Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |  4/11/24

COVID-19  | Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]



Sen. Rand Paul Releases Report Saying 15 AGENCIES Knew of COVID-19 Since 2018   [7:27]   By Beyond The Headlines

Apr. 11, 2024 3:00 pm – In the months and years following the initial outbreak of COVID-19, there was a lot of confusion and uncertainty regarding the virus’ origins. Despite being labeled “conspiracy theorists” or “far-right wing nutjobs,” however, more information comes out every day that PROVES those people were right. Senator Rand Paul recently released a report implicating 15 AGENCIES and their involvement in the creation and subsequent cover-up of the pandemic. But how deep does this rabbit hole go?

Elijah Schaffer explains all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!


Our Food Supply Under Attack! An interview with Sasha Latypova   [1:56:24]   Steve Kirsch

April 11, 2024 – Tonight we speak with legendary whistleblower and pharma industry insider Sasha Latypova about shocking evidence around the next major effort to get synthetic MRNA into the public’s bodies; via the food supply! Where the vaccine campaign failed, tainted food will win. That is, unless we fight back and demand accountability with these genetic products NOW!

Latypova will share her recent research on the prevalence of MRNA based vaccines in our meat supply and the associated risks of these genetic and recombinant products now in wide use, including:

  • Risks of integration into host genome and/or microbiome with subsequent long-term expression of aberrant proteins
  • Risks of shedding to humans and off-target animal species
  • Microbiome degradation (dysbiosis) highly likely – drives cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative, gastrointestinal and many other debilitating conditions
  • Risk of genome integration
  • Transfer into soils and plant bacteria via animal waste and water
  • Massive antibiotic resistance – ALL genetic vaccines are made from DNA plasmids with antibiotic resistant genes



Medical Murder is the #1 Cause of Death in the U.S. By Design   By Scott Schara 

“Medical malpractice” is the third leading cause of death at 400,000 annual deaths per year. All these deaths can’t be malpractice. What’s behind the curtain?

April 11, 2024 – Think about it.  People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources.  If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove.

Long before COVID, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death—heart disease 700,000; cancer 600,000; medical malpractice 400,000 annual deaths.  There is legitimate malpractice—negligence due to human error.  What’s behind the curtain?

The murder of my disabled daughter during COVID woke me up.  1,200,000 hospital murders in 39 months!  America was #1 in hospital deaths during the COVID era, with India (with 4X the population) a distant #2, with 530,000 deaths.  All these deaths can’t be malpractice.

What’s going on?  The United States incentivized protocols designed to kill.  Why?  The ultimate source is the Satanic agenda, which I’ll cover in a subsequent article.  The most common excuse used by bureaucrats is money.  People are too expensive.  There are 135,000,000 Americans on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and the cost is over 50% of the annual federal budget.  At an annual cost of $35,000 per person, you can see why “elderly” and “disabled” were the first and second causes of hospital deaths during COVID.  The average COVID incentive was $100,000 paid to hospitals, so there was a three-year payback to the government responsible for the scheme!

The plot thickens when you see that Medicare and Medicaid rules were relaxed during COVID, adding 38,000,000 Americans to this bureaucracy.  Why?  Following the pattern set by the Rockefellers (their pharmaceuticals caused cancer, so they funded the American Cancer Society), the government behind COVID (spoiler alert: America) wanted its citizens to have “free” medical coverage, to give the impression of helping.

The reality is beginning to hit us now.  Most of these individuals got the bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.  There is currently a 24% increase in all-cause mortality in the jabbed.  Cancer rates are skyrocketing.  What do you think the “free” medical coverage will do to these people next?


Bird Flu: Real Threat or Profit-motivated Fearmongering?   By John-Michael Dumais

As the media ramp up concerns about a potential H5N1 bird flu pandemic, some analysts questioned the motives behind the alarmist narratives, pointing to the financial incentives of vaccine manufacturers and controversial U.S. government-funded gain-of-function research on the virus.

April 9, 2024 – Growing concerns about the potential for a devastating bird flu pandemic are driving increased media coverage, including claims that bird flu could be “100 times worse than Covid.”

But a closer examination suggests the level of alarm may be premature, and some argue that fearmongering is motivated by profit.

In recent weeks, cases of the H5N1 avian influenza virus — also known as “highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A” — have been detected in wild birds, poultry, a variety of mammals including cats and dolphins, and a small number of humans.

The reporting has sparked fears that the virus could mutate to enable efficient transmission between people, according to news outlets like The New York Times and Daily Mail.

Top U.S. health officials like Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), say they are taking the situation “very seriously” and monitoring for signs of the virus mutating as it spreads to new animal reservoirs like cattle.


Scientists Warn Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 100 Times Worse Than COVID  [8:08]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Is Bird Flu the Next Crisis 100X Worse Than COVID?

From government warnings to viral mutations, explore the chilling predictions of bird flu’s potential to surpass COVID-19’s devastation. Scientists and officials voice concerns over a new, highly contagious strain, sparking global alarm and prompting urgent calls for preparedness.

April 8, 2024


  • Historical concerns about the lethality of bird flu to humans have consistently proven unfounded, with no recorded deaths in the U.S. from such outbreaks, despite significant government spending and public warnings in the past
  • Recent discussions around “global biosecurity” and the potential for disease outbreaks to foster a totalitarian world government have intensified. A weaponized bird flu could be the next major threat
  • Recent cases of bird flu affecting various mammals, including livestock and pets, suggest the virus may be adapting to new hosts, raising alarms about its potential impact on humans
  • In March 2024, the first case of bird flu in livestock was found in a goat in Minnesota. That same month, infected cows were identified in Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Idaho and Michigan. Three cats have also reportedly died from H5N1 infection, and one individual who came into close contact with infected cows has tested positive after presenting with conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Current countermeasures against bird flu, such as culling infected and exposed animals, hinder the development of natural immunity. Smaller flock sizes and better management would also reduce the disease risk

So far, every instance of fear-mongering about the possibility of a lethal bird flu has turned out to be false. That’s why I wrote my New York Times best-selling book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” 15 years ago in 2009. Four years earlier, in 2005, then-President George Bush spent over $7 billion dollars on preparations and warned that more than 2 million Americans could die.1

The reality is that no one in the U.S. died from bird flu. Not one. Annual outbreaks of bird flu were also recorded and hyped between 2014 and 2017, again with no human victims.2

Fast-forward a couple of decades, and “global biosecurity” has become one of the primary tactics chosen to usher in a totalitarian One World Government. COVID-19 was just the warmup. I’ve repeatedly stated that more outbreaks, be they real or imagined, are to be expected for that very reason. The only question, really, is which pathogen it will be.

