Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery  | 10/20/2023

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery 

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]


Heartbreaking: 8 year old vaccine martyr dies after cardiac arrest 😰   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

This innocent child was used as a government pawn to propagandize the covid narrative to other children.

OCT 20, 2023


From Frontline News:

Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest  by Eliyahu Tulshinski October 06, 2023

Child and puppet convinced children there’s ‘no choice’ about jabs, quarantines, masks, distancing, tests

An Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.

Government education

Yonatan Erlichman was five years old at the time of the video, which was produced by Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, a regional government body. It aired as an episode in the government-run program, “Shushki in the Land of Binyamin,” “to entertain and educate” children.

Shushki is a friendly puppet “child” who asks questions to prompt actual people to respond with “educational answers.”

Normalizing the abnormal

The particular episode in which Yonatan appeared was entitled, “In Quarantine with Shushki,” and opens with the puppet frightened that his “brother” has been forced into quarantine and sits alone in his room behind a closed door. Shushki is shocked that entire kindergarten classes have been forced into quarantine and even whole schools were closed down, with every child quarantined. His anxious voice then expresses his diminishing mental state as he says he keeps hearing of another person, and another, being quarantined, including his mother.

Shushki is particularly stressed at the possibility of being tested himself, at not being able to touch, see or speak to his mother and brother, who must have their food left by their doors, only pulling it in after the person placing it there moves away from the door.

Exasperated, Shushki says he doesn’t understand what’s happening, prompting young Yonatan to refer him to his father for an explanation.


VERY URGENT: federal researchers find evidence Covid mRNA jabs cause seizures in young children   ALEX BERENSON

The safety signal appeared in a huge Food and Drug Administration database; did the Centers for Disease Control know before recommending Covid boosters for kids last month?

OCT 20, 2023 – (NOTE: I asked the FDA for comment for this article before noon on Thursday. The agency has missed my deadline of noon Friday to respond. mRNA shots are still promoted to children, so the fact they may cause seizures is an urgent public health issue. I have decided to publish the article now, including my questions to the FDA in it. When they respond I will update.)

Young children had a significantly elevated risk of seizures and convulsions after receiving mRNA Covid jabs, Food and Drug Administration scientists have found.

The FDA researchers quietly released the finding, which comes from an analysis of insurance claims databases, earlier this week. The FDA and Centers for Disease Control did not meet a deadline on questions if CDC knew of the finding before it advised kids to receive more mRNA Covid boosters last month.

The FDA did not quantify the risk or severity of the seizures in the paper. But the published data suggest the risk appears to be about 1 in 2,500 completed vaccinations within a week of a shot. Older kids also had increased risk, though it did not hit statistical significance.

The CDC’s push for more mRNA for young kids was already controversial, since most countries no longer make Covid boosters available to children (or most healthy adults). The seizure finding will only increase the scrutiny CDC faces.


Leo Hohmann: International Lawyer and Freedom Advocate Reiner Fuellmich Seized by German Government in Mexico   by Leo Hohmann

This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

Oct. 20, 2023 10:15 am – German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremburg” to hold the originators of the Covid bioweapon plot accountable, was seized over the weekend by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. He was promptly flown to Germany and arrested.

Fuellmich had reportedly lost his passport and scheduled a visit to the German embassy in Tiajuana, Mexico. When he arrived, German authorities were waiting for him and whisked him onto a plane bound for Munich, Germany, where they then arrested him. He is reportedly now sitting in a jail in Frankfurt. The exact charges remain unclear as of this post. But please be in prayer for Reiner and his family.

Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and in the U.S. state of California.

UPDATE: When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were six men waiting to detain him. The charges, as his attorney Dagmar Shoen found out when she received the official papers, were 30 pages long, so this was something carefully planned and executed. The charges are related to allegations of Viviane Fischer, a former team member of Fuellmich’s on the Corona Committee, who accused him of financial wrongdoing.

Three people reportedly signed the charges against Reiner. Perhaps the craziest aspect of the charges is that the money Reiner allegedly took is in the bank account (or anyway, was in the bank account) of one of the three people.


