COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery
[Ed.: FEAR YOUR DOCTOR! Medicine is a disgraced profession. They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia. Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]
The MSM are Starting to Push Bird Flu (H5N1) CLANDESTINE
MAY 03, 2024 – Pandemic Alert
White House say they are “monitoring Bird Flu (H5N1) very closely”.
This comes after the CDC declared H5N1 has “pandemic potential”, due to the first documented mammal-to-human transmission of H5N1. Just reported an hour ago…
Are they going to try it again?!
The New England Journal of Medicine released a report today about a farm worker from Texas that transmitted the disease from infected cow herds back in March, confirming the virus can jump from cows to humans…
How many days until the Biden admin start calling for mass mail-in voting?
US Senators Drop a Bombshell on the World Health Organization THE VIGILANT FOX
The tide is turning.
MAY 03, 2024 – In a shocking turn of events, all Republican senators (49), led by Senator Ron Johnson, have formally urged President Joe Biden to withdraw his support in expanding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic authority.
The letter, sent ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly scheduled from May 27 to June 1, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, argues that the WHO’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis underscores the need for major reforms rather than granting it more power.
The senators warn that such an expansion could threaten U.S. sovereignty and constitutional rights, emphasizing that any international agreement enhancing WHO’s authority should be treated as a treaty, requiring a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate for approval.
“THIS IS BIG NEWS!!!” wrote Dr. Meryl Nass on 𝕏.
“49 Senators (every Republican Senator) have told President Biden to withdraw US support for the Treaty and IHR amendments–but if the US does go forward, the treaty(s) will have to be submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent, requiring a 2/3 vote (which is an appropriate threat).”
Dear Mr. President:
Next month, during the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHA), your administration is expected to commit the United States to two international agreements that would strengthen the World Health Organization’s (WHO) authority to declare public health emergencies of international concern and expand the WHO’s authority over member states during such emergencies. This is unacceptable.
The WHO’s failure during the COVID-19 pandemic was as total as it was predictable and did lasting harm to our country. The United States cannot afford to ignore this latest WHO inability to perform its most basic function and must insist on comprehensive WHO reforms before even considering amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or any new pandemic-related treaty that would increase WHO authority. We are deeply concerned that your administration continues to support these initiatives and strongly urge you to change course.
Neurosurgeon, 37, and nurse, 54, claim they were left brain damaged and paralyzed from Covid vaccines – as they say they’ve been ‘dismissed and gaslighted’ as anti-vaxxers By CASSIDY MORRISON
- READ MORE: Largest covid shot study finds links to brain, blood, heart disorders
3 May 2024 – Americans who claim they were badly injured by the Covid vaccines feel they are being ignored and gaslighted by the government.
Over 13,000 formal complaints about adverse reactions to the shots have been filed since 2021 – but only 19 percent have been reviewed.
And just 12 patients have been compensated at an average of about $3,600, a figure which some have called insultingly low given the debilitating health issues they have been left with.
Experts say that researchers who’ve tried to investigate the little-understood side effect profile of Covid vaccines have been blocked by government officials and scientists who fear that even entertaining the possibility that vaccines can cause harm would fuel the anti-vax, which become bigger and louder during the pandemic.
Still, people are suffering from a range of conditions that came on soon after getting their first shot, including brain damage, tinnitus, neurological syndromes, facial paralysis, heart trouble, and shingles.
Unlike several countries like Australia, Canada, and Denmark, which have centralized health records compiled on a single database, the US has no such thing, leaving scientists to sift through reports of mild to severe side effects, of which there are more than four million lodged to the CDC’s voluntary adverse reporting website.
Before Michelle Zimmerman, 37, had to say goodbye to her career as a neuroscientist, her regular 20-mile bike rides, and her lectures on the latest in AI, she had received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in 2021.
No longer able to stand up on her own for long periods of time, and eventually diagnosed with brain damage, Dr Zimmerman had to move back in with her parents. She is convinced the vaccine she got came from a contaminated batch.
As cow-bird-milk flu silliness hits its stride for Summer 2024, some suggestions. KATHERINE WATT
Also update on a FOIA filed in Feb. 2023 seeking DoD reports to Congress on the efficacy of Covid vaccines for inducing morbidity and mortality, and updated PDF collections.
MAY 03, 2024
Update on a FOIA filed in Feb. 2023 seeking DoD reports to Congress on the efficacy of Covid vaccines for intentionally inducing morbidity and mortality
In February 2023, Sasha Latypova and I worked with Bill Marshall of Judicial Watch to draft a set of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the US Department of Defense (DoD) and US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Feb. 1, 2023 – Draft Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to DOD and HHS
Prepared for a FOIA coordination call today:
1. Signed, dated ATI-DOD-Pfizer “Project Agreement” contract, under 10 USC 4022 (previously 10 USC 2371b) and MCDC Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) No. W15QKN-16-9-1002, defined at p. 9 of July 20, 2020 Base Agreement, under which Pfizer is the Project Agreement Holder (“PAH”).
2. Signed, dated documents recording the dates on which President Trump and/or President Biden invoked or extended suspension, under 50 USC 1515, of all prohibitions on DOD testing, use, stockpiling and transport of chemical and biological weapons and delivery systems, and/or suspended all Congressional, international, state, local and other notice and reporting provisions under 50 USC 1512, 50 USC 1512a, 50 USC 1513, 50 USC 1518; 50 USC 1520a, 50 USC 1523, and 50 USC 1528.
3. Signed, dated documents recording dates on which President Trump and/or President Biden waived, and/or extended waiver of, informed consent for military personnel under 10 USC 1107a(a).
4. Signed, dated copies of reports to Congress, prepared and submitted by DOD and HHS, under 50 USC 1512, 50 USC 1513, 50 USC 1518, 50 USC 1523, and 50 USC 1528, and/or any other applicable Congressional notice and/or reporting law, quantifying the mortality and morbidity data collected from any and all government databases (VAERS, V-Safe, VA, DMED, Medicare, Medicaid, etc), contract manufacturer and subcontractor databases (ATI, Pfizer, Moderna, Ventavia, ICON, etc.), and private health insurance databases (Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc.), assessing the effectiveness of the mRNA/LNP class of bioweapons for incapacitating, sterilizing and killing adults and children, from the start of the events known as “Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials” in Spring 2020 to the present.
Marshall filed a FOIA request using some of the proposed text on Feb. 1, 2023, seeking:
… Some suggestions for Bailiwick readers (and for myself) as cow-bird-milk flu silliness hits its stride for Summer 2024.
Get off the internet.
Go outside. Take walks. Plant gardens and tend them. Ride bikes. Go swimming. Sit around talking. Visit the sick. Listen to music. Climb trees. Go to church. Cook meals. Organize parties and picnics and cookouts and barbecues. Watch a baseball game at the ballpark. Bake bread. Play games. Read books. Tell jokes. Bury the dead.
Bring joy and laughter to the people around you, especially the kids and the young adults. And the old people and the middle-aged people and the babies. Everybody.
Do good work when it’s work-time. Do good rest when it’s rest-time.
Pray the Rosary.
Every day that you don’t cower in fear, read CDC and WHO nonsense data and recommendations, slap a mask on your face, stick a swab up your own nose (or someone else’s nose), or walk into a pharmacy and request toxic injections (or inject someone else), you’ve done good work to help expose fake pandemics and toxic biological products in their ugly reality and to help dismantle public health emergency anti-law.
Every day that you don’t tell someone else they should be afraid, or read CDC and WHO nonsense, slap a mask on their face, stick a swab up their nose, or go get a poison-shot, you’ve done good work to help expose fake pandemics and toxic biological products in their ugly reality and to help dismantle public health emergency anti-law.
Every day that you confidently and clearly explain to someone else why you’re not afraid, why CDC and WHO nonsense is nonsense, why you don’t mask, or test, or vaxx, you’ve done good work to help expose fake pandemics and toxic biological products in their ugly reality and to help dismantle public health emergency anti-law.
Dementia-Causing Prions From mRNA Covid-19 Jabs May Be Contagious, Experts Warn JD RUCKER
Article by Cassie B. from Natural News cross-posted with permission.
MAY 03, 2024 – (Natural News)—One of the more serious side effects associated with mRNA COVID-19 jabs is dementia, and the prions that are responsible for causing people to develop the condition could be contagious.
