Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |  11/24/23

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]

HERE WE GO AGAIN: WHO Requests Information From China About “New Virus” in Circulation    By Fernando De Castro

Nov. 24, 2023 3:40 pm – On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it has requested information from China regarding the increase in cases of respiratory diseases and clusters of pneumonia among children.

The Gateway Pundit reported that an unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children.

According to the WHO, the authorities of China’s National Health Commission reported an increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases in the country on November 13.

On Tuesday, media outlets and the Emerging Diseases Monitoring Program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases “reported clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in children in northern China.”

The WHO states that it is “unclear” whether the two events are related and has requested additional epidemiological and clinical information and “laboratory results” from children with respiratory diseases.

In a note sent to China, the WHO shared, “Since mid-October, northern China has reported an increase in flu-like illnesses compared to the same period in the past 3 years.”

While urging the reinforcement of respiratory disease surveillance, the WHO told the Chinese, “Authorities have emphasized the need for improved disease surveillance in health facilities and community settings, as well as strengthening the health system’s capacity to manage patients.”

Chinese authorities attributed the increase in respiratory disease cases to the end of restrictions imposed to contain COVID-19 and the circulation of known pathogens.

[Ed.:  “Here we go again”?  But, but, this time, we’re no going!]


Weaponization of Disease Agents   SASHA LATYPOVA

Real technologies or sci-fi narratives?

NOV 24, 2023 – Your favorite president has apprehended a dangerous disease agent, for which we will have many beautiful vaccines much sooner than Fauci said. And therapeutics! As soon as we finish the DOMAINE thingy, which, like an obedient little Ouija board will magically spit up remdesivir. Notice Redfield in the back can’t quite keep a straight face…

I don’t know where that pic was taken, and for all I know, those are coffee stains on paper. This describes our clown-infested reality pretty accurately.

The use of disease as a weapon is thought to date back to at least the Middle Ages, for example, when the Tatars (partially my ancestors, yay) used catapults to hurl plague victims over protective walls of the city of Caffa. Use of blankets from smallpox victims in order to expose Native Americans to smallpox is also well publicized. I don’t know of many historical accounts where this produced a decisive advantage in a war. It was always a psy-op and fear tactic, while brutal military force was required to actually win wars.

Nevertheless, weaponization of “pathogens” has been a coveted area of military machinery for a very long time. After decades of beating heads against the wall of nature and definitively confirming what I learned in the 1980’s in a Soviet high school class taught by a drunk colonel, namely – it is impossible to make bio-weapons both lethal and highly spreadable – new approaches were needed. Fabricating scary narratives about superbugs is much easier than delivering on promises of making those bugs in labs. This is also a very productive avenue as people are woefully gullible and thus can be controlled by narratives just as effectively as by an actual scary-scary bioengineered virus.

I will be quoting from this 2014 Air Force bioweapons report which is written for imbeciles they think we are. To be honest, this is not an entirely unfounded point of view, as most “science experts” today cannot distinguish reality from sci-fi narratives they are obligated to produce in order to get grants from the NIH, DARPA, BARDA, DTRA, NSF, etc. The report discusses the origin of “biodefense” which has since grown into the military-industrial-pharma-”healthcare” trillion dollar behemoth of “Pandemic Preparedness” racket:


Why do so many people hate VAERS?   A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

The government never wanted a public vaccine injury database—it was forced to make it.

NOV 24, 2023 – Since vaccines were first invented, governments and the medical profession have had a compulsive need to defend the products, regardless of how much they hurt people, how much they fail to work, or how unnecessary they are (e.g. because the disease in question is unlikely to ever harm people or a safe and effective treatment for it already exists).

My best guess to explain this phenomenon is that the vaccination meme is extremely appealing to the ruling class because it provides a simple solution (injecting everyone) for a complex problem (ensuring the health of the nation), and is relatively easy to implement since all it requires is a leader doubling down using the force of the state against anyone who does not comply (which leaders often default to doing for a variety of problems).

Unfortunately, since life is not that simple, this approach always falls short and requires leaders and governments who commit to it to then cut a lot of corners as problems inevitably arise. As a result, some of the recurring themes you see in the forgotten vaccine disasters include:
•Creating an “emergency” situation which is used to justify cutting corners on vaccine
•Assuming rather than verifying that the vaccine actually works before giving it to the population.
•Burying data or test results that show the current vaccine should not be given to human beings and gagging government scientists who raised concerns about the product.
•Allowing a dangerous and unsafe process be used to mass produce the vaccines. This commonly occurs when switching from the clinical trials (which requires a much smaller amount of the vaccine to be produced) to the general market.

•Choosing a cheaper (and hence more profitable) production process rather than a safer (but more expensive and thus less profitable) vaccine production process.
•Having everyone repeat the mantra that “the vaccines is safe and effective” and that there is no evidence to the contrary—to the point medical professionals come to believe this is so even when they see the injuries with their own eyes.

