Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 7/11/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery 

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]

Ivermectin for Parkinson’s Disease – MS, Stroke, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, and Schizophrenia? Modulated through P2X4 Receptors   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

Ivermectin is Anti-Cancer, Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial, and Now Neuroprotective

July 11, 2024

At the end of this article there will be a synergistic protocol which may more potently treat all of the various diseases featured in the following article:

by Justus R. Hope

We all should know that Ivermectin is effective not only against River Blindness but can be repurposed against many different types of cancereven against metastatic disease.

During the 2020 pandemic, Ivermectin saved many lives worldwide, and not just in the Intensive Care Unit. Ivermectin has also been used to treat Long Covid and Long Vaxxed patients by eminent physicians like Dr. Pierre Kory. Some people, like yours truly take Ivermectin weekly for its protective or preventative effects.

When you consider the broad spectrum of its anti-disease activity in combination with its vast safety profile, why would you not?

Ivermectin is not only anti-parasitic, but it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer. But today we know there is more, and much more.

Dr. William Makis recently wrote about how Ivermectin has properties of promoting remyelination in demyelinating diseases like Multiple Sclerosis. However Ivermectin has long been known to have potential effectiveness against motor neuron disorders like ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Ivermectin has shown such great promise against ALS, a patent application was filed by Belgian scientists in 2007.

‘Use of ivermectin and derivates thereof for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis’ (Publication No.: WO/2008/034202A3), to cover ‘the use of ivermectin and analogs, to prevent, retard and ameliorate a motor neuron disease such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the associated motor neuron degeneration’

There is emerging evidence that Ivermectin may be effective not just against ALS, but against a variety of neurological disorders including Parkinsonism, a disease that many link with the mRNA injections.

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Scientific “Consensus” Loses A Legal Challenge   PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA

In a recent development in the defense of Dr. Charles Hoffe against the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons, the judge ruled that the College has to prove its alleged “incontestable truths.”

JUL 10, 2024 – My readers may recall the four part series that I published which detailed my expert legal defense of Canadian emergency medicine physician Dr. Charles Hoffe. To recap, Dr. Hoffe is defending himself against the British Columbia (BC) College of Physicians and Surgeons who are going after his license (and his money) for publicly sharing his medical and scientific opinions on various aspects of Covid, the vaccines, and early repurposed medicine treatments. The College’s position is that his opinions consist of “misinformation which harms the public.”

A brief review of Dr. Hoffe’s case:

Canadian community doctor Dr. Charles Hoffe was one of the first to notice something was “wrong” with the vaccines in April 2021 after he witnessed terrible injuries (strokes etc.) and even a death in the patients he was vaccinating. He then wrote an open letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia with his observations and concerns, suggesting that perhaps the jabs should be put on pause until their safety could be more assured. One paragraph from the letter said:

“In our small community of Lytton, BC, we have one person dead, and three people who look as though they will be permanently disabled, following their first dose of the Moderna vaccine. The age of those affected ranges from 38 to 82 years of age,” he wrote.

Hoffe was then banned from working in the local emergency ward and other provincial hospitals. He later submitted more than a dozen claims of vaccine injuries on behalf of his patients, but all were denied validity.

*For more background, click tweet below by Dr. Mark Trozzi (another persecuted Canadian doctor) for a summary of what is happening to Hoffe (it also includes a link to a powerful speech by Dr. Hoffe).

I submitted lengthy and highly referenced pro-bono defenses of four of Hoffe’s many accurate statements (my colleagues Jessica Rose, Kevin Mckiernan, and Peter McCullough defended other of his statements). The 5 statements that I defended were:

  1. Ivermectin is very effective in the prevention of Covid
  2. “Ivermectin is very effective in the treatment of Covid
  3. “Given the near complete restriction on access to ivermectin by the Canadian gov’t, it is reasonable to use veterinary formulations
  4. Ivermectin is an unbelievably safe treatment for Covid
  5. “Covid mRNA vaccine shedding is real and can cause disease in non-vaccinated people”

Although our team of experts wrote lengthy and highly referenced defenses supporting the scientific accuracy of Hoffe’s many public statements, the College responded with a motion submitted to the Disciplinary Panel, “seeking judicial notice of the truth of facts.”

