Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |  12/7/23

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]


New Zealand’s COVID Data Analyst Has Smoking Gun Evidence on Vax Deaths   EMERALD ROBINSON

A whistleblower has found: 253 deaths from just 837 vaccine shots at one site. That’s a 30% death-rate.

DEC 7, 2023 – The Right Way is the #1 conservative blog on Substack — recommended by over 226 other Substack authors!

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Recently, a New Zealand Ministry of Health employee went public with a COVID vaccine database that proves the “vaccine” shots are actually killing people.

The whistleblower noticed that too many people were dying immediately after getting vaccinated for COVID. He called himself “Winston Smith” and he sat for an interview with Liz Gunn explaining the damning evidence from the COVID vaccine database.

That video was released to the public on November 30th.


The Greatest Organized Crime In History   JOHN LEAKE

Review of “The Wuhan Cover-Up,” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

DEC 7, 2023 – The true story documented in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, The Wuhan Cover-Uphas long reminded me of the Max Frisch play, Biedermann and the Arsonists, in which decent, middle-class people are unable to detect the arsonists who are hiding in plain sight. As one of the arsonists remarks: “The best disguise, even better than humor and sentimentality, is the truth, because no one believes it.”

Many Americans are still struggling to believe that the cadre of “biosecurity experts” and pharmaceutical company bosses who directed the pandemic response were the same guys who created SARS-CoV-2—the causative agent of COVID-19.

This cadre reminds me of John Leonard Orr—the fire captain and arson investigator in Glendale, California who is believed to have set 2,000 fires in a 30-year arson spree while serving as a key, official investigator of the incidents.

After Wuhan, China was identified as the disease epicenter, the WHO sent a delegation led by Dr. Peter Daszak to investigate the pathogen’s origin—the same Dr. Peter Daszak whose EcoHealth Alliance had played an instrumental role in creating it. Not surprisingly, Daszak and his colleagues concluded that a lab leak was “highly unlikely.”

To be sure, it is very difficult for decent people to grasp that their government agencies—including Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Defense—are indistinguishable from a mafia racket.

The Wuhan Cover-Up is an invaluable book because it documents in painstaking detail how this mafia racket came about, and how its activities culminated in the creation and escape of SARS-CoV-2 from a lab in Wuhan. The genesis of this racket is rooted in two basic elements:

1). The state’s incorrigible proclivity for expanding military power and waging war.

2). The fear of infectious disease.


NZ Government Doubles Down on Vaccine Democide   [5:09]    GREG REESE

DEC 6, 2023  – New Zealand whistle-blower and Philippine government push for justice


#4. Pfizer’s CEO Lied to Investors and the Public    KAREN KINGSTON

Not only does adult vaccination not protect other adults, it can harm children. In the first 18 weeks after of vaccination, adults were likely to increase the risk of death to their children.

DEC 7, 2023 ∙ (PAID) – Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pfizer with a mountain of evidence that incriminates Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla. Bourla intentionally deceived Texans, the American people, and global civilians by telling blatant lies about Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ efficacy, durability, ability to prevent transmission, and protection against variants.

Due to the known horrendous clinical outcomes caused by the mRNA technology injections, including diseases, disabilities, and death, Bourla’s misleading, reckless, and unconscionable claims resulted in millions of Texans being injected with a product that they had no need for and in the destruction of millions of lives.

Which brings us to reason #4 in this Series: Top 5 Reasons Pfizer’s being Sued First.

# 4. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Intentionally Lied to the Public, Destroying Millions of Lives

Most Christians are all too aware of the expression, “Before the devil can destroy, he must deceive.” and Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla did just that to millions of people. He deceived and destroyed millions of human lives by going on a mainstream media “lying spree.”


Health New Zealand: Where is your analysis of your data? Why aren’t you publishing it?   STEVE KIRSCH

As my friend Robert “St. Augustine” Malone has wisely said, “Truth is like a lion: Let it loose and it will defend itself.” The truth has now been set free. Why aren’t you showing us your analysis?

