Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 10/31/2023

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]


Fauci-Run Montana Lab Conducted Experiments with Wuhan Coronavirus Strain Over a Year Before Global Outbreak   By Jim Hft

Oct. 31, 2023 7:00 pm – An investigation has revealed that the National Institutes of Health (NIH), led at the time by the disgraced former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci, conducted experiments involving a ‘SARS-like’ virus known as WIV1. These tests were conducted in a Montana lab in 2018, more than a year before the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across the globe.

The NIH experiment involved infecting 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a “SARS-like” virus called WIV1. The bats used in the experiment were acquired from a ‘roadside’ Maryland zoo.

On the third, seventh, and twenty-eighth days of the experiment, four bats were euthanized, and various organs—including their hearts, livers, kidneys, spleens, bladders, reproductive systems, eyes, and brains—were harvested for examination. In addition, the scientists conducted tests on the white blood cell counts and antibodies of the bats.

The research team concluded that the WIV1-coronavirus failed to induce a ‘strong infection,’ noting only minimal signs of viral replication.

This experiment was conducted at Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the University of North Carolina. This lab is located just 15 minutes away from the presidential retreat, Camp David, according to the Daily Mail.

The outlet reported:

The research – revealed this week by a campaign group – determined the novel virus could not cause a ‘robust infection’.

But the research is more evidence of ties between the US government and the Wuhan lab, as well as the funding of dangerous virus research across the globe.

The paper – SARS-Like Coronavirus WIV1-CoV Does Not Replicate in Egyptian Fruit Bats – was published in the journal Viruses in 2018. The study was first flagged by DRASTIC, a group of internet activists who investigate the origins of Covid-19 and the lab leak theory.

The group White Coat Waste Project is now using the Freedom of Information Act to request more details about the experiment.

The White Coat Waste Project is a watchdog that has been fighting to stop sending American tax dollars overseas to fund dangerous virus research.



BREAKING: “Died Suddenly” is being caused by the COVID vaccines  STEVE KIRSCH

I have the data. OR=2.22 p=.005. In other words, the debate is over. The “safe and effective” COVID vaccines are responsible for the increase in “died suddenly” events. No doubt about it anymore.

OCT 31, 2023

Executive summary

I compiled detailed information on over 500 deaths that happened in 2021 and later. The source was family members or people who had detailed knowledge of the person who died (including things like date of last vaccination, number of vaccinations, cause of death, etc).

Each person was asked to assess whether they judged the death to be “in line with expectations” or not.

While this is “technically” a subjective criteria, it is relatively infrequent that people have difficulty in making this assessment accurately. And over large numbers, the imperfections of any single human judgment are drowned out in the wisdom of the crowd.

The result of the analysis is highly statistically significant: the COVID vaccines are causing these events. Odds ratio= 2.22. One-sided p-value 0.005.

The numbers were consistent for people with doses 1,2,3,4 and more vs. the unvaccinated.

An irresistible offer to make a lot of money fast without any risk

This offer expires after I make the data public. It can be accepted anytime before that.

Some people claim, without evidence and without seeing the underlying record level data, that the survey must be biased and that the true, unbiased result is that there is no signal and the COVID vaccines are not increasing all-cause mortality.

The point of the offer is to prove that people who claim my survey data is biased or wrong without even having looked at the survey data are all “big hat, no cattle.” All of them.

Simply use the Contact me form to let me know how much money you want to bet that you are right. I will then execute a written contract with the highest serious bidder binding both parties to the deal before I publicly disclose the data.

If you are confident in your statement that the result is wrong without even seeing the data, then this is a virtually no-risk opportunity to make a lot of money really fast.

I lose if you can prove the conclusions of a statistically significant increase in all-cause mortality were wrong (e.g., after accounting for bias, there was no signal) or that the data was tampered with to achieve the result of statistically significant increase in all cause mortality. I’ll even give you access to the Airtable history which would expose any data manipulation.


We have won. The COVID vaccine killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and now we can prove it to anyone who will listen   STEVE KIRSCH

Thank you to the 547 readers who filled out my survey. The results prove they lied to us about the COVID vaccine. It is a disaster. We now have an objective way to prove they lied to us.