If they really want to stop misinformation, the scientific literature says that they should agree to public discussions   STEVE KIRSCH

OCT 20, 2023 – By avoiding all public discussions with scientific peers who disagree with them, the narrative promoters are actually helping the “misinformation spreaders”!

Executive summary

Who is to blame for the spread of misinformation?

According to science, the answer is the mainstream medical community.

Why? Because they always (with the lone exception noted below) decline to respond to public challenges to defend their positions.


False Positives, False Flags and their Antidotes   JUSTUS R. HOPE

Move Slowly and Cautiously

OCT 20, 2023 – My patient, let us call him Bill, narrowly avoided disaster. He came to me at his routine appointment and explained that his PSA was 12.4 and he was told he likely had Prostate Cancer and they wanted to do a biopsy immediately.

I said,

“Whoa, hold your horses, PSAs are notorious for False Positives, and you my friend are taking Testosterone, a known cause for elevated PSA. You do NOT need a prostate biopsy. You need time off Testosterone, and you need to calm down and wait. I can almost promise you, based upon the PubMed literature, that within months your PSA will come back down to normal.

I could see the fear in his eyes. The Urologist had scared the daylights out of Bill, and he was convinced he had cancer at the tender age of 53.

“Bill, look at you. You are the specimen of health. You exercise at the gym five days a week for an hour each day. You have perfect blood pressure, and a pulse of 52. You have not an ounce of fat on you, and you are extremely careful about your diet. It just makes no sense you would have prostate cancer. I am certain it is false positive.”

We will test your PSA every month, and as long as it keeps going down each month, promise me, you will not let them touch your prostate. That would be perhaps the biggest mistake of your life.


FDA Finds ‘Safety Signal’ of Seizures in Children 2-5 After COVID mRNA Vaccines  By John-Michael Dumais

10/19/23  – A new study led by U.S. Food and Drug Administration researchers has identified a potential safety signal linking mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to seizures in children ages 2-5 years old, but the study’s authors cautioned that definitive conclusions cannot be drawn without more rigorous observational research.

A new preprint study led by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has detected a potential “safety signal” for seizures and convulsions in young children after receiving the monovalent Pfizer or Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Researchers observed the condition in children ages 2-4 for the Pfizer vaccine, and ages 2-5 for the Moderna vaccine. The total number of cases was 72, with over 50% meeting the definition for febrile seizures.

The median time between vaccination and seizures or convulsions was two days, with 32% occurring the day of or the day after vaccination. All seizures and convulsions took place within seven days of vaccination.

The signal emerged through near real-time surveillance of more than 4 million vaccinated children.


Pfizer Crashes After Slashing Profit Guidance By More Than Half On Collapsing Demand For DEATHVAX™ & Paxlovid   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

OCT 14, 2023 – Last year this Substack predicted that BigPharma stocks would at some point crash as PSYOP-19 and the associated slow kill bioweapon democide program implodes. That time is now.

Pfizer slashed its revenue and earnings forecasts for the year as “vaccine” uptake collapses.

Demand for the useless Covid antiviral Paxlovid also cratered, while the rollout for their latest deadly Modified mRNA booster has been a bonafide bust.

The company now expects 2023 sales of $58 billion to $61 billion, down from its previous guidance of $67 billion to $70 billion. Pfizer said it will cut its revenue outlook, “solely due to its Covid products.”

The bioterror company slashed its full-year adjusted earnings guidance to a range of $1.45 to $1.65 per share, from a previous $3.25 to $3.45 per share.

Pfizer needs their Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers and partners-in-crime Fauci and EcoHealth alliance to commission a followup Gain of Function “pandemic” ASAP, or else this one-hit wonder will trade well below decade lows en route to bankruptcy. The stock tumbled as much as 10%, briefly sliding below $30 after closing just over $32, down more than 50% from its all time high of over $60 per share.

Expect Pfizer and Moderna to come under ever greater pressure as lawsuits for deadly drugs like Remdesivir and their Modified mRNA poisons come in fast and hard with turbo cancers and excess mortality going parabolic in the coming years.