The problem stems from the fact that COVID-19 shots cause frameshifting that can spur the production of prions. Short for proteinaceous infectious particles, they are responsible for causing neurodegenerative diseases in humans and animals alike, including Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. These infectious agents are capable of folding in several different ways, and at least one of these permutations can be transmitted to other prion proteins, creating a disease that is similar in some ways to viral infections. Diseases stemming from prions are notoriously difficult to treat because they can survive the type of extreme conditions that normally destroy pathogens or nucleic acids.
The potential for these shots to cause such a problem has been a concern since the early days of the pandemic. In a 2021 interview, Dr. Stephanie Seneff said that she feared the jabs could lead to a slew of neurological prion-based diseases, including Alzheimer’s and published a paper in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory explaining the mechanisms. She theorized that the spike protein in the jabs could lead to prion-like diseases because it binds to proteins and induces them to misfold into prions.
More evidence has since emerged that this is exactly what is happening in some people. There have been numerous reports of people who experienced neurological deficits shortly after getting jabs, including cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Normally a very rare disease, it showed up more frequently in people who got the vaccine than would be expected in the general population.
Unfortunately, some experts believe that prions are the primary molecule that people who have received the COVID jabs are shedding. If they arose due to frameshifting, this could have serious repercussions given their implication in dementia. Dr. Kevin McCairn, a British neuroscientist, reported in the Journal of Theoretical Biology in 2013 that frameshifted prions are infectious and can be transmitted from one individual to another.
Prions are also believed to play a role in long COVID and similar symptoms experienced by vaccinated individuals – and there is even some evidence suggesting long COVID comes from the vaccine rather than the virus. One 2024 study found that 96.7% of people who experienced long COVID had received a COVID vaccine.
Major new study reveals slew of COVID-19 side effects
Dementia is a devastating disease that has no cure and that can have a negative impact on not just patients but also their loved ones across a span of many years. Unfortunately, it’s not the only problem that people have to worry about when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines. The biggest study to date on the side effects of the jabs was published in February in the journal Vaccine.
AstraZeneca Concedes Blood Clotting Concerns from Oxford/AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1-S) Vaccine [10:14] PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH
UK High Court Case Forces Admission, Dr. McCullough with Dr Sebastian Gorka
MAY 03, 2024 – A British High Court case filed by victims of blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine has the media buzzing over a company admission to a serious blood clotting condition called VITT or vaccine induced thrombocytopenic purpura. Here is an excerpt from the Daily Mail April 30, 2024:
“We may never know the true number of people laid low by a rare but devastating complication related to AstraZeneca‘s Covid jab, lawyers representing families have told MailOnline.
Fifty-one families are currently pursuing legal action against the pharmaceutical titan, arguing its ‘defective’ jab was to blame for their injuries and deaths of loved ones.
Called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TSS) or alternatively vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) the complication caused dangerous, and potential deadly, blood clots to form in the body.”
On America First with former White House Advisor Sebastian Gorka, PhD, I review the totality of medical literature on this horrific condition setting the stage to understand the continued legal battle for the British who are seeking justice from their own once prideful product, the “Oxford Vaccine.” While all COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection itself cause blood clots because the Spike protein induced hemagglutination and thrombus formation, the AstraZeneca Oxford ChAdOx1-S/nCoV-19 [recombinant] vaccine is a replication-deficient adenoviral vector vaccine in which the vector itself is associated with clotting. The VITT syndrome is associated with a determinant, platelet factor 4, a product of adenoviral vector/Spike autoimmunity that pins platelet to the blood vessel wall causing clotting and bleeding at the same time. These among many problems were the basis for non-approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the United States and its removal from markets worldwide.
My three “Is the virus real?” articles from 2020 and 2021 MERYL NASS
Several readers demanded I supply the goods, so here they are. Enough for me on this.
MAY 03, 2024
UPDATE: According to Eric Schneider, MD in the July 25 NEJM, page 300, “The most recent congressional rescue package features $25 billion for testing.” So, in the absence of regulation, if you wanted to make a quick killing, all that was needed was to develop a Covid test and offer it in the US between March and October. Read on.
On January 5 the Chinese scientist who sequenced the first known SARS-2 genome uploaded it to a US database and to the WHO. Within the first 10 days of January a sequence for the Chinese SARS-CoV-2 virus was widely circulated by Edward Holmes of Australia. (He coauthored the March Nature Medicine commentary I criticized here and here.) Holmes works closely with Chinese scientists who passed the sequence to him, possibly without CCP authorization. Here the GISAID international database explains the origin of its reference SARS-CoV-2 strain.
People were able to immediately start devising PCR tests based on the deposited sequences, even without an actual virus.
After that, as the virus’ range extended, scientists around the world started isolating the virus. There have been many thousands of isolations from patients from many countries, and scientists have decoded the genome, i.e., sequenced the virus, and shown which mutations are occurring when, in different parts of the world. Alina Chan helped create a website that characterizes these strain differences by location, based on sequences uploaded to public databases by scientists around the world.
The virus has been cultured in many countries, as early as January-February, including by CDC:
Ep 50: Debbie Lerman Breaks Down Key Players In The Pandemic Response – National Security Council (NSC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), And Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) DEBBIE LERMAN AND JAY BHATTACHARYA
APR 30, 2024 – In this interview I talk to Debbie Lerman, an investigative journalist, about the key players and decision-making processes behind the pandemic response in the United States. She reveals that the National Security Council (NSC) took over as the lead policy group, with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) becoming the lead federal agencies. This shift in power sidelined the CDC and HHS, which were traditionally responsible for managing infectious disease outbreaks. Debbie also explores the appointment of Deborah Birx as the head of the White House Task Force and questions the involvement of Matt Pottinger, a China expert, in the decision-making process. The conversation explores the role of the government and public health officials in the COVID-19 response.
Splanchnic Venous Thrombi after COVID-19 Vaccination PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH
Serious and Potentially Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots Reported
MAY 02, 2024 – The mother of a close friend died last month after suffering blood clots in the veins that drain the intestines. She was in her seventies and vaccinated for COVID-19 and sadly she died after emergency abdominal surgery. The daughter wondered if the death was vaccine-related.
Maan et al reported on one year of data from the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Their results in the vaccinated are truly alarming:
“Twenty-nine patients were identified with SVT occurring with a median of 11 days (range 2–76) after the first (48%), second (41%), or third (10%) vaccination (ChAdOx1 nCov-19 (n=12) or BNT162b2 (n=14), other (n=3) Only 2 patients(7%) fulfilled criteria for definite VITT. Twenty (69%) had SVT at multiple sites, including 4 (14%) with concomitant extra-abdominal thrombosis. Only 28% had an underlying prothrombotic condition, compared to 52% in the pre-COVID SVT cohort (p=0.01). Five patients (17%) underwent bowel resection for mesenteric ischemia, compared with 3% in pre-COVID SVT (p<0.001). Two patients died shortly after diagnosis (7%).”
Compared to a larger group of cases over many years before COVID, the vaccine blood clots were far more serious and deadly. The main teaching point from this paper is among the vaccinated to take abdominal pain seriously and have a low threshold to get imaging to diagnose splanchnic blood clots before they become fatal.
CDC Concealed Evidence Linking Deaths to Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines, Internal Documents Reveal By Jim Hᴏft
May 1, 2024 3:20 pm – U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths before claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths.
The US public health regime and the bootlicking media have been routinely downplaying the risk of developing myocarditis after taking the vaccine, calling the occurrence “mild” and “rare,” and systematically burying any evidence to the contrary.
According to the documents obtained by The Epoch Times, CDC employees conducted investigations into reported post-vaccination deaths, particularly focusing on cases involving myocarditis, a known side effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
Their findings, spanning the end of 2021, highlighted instances where myocarditis was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some individuals who had received the vaccines. In some cases, myocarditis was even attributed directly to vaccination.
The file also showed instances where deaths met the CDC’s definition for myocarditis, with symptoms appearing within 42 days of vaccination and no virus-related symptoms present.
Despite these findings, the CDC maintained that it had seen no signs linking the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines to any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to the VAERS platform.
What VAERS Says: “‘VAERS occasionally receives case reports from US manufacturers that were reported to their foreign subsidiaries. Under FDA regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and unexpected (in other words, it does not appear in the product labeling), they are required to submit it to VAERS.”