OCT 31, 2023

Executive summary

I couldn’t have done this without your help.

We have won. The finger pointing will now begin. Everyone is going to blame this on the other guy and not accept any responsibility. The CDC will blame the FDA. The FDA will blame the drug companies. The drug companies will blame the people running the trials. The doctors will blame the CDC. Congress will blame the CDC. The White House will blame the FDA and former President Trump. And Trump will blame everyone who worked for him.

I now have a fully objective method that proves that the COVID vaccines killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans who trusted the healthcare authorities and mainstream media and took the shot.



Dr. Robert Yoho has shown me a lot of love and respect. I consider him to be a friend and I would like to return his love, respect and friendship. I encourage you to review and support his work.

OCT 31, 2023

Please watch the video below…


Process to Approach Lesser Magistrates   SASHA LATYPOVA

Includes step-by-step guide and a template letter

OCT 31, 2023 – Here are a few templates that may help at the ground level to approach local and state commissioners, and legislators compiled by Laura Demaray who has tirelessly organized several county-level testimonies against poisonous injections marketed as mRNA vaccines in Idaho.

Template for a letter to send to your county commissioners below. Laura can be reached at this email: ldemarayrn@protonmail.com

Ideas to approach your community’s lesser magistrates:


mod-mRNA “Vaccines”, DNA Fragment Risks   ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

Don’t hand me no lies and keep adulteration to yourself

OCT 31, 2023

Executive Summary

After three years of drug manufacturers and regulatory agencies insisting the COVID shots were safe, study findings by independent scientists now show that certain mod-mRNA shots may meet or exceed regulatory standards for “adulteration” with DNA fragments.  In the case of the Pfizer/BioNTech product, these fragments appear to include DNA of a particular sequence (SV40 origin-enhancer-promoter) which is biologically active in animal cells.  The presence of SV40-derived DNA fragments was not fully disclosed by the manufacturers to regulatory authorities.

This lack of transparency raises serious questions about how these fragments and specific DNA sequences escaped regulatory consideration, and why the presence and risks of significant amounts of SV40- and bacterial-derived small DNA fragments were not discussed by the manufacturers in documents submitted to regulators. The study’s findings have been replicated by other scientists prompting several international medical organizations to call for the immediate recall of all COVID shots.

To be clear, these studies have not found either full-length SV40 DNA, SV40 virus, or the cancer-associated SV40 “Large T antigen” sequences among the contaminants.

FDA, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Health Canada assert that there are no risks associated with this DNA fragment adulteration, willfully overlooking the decades-long rich body of peer reviewed literature documenting that both short RNA fragments and DNA fragments (oligonucleotides) can be used to regulate gene expression, and DNA fragments can insert and recombine with genomic DNA in cells, embryos, and tissues. In a wide range of experimental models, insertion and recombination of foreign DNA is associated with both cancer and birth defects.

FDA, EMA and Health Canada also overlook that the self-assembling lipid nanoparticle technology employed to deliver spike-coding mod-mRNA is indiscriminate, and will self-assemble around mod-mRNA, short RNA fragments, and short DNA fragments, efficiently delivering all of these molecules to the cells and tissues of those patients who accept (or are enticed, compelled or coerced to accept) these products. Transfected tissues throughout the body will include ovarian tissue in female patients of all ages, based on the Pfizer non-clinical study data disclosed in their initial common technical document submission.


Concerns over Cumulative Cardiotoxicity with mRNA Injection   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Troponin Measurements Before and After 4th Shot Give Clues

OCT 31, 2023 – The field of pharmacovigilance and drug safety is loaded with regulatory structure and milestones. One of the exercises a new drug must go through is “cumulative toxicity” testing. If a drug is harmful, one dose may not be enough to bring out a side effect. However after 5 or more does, many times problems will emerge. It is usual and customary to count all adverse events for 30 days after a drug is stopped because it may have accumulated in the body or have induced lingering effects.

We have learned COVID-19 vaccines are very long lasting in the body, and since the start of the worldwide mass vaccination campaign, our public health agency sponsors have never mentioned cumulative toxicity as a concern.

