Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery | 6/15/23

COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery  

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]


Steve Kirsch: The Amish Died At 90 Times Lower Rate From Covid Than The Rest Of America   [1:14]  RED PILL CONSPIRACY

They didn’t mask, social distance, or get the Covid shot

JUN 15, 2023 – “The Amish died at 90 times lower rate from Covid than the rest of America. Now how is that possible? It’s possible because the Amish aren’t vaccinated. And because the Amish didn’t follow a single guideline of the CDC. They did not lockdown, they did not mask, they did not social distance, they did not vaccinate, and there were no mandates in the Amish community to get vaccinated. They basically ignored every single guideline that the CDC gave us. Ignoring those guidelines meant a death rate 90 times lower than the rest of America. So you talk about taking guidance from the WHO? Why don’t we copy what works. In fact wouldn’t it be great to say in the next pandemic that Pennsylvania will take guidance from the Amish, instead of the WHO? And you will be much much better off.” – Steve Kirsch



BREAKING: Victim Families Testify Yesterday at UK House of Commons on Covid-era Policy of Involuntarily State Euthanasia Using Death-Row Drug Midazolam with Morphine   Maajid Nawaz

JUN 15, 2023 – Victim Families Testify Yesterday at UK House of Commons on Covid-era Policy of Involuntarily State Euthanasia Using Death-Row Drug Midazolam with Morphine

1) Standing Room Only for Grieving Families in Committee Room 5 of UK House of Commons

At the top of this Newszine Radical Media presents the raw (untreated) audio file for the hearing on Midazolam victim family testimonies at Committee Room 5 in the UK House of Commons yesterday.

Shockingly, the families accuse the British state of implementing a policy of mass involuntary state euthanasia of the elderly using death row drug Midazolam with morphine, under the cover of “covid-deaths”. In other words: a culling.

The evening began with an address by its convenor Andrew Bridgen MP (Reclaim), then victim family representative Paul Dimmock spoke, after which multiple victim families addressed the hearing. This author – representing Radical Media – concluded the evening after being invited to say a few remarks on the importance of the story.


Pfizer Appendix 2.2 document compared to VAERS   JESSICA ROSE

The new Pfizer document’s details – don’t worry: it’s not important

JUN 15, 2023 – There’s a new ‘confidential’ Pfizer document circulating entitled: “Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Reactions from Post-Marketing Data Sources”. It’s a 393 page pdf document so notoriously obnoxious to assess from a data point of view, but needless to say, it’s still readable by eyes.

I decided that since it is redundant considering the VAERS and other pharmacovigilance databases, that I would compare and contrast a few select adverse event types to provide yet one more compelling piece of evidence that the COVID-19 shots are dangerous to human health and should be called off of every market – human and animal.

I haven’t really eye-balled data translation like this for a very long time and it made me appreciate the amazing tools and trades we have at our disposal. Sometimes, however, getting your eyeballs drenched in data is a good way to see things you might not normally see. This took me hours. And I triple-checked my total counts. The ‘Total Number of Adverse Events (PT)’ is 4,964,106 (Cumulative) which incidentally is 19,070 AEs higher than the sum ‘Total # of Spontaneous AE’ (when summing by System Organ Class totals) which is 4,945,036.

The table I created ended up being a summary table, yes, but it is almost as ridiculous as the original 393 page table released by Pfizer. I will put it here anyway and call it the most terrible table ever made. I extracted the AEs that had higher report numbers and/or the AEs that were atypical, such as male breast cancer.


If the medical system wants to regain the trust of citizens after the COVID vaccine debacle, much needs to change. Here are some suggestions: The Great Leicester Declaration   MERYL NASS

JUN 15, 2023  Thanks to The Great Leicester Declaration Scientific Review Committee including Brian Hooker PHD, James Neuenschwander MD, Christina Parks PHD, James Lyons-Weiler PHD, John Witcher MD, Krishna Doniparthi MD, Neil Miller Investigative Science Journalist, Jeremy R. Hammond, Independent Science Journalist). Doctors & the public are encouraged to sign & share.


The Great Leicester Declaration: As medical professionals, scientists, public health specialists, professionals in non-medical fields, and citizens, we are concerned by the unacceptably high number of observed adverse events and deaths in people after receiving the COVID vaccine, and the medical community’s denialism of vaccine injury and vaccine-related death. We feel this is an injustice as the effect of vaccine injuries on ordinary individuals and families can be devastating.

