Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 2/27/25

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

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[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  If you know someone injured by the jabs, direct them to humanitysuit.com to become a plaintiff.]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]


Betrayed by the Science: Doctors Confirm COVID Shot Linked to Nursing Home Director’s Devastating Bone-Rotting Condition


Mom-of-two, 34, undergoes a dozen surgeries to replace her dying bones- which doctors link to the Covid vaccine   By ALEXA LARDIERI

26 February 2025 – Brittany Burnette was used to caring for others as the director of a nursing home until she developed a condition that caused her bones to rot after taking the Covid shot.

Mrs Burnette, 34, was working at a nursing home in her native Tennessee when the Covid pandemic hit in 2020. She watched patients die alone and missed her son’s birthday out of fear of becoming infected and bringing the virus home with her.

In January 2021, Covid vaccines became available and, feeling a sense of duty to protect her patients, she took the Pfizer vaccine.

She experienced no immediate side effects, but in July 2021, Mrs Burnette developed ‘unbearable’ pain in both of her hips. She was told she had arthritis at 31 years old and had to use a wheelchair when the pain made it too hard to walk.

Believing her pain was something else, another doctor ordered an MRI, which revealed Mrs Burnette’s hip bones were literally rotting, and she underwent her first hip replacement in December 2021. The second followed a few months later in 2022.

However, her hips were just the beginning. Over the next nearly four years – and still ongoing today – Mrs Burnette would undergo surgeries on both shoulders and knees, three surgeries on her elbow, one on her left foot and she is scheduled to have another procedure on her right foot next week.

About a year after her ordeal began, one of her doctors attributed her complications to her bout of Covid in late November 2020 and subsequent vaccines.

Mrs Burnette told DailyMail.com: ‘The pain is so debilitating. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. I’ve always been trying to be the best provider I could be caring for other people.’

However, due to Mrs Burnette’s condition, she had to quit her job as a nurse and director in an elder care home and go on disability.

She continued: ‘Now I can’t even drive my kids to school in the morning anymore… it’s devastating.

‘I have really had to mourn the life that I thought I was going to have because I will no longer be able to be the same person I’ve always wanted to be because of a virus and a vaccine.

Mrs Burnette, now 34, used to be a nurse and director in a nursing home but has had to go on disability because of her medical complications

‘It’s absolutely destroyed my life, and so I’ve had to just totally sit back and reevaluate everything.’

Like thousands of Americans who suffered injuries shortly after getting their Covid vaccine, Mrs Burnette attributes her ailments to the shot. But a lack of research and evidence has left vaccine victims without answers, lacking support and being cast as anti-vaxxers.

However, last week, a small Yale University study offered some support to victims’ stories as experts discovered a previously-unknown condition – dubbed ‘post-vaccination syndrome.’

Symptoms include brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.

The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr, which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.

While Mrs Burnette’s symptoms don’t match all of those mentioned in the research – she has experienced nerve complications – the researchers said vaccine injuries can manifest differently from patient to patient.

Mrs Burnette told DailyMail.com she remains a supporter of vaccines and she and her children have all received routine shots, but she is hesitant to get new ones going forward.

One of the hardest things about her complications is the impact it has on her as a mother.

She told this website: ‘I worry every day that I’m going to cause [my sons] to have stress and anxiety when they’re older but they have made me feel so strong.

‘I feel like, if anything, this just made them so much more compassionate. They are always always there no matter what, at my back to take care of me.

‘My 10 year old has really stepped up and my husband, he works very hard for us, especially with me losing [my job]. He’s really been an amazing caretaker and taken over.

‘I just don’t know if I would have made it. They are the reason I keep going.’

Prior to her vaccine, Mrs Burnette had been living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – thickening of the heart muscle – but her condition was well managed under the care of a cardiologist.

Since her new symptoms began, she has seen doctors across multiple specialties, including orthopedics and a geneticist.

She told this website her geneticist attributes her complications to a combination of her Covid infection and the vaccines.

The doctor, Mrs Burnette said, told her when she received the vaccine it prompted an immune response and her body sent out thousands of clots that cut off the blood supply to her bones and joints, which causes them to collapse and die.

Some of Mrs Burnette’s other doctors believe she has the autoimmune diseases either lupus or rheumatoid arthritis but diagnostic tests have come back negative or inconclusive.

She has been diagnosed with multifocal avascular necrosis (AVN), also called multifocal osteonecrosis (MFON).

AVN is a condition in which bones throughout the body lose their blood supply, causing them to die. It can be caused by trauma to the body, like broken or fractured bones

A 2023 study in the journal Annals of Medicine and Surgery investigated the relationship of avascular necrosis (AVN) and Covid infection in 17 patients.

Researchers found 82 percent of patients complained of pain in both hips, leading nearly 18 percent to undergo total hip replacements and they concluded ‘there is a risk of developing AVN after Covid-19.’

There is no published research on the connection between AVN and Covid vaccines.

Functional neurologist at the NeuroSolution Center of Austin Dr Brandon Crawford, who is not involved in Mrs Burnette’s care, told DailyMail.com AVN can be triggered by inflammation and blood clotting abnormalities.