[Ed.:  This guy must be reading too much Daily Shmutz…


Grace’s Dad Tells Heartbreaking Story of His Daughter’s Murder at Hospital   DR NAOMI WOLF

OCT 19, 2023 – I interviewed Scott Schara, who is also known as “Grace’s Dad.” He and his family lost their lovely, ebullient, formerly perfectly healthy 19-year-old daughter Grace at an Ascension Hospital after she was admitted with COVID — and an unlawful “Do Not Resuscitate” notification was placed, against her family’s will, in her records.

Grace had Down’s Syndrome. She was also unvaccinated.

Grace’s family was told at one point that she had a dangerous 85% blood oxygen saturation — but Scott Schara had brought his own pulse oximeter into the hospital room and found that the level was actually 95%, or almost normal.  However, Grace’s father said that he was escorted from Grace’s hotel room by an armed guard when he continued to question what he recognized as dangerous, if not deadly, hospital “COVID” protocols.

The Schara family faced relentless pressure to have Grace sedated, put on a ventilator — which they refused — and fed via a tube. At last, in spite of their daughter being stable and on the way to recovery, says Mr. Schara, Grace was placed on Morphine, Lorazepam, and other powerful opiates and sedatives. She eventually lost consciousness — which was predictable, given the inappropriate cocktail of end-of-life hospice-type treatments.

As her sister Jessica held Jessica’s hand and felt Grace’s body growing cold, Jessica, and the Schara family on FaceTime, were screaming, says Grace’s Dad, for a group of nurses outside the hospital room to come in and help. The nurses replied that they could not because “Grace is DNR.”

Mr. Schara, in his quest to warn other families about murderous protocols threatening the disabled in hospitals, says that he is hearing countless stories of other disabled people who are being harmed by similar medical interventions; or of families of people with Down’s Syndrome, who are being pressured to put the disabled in hospice care when they are physically well, to be done away with as “useless eaters,” to invoke the Nazi term, in other ways, via what he calls medical murder.

I did gasp at one point when I conjectured why the hospital might have been so intent, consciously or not, on bringing about Grace’s passing. The news at the time claimed that young adults had to receive mRNA vaccinations though they were at little risk from COVID. A ‘COVID death’ of an unvaccinated, formerly healthy young adult would add to what were then inadequate statistics to make that case. Mr Schara also stressed the signicant bonus system the Ascension Hospital group and other hospitals received, for deadly treatments.

Ascension Hospital group, on a related note, is the target of a severe lawyer’s letter from DailyClout, to stop its inappropriate and murderous use of Remdesevir, with the drug’s very high mortality rate, for COVID patients.

Mr Schara made the point that large financial bonuses were given to hospitals for ventilator use, and we know that hospital protocols dictated by the Biden administration insisted on Remdesevir use — though both deadly practices led to what were then catalogued as “COVID” deaths.

This is an unmissable and potentially lifesaving discussion. we owe it to the lovely, late Grace, and to her family, to listen.

Watch Now


UPDATE: From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

OCT 19, 2023 – This Substack has been continuously updating the DEATHVAX™-induced horror show data…


“OK, you were right. We admit vaccine is contaminated with SV40, but we found some experts who think it’s not a problem.”   STEVE KIRSCH

OCT 19, 2023  – How is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC, and the mainstream media still silent about this?

…  Executive summary

Kevin McKernan is a friend of mine and his work is unimpeachable. His results have been replicated by others all over the world. He found that the COVID vaccines contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA. DNA lasts forever, and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever

The main takeaways are:

