Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 2/21/25

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

Read previous posts here

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  If you know someone injured by the jabs, direct them to humanitysuit.com to become a plaintiff.]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]


Wuhan: “New Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential Discovered”   JOHN LEAKE

Zheng-Li Shi & WIV team announce: “Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor”

FEB 21, 2025

I have been vaguely expecting news along these lines, right as President Trump is just getting started. The disruption would, I figured, either come in the form of war escalation or a “new virus of pandemic potential discovered in China.”

The Daily Mail, Newsweek, and other mainstream papers are reporting that Zheng-Li Shi & and her Wuhan Institute of Virology team have just published a paper in CELL titled. “Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor.”

Same bat lady (Zheng-Li Shi), same bat place (Wuhan Institute of Virology).

The other thing I’ve been vaguely predicting is that, because the stupid U.S. government never took vigorous action to discipline ANYONE involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, it taught all of the actors involved that they can do whatever they want with impunity.

As for the reality of HKU5-CoV lineage 2: the McCullough Foundation will carefully examine the paper ASAP. For now, I am not seeing anything about the identification of an intermediate animal host, which we would expect in the case of a SARS coronavirus evolving from bats to infect humans. Note that no intermediate animal host was ever identified in the case of SARS-CoV-2.

The intrepid “virus investigator” Peter Daszak—dispatched to Wuhan by the WHO in the way the LAPD might have dispatched Charles Manson to 10050 Cielo Drive to investigate the murder of Sharon Tate—suggested it might have come from an animal at the Huanan seafood market, though he was never able to identify the species.

This is a breaking story. Stay tuned for more on HKU5-CoV lineage 2.


The Potential Lab Origin of Mild H5N1 Bird Flu and Why Mass Culling Must End   [VIDEO 7:10]   NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

FEB 21, 2025  Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on NTD News Capitol Report

In my recent interview on NTD News Capitol Report, I had the pleasure to share with their large viewership important unacknowledged facts regarding the current H5N1 Bird Flu outbreak including:

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New Study Provides Legal Support For The Vaccine Injured   PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA

Corporate lawyers beware: “Post Covid Vaccination Syndrome” is now a “real disease.” A new Yale study will hopefully help me and my patients’ lawyers win them compensation in disability hearings.

FEB 21, 2025 – A study from Yale was published this week that describes the clinical and immunologic profiles of those that suffer from chronic post covid vaccination syndrome (PVS), a disease that, before this paper, did not exist despite the fact I have specialized in diagnosing and treating it for over three years.

I cannot overstate how important the new Yale study is to the legal and medical plight of these patients. Actually, scratch that, I can overstate it because, let’s be clear, the study is on a pre-print server and until it gets fully peer-reviewed and published in a reputable journal, opposing lawyers will still be able to gaslight both me and my patients in the courtroom (I say this because an earlier version of the study is still on a pre-print server 18 months later).

The disability hearings I have participated in so far have been traumatic for my PVS patients (and me). Opposing lawyers repeatedly deny the association of their illness with the vaccine by aggressively attributing it to other causes, most often Covid itself.

Know that, just as I have devoted massive amounts of pro-bono efforts to defend persecuted doctors, I have also done the same with my PVS patients who are trying to get disability and/or workers compensation.

For instance, recall my recent post where I described “losing it” on the stand when the opposing lawyer went so far as to accuse me of tailoring my testimony for a medically destroyed pro-bono PVS patient of mine… so that she would then have the funds to pay for my care. If it wasn’t on Zoom, I probably would have made the nightly news for leaping out of the witness box and punching him right in the #$%@ face (obviously I would not do that but it was cathartic to write).

However, and at the risk of sounding egotistical, the Yale study actually does little to further my clinical (not immunologic) knowledge of their illness because as my readers know, three years ago I opened a specialty clinic with my partner Scott Marsland where we have focused on studying and treating what has turned into the most complex and idiosyncratic disease I have ever encountered. Welcome to the new specialty of “Bioweapon Medicine.”

I wrote a series of posts 18 months ago which described PVS nearly identically to that of this Yale paper:

However, I do think the paper is historic in that this absurd, idiotic ruse of “system” doctors diagnosing (er, I mean dismissing) all of my patients with the more politically acceptable diagnosis of “Long Covid Syndrome” (LCS) will hopefully come to an end.

From the introduction to the paper:

Ya don’t say? Here we are, four years after the mRNA rollout, and finally there is a paper which introduces the concept that the Covid vaccines can cause a devastating chronic illness like Covid can.

Maybe, just maybe, the “gas lighting” by “system” doctors will subside (if they read such papers). For any who have read the earlier posts above, you may recall that 70% of my practice suffer from PVS while only 30% have LCS. What is the difference you ask? Easy:

  1. PVS begins in direct temporal relationship to receiving a Covid vaccine
  2. LCS begins in direct temporal relationship to having fallen ill with Covid

Although yes, in a minority it can be difficult to differentiate the exact trigger, and yes, others are “hybrids” in that both triggers likely contributed, in the vast majority it is child’s play to arrive at correctly identifying the cause of the syndrome.

For instance, if the patient starts trembling with vertigo and chest pain within minutes from receiving the shot, which then progresses over days into the fuller syndrome of fatigue, post-exertional malaise, and brain fog, it ain’t “Long Covid.”

From the Yale study:

“A large fraction of individuals reported the onset of symptoms to be as early as within one day of COVID19 vaccination.”

Are there any other differences between the two? Actually, there are, although they are few and largely inconsequential such that my therapeutic approaches are nearly identical. In my three years of caring for these patients, I have found that:

  1. On average, PVS patients are far sicker (higher rates of complete disability and neuropathies) than LCS patients (with some notable exceptions)
  2. LCS patients without treatment are more likely to enjoy slow improvements over time than PVS patients. This is not to say that PVS patients are refractory to the therapy of “a tincture of time” but rather the effects are much less.
  3. LCS patients can have post-covid pulmonary disease (i.e. residual active organizing pneumonia or fibrosis) in a minority
  4. PVS patients can have spike antibody levels “through the roof” (i.e. >25,000) while LCS patients almost never crest 4,500.

My observations above are further supported in the Yale paper:

“The molecular mechanisms of PVS remain largely unknown. However, there is considerable overlap in self-reported symptoms between long COVID and PVS, as well as shared exposure to SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein in the context of inflammatory responses during infection or vaccination.

This overlap is not hard to understand as we have long maintained that LCS and PVS are “spike protein induced diseases” (the name I gave to our FLCCC conference on the topic two and a half years ago):

Similarly, as stated in the Yale paper:

“Given the striking similarities between long COVID and PVS symptoms, there has been speculation regarding the potential causal role of the persistent presence of spike protein driving the chronic symptoms”

We are now getting closer to proving that the spike protein is a “pathogen” – defined as any organism or agent that can produce disease in a host. I wish the entire field of pathology will eventually come to know this simple fact (recall that pathologists are expert at identifying pathogens.. except nearly the entire worlds pathologists are still unaware of this fact as I detailed in one of my most popular posts ever):

The most important point I want to make about LCS and PVS is that they are NOT new diseases! An identical syndrome has been associated with numerous other infections (and vaccinations), such as Epstein-Barr virus, Lyme disease, mycoplasma, influenza, Giardia etc.

PVS and LCS are identical to a disease called “myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). For the purists, yes, I know that ME and CFS have different historical origins and emphasize different aspects of the disease, but they ultimately refer to the same underlying condition which is characterized by profound fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and worsening of symptoms after exertion.

From the earlier version of the Yale study:

However, as you can see above, those three symptoms are just the “tip of the iceberg” in this disease. The chart above illustrates that powerfully: 13 different symptoms are reported over 50% of the time.

As per my previous post on the symptom burden of PVS patients, after the “Big Three” above, the next most common are:

  • Sensory neuropathies (burning, tingling, pins and needles, numbness, pain, electric shock like feelings)
  • Dysautonomia (POTS, i.e. high resting heart rates, spikes in heart rate on position change or minimal exertion, labile blood pressures, temperature dysregulation – feeling hot or cold or sweating, then GI issues like abnormal stomach emptying and peristalsis).
  • “Cranial” issues ( vertigo, tinnitus, dizziness, headaches, visual disturbances)
  • Atypical Motor neuropathies (fasciculations, weakness, ALS like syndromes, tremors, shaking, convulsions, ballismus, flaccidity, and dystonic reactions).
  • Others (arthritis, skin diseases, cancers, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, autoimmune diseases, myalgias, etc

Editor note: This study was done by a group of immunologists and primarily focused on the numerous immunologic profiles and abnormalities they found in PVS patients. I am ignoring these for now, but will include a brief summary in the post-script.