Note: since there is so much money in vaccination (and the government’s stamp of approval means most of the country will buy each new vaccine), a robust apparatus (discussed here) now exists to bribe politicians and the mass media to push those products and bury any red flags that emerge along the way.

One of the best explanations I’ve seen to explain why the government will never reconsider the more dangerous vaccines can be found within this 2011 WHO statement:



Vaccine Adverse Events Reports spiked from 60,000 baseline to 1 million in 2021

NOV 24, 2023 – The BMJ (British Medical Journal) recently issued a report titled: Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken? Phrasing the title as a question is purely rhetorical. Anyone who reads this alarming document will conclude that VAERS is as broken as the BluesMobile upon its arrival at the Cook County Tax Assessor’s Office in The Blues Brothers.

The report is full of stunning revelations, starting with its opening case study.

Three weeks after receiving a second dose of a covid vaccine, Robert Sullivan collapsed at home on his treadmill. An anaesthesiologist in Maryland, USA, he was a particularly fit 49 year old: the week before falling ill, he’d been happily skiing at altitude in Colorado.

Sullivan was given a diagnosis of sudden onset pulmonary hypertension, which is generally progressive, can be fatal, and in most cases can’t be cured. The condition is rare, especially in middle aged men. Sullivan decided to file a report in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which collects reports of symptoms, diagnoses, hospital admissions, and deaths after vaccination for the purpose of capturing post-market safety signals.

But the submission process was a glitchy race against the clock. “The format is cumbersome and it times you out,” he tells The BMJ. For his troubles, Sullivan received a confirmation by email and a temporary “e-report” number. He learnt from his doctor’s office that a VAERS representative had requested medical records. Then he didn’t hear back for a year.

Given that this was the experience of a medical professional in trying to file a VAERS report, one can only imagine the experience of poor people in medically underserved communities. I believe it’s reasonable to infer that the majority of their adverse events aren’t even initially reported, never mind investigated.

Even in the face of the cumbersome and interminable process of filing a report, the number of events reported still shot up from a multi-year baseline of 60,000 per year to over 1 million in 2021. To quote the BMJ:

Before the pandemic VAERS was receiving nearly 60 000 adverse event reports each year. A 2015 CDC article suggests that the agency had the capacity to request records for just a few thousand serious reports each year. But in 2021 the total number of reports shot up to a million, and another 660 000 have been filed since. Nearly one in five meet the criteria of serious. This surge reflects the unprecedented campaign to vaccinate against covid-19—in the US alone some 675 million doses have been administered—and the vast majority of recent reports are related to covid vaccines. The CDC states that, “in the event of a significant increase” in VAERS reports warranting clinical review, the standard operating procedure requires additional CDC Immunization Safety Office staff to process cases.

This is a total disaster. As far as I can see, the Epoch Times is the only major newspaper in the country that has reported the BMJ report.


Will anyone qualified challenge me in a public debate at MIT on Nov 30 on what the record level data shows about the safety of the COVID vaccines?   STEVE KIRSCH

I’ll provide you the data in advance. You agree to publicly debate me at MIT on November 30. I’ll pay your expenses plus a $2,000 speaking fee. Any takers?

NOV 23, 2023

My hypothesis

No qualified person in the world is confident enough that the COVID vaccines saved lives to agree to debate me on what the record-level data shows in the Kirsch Auditorium at MIT on Nov. 30 at 6pm.

Let’s put my hypothesis to a test!

I’m inviting any qualified person to debate me on the record-level data I have which shows unambiguously that the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide.

I will supply you with the data, I will explain how I authenticated it, and I’ll even give you all the analysis tools I used. All in advance of the debate.

I will also pay your airfare, hotel expenses, and an additional $2,000 just for showing up.

Any takers? If there is more than one person who accepts, I’ll choose the most qualified person.

To apply: Apply here

To see who applied: You can see who has applied here


Just in Time for Black Friday: Clinical Approach to Post-acute Sequelae After COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination     PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Wellness Company Spike Support Trio Leverages McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification

NOV 24, 2023 – So many people are suffering around the word with post-acute sequalae after SARS-CoV-2 infection and or COVID-19 vaccination. Sadly, because the COVID-19 vaccines never worked, most people ended up getting the shots and later became ill with COVID-19. With each injection there is a large quantity of full-length (S1+S2) Spike protein produced in the body which circulates in the bloodstream for six months or more that is responsible for the symptoms of long-COVID. With each infection, there is inflammation and a smaller amount of S1 segment spike protein that gets into the body from the sinuses, mouth, and lungs.


“Is it safe?” (part II)   STEVE KIRSCH

If you work in public health and have access to record level data on vaccinations and deaths, I’m going to show you how you can tell whether your vaccines are safe or not. Works for all vaccines.