Levi et al published an analysis in the European Journal of Heart Failure that appeared to make the COVID-19 vaccines look “safe.” But on the surface there are problems. 324 healthcare workers had cardiac troponin (test for cardiac damage) blood testing before an after the 4th injection. The authors focus on one unfortunate soul who had chest pain, a pathologic rise in troponin, and had to undergo more blood testing, ECG’s, echocardiography, and cardiac MRI. One out of 324 is far to many to have this problem with a routine vaccination!

What authors may have revealed in the cohort is cumulative cardiotoxicity. These patients were ~147 days after the last shot. Among healthy persons, we should be concerned over troponin elevated BEFORE the fourth shot.


Lack of Informed Consent and Disabling Stroke after Pfizer mRNA Vaccination   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Profiles in Valor: Arizona Senator Janae Shamp, RN, and Vaccine Victim Ms. Calli Varner   

OCT 27, 2023 – It has been difficult for COVID-19 vaccinated Americans to process what has happened to their bodies. Public testimony by mRNA vaccine victims has been a relatable way of try to understand what has happened to our citizenry with a mass, indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination campaign that failed on the informed consent process as reports of side effects poured into vaccine data systems.

On October 20, 2023, The Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee convened a hearing to review new developments on the COVID-19 vaccine safety debacle and broader issues of informed consent which was highlighted by these words from Committee Chair, Senator Janae Shamp, who is a registered nurse. Be sure to listen to her opening remarks and play to through to heartwrenching story of media executive Ms Calli Varner.

The 37 year-old woman gave her vignette of suffering a stroke after Pfizer, mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. This stroke was so serious she had to be airlifted to a tertiary center and receive thrombolytics (clot-busting drugs). Because the mRNA installed the genetic code for the Wuhan Spike protein, she then had the development of premature menopause, auto-immunity, and a rapidly growing thyroid nodule.


New COVID Shots Roll Out, Devastating Results Show What Happens When Government Can’t Force It on People   By Samantha Chang

Oct. 30, 2023 10:45 am – In a surprise to no one, only a tiny fraction of Americans have gotten the latest COVID-19 jab.

Just 7.1 percent of adults and 2.1 percent of children have taken the shots since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended them in September for everyone six months and older, WebMD reported.

The vaccination figures, which were presented to a CDC committee last week, came from a survey of 14,000 Americans conducted Oct. 8-14.

According to the report, a whopping 37.6 percent of adults said they probably or definitely will not get vaccinated.

Similarly, 40 percent of parents said they probably or definitely will not get their child jabbed.

Before The Next Crisis Hits – Prepare With A Medical Emergency Kit (Includes Ivermectin and Z-Pak)

The survey results suggest that when people are not threatened with being fired from their jobs or their children being suspended from school, most choose not to get vaccinated — especially now that the myth that the jab prevents transmission has been debunked.

At the height of COVID hysteria, in many places, you couldn’t go to a movie theater or a concert or eat at most restaurants unless you were jabbed. All this sounds crazy in retrospect.

Moreover, many Americans say they regret succumbing to vaccine bullying and getting jabbed amid concerns over the potential dangers of the vaccines.

[Ed.: This guy probably reads too much Daily Shmutz!]


Public Vote of No Confidence on COVID-19 Vaccine XBB.1.5 Boosters   (15:00)  PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

One America News “In Focus” Host Alison Steinberg with Dr. McCullough

OCT 29, 2023 – Undoubtedly both the diminished threat of the fizzling COVID-19 fall outbreak and the horrendous torrent of safety data on the ill-advised COVID-19 vaccines is resulting in record low rates of acceptance. It is hard to imagine that any American could believe it is healthy or normal to be on their ninth injection of experimental synthetic genetic code for the lethal Spike protein engineered in a Chinese biosecurity lab.

This 15-minute national news segment on One America News hosted by Alison Steinberg gives updates on multiple health stories. She interviewed practicing internist and cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough on the low rates of XBB.1.5 booster use, new data on mRNA direct toxicity and metabolic cardiomyopathy, and a new sweep of over-the-counter cold remedies by government regulatory agencies. Dr. McCullough is seeing the aftermath of the COVID-19 vaccine debacle in his practice with a steady flow of common vaccine syndromes including POTS, myocarditis, neuropathy, and so many more conditions caused by the ongoing production of the Spike protein.