Know that the Mayo Clinic was quick to recognize the rising epidemic of ME/CFS in Covid when they decided to publish this position paper below in November of 2021, warning of a rising epidemic of ME/CFS due to SARS-CoV2 (but not the vaccine):

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Dr. McCullough Testifies in Idaho Senate   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

mRNA Platform Should be Banned–Not Safe for Public Use

FEB 21, 2025 – I give great credit to Laura Demaray who has persistently led public policy efforts in Idaho to protect citizens from further damage and death as a result of continued COVID-19 vaccination. She is holding the phone as I gave this brief two-minute testimony.

The Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee heard testimony on February 17, 2025 concerning Senate Bill 1036 (S1036) Doug Cameron Act, sponsored by Idaho Senator Brandon Shippy. The bill named for a rancher injured by vaccination proposes a moratorium on mRNA-based vaccines.

WATCH  [2:14] 


The Daily Mail suddenly wakes up from its journalistic coma and reports an actual factual story about Covid death shots    LEO HOHMANN

Where has this kind of reporting been for the last four years as people have been dying and getting sick after submitting to the injections?

FEB 20, 2025

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NEW STUDY – Vitamin D Protects Against COVID-19 mRNA Injection-Induced Myocarditis   NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

73.3% of myocarditis cases had low vitamin D—linked to higher inflammation, heart damage, and ICU admissions—while sufficient levels were associated with reduced severity.

February 20, 2025

The study titled, The protective role of vitamin D in BNT162b2 vaccine-related acute myocarditis, was just published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology:

Introduction: Vaccine-related myocarditis is recognized as a rare but important complication, especially after mass-scale mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Knowledge regarding how to minimize the risk is limited. As NK cells can mediate acute myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and vitamin D may inhibit NK cells via cytokine modulation, we hypothesize that the myocarditis side effect is related to a hypovitaminosis D – mRNA vaccine – hypercytokinemia – NK cell axis, which is amendable to clinical intervention.

Methods: Biochemical, immunophenotypic and genotyping assays were performed to examine vitamin D status and immune profiles in 60 patients who had BNT162b2 vaccine-related acute myocarditis.

Results: A high incidence of hypovitaminosis D (73.3%) was observed in these individuals with vaccine-related myocarditis, particularly in those presented with chest pain or intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Moreover, vitamin D level was negatively associated with peak serum cardiac troponin T level during vaccine-related myocarditis. Genotypically, the GC (vitamin D binding protein) rs4588T allele which encoded the GC2 isoform of vitamin D binding protein was a risk allele, whereas the GC1S isoform was protective. Mechanistically, hypovitaminosis D was associated with higher levels of cytokines pivotal for natural killer (NK) cells (particularly interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-12, Interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and IL-8) and higher percentage of CD69+ NK cells in blood, which in turn correlated with chest pain presentation.

Conclusion: These data support the hypothesis that vitamin D plays a crucial role in mitigating mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis by modulating proinflammatory cytokine milieu and subsequent unfavorable NK cell activation, laying a groundwork for preventive and treatment strategies.

Key Findings:

Vitamin D Deficiency is Common in Myocarditis Cases

  • 73.3% of individuals who developed myocarditis after mRNA injection had low vitamin D levels (≤50 nmol/L).
  • Among those with vitamin D deficiency:
    • 88.3% experienced chest pain, compared to those with normal vitamin D levels.
    • 30% required ICU admission, indicating more severe cases.

Vitamin D May Reduce Risk

  • Higher vitamin D levels were linked to:
    • Lower inflammation in the heart (as indicated by lower cytokine levels).
    • Reduced activation of NK cells (fewer CD69+ NK cells).
    • Fewer severe symptoms of myocarditis (lower cTnT levels and fewer ICU admissions).
  • Patients with vitamin D sufficiency (>50 nmol/L) were less likely to experience severe symptoms (p < 0.05).

Lower Vitamin D = More Heart Damage

  • Patients with low vitamin D had higher levels of cardiac troponin T (cTnT), a marker of heart damage:
    • Vitamin D-deficient patients had an average cTnT of 0.62 ± 0.40 ng/mL.
    • Patients with sufficient vitamin D had significantly lower cTnT levels (p = 0.0099).
  • Vitamin D levels were negatively correlated with cTnT (r = -0.3053, p = 0.0221).

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Vigilant Fox: Infamous Dr. Deborah Birx Makes Two Shocking COVID Admissions


BREAKING – Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms mRNA Injections Cross the Placenta and Reach the Fetus   NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

Intramuscular mRNA-1273 injection rapidly crosses the placenta within one hour, accumulates in fetal organs, translates into Spike protein, and persists in fetal tissues after birth.

FEB 19, 2025

The study titled, mRNA-1273 is placenta-permeable and immunogenic in the fetus, has just been accepted for publication after successful peer-review in journal Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids:


… In this study, mRNA-1273 intramuscularly given to pregnant mice rapidly circulated in maternal blood and crossed the placenta within one hour to spread in fetal circulation. Although spike mRNA in fetal circulation faded away within 4-6 hours, it could accumulate in fetal tissues, mainly the liver and get translated into spike protein. Transplacental mRNA-1273 proved immunogenic in the fetuses, as postnatally equipped with anti-spike IgM, paternal allotypic anti-spike IgG2a and heightened anti-spike cellular immunity. Gestationally administered, mRNA-1273 had a dose-dependent effect on its transplacental transfer and immunogenicity in the fetuses, with higher mRNA-1273 doses leading to increased transplacental mRNA-1273 passage and greater serum titers of endogenous anti-spike IgM/IgG generated by the fetuses. Thus, gestationally maternal mRNA-1273 vaccination might endow the newborns with not only passive but also active anti-spike immunity.

Here are the key findings:

  • Rapid Placental Transfer: The study demonstrated that mRNA-1273 crosses the placenta within one hour of maternal vaccination in a mouse model.
  • Accumulation in Fetal Organs: The mRNA and its lipid nanoparticle (LNP) carriers were detected in fetal blood and tissues (mainly liver), where they persisted beyond initial clearance from maternal circulation.
  • mRNA Translation into Spike Protein in the Fetus: Fetal tissues actively translated the vaccine mRNA into Spike protein, raising concerns about unintended immune responses or long-term biological effects.
  • Persistence in Fetal Liver and Spleen: mRNA remained in fetal liver and spleen for at least three weeks postnatally.

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Yale Scientists Link COVID Shot to a Rare, Alarming Syndrome that Causes “Distinct Biological Changes” in the Body


SHOCK MOVE: Trump Administration Poised To Potentially Ban COVID Vaccines Nationwide

February 19, 2025  Yeshiva World News – The Biden-era COVID vaccine rollout could soon face an unprecedented reversal under the Trump administration, as key health officials and advisors push for a nationwide suspension of mRNA shots.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has publicly supported a petition calling for the immediate suspension and retesting of mRNA vaccines, citing a potential connection to rising excess deaths worldwide. Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., now head of Health and Human Services (HHS), has privately expressed doubts about the safety of the shots and is reportedly open to banning them outright if the data supports it.

The HOPE Accord, signed by Bhattacharya and other prominent skeptics, claims there is a “causal link” between the vaccines and an alarming spike in global excess mortality. Proponents argue the emergency that warranted their approval no longer exists, and that regulators should require new evidence proving their safety.

If enacted, the suspension would mark the most radical reversal of a public health policy in U.S. history. While a full ban would require the FDA to revoke its approval, insiders suggest Kennedy and Bhattacharya could shift research priorities at NIH and CDC, potentially exposing vaccine harms that would justify regulatory action.

Two states—Idaho and Montana—are already considering legislative bans, citing concerns that mRNA technology could integrate into human DNA, a claim dismissed by mainstream scientists as a conspiracy theory.

The mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have been credited with saving millions of lives globally, including three million in the U.S. alone. However, critics highlight potential risks, including rare but documented cases of myocarditis and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Dr. Paul Offit, a leading vaccine expert, refuted claims that the shots caused widespread harm. “If these vaccines were truly responsible for mass deaths, we would have seen it in the data. We haven’t.”

The push to re-evaluate vaccine safety underscores the deep political divide surrounding COVID policies. Trump, who championed Operation Warp Speed, has distanced himself from the shots in recent years, wary of alienating his base, which has grown increasingly skeptical of mRNA technology.

With Kennedy at the helm of HHS and Bhattacharya potentially leading NIH, the future of America’s vaccine policy hangs in the balance. As Trump’s administration reshapes federal health agencies, the country could be on the verge of a historic re-evaluation—or outright suspension—of the COVID vaccines that defined the pandemic response.

[Ed.:  Well, isn’t that special!]


NEW STUDY – Circulating Spike Protein Detectable 709 Days after COVID-19 mRNA Injection   NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

Participants with post-vaccination syndrome had significantly higher circulating Spike protein levels compared with the control group.