DEC 6, 2023 – When Health New Zealand’s (HNZ) Oracle DB administrator, Barry Young, sent the entire leadership team of HNZ an email to notify them of a huge safety signal in their own database, they didn’t ask any questions: they fired him immediately.

So Barry released the anonymized data which would expose the truth about what the New Zealand public health records contain without violating anyone’s privacy. 4M of the 12M records.

HNZ then decided to try to stop the truth from getting out. So they contacted Wasabi and MEGA and had them nuke my account and Kevin McKernan’s account even though neither of us had done anything wrong. Kevin lost years of work that cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars to create. This is work relied on by other researchers all over the world.

HNZ failed to stop the distribution of the truth. EPIC FAIL.

So now what?

The genie is now (finally) out of the bottle, thanks to HNZ employee Barry Young

Barry will likely spend 7 years in prison for the crime of exposing a crime.


Covid Vaccines Produce Random Junk Proteins Thanks to an “Invention” Which Coincidentally Won the Nobel Prize    IGOR CHUDOV

A Quarter of Vaccinated Subjects Produce Random Junk Proteins due to vaccine “Read Errors” and even get immunity to them, study finds

DEC 7, 2023 – Would you like to get a mystery shot, which would make your body produce random, garbage proteins for an indeterminate amount of time? Well, it turned out that mRNA Covid vaccines have precisely that effect!

Scientists discovered that in addition to the toxic “spike protein,” mRNA vaccines have a weakness that introduces “read errors,” making vaccinated individuals produce nearly random proteins with unknown and unpredictable effects.


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, November 28-December 4, 2023   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Musicians in Canada, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Ireland, Netherlands (2), Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, China, Malaysia; teachers in US, Canada, Italy; nurses in US (2), Brazil, Italy (2); more

DEC 6, 2023


Pfizer Never Had Legal Immunity   KAREN KINGSTON

“Pfizer paid for the studies themselves. Pfizer owns the intellectual property. Pfizer made their mRNA a trade secret. Pfizer owns the manufacturing. Pfizer is completely liable.” – Karen Kingston

DEC 6, 2023

December 5, 2023: Stew Peters and I discussed the top reasons why Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pfizer. I detail the mountain of evidence Texas has that incriminates Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, leaving the big Pharma giant vulnerable to be sued for upwards of a quarter trillion dollars.

Bourla intentionally deceived Texans, the American people, and global civilians by telling blatant lies about Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ efficacy, durability, ability to prevent transmission, and protection against variants.

Watch from the 14:45 minute here.

“The whole concept that we could never sue Pfizer was a PsyOp. It was a PsyOp! I’ve said since day one, Pfizer is not coupled with the United States government.” – Karen Kingston, Stew Peters Show, December 6, 2023


Pfizer Lawsuit Awakens US to Mass CV19 Vax Murders – Karen Kingston   By Greg Hunter 

December 5, 2023 – Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who says Texas AG Ken Paxton’s recent lawsuit is charging Pfizer for many “lies” about their CV19 vax being safe and effective.  Kingston contends this is going to begin a great awakening to the murders and disease caused by these injections.  Many doctors now say the CV19 vax did not help a single person.  Let that sink in.  Kingston explains, “What Paxton and his team are going to do is expose thousands and thousands of lies that you were told by Pfizer and, specifically, CEO Albert Bourla.  Albert Bourla went on a campaign of deception and a lying spree that resulted in a killing spree, and Bourla knew it. Ken Paxton and his legal team are charging Pfizer under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act of Texas.  There are five counts they are being charged with across 18 violations.  The 95% efficacy was not what you thought it was. . . . There was no evidence that it would stop transmission and infecting others.  There was no evidence it worked against the variants.  Then . . . there was the charge of scheming to suppress the truth about the failing vaccine. . . . This is huge.”

How big is this?  Kingston says, “It could be $350 billion in fines for Pfizer, and they cannot get out of this by going bankrupt.”