  1. The mRNA vaccines are contaminated with SV40 and who knows what else. This should never have been allowed.
  2. The vials exceeded the guidelines by “orders of magnitude.”
  3. The discovery was confirmed by Health Canada.
  4. The FDA and CDC are remaining silent.
  5. We don’t know what the implications are. Experts disagree. Some claim the contamination is meaningless. Others say it could be very serious.
  6. The experts who claim there is no risk of harm have NO EVIDENCE to back up their claims. So that’s really comforting, isn’t it? Trust the experts :). Don’t worry.
  7. The politicians seem happy to let YOU take the risk. And they aren’t giving you any informed consent about this issue. Nobody seems to be requesting the CDC warn anyone of the potential risk. Wouldn’t want to scare anyone, would we?
  8. It was not the government regulators who first discovered the contamination. It was my friend Kevin McKernan. This should never have happened. The government should have discovered this at the very outset, 3 years ago.
  9. It would have been discovered sooner by independent researchers, but people were threatened with arrest if they supplied vials for analysis. I know this first hand because I was warned I would be arrested and criminally charged if I participated in trying to analyze the vials.
  10. We don’t fully know the ramifications of the contamination, but they probably aren’t good, and they could be devastating and irreversible. We don’t know yet because nobody has done the necessary studies.
  11. The experts I consulted thought that it was likely to be very serious. But they couldn’t quantify “likely” but said only that it was “more likely than not.”
  12. I volunteered for a full gene sequencing study, but they said they’d have to cut off my deltoid muscle, so I changed my mind.
  13. The regulators apparently never QAed any of the vials. If they did, they would have found contaminations such as this before it was ever injected into a single human being. Or they did and simply chose to remain silent and look the other way. Health Canada said the sequence was disclosed to them, but that the drug company never pointed out that the SV40 promoter sequence was specifically identified in the gene sequence provided.
  14. The SV40 promoter contamination has been known since April 9, 2023 when McKernan published a paper on it. But the CDC and FDA have remained silent on this issue. That’s comforting, isn’t it? <sarcasm off>
  15. The mainstream media is silent as well.
  16. And the mainstream medical community is silent as well. After all, they recommended you injected the stuff so they are not going to admit they fucked up, are they?
  17. There is absolutely no doubt this is happening, so the silence of the formerly “trusted” health authorities is telling.
  18. The longer they delay telling you they forgot to QA the vials, the bigger the hole they are going to dig for themselves.


Victims of Propaganda    PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

How Should We Consider Those Who Aired Hatred Towards Unvaccinated?

OCT 19, 2023 – I was greeted this morning by a Tweet reminding me of the pure vitriol, contempt, and threats of reprisal for the “unvaccinated” those who made the wise choice of declining COVID-19 vaccination. Remember the novel vaccines were originally Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen. All were genetic with no data on how long the genetic code would stay in the body, how long the lethal Spike protein would be produced, and with no assurances that the vaccine would protect against severe outcomes including hospitalization and death. The real victims of vaccine propaganda were those who rolled up their sleeves.


A trip inside the mind of a Covid jab fanatic   ALEX BERENSON

She’s like those fabled Japanese soldiers who refused to believe World War 2 was over and wouldn’t surrender

OCT 18, 2023 – (Keeping it light and away from the Middle East, again. You know the news is baaaad when even I can’t deal with it.)

Demand for mRNA Covid jabs has plunged. Americans have moved on from the virus.

But not every American.

Today we walk with Maggie Gordon on her quest to keep her Covid virginity intact.

Maggie seems nice, in a liberal white lady kinda way. She majored in women’s studies and graduated from Syracuse University in 2008. She is married. She writes for the “Houston Landing,” a local nonprofit journalism site.

And Maggie hates Covid.

Does she ever.

As Maggie explained in a column in Houston Landing Monday about the new booster, to avoid getting Sars-Cov-2 in 2020, she “reconfigured” her wedding, and she and her new husband “skipped holidays with our families in the Northeast to say safe.”

So when Pfizer and Moderna gave us the miracle of mRNA, Maggie was ready. When she couldn’t find a vaccine quickly in Houston, she drove “hundreds of miles” to a rural county near the Louisiana border where “they were offering shots to young, healthy adults even during what was supposed to be a phased release.”

Look, when you need a hit of that sweet mRNA, you do what you gotta do.


