
COVID-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis is now commonly encountered in clinical practice. The mainstay of clinical management involves vaccine Spike protein detoxification and colchicine for 12 months or longer. Herein, we present a case of a previously healthy 23-year-old male with autism spectrum disorder who developed COVID-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis and class II heart failure. He was treated with Spike detoxification**, which is the combined use of over-the-counter nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, in addition to colchicine. [Emphasis added] While transient heart failure resolved, his chest discomfort persisted and at times was debilitating. Serial electrocardiograms indicated persistent global ST segment elevation. We describe the successful addition of off-label oral rapamycin to arrest inflammatory processes, extirpate ST elevation, and significantly improve quality of life. We summarize existing research that provided a rationale for the use of rapamycin. Concisely, these include targeting autophagy, mRNA translation, and immune activity modulation. We propose that mTOR inhibitors should be investigated as a potential disease-modifying interim treatment for COVID-19 vaccine induced cardiac injury.
Note that rapamycin is a macrolide compound derived from the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus that was isolated for the first time in 1972, from samples of Streptomyces hygroscopicus found on Easter Island.
Rapamycin is used to coat coronary stents, prevent organ transplant rejection, treat a rare lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis, and treat perivascular epithelioid cell tumour. It has immunosuppressant functions and is especially useful in preventing the rejection of kidney transplants.
With this paper entering the peer-reviewed literature, Dr. McCullough and his colleagues have just set the standard of care for this great scourge of our time.
Readers who wish to delve deeper into the details of the McCullough detoxification protocol and this new paper are encouraged to read Nicolas Hulscher’s post of this morning: BREAKING – New Peer-Reviewed Study: Resolution of Refractory COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myopericarditis with Adjunctive Rapamycin
I hope the Nobel Committee will be apprised of this development and grasp its significance, though I’m not holding my breath.
** [Ed.: Here is my spike protein detox regimen:
Nattokinase 240 caps $13.99
Lumbrokinase (30x more powerful than nattokinase) 120 caps $17.95
Curamin Extra Strength (TM) (100% bioavailable turmeric) 120 tabs $70.05
Bromelain 2,000 mg 240 caps $17.05
Dandelion Root Extract 2 fl. oz $9.99 $129.03
Dr. McCullough’s protocol: 120 Caps $89.99
Selenium 75 mcg
Tumeric root extract 500 mg
Bromelain 500 mg
Nattokinase 400 mg
Black Seed Extract 100 mg
Dandelion root extract 50 mg
Black pepper root extract 5 mg
A new paper confirms presence of DNA in COVID-19 shot vials, settles issues pertaining to DNA quantification methods, shows spike persistence and exosomal shuttling JESSICA ROSE
And this was done in human cells…
DEC 04, 2024
Ulrike Kämmerer, Verena Schulz and Klaus Steger have just published what might be the paper of the century entitled: “BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence”. It got through peer review on December 3, 2024 and it confirms much of what has already been evidenced and answers many questions lingering in the background.
Let’s unpack their results:
We demonstrate successful transfection of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) biologicals into HEK293 cells and show robust levels of spike proteins over several days of cell culture. Secretion into cell supernatants occurred predominantly via extracellular vesicles enriched for exosome markers. We further analyzed RNA and DNA contents of these vials and identified large amounts of DNA after RNase A digestion in all lots with concentrations ranging from 32.7 ng to 43.4 ng per clinical dose. This far exceeds the maximal acceptable concentration of 10 ng per clinical dose that has been set by international regulatory authorities. Gene analyses with selected PCR primer pairs proved that residual DNA represents not only fragments of the DNA matrices coding for the spike gene, but of all genes from the plasmid including the SV40 promoter/enhancer and the antibiotic resistance gene.
Spike protein expression in HEK293 cells after transfection with BNT162b2 biologicals is seen in green. This means the LNPs dump their payload successfully into human cells and this payload is translated into spike protein using the cell’s machinery (ribosomes) as per the design. The spike had a cytotoxic effect on cells (bad for cells = they die) and stuck around for at least 7 days (persistence). And that’s just when they stopped measuring. Spike got into the medium that the cells were in: it was released from the cells that were transfected. Spike can be cleaved from the membranes of cells, but, can also be exported in exosomes in full form (uncleaved).
This is an incredibly important finding and has massive implications for shedding. Exosomes – which are like little information carriers between cells – are likely trafficking/shuttling spike to other cells in the in vivo setting. Based on these findings, there’s no reason to believe they wouldn’t be doing this.