Dr. Mercola: Expect an ‘Avalanche’ of COVID-Shot Dementia by Bob Unruh
Jabs linked to side effects such as ‘Alzheimer’s and ‘Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease’
May. 1, 2024 7:15 am – Dr. Joseph Mercola, an expert on natural health remedies and avowed critic of the government-mandated COVID shots that were imposed on the American public during the pandemic, now is warning about the evidence of a link between those mRNA shots and dementia.
At his website, he discusses his research and research by others into the links, often devastating, that are being confirmed between the COVID shots that so many governments and corporations demanded citizens take, and some very bad health outcomes.
Among those is dementia, and related mental issues.
“According to mounting data, one of the more serious side effects of the COVID mRNA jabs appears to be dementia, and worse yet, this previously untransmissible disease may now be ‘contagious,’ transmissible by way of prions,” he warned.
“In my 2021 interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., she explained why she suspected the COVID shots may eventually result in an avalanche of neurological prion-based diseases such as Alzheimer’s. She also published a paper detailing those mechanisms in the May 10, 2021, issue of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory.”
He noted in that paper she wrote, “A paper published by J. Bart Classen (2021) proposed that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines could cause prion-like diseases, in part through its ability to bind to many known proteins and induce their misfolding into potential prions. Idrees and Kumar (2021) have proposed that the spike protein’s S1 component is prone to act as a functional amyloid and form toxic aggregates … and can ultimately lead to neurodegeneration.”
Mercola explained, “The take-home from Seneff’s paper is that the COVID shots, offered to hundreds of millions of people, are instruction sets for your body to make a toxic protein that will eventually wind up concentrated in your spleen, from where prion-like protein instructions will be sent out, leading to neurodegenerative diseases.”
“Unyielding” Story of Military Anthrax Vaccine Debacle PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH
Thomas Rempfer Relentlessly Exposing a Bad Vaccine, Laws Broken, Nefarious Letter Bombs, and Parallels with to the COVID-19 Vaccine Disaster
MAY 01, 2024 – I have always wondered why the US Military of all groups in the United States, stuck with the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign longer than most other organizations. Excluding older administrative and civilian personnel, our young persons in uniform are young, fit, and most sailed through COVID-19 long before the vaccine campaign kicked into gear. I wanted to learn more about military vaccine campaigns so I sat down with “full bird” Colonel Thomas Rempfer to learn more. This is from the Center for Homeland and Defense Security:
“Colonel (select) Tom Rempfer, USAF retired, ended his USAF career flying, instructing and evaluating counter-terrorism missions for the 2nd Special Operations Squadron in the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper. Past US Air Force flying assignments include duty as an F-16 flight lead, F-117 instructor pilot, C-130 aircraft commander and A-10 forward air controller, with total flight time of over 3500 hours of combat support and over 5,000 hours in total time. He served a special duty tour as the pilot member for the Air Force Chief of Staff’s Cyberspace Task Force, which created the strategic path for the standup of the Air Force Cyber Command. He is a distinguished graduate of the USAF Academy and USAF Pilot Training, and in his civilian career Tom has flown the ATR-42, DC-10, MD-80, A-300, B-737, B-757, B-767, B-777 and B-787 for American Airlines. He completed a master’s degree through the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security and received the program’s Outstanding Thesis Award.”
Tom is a top gun and for over 20 years, he has been gunning down our military and government leaders who forced a bad anthrax vaccine on our soldiers. He has been fighting for corrected discharges for soldiers who rightfully declined anthrax vaccination. The full story is told in his book “Unyielding”
There is so much packed into this interview I want you to lock in on what Colonel “Buzz” Rempfer is saying:
- No member of the military foreign or domestic has ever become sick with anthrax as an act of biowarfare
- Anthrax, a bacterial infection, has always been easily treated with antibiotics (amoxicillin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin)
- The Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA) in 1970 and was recommended for use by a small population of textile mill workers, veterinarians, laboratory scientists, and other workers with occupational risk of exposure to anthrax. In the 1990s, increased concern about the use of biological weapons led the Department of Defense (DoD) to begin vaccination of U.S. military personnel. Some troops were given anthrax vaccine in the 1991 Gulf War, and a large program to vaccinate all service members was begun in 1998.
- By 2001 a limited vaccine supply and significant resistance by the troops, resulted in delays in federal approval for release of newly manufactured vaccine lots, had significantly slowed plans to vaccinate all military personnel.
- After the deliberate distribution of anthrax spores in bioterrorist incidents in the autumn of 2001, the vaccine was offered as part of the treatment for as many as 10,000 of the civilians who had been exposed. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing five people and infecting 17. Rempfer drops a bombshell on who may have been the perpetrator.
- Sadly, Gulf War Illness (GWI) an ill-defined set chronic symptoms in Veterans deployed to the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm/Operation Desert Shield (1990-91) may be result of anthrax vaccination. It afflicted between 175,000 – 210,000 of the 700,000 U.S. troops deployed during the Gulf War.
- Today our troops receive the Emergent BioSolutions BioThrax 3 injection primary series. In 2023, CYFENDUS (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed, Adjuvanted) was released for use after exposure to anthrax. Rempfer believes BioThrax 3 is more safe, but as we learn the damage to so many and the broken trust for military brass making public health decisions may be irreparable.
mRNA-4157 – Mod-e-rna’s goin’ for a cure for cancer! JESSICA ROSE
The cancer ‘cure’ cloaked in LNPs is coming to a theatre existence near you
MAY 01, 2024
Billions of dollars spent every year
Searching for a cure for cancer
Why not spend that money instead
To wipe out pollution that causes the cancer
Through DNA analysis
We may one day conquer disease
A “perfect” baby every time
By mapping and manipulating people’s genes
Life insurance? Be serious!
You have to get your genes screened first
Toxic chemicals? Fumes at work?
No sweat! Get a gene transplant
Otherwise you’ll lose your job
You wanna wind up out in the streets?
And raise your children in campgrounds and shelters?
And beg to eat
Germ warfare, more bombs
Germ warfare, more bombs
Our whole economy’s based on fear and death
How long can we get away with this?
Wrong people, right place
Ruling class gets the only pass
To board the ark for outer space
In 2030, what about this place?
Jello Biafra and NOMEANSNO lyrics. The Sky is Falling and I Want My Mommy. 1991
I was meant to talk for about 15 minutes at a recent Brownstone retreat and found myself hovering my figurative mouse over the subject matter of cancer gene therapy for about 5 minutes instead. I thought it was important. In January 2024, the Lancet wrote up a study entitled “Individualised neoantigen therapy mRNA-4157 (V940) plus pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab monotherapy in resected melanoma (KEYNOTE-942): a randomised, phase 2b study”1 which was a summary of the phase 2 trial data for this ‘new’ product. You can read about that here, and here is the clinical trial study description at clinical trials dot gov NCT03897881.
Currently, we are moving into phase 3, and before you know it, everyone will be getting injected with modified mRNA crap to ‘cure cancer’. Now don’t get me wrong, cancer is insidious and needs to be dealt with, but as I stated in my 5 minute short, cancer is almost entirely preventable (in the case of most cancers) and thus, resources should be spent on prevention, not stage 4 ‘cures’ based on novel gene-based pro-drugs that have a really bad safety profile as per the COVID-19 modified mRNA injectable product test run of late.
If the good guys can’t resolve their petty differences, how will we ever defeat the bad guys? MERYL NASS
Surely we can have a discussion among ourselves about certain things?
MAY 01, 2024 – The world-class psychological warfare purveyors managed to turn the world into two camps that hated each other.
One group didn’t take a vaccine. The other group took the vaccine, convinced they were being experimental subjects for the good of society, and hated those who refused to take the same risk for their selfishness. They obeyed the command to hate that was promulgated by the media. Just like the population obeyed the identical command in the book and movie 1984 by George Orwell. In the 75 years since the book was written, and so many of us have read it, we have apparently learned nothing about good and evil, love and hate.
After all, the population must have it heard it at least 100 times, and really, how many people can withstand that kind of onslaught? “Nobody is safe until everyone is safe.” What a brilliant slogan! My vaccine won’t work until everyone gets a vaccine that won’t work, and then magically they will all start working together, in perfect harmony. George Orwell could not have done better.