Kingston goes on to say, “I think the actual truth is you were not injected with a vaccine.  The immune response you got, and they called it a robust response, is really your body’s response to being poisoned to foreign material that is in your body.  It’s genetic material as well as inorganic material.  This is not a vaccine, and people were involved in criminal human experimentation as were their children.  They were experimented on with a biotechnology pathogen.  This is per our National Institutes of Health and our U.S. military.”

Kingston started warning about the death and dangers of this CV19 vax more than two years ago on USAWatchdog.com.  She called the CV19 vax “poison,” and the millions of deaths and injuries worldwide prove her right.  Sadly, Kingston will continue to be right.  She says the peak in disabilities won’t happen until 2025, and peak deaths from the CV19 injections come after that.  Kingston says, “I also predicted that people would be dying from aggressive cancers and large cancer tumors out of nowhere.  I also said this is criminal, you can sue Pfizer and you can have criminal charges against Pfizer.  I think we are going to get a great awakening to do that, and people do not have to remain a victim.  This is murder, and it is no different than me having a cupcake company and I put cyanide in the cupcakes. . . .and I did not expose to you my natural ingredients.  That’s murder.”

There is much more in the 1-hour and 2-minute interview.


Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives another update on the bioweapon mRNA/nanoparticle injections and why the recent Texas AG Pfizer lawsuit will cause a CV19 vax great awakening to mass murder for 12.5.23.



“The temporal pattern speaks in favor of vaccination as a trigger for cancer.”

DEC 6, 2023 – The grim DEATHVAX™ trends are looking increasingly similar in all highly “vaccinated” nations. The Swiss turbo cancer data is now looking a lot like the US data presented in the below article:

From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program

Yesterday this Substack reviewed the latest cardiac mortality data: A few days before that, this Substack reviewed the latest cancer data: Today we tie these terrifying trends together by reviewing the latest data on excess non-PSYOP-19 natural cause mortality:

Read full story

Unlike criminal governments, insurance companies issuing payouts and medical payments have little reason to fudge their data. And because the Swiss are renowned for their horological history, it would not be a far reach to assume that their insurance companies would present extremely precise reporting; thus, the following information from Helsana, the largest health insurer in Switzerland, is representative of the horrifying reality on the ground:



DEATH SENTENCE: 1 Million COVID Vaccinated have died in England compared to just 61k Unvaccinated in 2 years; despite 30% of the Population refusing a single dose of the COVID Injection  2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD   by The Exposé

DEC 6, 2023 – Shocking data released by the UK Government shows that over the past two years, the vaccinated population in England have suffered an outrageous number of deaths compared to the unvaccinated population despite the fact approximately 30% of the population has not even had a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the UK Government department known as the UK Health Agency (UKHSA), by 3rd July 2022, 18.9 million people had refused the first dose of the COVID-19 injection, 21.5 million people had refused the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 injection, alongside 2.6 million people who had received the first dose but refused the second, and 30.4 million people had refused the third dose of the Covid-19 injection alongside 8.9 million people who had received the second dose but refused the third. (Source)

According to the UKHSA’s figures, 63.4 million people were eligible for vaccination at this point. Therefore, 18.9 million people refused the COVID-19 vaccine in England and remained completely unvaccinated.

But on top of this, a further 2.6 million refused a second dose, meaning 21.5 million people were not double vaccinated, and 8.9 million people refused a third dose, meaning 30.4 million people were not triple vaccinated.

Here’s how those figures equate in terms of percentages –


Ruling Class Warns of Lockdowns Amid China’s ‘White Lung’ Outbreak   JD RUCKER

Is this Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0? Article by Mac Slavo from SHTF Plan cross-posted with permission.

DEC 6, 2023 – (SHTF Plan)—Republican members of the ruling class are concerned about the pneumonia outbreak spreading in China, even though it isn’t being caused by any novel pathogen. Many of the political parasites are demanding travel restrictions and have been warning that new lockdowns are coming to help prevent the spread.