Is mRNA’s Financial Forecasts Optimistic or Delusional? Stocks Continue to Plummet   Karen Kingston

PFE closed -4% down today, slashed 2023 sales by 13% and reduced EPS by $2 per share. MRNA drops more than 17% in value per a 5-day losing streak and more than 50% in value year-to-date.

October 18, 2023: Pfizer (PFE) closed today down another -4% ($1.41), dropping the stock by -43% (-$23.52) per share over the past 52-weeks.

On Friday October 23, 2023, Pfizer reported that;

  • Contract with the European Union were renegotiated
  • COVID-19 mRNA Injection and Paxlovid sales would miss 2023 forecasted sales by $12.5 billion
  • Overall 2023 forecasted sales were slashed by 13%
  • Year-end earnings per share were reduce by $2 per share
  • $3.5 billion in Pfizer jobs and expenses will be eliminated by the end of 2024, and…

….these financial blows were due to the significant decrease in demand for Pfizer’s COVID-19 products in America and around the globe.


There is never going to be another “deadly global pandemic.” There have not been any in the past.   KATHERINE WATT

The Monster has only devised means to produce the illusion of deadly global pandemics. And that’s all he will ever be able to do.

OCT 18, 2023 – Incessant prattling of lobbyists for State-sponsored bioterrorism (code name “biodefense”) notwithstanding, there hasn’t ever been a deadly global pandemic, or a pathogen with the potential to circulate around the whole world and kill millions or billions of people.

So there can’t be another one, or a next one, or any other future one for which the lessons of Covid must be learned; new treaties and laws must be drafted, signed and enforced; new surveillance and control programs developed; and billions of preparatory dollars spent.

There was a first theatrical production of the illusion of a deadly global pandemic: the 1918 Spanish flu.

And now there has been a second theatrical production of the illusion of a deadly global pandemic: Covid-19.

There are going to be more attempts to produce the same illusion under different titles; the producers routinely announce and demand funding for their road shows.


The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know   STEVE KIRSCH

OCT 18, 2023  – The vaccine advocates claim that people have been dying suddenly throughout history and it’s nothing unusual. But they aren’t telling you that nearly all the “died suddenly” were COVID vaccinated.


Confirmations emanating from VAERS of Epoch Times report on seizure safety signals for toddlers and young children     JESSICA ROSE

It’s even worse than reported…

OCT 19, 2023An article was published in the Epoch Times by Zachary Stieber, (and subsequently by Tyler Durden for ZeroHedge on October 19, 2023), on October 17, 2023 describing seizure safety signals for toddlers and other young children in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products.

A safety signal is defined in Zachary’s article as the following:

A safety signal is a sign that a health condition may be caused by vaccination, but further research is required to verify a link.

The EMA defines it like this:


DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events     JESSICA ROSE

AUTHORS: David J Speicher, Jessica Rose, L. Maria Gutschi, David M Wiseman PhD, Kevin McKernan

OCT 19, 2023 – We have established the beginnings of a dose response curve using DNA (ng/dose) against SAEs/total AEs (shown directly below for Pfizer), and a comparison of residual DNA spike and ori with the total number of adverse events reported to VAERS per tested lot.


Direct Cardiac Effects of mRNA-Based SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines    PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Isolated Cardiomyocyte Study Finds Dysfunction within 48 Hours   

OCT 18, 2023 – There have been many drugs that have never made it on the market because they cause heart rhythm disturbances. Because the COVID-19 vaccines were rushed in development, preclinical cardiac toxicity studies were skipped. Now three years into the disastrous COVID-19 vaccine campaign, we are learning that probably every person sustains some degree of heart dysfunction or damage within 48 hours of the shot.

Schreckenberg et al studied the direct effect of administering Pfizer and Moderna mRNA to isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes. The results were not good.

“After 48 h, expression of the encoded spike protein was detected in ventricular cardiomyocytes for both mRNAs. At this point in time, mRNA-1273 induced arrhythmic as well as completely irregular contractions associated with irregular as well as localized calcium transients, which provide indications of significant dysfunction of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2). In contrast, BNT162b2 increased cardiomyocyte contraction via significantly increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity at the cellular level.

