Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 12/3/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  If you know someone injured by the jabs, direct them to humanitysuit.com to become a plaintiff.]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]


How to talk to mRNA fanatics   ALEX BERENSON

Someone I know who got vaccinated and regrets it is stuck arguing about Covid jabs with people in his (very woke) workplace. He asked for help. Here’s what I told him.

DEC 03, 2024

Hard-core Covid vaccine advocates haven’t given up yet.

Fewer Americans are receiving mRNA boosters this fall than ever before. In Washington state, jabs are down about 25 percent from 2023. In red states, Covid shots barely exist anymore. Barely 5 percent of Floridians have had a 2024 booster.

Still, mRNA fanatics won’t quit. Even if they aren’t getting jabbed , they insist the shots worked as advertised. And they always – always – rely on The Chart. A person I know who initially trusted the jabs but has since seen the light asked me for help in a fight over The Chart this week.

You know The Chart. I’m not going to post it here, but it purportedly shows much higher death Covid rates among the unvaccinated than the jabbed throughout 2021. (The Chart NEVER shows raw numbers of deaths, just rates.)

Look at The Chart! the believers say. The Chart is Science with a capital S. The Chart is Numbers with a capital N.

You can’t argue with The Chart!

Well, yes, you can. The Chart is badly flawed because of a problem in epidemiology called “healthy vaccinee bias.” (More about healthy vaccinee bias here.1)

But mentioning healthy vaccinee bias can be frustrating. It requires some knowledge of the papers that discuss it. (Prove it! Oh, you can’t!) It’s fighting about data at a granular level.

Worst of all, it sounds like an excuse.

I wanted to offer a different way to debate The Chart.

A more holistic approach, if you like. It concedes some ground to the fanatics without giving up the key issue. It’s short and punchy and, I hope, relatively easy to follow – 14 texts, plus one chart, of Covid deaths from Vermont, which you can find here (down the linked page). Yep, the fanatics have a chart, now skeptics have a chart too.

Best of all, it’s true.

Here goes:

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Massive Spike Protein Pathogenicity Research Library Published   NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

Over 250 peer-reviewed scientific studies confirm that the Spike protein is highly pathogenic on its own.

DEC 03, 2024

A comprehensive list of over 250 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein harms has just been published by Erik Sass and Dr. Martin Wucher: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Pathogenicity Research Library

This enormous body of research demonstrating that Spike protein is a highly toxic substance confirms that the COVID-19 injectable products are fundamentally unsafe for human use. Moreover, these data further amplify the rationale for Spike protein detoxification:

Much of academia and our public health authorities continue to ignore Spike protein as a target for long-COVID treatments. Last week, Medscape published an article titled, New Data: The Most Promising Treatments for Long COVID, where there’s not a single mention of the highly persistent Spike protein that has been identified in autopsy and biopsy findings of injured and deceased individuals.

The new U.S. administration should allocate funding to investigate accessible methods for detecting Spike protein and initiate large, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials to identify safe and effective treatments for removing Spike protein from the body, with endpoints including the clearance of Spike protein, improvement in inflammatory markers, and measurable symptom relief.

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation


Please consider following the McCullough Foundation and Nicolas Hulscher on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.


A German lab has started to offer tests for “vaccine” spike proteins and plasmid DNA to those who suspect they have been injured by covid “vaccines”  SUPER SPREADER

The purpose of the tests is to allow people who believe they have been injured by a covid “vaccine” to present evidence in court. [Expose-news]

DEC 03, 2024

The Institute of Molecular Diagnostics (Inmodia GmbH) is offering tests to establish whether a person’s body has vaccine spike protein or DNA plasmids. The purpose of the tests is to allow people who believe they have been injured by a covid “vaccine” to present evidence in court, for example, to support their claims. Additionally, the tests will help collect evidence to support the argument for discontinuing the use of covid injections.

By Rhoda Wilson on December 3, 2024

The following information is according to Inmodia’s website.

Never before in the history of medicine has a vaccination been associated with such a high number of serious side effects and consequential harm, including deaths occurring simultaneously. This situation arises primarily because the covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine as we know it but rather a novel gene-based product that utilises an untested technology in humans.

Two different forms of genetically engineered injections were used in the global covid vaccination campaign. In both cases, the injections forced our bodies’ cells to produce the foreign spike protein (SARS-CoV-2, Wuhan variant).

In the case of DNA-based injections (AstraZeneca, Janssen / Johnson & Johnson), the blueprint for the spike protein is available in the form of a DNA copy, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an adenovirus envelope. Once inside the cell, the DNA must first be transcribed into mRNA.