These, Dr Crawford said, have been documented both in severe Covid cases and post-vaccination adverse reactions.

He explained: ‘Given that Covid-19 is known to affect the vascular system and trigger inflammatory responses, it is plausible that a vaccine administered soon after an infection could further exacerbate these effects, particularly in individuals with underlying predispositions.’

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Life Expectancy Plunging Among Covid-Vaxxed, Mortality Rates Soaring, Insurance Data Shows   Frank Bergman

February 26, 2025 – The latest insurance industry data shows that life expectancy is plunging among people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” while mortality rates are continuing to surge, long after the pandemic.

The issue is creating a crisis in the insurance industry as surging demand for policy payouts is hurting profits.

Insurance data has emerged as one of the most accurate sources of mortality and disability data since the pandemic as the entire risk-based industry relies on the information for survival.

The alarming decline in public health is triggering panic among insurers and led to major losses in stop-loss coverage for several companies.

Self-funded employers rely on stop-loss insurance to mitigate the financial risk of large claims, but as medical expenses grow, insurers may face higher payouts, affecting their profitability.

However, that data now spells doom for both Americans’ health and their insurers.

Aside from falling life expectancy and soaring deaths, the data also revealed spikes in serious diseases such as cancer and heart failure.

Cigna, a major stop-loss insurer, reported lower-than-expected earnings last month.

The company attributed the losses to higher healthcare expenses, increases in customers dying younger, and ongoing spikes in deadly diseases.

The company said it has now been forced to aggressively raise the prices of those plans to claw back lost profits.

Executives from Voya Financial told securities analysts this month that the company is getting tougher with policies as claims continue to skyrocket.

Meanwhile, Sun Life Financial’s American operations reported a surge in extremely expensive claims that caused stop-loss insurance benefits costs to spike in the fourth quarter.

Sun Life’s president, Dan Fishbein, blamed the surge in big claims on three factors:

  • A dramatic spike in the number of more advanced cancer cases and the high cost of treatments
  • A rise in fertility-related issues causing more parents to rely on in vitro fertilization and other expensive tools
  • Increases in hospital care prices

Fishbein said the company would increase renewal prices by 14%.

Once clients receive their renewal rates, they will have the option to renew or explore alternative options.

Analysts say those insurance company stumbles reflect an industry-wide trend in which insurers increasingly are paying for a lot more unexpected, big-ticket healthcare procedures.

Alarmingly, a recent Swiss Re Research Institute report concluded that soaring rates of excess mortality are likely to persist for as long as another decade.

Excess mortality is a data point that insurers watch very closely.

The data point refers to the number of deaths that are above the expected mortality rate during normal conditions.

Excess deaths surged dramatically after Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out for public use in early 2021.

“Under an optimistic scenario, we find that U.S. and U.K. pandemic-linked excess mortality would disappear by 2028, reverting to pre-pandemic mortality expectations,” Swiss Re concluded in its report.

“Under a pessimistic scenario, we expect excess mortality to remain elevated until 2033, above pre-pandemic expectations.”

And the trend may continue.

The Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives has identified what it said were five troubling trends affecting the nation’s health.

The nonprofit organization analyzes life insurance claims and encourages insurers to screen, test, and triage members to reduce excess mortality and morbidity.

Josh Stirling, the Collaboration’s founder warns that life expectancy “is worse now than it was a decade ago.”

“We were going in the wrong direction while other countries generally have had improving trends,” he explains.

“There’s a lot of contributing factors to that.”

Since the Covid “vaccines” emerged, Stirling said the trends that have surged are:

  • Cardiac and circulatory. Rates for many cardiac & circulatory linked causes up 8-36%+
  • Neurological and nervous system. Rates for many key neuro/nervous causes up 16-39%+ (Includes a shift younger for dementia e.g. +22% for 65-74 year-olds.)
  • Metabolic and digestive. Rates for many key metabolic & digestive causes up 10-137%+
  • Cancer. Rates for many key cancers have risen by 10-50%+ (Nearly all cancers rising except for lung, breast, and colon.)

The lingering effects of the Covid “vaccines” are believed to be behind most of the increases.

“Arguably we should be back to something close to normal,” Stirling said.

“But if you look at it by age group what you see is that it’s really quite substantially elevated for younger ages.

“That’s what jumped out at me.”

Stirling said insurers are now calling for proactive steps to address health deterioration, particularly in cardiac, circulatory, and cancer-related issues.

He said insurers should focus on proactive health measures, such as promoting blood pressure checks, to address the ticking time bombs causing sudden and unexpected deaths among the Covid-vaccinated.

“Proactive health measures, like regular blood pressure checks, can help manage underlying health issues contributing to increased mortality,” Stirling said.

However, considering that over 80% of the U.S. population received at least one dose of a Covid “vaccine,” such trends are not unexpected.

A major study by Alessandria et al found that Covid “vaccination” reduced life expectancy by 37% and increased all-cause death risks during the 2-year follow-up period.

Another study by Rodrigues and Andrade found that Covid “vaccines” ultimately double the risk of death in the long term.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has admitted that people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” will remain at risk of suffering from a deadly blood clot for up to 15 years after receiving their last injection.