Here we demonstrated for the first time, that in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to cardiomyopathy. Both RyR2 impairment and sustained PKA activation may significantly increase the risk of acute cardiac events.”


Blood Clots after COVID-19 Vaccination   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Published Reports Represent the Tip of the Iceberg

OCT 17, 2023 – Recently Health Feedback, a pro-vaccine false counterclaim, fact-checker blogging website made this statement:


THE AUTISM DEBATE IS OVER   (Video 1:00)   Jessica Rojas  @catsscareme2021

Brenda and David McDowell took 3 healthy, happy and engaged, 9-month-olds in for one single vaccine that day — Pneumococcal.

By the end of that day, all of the children had changed and were never the same again. They all became severely autistic. The shot was at 10:00 am.

By noon, 2 hours later, Claire had completely shut off … as if she was blind and deaf. She just stared at the ceiling.

At 2:00 pm, Richie shut off.

Before the end of the day, Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus … he had a stunned look on his face.

All the giggles, all the smiles, all the babbling stopped.

all the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped.

They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing.

They never held hands again … they never looked at each other again.

Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.

They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.

7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

[Ed.:  This is shocking! They will say correlation doesn’t mean causation. That’s BS! There are too many examples like this!]


Attorney and international freedom advocate Reiner Fuellmich arrested by German authorities   LEO HOHMANN

The charges remain unclear at this point, but Fuellmich was the leader of a movement to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of the Covid bioweapon unleashed upon the world.

OCT 16, 2023 – German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who had been working on a project known as the Second Nuremburg to hold the originators of the Covid bioweapon plot accountable, was seized over the weekend by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. He was promptly flown to Germany and arrested.

Fuellmich had reportedly lost his passport and scheduled a visit to the German embassy in Tiajuana, Mexico. When he arrived, German authorities were waiting for him and whisked him onto a plane bound for Munich, Germany, where they then arrested him. The exact charges remain unclear as of this post. But please be in prayer for Reiner and his family.

Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and in the U.S. state of California.

Technocracy.News Editor in Chief Patrick Wood, who has worked in the past with Reiner Fuellmich in getting out the truth about Covid, stated “They lured him into the German embassy in Mexico, where they kidnapped him. He was not arrested in Mexico because there is no extradition treaty (between Mexico and Germany).”

According to an article in Global Research, protests against the German government’s action are being planned by those who support Fuellmich and his work.

Fuellmich heads up the International Crimes Investigative Committee, which is working to unveil the criminality surrounding the release of Covid and the extraordinarily criminal response that engulfed basically every country in the world.

Former president of the Asia Institute, Emanuel Pastreich, stated in an article for Global Research:


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, October 3-October 9, 2023  MARK CRISPIN MILLER

OCT 14, 2023  – Athletes in the US (4), Canada, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Spain (5); politicians in Mexico, Suriname, France, NZ; teachers in the US (2), Brazil (2), Germany, Australia; & more


Ivermectin–Upon Neutral Ground    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off.

OCT 14, 2023

by Steven Phillips, MD February 28, 2022

Welcome to ZeroSpin! I changed the name from NonCompliant because I wanted the name to better represent the purpose of this newsletter: To share information fairly. As humans, we all bring bias to the table, myself included, but I’ll do my best to continue to pursue objectivity.

Many who aren’t in the medical field, and a large number who are, first heard of ivermectin when it hit the media in regard to Covid. So it may come as a surprise that I have over a decade of real world experience prescribing ivermectin way before Covid swept across the globe.

As some of you may know, and for those who do not, my medical practice and research has been solely devoted to figuring out the causes and mechanisms of chronic illnesses to more effectively treat them. And ivermectin has been a useful medication for many of my patients in a number of ways that I’ll detail as you read on.


The Real Risks of Childhood Vaccines   by Alan Brough

Childhood Deaths Dropped By 30% During the Pandemic

OCT 15, 2023 – Over the last two years we have all watched in horror as the extent of the harm and damage that has been caused by the Covid injections has been revealed, with more and more irrefutable evidence of unnecessary death and disability coming to light on an almost daily basis.