FEB 19, 2025

The study titled, Immunological and Antigenic Signatures Associated with Chronic Illnesses after COVID-19 Vaccination, was just uploaded to the medRxiv preprint server:


… a small fraction of the population reports a chronic debilitating condition after COVID-19 vaccination, often referred to as post- vaccination syndrome (PVS). To explore potential pathobiological features associated with PVS, we conducted a decentralized, cross-sectional study involving 42 PVS participants and 22 healthy controls enrolled in the Yale LISTEN study. Compared with controls, PVS participants exhibited differences in immune profiles, including reduced circulating memory and effector CD4 T cells (type 1 and type 2) and an increase in TNFα+ CD8 T cells. PVS participants also had lower anti-spike antibody titers, primarily due to fewer vaccine doses. Serological evidence of recent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation was observed more frequently in PVS participants. Further, individuals with PVS exhibited elevated levels of circulating spike protein compared to healthy controls. These findings reveal potential immune differences in individuals with PVS that merit further investigation to better understand this condition and inform future research into diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

The most striking finding from this study is that circulating Spike protein was detectable up to 709 days after COVID-19 mRNA Injection:

They also found that “participants with PVS had significantly higher circulating S1 levels compared with the control group (p = 0.01).” The study further confirmed that the presence of S1 reflects the presence of full-length (‘vaccine’) Spike protein:

The full-length S SPEAR assays showed a significant correlation between S and S1 across all samples (Fig. 5E), as well as for values above the LLoD and LLoQ (Fig. 5F, Table S2). Thus, based on SPEAR assays, the individuals with PVS exhibited elevated levels of circulating full-length S compared to healthy controls.

These data help to explain delayed adverse events and long-term harms from COVID-19 mRNA injections, especially given that 320 peer-reviewed scientific studies confirm that the Spike protein is highly pathogenic on its own. The findings also support the use of Spike protein detoxification methods in the resolution of COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ injury syndromes, such as McCullough Protocol: Base Spike Detoxification:

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation


Please consider following both the McCullough Foundation and my personal account on X (formerly Twitter) for further content.


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, February 10-17, 2025   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Actors Kevyn Howard, Biff Wiff, Bob Bingham; rappers Gene ‘Groove’ Allen, Chelsea Reject (22); sports journos Charlie Ellerbrock, Stephen Hart; footballers Ben Christman (21), Jim Karsatos; & more

FEB 19, 2025

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VERY URGENT: Yale researchers have found immune system exhaustion and prolonged spike protein production in some Covid jab recipients   ALEX BERENSON

I initially wrote about this study in December; now the full dataset is out. The results are worse than I first reported. mRNA-caused T-cell depletion appears real; and spike levels RISE with time.

FEB 19, 2025

This is bad news. Very bad.

A Yale University team led by a top immunologist has found that some people who received the Covid vaccines have damage to their immune systems, as well as high and rising levels of spike protein in their blood. The researchers released the findings Wednesday in a “preprint” and hope to publish it soon in a peer-reviewed journal.

How often these problems occur or if the immune system damage might open people to infections is unclear as yet. But immune system damage the researchers found is similar though not identical to changes caused by HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, that can eventually lead to AIDS.

The researchers also found Covid spike protein — the protein mRNA Covid jabs from Pfizer and Moderna cause our cells to make — in the blood of patients up to two years after vaccination. I first wrote about that finding in December, but it looks even more serious now that the preprint is out.

The findings come from the Yale LISTEN study, which was initially designed to track people with self-reported post-Covid injuries. It has now expanded to examine what the study’s leaders call PVS, or “post-vaccine syndrome” — people who have reported autoimmune and other problems falling Covid jabs.

The study found that patients with post-vaccine syndrome had low levels of crucial CD4 “helper” T-cells, and some of their CD8 “killer” T-cells showed evidence of what immunologists call exhaustion. “

The study is small, comparing only 42 people with post-vaccine syndrome to 22 control patients who enrolled in the study who did not have similar problems. Further, this study was not prospectively enrolled. In other words, the researchers do not have T-cell data from people before they received Covid shots, so for now they cannot prove the jabs caused any immune dysfunction.

This problem is fundamental to any data from an “observational” study like LISTEN and difficult to correct. However, Pfizer and Moderna may have been sequential collecting T-cell data on at least some people they enrolled in their clinical trials in 2020. In that case, it should be possible to examine how T-cell levels in those patients have changed over time.

The new findings are particularly credible and concerning because LISTEN’s co-chair, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, is a former president of the American Association of Immunologists who in 2021 called concerns about the mRNA shots “absurd.”

In a press release announcing the preprint’s findings this morning, Dr. Iwasaki struck a different tone. “That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point,” she said. “We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms… but it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome.”

Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a Yale cardiologist and the study’s other co-chair, said the study needs to be repeated and expanded “with much larger numbers” to confirm its findings and discover other possible outcomes.

Those would include if the immune system dysfunction improves or worsens over time, if spike protein levels continue to rise, and why people continue to have spike protein in their blood long after it should be gone.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

The December story, if you missed it:

URGENT: Yale researchers have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people never infected with Covid – years after they got mRNA jabs



IDF Recruit Maimed By Vaccines Wins Lawsuit, Gaslighting Continues   CHANANYA WEISSMAN

A small, bittersweet victory for one man, but no giant leap for mankind

FEB 19, 2025

Hebrew report

A recruit to the military police, previously in excellent health, contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome, an autoimmune disease, as a result of a triple vaccination (flu, meningitis, and tetanus) he received from the IDF on the day of his recruitment.

His health immediately deteriorated. Despite his complaints, his commanders initially asked him to wait and continue training, hoping his health problems would just go away. Another intelligence failure.

His health quickly worsened and he experienced severe weakness and other symptoms, requiring a wheelchair, as the disease quickly spread. A few days later he was hospitalized for more than a month in intensive care while sedated and ventilated.

Today he is more than 40% disabled, and suffers from partial paralysis of the limbs and face.

He sued the Ministry of Defense.

Against all odds, a medical expert acknowledged that there was a direct link between the injections and the disease. (Apparently Asher Weiss was not available to cynically argue that maybe his condition was caused by a visit to the mikveh.)

The Ministry of Defense agreed to compensate him as a disabled IDF soldier, awarding him more than one million shekels and a monthly allowance for the rest of his life. This will come from your tax money, not their pensions.

Needless to say, there will be no change in policy regarding vaccination of IDF recruits, vaccination in general, marketing of vaccines, compensation for the hordes of people injured by vaccines, or the regime’s attitude toward “anti-vaxxers”. If anything, the unnamed medical expert is probably a marked man.

The video embedded at the very top of the article — an article about someone getting maimed by vaccines — shows doctors/stooges from all the major health clinics in Israel cheerfully urging people to take the flu vaccine.

You cannot make this up.

Meanwhile, the 2025 brochures in Meuhedet clinics pushing the flu vaccines still claim that after 50 years of flu shots being administered all over the world, not a single severe side effect has EVER been reported. Not one! Ever! Not even the case just reported!

Here’s what I wrote about the brochures (and related matters) in January of 2024:

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The Greatest Crime in History  [1:20:52]   JOHN LEAKE

Interview with Charles Rixey, Intelligence Analyst for D.R.A.S.T.I.C., a global group of ~20 scientists & researchers investigating the origins of the COVID-19.

FEB 19, 2025

Please check out my recent interview with Charles Rixey, whose DRASTIC (Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19) was the first recipient of the leaked Project DEFUSE grant proposal, originally submitted to DARPA by EcoHealth Alliance in 2018.

As I have written about on this Substack, in its Project DEFUSE (see document) EcoHealth Alliance proposed to perform laboratory modifications SARS bat coronaviruses, including the singular modification of adding a furin cleavage site to its spike protein.

Just two years later, the modifications proposed in DEFUSE turned up in SARS CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. Charles Rixey and his team performed an analysis of the DEFUSE proposal.

I am confident our readers will be highly intrigued by our conversation in which we agree that the laboratory creation of SARS-CoV-2, followed by the ruthless and systematic concealment of its origin, along with the coercive vaccine program using its lethal spike protein, is the greatest crime in history.


Dr Birx Admits Covid ‘Vaccines’ Were Not Meant for Widespread Use   Frank Bergman

February 18, 2025 -Former top pandemic health official Dr. Deborah Birx has made the startling admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” were only developed as a desperate measure for vulnerable citizens and were never meant to be widely distributed among the population.

Dr. Birx, who served as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator in President Donald Trump’s first administration, also revealed that the injections were not “designed” to protect against COVID-19 infection.

The former top health official made the confession during a recent appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

She stated that the mRNA injections were developed to target those at high risk of severe illness.

Birx asserted that they were not developed for a mass rollout for the general population.

“The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s what the vaccine was developed for,” Birx said.

She also confessed the Covid mRNA shots were never “designed” to prevent infection.

“That is not what the Covid vaccine was designed to do,” she contended.

“It wasn’t designed against infection.”