The amount of RNA in the injected Pfizer product (30 ug) checks out. The “real” amount of DNA that they found after additionally treating with RNase to remove interfering signals from RNA exceeded EMA limits by 4-5 times.
How to talk to mRNA fanatics ALEX BERENSON
Someone I know who got vaccinated and regrets it is stuck arguing about Covid jabs with people in his (very woke) workplace. He asked for help. Here’s what I told him.
DEC 03, 2024
Hard-core Covid vaccine advocates haven’t given up yet.
Fewer Americans are receiving mRNA boosters this fall than ever before. In Washington state, jabs are down about 25 percent from 2023. In red states, Covid shots barely exist anymore. Barely 5 percent of Floridians have had a 2024 booster.
Still, mRNA fanatics won’t quit. Even if they aren’t getting jabbed , they insist the shots worked as advertised. And they always – always – rely on The Chart. A person I know who initially trusted the jabs but has since seen the light asked me for help in a fight over The Chart this week.
You know The Chart. I’m not going to post it here, but it purportedly shows much higher death Covid rates among the unvaccinated than the jabbed throughout 2021. (The Chart NEVER shows raw numbers of deaths, just rates.)
Look at The Chart! the believers say. The Chart is Science with a capital S. The Chart is Numbers with a capital N.
You can’t argue with The Chart!
Well, yes, you can. The Chart is badly flawed because of a problem in epidemiology called “healthy vaccinee bias.” (More about healthy vaccinee bias here.1)
But mentioning healthy vaccinee bias can be frustrating. It requires some knowledge of the papers that discuss it. (Prove it! Oh, you can’t!) It’s fighting about data at a granular level.
Worst of all, it sounds like an excuse.
I wanted to offer a different way to debate The Chart.
A more holistic approach, if you like. It concedes some ground to the fanatics without giving up the key issue. It’s short and punchy and, I hope, relatively easy to follow – 14 texts, plus one chart, of Covid deaths from Vermont, which you can find here (down the linked page). Yep, the fanatics have a chart, now skeptics have a chart too.
Best of all, it’s true.
Here goes:
Massive Spike Protein Pathogenicity Research Library Published NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH
Over 250 peer-reviewed scientific studies confirm that the Spike protein is highly pathogenic on its own.
DEC 03, 2024
A comprehensive list of over 250 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein harms has just been published by Erik Sass and Dr. Martin Wucher: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Pathogenicity Research Library
This enormous body of research demonstrating that Spike protein is a highly toxic substance confirms that the COVID-19 injectable products are fundamentally unsafe for human use. Moreover, these data further amplify the rationale for Spike protein detoxification:
Much of academia and our public health authorities continue to ignore Spike protein as a target for long-COVID treatments. Last week, Medscape published an article titled, New Data: The Most Promising Treatments for Long COVID, where there’s not a single mention of the highly persistent Spike protein that has been identified in autopsy and biopsy findings of injured and deceased individuals.
The new U.S. administration should allocate funding to investigate accessible methods for detecting Spike protein and initiate large, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials to identify safe and effective treatments for removing Spike protein from the body, with endpoints including the clearance of Spike protein, improvement in inflammatory markers, and measurable symptom relief.
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation
Please consider following the McCullough Foundation and Nicolas Hulscher on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.
A German lab has started to offer tests for “vaccine” spike proteins and plasmid DNA to those who suspect they have been injured by covid “vaccines” SUPER SPREADER
The purpose of the tests is to allow people who believe they have been injured by a covid “vaccine” to present evidence in court. [Expose-news]
DEC 03, 2024
The Institute of Molecular Diagnostics (Inmodia GmbH) is offering tests to establish whether a person’s body has vaccine spike protein or DNA plasmids. The purpose of the tests is to allow people who believe they have been injured by a covid “vaccine” to present evidence in court, for example, to support their claims. Additionally, the tests will help collect evidence to support the argument for discontinuing the use of covid injections.
By Rhoda Wilson on December 3, 2024
The following information is according to Inmodia’s website.
Never before in the history of medicine has a vaccination been associated with such a high number of serious side effects and consequential harm, including deaths occurring simultaneously. This situation arises primarily because the covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine as we know it but rather a novel gene-based product that utilises an untested technology in humans.
Two different forms of genetically engineered injections were used in the global covid vaccination campaign. In both cases, the injections forced our bodies’ cells to produce the foreign spike protein (SARS-CoV-2, Wuhan variant).
In the case of DNA-based injections (AstraZeneca, Janssen / Johnson & Johnson), the blueprint for the spike protein is available in the form of a DNA copy, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an adenovirus envelope. Once inside the cell, the DNA must first be transcribed into mRNA.