The camp I was in hated the vaccinated camp because the other guys wanted to put us into concentration camps, force vaccinate us, and throw us out of polite society.
And now it is 4 years later and what have we learned? Not much.
They still kinda hate us because we dodged a bullet and they didn’t. How dare we? And the other guys can’t admit they were snookered, badly, and they encouraged those they most loved to get the poison shot.
We still kinda hate them because they won’t admit they made a mistake. They took our jobs, our reputations, our businesses and they have no intention of trying to make things right for us.
What an impasse! Ego, ignorance, fear and the impossibility of facing up to the mistakes one made have taken a heavy toll on all of us.
But now the so-called good guys are spending way too much time carping and sniping at each other.
The “No Virus” crowd demand the rest of us admit there was no COVID. Some in this crowd demand we admit there are no viruses. Some have questioned the presence of bacteria as well. There are plenty of good people in this crowd. There are plenty of charlatans too. Have any of them actually grappled with the consequences of their theory?
The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes By Kevin Bardosh & Jay Bhattarcharya
Apr. 30, 2024 7:00 pm – The World Health Organization is urging the U.S. and 193 other governments to commit next month to a new global treaty to prevent and manage future pandemics. Current estimates suggest over $31 billion per year will be needed to fund its obligations, a cost most lower income countries cannot afford. But that isn’t the only reason to oppose it. Validating this treaty is a vote for the disastrous policies of the Covid years. Rather than taking time for deep reflection and serious reform, those pushing the pandemic treaty are set on ignoring and institutionalizing the WHO’s mistakes.
From the Spring of 2020, many experts warned that the panic begun in Wuhan’s unprecedented lockdown would cause wide-ranging damage—and indeed they did. School closures deprived a generation of children—especially poor children—of access to basic education. Businesses were shuttered. Vaccine and mask mandates made public health an authoritarian exercise of power devoid of science. Border quarantines promulgated the idea that the rest of the world is unclean.
But few experts care to seriously dissect these errors. How many schools of public health—in America or Europe—held serious debates during the Covid response, or since? Very few.
Opposing the treaty is a signal to the WHO and global health community that they cannot whitewash these mistakes. Next time, we need to ensure a better balance between trade-offs, evidence-based policies, and democratic rights. Such a view seeks to restore the WHO’s own definition of health into pandemic response: “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Yet the governing philosophy of the WHO emergency program is the exact opposite. Its leaders chastise the world to “move faster’ and “do more.” Bill Gates, the agency’s single largest private donor, is convinced lockdown benefits vastly outweighed their harms. He’s wrong.
Read through the current draft of the treaty itself and you will find a whole section dedicated to “fighting misinformation.” There is no section focused on preventing harm. Those speaking out about these dangers have been subjected to harsh censorship. Once esteemed professionals were summarily fired for describing the reality of what was happening. The authors of the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration—professors at Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford—were subject to a “devastating takedown” at the hands of Dr. Fauci and top scientific bureaucrats at the National Institutes of Health and the WHO.
What Will Happen to America if mRNA Continues Unchecked? KAREN KINGSTON
“From Tuskegee to the military –history has taught us that government must be reined in lest it treat its citizenry as rats in a cage or guinea pigs for experimentation.” – Attorney Robert Barnes
APR 30, 2024 – April 30, 2024: Millions of Americans have suffered injuries, diseases, and death from the COVID-19 injections, and yet no one in the US government is doing anything to stop the criminal use of mRNA gene editing technologies on innocent adults and children. Even the 5th and 9th circuit courts are turning their backs on the U.S. Constitution and human rights, including children’s right to life.
In Children Health’s Defense writ of certiorari petition to the U.S. Supreme Court, attorney Robert Barnes recounts, “Reeling from the moral horror of the Nazi regime, and its enthusiastic embrace of eugenics, American jurists led the way in reestablishing the Constitutional order by invalidating eugenics-era precedents and by instituting the Nuremberg Code of 1947. The right to bodily autonomy has guided the standards governing all matters of medical care concerning the state. The Nuremberg Code-derived governance of medical authority in the U.S. and elsewhere reversed the eugenics- era precedents, empowered individuals with a meaningful participatory role in their own medical care, and empowered democratic oversight, judicial supervision, and procedural safeguards on the medical regulatory process. It enshrined informed consent as the ethical foundation of modern medicine and a fundamental human liberty so universal that courts acknowledge it as a peremptory norm.
Concern over uninformed, nonconsensual, and pharmacological failures haunts the history of rushed drugs, biologics and negligent courts. From Tuskegee to the military, from the foster homes of young women to Indian health care services on reservations, from facilities for the mentally ill to jails for women, the least powerful and most trusting have been horrendously victimized by government medical experimentation, without recourse or remedy. Deceptive denial of syphilis treatment, forced sterilizations, testing of radioactive ingredients on unwitting patients, psychological experimentation on unsuspecting students (such as the MK-Ultra type testing on Ted Kaczynski at Harvard), the LSD testing on government employees, the chemical testing over San Francisco or in New York City subways, the mustard gas secret tests on drafted soldiers–history has taught us that government must be reined in lest it treat its citizenry as rats in a cage or guinea pigs for experimentation.
“These examples pale in comparison to the mass experimentation that the FDA is currently facilitating on infants, toddlers, and young children globally with an experimental mRNA vaccine.” – Attorney Robert Barnes
Using mRNA to Control the Genetics of the Population
Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Historically, eugenicists have attempted to alter human gene pools by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior.
Per the NIH, “The most well-known application of eugenics occurred in Nazi Germany in the lead up to World War II and the Holocaust. The Nazi German racial state between 1933 and 1945 used its resources to “cleanse” the German people and the Nazi state of those they deemed “unworthy of life.”
The WHO, FDA, U.S. Government, and China Have Acted with Unrestrained Power and Engaged in Unlawful Acts Violating Human Rights
China has strategically partnered with U.S. and international regulatory agencies and US BioPharma companies to manipulate the masses and their governments, to not only accept the use of mRNA gene editing bioweapons on healthy adults and children, but to demand they be praised and accepted. Per a 2020 Congressional Report, “the Chinese government is shaping and subverting the international governance system to align with Beijing’s own principles, which are directly opposed to universal values and individual rights.Beijing uses economic leverage to secure other countries’ support for these alternative values in the UN and other organizations (i.e. the WHO) while exploiting leadership roles in UN agencies (i.e. the WHO) to promote Chinese foreign policy objectives.”
Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Explains How Trump was Right About Everything – Again. Democrats Have Used Open Borders to Turn America into a Third World Craphole – Gaza. [48:03 – Covid starts at 32:29]
Apr. 29, 2024 2:20 pm – Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne explains how Trump was right about everything – again. Democrats have used open borders to turn America into a third-world craphole – Gaza.
Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing Fridays at 10 PM ET and Saturdays at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network.
Instead of the Pandemic Treaty, the draft Pandemic Resolution is being floated as a way of moving past impasses MERYL NASS
And always, the goal is to get a document that includes the most important goals implemented in great haste: 1) the biowarfare agent collection/sharing and 2) One Health
APR 29, 2024
Dated April 16, we have instead of a Pandemic Agreement an 8 page Resolution that nations are to sign promising they will move forward with a pandemic agreement. You can read it all at this website. I will include the parts of most interest to me below, with my comments in brackets.
… Considering the need for an additional Main Committee of the Health Assembly to deal predominantly with health emergency-related matters, and thereby promote coherence and complementarity in the implementation of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, the International Health Regulations (2005), and other work of WHO on health emergencies; [What do coherence and complementarity mean here?]
Emphasizing the need for expeditious entry into force and effective implementation of the WHO Pandemic Agreement…
CALLS UPON all States and regional economic integration organizations entitled to do so, to consider signing, ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or acceding to the Agreement at the earliest opportunity, with a view to bringing the Agreement into force as soon as possible; [Presumably the WHO, US, globalists are pressuring EU nations to back off and let the EU as a whole sign up for 27 individual nations, even though there are significant reasons to think the EU has no right to do so]…
FURTHER URGES all Member States, regional economic integration organizations, international organizations and other interested parties to support the preparatory activities referred to in this resolution, and to effectively encourage prompt entry into force and implementation of the Agreement;
“Lancet Study Finds Covid-19 Viral Proteins in Blood of 25% of People Post-Covid” Or Rather Post-Jab? ANDREAS OEHLER
A new lying Lancet study, peer reviewed, no doubt…
APR 29, 2024 – The most recent headline says “Covid-19 Found in People’s Blood Months After Infection” (Psychology Today, 2024.04.26):
In order to prove that their findings were not a false positive signal, the team ran the same test on 250 samples collected from a mix of people in 2012-2019. The team was able to show that people who had had Covid showed specific proteins in the blood that the pre-pandemic samples did not have.