Is Weaponized Bird Flu Next?

In the spring of 2022, Bill Gates warned that another pandemic will emerge, and that this yet-to-come pandemic “will get attention this time.”3 Based on the news chatter emerging right now, a weaponized bird flu seems a possibility.

Fingerprints of COVID Are All Over Weaponized Bird Flu

Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but then scientists started tinkering with it, creating a hybrid with human pandemic potential.20 Some of that research has been undertaken in Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine.21,22,23

Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), have also funded gain-of-function research on H5N1.24 One scientist whose work on H5N1 has been funded by both Fauci and Gates is Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka.25


Open Letter to the WHO   JAMES ROGUSKI

The WHO must follow the rule of law and it must obey Article 55 of the IHR. The WHO must NOT even consider amendments to the International Health Regulations at the 77th World Health Assembly.

APR 08, 2024 – Watch the video below…


Read the open letter below and CLICK HERE to sign it.

In late May of this year, it is planned for 194 Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) to vote on acceptance of two documents that, taken together, are intended to transform international public health and the way States interact when the Director General of WHO declares an emergency. These drafts, a Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), are intended to be legally binding and govern the relationship between States and WHO.

Although they contain significant health, economic and human rights implications, they are still being negotiated by various committees less than two months prior to the intended vote. They have been developed with unusual haste, on the premise that there is a rapidly increasing urgency to mitigate pandemic risk.

While this urgency has now been shown to be contradicted by the data and citations on which WHO and other agencies have relied, the urgency persists. As a result, norms requiring specific review times have been put aside, inevitably undermining equity within the agreements by preventing States with less resources from having time to fully assess the implications for their own populations prior to voting.

This is an extremely poor and dangerous way to develop a legally binding international agreement or treaty. Now is the time to decelerate for the purpose of designing a coherent legal pandemic package instead of rapidly institutionalizing a confusing set of different legal regimes, overriding authorities and proliferation of competing global actors, as ill-advised in a recent public letter.

The Open Letter below calls upon WHO and Member States to extend the deadline for the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations and a new Pandemic Agreement at the 77th WHA to safeguard the rule of law and equity.


to the World Health Organization and all negotiating Member States,
the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations
and the International Negotiating Body

April 2024Dear Dr. Tedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization
Dear Co-Chairs Dr. Asiri and Dr. Bloomfield of the WGIHR,
Dear Co-Chairs Dr. Matsoso and Mr. Driece of the INB,
Dear national delegates of the respective working groups,

Both the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (WGIHR) and the International Negotiating Body (INB) negotiating the Pandemic Agreement were mandated to deliver the definite legal wording of the targeted amendments of the International Health Regulations (IHR) as well as of the Pandemic Agreement to the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA), taking place at the end of May 2024. These processes have been ushered through in haste to “capture a post-COVID-19 moment”, despite evidence that there is limited risk of another pandemic occurring in the short-to-medium term. In other words, there is time to get these measures right.

Yet, due to the speed in which these processes have occurred both negotiation processes are threatening to deliver illegitimate policies by violating the very objectives and principles of equity and deliberation which are proclaimed to be safeguarded through the pandemic law-making process under the auspices of WHO. Consequently, the politically set deadline for adoption at the 77th WHA must be lifted and extended to safeguard the lawfulness and transparency of the processes, clarifying the relationship between the amended IHR and the new Pandemic Agreement, and ensuring an equitable and democratic outcome.

[Ed.:  James Rogusky (and of course Meryl Nass) are our Republic’s Front Line in preventing the sacrifice of our sovereignty to the CCP controlled World Health Organization.]


Cardiovascular Symptoms after COVID-19 Vaccination Result in 27.1% Hospitalization Rate   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Survey in Saudi Arabia Reports Shocking Results

APR 08, 2024 – In my clinical practice and in the peer-reviewed literature, cardiovascular symptoms are common after COVID-19 vaccination and may include chest pain/pressure, palpitations, near syncope, syncope, shortness of breath, effort intolerance, headaches, among many reported. What are the consequences of these side effects?

Sheriff et al conducted a survey in Saudi Arabia specifically inquiring about cardiovascular symptoms after vaccination. An online questionnaire is an ideal way to uncover the truth when societal pressures to vaccinate including family, educational, and professional reprisal were felt just a few years ago.

“The study was conducted from September 17, 2023, to November 16, 2023, with 804 participating volunteers aged 18 and above from diverse geographic regions to ensure a representative sample. The study was conducted on individuals who had previously experienced the onset and duration of cardiac complications diagnosed by a physician post-vaccination, which varied from less than a month to 12 months…Pre-existing health conditions were reported by participants, with diabetes (48.26%) and hypertension (56.72%) being the most prevalent…A majority of participants (92.79%) reported receiving mRNA vaccines, with Pfizer-BioNTech (43.18%) and Moderna (27.49%) being the predominant choices…Influences on vaccine decisions included healthcare professionals (22.89%) and government health agencies (34.45%).”

More than half indicated they were influenced by a healthcare professional or government agency to get vaccinated. As you can see, 27.1% suffered cardiovascular symptoms warranting hospitalization with 15.8% landing in the intensive care unit. Despite the bias of recruitment strategy to find patients with cardiovascular side effects from mRNA, these are large percentages requiring hospital and or ICU care. Never in recent times has there been such a cardiotoxic vaccine released on the public. More data are needed on these cases including diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes such as recurrent hospitalization and death.