If ever we needed proof of the danger of so-called ‘vaccines’ we now have it by the boatload.

Is It Time to Question All Vaccines?

Unfortunately, though public awareness will take much longer to sink in, so even though we have the evidence of the harm of the Covid-19 jabs, it will be a few years before there is widespread acceptance of this.

But what about all the other vaccinations that people have been pumping into our babies and toddlers over the last fifty years? We know that the ‘safe and effective’ lie applies to them all, but on the back of the Covid jab ‘reveal,’ it’s time we got the Canadian public to start questioning all vaccines.


“We Can’t Force the Human Body to Accept Foreign Genetic Code”   JOHN LEAKE

Dr. McCullough challenges the most basic and beloved premise of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

OCT 15, 2023 – A few days ago the Epoch Times published a long feature about Dr. Peter McCullough’s three-year investigation of mRNA vaccines and his bold challenge of the most basic and beloved premise of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. The occasion of the feature was the awarding of the 2023 Nobel Prize for medicine to two scientists for their work on mRNA technology for COVID-19 vaccines.

Soon after Operation Warp Speed was announced, Dr. McCullough correctly perceived the program was a high stakes gamble with the health of mankind. While the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex stood to make hundreds of billions (liability free) from the global rollout of their experimental technology, it was far from clear that it would benefit humanity, and it could imperil the human race if Bill Gates’s ambition to inject “the entire world” with it was achieved.


Drs McCullough and Victory on “Ask Dr Drew”   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Updates on Current Outbreak, Censorship, and What is Coming Next

OCT 16, 2023 – Dr. Kelly Victory and Dr. Drew Pinsky have become a real force in the medical independent media space giving important updates and insights. Dr. Drew has come around over time to the considerable safety issues of COVID-19 vaccination while Dr. Victory, has been a staunch advocate for early treatment, patient autonomy, and informed consent living life free of mRNA vaccination. Both doctors agree there never should have been vaccine mandates.

I joined the conversation and agreed with Dr. Drew that both Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir tablets; ritonavir tablets) and Lagevrio (mulnupiravir) have been helpful in the McCullough Protocol largely because of access and acceptance by mainstream medicine and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. The main issue concern we both have is that those hospitalized and died did so as a result of no or inadequate early treatment as shown by Verkerk et al in 2022.


Do Pandemics Ever End?   Joelle M. Abi-Rached, M.D., Ph.D., and Allan M. Brandt, Ph.D.

April 10, 2023, (The New England Journal of Medicine) – U.S. President Joe Biden signed a resolution officially terminating the Covid-19 national emergency in the United States. The public health emergency ended 1 month later. In September 2022, Biden had stated that “the pandemic is over,” when during that month, there were more than 10,000 deaths involving Covid-19 nationwide. The United States is, of course, not the only country to have made such pronouncements. Several European countries declared an end to the emergency associated with the pandemic in 2022, lifting restrictions and starting to manage Covid-19 more like influenza. What insights can be derived from past declarations of this sort?


Pfizer May Go Bankrupt, Financial Markets Realize   IGOR CHUDOV

Pfizer’s Greed and Recklessness Will Catch Up with Them. That Happened to Purdue Pharma

OCT 15, 2023 – SUMMARY: The stock market may be waking up to the possibility that Pfizer may go bankrupt due to the upcoming Covid vaccine claims. Many parallels can be drawn between the corporate behaviors of Pfizer and Purdue Pharma, another pharmaceutical concern that dishonestly and aggressively marketed harmful products. Purdue Pharma went bankrupt due to the greed and depravity of its leaders, as their “legal protections” evaporated. The same may happen to Pfizer.

Old, experienced vaccine companies like GSK refused to participate in “Covid vaccines” – and we now see why they made the right choice.

Take a look at this chartPfizer’s stock (PFE) is valued at 25% less than it was five years ago, despite the billions of dollars it received from the sales of COVID vaccines, and the stock market and the pharmaceuticals index having gone up:

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