NOV 22, 2023

Executive summary

Six months ago, I wrote an article “Is it safe?” explaining how anyone who has access to vaccination/death record-level data can determine whether a vaccine is safe or not.

Well, nobody took me up on the offer, so I’m going to repeat my offer again, but this time make it much easier to execute.

How to find out if the vaccines you give people are safe

If you work in public health and have access to vaccination and death record level data, use the Contact me form and check the box “Is it safe?” for the reason for contact, I will send you the tools so you can analyze your own data (in the privacy of your own data center) and see whether the vaccines your agency is giving people are safe or not.

If you find a safety signal (anything other than a flat line when you vary the three independent variables age, dosage, and observation window), you need to immediately write an email to all of your superiors and top management in your health agency informing them that you have a MAJOR public health disaster that requires their IMMEDIATE attention.

Our code has been thoroughly tested and does not generate false signals.

Our operators are standing by.

Thank you to Aaron Siri

Acknowledgement to attorney Aaron Siri for inspiring this idea. I love that guy.


It is the duty of everyone working in public health to protect the health of the public.

If you are experiencing excess deaths and/or unexplained deaths (such as people “dying suddenly”) in your area and would like peace of mind that you aren’t causing the problem, I will provide you with free tools and consulting on how to use the tools so you can now see for yourself if your vaccines are safe.

I look forward to hearing from you.

If even just one person in the world sees this and acts on it, the truth will finally surface. And then it will be all over. Just like that.

[Ed.: One by one people are waking up. Here, Steve is only looking for “one”. His efforts have help innumerable amounts of “one”s. (Digression) Remember when God was looking for 50 good people in Sodom and Gemora? Then 40, etc.]


Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston   By Greg Hunter

On November 21, 2023 – Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.”  Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA.  Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines.  mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines.  Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything.  Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Kingston explains, “People are waking up to the fact the Covid 19 injections contain mRNA, and mRNA has been an epic failure.  It’s my understanding less than 2% of American got this last round of the boosters. . . . Although people are waking up to the fact that the Covid injections or the mRNA injections are causing disease, disabilities and death, they are not preventing anything.  I think people are also waking up to the fact that mRNA is being used in all vaccines.  This includes routine childhood vaccines and the annual flu vaccine.  This is not being disclosed to them.  Dr. Peter McCullough has said, and I said last year, no more shots—at all. . . . They made this an Emergency Use Authorization, and that means the government will not be disclosing that to them.  I think any of the shots is another big danger right now – and I mean any of these shots.”

Big Pharma has big plans to put mRNA in everything:  medicine, food, water.  This is something people are going to have to work at to avoid.  Kingston says, “I no longer want my body or my child’s body to be exposed to non-human DNA or bio-digital technology.  I am going to do everything in my power to stop being inoculated with this stuff.  It’s going to require people to find local farmers.  It’s going to require people to put their foot down and not get traditional medicines.  They are putting this in pills.  Dr. Ana Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana) has found this in dental supplies like Novocain.  Dr. Ana has found it in insulin, as well.  Before the devil can destroy, he must deceive.  They have this Luciferian agenda.  They don’t want to suffer the wrath of God.  So, they need us to agree to this inhumane criminal experimentation.  If you say you don’t agree to it, then the wrath of God falls back on them.  This is also a spiritual war.  I think this is why I was targeted.  The train has left the station, and you can’t put it back.  I think this is why Xi Jinping came to California recently.  He met with bankers and Big tech and said this is how we silence people in China . . . . This is basically the Executive Order (EO) Biden wrote, which I think was written by the CCP, on how to control the narrative in America.  This EO will turn up the heat and make your life a living hell if you go outside that narrative. . . . That is going to go into place starting January 17, 2024.”


New-Onset and Flares of Multiple Sclerosis are Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Vaccination   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Since Vaccines Ineffective, Many Getting Both Exposures

NOV 22, 2023 – I was shocked when I learned the multiple sclerosis society was pushing COVID-19 vaccination with no information on safety in this vulnerable population. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. MS is an autoimmune disorder, a condition in which the body attacks itself by mistake. There is a wide range of motor and sensory deficits. Given the concern over worsened auto-immunity, it is unwise to give vaccines to MS patients since they could trigger worsened immune attack against the nervous system.

Along the lines of my concerns, Tavazzi et al reported numerous cases of either flares of existing MS or de novo disease in patients who either had SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination, and likely both. It is well known that other viral infections can flare MS, however, there were clear-cut cases of mRNA vaccines causing new cases of MS. MS is treatable and I have been impressed with the new drug regimens for MS which work to keep patients functional and out of wheelchairs. However, the Tavazzi paper suggests some de novo cases were completely avoidable by declining COVID-19 vaccination from the start.


New Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

NOV 22, 2023 – Ed Dowd is back with some especially horrifying data; his results indicate that from late 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased malignant neoplasm deaths in the UK is present in individuals aged 15 to 44.