As Slay News reported, the shocking admission was revealed in a new peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science.

According to the study, the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research admits that the “regulatory window of concern” for a novel genetic product, such as Covid mRNA “vaccines,” is 5-15 years.

Worryingly, the admission suggests that the vaccinated population may be facing a wave of surging blood clots as the Covid shots were only rolled out for public use roughly four years ago.

During an interview with CHD, health freedom activist Mary Holland weighed in on the study and the alarming admission from the FDA.

Speaking with CHD’s Polly Tommey, Holland questioned whether people would have willingly taken the shot if they knew that getting a “vaccine” could potentially kill or injure them for up to 15 years after the initial injection.

Holland argues that one of the greatest crimes against humanity is that the FDA knew this was a possibility but put their “vaccines” on the market anyway.

Worse still, the FDA kept this fact hidden from the public until it was too late.

“The FDA itself is saying the period of concern for these blood clots is 5 to 15 years,” Holland said.

“Well, they sure didn’t tell people that when they were encouraging everybody to go get these shots.”

WATCH  [0:53]   

The shocking discovery comes after another recent bombshell from the FDA that sent shockwaves through the medical and scientific communities.

As Slay News reported, the FDA made the explosive admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with contaminations that triggered a global surge in cancers.

The federal agency made the admission after an FDA study confirmed that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” contains dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination.

READ MORE – FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer


How to Address the Autism Epidemic   by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

Two Key Targets: Childhood Hyper-Vaccination and Toxic Pesticide Exposure

February 25, 2025 – A few days ago, President Trump delivered the following remarks:

“You know, we have one stat that I quote, the autism stat … if you go back 15 years ago, we had like nobody. It was 1 in 20,000. Now we have 1 in 34 … So 34 or 36 kids have autism. And if you go back … 18 years, whenever that was done, it was 1 in 20,000.

So we got from 20,000 to 34-36. That’s unbelievable. So there’s something wrong …We’ve done something wrong. There’s something you’re going to figure it out.

Maybe it’s a spray that we spray all over the place that nobody else does — Other countries don’t. The Pennsylvania Dutch [Amish], they don’t do anything. And they’re amazingly healthy.”

President Trump is correct — the CDC estimates that 2.78% of children and 2.21% of adults have autism in America.

A 2010 study titled Prevalence Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among the Old Order Amish estimated that ASD affected approximately 1 in 271 children in the Amish community. This is significantly lower than the CDC’s 2010 estimate for the general U.S. population, which was 1 in 68 children. Why do Amish children fare better than others? And why is the autism rate in America continuing to skyrocket with no end in sight? We now have abundant evidence that the following factors should be key targets in addressing the autism epidemic:

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FDA Admits Covid-Vaccinated at Risk of Blood Clots for Up to 15 Years   Frank Bergman

February 25, 2025

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has admitted that people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” are at risk of suffering from a deadly blood clot for up to 15 years after they received their last injection.

The shocking admission was revealed in a new peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science.

According to the study, the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research admits that the “regulatory window of concern” for a novel genetic product, such as Covid mRNA “vaccines,” is 5-15 years.

Worryingly, the admission suggests that the vaccinated population may be facing a wave of surging blood clots as the Covid shots were only rolled out for public use roughly four years ago.

The study suggested this means fatal pulmonary hemorrhage should be considered a potential “consequence of the novel product even months to years after the last injection.”

The research was conducted by renowned American cardiologist Dr. Peter A. McCullough and prominent epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, MPH.

McCullough and Hulsher conducted the study to investigate the long-term risks of pulmonary hemorrhage, or blood clots.

Pulmonary hemorrhage is a life-threatening condition that occurs when blood bleeds into the lungs

The bleeding causes clots to form in the lungs, leading to hemodynamic instability and fatal outcomes due to suffocation or shock.

They noted that previous studies have only linked blood clots to in people shortly after vaccination.

However, the long-term risks have remained largely unstudied.

During the study, they investigated the death of a 47-year-old man who died from a pulmonary embolism 555 days after receiving the vaccine.

According to a new peer-reviewed study, the fatal blood clot was caused by a Pfizer “vaccine” that came from a “highly lethal batch” of Covid shots.

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U.S. Mortality Surge Linked to mRNA Injections, Autism-Vaccine Connection Confirmed, Europe’s Dangerous Replicon Injection Gamble, and USDA’s Multi-Billion-Dollar H5N1 Debacle   [28:16[   NICOLAS HULSCHER, MPH

Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on Brannon Howse Live

FEB 25, 2025 – In my latest interview on Worldview Tube with Brannon Howse, we discuss the most critical breaking developments in public health, including:

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RFK Jr. Halts CDC Flu Vaccine Campaign    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

FEB 25, 2025 – One of the first mandates by the new secretary of Health and Human Services was to incrementally dismantle the entire dangerous and deadly vaccine schedule by putting the kibosh on the Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) annual flu marketing campaigns; to wit:  https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1893080801371193655

From the NY Post article:

Under Kennedy’s leadership, the CDC pulled the plug on its “Wild to Mild initiative” — which was aimed at encouraging high-risk folks to get vaxxed — Wednesday as one of worst flu seasons in decades rages, NPR reported.