WATCH  [1:59]    https://rumble.com/v6mbhdu-dr-birx-admits-covid-vaccines-were-not-meant-for-widespread-use.html

Further, Dr. Birx also asserted that people were dying during the pandemic due to effective treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, being blocked.

“What I witnessed was a lot of undiagnosed disease that could have been treated early that then resulted in Covid deaths,” Birx revealed.

Birx argues that health officials stopped “listening to the science and the data” regarding treatments and mass vaccinations.

WATCH  [0:56]   https://rumble.com/v6mbjor-dr-birx-people-dies-because-treatments-were-blocked-during-pandemic.html

Birx has previously revealed that top health officials ignored scientific evidence to push Covid “vaccines” onto the public.

In a 2022 exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Birx admitted that the Biden administration’s claims about the efficacy of mRNA injections were based on “hope,” not science.

“When the government told us the vaccinated couldn’t transmit it [COVID], was that a lie or a guess?” Jordan asked Birx during a congressional hearing

“I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way,” Birx admitted.

WATCH [1:52]   https://rumble.com/v6mbnkc-dr.-birx-testifies-that-covid-vaccines-were-based-on-hope-not-science.html

Now, Birx is throwing more health officials under the bus.

Meanwhile, medical researchers are raising fresh concerns about the dangers of Covid “vaccines” after a journal urged for immediate global market withdrawal of all mRNA shots.

A January 28 study published in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law says there were 19,028 reports of American Covid vaccine-related deaths as of September 6, 2024, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS was established in 1990 as a national early warning system to detect issues of safety in U.S.-licensed vaccines.

The system is co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The study, published by the McCullough Foundation, says the deaths reported in VAERS are estimated to be underreported by a multiplier of 31.

The researchers estimate that American deaths from Covid vaccinations may be closer to 589,868 (19,028 x 31).

However, other experts argue that the deaths from the injections are actually in the millions.

READ MORE – FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer


Top Experts Testify: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Killed Millions   Frank Bergman

February 18, 2025

Two leading American medical experts have provided bombshell testimony before the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee that Covid mRNA “vaccines” have killed millions of innocent people.

Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and prominent epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, MPH were called as expert witnesses to testify during a Monday hearing.

During his testimony, Hulscher presented irrefutable proof that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are both ineffective and extremely dangerous for use on humans.

Hulscher’s testimony was part of a hearing on Senate Bill 1036 (S1036), which seeks to establish a moratorium on the use of mRNA-based vaccines.

Backed by several damning studies, Hulscher let the science speak for itself:

“Along with VAERS, 12 studies demonstrate that mass COVID-19 vaccination has led to increased mortality.

“The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide may be greater than 17 million.

“Three hundred twenty-five autopsies indicate a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.

“Lipid nanoparticles carrying modified mRNA travel to all organ systems, instructing them to become toxic, full-length prefusion-stabilized spike protein factories.

“Product mRNA and resulting spike protein are found directly in affected tissues at autopsy,” the expert noted.

“The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS has far exceeded recall limits of past vaccine withdrawals by up to 375,000%.

“Six studies have demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals face a higher risk of infection compared to unvaccinated individuals.

“DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines, reported across multiple manufacturers, vaccine platforms, and geographic regions, far exceeds regulatory thresholds.”

After laying out the facts, Hulscher concluded:

“Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure the next steps for accountability are taken.”

WATCH   [1:53]


Chicken vaccine CONDITIONALLY approved by USDA for use in US to prevent bird flu–by twisting the rules and fooling the public   MERYL NASS

An older vaccine was adapted by Zoetis for current strain of bird flu–the strain that causes mild or no disease in humans.

FEB 18, 2025

Here is what FDA has to say about conditional approvals of veterinary vaccines:


Thus we see that effectiveness is unknown for the Zoetis bird flu vaccine. And equally concerning, the Zoetis vaccine does not meet the requirements noted in the two bullet points above for issuing a conditional license, because it would be relatively simple to demonstrate effectiveness with such a widespread infection. It would not require complex or difficult studies. All you would need is to vaccinate chickens with the vaccine and a placebo, then expose both groups to bird flu and see how many develop symptoms and how many succumb to the disease in each group.

Therefore, the vaccine is not legally eligible for a conditional approval.

Like the COVID vaccines, which were not technically eligible for an EUA because HCQ, IVM and many other drugs would have prevented infections, the government lied about this to prevent prophylactic treatment and to issue an EUA to obtain mass vaccine uptake. It appears the same strategy is now being used for the bird flu vaccine for chickens. And the vaccine under conditional approval can be marketed for a year before having to demonstrate effectiveness—while the experiment I just described could be done in under a month to see if the vaccine worked!

What does FDA’s conditional approval allow a drug company to do?

FDA’s conditional approval allows the drug company to legally sell the animal drug before proving it meets the “substantial evidence” standard of effectiveness for full approval. The company can also legally promote and advertise the conditionally approved drug for the labeled uses.

The conditional approval is valid for one year. The drug company can ask FDA to renew the conditional approval annually for up to four more years, for a total of five years of conditional approval. To receive a renewal from FDA, the company must show active progress toward proving “substantial evidence of effectiveness” for full approval.

During the conditional approval period, the company can legally market the animal drug for the labeled uses while collecting the remaining effectiveness data. After collecting the necessary data, the company then applies to FDA for full approval. FDA reviews the application and, if appropriate, fully approves the drug.


The article below, by Jon Cohen in Science, should be read with a grain of salt. Not only did its author cover up information provided to him confidentially about the Fauci call that instigated a coverup of COVID’s origin on February 1, 2020, but he leaked the information to the authors of the Proximal Origins paper. In other words, he is not an ethical science journalist and he has engaged in COVID narrative control, more than once.—Nass

With egg prices in the United States soaring because of the spread of H5N1 influenza virus among poultry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) yesterday conditionally approved a vaccine to protect the birds. President Donald Trump’s administration may therefore soon face a fraught decision on whether to join the ranks of other nations—including China, France, Egypt, and Mexico—that vaccinate poultry against H5N1.

Although many influenza researchers contend that vaccination can help control spread of the deadly virus, the U.S. government has long resisted allowing its use because of politics and trade concerns that many contend are unscientific. The USDA approval may signal a shift in policy linked to the Trump administration’s worries about egg prices. Even with the conditional approval, USDA must still approve its use before farmers can start to administer the vaccine because special regulations apply to H5N1 and other so-called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses.

The vaccine, made by Zoetis, contains a killed version of an H5N2 variant that the company has designed to work against circulating variants of the H5N1 virus that have decimated poultry flocks and have even jumped to cows and some humans. (The “H” in both variants stands for hemagglutinin, the surface protein of the virus, and antibodies against it are the main mechanism of vaccine-induced protection.) Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported yesterday that three cow veterinarians harbored antibodies to the H5N1 virus in dairy cattle. None had symptomatic disease, they noted in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, suggesting the virus may be more widespread in humans than previously thought.

Zoetis CEO Kristin Peck announced the approval yesterday on CNBC. “The decision to vaccinate commercial poultry flocks rests solely with national regulatory authorities in consultation with their local poultry sector,” said Zoetis in a statement, which noted it has approval for similar vaccines in other countries. Zoetis also had an earlier version approved in 2016 that was in the National Veterinary Stockpile until 2021, but it was never used.

HPAI strains such as the current H5N1 have for decades been stamped out largely by culling affected flocks [a big maybe re whether culling has ever worked—Nass] and enforcing strict biosecurity measures [until now, only haphazard “biosecurity measures” have been implemented and whether they have done anything helpful is anyone’s guess—Nass]. But that strategy has failed since the February 2022 emergence in the U.S. of an H5N1 virus that belongs to a lineage known as clade Many scientists now worry the virus cannot be eradicated from the U.S. poultry flock, which means it has become endemic rather than epidemic.

“The future of H5 in the Americas isn’t entirely clear, but endemicity looks likely,” says Richard Webby, a bird flu investigator at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “Updated and quality H5 vaccines for poultry must be a big part of future responses if this is indeed the case.”

This means culling is a failed strategy and should cease—Nass.


Bird Flu Is a Rerun of the Covid Playbook   BY CLAYTON J. BAKER, MD   

FEBRUARY 18, 2025 – Bird flu can be very confusing. This is true because, as is so often the case with our government, those who claim to be trying to solve the problem – our so-called “public health” and “pandemic preparedness” “experts” – are actually the ones who created the problem. What is worse, they are actively seeking to perpetuate it.

In this brief article, my goal is to explain what is happening with H5N1 Bird flu in the clearest, most fundamental terms. I hope to make it so clear that all our elected officials can understand what is going on, and therefore can take action to stop it.

The key to understanding the current Bird flu panic is this: Bird flu is a complete rerun of the Covid script. There is just one twist:

Last time, with Covid, the pandemic-planning bioterrorists directly blackmailed us by taking away our civil rights, in order to coerce us to accept their unsafe and ineffective vaccines.