Many parts of China have been hit by a surge in the illness, which has particularly affected children. Northern provinces in China experienced a jump in cases for five consecutive weeks since mid-October. The news triggered global concern following China’s lack of transparency regarding the origins of COVID-19, the spread of which prompted strict public health restrictions and quarantine measures, according to a report by Newsweek.

But China isn’t the only totalitarian ruling class to suggest strict measures to control the population once again. Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, has since urged the leader of the rulers and head tyrant, Joe Biden to ban United States travel to and from China to stop the spread of any contagions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has requested more information from China about the illness, but Rubio advised that Biden shouldn’t wait any longer before implementing the travel restrictions.

Several states in the U.S. have also reported an uptick in child pneumonia cases this week. This has further raised the alarm about the illness, although health officials alleged there is “zero evidence” that the increase is connected to China.

But the ruling class got away with completely controlling and surveilling the public before over a COVID-19 scare, a pathogen that amounted to nothing more than a common cold. We have always felt that if the tyrants feel like they could get away with another totalitarian lockdown they will attempt it.

[Ed.:  … “this whistle lung disease nonsense is nothing more than fear-mongering and fraud. Remember, these are the same people that told you COVID would kill everyone, masks help, social distancing is science, and the vaccines were safe and effective. Literally everything they have said for the past 4 years is a lie so when do you trust a liar?”TOM RENZ]


A Deluge Of Clinical Shedding Anecdotes Pour In: Shedding Part 3    BRUCHA WEISBERGER

Increasing numbers of people are reporting prior episodes of sudden-onset vaccine side effect symptoms after an exposure to vaccinated people. Remember, the plural of anecdotes is… data.


DEC 6, 2023 – After Dr. Kory published his series on shedding, the comments and emails started pouring in … by people who had previously experienced these symptoms themselves. Following are their stories, copied from Dr. Kory’s Part 8, Part 9, and comments. I also added some stories I have received, which I identified as such.

I edited a few of the stories lightly for modesty purposes or for length etc. I had to leave out some because of space, and others which I felt unable to include. Those needing to become informed about how the vaccine shedding can affect unvaccinated spouses can see Dr. Kory’s original articles on the links at the end.

Dr. Kory says:

If you read Posts 67, and 8, note the totality, consistency, and similarities of the clinical anecdotes submitted by people from different parts of the country and world and who are not expert in vaccine injury syndrome/symptoms (in some cases they were not aware of shedding until having read my post and then recalled these events). I find that the totality of the posts are conclusive evidence that clinically significant shedding occurs.

Also know that, as an evolving expert in the study, evaluation, and treatment of vaccine injuries, abnormal menses (things like absence, irregularity, heaviness or “strangeness” of flow with odd looking clots) is one of, if not the most, common side effect of the mRNA nanoparticle vaccines in women. Further, I find some of the below reports both alarming and heartbreaking given that in a minority of reports, people describe intense chronic suffering initiated by a shedding event, akin to the suffering we see in our Long Vax clinic patients.


Shoot First, Ask Questions Later   JUSTUS R. HOPE

Steve Kirsch’s and Kevin McKernan’s Accounts Deleted

DEC 5, 2023 – When Steve Kirsch’s New Zealand data was deleted by Wasabi, he sought another host, and transferred it to Mega. He even gave a copy to fellow scientist Kevin McKernan for safekeeping. McKernan loaded it on Mega, and to his shock noticed that much of his lab’s data over years of research, one Terabyte in total, was lost as Mega closed his account.

The lesson here? As McKernan laments, “Do not touch Kirsch’s NZ data! It will get your account nuked.”



It’s always the last dose that gets you

A first analysis of the NZ record-level data

DEC 5, 2023 – Not long ago Steve called me and said that had some real unaltered vaccination records and wanted me to see what they revealed about vaccine safety. Here’s my take on it. There’s so much more to dig in here, but I leave that as an exercise to the reader. Steve has made the data public here.

Turns out the vaccine increases death rates in the first 6 months after the shot which persists for about a year before going back to baseline. And it’s the last dose that kills you – pulling forward death into that first year post shot.