Fortunately, there are increasing positive reports from Dr. McCullough’s patients of improvement and resolution after 3-12 months of McCullough Protocol BSD (Base Spike Protein Detoxification). This trio can be adjusted upward in dose and is often complemented by prescription drugs depending on the syndrome.


Is This Why They Couldn’t Force You to Take the Vax?   [1:05:06]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Vaccine Awareness Week 2023, an Update

October 29,2023Backed by more than 1,000 legislative bills and over 300 references, it reads like a crime novel – and is one of the most incredible stories in the history of medicine. Is this organization the reason why they weren’t able to pass a COVID vaccine mandate in any state?


  • It’s been 15 years since I first made the commitment to support the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), which has fought for medical freedom for 41 years. During the COVID epidemic we came to see just how crucial this work really is. Freedom of choice and bodily autonomy when it comes to decision-making regarding vaccines can truly be a matter of life and death
  • In a special report shared with the U.S. House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, NVIC cofounder and president Barbara Loe Fisher explains how mandatory vaccination has been used as a tool to accumulate power and money
  • In 2023, NVIC tracked more than 1,000 legislative bills and posted more than 700 of them to the NVIC advocacy portal
  • No U.S. state was able to pass a COVID vaccine mandate, thanks to public pushback against such legislation. All minor consent bills that would have allowed doctors to persuade children to get vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge or consent were also successfully blocked
  • During our 14th Vaccine Awareness Week, I will match all donations made to the NVIC, so it’s a great time to contribute, as each dollar you give will be doubled


CV19 mRNA Vaccines Were Meant to Harm & Kill People – Dr. Michael Palmer  By Greg Hunter

October 28, 2023 –  Dr. Michael Palmer MD was a biochemistry professor at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and was fired from his job in 2022 when he refused the CV19 so-called “vaccine.”  He now helps run Doctors4CovidEthics.org.  It is a website dedicated to warning people of the dangers of the CV19 mRNA vaccines.  Dr. Palmer has just written a book called “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity.”  Dr. Palmer has well over 1,000 hours of personal research conducted on the mRNA vaccines, which he calls “poison.”  Dr. Palmer also has an impressive list of contributors to his recent book that include world renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (MD) and Catherine Austin Fitts, to name a few.  Dr. Palmer says the CV19 vax was an “intentional murder program.”  Dr. Palmer explains, “It was clear in 2020 that the risks that were being taken were completely unreasonable.  It normally takes many years to develop a vaccine. . . these years were condensed into just a few months. . . . If you combine the radical shortening of time for testing, which on its own creates a huge risk, combined with a new technology (mRNA) that means the risk is incalculable.  So, it’s completely irresponsible. . . .After the beginning of the vaccination campaign, and the first few weeks with disastrous results, it would have been necessary to immediately stop this campaign.  What we have seen instead is relentless coercion, relentless censorship, relentless lying by the authorities about the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines.  This must have been a necessity for these vaccines.  This must be a deliberate policy to harm and kill.”

How does mRNA kill?  Dr. Palmer’s research shows time and time again mRNA vaccines cause the immune system to attack and kill the CV19 injected.  Dr. Palmer explains, “This is what we are seeing in the autopsy material.  We see the immune system on the march, and it attacks just about any organ you could name.  It differs a bit from patient to patient . . . but in many cases, you see attacks on the blood vessels.  In quite a few cases, you see Myocarditis.  That is quite common in autopsies.  You see severe lung damage.  This is all abundantly documented now. . . . I think this is designed to kill people while providing a cover story that says it is beneficial and protective.  The main effect of these (mRNA) vaccines is to harm and kill people.  That is what these vaccines are doing.”

Dr. Palmer contends mRNA is poison to the body no matter what vaccine it is used in.  The medical community and Big Pharma want to use mRNA in all future vaccines.  Dr. Palmer warns, “We need to stop all mRNA vaccines because the technology is fundamentally flawed.  It will always produce the outcome that the body will begin destroying itself. . . . we commonly see destruction of the blood vessels, and this causes blood clots.  You destroy the blood vessels, and then you get strokes and heart attacks. . . .This is a deliberate agenda of killing, not by the person who applied the shots, they may be honestly deceived.  This is murder by the people who conceived this entire vaccination agenda and instituted mandates.  These people are guilty of murder.  There is no need to beat about the bush. . . . There is no other interpretation in my mind that this is deliberate murder, deliberate killing.  The entire gene-based (mRNA) vaccine agenda is a deliberate poisoning and killing.”