In the case of RNA-based injections (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna), the blueprint for the spike protein, which occurs naturally on the surface of coronavirus particles, is already available as mRNA, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an envelope of partly synthetic fat-like molecules (lipid nanoparticles, LNPs).
This “vaccine mRNA” is not natural but genetically modified (“modRNA”). The chemical composition of the modRNA has been modified by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in many ways so that the end product no longer corresponds to a naturally occurring mRNA. The modRNA has a significantly extended lifespan and therefore leads to a maximum and long-lasting production of exogenous spike protein.
modRNA is synthesised based on a DNA template, which must be completely removed before the modRNA is packaged into the lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”). It has since been found that the RNA-based injections are contaminated with significant amounts of DNA (plasmid DNA).
There are various conceivable mechanisms, including plasmid DNA impurities, for the triggering of serious adverse effects.
The best documented adverse effects are inflammations caused by the body’s own immune system reacting against the foreign spike protein produced in the body’s cells. Particularly prominent are inflammations of blood vessels, heart muscle, lungs, skin, liver, kidneys and nervous system.
There are also indications that RNA-based injections weaken the immune system’s defence function. This is reflected in the increased number of cases of shingles and bacterial infections such as appendicitis, and wound and prosthesis infections.
Additionally, an increased number of fast-growing tumours, including malignant lymphomas and leukaemias, have been observed in vaccinated people. The exact mechanism of triggering these malignant diseases is not yet fully understood but both the spike protein and the nucleic acid precursors (modRNA and DNA) could play a role. The aforementioned immunosuppression is probably also involved.
For further information on covid vaccine harms, please refer to the book ‘mRNA Vaccines Toxicity’ published by Doctors for Covid Ethics (“D4CE”).
It is possible to detect certain components in covid “vaccines” even months after the injection using special tests of blood, cerebrospinal fluid or tissue samples (biopsy), which can be used as evidence of vaccine damage in an expert opinion.
“The documentation and, if necessary, publication of vaccine damage is particularly important because, among other things, it can be used to gather arguments against the further continuation and authorisation of the gene-based vaccine, which has not yet been fully tested, and thus possibly save other people similar suffering,” Inmodia says.
Inmodia offers three tests specifically for injection-derived components: detection of spike protein (Wuhan type), detection of spike-modRNA and detection of plasmid DNA. However, specific detection methods for DNA-based injections are currently not offered, as they have hardly been used in Germany and only general spike protein detection is possible for the time being.
Inmodia recommends that people who would like to have tests done start with the detection of spike protein, which requires, if possible, the testing of tissue samples (biopsies), alternatively or additionally blood samples can be tested. This is because the detection of nucleic acids (modRNA and DNA) is significantly more time-consuming and cost-intensive and it should generally only be considered after positive detection of spike protein.
You can view a full list of possible tests and prices HERE. [archive]
Italian Soccer Match Suspended After 22-Year-Old Player Collapses Suddenly on Pitch (VIDEO)
Man Regains Consciousness Moments Before Cremation; Three Government Hospital Doctors Suspended
[Ed.: Quack-quack! Would it be premature to declare medicine dead?]
Americans Who Have Never Been “Vaccinated” for ANYTHING Are the Healthiest Among Us 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
DEC 01, 2024
This Substack has long been exposing the deadly and highly profitable medical fraud known as vaccines. There is not a single high quality, well designed, large sample size random controlled trial (RCT) with placebo control group for any vaccine.
The following breakdown of the childhood vaccine schedule — even the pair of placebo group trials that are of incredibly low quality, demonstrate how especially unsafe those respective products are precisely because that pair of trials were more robust, thus better establishing how dangerous and unnecessary they really are — proves that not a single one of these vaccines would ever be approved in an honest regulatory process:
But what we do finally have is an exceptionally high quality and highly robust RCT entitled, Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders, which concluded:
Forensic Pathologist: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Behind Spike in Violent Sudden Seizure Deaths By Frank Bergman
One of America’s leading forensic pathologists has issued a red alert after proving that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are behind recent spikes in violent sudden seizure deaths.
November 29, 2024 – One of America’s leading forensic pathologists has issued a red alert after proving that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are behind recent spikes in violent sudden seizure deaths.
An investigation into the fatal seizures was led by forensic pathologist Dr. Joseph A. Prahlow.
Prahlow is a Professor of Pathology at St. Louis University School of Medicine and the Assistant Medical Examiner at the City of St. Louis’s Office of the Medical Examiner.