Let’s start with death rate. Here we see the number of deaths per 100,000 person days after the last shot. More on that metric later, but it’s the least biased way we can look at the data we have. The blue line is from the vaccine records, the red is from some synthetic data I created that was explicitly designed to NOT have any vaccine effects (more on that below, too).


SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 Politicians Received DEATHVAX™ Exemption    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

DEC 5, 2023 – Since the bombshell New Zealand whistleblower story broke…


…we now know that the wholly criminal and illegitimate New Zealand government attempted to have the courts deny bail for Barry Young, the hero that blew wide open the slow kill bioweapon democide. Thankfully, he will post bail, and be somewhat safe for the time being. But said government is working diligently to have Barry Young rot in jail for 7 years; in other words:


95% Effective Doesn’t Mean What Billions of People Think It Means     KAREN KINGSTON

Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla intentionally misled Americans and global citizens into believing “the false impression that 95% of vaccine recipients would never obtain COVID-19, full stop.”   

DEC 4, 2023 – Americans and global citizens were intentionally deceived into believing that Pfizer’s 95% efficacy meant that they had a 95% percent reduction in risk of getting infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 if they were vaccinated versus not getting vaccinated (doing nothing – placebo).

Per the lawsuit Texas vs Pfizer, in November of 2020 prior to receiving EUA authorization, Pfizer issued a press release stating that clinical trials showed mRNA BNT162b injections were “more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants.


Steve Kirsch Addresses MIT   JOHN LEAKE

Our favorite Silicon Valley tough guy enters the mRNA lion’s den in Cambridge

DEC 3, 2023 – I’ve long admired Steve Kirsch’s dogged determination to discover and tell the truth about the infernal COVID-19 shots. For almost two years, the MIT graduate and benefactor has sought an audience in the Kirsch Auditorium, whose construction he funded. In what may prove the be the greatest single act of COVID-19 Vaccine Orthodoxy in all of academia, MIT’s administrators have refused to allow him to present his heterodox views in the forum that bears his name.

I spent the afternoon combing scientific and intellectual history for an analogue to MIT’s fantastically absurd treatment of its distinguished and generous alumnus. Alas, I cannot find any other incident that even comes close in its mind-bogglingly stupid suppression of free intellectual discourse.


The Truth About “White Lung Disease”   TOM RENZ

DEC 4, 2023 – This is going to be a very short article because I don’t need a lot of room to show this whistle lung disease nonsense is nothing more than fear-mongering and fraud. Remember, these are the same people that told you COVID would kill everyone, masks help, social distancing is science, and the vaccines were safe and effective. Literally everything they have said for the past 4 years is a lie so when do you trust a liar?

First off, Pneumonia is a disease which means it is a collection of symptoms. The symptoms are caused by some underlying factor. I know some of my readers don’t like germ theory but I’m sticking with it because it is an unnecessary fight for my point. The consensus view is that viruses, bacteria, and sometimes environmental factors can cause pneumonia whose symptoms are generally resulting from fluid in the lungs stemming from those underlying issues. This is all pretty straight forward and requires no scientific understanding. The CDC lays it out for you below:


People Who Complied with COVID Restrictions More Likely to Suffer Mental Health Issues: Study  By Johnathan Jones

Dec. 4, 2023 1:00 pm – A recent study conducted by a university in the United Kingdom found that individuals who fully complied with COVID-19 measures are more likely to suffer from lingering mental health issues than those who resisted government mandates and viewed such orders with skepticism.

The findings might be the least surprising bit of post-pandemic data out there.

But they are nonetheless hard data for individuals who desired to make their own health choices during the madness of the pandemic era and were vilified for doing so.

Meanwhile, that person you might still see today wearing a mask in public — four years after the outbreak began — could need help, according to a study sanctioned by Bangor University in Wales.

The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, was published Nov. 21.

Researchers with the school identified people who fell into two personality groups and tracked them for three months this year.