Less than 2 percent of the pre-pandemic blood samples came up positive, as compared to 25 percent of the blood samples from 171 people who’d had Covid [OR WAS IT A JAB – SEE BELOW]. The team also accounted for vaccination [SURE THEY DID – IN WAYS THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU] and possible reinfections in their post-pandemic samples, and still found evidence of persistent viral proteins [WHICH THEY WERE ON A MISSION TO FIND]. This means the false positive signal was very low [AND THE AMOUNT OF DECEPTIONS AND LIES IS VERY HIGH].
The Lancet study itself, “Plasma-based antigen persistence in the post-acute phase of COVID-19” (2024.04.08), wants us to be left with the same conclusion:
Persistent symptoms among some individuals who develop COVID-19 have led to the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 might, in some form or location, persist for long periods following acute infection.1, 2 Studies on SARS-CoV-2 persistence to date, however, have been limited by small and non-representative study populations, short durations since acute infection, unclear documentation of vaccination and reinfection histories, and the absence of a true negative comparator group to assess assay specificity (appendix p 2). To address these limitations, we evaluated the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antigens in once-thawed plasma from a well characterised group of 171 adults (appendix pp 3, 9) at several timepoints in the 14 months following RNA-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, most of whom were studied before vaccination or reinfection (so-called pandemic-era participants)
“The team also accounted for vaccination”? How “most” was the most studied before vaccination?
The State of Freedom. Bioweapons and Treaties. A 2-part interview MERYL NASS
APR 28, 2024
#160 Bioweapons & Treaties w/ Dr. Meryl Nass (Part 1)
Apr 25, 2024
Chris and Danielle dive deep into the story behind the pandemic with Dr. Meryl Nass in this first of a two-episode special! What was her own experience with COVID, and what are the bigger implications?
- To keep up with Dr. Meryl Nass, you can:
- Visit her organization’s website:
- Visit her organization’s website:
- Subscribe to her Substack:
- Danielle reminds everyone of their faith with today’s scripture (03:14)
- The State of Freedom welcomes Dr. Meryl Nass (05:28)
- Her COVID story (09:30)
- A question with no definite answer (12:17)
- How she learned about her treatment protocol (15:59)
- Issues in Maine (21:39)
- The bigger legal picture (26:19)
- What a vaccine is (30:40)
- Regulatory capture (35:00)
- Her thoughts on recent legislative developments (39:34)
- State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (41:43)
Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby
Sound effects by Pixaby
Produced by Podcasting Pros
#161 Bioweapons & Treaties w/ Dr. Meryl Nass (Part 2)
Apr 26, 2024
Chris and Danielle continue their conversation with Dr. Meryl Nass in the second of a two-episode special! As they touch on the bigger picture revealed by the pandemic, how urgently is action needed to avert tyranny this election year?
- Danielle shares the simple truth in today’s scripture (03:10)
- The State of Freedom continues the conversation with Dr. Meryl Nass (06:30)
- Emergence of treaties into laws (09:35)
- Who’s resisting (12:59)
- How treaties are actually ratified (15:59)
- Alabama, Tennessee and Maine (19:13)
- What can ordinary people do (20:22)
- Trouble for Congress (23:44)
- Big untruths (26:20)
- 10th Amendment arguments (28:56)
- Crossing out human rights (32:40)
- How people can follow Dr. Nass (39:16)
- State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (42:45)
Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic” MERYL NASS
Kit Knightly in the Off Guardian predicts how the “next” pandemic will be handled
APR 28, 2024
Earlier this month the White House published its new “Pandemic Preparedness” targets.
They are far from alone in covering this. Back in March, Sky News was asking: “Next pandemic is around the corner,’ expert warns – but would lockdown ever happen again?”
On April 3rd, the Financial Times asked something similar: “The next pandemic is coming. Will we be ready?”
Less than an hour ago, the Daily Mail invited us inside “the world’s deadliest cave that could cause the next pandemic”.
Just two days ago a professional panic spreader wrote for CNN:
The next pandemic threat demands action now!!!
OK, I added the exclamation points, but they are very much implied in the original text.
So, while Iran and Israel rattle their sabres on the front pages, I thought we should take a look at the quieter back pages to see what we can learn, and help us predict how “the next pandemic” will unfold.
What is “the next pandemic”?
I mean…I feel like that’s fairly self-explanatory.
Seriously though, it’s the one they’ve been predicting from pretty much the moment Covid started. First it was going to be monkey pox – sorry MPox – but that fizzled.
Of course by “pandemic”, we really mean “psy-op”, because nothing about the next pandemic will be any more real than the last pandemic. Hell, given the leaps forward in AI technology, it could be considerably less real next time.
Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push MERYL NASS
NOTE: 0.5% of subjects who received the Audenz bird flu vaccine died during the clinical trial, while only 0.1% of subjects in the placebo group died. DON’T TAKE ANY BIRD FLU VACCINES!!!–NASS
by Barbara Loe Fisher Published April 22, 2024
Even as U.S. health agencies and the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) are being heavily criticized for their botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic,1 2 3 WHO officials are ramping up pressure on all nations to sign a WHO pandemic treaty and amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR), which will give them more authority to track, quarantine, force vaccine use and censor free speech during WHO declared pandemics.4 5 The WHO’s Director General has been blaming opposition to the UN agency’s epic power grab on “a torrent of fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”6
On Apr. 19, 2024, the United Nations sent out a press release declaring that the “ongoing global spread of ‘bird flu’ infections to mammals including humans is a significant public health concern,” pointing to an outbreak of H5N1 viral infections in dairy cows in the U.S. and warning that the virus could evolve and cause human-to-human transmission with “extremely high” mortality.7 The implication was that a potentially deadly global bird flu pandemic was a clear possibility.
The CDC website describes symptoms of H5N1 bird flu infections, and they sound very similar to seasonal influenza or SARS-CoV-2 infections associated with COVID-19 disease:
“The reported signs and symptoms of bird flu virus infections in humans have ranged from no symptoms or mild illness [such as eye redness (conjunctivitis) or mild flu-like upper respiratory symptoms], to severe (such as pneumonia requiring hospitalization) and included fever (temperature of 100ºF [37.8ºC] or greater) or feeling feverish*, cough, sore throat, runny or stuff nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Less common signs and symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or seizures.”8 [These signs and symptoms are an old list, before the virus mutated to be much less harmful, and are currently irrelevant—Nass]
Warnings That Egg and Milk Supplies May Be Contaminated with Bird Flu Virus
Mainstream media have been joining the UN in characterizing bird flu outbreaks in cattle as a significant public health concern, with news outlets breathlessly reporting that cattle were infecting each other with H5N1 and some experts questioning whether raw or even pasteurized milk containing high levels of the avian virus is safe.9 Although H5N1 bird flu was first detected in 1996, since 2020 there have been more outbreaks in poultry farms, wild bird and land and marine animals.10 11 Americans were warned in early April that the eggs from chickens potentially infected with the avian virus should be well cooked,12 and then the media reported that a U.S. dairy farm worker in Texas had been infected with bird flu.13 [This was the case of pink eye that has now recovered—Nass]
The same day the UN issued their press release, Agence France Presse again reminded readers that a person working on a dairy farm in Texas was recovering from bird flu. A WHO official was quoted as stating that, “The case in Texas is the first case of a human infected by an avian influenza by a cow.”14
BOMBSHELL: AstraZeneca ADMITTED side effect of covid vaccine PETER IMANUELSEN
Massive news as the pharmaceutical giant has admitted in court that their covid vaccine can cause rare blood clotting side effect.
APR 29, 2024 – This is absolutely huge news.
AstraZeneca has just admitted IN COURT that their covid injection can indeed cause a deadly side effect that causes blood clots.
They are currently being sued in a class action lawsuit from victims that have suffered after being lied to by the “experts” about “safe and effective”, with lawyers saying that the AstraZeneca vaccine is DEFECTIVE.