Why Aren’t Daszak and Baric Arrested?   JOHN LEAKE

The mountain of evidence that Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric created SARS-CoV-2

APR 07, 2024 – The recent news that Dr. Peter Daszak has been “invited” to a May 1 House of Representatives hearing to question him about his 2018 work on SARS coronaviruses prompted me to review the following email thread dated March 5 – 8, 2018 between Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance, Tonie Rocke at the United States Geological Survey to UNC Professor Ralph Baric.

Especially interesting is Ms. Rocke’s statement: “Hi Ralph: I have a couple of questions about the SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins you are developing with respect to the DARPA grant we are collaborating on.”

Here it is critically important to understand that DARPA chose to pass on Daszak’s DEFUSE grant proposal—which proposed modifying SARS-CoV bat coronaviruses in order to make them infectious to humans—because, in the DARPA reviewer’s estimate, the work proposed was too dangerous.

And yet, as Ms. Rocke plainly states, Professor Baric was already “developing SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins with respect to the DARPA grant.”

This is just one of many glaringly obvious pieces of evidence that Baric, Daszak, and Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were already, in 2018, developing SARS-CoV-2—the infectious agent that began circulating in Wuhan, China less than two years later.

The 2018 DEFUSE proposal also expressly states the plan to insert a furin cleavage site into the “SARS-CoV spike glycoprotein” that Professor Baric was “developing” in 2018.


IVERMECTIN and CANCER Part 2 – Treating Turbo Cancer – 7 new studies released in 2024 show Ivermectin works against CANCER – suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers   by DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

APR 07, 2024 – Last year I published one of the most popular articles on Ivermectin and Cancer Treatment ever published, which went viral internationally:

(Oct.2, 2023) – IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? – 9 Ivermectin papers reviewed


PRACTICAL APPROACH TO USING IVERMECTIN IN CANCER TREATMENT (Disclaimer: the following is not medical advice)

In “Ivermectin and Cancer Part 1”, I covered all the mechanisms of action that Ivermectin has shown against cancer in many in vitro and in vivo studies.

The 7 new studies published in 2024 only confirm what we already know from previous studies. Ivermectin is highly effective against many cancers.


The lifesaving Zelenko protocols and legacy    DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

Those in power within science knew from the beginning that the Zelenko Protocols worked and forcibly withheld them from healthcare providers and patients alike.

APR 07, 2024 – Peter and Ginger Breggin interview Frank Zelenko, who is well-known as the younger brother of Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, MD. Frank has devoted himself to furthering the world’s knowledge of his brother’s lifesaving Zelenko Protocols. These protocols treat not only COVID-like viruses but also all single-strand or RNA viruses like COVID, the flu, some encephalomyelitis, German measles, hepatitis, yellow fever, and many others.

Frank discusses his experience on the phone as his brother’s assistant, talking day and night to thousands of patients about the protocols, putting the patients in touch with his brother, and following them up — all with no deaths. He tells us where his brother got his original information on making his protocols — and it comes shockingly from the heart of the virology research establishment.

Those in power within science knew from the beginning that the Zelenko Protocols worked and forcibly withheld them from healthcare providers and patients alike.


EPIDEMIC OF FRAUD    [1:58:41] 

The CIA created Operation Mockingbird to influence journalists. Does it still exist?

In this excerpt of “Epidemic of Fraud,” watch ‘journalists’ try to convince you that a drug related to tonic water is deadly. See this trailer here  [4:24]

See the entire self-financed film here.  [1:58:41]


WATCH: Perfectly healthy 17-year-old Sean Hartman was found dead beside his bed 33 days after receiving his Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine   [17:56]

APR 05, 2024  THE CANADIAN INDEPENDENT – The Canadian Independent sat down with Sean Hartman’s dad, Dan Hartman, for his first-ever in-person interview to hear his son’s tragic story. Sean’s story has garnered international attention and resulted in a lawsuit being filed against Pfizer and the Canadian government.

Sean was a normal, typical, perfectly healthy 17-year-old from a quaint little town in Beeton, Ontario. He was deeply passionate about playing hockey, spending countless hours on the ice honing his skills and dreaming of a bright future. With his whole life ahead of him, filled with hopes, dreams, and aspirations, Sean’s sudden and tragic passing has left his dad with many unanswered questions.

As the 2021 fall hockey season approached, Sean found himself facing a mandatory vaccination requirement from the Ontario Minor Hockey Association to participate in the sport. On August 25, 2021, Sean received his first and only dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

Four days later after Sean’s first Pfizer shot his dad says he developed “brown circles around his eyes, a rash, vomiting, an extremely sore shoulder, opposite to his injection shoulder” and was taken to the emergency department. According to Dan the doctor at the emergency department did not do any blood work, a D-dimer or troponin test and says his son was just given a pain reliever for his shoulder and sent home.

Thirty-three days after Sean’s first Pfizer shot, he was found dead on the floor beside his bed. An autopsy was performed, and the pathologist determined that Sean’s cause of death was “unascertained,” meaning an inability to determine a specific cause.

Dan eventually filed a claim with Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), introduced as Canada’s first-ever vaccine injury program in 2021, but the claim was denied within a month due to insufficient evidence.

Following the VISP denial, Dan sought a second opinion from U.S. pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, who determined that Sean’s cause of death was from spike protein from the Covid-19 vaccine in his adrenal glands.


“Shedding” is Real, DNA Harms are Real   [AUDIO  21:56]   DR NAOMI WOLF

APR 04, 2024  – Dr James Thorp, Brave OB/GYN, Reveals That “Shedding” from Vaccinated to Others is a Fact; Explains Confirmation that DNA Damage to Unborn Babies is Real


Four Years Later, Conservative Voters Haven’t Forgotten How Covid Tyrants Acted In Crisis   BY: CHRISTINE WHITMORE

APRIL 03, 2024 – Republicans’ long memory for totalitarianism is much more visible on the local level where candidates try to erase their Covid-era behavior.