This time, with Bird flu, the pandemic planning bioterrorists are indirectly blackmailing us by targeting our food, in order to coerce us to accept more of their unsafe and ineffective vaccines into our food supply and those who supply it.

Here is their playbook. Learn it, and you can understand how to put an end to it.

Let’s review. What happened during Covid?

  1. Over many years, bioweapons scientists, under the guise of “pandemic preparedness,” genetically manipulated a bat coronavirus to be both transmissible and virulent in humans. In other words, they created a bioweapon.
  2. Meanwhile, they also developed and patented technologies for vaccines against that same virus. In other words, they created the countermeasure to their bioweapon.
  3. In late 2019, the lab-manipulated coronavirus bioweapon, SARS CoV-2, was leaked from a lab.
  4. While the countermeasure vaccines were rushed into production, “public health” authorities took advantage of the lab leak by denying its occurrence, while simultaneously coercing governments to impose lockdowns and other civil rights violations on the human population.
  5. To perpetuate the lockdowns, “public health” authorities performed indiscriminate PCR testing for the virus among the population, knowing full well this would generate countless false positives.
  6. The authorities used this excessive testing along with media-generated fear-mongering and governmental abuse of power, to prolong the lockdowns and the civil rights abuses.
  7. The lockdowns and civil rights abuses were used to blackmail the population into mass acceptance of the vaccines into their own bodies, in exchange for a return to normal life.

What is happening now, with H5N1 Bird flu?

  1. Over many years, bioweapons scientists, under the guise of “pandemic preparedness,” have genetically manipulated the H5N1 avian influenza virus to cross classes of animals and even become more transmissible to humans. In other words, they created a bioweapon.
  2. Meanwhile, they also developed and patented technologies for vaccines against that same virus. In other words, they created the countermeasure to their bioweapon.
  3. In early 2022, a lab-manipulated Bird flu bioweapon leaked from the USDA Southeast Poultry Lab in Athens, GA. Multiple Bird flu leaks have also occurred from other labs.
  4. While the countermeasure vaccines are being rushed into production, “public health” authorities take advantage of these lab leaks by denying their occurrence, while simultaneously coercing our government to impose mass slaughter of farm animals, creating food shortages for the human population.
  5. To perpetuate the mass slaughter and worsen food shortages, “public health” authorities are performing indiscriminate PCR testing for the virus among the animal population and farmers, knowing full well this will generate countless false positives.
  6. Authorities are using this excessive testing along with media-generated fear-mongering and governmental abuse of power, to prolong the mass slaughter of farm animals and the food shortages.
  7. The mass slaughter of farm animals and resulting food shortages are being used to blackmail the population into mass acceptance of the vaccines in their food supply, in exchange for a return to normal life.

This is not conspiracy theory. This is basic pattern recognition.

The “pandemic planners” are operating just like a moderately competent, if unimaginative, high school football coach. If you run a play, and it works, run it again. Keep running it until they stop it.

How do we stop it?

Here’s how:

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USDA Has Spent $1.25 Billion on Mass Culling for H5N1 Bird Flu—With Disastrous Consequences    NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

The failed biosecurity strategy has driven egg prices to a 45-year high while wasting billions in taxpayer funds on indemnity payments.

FEB 18, 2025

According to a recent USDA document titled, Payment of Indemnity and Compensation for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza:

As of November 2024, the costs associated with the ongoing [H5N1] outbreak have exceeded $1.4 billion, including $1.25 billion in indemnity and compensation payments. Of this, APHIS has spent approximately $227 million on indemnity payments to premises that have been infected multiple times with HPAI.

The strikingly large sum of indemnity payments not only incentivizes farmers to comply with state-run mass killing of their animals but also represents a serious misuse of taxpayer money, as mass culling triggers a cascade of severe downstream consequences. Here are four key reasons why the mass culling of poultry for H5N1 bird flu must end immediately:

Mass Culling Has Failed

Despite routinely killing the entire flock over an H5N1 bird flu PCR detection (41.4 million domesticated birds were culled in December 2024 and January 2025 alone), H5N1 continues to widely propagate among poultry:

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Chickens Will Be the First Injected with H5N1 Pandemic Vaccines   KAREN KINGSTON

The CDC will use the H5N1 chicken-to-human story to not only annihilate the US commercial poultry supply, but the government may go after small farms and families that own a few backyard chickens.

OCT 31, 2024 – Unbeknownst to human beings, dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, and other mammals around the globe, we are all now in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) H5N1 Flu “Inter-Pandemic” Virus Vaccine Planning Phase. And yes…all mammals are a key part of the ‘inter-pandemic’ phase of the H5N1 virus vaccine plan. Why? Because our furry, feathered and even finned friends are going to be the scapegoats for the “viral pandemic source” that can “wipe out half of humanity.”

Step Aside Guinea Pigs, Chickens Will Be the First Injected

On October 10, 2024, members of the WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, ASPR, BARDA, as well as U.S. infectious disease pediatricians, held a 6.5 hour meeting to discuss the current status and further development of vaccines for an emerging 2024-2025 H5N1 global flu pandemic with a projected 52% mortality rate.

Below is the outline from the CDC’s October 10th presentation on the US and Global Surveillance of the Highly Pathogenic H5Nx Virus and Virus Vaccine Candidate Development. As you can see by the infographics, neither humans nor guinea pigs are going to be the first line of victims for the rollout of the H5N1 highly dangerous, disease-causing virus ‘vaccines.’

Based on trending information disseminated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC; US and EU chickens and dairy cows will likely be the first targets that are injected with the disease-causing H5N1 ‘vaccines.’ We will also likely witness mass ‘voluntary’ poultry euthanasia campaigns.

The reason why the world had to buy the story that “Wuhan wet market bat soup” caused a global pandemic in humans, is so that we would fall for the upcoming story of “US chickens farms as the source of the highly-deadly H5N1 bird flu pandemic.”

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“The COVID Vaccines Were a Mistake” — Dr. Peter McCullough Testifies Before the Idaho State Senate   THE VIGILANT FOX

There is a growing push to rip these shots off the market with new legislation on the table.

FEB 17, 2025

Testifying before the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee on Monday, renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough declared, “There’s a global recognition that the COVID-19 vaccines were a MISTAKE.”

McCullough’s statement came in support of Senate Bill 1036 (S1036), which seeks to establish a moratorium on the use of mRNA-based vaccines until comprehensive safety evaluations are conducted and reviewed by the Idaho legislature.

The proposed legislation, known as the “Doug Cameron Act,” is named after an Idaho rancher who reportedly experienced severe side effects from an mRNA vaccine and is currently under review by the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. If passed, the legislation could set a precedent for more states to start banning mRNA jabs.

Dr. McCullough warned, “Last year, our CDC recorded 823 more deaths due to the vaccines. People took them, and they didn’t know. So it’s of public health importance for this group to understand that safety comes first.”

He added, “What we’ve learned is that the messenger RNA gene technology transfer platform used for Moderna and Pfizer unfortunately is not safe, and it’s been linked to many, many problems after COVID-19 vaccination.”

“They [mRNA jabs] should be halted from clinical use, and then anybody who takes any one of these messenger RNA products or any animal that is going to take one of these products should be done in a research protocol. They’re not ready for public use,” Dr. McCullough concluded.

WATCH: (in article)


Epidemiologist Drops Undeniable Proof That the COVID Shots Must Be BANNED Before Idaho State Senators   THE VIGILANT FOX

Nicolas Hulscher brought the receipts.

FEB 17, 2025

Testifying before the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee,

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH of the McCullough Foundation presented irrefutable proof that COVID-19 injections are not only ineffective but also not safe for human use.

Hulscher’s testimony was part of a hearing on Senate Bill 1036 (S1036), which seeks to establish a moratorium on the use of mRNA-based vaccines.

Backed by several damning studies, Hulscher let the science speak for itself:

“Along with VAERS, 12 studies demonstrate that mass COVID-19 vaccination has led to increased mortality. The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide may be greater than 17 million.”  [Emphasis added]

“Three hundred twenty-five autopsies indicate a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.”

“Lipid nanoparticles carrying modified mRNA travel to all organ systems, instructing them to become toxic, full-length prefusion-stabilized spike protein factories.”

“Product mRNA and resulting spike protein are found directly in affected tissues at autopsy.”

“The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS has far exceeded recall limits of past vaccine withdrawals by up to 375,000%.”

“Six studies have demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals face a higher risk of infection compared to unvaccinated individuals.”

“DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines, reported across multiple manufacturers, vaccine platforms, and geographic regions, far exceeds regulatory thresholds.”

As such, Hulscher concluded, “Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure the next steps for accountability are taken.”

WATCH: (in article)

Follow Nicolas Hulscher, MPH for more breaking news and analysis on the COVID-19 injections via his shared Substack page with Dr. Peter McCullough.