The purpose of the study was to gauge participants’ well-being following lockdowns in the country and to find a way to ensure that when the next pandemic comes along, as many people as possible do what is best for the greater good.

“During the period from February 15th to May 10th, 2023, after the lockdowns had ended, participants completed short surveys about their well-being every 2 weeks over a period of 3 months,” reads a four-page report from four researchers on behalf of the university.

The subjects were divided into two personality types — agentic and communal.

The agent is your typical person who is more likely to be focused on success, self-determination and independence.

Picture the paddle surfer who was arrested in Malibu, California, in early 2020 — per the Los Angeles Times — for enjoying the sunshine alone on a beach as your typical COVID-era agent.

[Ed.:  “agentic”??   “communal” = Tribal.]


Hero Health Worker Turned Whistleblower Faces Court After He Exposes Shocking Number of Deaths Linked to COVID Vaccine — Shouts “FREEDOM” to Supporters in the Gallery   By Jim Hft

Dec. 4, 2023 8:00 am – On Sunday, The Gateway Pundit reported that a 56-year-old employee-turned-whistleblower of Te Whatu Ora, New Zealand’s public health agency, was targeted by police raids.

The whistleblower was arrested Sunday afternoon for his alleged involvement in the “unauthorized disclosure and misuse of data,” according to police reports.

The police disclosed that the whistleblower’s true identity is Barry Young.

Young, responsible for managing New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccination database, has come forward with alarming data regarding excess deaths that he claims are connected to specific batches of the Pfizer vaccine.

He played a key role in developing a project that established a vaccine payment system for providers, known as the pay-per-dose system. Under this system, providers receive a payment each time a vaccination is administered. As part of his responsibilities, he analyzed the data and noticed inconsistencies.

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

Liz Gunn, the leader of the NZ Loyal Party, a former mainstream media journalist and lawyer, interviewed Young, who chose to risk his job and personal safety to shed light on the statistical anomalies he encountered in his professional role.

“I was involved with building a project and helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It’s called a pay-per-dose system. So that means that every time someone gets vaccinated, they get a payment for it as a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,” Young said.

“As soon as the system went live, we noticed that people were dying almost straight away after being injected. So, that sort of prompted my curiosity a bit. So, I dug a little deeper,” he added.

“This cannot be a natural event. This is man-made,” Young argued, adding, “If it’s happening here, guarantee it’s happening everywhere, and we need more people like me to stand up and just come out. Don’t be scared, just do it.”

Young said that an accessible website, ‘Find My Batch’, provides the COVID-19 vaccine batch information.

You can read the rest of the details here and below:


“Shedding” Part 2 -Evidence of Covid Vaccine Shedding Causing Illness In Others   BRUCHA WEISBERGER


Here is an epidemiologic study suggesting population-wide shedding impacts, clinical case notes describing shedding phenomena at The Leading Edge Clinic, and more.

DEC 4, 2023 – In Dr. Kory’s 9-part series, he has a lot of science about HOW shedding happens in his Parts 2, 3, and 4. I want to come back to some of that important material later, but here in my abbreviated version, I’ve made this second installment the stories of real people, so you can see that shedding IS happening. You may now recognize symptoms in yourself or your family members which you didn’t understand before.

Here I’m bringing you much of Dr. Kory’s Part 5 and Part 6. Links to his originals below. Many more stories in the next installment, G-d willing. As Dr. Kory says, the plural of anecdotes is data.

By Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Kory writes:

Again, to summarize the evidence presented in the previous posts in this series (Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4):

  • Lipid nanoparticles of various types and applications have the ability to disseminate widely to numerous organs and can cross to fetuses trans-placentally and accumulate and transmit via breast milk
  • Equally disturbing and suggestive are data (but insufficient to prove shedding as sole cause) of massively increased reports to VAERS of miscarriages, stillbirths and fetal malformations.
  • In regards to breast milk transmission, numerous adverse event reports strongly support shedding/transmission of vaccine products between mother and baby via breast milk (babies developing strokes, convulsions, respiratory failure, facial paralysis, blurred vision and anaphylaxis (among other concerning symptoms). 