The study’s results in the rate of cancer deaths above the historic norm in 2022 for ages 15-44 in the UK are:

  • A 28% rise in fatal breast cancer rates in women.
  • An 80% increase in pancreatic cancer deaths among women and a 60% increase among men.
  • A 55% increase among men in colon cancer deaths and a 41% increase in women.
  • A 120% increase in fatal melanomas among men and a 35% increase in women.
  • A 35% increase in brain cancer deaths among men and a 12% rise in women.
  • A 60% increase in cancer death rates among men in cancers “without site specification” and a 55% increase among women.

This is incontrovertible democide.

by Mike Capuzzo:  Teenagers and young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s in the U.K. are dying from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers at an unprecedented rate since mass COVID-19 vaccination began, according to a new analysis by Edward Dowd.

The 45-page report by Dowd, a former Wall Street hedge fund manager and author of “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” alarmed some oncologists who characterized it as a sharp reversal of decades of mortality data.

Dowd based his analysis on readily available government statistics from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics.


Blaise Carney, MD Dies in Sleep at 35   [Video 1:09:04]   JOHN LEAKE

Child and adolescent psychiatrist in Seattle dies unexpectedly.

NOV 21, 2023 – A reader in Seattle just sent me the obituary of Blaise Anthony Carney, MD, who died unexpectedly in his sleep while vacationing with his wife and children. Dr. Carney was a much-loved child psychiatrist, husband, and father.

Cardiac arrest is the most likely cause of young men dying in their sleep, though each incident should be rigorously investigated by medical examiners.

Investigating what appears to be an increasing incidence of sudden and unexpected deaths of young people is now our primary endeavor at the McCullough Foundation. Please watch the recording of our recent conversation about Fatal Cardiac Arrest in Young People (click on image and scroll down to embedded video) and share the link with your friends.


Death of 12-Year-Old Boy in France Following HPV Vaccination Triggers Probe Into Gardasil Safety and School Vaccine Campaigns

Moderna’s ‘Disinformation Department’ Monitors 150 Million Websites for ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Narratives

[[Ed.:  Oh, goodie!!  I’ve been wanting to increase readership!!]

New Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show

Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer and Tris Pharma Over Medicaid Fraud and Distribution of Adulterated Drugs to Texas Children  By Jim Hft

Nov. 20, 2023 7:00 pm – In a bold move to address corporate malpractice in drug manufacturing, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced the filing of a lawsuit against pharmaceutical giants Pfizer, Inc., Tris Pharma, Inc., and Tris Pharma CEO Ketan Mehta.

The companies are accused of engaging in deceitful practices that resulted in defrauding the Texas Medicaid program by providing adulterated pharmaceutical drugs specifically designed for children.

The lawsuit, brought forth by the Attorney General’s Civil Medicaid Fraud Division, leverages the provisions of the Texas Health Care Program Fraud Prevention Act (THFPA).

Paxton’s office stated that Pfizer and Tris Pharma collaborated to produce and distribute Quillivant XR, a medication developed for pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), despite recurring failure in quality control assessments.

“Though Quillivant is approved by the FDA as acceptably safe and effective for ADHD when taken as directed, it still has risks associated with normal use. According to the FDA, the most common adverse reactions include insomnia, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and tachycardia.

The filing states, “There is also a chance for patients to experience severe side effects, including serious cardiovascular reactions (which can cause sudden death), psychiatric adverse reactions (including mania), and long-term suppression of growth. Additionally, when Quillivant is not taken at the correct dose, patients could experience an overdose requiring emergency medical intervention.”

According to investigations, for several years, Tris Pharma actively manipulated the drug’s testing procedures to sidestep federal and state regulations, ensuring Quillivant XR remained in the market. During this period, Pfizer was fully aware of the malpractices but continued to supply the medication for Medicaid-covered children, falsely assuring that it conformed to legal standards.

The deceit not only compromised the integrity of the Texas Medicaid program but also risked the well-being of the children who received Quillivant XR. Family reports indicate that the drug was often ineffective, aligning with the periods when Tris Pharma reportedly tampered with the quality tests.

“Under the FDCA, it is illegal to adulterate a drug, or to introduce into interstate commerce any drug that is adulterated. A drug becomes adulterated if “the methods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, its manufacture … do not conform to or are not operated or administered in conformity with current good manufacturing practice,” the filing stated.

“I am horrified by the dishonesty we uncovered in this investigation. Pfizer and Tris intentionally concealed and failed to disclose the issues with Quillivant to receive taxpayer funded benefits through Texas Medicaid, defrauding the state and endangering children,” said Attorney General Paxton in a statement.

In an X post, Paxton wrote: “Today, I have filed suit against Pfizer and Tris Pharma for defrauding Texas Medicaid and providing adulterating pharmaceuticals to children. I am horrified by the dishonesty we uncovered in this investigation. Pfizer and Tris intentionally concealed and failed to disclose the issues with Quillivant to receive taxpayer funded benefits through Texas Medicaid, defrauding the state and endangering children. Our Civil Medicaid Fraud Division has done an outstanding job holding these pharmaceutical companies accountable.”