With the Covid-19 pandemic four years in the rearview, political pundits have started to act as though Americans are ready to move on and declare a “pandemic amnesty” for the petty tyrants who participated in the largest curtailment of American liberty in decades.

While it’s true that there are plenty of issues in Biden’s America that demand our attention — our wide open southern border, rapid inflation and a sinking economy, and the left’s war on our children — the medical tyranny we experienced remains emblematic of our government’s disdain for average Americans.

You might not know this from watching national political news. With hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being funneled overseas, secret commercial flights ferrying illegal immigrants to swanky hotels across the country, and gender medicine and critical race theory assaulting our kids, it’s understandable that Congress has its attention elsewhere. But Republicans’ long memory for totalitarianism is much more visible on the local level, and it was on full display in a recent local election in my neck of the woods, Texas Senate District 30.



COVID & mRNA – The Murder Continues   [57:36]   TOM RENZ

APR 04, 2024 – Viral right now is a video of a farmer talking about how the mRNA vaccines that were injected into his pigs injured and killed many of them… but don’t worry, the meat is still safe and effective. This nonsense continues and these poisons are already in our food supply. Until we find a noncorrupt politician to fight this the big pharma and big ag billionaires will continue to poison us and then sell us the cure for their poisons.


A Wide-Ranging Collection of Irrefutable Evidence: The Grave Harms Caused by the Covid Vaccines   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

This is still only a partial compilation. An award winning statistician told me that the estimate of 17 million worldwide deaths from the shot is too low. His numbers for the carnage are much higher.

APR 04, 2024  BS”D – This article is dedicated in memory of our loved ones and our friends’ loved ones who have succumbed to “sudden” heart attacks and blood clots in the last 3+ years. May their deaths serve as a wakeup call to save the lives of many others.

A friend sent me something that she’d been forwarded. It was the strange recent claim that covid shots decrease one’s risk of heart attacks caused by covid. If you have been reading this substack, you know this is not even possible, as the vaccines have greatly increased the incidence of cardiac death. But many people don’t know that, and this woman needed help figuring out the truth about the “study’s” claim.

Seeing that there’s still widespread uncertainty and incorrect beliefs – which translates, of course, into lives lost – I am presenting here a large collection of evidence showing the grievous injury the covid shots cause. I also demonstrate that they don’t work, because many people acknowledge adverse events but still believe that the benefits outweigh the risks.

It’s my hope that this collection will help move the needle, so that more people will:

1) Stop getting boosters.

2) Get onto a detox protocol to help prevent sudden blood clots, cardiac events, cancer diagnoses, etc.

3) Develop a very healthy distrust of those who have repeatedly and knowingly lied to us.

This information is loosely organized by timeline.


Hematologic Abnormalities 90 Days after COVID-19 Vaccination  PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Controlled Study Demonstrates Multiple Findings Emerge Over Time

APR 04, 2024 – I have notice that vaccinated patients have many more laboratory abnormalities than their unvaccinated counterparts. mRNA in lipid nanoparticles distributes to the bone marrow where blood cells are made, but is there any clinical relevance? Are there any large scale sources of evidence to justify concern?

Choi and colleagues performed a retrospective cohort study using automated data and compared vaccinated (58% mRNA, 35% viral vector, 7% mixed) to unvaccinated in the 90 days after injection:

“Retrospective cohort analyses of data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service (KNHIS) database were conducted from July 2022 to August 2023. We randomly selected data of half of those living in Seoul City as of January 1, 2021 with their diagnostic records up to December 31, 2021. The included participants were vaccinated and nonvaccinated persons aged 20 years or older (n= 4,203,887). Hematologic abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccination were identified as nutritional anemia, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, coagulation defects, and neutropenia using International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision codes after index date. Incidence rates of hematologic abnormalities in the vaccination group 3 months after vaccination were significantly higher than those in the nonvaccinated group: 14.79 vs. 9.59 (P<.001) for nutritional anemia, 7.83 vs. 5.00 (P<.001) for aplastic anemia, and 4.85 vs. 1.85 (P<.001) for coagulation defects. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was associated with higher development of nutritional anemia (odds ratio [OR], 1.230 [95% CI, 1.129-1.339], P<.001) and aplastic anemia (OR, 1.242 [95% CI, 1.110-1.390], P<.001) than the viral vector vaccine. The risk of coagulation defects was increased (OR, 1.986 [95% CI, 1.523-2.589], P<.001) after vaccination, and there was no risk difference between mRNA vaccine and viral vector vaccine (OR, 1.075 [95% CI, 0.936-1.233], P=.306). In conclusions, COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of hematologic abnormalities. When administering the COVID-19 vaccine, careful observation will be necessary after vaccination.”


Can Raising Awareness About Synthetic Biology and ‘mRNA’ Save Lives?   KAREN KINGSTON

US and Canada Publish Executive Orders for Human BioDigital Convergence Synthetic biology experts claim gene editing technologies are critical for the development of sustainable human beings.

APR 04, 2024 – I originally published this article on the BioRevolution in June of last year. I still believe that billions of lives can be saved from the diseases, disabilities, infertility, and deaths that are being caused by the unregulated use of synthetic biotechnologies if; the mainstream or alternative media addresses the existence of the global synthetic biology industry and the unrestrained and criminal injection of mRNA gene editing nanoparticle technologies into billions of adults and children under the guise of “safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.”

On January 3, 2024, Florida Surgeon General Ladapo called to stop the use of COVID-19 mRNA injections because they are gene editing technologies that can make permanent changes to the human genome. On January 11, 2024, world renowned scientist and doctors from Japan published a systemic reviewed of thousands of peer-reviewed publications and government data sets, concluding that the use of RNA-based nanoparticles are not only the greatest biological threat to human beings, but to all biological life forms. Texas is suing Pfizer for lying to Texans and the global citizens, claiming their mRNA injections were safe and effective. And a Florida Court is evaluating an emergency petition to have the mRNA nanoparticle injections prohibited in the state of Florida.