World-Renowned Oncologist Warns of HORRENDOUS Surge in Cancers Among Covid-Vaccinated   By Frank Bergman

“We must stop messenger RNA [mRNA] at all costs… it’s not only mad, it’s EVIL.” – Dr. Angus Dalgleish

February 17, 2025 – World-renowned oncologist Dr. Angus Dalgleish has issued a bone-chilling warning about skyrocketing cases of deadly cancers among patients who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

Dalgleish is raising the alarm that mRNA “vaccines” are causing an increase in cancer relapses.

In addition, Dalgleish warns of a growing number of cases of “turbo cancers.”

Dalgleish argues that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are the cause of skyrocketing excess deaths recorded all around the world since early 2021.

He also asserts that the injections are linked to surges in cancer, which he described as “turbo cancers.”

The disease has been found to form and spread so rapidly among vaccinated people that doctors have dubbed the phenomenon “turbo cancer.”

Doctors have revealed that some “turbo cancers” spread so quickly that seemingly healthy patients can die within a week of being diagnosed.

Oncologists are also warning that these aggressive cancers don’t respond to conventional treatments.

This phenomenon has been seen globally.

“This is happening on a horrendous scale,” Dalgleish warns.

One way in which the spike protein in the mRNA boosters can induce cancer is by removing immune surveillance, Dalgleish says.

It can also kickstart oncogenes, which are mutated versions of the proto-oncogenes that regulate normal cell growth and division.

Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at the St George’s Hospital Medical School at the University of London, is worried that this T-cell suppression has created a ticking time bomb among the general public.

In a few years’ time, the issue will result in a disastrous explosion of early cancers.

Dalgleish warns that deadly cancers in 20- to 30-year-olds – that would normally appear when a person is 70 to 80 years old – are already surging.

He has been speaking out since 2022 about the increase in cancers that he and other doctors have witnessed and has written several articles on the subject.

Dalgleish says research indicates that the mRNA “vaccines” are causing both T-cell suppression and antibody class switching.

“What the latter means is that, instead of having antibodies that will neutralize viruses and play their role in controlling cancer, you’re tolerizing,” he said.

“You are basically converting the immune system into one of toleration, which is what you do in the case of organ transplants so as to avoid rejection.

“This is the first thing that’s happening. It is bad enough, but is potentially correctable.

“But it’s worse than that because we now know that the virus integrates into the genome and replicates.

“This means that it can switch on oncogenes and switch off suppressor genes.

“We know very clearly from lab data that it does both.

“I think the turbo cancers are probably caused by that.”

Oncogenes can cause cells to divide uncontrollably by making too many copies of themselves or by becoming more active than normal.

Dalgleish cites the six cases of highly aggressive cancer he witnessed after returning from a trip to Australia.

“They included a case of pancreatic cancer and a case of glioma [a cancer that starts in the glial cells of the brain or spinal cord],” Dalgleish said.

“There were two cases of colorectal cancer and two cases of resurgent breast cancer.”

Dalgleish asked the patients about their vaccination history.

He noted that all of them had had mRNA “booster” vaccinations between three and six weeks earlier.

“Not one GP, one surgeon, or one oncologist had asked about their vaccine history,” he notes.

In three of these cancer cases, the presence of the vaccine spike protein in the cancerous cells could have been proved as the tumors were surgically removed, Dalgleish says.

Dalgleish has seen patients who have been cancer-free for years but relapsed within weeks of receiving an mRNA booster vaccination.

“The reason they relapsed is because their T cells were switched off,” he explains.

The spike protein can also induce cancer by binding to the suppressor genes, Dalgleish says.

He says that everyone who’s received an mRNA Covid vaccination should be tested for the presence of the spike protein.

“Not antibodies. The spike protein,” he explained.

“And if it’s high, and they’ve got cancer, you would need to see how you can neutralize it.”

Dangleish has been issuing increasing warnings that Covid mRNA injections cause cancer in recent months.

He recently warned that the “evil” injections have triggered a global “explosion” in cases of deadly “turbo cancers.”

As Slay News reported, Prof. Dalgleish, who is best known for his groundbreaking contributions to HIV/AIDS research, raised the alarm during an international forum of experts investigating the mass Covid vaccination campaign.

He warned that he has seen an “explosion” of deadly “turbo cancers” in his patients who have received Covid mRNA injections.

While addressing the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International forum, founded by Dr. Stephen Frost and moderated by Charles Kovess, Dalgleish told the panel of experts:

“We must stop messenger RNA [mRNA] at all costs… it’s not only mad, it’s evil.”

WATCH  [2:31]  https://rumble.com/v608bjb-renowned-oncologist-evil-covid-vaccines-caused-turbo-cancer-explosion.html

The warning from Dalgleish comes as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just made the explosive admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with contaminations that triggered a global surge in cancers.

The federal agency made the admission after an FDA study confirmed that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” contains dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination.

As Slay News previously reported, leading scientists have been warning for some time that surges in deadly cancers among the Covid-vaccinated were caused by DNA fragments in the mRNA injections.

Those warnings have now been confirmed in a bombshell study conducted in the FDA’s own laboratory.

Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found shocking levels of DNA contamination in the “vaccines.”

The residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times.

While six times the safe limit would be alarming, 470 times is unprecedented and nothing short of devastating.

[Ed.:  If it looks like a quack, and it sounds like a quack, it’s probably a doctor.]


Flu is out of control in the United States   ALEX BERENSON

Could a long-term immunosuppressive effect of repeated mRNA Covid shots be part of the reason? Don’t expect the media to ask.

FEB 17, 2025

Heard about the 2025 influenza epidemic?

Emergency room visits for flu-like symptoms are the highest in a generation. Over 50,000 Americans were hospitalized in the week ended Feb. 8, the newest available data. For the first time since Covid began, flu is killing more people than Sars-Cov-2.

Yet even as the media hypes the risk of a nonexistent bird-flu epidemic in humans, it is largely ignoring the actual flu crisis.

One likely reason: even the dumbest reporters would rather not remind people of their 2020 panic. They know they’ll be tarred and feathered if they call for school closures or lockdowns. All we can do is ride out the season, so best to say as little as possible.

But maybe there’s another reason?

In a short article last week reporting that “Flu Cases Are Surging,” Times write Dani Blum expressed bafflement over the reasons for this season’s epidemic. “It’s not entirely clear why the current flu season has been so severe,” she wrote, before speculating that lower vaccine coverage might be the reason.

Beyond the fact the flu shot is provably useless, this theory has a minor flaw. The Centers for Disease Control reports exactly the same percentage of American adults received flu shots this winter as in the 2023-2024 season. And I mean exactly:

“As of February 1, 2025, 45.0%… of adults received a flu vaccination, similar to last season at this same time point (45.0%).”

So a lack of flu vaccines isn’t the problem. What else could be?

(Don’t take it from me, take it from the nice lefty public health experts at Your Local Epidemiologist.)

Most people do not know that the “m” in mRNA Covid jabs doesn’t really stand for “messenger.” It stands for “modified,” because the RNA in the jabs is not identical to the RNA in nature.

mRNA is a thread of four types of “nucleotides,” simple carbon-based molecules linked in a long chain. But the mRNA in Covid shots contains a slightly different kind of nucleotide, one that tamps down our immune systems and makes them less likely to recognize the vaccine as a foreign body and attack it.

Again, I’ll let a source even the “Believe in Science” crew will accept (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) explain:

Modified mRNA (modRNA) therapeutics are an innovative pharmaceutical technology with the capacity to create new types of drugs… two fundamental barriers prevent[ed] mRNA therapeutics from moving forward into clinical use. One barrier is that mRNA elicits an innate immune response…

[But] two researchers, Katalin Karikó, PhD and Drew Weissman, MD demonstrated that replacing uridine (U) [one of the four nucleotides in natural mRNA] with naturally occurring pseudouridine (Ψ) attenuates the innate immune response and improves modRNA stability. Recently, modRNA has been successfully used to… vaccinate millions of people around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lucky for Pfizer, Moderna and the vaccine fanatics, both “modified” and natural “messenger” start with “m.” So mRNA can stand for either. (Intentionally) confusing, amirite?

For their hard work attenuating the innate immune reponse, Karikó and Weissman won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2023.

But even after the clinical trials of mRNA Covid shots in 2020, which covered more than 70,000 people, we had no way of knowing if the downregulation that the shots produce might somehow in the long run lead our immune systems to be less aggressive against other foreign invaders, such as flu. How could we? We effectively ended the trials in early 2021 by giving mRNA shots to almost everyone who had received the placebo in the trials.

Nor could we know if giving people a third, fourth, fifth, or even more “booster” mRNA Covid shots might cause immune dysregulation in ways that the first two shots did not. How could we? The companies ran much smaller and shorter trials on the third shot and have barely run any on subsequent boosters.