We believe that for medicine and public health institutions to retain the trust of the public as guardians of health, there needs to be:

1. Formal recognition by the medical community about the risks of vaccine-related injury and death,

2. Public health resources devoted to increased research on the etiology of and risk reduction of vaccine-related injury and death,

3. Increased transparency on vaccine safety and cost-benefit analysis done for public health recommendations, including access to raw data underlying clinical studies and other evidence that health authorities use as a basis for national health policy for review and replication by independent researchers and scientists,

4. Proper redress is given to and an end to gaslighting by the medical community for the individuals and families with life-altering adverse effects after COVID vaccine receipt,

5. The repeal of COVID vaccine mandates and a renewed formal commitment to the medical ethical precept of informed consent in light of serious risks,

6. A broader view and more consideration are given to established protocols, innovative treatments, and the recognition of natural immunity for mitigating infectious diseases.

Medical and public health institutions have been remiss in their responsibilities and imprudent to the public by ignoring alarming safety signals regarding COVID vaccine and the increasing reports of vaccine injury and deaths in the populace.


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, June 6-June 12, 2023  MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Journalists in the US (3), Mexico, Spain (3), Italy, Egypt; cops in the US (3), Mexico, Germany (2), Italy, Israel, Indonesia; fatal “vaxxidents” in the US (5), Brazil, Germany (2), Italy (5); & more

JUN 14, 2023 – United States:




Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina: 


United Kingdom and Ireland: 


France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Latvia, Czech Rep., Croatia, Bulgaria and Spain: 




Egypt, Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa, Qatar, Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Russia: 



Thousands of Averted Covid Deaths in Israel: Science Fiction   BY EYAL SHAHAR

JUNE 10, 2023 – In a paper published in Lancet Infect Dis, Haas and his colleagues argued that the Pfizer vaccine averted over 5,000 deaths in Israel in the first quarter of 2021, during the Covid wave that coincided with the first vaccination campaign (Figure 1).

I will show here that their claim is false. If any deaths have been averted at all, the number is far from their estimate — undetectable in mortality statistics.

There is more than one way to show the falsehood of claims about exceptional benefits of Covid vaccines. I will rely on comparative data from Sweden. The country that showed the world the futility of lockdowns and mask mandates will prove helpful again.

Both Israel and Sweden faced a major Covid wave in the winter of 2020–2021, but the timing deferred by about one month (Figure 2). In Sweden, the mortality wave began in November and peaked in late December, whereas in Israel the mortality wave began in December and peaked in late January. Case waves (not shown) are shifted to the left by about two weeks.

To allow for a fair comparison, I will examine mortality in a five-month period that contains the full mortality wave in Sweden: November 2020-March 2021.


Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system    Daniel Horowitz

June 14, 2023 – Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!
You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:

  • 508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events;
  • One-third of the AEs were classified as serious, well above the standard for safety signals usually pegged at 15%;
  • Women reported AEs at three times the rate of men;
  • 60% of cases were reported with either “outcome unknown” or “not recovered,” so many of the injuries were not transient;

Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.

These numbers alone suggest that all COVID shots should be defunded and Congress must immediately remove liability protections from the manufacturers. But a more recent document released by the Europeans is even more devastating, because it breaks down the 1.6 million adverse events observed by Pfizer by category and subcategory of ailment and injury.

The 393-page confidential Pfizer document, dated Aug. 19, 2022, shows that Pfizer observed over 10,000 categories of diagnosis, many of them very severe and very rare. For example:

  • Pfizer was aware of 73,542 cases of 264 categories of vascular disorders from the shots. Many of them are rare conditions.
  • There were hundreds of categories of nervous system disorders, totaling 696,508 cases.
  • There were 61,518 AEs from well over 100 categories of eye disorders, which is unusual for a vaccine injury.
  • Likewise, there were over 47,000 ear disorders, including almost 16,000 cases of tinnitus, which even Mayo Clinic researchers observed as a common but often devastating side effect early on.
  • There were roughly 225,000 cases of skin and tissue disorders.
  • There were roughly 190,000 cases of respiratory disorders.
  • Disturbingly, there were over 178,000 cases of reproductive or breast disorders, including disorders you wouldn’t expect, such as 506 cases of erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Very disturbingly, there were over 77,000 psychiatric disorders observed following the shots, lending credence to Dr. Peter McCullough’s research observing case studies showing psychosis correlating with vaccination.
  • 3,711 cases of tumors – benign and malignant
  • Of course, there were almost 127,000 cardiac disorders, running the gamut of about 270 categories of heart damage, including many rare disorders, in addition to myocarditis.
  • There were over 100,000 blood and lymphatic disorders, for both of which there’s a wealth of literature linking them to the spike protein.