Why Does the Government Cover-Up Vaccine Injuries?   A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

Reviewing a Century of Vaccine Disasters and the Early Trailblazers who Fought Against Them

NOV 19, 2023

Story at a Glance:
•Something about vaccines (e.g., their promise of a simple injection being sufficient to safely and effectively end all diseases) has always deeply appealed to the minds of government officials.
•Unfortunately, that promise is often a lie, so over and over, unsafe and ineffective vaccines enter the market. When this happens, the officials who are invested in them do everything they can to protect the vaccines from scrutiny and cover up each red flag that emerges (e.g., by silencing their own scientists).

•In previous decades, the press was much less corrupt than it is now and occasionally would air real investigations into what happened. I collected many of them (which I hope you can watch) because of how closely they match what is happening now.
•Since those TV programs made many who were suffering from the vaccine injuries realize they were not alone, this created a massive PR problem for those officials—which was eventually solved by preventing any future segments from airing. This article was written in the hope that collective amnesia could be broken.
Prior to COVID-19, few people knew that VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) existed, and when it was nonetheless brought up, it was often dismissed as an unreliable resource only the CDC or FDA was qualified to evaluate. Since so many people have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 vaccines, this in turn brought an unparalleled amount of attention to VAERS, and in turn brought every “expert” out of the woodwork to ridicule its validity and insist that VAERS overestimates vaccine harm (when in reality VAERS severely underestimates it).

Given that VAERS is the “national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines,” it is quite strange that after more than 30 years, no one has fixed it and made it into a reliable resource. However, when you consider the historical context behind VAERS, the current situation makes a lot of sense.


Rip Michaels has a heart attack; CEO Rob Vitale has cancer; Today’s Savannah Guthrie has LPR; ABC weatherman James Spann hospitalized (“severe abdominal pain”); Josh Homme now “cancer-free”   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

NOV 19, 2023 – “Daughter of slain Sandy Hook principal reveals cancer battle”; “Mom, 38, is a part of an ongoing trend of nonsmokers being diagnosed with lung cancer” (“We don’t really know why that’s happening…”)


Pandemics as a Catalyst for a New World Order   ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

Their goal is total world control- with unelected officials at the helm.

NOV 20, 2023 – Each nation in the world has its own culture, governance structures, traditions, property, borders and peoples. We must preserve the diversity and sovereignty of nations and cultures.

By globally synchronizing the public health response across the United Nations member states, new powers were granted to the UN and its organizations at the cost of national sovereignty. These universally applied regulations and multilateral agreements have given birth to an enlarged, globalized administrative state.

Although this power grab has been percolating for many decades, the COVIDcrisis acted as an accelerant to synergize international agreements that advance the UN as a world government.

The United Nations has morphed into a leviathan.  Its various agreements and goals seek to centrally dictate the world’s economy, migration, “reproductive health”, monetary systems, digital IDs, environment, agriculture, wages, climate modifications, one world health, and other related globalist programs.

To be clear, these are the goals of an organization seeking a globalized command economy, not an organization focused on world peace, ending wars or human rights!

This UN aims to regulate every dimension of our personal and national lives. It is working to reduce and eliminate national sovereignty across the world, and thereby to decrease our diversity, our traditions, our religions and our national identities.

The UN has partnerships and strategic agreements with member nations, as well as other globalist organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, CEPI, GAVI, The World Trade Organization, The European Union and the World Economic Forum, known as the WEF.

For an example of how the United Nations operates:


Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Abstract Presented at University of Michigan while Science Feedback Anonymously Discredits Work

NOV 20, 2023 – Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease. I graduated with a degree in this field from the University of Michigan. Nearly a year ago, Nicolas Hulscher, a current graduate student at U of M was credited with an approved project “Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination” with myself as the senior mentor.

The formal process of epidemiological investigation is rigorous and disciplined. In essence, we searched for and obtained every published autopsy report in PUBMED and then independently adjudicated each death from extracted data. Our conclusion was 73.9% of deaths after vaccination are either direct due or significantly contributed to by known mechanisms (myocarditis, blood clots, etc.) resulting from COVID-19 vaccines. The conclusion is supported by the data presented.

The peer-review process for this paper includes a review and acceptance of the paper to the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Poster Session which was held November 17, 2023. Nic stood by the poster, described his study, and answered questions from students and faculty. The paper was vetted and well received.


PILOT DIED – Nov.16, 2023 – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training – 3 dead Indian pilots in 3 months!   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

NOV 20, 2023

Nov.16, 2023 – PILOT DIED – 37 year old Pilot from Air India died after suffering cardiac arrest at the airline’s Gurugram Office

A 37-year-old Air India pilot died in hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport on Thursday, the Times of India has reported.