What we do know now is that mRNA shots cause an unexpected shift towards a less effective form of antibodies against Covid in people who have received at least three.

That shift does not mean that a hangover from the unique way the mRNAs suppress our immune system is giving the flu, or other viruses, a novel advantage as they attack our bodies. It’s entirely possible this is just a bad flu season.

But we deserve to know for sure.




Australia Records Unprecedented Death Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated   Frank Bergman

February 16, 2025 – Alarming official government data has exposed a devastating surge in excess deaths among Australian citizens who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The data has revealed that Australia suffered a historic surge of all-cause excess mortality among the nation’s Covid-vaccinated population.

Australia has one of the highest Covid “vaccine” uptake rates in the world.

A major new study has found that Australia recorded skyrocketing excess deaths after the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out in early 2021.

A team of medical and population health researchers at the University of Nicosia Medical School in Nicosia, Cyprus conducted the study.

Led by Professor Christiana Demetriou, PhD, the team of researchers sought to investigate excess all-cause mortality across 21 nations during 2022.

Importantly, Dr. Demetriou and colleagues urge in their “key message” that all nations investigated experienced continued all-cause excess mortality during 2022.

The researchers compared excess deaths from all causes in 2022 to the data for pre-pandemic years.

Experts around the world have been raising questions about surging excess mortality rates during and after the pandemic.

Despite the pandemic being declared in 2020, all-cause excess deaths only spiked after Covid mRNA “vaccines” were deployed in 2021, and not before.

Of particular concern among scientists and data experts is the fact that data for all-cause excess mortality rates shows nothing out of the ordinary during the first year of the pandemic.

However, the data shows unprecedented death surges around the world after the “vaccines” were rolled out.

In addition, a majority of the excess mortality in 2022 was higher than in 2021 and 2020.

Australia recorded historic highs for excess mortality in 2022, despite the pandemic being over.

Cyprus-based Prof. Demetriou and colleagues observed excess mortality continued to surge in Australia as COVID-19 cases fell.

The researchers refer to this as the “impact of indirect pandemic-related effects on mortality.”

Several independent analyses have found excess mortality associated with Covid “vaccines” such as this analysis.


Dr. Scott Jensen: “Your Doctor, Your Insurance Company, Your Clinic, Your Hospital – We Can All Get Paid More if We Make You SICKER”   [VIDEO  2:43]   LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY

Globalist Deathcare system in a nutshell

FEB 16, 2025

“I’m doctor Scott Jensen and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you if you are a patient, your doctor, your insurance company, your clinic, your hospital – we can all get paid more if we make you sicker, and I think you need to understand that.”

“This patient on Medicare. His insurance company will get paid more by Medicare if this patient is seen as more sick.”

“There’s all kinds of incentive plans being dolled out by insurance companies and governments, government programs to clinics and providers and health care systems…”

“If a clinic can hit a certain threshold level of patients taking a certain kind of vaccine they get paid a chunk of money for each one of those patients that took the vaccine.”]

[Ed.:  You’re worth more to them dead, than alive.


Bombshell Study Reveals Where the COVID Vaccine Deaths Are Hiding | Media Blackout  THE VIGILANT FOX

Introducing the top 10 stories they chose not to tell you this week.

FEB 16, 2025

#10 – Bombshell Global Study Links mRNA Vaccines to Serious Kidney Injuries

“The numbers are staggering.”

The study, led by Dr. Hyeon Seok Hwang, analyzed adverse events from the WHO’s VigiBase, and what they found is jaw-dropping: the worst vaccine-linked renal safety signals ever recorded.

While everyone talks about post-vaccine myocarditis, what no one mentions is the devastation the COVID-19 shots inflict on the kidneys.

For Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): The study found COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had a Reporting Odds Ratio (ROR) of 2.38 (95% CI: 2.30–2.46).

This means people receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reported AKI at more than twice the rate compared to those receiving other drugs in the WHO database.

For Glomerulonephritis (GN): Inflammation of the glomeruli—the kidney’s tiny filters—a condition that can cause swelling and kidney failure, the numbers are even worse.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had the highest Reporting Odds Ratio (ROR) for GN at 13.41 (95% CI: 12.62–14.26).

This means COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were linked to more than 13 times the expected rate of GN compared to other vaccines.

The study’s results are affirmed by the work of data analyst John Beaudoin Sr., who has been sounding the alarm on post-vaccine kidney injuries since uncovering damning data in Massachusetts.

After expanding his analysis to the entire United States, he discovered over 210,000 excess deaths from acute kidney injury (AKI) since 2021, which he blames on the hospital death protocols and the COVID-19 injections.

“We’re talking close to a quarter of a million people by a single cause of death,” he lamented.

“And because it [deaths] goes down to very young ages, what you have is the greatest number of life years lost of anything in the last 100 years in the United States, except for World War II.”

Beaudoin, who lost his son in 2018 in a car crash, says he fights to expose the data because I want to prevent other parents from having to lose their kids.”

“And it just kills me to see these huge numbers, and I can’t get people to talk about anything but myocarditis… Excess deaths from renal failure since COVID began is 150 times more than excess deaths from myocarditis,” Beaudoin explained.

Follow John Beaudoin Sr. and read his full report below for more damning data on the COVID-19 injections.

The Real CdC’s Newsletter

Sudden Kidney Failure Began with COVID Treatment Protocols & “Vaccines”, not COVID

[Third article in a series — Thank you, Dr. Meryl Nass, for the recommendation to break this into multiple articles. Here are the likely articles in the series. 1) Leadership, Management, and Strategic Planning in the Covid Era, 2) The Ineffective Messaging of “Myocarditis in Young, Male Athletes…

Read more

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#9 – MSNBC Shamelessly CENSORS Feed During RFK Jr.’s Swearing-In Ceremony

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#7 – Joe Rogan says Elon Musk will relentlessly “hunt down” swamp creatures and weaponized government agencies.

#6 – RFK Jr. Drops a Stunning Announcement on Fox News

While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more weekly news roundups.

#5 – Why is This Not Making Headlines? Over $2.7 Trillion in Fraudulent U.S. Government Payments Discovered

#4 – Rep. Luna Makes Jaw-Dropping Announcement Regarding JFK, RFK, MLK, Epstein, COVID, 9/11, UFOs & More

#3 – The View Issues an Ominous Health Warning as RFK Jr. Takes Power

#2 – The DC swamp “uniparty” finally gets “unmasked” as these seven “non-government organizations.”

#1 – Kentucky becomes the 9th U.S. state with legislative efforts to ban mRNA injections—while the biopharmaceutical complex fights to kill these critical bills.

• Dr. Peter McCullough joins to discuss, along with his thoughts on RFK Jr.’s HHS confirmation.

BONUS #1 – Joe Rogan SNAPS on Fluoride Defenders: “Hey Man, F*ck You. This Is Stupid.”

BONUS #2 – The Meat Upgrade You Didn’t Know You Needed

BONUS #3 – There’s Been a Mysterious Surge in Romanian Illegal Immigrants Crossing From Canada Into Maine

BONUS #4 – How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak and More

BONUS #5 – Bill Maher’s Audience Cheers as Kid Rock Drops a Surprising Take on Democrats


Trump Ends School COVID Vaccine Mandates, But He’s Not Even Close to Being Finished   By Jack Davis

February 16, 2025 – The federal funding spigot is being turned off for any school or college that requires students to have a COVID-19 vaccine under an executive order released Friday by President Donald Trump.

The order said that despite the ebb of COVID-19, some “school districts and universities continue to coerce children and young adults into taking the COVID-19 vaccine by conditioning their education on it, and others may re-implement such mandates.”

The order noted Trump’s position that parents should decide which vaccines children receive.


“Parents and young adults should be empowered with accurate data regarding the remote risks of serious illness associated with COVID-19 for children and young adults, as well as how those risks can be mitigated through various measures, and left free to make their own decisions accordingly,” the order said.

“Given the incredibly low risk of serious COVID-19 illness for children and young adults, threatening to shut them out of an education is an intolerable infringement on personal freedom. Such mandates usurp parental authority and burden students of many faiths,” the order said.

The order said “discretionary Federal funds” should not go to any college, school, or state education agency that requires a COVID-19 vaccine to attend classes in person.

The order gives the secretary of education and Secretary of Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 90 days to give Trump a report of what discretionary money flows to schools, colleges, or states that require a COVID-19 vaccine and how they plan to either block aid from those offenders in the future or rescind existing discretionary aid. The order also requires a plan to ban such mandates in the future.


Trump has nominated Linda McMahon to lead the Department of Education, but she has not yet been confirmed.

Trump “is committed to protecting personal freedoms and ensuring that Americans’ education isn’t conditioned on unnecessary government mandates,” a White House fact sheet issued in conjunction with the order said.

The fact sheet calls a vaccine requirement “government coercion.”