In the case of RNA-based injections (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna), the blueprint for the spike protein, which occurs naturally on the surface of coronavirus particles, is already available as mRNA, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an envelope of partly synthetic fat-like molecules (lipid nanoparticles, LNPs).

This “vaccine mRNA” is not natural but genetically modified (“modRNA”). The chemical composition of the modRNA has been modified by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in many ways so that the end product no longer corresponds to a naturally occurring mRNA. The modRNA has a significantly extended lifespan and therefore leads to a maximum and long-lasting production of exogenous spike protein.

modRNA is synthesised based on a DNA template, which must be completely removed before the modRNA is packaged into the lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”). It has since been found that the RNA-based injections are contaminated with significant amounts of DNA (plasmid DNA).

There are various conceivable mechanisms, including plasmid DNA impurities, for the triggering of serious adverse effects.

The best documented adverse effects are inflammations caused by the body’s own immune system reacting against the foreign spike protein produced in the body’s cells. Particularly prominent are inflammations of blood vessels, heart muscle, lungs, skin, liver, kidneys and nervous system.

There are also indications that RNA-based injections weaken the immune system’s defence function. This is reflected in the increased number of cases of shingles and bacterial infections such as appendicitis, and wound and prosthesis infections.

Additionally, an increased number of fast-growing tumours, including malignant lymphomas and leukaemias, have been observed in vaccinated people. The exact mechanism of triggering these malignant diseases is not yet fully understood but both the spike protein and the nucleic acid precursors (modRNA and DNA) could play a role. The aforementioned immunosuppression is probably also involved.

For further information on covid vaccine harms, please refer to the book ‘mRNA Vaccines Toxicity’ published by Doctors for Covid Ethics (“D4CE”).

It is possible to detect certain components in covid “vaccines” even months after the injection using special tests of blood, cerebrospinal fluid or tissue samples (biopsy), which can be used as evidence of vaccine damage in an expert opinion.

“The documentation and, if necessary, publication of vaccine damage is particularly important because, among other things, it can be used to gather arguments against the further continuation and authorisation of the gene-based vaccine, which has not yet been fully tested, and thus possibly save other people similar suffering,” Inmodia says.

Inmodia offers three tests specifically for injection-derived components: detection of spike protein (Wuhan type), detection of spike-modRNA and detection of plasmid DNA. However, specific detection methods for DNA-based injections are currently not offered, as they have hardly been used in Germany and only general spike protein detection is possible for the time being.

Inmodia recommends that people who would like to have tests done start with the detection of spike protein, which requires, if possible, the testing of tissue samples (biopsies), alternatively or additionally blood samples can be tested. This is because the detection of nucleic acids (modRNA and DNA) is significantly more time-consuming and cost-intensive and it should generally only be considered after positive detection of spike protein.

You can view a full list of possible tests and prices HERE. [archive]


Italian Soccer Match Suspended After 22-Year-Old Player Collapses Suddenly on Pitch (VIDEO)



Man Regains Consciousness Moments Before Cremation; Three Government Hospital Doctors Suspended

[Ed.:  Quack-quack! Would it be premature to declare medicine dead?


Americans Who Have Never Been “Vaccinated” for ANYTHING Are the Healthiest Among Us   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

DEC 01, 2024

This Substack has long been exposing the deadly and highly profitable medical fraud known as vaccines. There is not a single high quality, well designed, large sample size random controlled trial (RCT) with placebo control group for any vaccine.

The following breakdown of the childhood vaccine schedule — even the pair of placebo group trials that are of incredibly low quality, demonstrate how especially unsafe those respective products are precisely because that pair of trials were more robust, thus better establishing how dangerous and unnecessary they really are — proves that not a single one of these vaccines would ever be approved in an honest regulatory process:

But what we do finally have is an exceptionally high quality and highly robust RCT entitled, Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders, which concluded:

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Forensic Pathologist: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Behind Spike in Violent Sudden Seizure Deaths   By Frank Bergman

One of America’s leading forensic pathologists has issued a red alert after proving that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are behind recent spikes in violent sudden seizure deaths.

November 29, 2024 – One of America’s leading forensic pathologists has issued a red alert after proving that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are behind recent spikes in violent sudden seizure deaths.

An investigation into the fatal seizures was led by forensic pathologist Dr. Joseph A. Prahlow.

Prahlow is a Professor of Pathology at St. Louis University School of Medicine and the Assistant Medical Examiner at the City of St. Louis’s Office of the Medical Examiner.

The renowned expert is now raising the alarm after discovering that once-rare seizures are a terrifying adverse effect of Covid mRNA injection.