Wait, what? “Judicial notice?” “Truth of facts?” Let me explain (from Brave browser AI):


“Brain Dead” is NOT Dead! LIVE people are murdered daily for organs and to “save money”   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

You MUST KNOW that “no brain activity” means NOTHING except that doctors didn’t do the tests that would find the brain activity. Don’t let your loved one be killed.

JULY 09, 2024


From the beginning of time, people knew that cessation of heartbeat and breath meant death. This is the G-d-given definition, and it is logical. Since it’s real, this definition does not require anything to “prop it up.”

Of course, G-d, Who creates life, is the only One Who has the authority to say when it ends, and to end it. Unfortunately, two motivations came into play in the 20th century to create a new, and false, “definition” of death.

Marina Zhang at Epoch Times explains in her June 2024 article,   Brain-Dead People May Not Be Dead—Here’s Why.” 

The definition of brain death, also known as death by neurological criteria, is when a person falls into a permanent coma, loses their brainstem reflexes and consciousness, and can’t breathe without stimulus or support.

Yet a person’s heart can be beating, his or her organs functional, and he or she can fight off infection, grow, and even carry babies to term. (Delivery of a Healthy Baby from a Brain-Dead Woman After 117 Days of Somatic Support: A Case Report – PMC )

Though they may exhibit no signs of consciousness, some areas of the brain may still work. About 50 percent of brain-death patients retain activity in their hypothalamus, which coordinates the body’s endocrine system and regulates body temperature.

However, all of this stops if they are taken off life support.

What is the big rush to declare death and take people off of breathing assistance?

First, there is a need for transplant organs, and second, a wish to “save resources” by having people hurry up and die already.

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An American Hero Continues To Languish In Prison   Dr. Steven Hatfill

JUL 09, 2024 – On 3 February 2020, I was called into the White House to serve as an outside medical and scientific expert for the President’s Trade Advisor, Dr. Peter Navarro PhD, in the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (OTMP). There I had a front row seat to the disastrous, incompetent, US COVID-19 pandemic response promulgated by our national health agencies.

In February 2020, amidst the ambivalence of the senior health leadership and the rapidly developing chaos, Peter Navarro developed an ingenious stop-gap strategy to rapidly acquire N-95 respirators, disinfectants, and other protective equipment until domestic production could catch up. Enclosed-head powered respirators, actually mandatory for the safety of intensive care hospital personnel, were swiftly manufactured to safeguard the nurses and doctors at the institutions that would actually follow the correctly-mandated OSHA Health Worker Safety Guidelines. His actions helped to save hundreds of health care workers. His next actions would save hundreds of thousands of Americans.

By early March 2020, international researchers were demonstrating that the drug Chloroquine had a marked efficacy and safety in the early treatment of  lethal COVID-19. South Korea had discovered that a related drug called Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was even better at preventing hospital admissions if given early in infection. Outpatient drug treatment was the solution to reduce pandemic progression and some 51 other countries would use HCQ to successfully control their portion of the pandemic.  Yet the de-facto leader of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D., ignored the data on HCQ and constantly dismissed its accumulating success as being only anecdotal information.

Although a PhD economist, Dr. Navarro understood statistics and he quickly grasped the role for HCQ. Finally, having had enough of Fauci’s continuing ambivalence on the drug, Navarro had flung a stack of research papers across the table at him in the White House Situation Room, saying “this is science – not anecdotal information.” Unrelenting he secured permission to acquire and stockpile 62-million doses of Chloroquine and HCQ before India shut off their exports of these medications for use on their own vast populations.

Thus began a war between doctors with Dr. Robert Kadlec, M.D., at the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Navarro, favoring early drug treatment and a conflict-of-interest-ridden FDA, a clueless mainstream media, and Dr. Anthony Fauci who continued to ignored HCQ as a safe, early outpatient drug treatment for COVID-19.  Fighting back at Navarro’s actions and under Fauci’s watchful eyes, the FDA authorized clinical HCQ studies, but specified these should only be conducted on late-stage hospitalized patients where no drug was going to show much efficacy.