It is in this lawsuit that AstraZeneca admitted that their covid vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS”.
There we have it – The TRUTH is FINALLY beginning to come out after all these years!
What is TTS?
It is short for Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, but it is also known as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).
Those are very long and fancy words, but essentially what it means is that a person gets BOTH blood clots and low blood platelet counts.
Meaning that people can get both blood clots AND internal bleeding at the same time.
The consequences.
This admission from the vaccine maker means that victims could get a massive legal payout. The first lawsuit was started by Jamie Scott, a father of two who was left with a permanent brain injury after getting the AstraZeneca injection.
“We need an apology, fair compensation for our family and other families who have been affected. We have the truth on our side, and we are not going to give up” said Kate Scott, the wife of the victim.
In total, 51 cases have now been lodged in Britain and victims and relatives are seeking damages worth £100 million.
Cross-Country Running Teen Who Had Unexplained Heart Attack in 2022 Has Died Suddenly Before Graduation JD RUCKER
Corporate media’s standing orders are to report that they don’t know the cause of death but it definitely wasn’t the jabs. [Right. Emphasis added]
APR 29, 2024 – This isn’t the first and, sadly, it won’t be the last report of a young and otherwise healthy teen dying inexplicably. High school senior Gabriel Higginbottom’s death was a bit different from other similar stories because his unexplained heart attack happened two years ago; unlike so many, he was able to live beyond his sudden ailment.
As is always the case, we do not know if Higginbottom was injected with Covid-19 “vaccines” or boosters, nor do we know for certain if they contributed to his heart attack and subsequent death. All we know for sure is that the frequency of unexplained heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, and other cardiac challenges his skyrocketed in teens since the rollout of the jabs.
WREG reports the sad story of Higginbottom’s passing:
COVID-19 Vaccines – The Devastating Health Crisis in the UK Channel Islands and Around the World PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH
April 26 2024 Report from Medical Experts, UK MP Andrew Brigden, and US Senator Ron Johnson [1:32:19]
APR 29, 2024 – Please enjoy and share this 96 minute seminar style presentation on the COVID-19 vaccine debacle organized by the Channel Islands and UK Alliance. Presentations from experts in general medicine, cardiology, and oncology are informative and alarming.
All of the experts agree that COVID-19 vaccines should be pulled off the market and mRNA biotechnology should be halted. The panel concluded the rise in all cause mortality around the globe since 2021 is attributable to vaccine deaths. Additionally, there may be 5 to 15 years of continued concern for evolving vaccine injury syndromes after the last injection.
Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
April 29. 2024
A Shocking, New COVID Jab Side Effect?
It sounds like something out of a horror film, but according to these doctors, we’re already seeing signs that it is happening – and an epidemic may be ahead. All mRNA jab recipients are at risk, and they may be shedding infectious prions, which can be transmitted to others and trigger dementia. [Emphasis added]
- Mounting research suggests a serious side effect of the COVID mRNA jabs could be dementia, and the prions that cause it may be contagious
- Frameshifting, as we now know occurs in the COVID shots, can induce prion production and lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
- Sid Belzberg’s website, which collected data on neurological side effects post-jab, found a notably high incidence of diagnosed CJD cases, suggesting an alarming trend
- A series of articles highlight biases in clinical trials and observational studies, suggesting COVID-19 vaccines’ safety and effectiveness have been massively overstated
- The Global COVID Vaccine Safety Project study — funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — reveals significant side effects, including myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clots, underscoring the need for reevaluation of COVID vaccine risks and benefits
[Ed.: Well THAT’s an ironic twist of fate! Remember how they were accusing the unvaccinated of irresponsibly putting others at risk?]
States Move to Reject WHO Treaty, Federal Health Diktats MERYL NASS
‘Nullification is not revolt, all it is is ignoring: We’re taking a position that we are going to ignore this edict,’ said Tennessee state Rep. Bud Hulsey.
APR 28, 2024
At a time when governments and global organizations are seeking additional powers to deal with pandemics or other catastrophes, a burgeoning effort is rising in opposition to defend local autonomy and personal liberties.
Next month, member nations of the World Health Organization (WHO) are gathering to grant the agency vast new powers during “health emergencies.”
Meanwhile, some state lawmakers are attempting to wrest back control of health issues to their states and their citizens. And although their success has been mixed, they say they’re in it for the long haul.
“We’re almost to a place in this country that the federal government has trampled on the sovereignty of states for so long that in peoples’ minds, they have no options,” Tennessee state Rep. Bud Hulsey told The Epoch Times.
“It’s like whatever the federal government says is the supreme law of the land, and it’s not,” he said. “The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.”
A series of Supreme Court decisions, perhaps most notably the 1984 ruling in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, have given ever-increasing power and autonomy to federal agencies to make laws, despite lawmaking authority being vested in Congress and state legislatures.
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Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty
The current Supreme Court has taken some steps to rein in the administrative state, including the landmark decision in West Virginia v. EPA, ruling that federal agencies can’t assume powers that Congress didn’t explicitly give them.
And federal courts eventually ruled against Biden administration mandates that forced Americans to don masks and inject experimental mRNA vaccines.
States Fight ‘Medical Authoritarianism’
In March, the Louisiana senate unanimously passed legislation that precludes international organizations from having authority over state citizens.
Senate Bill No. 133, which takes effect on August 1, states: “No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.”
Oklahoma House passes bill denying jurisdiction in the state to WHO, UN and WEF, 72 to 21 MERYL NASS
Off to the Senate!
APR 26, 2024
SECTION 1. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 6301 of Title 74, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. The World Health Organization, the United Nations and the
World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction in the State of
Oklahoma. The state and its political subdivisions, including, but
not limited to, counties, cities, towns, precincts, water districts,
school districts, school administrative units, or quasi-public
entities, shall not engage in the enforcement of, or any
collaboration with the enforcement of, any requirements,
instructions, mandates, recommendations, or guidance provided by the
World Health Organization, the United Nations or the World Economic
B. Any mandates, recommendations, instructions, communications
or guidance issued by the World Health Organization, the United
Nations or the World Economic Forum shall not be used in this state
as a basis for action, nor to direct, order or otherwise impose,
contrary to the constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma any
requirements whatsoever, including those for masks, vaccines or
medical testing, or gather any public or private information about
the state’s citizens or residents, and shall have no force or effect
in the State of Oklahoma.
SECTION 2. This act shall become effective June 1, 2024.
SECTION 3. It being immediately necessary for the preservation
of the public peace, health or safety, an emergency is hereby
declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and
be in full force from and after its passage and approval.”
Passed the House of Representatives the 24th day of April, 2024.
[E. Rowell: The fake pandemic was part of a criminal conspiracy to trash US sovereignty and other sovereign states’ powers to decide for themselves how to handle a fake pandemic. A huge effort had to be expended to keep secret the fact that there was no pandemic and no killer virus. This huge effort was put in place to allow for the greatest wealth transfer in US history from the middle class to the billionaire class, to see how many people would submit to arbitrary and foolish rules “in order to save grandma!” and to damage the system of health care in the United States, turning doctors into murderers and destroying the role of physician in the care of his or her patients. The effort also included billions in profits for the criminal racket known as Big Pharma, and world depopulation through insisting people take a “vaccine” which was actually a poison and caused death and disability in the millions, especially of young, otherwise healthy individuals all around the world, wherever ‘vaccines’ were mandated. This article focuses on the role of “public health agencies” and “medical journals” which functioned to destroy public health and print nonsense articles that were passed off as “science.”]
Censorship academic Claire Wardle helps guide the journal’s descent into authoritarian, censorship hell. By Paul D. Thacker, DISINFORMATION CHRONICLE 25 April 2024 – Medical authorities and like-minded charlatans address public failure with several strategies. One method is to deny error, feign outrage at critics pointing to the screwup, and shroud yourself in the holy mantle of science. When caught lying about the science on masks and the possibility he funded a lab accident in Wuhan, Anthony Fauci famously deployed this strategy by first denying what he had said, and then striking back at his critics, “Attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science.”
The second strategy science academics and kindred con artists deploy is to ignore their blunder, blunder onward while feigning expertise, and hope the public has the mental capacity of goldfish who forget their entire world every 15 minutes. After being humiliated several times for publishing COVID misinformation, The Lancet has landed on this second tactic, inverting reality to assert authority on misinformation—the very same topic they fucked up in the recent past.