Prahlow revealed that he investigated cases where no alternative cause could be identified, proving, without doubt, that the “vaccines” caused the fatal seizure spike.

The findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal Academic Forensic Pathology.

Prahlow’s paper presents two cases of new-onset seizures resulting in death shortly after vaccination as supporting evidence.

However, Prahlow warns that many other cases of sudden fatal seizures haven’t been investigated, meaning global spikes in such deaths are also likely linked to the mass Covid vaccination campaign.

The cases presented in the paper raise important questions about causality, clinical management, and death certification.

This thorough case analysis involves the meticulous examination of two cases, detailing the clinical history, diagnostic work-ups, and forensic findings.

The methodical approach used during the investigation ensures that potential contributing factors are explored comprehensively.

However, similar deaths are not normally investigated so thoroughly so the actual causes are not usually identified.

During his investigations, Prahlow identified a direct connection between Covid mRNA vaccination and sudden seizure mortality.

When determining the plausibility of vaccine-induced seizures, Prahlow’s paper highlights the established frameworks, such as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) causality assessment criteria and Brighton Collaborative Criteria.

The paper also identifies other neurological adverse events associated with “vaccines,” such as encephalitis and stroke.

These broader neurological effects could provide additional insights into the mechanisms of vaccine-induced seizures.

This study contributes meaningfully to the discussion on vaccine safety by shedding light on rarely-discussed adverse events like seizure-related deaths.

While it highlights areas for improvement in clinical and forensic practice, it also emphasizes the need for balanced, evidence-based approaches that prioritize both individual and public health considerations.

Further research and stronger surveillance systems are essential to better understand and mitigate such risks.

Dr. Prahlow effectively links vaccination to mortality, emphasizing the importance of considering vaccines as potential contributors when no other explanation is evident.

This highlights the need for diligence in vaccine-related adverse event investigations.

The paper concludes by stressing the importance of informed consent, especially given the “fast-tracked” nature of COVID-19 vaccines.

Patients must be made aware of all potential risks, even rare ones, to make truly informed decisions.

This is not the first study to link Covid mRNA “vaccines” to deadly seizures, however.

As Slay News previously reported, a peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious Cureus Journal earlier this year analyzed the death of a man who was killed by seizures within 40 hours of receiving a Covid mRNA injection.

The researchers documented the case of the 73-year-old man who had received a Pfizer mRNA Covid shot.

He developed a headache that was followed by violent seizures, loss of consciousness, and finally death.

The case is a cause for concern as the man was killed in under two days after being injected, the researchers note.

The study, conducted by world-renowned Japanese scientists Shimura M, Fujikawa H, Yazawa M, et al., is titled “An Autopsy Case of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome After a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination.”

The scientific study determined that a form of brain damage can occur rapidly after a person is injected with a Covid mRNA shot.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed last year that a safety signal has been detected that suggests Covid mRNA shots may be linked to a spike in seizures among toddlers following vaccination.

As Slay News reported, researchers with the FDA and three large healthcare companies revealed the findings in a new preprint study.

The study shows that seizures/convulsions “met the statistical threshold for a signal” in children aged 2 to 4 following receipt of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The same safety signal was also detected among children aged 2 to 5 following receipt of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Source: slaynews.com

[Ed.:  The pun ‘spike’ in the title does not go unnoticed!]


COVID-19 (& Parkinson’s) Cured, Advanced Cancer Full Remission & Breast Cancer Patient “Cancer Free” After Ignoring Radiation Oncologist Advice to STOP Ivermectin   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

This article is too long for email and should be opened in a browser.

NOV 30, 2024 – We have yet another trio of inspirational success stories using inexpensive repurposed drugs that the Medical Industrial Complex does not want anyone to know about.

Our first subscriber success story comment is especially intriguing because we know that Ivermectin instantly cures COVID-19, or why the criminals went after it so hard to ensure that they could obtain their fraudulent FDA Emergency Use Authorization for their slow kill bioweapon “vaccines;’ but once again this Nobel Prize winning miracle drug has some very important “side effects:”

Readers of this Substack appreciate that Ivermectin is effective for not just prion-based diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia, or VAIDS-induced early onset versions of these conditions, but that it could also address a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s that “experts” claim there are no cures for; to wit:

Ivermectin for Parkinson’s Disease – MS, Stroke, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, and Schizophrenia? Modulated through P2X4 Receptors


JUL 11

The next two success stories share a similar theme in that the “expert” doctors insult and devalue their patients in order to better control them.

A few weeks ago the following email landed in my inbox:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.