The China National GeneBank advertises in their 4-minute promotional video that China has collected the genetic data of billions of human beings and billions of other life forms for purposes of “the digitization of life” and “the development of sustainable human beings.”


Sudden Cardiac Death in Younger Persons Up 66% (21 Sigma)   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

With lockdown drug abuse mortality removed from the data…

APR 04, 2024 – Ever since the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” rollout, the data has been truly beyond horrifying…

From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, March 26-April 1   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

APR 03, 2024 – Athletes: US, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, UK (2), France (2), Latvia, Ethiopia, Australia (& coaches in US, Denmark, Kenya, India); doctors: Canada, Brazil (2), Paraguay, Italy, Nigeria, S. Korea; more


WHO coming down the home stretch with invasive testing and vaxxing requirements for tourists and others traveling legally across borders   LEO HOHMANN

Part of a series of amendments being secretly negotiated and set to be put to a vote in late May at the annual World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

APR 03, 2024 – The United Nations World Health Organization is secretly negotiating a set of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that would impose an invasive testing, vaccination and quarantine regimen on international travelers.

Ongoing negotiations on these amendments were kept secret for more than a year until California researcher and journalist James Rogoski uncovered the latest draft version of the amendments in February.

In a recent interview, Rogoski said these amendments to the International Health Regulations are not so much an attack on national sovereignty as they are a “dangerous expression of national sovereignty.”

Most nations, including the U.S., already claim through various laws to have these invasive powers over their own citizens. What the IHR amendments are about is giving nations these same testing and quarantining powers over foreign nationals who legally enter as a tourist, business traveler or for any other purpose.

Exiting the WHO, as the U.S. did under the presidency of Donald Trump, will also not provide any real answers to this power grab, Rogoski explained, stating that “Unless every nation exited the WHO these rules would still apply.”

That’s because the enforcement powers for these invasive methods are being given to nations not to exercise over their own citizens but over the citizens of every other country who are entering as foreign travelers.

The proposed amendments would include adding the terminology for so-called conveyance operators, which includes operators of planes, trains, subways, cruise lines, buses, etc.

These operators, both public and private, would have to comply with “health measures which may include isolation and quarantine as required, for application on board as well and embarkation and disembarkation.” That means you could be confronted both getting on and getting off of a plane, cruise ship or train, and asked to take a PCR test, or to show proof of vaccination against whatever disease they are looking for.


Proposed changes to Article 27 of the IHR’s would add the words “and quarantine” to the powers already granted at ports of entry.

“So, the concern is that if you are traveling, they want to be able to make you take a test, and if you want to get off the cruise boat or plane, they may make you go into quarantine…It essentially says they can compel the traveler to undergo vaccination or other prophylaxis.”



Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 2, 2024 3:40 pm – A world-leading virologist has issued a shocking warning to the American public that a “massive tsunami” of death will soon destroy the global COVID-19 vaccinated population.

As Slay News reported, the bone-chilling warning was issued by Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a respected Belgian virologist, during an appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, which is hosted by James Kunstler, on Friday.

Dr. Bossche is certified in both Virology and Microbiology and is the inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines. He has also authored over 30 publications and currently works as an independent research consultant.

Dr. Bossche, however, is most famous for warning about the potential dangers of mass vaccination programs amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He warned that the programs could lead to “monster” COVID variants.

The virologist told Kunstler that shortly, a “massive tsunami” of death among the vaccinated would happen. This would start with far more cases of long COVID, which would replace the surge of cancers, and end with a “hyper-acute wave.”

“What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami of illness and death among highly vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems, Bossche said. “You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming week is more and more cases of more serious long Covid.”

“They will start to replace the surge of the cancers,” he continued. “It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave.”

Dr. Bossche goes on to cite his expertise, noting that he has been studying COVID for four years. He next warned that all layers of society would fall apart during this hyper-acute phase, causing complete chaos.

“The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world,” said Bossche.

“It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.

Dr. Bossche told Kunstler that the best hope for vaccinated individuals to protect themselves is to find a way to avoid reinfection from COVID-19. Given how contagious the virus is, this will prove quite a tall task.

“What I can advise to all these vaccinated people: they need to avoid reinfection,” the doctor said. “It is the reinfection of vaccinated people that is responsible for this situation.”

“The only difference is, you will not be able to wait to take anti-virals until you have symptoms,” he continued. “As soon as people see that in one of the other countries, or one of the other states in the United States when this starts with hospitalizations going up very rapidly, they need to take anti-virals prophylactically, not wait until they have any symptoms.”


CDC Backpedals, Excessive Hospital PCR Testing, Definition Softened as Vaccines Fail    PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Grant Stinchfield Rips off the Band-Aid on Pandemic Response

APR 02, 2024 – Dallas podcaster and prime time anchor Grant Stinchfield is a staunch conservative and has been particularly tough on our public health agencies from the very beginning of the pandemic—for good reason.

Listen to his preparation and review of changes in CDC quarantine recommendations, hospital SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing, and how the CDC changed its definition of vaccine to reduce expectations of the novel injected products as mRNA vaccines failed to stop the infection, reduce transmission, or lessen the severity of illness. Stinchfield applies the data and sources the statements for each topic and I follow with answers to his questions.


U.S. Surgeon General Quietly Backpedaled on Water Fluoridation 5 Years Ago, Emails Reveal  By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

After decades of pushing water fluoridation as one of the greatest public health accomplishments in U.S. history, the U.S. surgeon general’s office stopped issuing public statements of support after a National Toxicology Program report linked fluoride to children’s lower IQs.

For more than seven decades, U.S. public health officials steadfastly supported water fluoridation, claiming the practice is a key strategy for maintaining and improving dental health.

Even today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls water fluoridation one of the “ten great public health achievements of the 20th century.”

However, internal email communications shared with The Defender suggest that as early as 2020, officials at the highest levels of the U.S. Public Health Service — the Office of the Surgeon General — were having second thoughts.