Captain Himanil Kumar was at Indira Gandhi International Airport’s Terminal 3 on Thursday, November 16, when he collapsed after suffering a cardiac arrest. He received cardiopulmonary resuscitation and was rushed to a nearby private hospital, but unfortunately, could not be saved.

Kumar had rejoined work after his Diwali break. He was not scheduled to operate a flight, but was instead at the airport for his training to transition to flying another type of aircraft.

“Captain Himanil Kumar underwent his medical on August 23, 2023, and was declared fit, with his medical validity until August 30, 2024,” a senior DGCA official was quoted as saying by Times of India.


Aug.17, 2023 – IndiGo Flight (NAG-PNQ) Nagpur to Pune, India, 40 year old Pilot Manoj Subramanium died after collapsing at the boarding gate, about to board.

Aug.16, 2023 – Qatar Airways Flight QR579 (DEL-DOH) Delhi to Doha, Qatar, 51 year old pilot collapsed as a passenger inflight and died, plane diverted to Dubai.



I am watching the film Shot Dead 💔, I want to scream to the world, PLEASE TRY LUMBROKINASE!   [1:08:18]  BRUCHA WEISBERGER


There IS a solution! We don’t need to have more deaths. Why isn’t anyone telling covid vaxxed individuals to take this heart-healing enzyme?

NOV 19, 2023 – Shot Dead is a new documentary film all about kids who died from the covid vaccine. It needs to go viral.  

Here is the link: https://rumble.com/v3v0q2m-shot-dead-the-movie.html

From the description on Rumble:

“This is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.
Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. ….there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.”

Please do take the time to hear these testimonies – from families AND medical professionals – and find out the truth, if you aren’t yet sure about it. (For men who are careful about modesty, please listen rather than watch.)

But after watching the film and understanding the poison that billions have already put into their bodies, the question is, then what?

What will teens, or parents of kids who were vaxxed, do when they realize the danger they or their families are in? The usual advice given of “get your child’s heart checked before they participate in sports” does not strike me as adequate.

First of all, many people are dying WITHOUT any exertion as an immediate cause. It’s the buildup of heart damage, or the early-morning adrenaline surge on a compromised heart, or something else. Secondly, I believe that lots of the injured people’s cardiac problems would not even show up on standard screenings. Thirdly, it seems that MOST vaxxed people have heart damage, not a minority (see link to study in article below) – so this is a huge tragedy for humanity and an immediately pressing emergency for the WORLD. Fourth and most important, what is the SOLUTION to the injuries and danger these kids (and adults) are in?


200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency   DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

The Elites of the World Return to Climate Crisis to Increase Their Stranglehold Over Us!

NOV 19, 2023 – Still Doubting “Conspiracy Theories?”

[read more below]

More than 200 medical journals worldwide published a coordinated editorial on October 25, 2023, calling for the World Health Organization to declare a new global health emergency. That 200 medical journals could publish the same editorial on the same day, calling for a new global health emergency, is living proof, indeed, the only proof we should ever need that we are at the mercy of highly organized conspiracies.

Nor is this the first proof. When was another time we have seen that happen? Hint — in the middle of the COVID crisis, in 2021, a coordinated editorial announcing a ‘climate emergency’ appeared in dozens of journals. The British Medical Journal was kind enough to provide a full list.

The calls for draconian measures to be implemented, changing the way and kinds of energy used, are not new. But new and more frightening language is being used to push the climate change agenda, with the United Nations spearheading these efforts.

NGOs — non-governmental organizations — are at the forefront of promoting the dangers of climate change, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), National Geographic (with a special focus on ‘educating’ children), and, of course, the World Health Organization (WHO).

This cabal, this cult of globalist predators including virtually all of the formerly esteemed international medical journals and organizations, are the same crew that brought us the last four years of suffering due to a manipulated and exaggerated disease and so-called preventive emergency measures that led to Western hospitals becoming killing centers implementing deadly COVID protocols, and so-called COVID vaccines that have lead to millions of deaths and more disability and chronic disease.

None of those effects were a mistake. They were not an ‘accident.’ They were not mismanagement.

The COVID crisis was always a plot to capture the governments and control the citizens of the world, especially those of the West.

The Climate Change Crisis is just the next emergency to increase the global cult’s control of Western nations and their peoples.

In the COVID crisis, the excuse was that a disease (supposedly emerging due to climate change) came forth from some natural source, and hundreds of millions were at risk of death; hospitals would be overwhelmed. We documented that the probability was overwhelming that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a Bio-4 laboratory in Wuhan, China, and was spread around the world by means of collusion among the US, China, and WHO.


From Jabs to Brainwashing, the Unrelenting Attack on America’s Youth  [1:15:19]  Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

This holistic pediatrician is sounding the alert, warning parents to take back their power to raise and educate their children, and to decide what goes into them and what doesn’t. Find out why forced vaccinations and the public education system are causing more harm than good and even destroying brains.

Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard Your Kids’ Health and Future

November 19, 2023


  • As people have become aware of the dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now
  • Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our children, as the indoctrination and brainwashing spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond
  • The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child development and brain development, and by not allowing proper brain development to occur, the school system impairs children’s ability to think critically
  • Using medication to bring fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem
  • Avoid acetaminophen when sick. Acetaminophen depletes your body of glutathione, which you need for speedy healing


Is COVID coming back? Health Ministry recommends masks   INN

Ministry of Health recommends that people at high-risk use a mask in closed places to minimize the risk of infection.

Sep 13, 2023, 1:18 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News: The Ministry of Health said on Tuesday evening that there is a moderate increase in the number of people hospitalized from coronavirus in Israel.

“The ministry constantly monitors the morbidity trends and variants of the coronavirus and, as of this moment, a moderate increase in the number of hospitalized patients is evident in Israel. Both in Israel and in the world, there are a number of variants that cause morbidity,” it said.

Ahead of the holidays and as a result of the increase in morbidity, the Ministry of Health recommends that if a person is in a high-risk group or wishes to reduce the risk of infection, use of a mask in closed places with many people is advised.

It is also recommended that a mask be used when meeting with people who are in high-risk groups.

Related articles:

The Ministry of Health stated that it is important for a patient with symptoms to remain in isolation until the symptoms pass, and added that if a sick person needs to go outside, it is recommended that he wear a mask.

It was also noted that “it is important to maintain awareness and be tested at home for early detection when there is a suspicion of illness. The ministry is preparing to provide dedicated vaccines against the new subvariants in the near future.”


CDC recommends: Updated COVID-19 vaccine for everyone 6 months and older    INN

Head of CDC signs off on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices regarding updated COVID-19 shots.

Sep 13, 2023, 4:09 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News:  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday recommended that everyone ages 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to help lower the risk of severe illness, hospitalization or death from the coronavirus, CNN reported.

Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the agency, signed off on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or ACIP, a panel of experts that advises the CDC on its vaccine recommendations.

The CDC said in a news release that the shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna will be available this week.

The endorsement from the CDC and the committee means the vaccines will be covered by public and private insurance plans.

On Monday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the green light to updated COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech.

Both vaccine manufacturers said testing shows that their vaccines are effective against EG.5, the currently dominant strain in the United States.

The updated vaccines are arriving amid a late summer uptick in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths.

The most recent data from the CDC shows that hospitalizations for the virus rose 9% last week compared to the week prior. Despite the increase, hospitalizations are still roughly half of what they were during last winter’s peak. Weekly COVID-19 deaths also climbed in August.

Clinical studies presented by Moderna, Pfizer and Novavax on Tuesday showed that all the updated shots significantly boosted antibodies against currently circulating coronavirus variants, suggesting that they will provide good protection against the predominant variants.

The committee said everyone ages 5 and older should get at least one dose of an updated mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 vaccine this year.

Children 6 months through 4 years of age, who may be getting their vaccines for the first time, should get two doses of a Moderna vaccine and three doses of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with at least one of the doses being an updated 2023 shot.

Related articles:

The committee also made recommendations for people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised. To be up-to-date, those with low immune function should have had at least three doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with at least one of those doses being an updated shot. They also have the option to get an additional updated vaccine later in the year.

The committee has not decided whether seniors 65 and older might need another dose of an updated vaccine in a few months. Seniors became eligible for a second dose of a bivalent vaccine this past spring.

[Ed.:  IINO follows the CDC religiously...]


Let’s Agree to Disagree   JENNA MCCARTHY

If you think our medical system is doing a bang-up job, perhaps we aren’t watching the same movie.   

NOV 16, 2023 – I love this post. Not only because it was written by one of my favorite people ever (the co-writer of my book, Jenna McCarthy), but also because it is funny, brilliant, and powerful. Because of it’s content and focus, I have decided that from now on, Jenna will be my “Anger Translator.” Not that I need one in private, but I do try my best to keep my cool in public (sometimes unsuccessfully). If you don’t get the joke, watch this brilliant sketch by the comedy duo Key and Peele: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGcro2mWJms – Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

This week on this very platform, I wrote a post about the media’s deafening silence on the #DiedSuddenly phenomenon. It’s a hard case to argue, frankly, as a) there’s undeniable proof it is happening at exponentially-above-normal rates around the world, and b) you won’t hear a peep about it in the news.

As always, 99% of the comments were in support of my stance. (I’m not suggesting I’m spot-on 99% of the time, incidentally; I’m merely pointing out that my subscribers tend to be of like mind. You know, since they subscribe.) But there’s always at least one outlier; a well-intended lone wolf who seemingly swings by to defend Pharma, call me delusional for not buying into the carefully crafted hype, or both.

