Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery | 7/14/23

COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery   

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]

Answers to those who still think the vaccines are safe and the government is “here to help.”   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

This is a collection of my responses to pro-vaxxers on a blog.


JUL 14, 2023 – I had plans to write on a different topic today, but G-d apparently wanted otherwise.

After I posted an important article on a NJ community blog, there were strange comments by a person who clearly has an axe to grind (i.e. apparently some personal reasons making him antagonistic to acknowledging any truth on covid topics.)

I spent a long time replying – for the sake of everyone else reading the blog, because I know that many people don’t know where to find good information. I didn’t want them to be left with potentially deadly untruths. If people don’t fully understand that they took poisonous shots or gave them to their children, they certainly won’t be taking any detox and anti-clotting products – and they might even take another booster. So it’s is a matter of life and death for people to be aware of the truth.

Afterwards it occurred to me that these answers could also be useful to others, so I’ll share them here. (I’ve edited and added some more information.)



Watch: GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They “Did A 180” On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them   BY TYLER DURDEN

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

THURSDAY, JUL 13, 2023 – 05:33 AM  During a House Select Subcommittee on the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic Tuesday, Republican representative Nicole Malliotakis of New York grilled a pair of scientists, demanding to know why they suddenly switched their positions from considering the lab leak of the virus a likelihood to it being a “conspiracy theory” just days after Anthony Fauci emailed them both.

Malliotakis asked Kristian Andersen and Robert Garry why their paper on the “proximal origins” of COVID-19 from March 2020 dismissed the lab leak in favour of a zoonotic origin when just days before they had both suggested the virus had a unnatural origin.

Addressing Andersen, the GOP rep. noted “You and Garry expressed concerns about the genetic makeup of the virus just days before the initial draft of this paper came out,” adding “Dr. Fauci emailed you after you’d expressed concerns to him on a phone call that COVID would have been engineered.”

“Within a matter of days, something changed… What happened within that three-day period between the conference call and the paper that suddenly you did a 180,” Malliotakis asked, to which Garry replied “there was some new data that came.”

“Are you both conspiracy theorists?” Malliotakis further pressed Andersen, adding “you just accused everyone who believed there was a lab leak of being a conspiracy theorist,” citing Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the Center for Disease Control, who has told the committee that “it was not scientifically plausible that the virus went from a bat to humans and subsequently became one of the most infectious viruses in history.”



New Mexico State Women’s Soccer Player Dies Suddenly at 20   by DYLAN GWINN

12 Jul 2023 – Thalia Chaverria, a women’s soccer player for New Mexico State University, has died after being found unresponsive on Monday. She was 20 years old.


Cognitive Impairment in Adults – What Role Did Covid Vaccines Play?   By Igor Chudov

A Midwestern Doctor’s in-depth exploration

July 13, 2023 – A month ago, I mentioned evidence (provided by the Dutch Institute RIVM) of a dramatic increase in cognitive problems among adults.

This blog post is a departure from my usual fare, but it touches upon a topic that worries me greatly. I want to bring attention to a disturbing trend I have noticed, which has just been confirmed by the Dutch Health Institute RIVM. The trend is a rapid decline in the cognitive abilities of many people

Read full story

That post struck a nerve and prompted many readers to share their observations and feelings about cognitive changes they observed in themselves or their loved ones. As of today, the post garnered 1,263 comments!

A friend of this blog, a popular substacker A Midwestern Doctor, offered to share further thoughts and observations. As I consider this to be a supremely important topic, I hope that the below text, which I did not write, will promote further discussion and thinking about the cognitive changes we observe.

I know many vaccinated and many unvaccinated people. Many of them, thankfully, are fine. Some have issues while remaining good, promising, and valuable human beings. I hope the struggles of those with emergent difficulties with the executive function will prompt a search for solutions.

While the thoughts below concentrate on vaccine-related issues, I plan on exploring this topic in the future and looking into other factors that may also affect human intellectual functioning.