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MORE LEAKED AUDIO: Australians in Shock Over Former President of Australian Medical Association Prof. Kerryn Phelps’ Leaked Audio on Vaccine Injuries   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

“I’ve never seen so many young people having cardiac MRIs in my entire career. There are people who’ve had heart damage, myocarditis, they’ve had heart problems”

JUL 09, 2024  by AUSSIE17Australians have been left in a state of shock after more leaked audio emerged from the censored 7News segment “After COVID,” which I wrote about here and here. This time, we have the full, alarming statements by former President of the Australian Medical Association, the largest professional body for doctors in Australia, Professor Kerryn Phelps, in response to host Michael Usher when he asked, “Is there anything to learn from people who’ve had side effects that both of you are describing in detail?”

In the recording, Phelps exposes the disturbing rise in mRNA vaccine side effects and the gross negligence by both the government and pharmaceutical companies in addressing these issues.

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China’s $18 Trillion Economic COVID Attack on the American Economy   By Margaret Flavin

Jul. 9, 2024 10:00 am – A new report from The Heritage Foundation’s Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19, “Holding China Accountable for Its Role in the Most Catastrophic Pandemic of Our Time: COVID-19,” shows the devastating economic impact on the American economy after China unleashed COVID on the world.

The report provides, in extensive detail, “The Seven Weeks that Changed the World,” a time when “Chinese officials could have shown good faith and honored their international commitments to try to prevent a domestic epidemic from becoming a global pandemic. They consistently chose to do otherwise.”

The report also analyzes the impact of COVID on the U.S. economy at a cost of more than $18 trillion.

John Ratcliffe, a former member of Congress and Chairman of the Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19, provided the foreword for the report and shared that the purpose was to “review the facts and circumstances” surrounding the pandemic.

In addition, the report also provides recommendations to U.S. officials for specific ways to hold China accountable.

The Commission’s report does not rule out that many other governments, institutions, and individuals may have played contributing roles in the pandemic, but it finds that China has been in a league uniquely of its own in its active and aggressive opposition to honesty, transparency, and accountability regarding the virus and its spread. This behavior by the Chinese government, more than anything else, was the proximal origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this report, the Commission documents several major facts about the pandemic that contradict the Chinese-propagated narrative. The Commission finds that the balance of available evidence points toward the pandemic’s having resulted from an initial spillover resulting from a research-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), an institution known internationally for its coronavirus-related research, rather than emerging from wild animals sold at a market in that city.

The report details the devastating impact on the U.S economy:

    • Excess deaths in the U.S. cost $8.6 trillion;
    • Lost income cost the economy more than $1.8 trillion;
    • Chronic health conditions associated with the virus, like “long COVID,” cost $6 trillion;
    • Mental health components added another $1 trillion loss;
    • The negative impact on education lost approximately $435 billion.

The report puts the total loss at over $18 trillion, which is about 13% of the U.S. economy’s total GDP.

From the report:

Across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic left 28 million persons dead, whole economies shattered, and the vulnerable impoverished—in addition to creating a mental health crisis. A whole generation’s educational experience was disrupted. In the United States alone, the pandemic killed over a million people and is estimated by our calculations to have cost the country $18 trillion in losses. Millions of adults and children still suffer from an often-debilitating illness of long COVID.

The scope and scale of this disaster demand answers about the deadly virus’s origin and the circumstances of its spread. It is with that purpose in mind that the Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19’s investigation finds that the balance of evidence shows that the virus resulted from a research-related incident in Wuhan. The report further meticulously documents how China acted in the early weeks and months of the disease’s outbreak.

The fact of the matter is that the Chinese government did not act responsibly or transparently. They covered up highly pertinent information about COVID-19—even including when and where the disease began—from their own public, the scientific community, and the world. The Chinese government destroyed evidence, actively gagged their own scientists, jailed journalists for the crime of asking questions, and blocked attempts by the international community to investigate the origins of COVID-19. It engaged in these and other acts despite being a signatory to an international agreement that requires them to notify the World Health Organization of such a public health emergency accurately and in a timely manner.

You can read the full report here.


Doctors Muzzled During COVID Get Green Light to Sue Overlords  by Bob Unruh

July 8, 1024 – Physicians who were threatened and abused by various tyrannical credentialing boards that sought to suppress anything but the official government story line about COVID-19 have been given the go-ahead by the courts to sue.

The case was brought by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Education Foundation against the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American Board of Family Medicine and the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security over various situations in which those organizations threatened or actually acted against doctors because of what they said about COVID.