This week it was Linda, a retired RN, whose publicly posted comments included the following:


Antinuclear Antibodies in Post-Acute Sequelae after COVID-19   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Test for Auto-Immunity is Positive in Patients with Respiratory Long-COVID

NOV 18, 2023 – Among an array of tests I obtain in patients with post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccine is the antinuclear antibody. First described in 1948, ANA identification has been the foundation of diagnosis for autoimmune connective tissue disease, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome, and polymyositis/dermatomyositis.

Before the pandemic, I have found most ANA positive syndromes responsive to chronic hydroxychloroquine therapy among other agents. It is interesting that HCQ became one of several choices in the standard of care for the early ambulatory management of high-risk COVID-19 as established by the McCullough Protocol.

Son et al, evaluated severe COVID-19 cases, many of whom were hospitalized early in the pandemic and found that research grade ANA assays were positive in a large fraction with persistent respiratory and chest symptoms such as fatigue, cough, and dyspnea. Their findings suggest SARS-CoV-2 infection itself induces auto-immunity, particularly with severe infections.


Mechanical Ventilation Was Not The Proximate Cause of Death In Early Covid – Part 3   PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA

Here I explore the nuances around the use of mechanical ventilation in 2020. It is not a simple story, contrary to many like Elon Musk that believe “the ventilators killed patients.”

NOV. 15, 2023

Mechanical Ventilation Practices During Early Covid In The U.S

In Part 1 and Part 2, I made arguments that most of the U.S hospital deaths early in the pandemic stemmed from the lack of corticosteroid treatment (or any treatment) being offerred to patients which resulted in unprecedented hospital mortality rates.

A few key points to further support that argument:

  1. Prior to Covid ever happening, most if not all patients who died in the hospital did so on a ventilator, but for some reason, in Covid, many began to blame the use of mechanical ventilation as the proximate cause of death.
    1. Dying on a ventilator has always been the reality of hospital deaths. If a patient develops a life-threatening illness and the treatment approach doesn’t work or the patient presents in too advanced of a state or is refractory or poorly responsive to treatment, they deteriorate onto a vent and then deteriorate towards death on a vent. Pretty standard trajectory for any hospital death. Doesn’t mean the vent “killed” them just because they died on a vent. Nearly every patient who dies from critical illness does so on a vent. Conversely, anyone with severe critical illness who responds to treatment will be successfully removed from the ventilator. Ventilators are support systems, not treatments, and do not appreciably injure lungs when used correctly.
  2. Mortality rates began to plummet after corticosteroids (and other immunosuppressives) were systematically adopted despite the continued use of ventilators

Now, I am not saying that mechanical ventilation was not inappropriately used, nor that it did not contribute somewhat to increased mortality rates, but the mortality rates were much, much more driven by the lack of effective treatment, again, as explored in Part 1 and Part 2.


Psychiatric Illnesses and Horror-Infused Panic Attacks Exploded After Jabs Were Forced on Tens of Millions   by Lance D. Johnson

NOV 17, 2023 – When people think about adverse events from vaccination, they assume that vaccine injury is always going to be physiological and represent a physical manifestation of symptoms. However, there is the possibility that vaccine toxins can induce inflammation in the cardiovascular system, penetrating the blood brain barrier and causing psychiatric illnesses.

This inflammation may include autoimmune attacks, blood clot formation, the narrowing of blood vessels and lower oxygen flow to the brain. Any of these underlying issues could lead to psychiatric problems in the individual.

VAERS captures thousands of psychiatric problems following COVID-19 vaccination

Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has documented over 9,400 cases of anxiety, 1,600 cases of depression, 975 cases of irritability, 1,100 cases of hallucinations, and 1,500 panic attacks. Over 60 percent of all anxiety cases reported to VAERS are related to the COVID-19 vaccines. These cases may be the tip of the iceberg because doctors are not trained to identify psychiatric issues after vaccination.

Insomnia and even suicidal tendencies are also reported after vaccination. However, there are no official sequelae to track psychiatric illness after vaccination. The FDA and CDC refuse to study the inflammatory role of the vaccine’s spike protein and how it may damage blood vessels and ultimately deprive the brain of oxygen. Because of the lack of robust scientific investigation into vaccine injury, there is no conclusive proof that the COVID-19 vaccines cause the various psychiatric symptoms reported to VAERS. Still, these issues are getting more attention.

60-year-old doctor suffers from cerebella ataxia, destabilizing panic attacks after COVID vaccination

The case of Dr. Patrick William Slater may provide insight into the mechanisms behind the COVID-19 vaccine in relation to psychiatric illnesses. The 60-year-old doctor was healthy and active prior to Operation Warp Speed. He ran a successful full-time practice in Austin, Texas, and he hiked and fished in his spare time. But those days are over, thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine. In October of 2021, Dr. Slater was diagnosed with cerebellar ataxia.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.