Dr. Palmer also found the mRNA shots accelerate cancer growth and stop your immune system from fighting it.  Dr. Palmer contends the term “turbo cancer” is an accurate description of the results from mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Palmer warns everyone not to take any mRNA vaccine, and this includes all future mRNA vaccines for the young and old.  Dr. Palmer says not to take the flu shot either.  In closing, Dr. Palmer says, “mRNA technology should be abandoned immediately, and every individual should do everything up to the stage of buying a gun to defend themselves from these poisons.”

There is much more in the 43-minute interview.


Barack Obama cancels Harvard trip (“COVID-like symptoms”); Stephen Colbert tests positive; Madonna tells crowd she doesn’t “feel very well”; Steely Dan quits Eagles tour (Donald Fagen hospitalized)   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Pink cancels concert due to “family medical emergency”; “Craig Melvin is missing from Today”

OCT 27, 2023


Dying of “vaccination” (along with his mother), Pascal Najadi, son of WEF co-founder, calls for the ARREST of Gates, Schwab, WHO leadership, Big Tech, Pfizer   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

“Everything evil in the world related to democide unfortunately comes from Geneva.”

OCT 27, 2023

“All the ‘vaccinated,’ the injected, knowing that they are poisoned—We are the masses. We are billions of people. Let’s just stand up and say, ‘Stop. We will not comply.’

“We are the guardians of humanity, and our light obliterates the darkness of evil. Always.”

Please share far and wide.




Whatever is in the biochemical weapons bearing Pfizer and other pharma labels, is there because US SecDefs and their WHO-BIS handlers ordered it to be there KATHERINE WATT

Military contractors who work in the information space are erecting firewalls between that truth and the public, using “adulteration,” “contamination” and civil suits against Pfizer to delay/deflect.

OCT 28, 2023 – I got a text this morning re: Robert Malone making the media rounds discussing SV-40 and other “contaminants” sequenced from vials of DoD biochemical weapons labeled as “Covid-19 vaccines;” “adulteration;” and “short DNA fragments not in the formulations” provided to the FDA.

The person who sent the text doesn’t regularly read Bailiwick or Sasha Latypova’s Due Diligence Substack.

He paraphrased Malone’s points as: “has potential to cause vaccine removal from sale and Pfizer exposure to fraud allegations” and wondered if the information could cause the judge in Brook Jackson’s whistleblower case to set aside judgment.

My reply:

No. It’s a red herring intended to divert and distract…Sasha and I have been posting explainer pieces in the last week or so.

Best use of red herring, in my view, is to use it to point back to kill box laws, Congress, Department of Defense, and World Health Organization.

That’s what Malone and his colleagues are tasked with hiding…

SV-40 promoter inserts are real.

What Malone, Steve Kirsch and other DoD spokesmen are doing is a distraction maneuver to keep attention away from the intentional toxicity of the biochemical weapons, the DoD/WHO control of the programs, and the fact that “biodefense” is camouflage for straight-up State-sponsored biowarfare, conducted by bringing pharmaceutical companies into the military-industrial-Congressional complex, calling bioweapons “vaccines,” and terrifying people into taking them under “public health emergency” and “pandemic” narratives.

[Ed.:  Malone and Steve Kirsch are DoD spokesmen?  Okay, I have to admit that I am getting confused by the news these days!


NEURO-COVAX: Italian Network Finds Neurological Side Effects Very Common after COVID-19 Vaccination  PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

31.2% Experienced Tremors, Insomnia, Muscle Spasms, Headaches, Paresthesias, Vertigo, and Diplopia

OCT 28, 2023 – I have been struck by the wide range of neurological syndromes I see in the office in patients who took one or more of the ill-advised COVID-19 vaccines. Many times I wonder what the risk is from population studies? Is my practice similar to what is seen in the medical literature?