High-risk individuals will succumb to the flu if they subject themselves to these useless vaccines; in fact, it is 100% scientifically impossible to inoculate against any respiratory disease by injecting any substance into the deltoid, and all of the “experts” like Dr. Fauci know this full well.

The real purpose of the flu vaccines is to serve as a slow kill bioweapon that peacefully culls the old and infirm, but these poison injections also destroy the immune systems of the healthiest demographics too.

There are numerous quality studies that expose the flu “vaccine” as not only unnecessary, but exceptionally harmful; for example, a randomized controlled trial in children done in 2012 showed that flu shots increased the risk of acute respiratory infections caused by a group of noninfluenza viruses, including coronaviruses, by fivefold.

Children have an infection fatality rate (IFR) of around zero when it comes to both the flu and COVID-19, and high-risk “folks” increase their IFR significantly by taking these deadly injections.

RFK Jr. also put an end to the CDC’s advisory bioterror politburo scheming:

On Thursday, the HHS then ordered the CDC to indefinitely postpone a meeting of its vaccine advisory committee — which Kennedy has criticized in the past — slated for Feb. 26 and Feb. 28, The Washington Post reported.

And just like in all of the other illegitimate Federal government agencies, the busybody Marxist officials and apparatchiks continue to commit crimes:

“Unfortunately, officials inside the CDC who are averse to Secretary Kennedy and President Trump’s agenda seem to be intentionally falsifying and misrepresenting guidance they receive,” the statement said.

All of these government employees must be terminated at once with extreme prejudice, swiftly put on trial, and then incarcerated.

Not only would higher-risk folks be at far lower risk for death by democide if these agencies were shut down, but Americans on average would be far healthier, happier and more affluent if villainous entities like the CDC, FDA, CIA, IRS, FED, et al. were shuttered for good.

Avoid all vaccines like the plague.

If you want to really protect against the flu, then use a potent all-natural nutraceutical daily, and take Ivermectin a few times a week.

Mass arrests can’t come soon enough.

Do NOT comply.


Top Epidemiologist Issues Warning: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause ‘Catastrophic Neurological & Psychiatric Damage’    Frank Bergman

February 24, 2025

A leading epidemiologist has issued a warning to the public after uncovering alarming new evidence proving that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause “catastrophic neurological and psychiatric damage.”

The red alert was declared by Nicolas Hulscher MPH, an epidemiologist and administrator at the McCullough Foundation.

Hulscher warns that the Covid mRNA injections are contributing to record-high depression rates.

He notes that depression and other neurological and psychiatric have skyrocketed since the “vaccines” were rolled out for public use in early 2021.

According to Hulscher, mRNA shots have triggered surges in ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myelitis, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

He is calling on governments around the world to “immediately” remove Covid mRNA “vaccines” from global markets.

Hulscher raised the alarm during a new interview with Brannon Howse.

WATCH   [1:24]

In a post on X, Hulscher shared another warning from Dr. David Cartland.

Cartland warns that Covid mRNA “vaccines” damage the brain and devastate mental health.

He notes that the damage was confirmed by a “recent wave of eye-opening studies.”

Cartland notes that the Covid shots cause the following risk increases:

  • Ischemic stroke (+44%)
  • Hemorrhagic stroke (+50%)
  • Transient ischemic attack (+67%)
  • Myelitis (+165%)
  • Myasthenia gravis (+71%)
  • Alzheimer’s (+22.5%)
  • Cognitive impairment (+137.7%)
  • Depression (+68.3%)
  • Anxiety disorders (+43.9%)
  • Sleep disorders (+93.4%)

“The most probable mechanism behind this damage is likely toxic Spike protein accumulation and persistence in the skull-meninges-brain axis, as evidenced by Rong et al., Morz and Mikami et al., and over 300 other studies, which can be found in the Spike Protein Pathogenicity Research Library,” Hulscher writes.

“Using mRNA to hijack cells in various organ systems to produce a highly toxic [spike] protein that persists in the body for months to years was one of the worst ideas in human history.”

Meanwhile, leading scientists from the world-renowned Yale University have confirmed that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

As Slay News reported, a bombshell study conducted by researchers at Yale University School of Medicine found that mRNA injections alter human biology to create long-term spike protein production that increases over time.

The scientists warn that the Covid mRNA vaccines alter T cell immunophenotypes which triggers VAIDS – or “vaccine-induced AIDS.”

The study was led by Bornali Bhattacharjee from Yale University School of Medicine.

It was conducted in collaboration with multiple Yale departments, including Immunobiology, Biostatistics, and the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation.

The news comes after the explosive whistleblower statement from a Pfizer vaccine scientist last week.

As Slay News reported, Pfizer scientist Justin Leslie has blown the whistle and warned the public that “crimes against humanity have been committed” during the development and global rollout of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

According to Leslie, the company’s Covid mRNA injections are “poison.”

Leslie made the alarming statement in a post on X while appealing to DOGE chief Elon Musk.

“Elon. I worked on this ‘mRNA technology’ for @pfizer as a formulation analytical scientist,” Leslie asserted.