The renowned expert is now raising the alarm after discovering that once-rare seizures are a terrifying adverse effect of Covid mRNA injection.
Prahlow revealed that he investigated cases where no alternative cause could be identified, proving, without doubt, that the “vaccines” caused the fatal seizure spike.
The findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal Academic Forensic Pathology.
Prahlow’s paper presents two cases of new-onset seizures resulting in death shortly after vaccination as supporting evidence.
However, Prahlow warns that many other cases of sudden fatal seizures haven’t been investigated, meaning global spikes in such deaths are also likely linked to the mass Covid vaccination campaign.
The cases presented in the paper raise important questions about causality, clinical management, and death certification.
This thorough case analysis involves the meticulous examination of two cases, detailing the clinical history, diagnostic work-ups, and forensic findings.
The methodical approach used during the investigation ensures that potential contributing factors are explored comprehensively.
However, similar deaths are not normally investigated so thoroughly so the actual causes are not usually identified.
During his investigations, Prahlow identified a direct connection between Covid mRNA vaccination and sudden seizure mortality.
When determining the plausibility of vaccine-induced seizures, Prahlow’s paper highlights the established frameworks, such as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) causality assessment criteria and Brighton Collaborative Criteria.
The paper also identifies other neurological adverse events associated with “vaccines,” such as encephalitis and stroke.
These broader neurological effects could provide additional insights into the mechanisms of vaccine-induced seizures.
This study contributes meaningfully to the discussion on vaccine safety by shedding light on rarely-discussed adverse events like seizure-related deaths.
While it highlights areas for improvement in clinical and forensic practice, it also emphasizes the need for balanced, evidence-based approaches that prioritize both individual and public health considerations.
Further research and stronger surveillance systems are essential to better understand and mitigate such risks.
Dr. Prahlow effectively links vaccination to mortality, emphasizing the importance of considering vaccines as potential contributors when no other explanation is evident.
This highlights the need for diligence in vaccine-related adverse event investigations.
The paper concludes by stressing the importance of informed consent, especially given the “fast-tracked” nature of COVID-19 vaccines.
Patients must be made aware of all potential risks, even rare ones, to make truly informed decisions.
This is not the first study to link Covid mRNA “vaccines” to deadly seizures, however.
As Slay News previously reported, a peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious Cureus Journal earlier this year analyzed the death of a man who was killed by seizures within 40 hours of receiving a Covid mRNA injection.
The researchers documented the case of the 73-year-old man who had received a Pfizer mRNA Covid shot.
He developed a headache that was followed by violent seizures, loss of consciousness, and finally death.
The case is a cause for concern as the man was killed in under two days after being injected, the researchers note.
The study, conducted by world-renowned Japanese scientists Shimura M, Fujikawa H, Yazawa M, et al., is titled “An Autopsy Case of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome After a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination.”
The scientific study determined that a form of brain damage can occur rapidly after a person is injected with a Covid mRNA shot.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed last year that a safety signal has been detected that suggests Covid mRNA shots may be linked to a spike in seizures among toddlers following vaccination.
As Slay News reported, researchers with the FDA and three large healthcare companies revealed the findings in a new preprint study.
The study shows that seizures/convulsions “met the statistical threshold for a signal” in children aged 2 to 4 following receipt of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The same safety signal was also detected among children aged 2 to 5 following receipt of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
[Ed.: The pun ‘spike’ in the title does not go unnoticed!]
COVID-19 (& Parkinson’s) Cured, Advanced Cancer Full Remission & Breast Cancer Patient “Cancer Free” After Ignoring Radiation Oncologist Advice to STOP Ivermectin 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
This article is too long for email and should be opened in a browser.
NOV 30, 2024 – We have yet another trio of inspirational success stories using inexpensive repurposed drugs that the Medical Industrial Complex does not want anyone to know about.
Our first subscriber success story comment is especially intriguing because we know that Ivermectin instantly cures COVID-19, or why the criminals went after it so hard to ensure that they could obtain their fraudulent FDA Emergency Use Authorization for their slow kill bioweapon “vaccines;’ but once again this Nobel Prize winning miracle drug has some very important “side effects:”
Readers of this Substack appreciate that Ivermectin is effective for not just prion-based diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia, or VAIDS-induced early onset versions of these conditions, but that it could also address a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s that “experts” claim there are no cures for; to wit:
JUL 11
The next two success stories share a similar theme in that the “expert” doctors insult and devalue their patients in order to better control them.
A few weeks ago the following email landed in my inbox: