Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |  4/21/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]

WHO: Intel Agency for Gates Foundation?   JOHN LEAKE

Examining the Foundation’s prescient Aug. 2019 purchase of BioNTech stock.

APR 22, 2024 – Reviewing BioNTech’s Disclosure of Classes of Share Capital for the year ended December 31, 2019, I noticed the following:

On August 30, 2019, BioNTech entered into agreements with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). BMGF agreed to purchase 3,038,674 ordinary shares with nominal amount of k€ 3,039 of BioNTech for a total of k€49,864 (k$55,000). These agreements require BioNTech to perform certain research and development activities to advance the development of products for the prevention and treatment of HIV and tuberculosis. In the event of a breach of the underlying conditions, including such research and development activities, BMGF has the right to sell its shares back to BioNTech at the initial share price or fair market value, whichever is higher, subject to certain conditions. BioNTech’s ability to pay dividends is also limited under the terms of these agreements.

Less than two years after the Gates Foundation purchased the stock (pre-IPO) at $18 per share, it peaked on Aug. 6, 2021 at $389. At that price, the Foundation’s $55 million investment was worth $1,182,044,186.00 ($1.182 billion).

On September 18, 2019—just nineteen days after the Gates Foundation took its huge position in BioNTech stock— a report titled A World At Risk was published by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was founded in 2018 by the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization.


Barking Up the Wrong Tree  [VIDEOS]    JAMES ROGUSKI

Why have so many people chosen to ignore important information regarding the WHO negotiations? Old information is just as bad as mis-, dis- and mal-information.

APR 22, 2024 –  Please watch the videos below:


Dermatology’s Disastrous War Against The Sun    A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

The forgotten side of skin health and the necessity of sunlight

APR 21, 2024

Story at a Glance:
•Skin cancers are by far the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, so to prevent them, the public is constantly told to avoid the sun. However, while the relatively benign skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, the ones responsible for most skin cancer deaths are due to a lack of sunlight.

•This is unfortunate because sunlight is arguably the most important nutrient for the human body, as avoiding it doubles one’s rate of dying and significantly increases their risk of cancer.

•A strong case can be made that this dynamic was a result of the dermatology profession (with the help of a top PR firm) rebranding themselves to skin cancer fighters, something which allowed them to become one of the highest paying medical specialities in existence. Unfortunately, despite the billions that is put into fighting it each year, there has been no substantial change in the number of skin cancer deaths.

•In this article, we will also discuss the dangers of the conventional skin cancer treatments, the most effective ways for treating and preventing skin cancer, and some of the best strategies for having a healthy and nourishing relationship with the sun.

Note: in February’s open thread, I presented some potential articles, and since this topic was one of the most requested, I have spent the last month working on it.

Ever since I was a little child something seemed off about the fact everyone would get hysterical about how I needed to avoid sunlight and always wear sunscreen whenever we had an outdoor activity—so to the best of my ability I just didn’t comply. As I got older, I started to notice that beyond the sun feeling really good, anytime I was in the sun, the veins under my skin that were exposed to the sun would dilate, which I took as a sign the body craved sunlight and wanted it to draw into the circulation. Later still, I learned a pioneering researcher found significant alternations would occur in the health of people who wore glasses that blocked specific light spectrums (e.g., most glass blocks UV light) from entering the most transparent part of the body that could be treated by giving them specialized glasses which did not block that spectrum from entering.
Note: all the above touches upon one of my favorite therapeutic modalities—ultraviolet blood irradiation, which will be the focus of an upcoming article.

Later, when I became a medical student (at which point I was familiar with the myriad of benefits of sunlight), I was struck by how neurotic dermatologists were about avoiding sunlight—for instance, in addition to hearing every patient I saw there be lectured about the importance of avoiding sunlight, through my classmates, I learned of dermatologists in the northern latitudes (which had low enough sunlight people suffered from seasonal affective disorder) effectively require their students to wear sunscreen and clothing which covered most of their body while indoors. At this point my perspective on the issue changed to “this crusade against the sun is definitely coming from the dermatologists” and “what on earth is wrong with these people?” A few years ago I learned the final piece of the puzzle through Robert Yoho MD and his book Butchered by Healthcare.

The Monopolization of Medicine

Throughout my life, I’ve noticed three curious patterns in the medical industry:

•They will promote healthy activities people are unlikely to do (e.g., exercising or smoking cessation).
•They will promote clearly unhealthy activities industries make money from (e.g., eating processed foods or taking a myriad of unsafe and ineffective pharmaceuticals).
•They will attack clearly beneficial activities that are easy to do (e.g., sunlight exposure, eating eggs, consuming raw dairy, or eating butter).

As best as I can gather, much of this is rooted in the scandalous history of the American Medical Association, when in 1899, George H. Simmons, MD took possession of the floundering organization (MDs were going out of business because their treatments were barbaric and didn’t work). He, in turn, started a program to give the AMA seal of approval in return for the manufacturers disclosing their ingredients and agreeing to advertise in a lot of AMA publications (they were not however required to prove their product was safe or effective). This maneuver was successful, and in just ten years, increased their advertising revenues 5-fold, and their physician membership 9-fold.

[A MIDWESTERN EDITOR WHO IS SICK OF POSTING THIS TOPIC EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST 4 1/2 YEARS :  Fire your doctor, and sue when warranted. They have sold out, and are no longer credible.]  [Emphasis added]



Documentary- A Gary Null Production

APR 22, 2024

Gary Null: Before any more lives are lost, it is time to take a deeper look at the manufacture of madness….