“These emails show that despite public statements to the contrary, there is a lot of concern in the federal government about the potential link between fluoridated drinking water and lower IQs,” said Michael Connett.

Connett, an attorney, represents plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The suit seeks to end water fluoridation based on science linking low-level fluoride exposure to lower IQ scores in children.

The emails were obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and shared with The Defender by plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

They reveal that in 2020, on the 75th anniversary of water fluoridation, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams declined to make a statement endorsing water fluoridation, despite strong encouragement and behind-the-scenes organizing by his Chief Dental Officer Timothy Ricks.

Adams’ office also stopped Ricks from co-signing, with eight previous chief dental officers, and releasing a letter supporting community water fluoridation and celebrating the anniversary.

The U.S. surgeon general’s public support for water fluoridation has been considered key to boosting water fluoridation since the practice began.

Until 2020, every surgeon general had made oral or written statements supporting water fluoridation, according to the communications among previous chief dental officers  — appointees who advise the surgeon general and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the recruitment and development of oral health professionals.

However, on this important anniversary, Adams’ staff told Ricks the surgeon general was reluctant to make a pro-fluoridation statement because he knew government scientists at the National Toxicology Program (NTP) were about to publish a systematic review of the literature on fluoride and neurotoxicity in children.

The NTP report found that neonatal and childhood fluoride exposure had negative cognitive and neurodevelopmental effects for children.


Summary of the Evidence: Why States Can Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them   MERYL NASS

This is a compilation of the important info I have been dropping as individual tidbits over the past few days

MAR 31, 2024 – Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them?

·      The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This means that the regulation of healthcare falls to the states.  For example, doctors, pharmacies and hospitals are administered by the state, not by the federal government.

·      This is why Louisiana’s Senate unanimously passed a bill 37 to zero telling the world that neither the WHO, the UN nor the WEF could assert any jurisdiction over health or any other matter in the state of Louisiana.

·      This is why the Florida legislature passed a bill last year allowing the WHO no authority over the state of Florida.

·      On the last full day of the Obama administration, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control issued a Final Rule that changed the definition of a Public Health Emergency of international Concern.  It was to be defined 5 ways, but 3 of those ways relied on a WHO decision.

·      This rule was challenged in a petition to DHHS by 15 state Attorneys General in 2023.  They pointed out that, “The rule exceeds the agency’s authority and infringes on US and state sovereignty by unlawfully delegating to the World Health Organization the authority to invoke health emergency powers solely based on decisions of the WHO.”

·      The AGs further noted that Congress’ assent would be needed to delegate such authority via treaty ratification to the WHO.  They assert that executive agreements, which “rely solely on the President’s authority in foreign relations… lack any domestic effect without an act of Congress,” and that the unratified WHO Constitution is not a binding treaty.

·      Furthermore, according to the AGs, Congress approved participation with the WHO “with the understanding that nothing in the Constitution of the World Health Organization in any manner commits the United States to enact any specific legislative program regarding any matters referred to in said constitution,” referencing 22 U.S.C. 290d, while noting that 42 U.S.C. 264 (e) warns the federal government not to preempt state powers regarding control of infectious diseases.

·      Finally, when the US federal government signed the WHO’s amended International Health Regulations in 2006, it filed a reservation acknowledging the states’ rights authority over some health matters.  The reservation said, in part, “… these regulations to be implemented by the Federal Government or the state governments, as appropriate and in accordance with our Constitution, to the extent that the implementation of these obligations comes under the legal jurisdiction of the Federal Government. To the extent that such obligations come under the legal jurisdiction of the state governments, the Federal Government shall bring such obligations with a favorable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate state authorities.

Therefore, there is a strong legal basis to assert that the states not only have authority over their citizens’ healthcare regulation, but that the federal government lacks the authority to delegate any such power to the WHO.


What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous?   A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

Exploring the forgotten but critically important science of zeta potential

MAR 31, 2024

Story at a Glance:
•Since vaccines frequently cause a wide range of side effects this makes it challenging to identify what the common thread between those injuries. One of the best candidates that has been put forward is vaccination triggering microstrokes throughout the body—a process which I believe also underlies many other chronic diseases.

•In the in 1960s (and earlier) a large volume of forgotten research was produced showing that blood cells clumping together was the root cause of a variety of diseases. In parallel, Chinese medicine came to an identical conclusion which has recently been validated by modern scientific instrumentation.
•The science of colloidal chemistry and zeta potential has shown that the primary factor which causes blood cells to clump together are the electrical charges present around them. Many of the most harmful agents in existence (e.g., aluminum or the COVID spike protein) coincidentally also happen to contain a positive charge which is remarkably effective at clumping fluids together.

•I believe impaired zeta potential (especially in the modern era) is the root cause of a wide range of diseases and that treating zeta potential is one of the most effective means to address both acute and chronic illness. Likewise, a strong case can be made that many effective conventional and holistic therapies ultimately work by improving the physiologic zeta potential.

Note: this is a significantly revised version of an article I wrote two years ago on this topic.

Many problems in medicine are ultimately a product of the diagnostic paradigm a physician brings to the situation. This holds particularly true for complex illness, which due to their complexity cannot be solved by the majority of doctors and result in the patient continually struggling with their condition.

A hallmark of complex conditions is that the same disease can cause a wide variety of symptoms depending upon the person and likewise that numerous “complex illnesses” can present with very similar symptoms (e.g., fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome). Because the symptoms are so varied, severe, and inexplicable, doctors who have not been specifically trained to recognize them typically won’t and often will default to assuming they must be psychiatric in nature.