“You and @realDonaldTrump and @RobertKennedyJr need to pull the mRNA vaccines off the market immediately.

“Crimes against humanity have been committed and ignoring this is a notice of liability of injury and harm to the masses.

“Injecting this poison into innocent children is an attack on God and it must end.”

READ MORE – FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer


For the Past 45 Years, the Medical Diagnostic System Has Been Rigged to Cover-Up Infant Deaths Caused by Vaccines   KAREN KINGSTON

The consequences of rigging the diagnostic code system and eliminating vaccination as a cause of death have been financially and psychology devastating to victims and their families.

February 24, 2025: There are over 130 diagnostic codes to choose from in order to diagnose the cause of death in newborns and infants. These diagnostic codes are government approved and published in the International Classification of Diseases and are known as ICD codes. However, the diagnostic codes for “vaccine” and “prophylactic inoculation” was removed from the US medical diagnostic system in the 1970’s.

Diagnostic codes (ICD) attributing deaths and diseases due to vaccinations were eliminated by the US government and healthcare authorities back in 1979 and replaced with codes such as, cause unknown or accidental suffocation.

Brannon Howse and I Discuss the Decades Long Scandal to Cover-up Infant Vaccine Deaths

Last week, Brannon Howse and I did a 45-minute deep-dive on how the CDC and other HHS departments, redefined infant death due to vaccination as accidental suffocation, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and even shaken-baby syndrome.

You can view the full 45-minute interview on WorldViewTube.

Psychological and Legal Ramifications of Eliminating Diagnostic Codes for Infant Deaths Due to Vaccination

In wrongful death lawsuit, typically the judge requires a doctor to provide the cause of the death, whether it be a disease, accident or medical procedure. In 1979, the diagnostic code designating the vaccines as a cause of death was eliminated from the ICD (international classifications of diseases) diagnostic codes as a cause of death in infants (and adults). This makes it virtually impossible for a court of law to rule that a vaccine caused an infant or adult death.

Furthermore, innocent parents (or even siblings) were gaslit into thinking that they accidentally killed their baby, when in fact, the baby’s death was due to vaccination. The emotional, psychological and physical abuse that the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule has caused parents and children is unfathomable and pure evil.

June 2021 Article Details How CDC Has Covered-Up Childhood Vaccine Deaths Over the Decades

Per a brilliantly written scientific and clinical analysis authored by Neil Miller and published on June 24, 2021, in Toxicology,

‘Since then, medical certifiers have been unable to list vaccination as an official cause of death because ICD no longer contains a code for that possibility.’

CDC Introduces Crib Death Diagnosis in Coordination with 1960’s National Childhood Vaccine Marketing Campaign

Neal Miller explains that ‘Crib Death’ diagnosis was introduced into CDC mortality reports AFTER National Vaccine Campaigns Were Launched in the 1960’s. The CDC introduced Crib Death was introduced as an infant cause of death in coordination with the launch of national vaccine campaigns. Prior to the 1960’s ‘crib death’ (now referred to as SIDS – sudden infant death syndrome) was never even mentioned in the CDC’s infant mortality statistics. By 1972, SIDS became the #1 cause of death in infants 1-month to less than 1-year of age and continued to skyrocket throughout the 1980s.

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The Grotesque Bird Flu Scam and How to Actually Treat Colds and Flus   A Midwestern Doctor

How the cruelty and mismanagement we are seeing with avian influenza is directly reflected within the practice of medicine

FEB 23, 2025

Story at a Glance:

•A massive industry exists to protect us from pandemics. Unfortunately, this industry is largely a grift which receives billions for failed cures, routinely suppresses competing therapies that could end pandemics and frequently causes the pandemics it is supposed to prevent.

•This industry routinely engages in cruel and completely unnecessary animal experimentation (which often then shapes the mentality of modern medical practices). Because of this, one group has recently been able to shift this longstanding cruelty by connecting it to the immensely wasteful spending which often accompanies that research.

•The current “war against bird flu” embodies many of the major problems in the pandemic prevention industry, as over the last few years, we’ve spent billions of dollars killing over a hundred million birds, but all this has accomplished is significantly raising the price of eggs.

•While viruses are typically treated as being “incurable” by modern medicine, many highly effective, frequently over the counter, and unpatentable treatments exist for viral illnesses that have been used for over a century (including for some of the most severe and “incurable” ones). This article will review those therapies and how they can both be used for severe illnesses and to rapidly eliminate common viral conditions (e.g., flus and colds).

In late 2019, I predicted that COVID-19 would turn into a disaster. I told many of my colleagues, who all thought I was crazy and simultaneously were confused by these remarks as I was typically the dissenting voice against getting worked up over the annual “pandemic.” While many things at work by late 2019 suggested this could happen, the primary reason I was willing to put my reputation on the line to claim this was due to the media coverage surrounding the pandemic.
Specifically, it’s a longstanding tradition for both the media and federal health apparatus to massively hype up each potential “pandemic,” but in the case of COVID (called Sars-Cov-2 at the time), the exact opposite happened. There was a consistent push to downplay it (e.g., “it’s just a flu bro” flooded the internet at that time) to the point many of my colleagues who typically got the most up in arms about (minor) infectious diseases laughed me off when I suggested COVID was something to be concerned about.