But a few were not fooled. The Lancet’s announcement that they were publishing two papers warning about medical misinformation set off howls of laughter and merry disbelief on social media.
DEMOCIDE EPIDEMIC: The First Ever Peer-Reviewed Journal Study That Proves Excess Covid-19 Deaths in the United Kingdom Were Due to Midazolam 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
APR 26, 2024 – The peer-reviewed journal space is almost completely captured by BigPharma and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime. Which is precisely why a recent study entitled, Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic getting published in a scientific publication is such an historically important event in this post scamdemic new normal.
The study abstract states the following:
Macro-data during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) are shown to have significant data anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations. This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020. Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia. Unlike Australia, where assessing the statistical impact of COVID injections on excess deaths is relatively straightforward, UK excess deaths were closely associated with the use of Midazolam and other medical intervention. The iatrogenic pandemic in the UK was caused by euthanasia deaths from Midazolam and also, likely caused by COVID injections, but their relative impacts are difficult to measure from the data, due to causal proximity of euthanasia. Global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, based only on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination, may be inaccurate, due to the neglect of significant confounding factors in some countries.
Well in advance of the commencement of the PSYOP-19 “pandemic,” the UK government most presciently ordered unprecedented servings of Midazolam, such that the hospitals were overstocked with this deadly euthanasia drug.
The backlash against the WHO is gaining momentum. MERYL NASS
Just one example, from the head of the Georgia GOP.
APR 24, 2024 – I encourage readers to bring this issue to every organization, church group, club you belong to. Ask your group to support a letter to the President, governor, attorney general, or whoever is appropriate explaining why your country should vote NO for the pandemic treaty and amendments to the IHR. Send a copy to your local newspaper and send a copy to me, and we will post them at Door to Freedom.
This action will essentially require all your organizations to confront this issue and make a determination about it—a hugely important educational step. It will get newspapers to publish the letters, and will help drum up interest from others in your community. Finally, organizations carry a lot more weight with politicians than a single person.
Please consider being a messenger and getting this done.
In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, April 16-April 22, 2024 MARK CRISPIN MILLER
APR 24, 2024 – Athletes in US (4), UK (2), Colombia, Brazil (5), Argentina, Germany (2), Switzerland, Bosnia, Romania, Portugal, Spain (5), Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Turkey, Australia; coaches in US & UK; and more
2015 Scientific Paper Proves US & Chinese Scientists Collaborated to Create Coronavirus that Can Infect Humans [14:22] by Peter R. Breggin, MD
April 15, 2020 – In 2015 – American researchers and Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers collaborated to transform an animal coronavirus into one that can attack humans. Scientists from prestigious American universities and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) worked directly with the two coauthor researchers from Wuhan Institute of Virology, Xing-Yi Ge and Zhengli-Li Shi. Funding was provided by the Chinese and US governments. The team succeeded in modifying a bat coronavirus to make it capable of infecting humans.
The research was published in December 2015 in the prestigious British journal, Nature Medicine (volume 21, pages1508–1513). The paper by Vineet D. Menachery et al., “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence” is available here as a PDF as well as on-line.
Footnotes to the scientific paper disclose that the research was funded by both the Chinese and US Governments, including grants from the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease.
Footnotes also document that the two Chinese researchers were active in their own laboratories as part of this coronavirus project.
At the bottom of the first page, the affiliation of both Chinese coauthors is listed as “Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.” The Chinese were being aided by the American government, American universities and American researchers in developing a potential military weapon with the capacity to cause a pandemic intentionally or accidentally.
Multiple prestigious American researchers and institutions were involved. One is from the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research in Jefferson, Arkansas. The first author of the article, Vineet Menachery, is from the Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Several other authors are from the University of North Carolina and one is from Harvard Medical School. There is also a Swiss researcher.
The researchers themselves note in the text of the article that the risks associated with the creation of their human pathogen were significant. They openly wondered if their research compromised U.S. federal standards for research on dangerous pathogens.
The potential dangers of the creation of new human coronavirus pathogens in the American/Chinese Menachery research were discussed in a commentary by Jef Akst in The Scientist on November 16, 2015. However, the danger of the Chinese collaboration went unmentioned.
Concluding Questions:
In 2015, US researchers in collaboration with Chinese researchers from the now-infamous Wuhan Institute jointly published a paper describing how they successfully modified a bat coronavirus to make it capable of infecting humans. Their project was funded by both the Chinese and the American governments.
- Who in the US government enabled this research? Why was it allowed when it was enabling the Chinese to develop a military weapon or to accidentally cause an epidemic?
- Why was an FDA official involved as an author and why was NIH funding the project?
- The virus created in collaboration with the Chinese and the current epidemic virus are both SARS-CoV with many shared characteristics. This writer has found no scientific research that specifically compares the two viruses, a subject that needs to be investigated.
- How many more lab-created or manipulated viruses are in the world’s laboratories and under the control of governments and the military?
- Are potentially dangerous research projects continuing to go on involving American and Chinese collaboration with or without funding from both countries?
- Why and how has this research project wholly escaped notice amid the growing concern about China’s role in causing the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic?
- Why have none of the American researchers come forward to draw attention to this project which, at the least, enabled and promoted Chinese efforts to weaponize viruses?
[Ed.: They “gained the function” of infecting humans. That’s conspiracy to commit mass murder, isn’t it! Fauci could be placed in his own experiment:
WHO: Intel Agency for Gates Foundation? JOHN LEAKE
Examining the Foundation’s prescient Aug. 2019 purchase of BioNTech stock.
APR 22, 2024 – Reviewing BioNTech’s Disclosure of Classes of Share Capital for the year ended December 31, 2019, I noticed the following:
On August 30, 2019, BioNTech entered into agreements with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). BMGF agreed to purchase 3,038,674 ordinary shares with nominal amount of k€ 3,039 of BioNTech for a total of k€49,864 (k$55,000). These agreements require BioNTech to perform certain research and development activities to advance the development of products for the prevention and treatment of HIV and tuberculosis. In the event of a breach of the underlying conditions, including such research and development activities, BMGF has the right to sell its shares back to BioNTech at the initial share price or fair market value, whichever is higher, subject to certain conditions. BioNTech’s ability to pay dividends is also limited under the terms of these agreements.
Less than two years after the Gates Foundation purchased the stock (pre-IPO) at $18 per share, it peaked on Aug. 6, 2021 at $389. At that price, the Foundation’s $55 million investment was worth $1,182,044,186.00 ($1.182 billion).
On September 18, 2019—just nineteen days after the Gates Foundation took its huge position in BioNTech stock— a report titled A World At Risk was published by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was founded in 2018 by the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree [VIDEOS] JAMES ROGUSKI
Why have so many people chosen to ignore important information regarding the WHO negotiations? Old information is just as bad as mis-, dis- and mal-information.
APR 22, 2024 – Please watch the videos below:
Dermatology’s Disastrous War Against The Sun A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR
The forgotten side of skin health and the necessity of sunlight
APR 21, 2024
Story at a Glance:
•Skin cancers are by far the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, so to prevent them, the public is constantly told to avoid the sun. However, while the relatively benign skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, the ones responsible for most skin cancer deaths are due to a lack of sunlight.
•This is unfortunate because sunlight is arguably the most important nutrient for the human body, as avoiding it doubles one’s rate of dying and significantly increases their risk of cancer.
•A strong case can be made that this dynamic was a result of the dermatology profession (with the help of a top PR firm) rebranding themselves to skin cancer fighters, something which allowed them to become one of the highest paying medical specialities in existence. Unfortunately, despite the billions that is put into fighting it each year, there has been no substantial change in the number of skin cancer deaths.
•In this article, we will also discuss the dangers of the conventional skin cancer treatments, the most effective ways for treating and preventing skin cancer, and some of the best strategies for having a healthy and nourishing relationship with the sun.
Note: in February’s open thread, I presented some potential articles, and since this topic was one of the most requested, I have spent the last month working on it.
Ever since I was a little child something seemed off about the fact everyone would get hysterical about how I needed to avoid sunlight and always wear sunscreen whenever we had an outdoor activity—so to the best of my ability I just didn’t comply. As I got older, I started to notice that beyond the sun feeling really good, anytime I was in the sun, the veins under my skin that were exposed to the sun would dilate, which I took as a sign the body craved sunlight and wanted it to draw into the circulation. Later still, I learned a pioneering researcher found significant alternations would occur in the health of people who wore glasses that blocked specific light spectrums (e.g., most glass blocks UV light) from entering the most transparent part of the body that could be treated by giving them specialized glasses which did not block that spectrum from entering.
Note: all the above touches upon one of my favorite therapeutic modalities—ultraviolet blood irradiation, which will be the focus of an upcoming article.
Later, when I became a medical student (at which point I was familiar with the myriad of benefits of sunlight), I was struck by how neurotic dermatologists were about avoiding sunlight—for instance, in addition to hearing every patient I saw there be lectured about the importance of avoiding sunlight, through my classmates, I learned of dermatologists in the northern latitudes (which had low enough sunlight people suffered from seasonal affective disorder) effectively require their students to wear sunscreen and clothing which covered most of their body while indoors. At this point my perspective on the issue changed to “this crusade against the sun is definitely coming from the dermatologists” and “what on earth is wrong with these people?” A few years ago I learned the final piece of the puzzle through Robert Yoho MD and his book Butchered by Healthcare.
The Monopolization of Medicine
Throughout my life, I’ve noticed three curious patterns in the medical industry:
•They will promote healthy activities people are unlikely to do (e.g., exercising or smoking cessation).
•They will promote clearly unhealthy activities industries make money from (e.g., eating processed foods or taking a myriad of unsafe and ineffective pharmaceuticals).
•They will attack clearly beneficial activities that are easy to do (e.g., sunlight exposure, eating eggs, consuming raw dairy, or eating butter).
As best as I can gather, much of this is rooted in the scandalous history of the American Medical Association, when in 1899, George H. Simmons, MD took possession of the floundering organization (MDs were going out of business because their treatments were barbaric and didn’t work). He, in turn, started a program to give the AMA seal of approval in return for the manufacturers disclosing their ingredients and agreeing to advertise in a lot of AMA publications (they were not however required to prove their product was safe or effective). This maneuver was successful, and in just ten years, increased their advertising revenues 5-fold, and their physician membership 9-fold.
[A MIDWESTERN EDITOR WHO IS SICK OF POSTING THIS TOPIC EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST 4 1/2 YEARS : Fire your doctor, and sue when warranted. They have sold out, and are no longer credible.] [Emphasis added]
Documentary- A Gary Null Production
APR 22, 2024
Gary Null: Before any more lives are lost, it is time to take a deeper look at the manufacture of madness….
View the documentary here. [2:13:31]
Thank you, Gary Null, for your hard work in producing this documentary—Manufacturing MADNESS. And thank you to all those who have participated in highlighting the damages done for generations by psychiatry and calling for rational, humane and moral approaches to help and care for those afflicted with emotional distress and crisis.
Dr. Breggin and Gary Null have been working together for many decades. Gary was among the first journalists in the 1970’s to support Dr. Breggin’s successful anti-lobotomy campaign. The two of them have worked together ever since and Gary Null has hosted the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour on Gary’s Progressive Radio Network for several decades.
We also thank Patrick Hahn, for his participation in this documentary and his efforts to broadcast it more widely.
Medication Madness: The Roll of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime by Peter Breggin, MD describes with detailed references how and why psychiatric drugs are so often dangerous to the patient being prescribed and to others.
For more information on better approaches to helping those in emotional crisis and about the history, marketing, and operation of psychiatry and the psychiatric drug industry see Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the “New Psychiatry” by Peter Breggin, M.D.
For details and data on how to more safely come off of psychiatric drugs see Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients, and Their Families by Peter Breggin MD.
FACT CHECK: CDC Lies [Again] About C-19 Vax/Injuries TOM RENZ
APR 21, 2024 – For those not aware, on April 11 the CDC released a report that alleges there is no link between COVID-19 vaccination and sudden cardiac death in young people. If that lie wasn’t made by a government agency with legal implications – I would laugh at it.
Unsurprisingly, the lamestream media has jumped all over it, frothing at the mouth – eager to spread this misinformation as some sort of ‘gotcha’ – directed at those who oppose these experimental gene therapy products.
In case you missed the CDC report, here’s a quick breakdown of it, as reported by ‘The Defender’ a publication of Children’s Health Defense.
“The study — published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) — came from Oregon public health authorities’ analysis of roughly 1,300 death certificates of Oregon residents ages 16-30 who died from a heart condition or unknown reasons between June 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2022.
Forty deaths occurred among people who received a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and only three occurred within 100 days after vaccination, the authors said.
The authors examined the death certificate data to determine what coroners listed as the cause(s) of death.
Of the three deaths that occurred within 100 days of COVID-19 vaccination, two were attributed to chronic underlying conditions. The cause of death for the third was undetermined, they said. Meanwhile, they said 30 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 infection.”
So, they cherry picked data from one state – just 1,300 people- and they limited the study period to 100 days post-injection. Experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), claim that the CDC’s study was flawed and that its authors neglected to mention numerous earlier studies that linked the COVID-19 vaccination to cardiac issues. Critics of the report argue that the authors of the study failed to use appropriate search terms for finding possible cases of cardiac death related to COVID-19 vaccination.
As someone who has done an extensive amount of research on these mRNA gene therapy products – I’d like to ‘de bunk’ once and for all – the notion that ‘there is no evidence that Covid vaccines cause fatal cardiac arrest or other deadly heart problems in teens & young adults.’ Feel free to take issue with any source cited, I have three more sources to provide you with for any source you may dispute. The data is extensive and undeniable by those who are honest and objective.
Highly Pathogenic Avian H5N1 Influenza In Focus PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH
Dr. McCullough with Alison Steinberg on One America News
APR 21, 2024 – The media campaign for the decades-old problem of avian influenza H5N1 is perfectly timed about a month before the WHO’s ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB9). [Emphasis added] In March, government negotiators discussed all articles from the draft agreement, including adequate financing for pandemic preparedness, equitable access to medical countermeasures needed during pandemics and health workforce strengthening. Next month’s resumption of INB9 will be a critical milestone ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, starting 27 May 2024, at which Member States are scheduled to consider the proposed text of the world’s first pandemic agreement for adoption.
Who are the eerily quiet, unelected US government staffers who are about to give away your medical, social, and economic freedoms in Geneva? Find out this and more as Dr. McCullough gives an update on the failure of poultry vaccination and culling to stop bird flu, mRNA myocarditis, and so much more on In Focus with Alison Steinberg on One America News.
Breast Cancer Surgeons Required to Submit DEI Statement to Work at UC Davis By Margaret Flavin
Apr. 20, 2024 3:40 pm – Which is more important to you when choosing a healthcare profession to help in the battle for your life? An extensive background in research and surgical experience? Or a statement of the surgeon’s contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?
Apparently, for UC Davis, the answer is contributions to DEI.
Four years of medical school and a challenging residency focused on saving lives is simply not enough to become a surgeon at UC Davis.
According to a report at The College Fix, surgical oncologist applicants must also submit a “Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” to be considered for employment.
According to the job listing, “Contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion documented in the application file will be used to evaluate applicants.”
Further, the University policy requires all faculty applicants to “submit a statement about their past, present, and future contributions to promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity in their professional careers,” yet both a “Statement of Teaching” and a “Statement of Research” are listed as optional.
A former associate dean at the University of Pennsylvania medical school criticized the requirement.
“The key to being a good surgical oncologist is having vast knowledge about how to treat cancer,” Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, told The Fix via a media statement.
“That and a strong ethical sense should be the only requirements,” he said. “A surgical oncologist’s political ideas are irrelevant to his or her ability to treat patients.”
“There is no evidence that DEI adherence does anything to improve medical care,” he said. “There is a great deal of concern that adherence to DEI lead to divisiveness and mistrust on the part of patients.”
Red Sox World Series Champion Dies Suddenly at 54 After ‘Cardiac Event’ By Cassandra Macdonald
Apr. 20, 2024 9:20 am – The statement continued, “Playing 3 seasons with the Red Sox, he will forever be a part of the curse-breaking 2004 World Series championship team. We send our love to his wife, Monica, and their children, Reid and Maxine.”
No additional details about his death were provided.