Now we are getting closer to the real question, which is, can the vaccine components…. be transmitted from one human to another… and cause symptoms?

Lets start with my first two personal treatment anecdotes (from the intro to my first post in this series):


Jonathan Pollard on Henry Kissinger: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly   [34:40]  Machon Shilo

December 3, 2023


“Winston Smith” arrested by New Zealand police   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

While some are questioning his data (as ALL scientific data should be questioned), New Zealand’s police have moved abruptly, and dramatically, against the whistle-blower, along with someone else

DEC 3, 2023 – Scroll down for Igor Chudov’s “skeptical” take on the data recently presented by the whistle-blower “Winston Smith.”

Liz Gunn reports that the police descended on the homes of both the whistle-blower himself, and someone else involved with publicizing his testimony:


Are the SAEs from other countries being dumped into VAERS?   JESSICA ROSE

With a 74% SAE rate in reports from Viet Nam, I do wonder.

DEC 3, 2023If I wanted to make a serious adverse event (SAE) report disappear, I might put it into the VAERS Foreign (FR) data set. To be honest, I don’t even understand why there is a VAERS FR data set. Are these reports from U.S. citizens living abroad? Some of them are certainly, but not all of them. Is there another reason for its existence? Was it organic that the FR data file got so big? Did this happen because there are so many reports being made (in general) in the context of the COVID-19 shots?

To reiterate: For the purposes of this article, an SAE is death, disability, birth defect, hospitalization, emergency room visit or life-threatening illness ensuance. I count people, not events. For example, if a person suffered hospitalization followed by death, this counts as one SAE as per my calculations.


An Aviation Disaster in the Making   JOHN LEAKE

Veteran airline pilot Shane Murdock warns of rising pilot incapacitations since 2021.

DEC 3, 2023 – Fellow Substack author Dr. Kevin Stillwagon just reported a close shave with catastrophe on American Airlines flight 755 from Paris to Philadelphia on November 29, 2023. As Dr. Stillwagon described the situation:

The First Officer who was the flying pilot on American Airlines flight 755 from Paris to Philadelphia on November 29th, had a seizure that stiffened his legs and back, jamming his feet under the rudder pedals on short final approach. The captain immediately took over flying duties and there was no loss of aircraft control. The relief pilot who was required to be on the flight deck during landing was able to remove the unconscious pilot from the seat with the help of the purser. The relief pilot occupied the seat for a normal landing and taxi to the gate.

Dr. Stillwagon substantiated his report with an audio recording of the captain speaking with Air Traffic Control about the medical emergency, which you can listen to on his post.

As reported by fellow Substack author, Dr. William Makis, this incident was the fourth pilot incapacitation in two weeks.

Nov.26, 2023 – Ryanair Flight FR-3472 (LTN-RZE) from London Luton, UK to Rzeszow (Poland) on Nov.26, 2023, one of the pilots became incapacitated, plane diverted to Krakow and landed safely

Nov.20, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS-186 (YYZ-PUJ) from Toronto, Canada to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – pilot became incapacitated and was replaced by a pilot passenger

Nov.16, 2023 – Air India Pilot Death – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training.

In my effort to understand what is going on with such pilot incapacitations, I spoke with Australian veteran pilot Shane Murdock, who recently published a fascinating paper titled: Impending Disaster in the Global Aviation Industry, which I highly recommend reading.

[Ed.:  What a coincidence!  Same this is happening to automobile drivers!]


Shedding of covid vaccine components to the unvaccinated: Part 1  IT IS REAL   BRUCHA WEISBERGER


DEC 3, 2023 – Many people never even heard of covid vaccine “shedding,” in which an unvaccinated person can be sickened and even permanently injured by vaccine components given off in the breath, sweat, etc of covid vaccinated people. If you did hear the term, the concept may have sounded so crazy that you immediately dismissed it as “fringe.”

wish this wasn’t real, but the evidence is incontrovertible. Last month, top world doctor Pierre Kory tackled covid vaccine shedding in the most comprehensive series of articles I am aware of on this topic.