[Ed.:   PF*CK!]


Plandemic 3 — The Great Awakening   Full Movie  [1:41:20]   VIDEO LINK

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

June 10, 2023 – While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way for a long time. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.


  • Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, despite being universally censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has been viewed more than 200 million times
  • While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way
  • Ultimately, the plan is to create a state of dependency, through which the technocratic elite can then control the human population. “Plandemic Part 3” will delve into this plan to show the history behind it and how it has led us to where we are right now. It will also review how we can rebuild society after it falls apart


Unintended Consequences of COVID- 19 Vaccine Policy: Why Mandates, Passports and Restrictions Caused Harm and Provided No Benefit     PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH™

Lesson Learned–Never Presume a Vaccine will be Safe or Effective

JUN 6, 2023 – I was reminded of a paper published in the British Medical Journal by Bardosh and colleagues, about one year into the ill-fated global vaccine campaign against COVID-19. This paper made the case that the coercive effects to get “a needle in every arm” would cause more harm than the theoretical benefits of vaccination. Now that it has become readily apparent that the COVID-19 vaccines led to high rates injury, disability, and death, papers such as this if they fully factored in the lack of vaccine safety would call into question why so many countries would ever consider these disastrous policies in the first place.

The problem at hand was the world made a giant set of wishful presumptions. Global leaders presumed that COVID-19 vaccines would be a glorious breakthrough along many lines and be the first in history to: 1) be deployed in the midst of a highly contagious and prevalent illness but not promote viral resistance, 2) have durable protection from COVID-19 after being studied in only short-term randomized trials that failed to use intent-to-treat principles, and found no reductions in hospitalizations and death, 3) prevent spread of disease with no “challenge” studies of viral transmission, 4) have added community benefit to those who had already recovered from the virus, 5) be universally safe across all brands and in all people in the world.


CDC Confirms COVID Vaccines Increase Risk of Myocarditis by 13,200%   By Pamela Geller

June 12, 2023 – CDC confirms that COVID vaccinations increase risk of myocarditis by 13,200%. The greatest medical crime against humanity in history.

New: Another Study Identifies High Rate of Severe Myocarditis Cases Post COVID Vax

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

Journal of American Medicine

By; Matthew E. Oster, MD, MPH1,2,3; David K. Shay, MD, MPH1; John R. Su, MD, PhD, MPH1; et al Julianne Gee, MPH1; C. Buddy Creech, MD, MPH4; Karen R. Broder, MD1; Kathryn Edwards, MD4; Jonathan H. Soslow, MD, MSCI4; Jeffrey M. Dendy, MD4; Elizabeth Schlaudecker, MD, MPH5; Sean M. Lang, MD5; Elizabeth D. Barnett, MD6; Frederick L. Ruberg, MD6; Michael J. Smith, MD, MSCE7; M. Jay Campbell, MD, MHA7; Renato D. Lopes, MD, PhD, MHS7; Laurence S. Sperling, MD1,2; Jane A. Baumblatt, MD8; Deborah L. Thompson, MD, MSPH8; Paige L. Marquez, MSPH1; Penelope Strid, MPH1; Jared Woo, MPH1; River Pugsley, PhD, MPH1; Sarah Reagan-Steiner, MD, MPH1; Frank DeStefano, MD, MPH1; Tom T. Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA1

Key Points

Question What is the risk of myocarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination in the US?


The latest peer-revieved science shows that the  greater number of injections – the higher rate of  infections.  Craig Kelly

Therefore Covid vaccine mandates turn workplaces into covid “HOTSPOTS”  where the risk of infection and  transmission is greater than the rest of society.

In effect, workforce Covid vaccine mandates put at risk the very people they are supposedly designed to protect.

Vaccine mandates belong to a narcissistic science-denying &  superstitious cult, that are unable to admit they were fooled.


COVID Shots Associated With Increased Risk of Blindness   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

June 13, 2023

The Alarming Side Effect Showing Up Two Years Post-COVID Jab

Many people who gave into the tyrannical tirade to get the COVID-19 shots may be feeling like they dodged a bullet by avoiding any serious side effects. But is it too soon to breathe a sigh of relief? This risk of a severe side effect has more than doubled two years following the first mRNA jab.