All of this was a red flag to me as I initially could not believe the pandemic industrial complex would be silent when the pandemic they had been waiting decades for finally arrived. Then, once it became very clear (from reports circulating on the internet in Dec 2019) that COVID was very different and actually had a high likelihood of causing a true pandemic, I inferred that only two things could explain why it was being suppressed—either it was known that it would turn into a huge problem and health authorities wanted time to prepare for it before the public panicked, or they wanted it to spread under the radar as much as possible so it could turn into an actual global disaster.

In my eyes, there are four central reasons why pandemics are always hyped up:

•They give federal agencies (e.g., the CDC) a way to justify their necessity and get Congressional funding (which is most likely the primary motivation).

•The ideal content for the media are things that emotionally agitate and hook viewers but do not challenge any vested interests that do not want to be exposed (e.g., major media advertisers like the pharmaceutical industry). Fear-mongering about the next pandemic hence is an excellent way to sustain those companies.

•A multibillion-dollar industry has been created around pandemic preparedness (e.g., lots of virology research and making vaccines) that succeeds because it has no accountability for abjectly failing to prevent pandemics. In turn, hyping up pandemics is vital for this industry.

•Tackling many of the real health issues facing our country requires confronting the vested interests responsible for those issues existing (e.g., pharmaceutical companies) and addressing the underlying causes of chronic illnesses in the country—all of which is a lot of work and gets a lot of pushback. In contrast, having an aggressive and drastic top-down response to an infectious disease takes relatively little effort to do and allows the government to present the facade of safeguarding our health.

As such, we will constantly see “pandemics” that are hyped up by the media and typically are accompanied by mass slaughtering of livestock along with a variety of aggressive sales pitches for that year’s vaccine and in certain years, Tamiflu as well. Inevitably however, in one way or another, the whole thing ends up being a scam (e.g., the pandemic never materializes or the therapies for it don’t really work).

Note: as I show here, Tamiflu is a scam, as despite governments having spent billions stockpiling it, there is no evidence it works (but significant evidence it frequently has side effects).

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Belgium Sounds Alarm as Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated Nursing Home Residents   Frank Bergman

February 23, 2025

Leading experts in Belgium have issued a warning to the rest of the world after an alarming new study found that all-cause deaths are surging among nursing home residents who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

Professor Eline Meyers and her team at Ghent University are sounding the alarm after investigating spikes in all-cause mortality rates among elderly citizens.

The peer-reviewed study found that Covid mRNA “vaccines” destroyed the immune systems of nursing home residents, leading to soaring deaths and deadly diseases.

The researchers warn that the mRNA injections have caused a vaccine-induced immunity crisis in nursing home populations.

The results of the groundbreaking study were published in the world-renowned medical journal Vaccine.

The study followed 3008 participants, including 1640 nursing home residents (NHR) and 1368 nursing home staff (NHS), across 69 facilities in Belgium

In the study’s paper, the researchers explain that they used parametric exponential survival models with interval censoring and Cox proportional hazards analysis.

The researchers probed two key questions:

How long do antibodies persist after the primary vaccination series, and what factors predict all-cause mortality among these highly vulnerable groups?

The findings are stark.

Nursing home residents were 47% more likely to experience a weakened immunity response when compared to their healthier, younger staff counterparts.

The researchers found that the elderly residents were still immunocompromised up to 240 days after receiving a “vaccine.”

The study reported an alarming 14% all-cause mortality rate over 10 months in vaccinated residents.

The mortality rate meant that a shocking 230 of the 1640 nursing home residents analyzed died during the 10-month study period.

However, COVID-19 accounted for just 2% of these deaths.

The researchers note the surge in deaths among the vaccinated patients was mostly due to severe renal, lung, or cardiac disease, and cancer.

The study found that vulnerable residents saw the risk of death and health issues skyrocket after they received a Covid “vaccine.”

Meyers et al.’s work raises serious questions about the global efforts to target vulnerable populations with mass-vaccination strategies such as prioritized booster regimens.

These findings remind us that robust, data-driven strategies are essential to safeguard those at greatest risk.

The warning from Belgium comes as increasing evidence emerges of a widespread immunity crisis among the Covid-vaccinated.

As Slay News reported, leading scientists from the world-renowned Yale University have confirmed that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

A bombshell study conducted by researchers at Yale University School of Medicine found that mRNA injections alter human biology to create long-term spike protein production that increases over time.

The scientists warn that the Covid mRNA vaccines alter T cell immunophenotypes which triggers VAIDS – or “vaccine-induced AIDS.”

The study was led by Bornali Bhattacharjee from Yale University School of Medicine.

It was conducted in collaboration with multiple Yale departments, including Immunobiology, Biostatistics, and the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just made the explosive admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with contaminations that triggered a global surge in cancers.

The federal agency made the admission after an FDA study confirmed that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” contains dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination.

It comes as experts have been warning for some time about the links between cancer surges and Covid “vaccines.”

A world-renowned American doctor has issued a warning to the public that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are actually “bioweapons” that are causing deaths and deadly diseases to surge globally.

Leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough warns that the shots were intended to harm people by destroying their immune systems.

McCullough is warning of a ticking time bomb for those who received the “vaccines.”

“I have never seen something so injurious to the human body,” McCullough said in a video statement.

“It invades the brain. It invades the heart.

“It causes brain and heart damage,” he added.

“Data from the University of Pittsburgh suggests it causes cancer.

“Since when do we have a protein that actually injures the brain, injures the heart, the bone marrow, the immune system, causes blood clotting, and potentially causes cancer in a single protein?

“It’s a weapon,” McCullough said.

“According to strict military criteria, it’s a bioweapon.”

WATCH  [15:27]  

Despite growing concerns about the “vaccines,” pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna saw their stock prices spike this week

The surges come amid reports from researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology identifying a potentially deadlier strain of coronavirus known as HKU5-CoV-2 is spreading among humans.

China warns that the new virus has “pandemic potential.”


New briefing deck on what to do about bird flu   MERYL NASS

20 slides: concise, complete

FEB 23, 2025

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WATCH: World Premier of “Unpacking the Lies We’ve Been Fed” (Link Below)


Yale scientists who risked careers to publish bombshell Covid vaccine study issue message to shot’s victims   By EMILY JOSHU STERNE  and ISHITA SRIVASTAVA 

22 February 2025   Daily Mail – For years, thousands of Americans who suffered debilitating side effects after getting the Covid vaccine were told there was no evidence the shot was linked.

Some were branded antivaxxers, others told their symptoms were imagined or related to other conditions, like long Covid.

But that changed this week.

On Wednesday, a team from Yale University known for their rigorous work revealed the mRNA shots can cause a previously unknown condition known as ‘post-vaccination syndrome.’

The syndrome appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus, extreme fatigue and biological changes to patients’ immune systems.

Dr Akiko Iwasaki, the lead researcher behind the paper, told DailyMail.com she understands her findings could be seen as controversial. But she wants patients to know her team will keep studying to bring them ‘better transparency and safer vaccines.’

Dr Iwasaki told this website: ‘For patients who are suffering from post-vaccination syndrome, we want them to know that we see you, we listen, and we will keep on doing more research in this area so that this condition can be recognized, and better medical care can be provided.’

She believes her work will ‘absolutely’ be a paradigm shifting moment.

‘People with PVS have felt dismissed and ignored because PVS is not a medically recognized condition,’ Dr Iwasaki said.

‘I believe that rigorous scientific research will lead to better diagnosis, treatment and prevention of PVS. Such research will also lead to better transparency and safer vaccines.’

Dr Iwasaki and her team emphasized the results ‘are still a work in progress,’ and that it is unclear exactly how common PVS is.

But Dr Iwasaki, who is the director of the Center for Infection & Immunity at the Yale School of Medicine, said the team planned to address this question by launching larger studies.

‘We would like to expand our research to a larger cohort and validate our current findings,’ she said. ‘We need funding to carry out such future work.’

The CDC still recommends Covid vaccines, especially for those who are elderly or immunocompromised and vulnerable to the disease.

Covid is also still killing about 300 Americans every week, CDC data shows.

Following the new research, DailyMail.com spoke with dozens of Americans who report being injured from the vaccines and have expressed hope that their symptoms are being validated.

One of them was Kari Ponce de Leon, a 43-year-old mother from Montana who decided to get the Pfizer Covid vaccine in February 2021 out of a sense of duty.

However, what she thought was a good deed turned into a years-long ordeal with dangerous blood conditions that could have caused deadly bleeding.

The mother-of-two told DailyMail.com: ‘I thought that I was doing the right thing.’

She stressed that while she’s not anti-vaccine and has ‘had all the vaccines that I can,’ she does feel the government abandoned her after mandating the shot.

She said: ‘I’ve never had a problem before. I’ve had all the vaccines that I can. My kids are vaccinated. I believe in vaccines.’

Just two days after her vaccine, she noticed red spots all over her hands and an uncontrollable nose bleed.

Doctors diagnosed Mrs Ponce de Leon with a series of blood conditions that caused her immune system to block platelets.

Platelets are essential for blood to clot and for wounds to heal, so having too few could lead to uncontrolled, deadly bleeding.

After months of infusions to get her platelets back to normal, Mrs Ponce de Leon was rushed to the University of Washington in 2022.

Doctors replaced all of her plasma with donor plasma where doctors performed plasmapheresis, a procedure that removes all of the plasma from blood and replaces it with donor plasma.

Mrs Ponce de Leon has fully recovered, but doctors were unable to offer an explanation for her conditions.

One doctor wrote in a letter that her condition was likely caused by the vaccine ‘because he couldn’t find any other reason.’

In the Yale study, participants with PVS had reactivated Epstein-Barr, a contagious virus that can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.

It has also been shown to attack the blood and marrow, which may have explained Mrs Ponce de Leon’s sudden blood disorders.

She told DailyMail.com that while she supports vaccines, she is cautious about supporting treatments heavily touted by government authorities.