View the documentary here.  [2:13:31]

Thank you, Gary Null, for your hard work in producing this documentary—Manufacturing MADNESS. And thank you to all those who have participated in highlighting the damages done for generations by psychiatry and calling for rational, humane and moral approaches to help and care for those afflicted with emotional distress and crisis.

Dr. Breggin and Gary Null have been working together for many decades. Gary was among the first journalists in the 1970’s to support Dr. Breggin’s successful anti-lobotomy campaign. The two of them have worked together ever since and Gary Null has hosted the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour on Gary’s Progressive Radio Network for several decades.

We also thank Patrick Hahn, for his participation in this documentary and his efforts to broadcast it more widely.


Medication Madness: The Roll of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime by Peter Breggin, MD describes with detailed references how and why psychiatric drugs are so often dangerous to the patient being prescribed and to others.

For more information on better approaches to helping those in emotional crisis and about the history, marketing, and operation of psychiatry and the psychiatric drug industry see Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the “New Psychiatry” by Peter Breggin, M.D.

For details and data on how to more safely come off of psychiatric drugs see Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients, and Their Families by Peter Breggin MD.


FACT CHECK: CDC Lies [Again] About C-19 Vax/Injuries    TOM RENZ

APR 21, 2024 – For those not aware, on April 11 the CDC released a report that alleges there is no link between COVID-19 vaccination and sudden cardiac death in young people. If that lie wasn’t made by a government agency with legal implications – I would laugh at it.

Unsurprisingly, the lamestream media has jumped all over it, frothing at the mouth – eager to spread this misinformation as some sort of ‘gotcha’ – directed at those who oppose these experimental gene therapy products.

In case you missed the CDC report, here’s a quick breakdown of it, as reported by ‘The Defender’ a publication of Children’s Health Defense.

“The study — published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) — came from Oregon public health authorities’ analysis of roughly 1,300 death certificates of Oregon residents ages 16-30 who died from a heart condition or unknown reasons between June 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2022.

Forty deaths occurred among people who received a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and only three occurred within 100 days after vaccination, the authors said.

The authors examined the death certificate data to determine what coroners listed as the cause(s) of death.

Of the three deaths that occurred within 100 days of COVID-19 vaccination, two were attributed to chronic underlying conditions. The cause of death for the third was undetermined, they said. Meanwhile, they said 30 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 infection.”

So, they cherry picked data from one state – just 1,300 people- and they limited the study period to 100 days post-injection. Experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), claim that the CDC’s study was flawed and that its authors neglected to mention numerous earlier studies that linked the COVID-19 vaccination to cardiac issues. Critics of the report argue that the authors of the study failed to use appropriate search terms for finding possible cases of cardiac death related to COVID-19 vaccination.

As someone who has done an extensive amount of research on these mRNA gene therapy products – I’d like to ‘de bunk’ once and for all – the notion that ‘there is no evidence that Covid vaccines cause fatal cardiac arrest or other deadly heart problems in teens & young adults.’ Feel free to take issue with any source cited, I have three more sources to provide you with for any source you may dispute. The data is extensive and undeniable by those who are honest and objective.


Highly Pathogenic Avian H5N1 Influenza In Focus   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Dr. McCullough with Alison Steinberg on One America News

APR 21, 2024 – The media campaign for the decades-old problem of avian influenza H5N1 is perfectly timed about a month before the WHO’s ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB9). [Emphasis added]  In March, government negotiators discussed all articles from the draft agreement, including adequate financing for pandemic preparedness, equitable access to medical countermeasures needed during pandemics and health workforce strengthening. Next month’s resumption of INB9 will be a critical milestone ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, starting 27 May 2024, at which Member States are scheduled to consider the proposed text of the world’s first pandemic agreement for adoption.

Who are the eerily quiet, unelected US government staffers who are about to give away your medical, social, and economic freedoms in Geneva? Find out this and more as Dr. McCullough gives an update on the failure of poultry vaccination and culling to stop bird flu, mRNA myocarditis, and so much more on In Focus with Alison Steinberg on One America News.


Breast Cancer Surgeons Required to Submit DEI Statement to Work at UC Davis   By Margaret Flavin

Apr. 20, 2024 3:40 pm – Which is more important to you when choosing a healthcare profession to help in the battle for your life? An extensive background in research and surgical experience?  Or a statement of the surgeon’s contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?

Apparently, for UC Davis, the answer is contributions to DEI.

Four years of medical school and a challenging residency focused on saving lives is simply not enough to become a surgeon at UC Davis.

According to a report at The College Fix, surgical oncologist applicants must also submit a “Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” to be considered for employment.

According to the job listing, “Contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion documented in the application file will be used to evaluate applicants.”

Further, the University policy requires all faculty applicants to “submit a statement about their past, present, and future contributions to promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity in their professional careers,”  yet both a “Statement of Teaching” and a “Statement of Research” are listed as optional.

The College Fix reports:

A former associate dean at the University of Pennsylvania medical school criticized the requirement.

“The key to being a good surgical oncologist is having vast knowledge about how to treat cancer,” Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, told The Fix via a media statement.

“That and a strong ethical sense should be the only requirements,” he said. “A surgical oncologist’s political ideas are irrelevant to his or her ability to treat patients.”

“There is no evidence that DEI adherence does anything to improve medical care,” he said. “There is a great deal of concern that adherence to DEI lead to divisiveness and mistrust on the part of patients.”



Red Sox World Series Champion Dies Suddenly at 54 After ‘Cardiac Event’  By Cassandra Macdonald

Apr. 20, 2024 9:20 am – The statement continued, “Playing 3 seasons with the Red Sox, he will forever be a part of the curse-breaking 2004 World Series championship team. We send our love to his wife, Monica, and their children, Reid and Maxine.”

No additional details about his death were provided.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.