This very much characterizes vaccine injuries, as you can read hundreds reports from over a century ago (which I am currently compiling for an upcoming article) which describe many of the same inexplicable symptoms seen now in those with COVID-19 vaccine injuries, but simultaneously, there is immense variability between each individual report.
In turn, my interest has been in determining what the underlying mechanisms of harm could be. Presently, I believe there are four primary things which underlie vaccine injury:


“How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more”–republishing because we must never forget this evidence of a terrible crime   MERYL NASS

MAR 31, 2024  – This was my tour-de-force paper on the 50+ ways HCQ was suppressed during 2020. It followed several earlier, less comprehensive articles I wrote and was added to through mid 2021

Saturday, June 27, 2020 – It is remarkable that a large series of events taking place over the past months produced a unified message about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and produced similar policies about the drug in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe.  The message is that generic, inexpensive hydroxychloroquine (costing only $1.00 to produce a full course) is dangerous and should not be used to treat a potentially fatal disease, Covid-19, for which there are no (other) reliable treatments.

Hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for 65 years in many millions of patients.  And so the message was crafted that the drug is safe for its other uses, but dangerous when used for Covid-19.  It doesn’t make sense, but it seems to have worked.

In the US, “Never Trump” morphed into “Never Hydroxychloroquine,” and the result for the pandemic is “Never Over.”  But while anti-Trump spin is what characterized suppression strategies in the US, the frauds perpetrated about hydroxychloroquine and the pandemic include most western countries.

Why do I say “Never Over”?  I am expanding on this claim with a), b), c) on August 30, 2020. Later in the paper additional evidence is provided.

a) Because if people were treated with HCQ at the onset of their illness, over 99% would quickly resolve the infection, avoiding progression to the late stage disease characterized by cytokine storm, thrombophilia and organ failure. Despite claims to the contrary, this treatment is very safe.  (Yet outpatient treatment is banned in many US states.) UPDATE Jan 15, 2021: The CDC forgot to rewrite its guidance on malaria and hydroxychloroquine during Covid.  CDC says hydroxychloroquine “can be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers…”  Only “when it is used at higher doses for many years, a rare eye condition called retinopathy has occurred.

b) If people were treated prophylactically with this drug (using only 2 tablets weekly) as is done in some areas and in some occupational groups in India, there would probably be at least 50% fewer cases after exposure. (Such treatment is currently banned in much of the US, including in my state of Maine.)

c) Protocols for in-hospital treatment (that were unknown during the initial peak of illness in the US and Europe) using HCQ and individually selected blood thinners, steroids, vitamins, zinc and other drugs such as used at NYU, have significantly reduced mortality of the very small number of people who might still progress to a serious illness. (The FDA, however, recommends against the use of HCQ outside of clinical trials, and the CDC and NIH recommend against it.)

If we followed a), b) and c) the result would be much briefer periods of infectiousness, lower viral loads, less severe illness and considerably less transmission.  The R zero (average number of people each case infects) would drop below one and the pandemic would soon die out.

Were acts to suppress the use of HCQ carefully orchestrated?  You decide.

Might these events have been planned to keep the pandemic going?  To sell expensive drugs and vaccines to a captive population?   Could these acts result in prolonged economic and social hardship, eventually transferring wealth from the middle class to the very rich?  Are these events evidence of a conspiracy?


SAY YOU ARE SORRY: Tucker Carlson Demands Doctors Apologize For Recommending Dodgy COVID Jab   By Ben Kew

Mar. 31, 2024 11:00 am – Talk show host Tucker Carlson has demanded that doctors apologize for recommending the dodgy COVID-19 vaccine.

During an appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show, Carlson called on the tens of thousands of doctors who pushed the jab and other COVID related lies to apologize and admit they were wrong:

I think what’s so interesting is that doctors who clearly can read, I mean they’re literate by definition, they’re not stupid by definition, you hope, I think that’s true, they’re smart. Look at the evidence and fundamentally everything they said about the vax and it has hurt a lot of people. And some doctors, the three that you mentioned, and they’re great, but there are tens of thousands of doctors in the United States and why aren’t they standing up and saying oh my gosh I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I recommended it.

[Ed.:  Doctors:  ‘We’re sorry we only killed 14 million people.  We needed to get closer to 7.5 billion. Patients were worth more to us dead than alive. We failed, we’re sorry.’]


Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong   [5:11]   The Vigilant Fox

March 29, 2024 – “A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.”

This includes, but is not limited to:

• COVID came from a lab

• Ivermectin worked

• Masks offered no benefit and were harmful

• Should have never kept kids out of school

• Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity

• Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax

• Hospitals murdered COVID patients

• COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated

• Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots

• Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine”

• Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public

• Vaccine mandates are wrong

• More shots = more risk of infection

• COVID shots are neither safe nor effective



‘Dissolving Illusions’ 10th Anniversary Edition Challenges Vaccine Narratives   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Just Released: New Proof Vaccines Aren’t Safe and Effective

March 31, 2024 – Explore the latest evidence detailing how the vaccine industry has intentionally deceived us about the risks and benefits to pad their own pockets, with complete disregard for the suffering they have caused untold numbers of victims. This is not anti-vax misinformation – it’s real science.


  • The updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, empowers readers with information, encourages critical examination of vaccine policies and advocates for informed consent in medical decisions
  • “Dissolving Illusions” is a seminal book that critically examines vaccine science and history
  • The new edition includes 200 additional pages, offering updated insights and deepening the historical context of vaccine development and its societal impacts
  • The book challenges widely accepted views on vaccines, highlighting discrepancies between public health promises and actual outcomes, including the history of polio and smallpox vaccinations
  • Through extensive research, Humphries and Bystrianyk present evidence suggesting that improvements in sanitation and hygiene, rather than vaccines, played a pivotal role in the decline of certain infectious diseases


Is Justice Coming For Victims of COVID Wrongful Deaths?   by Paul S. Gardiner

Mar. 30, 2024 6:40 pm – Tens of thousands of American families continue to demand justice for what they believe are the wrongful deaths (murders) of loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Such justice soon may be coming due in large part to the dedicated efforts of two attorneys in Florida (working pro bono) to thoroughly research the criminal codes of 25 states to identify crimes committed by various high-level officials and organizations prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the attorneys, a former prosecutor, prepared extensive legal briefs (documenting strong evidence of crimes) that have been submitted to the attorneys general of Texas and Florida—the brief was subsequently filed with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

In Texas, a total of 22 county district attorneys have received the 27-page brief plus exhibits for review and action. Similar filings soon will be made with the Louisiana and South Carolina attorneys general and perhaps several other state attorneys general. Further information about the Texas brief is here and information about the Florida brief is here.