Salsone et al, reported from Milan, Italy, results from the NEURO-COVAX Study. As a general reference, when there is a 20% or more excess risk, that is an odd’s ratio, relative risk, or hazard ratio of 1.20 or greater, it is clinically important.

The NEURO-COVAX-cohort included 19,108 vaccinated people: 15,368 with BNT162b2 (Pfizer), 2,077 with mRNA-1273, 1,651 with ChAdOx1nCov-19, and 12 with Ad26.COV2.S who were subsequently excluded. Approximately 31.2% of the sample developed post-vaccination neurological complications, particularly with ChAdOx1nCov-19. A vulnerable clinical profile emerged, where over 40% of the symptomatic people showed comorbidities in their clinical histories. Defining the neurological risk profile, we found an increased risk for ChAdOx1nCov-19 of tremors (vs. BNT162b2, OR: 5.12, 95% CI: 3.51-7.48); insomnia (vs. mRNA-1273, OR: 1.87, 95% CI: 1.02-3.39); muscle spasms (vs. BNT162b2, OR: 1.62, 95% CI: 1.08-2.46); and headaches (vs. BNT162b2, OR: 1.49, 95% CI: 0.96-1.57). For mRNA-1273, there were increased risks of paresthesia (numbness and tingling) (vs. ChAdOx1nCov-19, OR: 2.37, 95% CI: 1.48-3.79); vertigo (vs. ChAdOx1nCov-19, OR: 1.68, 95% CI: 1.20-2.35); diplopia (double vision) (vs. ChAdOx1nCov-19, OR: 1.55, 95% CI: 0.67-3.57); and sleepiness (vs. ChAdOx1nCov-19, OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 0.98-1.67). In the period that ranged from March to August 2021, no one was hospitalized and/or died of severe complications related to the primary series of two COVID-19 vaccines. Hospitalization or death after one shot was not captured.


My “Died too young” survey   STEVE KIRSCH

This survey is very important. If you know the details of a family member or friend who died after Jan 1, 2021 at age 65 or under, PLEASE fill out this survey. It is very important.

OCT 28, 2023 – Do only the good die young? We are finally going to find out the answer to this age old question.

If you know someone, 65 or younger, who died in Jan 2021 or later, please take this survey. It’s very important.


Click to take the “Died too young” survey


Israel: ‘Vaccine Poster Child’ Used for mRNA Propaganda Dies From Cardiac Arrest BY BEN BARTEE

OCTOBER 22, 2023 – As if more tragic news from the Middle East were necessary, it’s now reported that an eight-year-old Israeli child, used by the government to promote the mRNA injections to the population, has died following cardiac arrest.

Via Slay News (emphasis added):

Yonatan Moshe Erlichman from Israel died unexpectedly after suffering cardiac arrest while taking a bath.

The boy reportedly slipped under the water after his heart suddenly stopped, causing him to drown.

He was rushed to Hadassah Hospital in Mount Scopus in serious condition but died a few days later on September 28 after being kept alive on life support.

Yonatan Erlichman was the grandson of a respected doctor in Beit El, Dr. Mati Erlichman.

Yonatan appeared in a video produced by the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council in 2020 when he was just 5 years old, according to reports.

The video was part of the government-run program called “Shushki in the Land of Binyamin,” which sought to “educate” children about vaccines in a kids’ TV show-like format.

In the video, Shushki, a friendly puppet “child,” prompts real people to respond with educational answers.

Yonatan Erlichman’s role in the Covid vaccine promotion made him a “poster child” for children’s vaccinations.

The film emphasizes that children have no choice when it comes to getting the mRNA shots.

[Ed.:  Jewish blood is cheapest in IINO!  Here is one of the pro-jab commercials (in Hebrew) with Dr. Moti Erlichman’s son Yonatan. Thank you Bibi for making the deal with Pfizer and making all of this possible.]


💔 TRAGIC: 9-year-old Tamar has been declared dead after suffering a heart attack in Ashdod, Israel, during a red alert rocket siren triggered by Hamas.

1:16 PM, 10/28/2023

יהי זכרה ברוך 🕯️

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[Ed.:  Healthy 9-year olds don’t have heart attacks! … Unless of course, they are Jewish guinea pigs for the IINO government death jab.]

Total Page Visits: 263

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.