Their medical opinions essentially contradicted the government’s talking points about taking various experimental shots, which evidence now shows have been extremely damaging to thousands of people.

The challenge focused on the coordinated campaigns to “censor and chill the speech of physicians,” with special targeting of those who criticized the unfounded positions taken by White House adviser Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, masks and more.

A district judge had claimed that the AAPS “lacked standing,” but a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has reversed that dismissal.

It’s headed back to the lower courts for discovery, and potentially a full trial.

report in the Federalist documented the ruling.

“The AAPS Educational Foundation brought the case because of a series of physicians who were being threatened with loss of their board certification because they had made comments that were either critical of the COVID0 vaccines or that advocated for early treatment with repurposed drugs,” explained AAPS chief Jane Orient.

“Particularly bad were the three defendants of the internal board who were also engaged in threatening physicians who supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade or had anything to say about abortion and its side effects.”

The case also cited the egregious censorship schemes that were being developed by Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board which, Orient explained, “was devoted to seeking out and finding ‘disinformation,’ ‘malinformation,’ and, or pressuring people, including those on specialty boards and social media companies, to take action.”

Public outrage that the government would assemble such a force prompted that particular coalition to be disbanded, but that doesn’t mean that scheme has been abandoned.

When physicians made public comments, press comments, testified in hearings – and their statements did not align with the Biden administration’s political agenda – they were threatened with loss of their credentials, which in many cases could mean the loss of their income.

The power structure simply labeled, without evidence, dissenting opinions as “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation,” the case charged.

One facing punishment was Dr. Peter McCullough, a professor of medicine for decades, who was forced into independent practice over his views after those in “academic practice” refused to allow him free speech.

He questioned, during a state legislative hearing, the experimental shots, and the ABIM later adopted a rule about “misinformation” and retroactively applied it to him, the report said.

McCullough confirmed to The Federalist he provided documentation and evidence regarding his opinions on COVID, but the organization refused to accept it.

The power structure lined up against the dissenting doctors including those credentialing agencies as well as insurance companies that would refuse to provide compensation for treatment if the doctor’s opinion differed from theirs.

Lawyer Andrew Schlafly, litigating for AAPS, said, “Viewpoint-based censorship of freedom of speech is one of the most important issues today, and essential to the future of both our country and the ability of patients to obtain quality medical care. It is vital that we restore freedom of speech and end improper interference with it. Physicians must be able to speak candidly about issues of public concern without fear of retaliation.”


Mike Heslin dead at 30, doctors have ‘no explanation’ for ‘unexpected cardiac arrest’ death of ‘Lioness’ actor in ‘perfect health’   PAUL SACCA

JULY 06, 2024 – Mike Heslin was an organ donor who had ‘given the gift of life to four different families’ before his sudden death.

“Special Ops: Lioness” actor Mike Heslin died suddenly at the age of 30. The young celebrity was allegedly in “perfect health” before dying from an “unexpected cardiac arrest” that doctors have “no explanation” for.

Heslin’s sudden death was confirmed in an Instagram post by his husband – Scotty Dynamo.

“On July 2nd, my husband, best friend, and soulmate Mike Heslin passed away from an unexpected cardiac event after a week long battle in the hospital,” Dynamo wrote. “Michael was young, in perfect health, and the doctors have no explanation for what happened.”

“Michael was brilliant, selfless, talented, and a real-life guardian angel. He single-handedly carried me through multiple rounds of cancer,” said Dynamo – a YouTube personality born Nicolas James Wilson.

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Negative COVID vaccine efficacy. When the remedy becomes the poison   MERYL NASS

These vaccines poison in multiple ways, but here I am confining the evidence to the vaccine-caused increase in susceptibility to the infection it was intended to prevent

JUL 06, 2024 – This is a CDC slide. The data are from CDC’s ICATT study. I screen shot it at an ACIP meeting a couple of years ago. I think there are some issues with it, but the consistency of the data, despite different age groups, cannot be ignored.

At about 6-7 months for all age groups, whether you received 2 or 3 shots in total, effectiveness drops to zero. Then they stop collecting data, but it looks like efficacy is negative after that.

The JAMA published data on all children in NY state regarding vaccine efficacy. The state knew the date of every shot for every child, and the date of every COVID test.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.