I am bringing you this information so that you can be aware to take steps to protect yourself and your family. You will see many routes of shedding in this series and you will understand what you can attempt to avoid.

Importantly for almost everyone, take some protective products. (I’ll include a link to my researcher’s most updated protective protocol in my Part 3.)

Dr. Kory’s article is a 9-part series. I am going to take pieces of his posts to form a shorter series here. His links are below.


US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health Shows COVID Vaccines Have Killed Millions   By Pamela Geller

December 2, 2023 – Democrats continue to wage war on the American people , mandating these dangerous vaccines with their serial lying and censorship of the truth.

European countries halted Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for young people

Data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions

It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses.   By: Steve Kirsch, November  30 2023:

Executive summary

Today you will get to see the data that nobody wants you to see. FINALLY.

No State or country has ever released record-level public health data on any vaccine.

Privacy is not the reason for this; the data can be easily obfuscated (which we did on this data) so that no record entry would match that of any person, living or dead.

The reason the data is kept secret is simple: it would expose the fact that the COVID vaccines are unsafe, as well as all the vaccines that I have been able to get record-level data on.

Today, thanks to a courageous whistleblower who works at the New Zealand Ministry of Health, we have record-level information from a large population of all ages and are making it public for the first time in history.=

Here is the Rumble video announcing the leak:


Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study   By Pamela Geller 

December 2, 2023 – Everything the Democrats mandated was harmful (or in the case of the vaccine, lethal.)

Some mask wearers were found to have up to 40 percent higher incidence of infection, contradicting earlier studies and opposing the narrative of mask mandates.



A Crime Against Humanity…     by James Howard Kunstler

“This is in my opinion, the worst thing that’s ever happened to our country in my lifetime in the world, and the government’s role cannot be denied,”  – Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on C-19-Vaxx

SATURDAY, DEC 02, 2023 – 11:40 AM  – History is a trickster. It unfolds emergently with uncanny creativity, often blindsiding humanity with the unanticipated consequences and non-linear outcomes of previous unfoldings. So, here we are now in a Second Civil War.

Really? “Between whom?” you might ask.

Between truth and untruth.

Between a sociopathic bureaucratic blob steeped in lies and a citizenry obliged to live and die by the blob’s lies.

Case-in-point: the emergent evolution of US public health agencies, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the NIAID and their many fiefdoms, into a gigantic engine of death fueled by incessant and persistent lying. The people running these agencies lied to you about the creation and origin of the novel corona virus, SARS Covid-19. Then they lied about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines created as the sovereign remedy for Covid-19. They also lied about and suppressed actual effective treatments for the disease they invented and loosed on the world and then coerced the whole medical establishment into breaking its Hippocratic oath (first do no harm) to administer vaccines that killed. They lied about these things knowingly. And through the whole three-year episode, US public health has hidden the data about Covid and the vaccines while aggressively lying about it and punishing American citizens who found ways to expose the truth.

The vaccines have killed an estimate 670,000 Americans and 17-million world-wide, consensus figures arrived at by citizens devoted to uncovering the truth. One of these is independent researcher Steve Kirsch, a Silicon Valley billionaire who invented the optical mouse. In 2021, after noticing a strange pattern of early deaths and injuries in his own circle of acquaintances, Mr. Kirsch devoted himself and his fortune to uncovering the truth about the Covid-19 vaccines. Mr. Kirsch describes himself as “a nerd,” by which he means that he is good at math and at assembling bodies of information using rigorous statistical analysis that present a coherent picture of reality, a.k.a. the truth.

Last night, Thursday, November 30, Mr.Kirsch gave a talk at his alma mater, MIT, in Cambridge, Massachusetts on what the best available statistics tell us about the Covid-19 vaccines (for instance, that so far they have killed more Americans than World War Two). The talk was live-streamed on the Rumble platform  [2:39:22]   (YouTube scrubbed it).

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.