In the briefs, the alleged crimes are according to each state’s criminal code. The legal briefs/filings request each attorney general to thoroughly investigate the evidence of alleged crimes and if found probable, convene a grand jury, present the evidence, issue criminal indictments, and prosecute the accused to the full extent of the law.

The Texas legal brief, for example, filed at the request of 46 next-of-kin Texas families, lists the following accused persons as subjects of a criminal  investigation:

  • Anthony Fauci, ex-Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • Cliff Lane, Deputy Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • Francis Collins, ex-Director, National Institutes of Health
  • Deborah Birx, ex-White House COVID Response Coordinator & former Director of DOD HIV Research at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
  • Rochelle Walensky, ex-Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Stephen Hahn, ex-Commissioner, Federal Drug Administration
  • Robert Redfield, ex-Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Peter Daszak, President, Eco-Health Alliance
  • Rick Bright, Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
  • The Administrators and Healthcare Providers of hospital systems and facilities providing care to patients in Texas, including but not limited to Baylor, Scott, & White Hospital System (“BSW”)

Alleged crimes per Texas penal code include:

  • Capital Murder – Tex. Penal Code §19.03(a)(7)
  • Murder – Tex. Penal Code §19.02(b)
  • Manslaughter – Tex. Penal Code §19.04
  • Trafficking of Persons – Tex. Penal Code §20A.02
  • Participation in enterprise through racketeering or unlawful debt collection – Tex. Penal Code 72.04 by Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity – Tex. Penal Code §71.02
  • Injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual – Tex. Penal Code §22.04
  • Abandoning or endangering a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual – Tex. Penal Code §22.041(c)
  • Unlawful Restraint – Tex. Penal Code §20.02.

This effort to investigate Anthony Fauci and other accused persons is supported by donations from individuals and organizations such as the Fight Like A Flynn PAC run by former National Security Advisor retired Lieutenant General Mike Flynn.

Based on the strong evidence of crimes presented in the legal briefs prepared by the Florida attorneys, it is indeed time for state attorneys general to conduct their own investigations.

If the evidence supports criminal charges and indictments, the victims of covid wrongful deaths and their suffering families may finally receive accountability and justice for the egregious crimes committed against them.

Further information about this justice seeking effort can be obtained by contacting the Vires Law Group at https://vireslaw.group/

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired US Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He has assisted in locating and communicating with next-of-kin family members in different states  who desire accountability and justice for their lost loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.



K Paul Stoller’s excellent well-written paper on the danger of mRNA technology that is in the mRNA COVID vaccines; it is a bioweapon, it is deadly, it was made to kill; a non-sterilizing vaccine    DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

Delivering non-lethal force on the target pathogen/antigen where the non-lethal sub-optimal vaccinal antibody pressure drives Darwinian natural selective pressure selecting most ‘fittest’ variants

MAR 30, 2024

‘The Modified Messenger RNA Platform and the Creation of Unintended Proteins: A Genocidal Trojan Horse’

What Stoller is saying in effect, and I have written repeatedly on, including my Canadian colleague Byram Bridle (great brilliant vaccinologist out of Guelph U Canada that at this time is still hunting him down and harassing him and destroying his career) as well as giants like Geert Vanden Bossche (we stand on his shoulders) is that if you want more and more infectious sub-variants to emerge, then you keep administering this mismatched vaccine spike to dominant circulating spike antigen;

all you get when there is elevated infectious pressure (while pathogen circulates) and not enough time for the vaccinal antibodies to ‘mature’ and reach maximal binding affinity to the target antigen, is non-lethal force on the antigen that drives evolutionary adaptations and selection of the ‘hardiest’ and fittest variants to be ‘selected’ and become enriched in the environment and then dominant.

‘The Modified Messenger RNA Platform and the Creation of Unintended Proteins: A Genocidal Trojan Horse’

The Trojan Horse

The nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) is a synthetic messenger RNA Trojan Horse that has and will continue to cause untoward deaths and disability. This is not just about the spike protein, a known pathogen [1]. Furthermore, it does not require a degree in immunology to appreciate that if you have the cells of the human body make foreign proteins – especially a pathogen – one’s immune system will attack those cells. The creation of this gene-altering injection was done with malicious intent.


COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Not Healing > 1 Year after Diagnosis   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Serial MRI Study Finds 47% Cases Do Not Resolve

MAR 30, 2024 – As a cardiologist, my two greatest fears concerning COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis are: 1) sudden cardiac death, 2) permanent damage to the heart resulting in scar. The reason why scar is important is because it puts the patient at risk for two late complications: 1) malignant arrhythmias and cardiac arrest, 2) development of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

In clinical practice I have observed a few patients with small areas of damage (<15% of the left ventricle with late gadolinium enhancement) return to normal on follow-up cardiac MRI. However I remain concerned about patients with larger areas of damage.

Warren and colleagues studied patients with COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis with serial MRI data and the following abstract results:

“Sixty-seven patients with C-VAM (mean age 30 ± 13 years, 72% male) underwent CMR evaluation. Median time from vaccination to CMR was 548 (range 398-603) days. Twenty patients (30%) had persistent LGE, most frequently found in the basal inferolateral segment (n = 11). At diagnosis, nine patients (13%) were classified as definite and 58 (87%) as probable myocarditis. With integration of CMR LGE data, 16 patients (28%) were reclassified from probable to definite myocarditis. Persistent LGE on CMR occurs in one third of patients with C-VAM. Without CMR at diagnosis, almost one third of patients are misclassified as probable rather than definite myocarditis.”

However, it was Table 3 that caught my eye—particularly those with baseline and follow up MRI scans completed out to 556 days.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.