  • The broad range of reported side effects of the COVID jab is astounding. Effects involve just about every part, organ and system of the body, including a range of eye problems
  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data mining of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveals reports ranging from eye discomfort, bruising and numbness, to serious conditions such as retinal vein and retinal artery occlusions, eye hemorrhage and retinal and ophthalmic migraines
  • Two recent papers highlight the risk of ophthalmic vascular events, which can lead to blindness, following the COVID jab. Less than 20% of patients who experience central retinal artery occlusion, i.e., a blockage in the main artery of the retina, regain functional visual acuity in the affected eye
  • A systematic review of 49 studies found that most vascular events involving the eyes occurred after the first dose, and were more common after the Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots
  • A second risk assessment concluded that, across age groups, the risk of retinal vascular occlusion more than doubled in the two years following the mRNA COVID jab


Tony Fauci Used Tax Payer Dollars to Engineer HIV GP-120 into SARS-2 Spike   Karen Kingston

Tony Fauci used $51 million of US taxpayers’ dollars to patent HIV GP120 and engineer HIV GP120 into SARS-CoV-2 spike nanoparticles. Why aren’t leaders acting on this incriminating evidence?

June 12, 2023: As the NIAID Director, Dr. Fauci oversees an extensive portfolio of research for CORONAVIRUSES, HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. Dr. Fauci’s NIAID budget for 2022 is approximately $6.3 billion.

The abstract for the research titled, Analyzing the Potential for Future Bat Coronavirus Emergence, states that EcoHealth Alliance is going ‘to sample the genetic sequences of viruses from bats via PCR, use artificial intelligence (machine learning) and mRNA technology to create humanized versions of the viruses’ (Wait…it gets worse) and ‘then create 27 prototype pathogen vaccines’.

The ‘prototype pathogen vaccines’ are the ‘SARS-CoV-2 viruses/spike proteins.’ Daszak doesn’t even cover up that the ‘vaccines’ are pathogenic, meaning they causing disease and death.

Whether referring to ‘coronaviruses, spike proteins, or mRNA vaccines,’ they are all engineered nanoparticles. Per EcoHealth Alliance’s 2018 pitch to DARPA, these ‘vaccine-engineered pathogenic nanoparticles’ can be distributed via aerosol attack, surface contamination, food and beverage contamination, or injection.

EcoHealth Alliance’s pitch clearly states that the ‘spike proteins’ are synthetically made.

“We will develop recombinant chimeric spike-proteins from SARSr-CoVs…Using details of SARS S protein structure and host cell binding we will sequence, reconstruct and characterize spike trimers.”


Award-Winning 42 Year Old ESPN Director and Former Athlete Dies After Suffering Unknown Medical Emergency at NCAA Baseball Tournament   By Cullen Linebarger

Jun. 12, 2023 11:10 am – An awful tragedy struck during the NCAA Baseball Super Regionals Saturday morning when Kyle Brown, an award-winning ESPN director, suddenly suffered a medical emergency and passed away. He was 42 years old.

Brown, who worked for the network for 16 years, was about to work the NCAA Tournament game between Wake Forest and Alabama when the incident occurred.

USA Today reported that as a result of his medical event, the game was delayed for two hours.

The cause of his medical emergency is unknown at this time. No cause of death has been released either.


CDC acknowledges significant harms of N95s due to CO2 buildup   Kevin Bass PhD MS

June 11, 2023 – To avoid these, CDC recommends not wearing N95 for more than 1 hour.

In other words, all-day use advocated by Covidians causes harm, without demonstrated benefit.


Pilots “incapacitated,” “falling ill,” suffering “medical emergencies,” in the US (3), UK, Ireland, Romania and Australia, since March, 2023   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

JUN 11, 2023 – These were all (thank God) non-fatal incidents

[Ed.:  The same danger is present on our roads with considerably worse percentages!]


Plandemic 3 — The Great Awakening   Full Movie  [1:41:20]   VIDEO LINK

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

June 10, 2023 – While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way for a long time. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.


  • Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, despite being universally censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has been viewed more than 200 million times
  • While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way
  • Ultimately, the plan is to create a state of dependency, through which the technocratic elite can then control the human population. “Plandemic Part 3” will delve into this plan to show the history behind it and how it has led us to where we are right now. It will also review how we can rebuild society after it falls apart

Total Page Visits: 214

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.