The text below was written by A Midwestern Doctor. I want to offer it as food for thought. As always, you are welcome to agree or disagree with anything; your opinions will not be censored. So comment away!


Media Continue To Lie About Gene Therapy Jab   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

July 13, 2023 – While the COVID-19 shots are referred to as “vaccines,” they do not meet the classical definition of a vaccine. Health authorities needed to change the definition1 to accommodate the COVID shots and shut down the argument that, as experimental gene therapies, they may be riskier than traditional vaccines.

Meanwhile, based on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s definition2,3 of “gene therapy” they’re clearly gene therapies, and both Moderna4 and BioNTech5 acknowledge this in their Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration statements.

In a 2014 paper,6 BioNTech founder Ugur Sahin also stated that “One would expect the classification of an mRNA drug to be a biologic, gene therapy or somatic cell therapy.”

Publicly, however, drug makers, regulators and, of course, the media, have been going to great lengths to make sure people don’t think of them that way. Now, a peer-reviewed paper7,8 has weighed in on the controversy, stressing that mRNA COVID shots “should be labeled as gene therapy.”

mRNA Shots Are Gene Therapy, but Not Regulated as Such

As noted in this paper, published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, June 22, 2023:


FAKE FAUCI: Top NIH directors were never officially appointed and are merely ACTORS who are IMPERSONATING federal officials   Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News

[1:06:58 – 0:00 Mike self Identify intro JP, 7:08 Fake Administration, 27:10 Interview with JP Sears and Mikki Willis, 50:50 Life Jacket]

July 12, 2023

– Mike Adams self-identifies as comedian JP Sears

– Investigation reveals that Fauci and other NIH “officials” are merely ACTORS with no actual authority

– Top federal officials such as Mayorkas, Austin and others are also ACTORS who never took oaths of office

– Joe Biden is a FAKE “president” who was never elected by the American people

– It’s all a Truman Show theater of the absurd, ruling through fakery and fraud

– Full in-studio interview with JP Sears and Mikki Willis of the Plandemic series

– JP Sears and Mikki Willis force Mike Adams to embrace “the science”



Lancet Paper On Post-Vax Autopsies Nuked After Attracting ‘Special Attention’: Dr. Peter McCullough   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, JUL 11, 2023 – 11:45 PM – A pre-print review of autopsy data of more than 300 post-Covid-19 vaccination deaths was removed by the Lancet within 24 hours of its initial submission, according to cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, the paper’s leading author and prominent COVID vaccine skeptic.

“The government narrative is still that people do not die after COVID-19 vaccination. Now we have the largest series of autopsies, and the autopsies really are incontrovertible,” he told the Epoch Times.

The paper was uploaded to the Lancet’s pre-print website on July 6, only to be taken down with a note implying that the study violated the medical journal’s “screening criteria.”

“Pre-print servers go through a check to make sure all the elements of the paper are there, but it is not peer-reviewed by external doctors. And the preprint server simply offers people a chance to look at the data themselves and decide,” McCullough told the Times Jan Jekielek. “I think that’s perfectly fair to look at the tables, look at the figures.”

“Obviously, we struck a very important gap in knowledge and the world needed to know the results.”

The paper was co-authored by Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company, a Florida-based medical group.


Lancet study PROVES covid jabs killed large numbers of people while government covered it up   Ethan Huff

07/10/2023  – A pre-print study that was published in The Lancet on July 5 proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are overwhelmingly responsible for post-covid injection deaths among the “fully vaccinated.”

According to the data, 74 percent of all deaths that occur in people who got injected for covid are deaths caused by the injections themselves. This is a damning indictment of the gene therapy drug products, which were pushed on the masses as “safe and effective” through Operation Warp Speed.

The results of this new pre-print corroborate the findings of another recent paper which found that 71 percent of post-covid injection deaths are, in fact, a result of the injections themselves rather than some other cause.