She said: ‘It’s just very frustrating with this one because I did what I thought I was supposed to do. I thought I was doing the right thing, and then the government just hangs you out to dry. It’s like gaslighting.

‘It’s demoralizing. It makes me sad that I can’t really trust the public health institutions anymore.’

Dr Iwasaki’s research is part of Yale’s LISTEN Study, an ongoing trial on post-vaccine injuries and long Covid, a mysterious condition blighting an estimated 17million Americans.

The condition manifests differently in each person, but it includes an array of symptoms from fatigue to brain fog to shortness of breath.

The cause of long Covid is poorly understood, but one of the team’s theories is that the Covid virus could be ‘hiding’ in internal organs like the gut. This would make the virus undetectable in standard nasal swabs.

Dr Iwasaki’s lab is also preparing for the possibility of future pandemics by studying bat coronaviruses that resemble Covid-19 to study how they replicate, as well as immunotherapy for cancer.

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Pfizer Scientist Blows Whistle: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are ‘Poison’   Frank Bergman

February 21, 2025 – SLAY  

A Pfizer scientist has blown the whistle and warned the public that “crimes against humanity have been committed” during the development and global rollout of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

According to Pfizer whistleblower Justin Leslie, the company’s Covid mRNA injections are “poison.”

Leslie made the alarming statement in a post on X while appealing to DOGE chief Elon Musk.

He was responding to a Wednesday post from Musk who shared his experience after receiving a Covid shot.

Musk had shared a video of Vice President JD Vance explaining that he “was the sickest that I have been in the last fifteen years by far when I took the vaccine.”

“I had a similar experience,” Musk said.

“Covid itself was nothing.

“I got the OG Wuhan strain before vaccines were out.

“J&J vaccine hurt my arm, but otherwise nothing.

“But the mRNA booster hit extremely hard.

“Massive chest pain. Felt like I got hit by a truck.

“Almost went to hospital,” Musk revealed.

“That said, synthetic mRNA has a lot of potential to cure cancer and other diseases.

“Research should continue,” the X owner urged.

Leslie shared Musk’s post and added his whistleblowing statement.

“Elon. I worked on this ‘mRNA technology’ for @pfizer as a formulation analytical scientist,” Leslie asserted.

“You and @realDonaldTrump and @RobertKennedyJr need to pull the mRNA vaccines off the market immediately.

Crimes against humanity have been committed and ignoring this is a notice of liability of injury and harm to the masses.

“Injecting this poison into innocent children is an attack on God and it must end.”

Leslie followed up by sharing a link to a website that shows he’s been working with James O’Keefe’s OMG to blow the whistle on Pfizer.

In addition, Leslie has provided a whistleblowing interview where he exposed Pfizer Vice President Nick Warne’s role in “gaming the system” to get the “vaccines” approved for public use.

Leslie says Pfizer “gamed the FDA,” and pulled a “bait-and-switch” by getting “approval” for a TRIS buffer for its “toxic poison” Covid mRNA injection.

However, Leslie revealed that Pfizer was actually using a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) in its supposed “clinical trial.”

“Pfizer gamed the FDA through Vice President Nick Warne,” Leslie told The Big Mig Show.

He notes that “there’s even a YouTube video on October 26 of 2021, anyone can go look at” that shows Warne saying Pfizer got approval for the TRIS buffer while using the PBS for a fake “clinical trial.”

In the video cited by Leslie, Warne admits that Pfizer changed the formula of its Covid “vaccine” after the clinical trials.

WATCH  [1:22]  

Leslie notes that he worked directly with Warne at Pfizer in research and development.

Warne “goes on to explain that the TRIS buffer is the one that got approved for this emergency use authorization shot, and they did…the clinical trials with the phosphate-buffered saline, the PBS buffer,” Leslie revealed.

A “buffer” in this context is a solution that helps to maintain pH balance.

In this case, the pH balance of the contents of the Covid “vaccines.”

Interestingly, Leslie notes the difference between the two buffers “has to do with storage temperature.”

The whistleblower notes that “the PBS could only be stored at minus 80 degrees Celsius, [while] the TRIS buffer could be stored at minus 80, as well as 2 and 8 degrees Celsius [35 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit] as well.”

“So the significance with this is…it’s the last step of the formulation, and Pfizer and the FDA wanted to make it seem like this isn’t a big deal.

“But this really is a big deal,” Leslie adds.

“If you look at it from a 40,000-foot step back.

“Like, you couldn’t have just done the clinical trials the right way?

“You’re giving a toxic poison bomb regardless, but you’re gonna do this bait-and-switch…buffer system switch, which is what they did.”

WATCH  [1:54]   

This explosive admission comes after leading scientists from the world-renowned Yale University have just confirmed that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

As Slay News reported, a bombshell study conducted by researchers at Yale University School of Medicine found that mRNA injections alter human biology to create long-term spike protein production that increases over time.

The scientists warn that the Covid mRNA vaccines alter T cell immunophenotypes which triggers VAIDS – or “vaccine-induced AIDS.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just made the shocking admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with contaminations that triggered a global surge in cancers.

The federal agency made the admission after an FDA study confirmed that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” contains dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination.

READ MORE – FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer


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