“Studies consistently show that children and young adults have an incredibly low risk of developing a severe illness from COVID-19,” the fact sheet said.

The fact sheet added that Trump “is dedicated to ensuring that American students are not forced to choose between their education and their medical freedom.”

The document also noted that Trump is a “staunch advocate for parental rights, ensuring families have the primary role in shaping their children’s educational journey, free from undue bureaucratic mandates.”

During the 2024 presidential campaign, Trump said he “would not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate,” according to CBS News.


U.S. Conditionally Approves Avian Flu Vaccine for Poultry   JOHN LEAKE

Vaccine cartel gets closer to realizing its dream of vaccinating 308 million egg laying hens in the U.S., even though leaky vaccines are likely to result in new pathogens.

FEB 16, 2025

Science magazine just reported U.S. conditionally approves vaccine to protect poultry from avian flu. As the article states:

With egg prices in the United States soaring because of the spread of H5N1 influenza virus among poultry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) yesterday conditionally approved a vaccine to protect the birds. President Donald Trump’s administration may therefore soon face a fraught decision on whether to join the ranks of other nations—including China, France, Egypt, and Mexico—that vaccinate poultry against H5N1.

Although many influenza researchers contend that vaccination can help control spread of the deadly virus, the U.S. government has long resisted allowing its use because of politics and trade concerns that many contend are unscientific. The USDA approval may signal a shift in policy linked to the Trump administration’s worries about egg prices. Even with the conditional approval, USDA must still approve its use before farmers can start to administer the vaccine because special regulations apply to H5N1 and other so-called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses.

The vaccine, made by Zoetis, contains a killed version of an H5N2 variant that the company has designed to work against circulating variants of the H5N1 virus that have decimated poultry flocks and have even jumped to cows and some humans.

The article is an expression of how Science has been corrupted by the Vaccine Cartel. In fact, there are substantial reasons for resisting the mass vaccination of poultry. The main one is that poultry vaccines are “leaky”—that is, they do NOT prevent infection and transmission. Their purported benefit lies in the claim that they generate sufficient immunity to prevent the birds from becoming seriously ill.

The trouble with leaky vaccines is that they may promote the emergence of a more virulent strain of H5NI.

As we noted in our paper, Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl:

According to a 2021 paper titled ‘H5Nx Viruses Emerged during the Suppression of H5N1 Virus Populations in Poultry’ by a research team of the University of Georgia:

“We show that H5Nx viruses emerged during the successful suppression of H5N1 virus populations in poultry [in China], providing an opportunity for antigenically distinct H5Nx viruses to propagate. Avian influenza vaccination programs would benefit from universal vaccines targeting a wider diversity of influenza viruses to prevent the emergence of novel subtypes.”

The findings of these researchers present an illustrative case of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s thesis that mass vaccination with non-sterilizing vaccines can result in the emergence of a new, more virulent viral strain. As the University of Georgia team note, “In particular, we show that the widespread use of H5N1 vaccines likely conferred a fitness advantage to H5Nx viruses due to the antigenic mismatch of the neuraminidase genes.”

The emergence of H5NX from leaky vaccines was consistent with a landmark 2015 paper titled Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent PathogensThis academic paper was so remarkable that its findings were also reported in National Geographic report titled Leaky Vaccines Enhance Spread of Deadlier Chicken Viruses.

Rather than authorizing leaky vaccines for U.S. poultry, the USDA should consider allowing the latest clade of H5N1 to run its course so that the birds can acquire natural immunity to it. The practice of mass culling has been a total failure and the new poultry vaccine is equally unlikely to end to the problem, though there is a good chance it will contribute to the emergence of an even more dangerous variant of H5N1.




Doctors Sound Alarm Over ‘Severe’ Heart & Brain Damage Among Covid-Vaxxed   Frank Bergman

February 15, 2025 – A group of leading American doctors and scientists is sounding the alarm after confirming that “severe” cases of heart and brain damage are a “reaction” to Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The warning was issued in a report from the Mercer University School of Medicine in Georgia.

A team of researchers, led by renowned cardiologist Dr. Abraham M. Enyeji, specifically linked Moderna’s Covid mRNA injections to surges in “severe cardiovascular and neurological” injuries.

The alarming report was published in the Annals of Cardiology.

In their report, the researchers present a case study of a patient who suffered a severe cardiovascular and neurological reaction following the Moderna (mRNA) Covid vaccine.

The report describes a 65-year-old male who developed coronary artery occlusion and internuclear ophthalmoplegia weeks after receiving the mRNA “vaccine.”

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is a condition affecting eye movement that was rarely seen before the Covid “vaccines” were rolled out for public use in early 2021.

The researchers document the patient’s symptoms, imaging findings (CT angiography, MRI), and laboratory results (elevated D-dimer, persistent spike protein antibodies).

The patient was suffering from vision problems, dysphagia, and severe coronary stenosis.

However, the report notes that the patient was in good health and did not suffer from heart disease prior to the “vaccine.”

The patient had developed severe cardiovascular complications post-vaccination.

Notably, his left carotid artery was 69% blocked.

He developed severe coronary stenosis, requiring intervention.

His neurological symptoms included double vision and imbalance.

The doctors found that the neurological symptoms were caused by vaccine-induced inflammation or thrombotic events.

The patient had elevated spike protein antibodies, which the researchers link to vaccine persistence rather than a natural infection.

However, they note that their vaccine-induced spike protein elevation findings will not be universally accepted in mainstream medical literature.

Treatment included stent placement and, controversially, ivermectin, based on the hypothesis that it might reduce spike protein interactions.

“In conclusion, this case highlights the significant risk of thrombotic events following vaccination with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine,” the researchers write in their report.

“The interplay between heparin and the spike protein underscores the need for careful monitoring and individualized treatment strategies in such cases.

“The observed cranial nerve lesions and visual defects emphasize the importance of being vigilant about neurological complications related to COVID-19 and its vaccination.

“Further research is crucial to elucidate the mechanisms behind vaccine-induced thrombosis and to develop guidelines that optimize patient outcomes while ensuring the safe administration of vaccines to vulnerable populations.”

The study raises major concerns about vaccine safety, potential thrombotic complications, and the role of spike protein persistence in vascular events.

The researchers warn that the risk of issues could be greatly elevated in those with underlying conditions.

The report will undoubtedly fuel ongoing debates on long-term vaccine safety, particularly regarding persistent spike protein concerns.

It comes amid a swelling body of evidence linking Covid mRNA “vaccines” to serious illnessdeadly diseasesdisabilities, and death.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just made the explosive admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with contaminations that triggered a global surge in cancers.

The federal agency made the admission after an FDA study confirmed that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” contains dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination.

As Slay News previously reported, leading scientists have been warning for some time that surges in deadly cancers among the Covid-vaccinated were caused by DNA fragments in the mRNA injections.

Those warnings have now been confirmed in a bombshell study conducted in the FDA’s own laboratory.

Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found shocking levels of DNA contamination in the “vaccines.”

The residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times.

While six times the safe limit would be alarming, 470 times is unprecedented and devastating.

READ MORE – FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer


The Fall of the Biopharmaceutical Complex: Exposing the Final Moves of a Collapsing Regime   [45:42]  NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on Freedom Train International with Jim Ferguson

FEB 15, 2025 – In this hard-hitting interview on Freedom Train International with Jim Ferguson, we dissect the ongoing battle against mRNA technology and the serious threats posed by the cornered and collapsing Biopharmaceutical Complex and Great Reset Cabal. Key points include:

State-Level Bans on mRNA Shots – Nine U.S. states are moving to ban mRNA shots in humans, animals, and even food. The McCullough Foundation is actively supporting and testifying in multiple states:

Continue reading



The Darkness Hidden Under Silicon Valley’s Cloak – Part 2   [49:23]  Jerome Corsi

FEB 15, 2025 – Underneath the sea of suits, Starbucks and pocket protectors of Silicon Valley is a level of Darkness one might think is far-fetched and unbelievable until one reads “Silicon Satan” by Cregg Lund, a former member of the Silicon Valley Elite coerced into joining their underground world of Satanism, ritual and manipulation. Lund discusses what happens in his book, published by Post Hill Press, to reveal what really happens beneath the slick Hollywood-esque veneer.

Corrine Lund, wife of Cregg Lund, former of the Silicon Valley powerful and author of the new book, Silicon Satan, joins Dr. Jerome Corsi for the 2nd in a series of conversations about what really happens underneath the glamour, slickness and tech savvy of the Silicon Valley Elite’s world.


Cow Fart Vaccine Could Help Climate

February 14, 2025  WEATHER.COM – Cows are a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, but scientists are working on a vaccine that could greatly reduce the amount of methane the animals produce within their digestive tract. The idea is that the vaccine will introduce antibodies that bind to the bacteria within the gut, ideally reducing methane production by 30% or more.





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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.