“They basically were looking for the ‘cleanest’ proof of death, but it’s likely that all 71% of the cases (25 out of 35) died from the vaccine, it’s just harder to ‘prove’ that,” this earlier study, often called the Schwab paper, reveals.

As for the new study, the percentage was slightly higher but still in the same ballpark of overwhelmingly pointing to covid injections as the cause of three out of four post-“vaccination” deaths that occur.

(Related: Ever since covid jabs were unleashed via Operation Warp Speed, athlete deaths all across the world have skyrocketed by 1,700 percent.)

Most post-injection covid jab deaths involve cardiovascular damage like CLOTTING

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, wrote an article about the newer study. After looking at a total of 325 cases, an independent review found that 73.9 percent of them were caused by covid injections.

“The vast majority had the cardiovascular system as the single fatal organ system injury to the body,” McCullough explained.

McCullough shared a screenshot of a New Zenodo link to the manuscript on July 6, the day after the pre-print was published by The Lancet. It explains how the systematic review was conducted and why covid jabs seem to be killing such a large number of people.

“We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023,” the review states. “We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case.”

“Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.”


Every Single Covid Mandate Failed: Premium Podcast By Radical Media    [1:02:41]

JUL 10, 2023 •  Maajid Nawaz in Conversation with Great Barrington Declaration signatory, the Stanford Epidemiologist Professor Jay Bhattacharya


“COVID Vaccines Work. What Is There to Debate?”   ANDREAS OEHLER

Says Dr. Marc Siegel, a $cience hitman, and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors and a Fox News medical correspondent. Oh, really? Look at this honest face.

JUL 10, 2023 – “Sorry RFK Jr.: COVID vaccines work. What is there to debate?” (USA Today Opinion by Dr. Marc Segal, 2023.07.05):

[Ed.: Yes, vaccines do work — in population reduction.]


“O.J. heart attack drama”; YouTuber Gwen Helbig has breast cancer; UFC fighter hit by “rare brain disease”; “I’m vaccinated and I end up with a blood clot”, says MMA fighter Anthony Smith   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

JUL 10, 2023  – Meanwhile, in the UK: Doc Society co-founder Jess Search steps down after brain tumor diagnosis, and TV presenter Fiona Phillips, 62, reveals she has Alzheimer’s


Dutch rocker Floor Jansen collapses onstage; Wimbledon star Yibing Wu collapses mid-match; Portugal’s president collapses at a university; Italian TV star Marco Mazzoli falls ill on radio show   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

JUL 10, 2023  – Dutch goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar in ICU with brain bleed; “Melbourne dancer survives rare flesh-eating infection”


Peru Declares National Health Emergency Following “Unusual Increase” in Guillain-Barre Syndrome that May Be Linked to COVID Vaccine   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 10, 2023 9:15 am – Peru declared a 90-day health emergency on Saturday after an “unusual increase” in Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare disease where the body’s immune system attacks part of the nervous system.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the increase in Guillain-Barre Syndrome following the introduction of the COVID vaccines.

Scientists recommend that older people who received Pfizer’s RSV vaccine should be monitored for Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”

This comes after two older adults who received the shot during clinical trials developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, scientists said in clinical trial results published in the New England Journal of Medicine per CNBC.

“If RSVpreF vaccine is approved and recommended, these adverse events warrant close monitoring in future studies and with real-world data and postmarketing surveillance,” the scientists wrote. The study, which published Wednesday, was supported by Pfizer.

And a 40-year-old British man was awarded compensation after he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome.


RFK Jr. Unleashes on Anthony Fauci, Calls Him a ‘Genuinely Bad Human Being’   By Lorri Wickenhauser

Jul. 9, 2023 9:00 am – To put it mildly, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is no fan of Anthony Fauci.

The Democratic presidential candidate was asked in a recent interview about his criticism of Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022, who became a national hero to some during the COVID pandemic.

“I think he was a genuinely bad human being,” Kennedy told podcaster Lex Fridman.

Fridman is a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who studies machine learning, according to his website.

Fridman’s two-and-a-half-hour conversation with Kennedy covered a broad range of topics, including diet and exercise, God and religion, and Kennedy’s 14-year struggle with addiction, starting a year after his father’s death.



Another “conspiracy theory” bites the dust: CDC altered MN death certificates listing COVID “vaccine” as a cause of death   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Also in Minnesota, Dr. Scott Jensen came under official fire repeatedly for spreading the “disinformation” that MN was pushing doctors to falsify death certificates to list COVID-19 as cause of death

JUL 8, 2023 – The CDC had no influence on the Minnesota DoH regarding death certificates? Not likely….

Former gubernatorial candidate Dr. Scott Jensen under investigation by Minnesota Board of Medical Practice


36 bodybuilders “died suddenly” in 2022  [33:50]   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

JUL 8, 2023 – We’re told (of course) that steroids are to blame; though bodybuilders have abused steroids for many years, yet never did they drop dead in such numbers until after you-know-what

This year, so far, we have posted seven such reports from all around the world.


“Alarming” Sevenfold Increase in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked to Covid-19 and “Vaccine”   JD RUCKER

Alarming, indeed. Article by Megan Redshaw from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times cross-posted with permission.

JUL 8, 2023 – A sudden increase in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)—a rare and potentially fatal skin disorder—may be triggered by COVID-19, increased vaccination rates, or a lowered threshold caused by vaccines or previous infection, according to a large case series recently published in Burns.

Researchers with the burns unit at Concord Repatriation General Hospital in Australia saw two to four cases of SJS, or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), per year prior to COVID-19. In the first six months of 2022 alone, the same burn center observed a sevenfold rise in cases.

Of the 14 reported cases, five patients had COVID-19 a month before developing SJS/TEN, and three of 14 patients received a COVID-19 vaccine one month prior. Not a single case of SJS/TEN was reported in an unvaccinated individual.

Researchers said the rarity of the condition and presence of medications known to trigger the disease make the link difficult to prove, but the rapid rise in cases since the beginning of the pandemic and vaccine rollout is “alarming.”



Peer-reviewed study says mRNA covid “vaccines” would more accurately be labeled GENE THERAPY products   Ethan Huff

7/7/23 – New research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences explains that a more correct way of referring to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” is to instead call them “gene therapy products” – because they have absolutely nothing to do with vaccination or inoculation.

Since the start of the fake “pandemic,” government authorities both in the Trump and Biden regimes have erroneously referred to these things as “vaccines” when the fact of the matter is that they are DNA-modifying poisons that never should have been authorized or approved the way they were.

By both mode and action, the mRNA injections are gene therapy products that, had they been properly labeled as such, would have been required to undergo much more stringent regulatory standards. Because of the “emergency,” however, they were fast-tracked onto the public through Operation Warp Speed.

“Because current regulatory guidelines either do not apply, do not mention RNA therapeutics, or do not have a widely accepted definition for these products, regulatory agencies adopted a modified and accelerated approval process for COVID-19 vaccines in the form of a ‘rolling review,'” reported The Epoch Times.


Why Do Vaccines Keep Failing to Live Up to Their Promises?   Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor

July 8, 2023 – What healthcare ‘authorities’ repeatedly moving the COVID-19 vaccine goalposts can teach each of us.


  • Vaccines are often ill-suited to contain the diseases they are made for. Because of this, false promises have to be made so the public will agree to a vaccination campaign. So as time moves forward, the goalposts have to be continually moved as the vaccines fail
  • The ways vaccines fail are relatively consistent, so both those failures and the policy responses to those failures are pretty easy to predict. Almost everything that has happened with the COVID-19 vaccines should have been known before their deployment upon the American people
  • The failures of the COVID-19 vaccines provide an immensely valuable lesson for understanding the critical issues underpinning the practice of vaccination. These lessons are essential for everyone to learn so that the same vaccine scam cannot be pulled with the next infectious disease that comes along

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.