Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 7/26/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery 

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]


End the Silence    [3:04]   Michoel Green

The silence is deafening. Let’s end it once and for all.

Another song by Green Family Production… quality entertainment for people who dare to think!


On FDA ‘Guidance for Industry’ documents as regulatory fraud coordination tools for US government and pharmaceutical co-conspirators.   KATHERINE WATT

JULY 26, 2024

Orientation for new readers – American Domestic Bioterrorism Program – Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

Important new post from Sasha Latypova:

July 26, 2024 – New FDA guidance for pharma on “countering misinformation” online. FDA authorizes pharmas to lie when needed, promising non-enforcement of pharmaceutical marketing regs. I interpret this as we are winning the information war. (Sasha Latypova)

…The FDA is guiding the manufacturers to lie and “debunk” these detected harms by waving hands around “but it was a very high dose”!

From my experience, in normal, non fraudulent pharmaceutical R&D setting you have 2 choices after your animals died or had fetal damage at a “high dose”:

1) redo the study with a dose that is more representative of the human exposure at therapeutic levels;

2) kill the drug program.

In both cases, the entire class of medicine becomes suspect for fetal abnormalities, and all subsequent programs are under greater scrutiny for this issue. At a minimum, concentration-response justifications must be provided for the selected doses in animals and humans.

They were nowhere to be found in the 2000+ pages of garbage “nonclinical package” from Pfizer and Moderna I wasted a few weeks of my life on!

That’s because it is not possible to dose mRNA in a controlled manner (this explains why Pfizer is 30 mg and Moderna is 100mg per dose in humans for the same thing – dosages are meaningless with mRNA products)….

I posted a comment:

My understanding is that all FDA “Guidance for Industry” documents, going back to the mid-1980s, when they started issuing them [called “Points to Consider” at that time] are instructions to pharmaceuticals, from FDA, about how the pharmaceuticals should ignore FDA regulations (because the regulations are non-regulations), and how they should engage in performative acts designed to look similar to compliance, and how FDA will (on its own side) pretend to establish and enforce regulatory standards, but actually not enforce them.

The language tricks typically involve the term “discretion,” leaving whether or not to enforce an alleged standard to FDA discretion (and they choose not to), or involve juxtapositions of “shall” and “may” language, such as regulations that state FDA “shall” issue a license for a product, and “may” inspect the premises where those are produced.

FDA, in its discretion, does not inspect and does not establish or enforce standards.

Similar examples to this new one about misinformation, include

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What is self-amplifying mRNA?   MERYL NASS

And it is already being used in Japan and maybe soon in the US. It combines the unknown duration of effect of mRNA with the mutation-producing effects of nuclear DNA.

JUL 26, 2024 – Here is what the Perplexity AI says. Note that it can be called self-amplifying DNA also:

Self-amplifying DNA refers to a type of DNA-based vaccine platform that combines elements of conventional DNA vaccines with the self-replicating capabilities of RNA viruses. Here are the key points about self-amplifying DNA:

  1. Structure and components:
    • It is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule
  • Contains a strong promoter (e.g., human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter)

Encodes viral replicase genes, typically from alphaviruses or flaviviruses. Includes the gene of interest (GOI) encoding the vaccine antigen

  • Mechanism of action:
    • After delivery into cells, the DNA is transcribed in the nucleus to produce self-amplifying RNA
  • This RNA is transported to the cytoplasm where it self-replicates and produces high levels of the antigen
  • The self-amplification process mimics viral infection, leading to sustained antigen production
  • Advantages:
    • Combines benefits of DNA vaccines (stability, ease of production) with self-amplifying RNA technology

Requires lower doses compared to conventional DNA or mRNA vaccines

  • Induces potent humoral and cellular immune responses
  • More stable than RNA, simplifying storage and distribution
  • Delivery methods:
    • Can be delivered as naked DNA, often using electroporation for improved cellular uptake
  • Can also be formulated with lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for enhanced delivery
  • Applications:
    • Promising platform for rapid vaccine development against emerging infectious diseases
  • Potential for use in therapeutic cancer vaccines and other applications
  • Self-amplifying DNA, also referred to as DNA-launched replicons (DREPs), represents an innovative approach in vaccine technology that aims to combine the advantages of DNA vaccines with the potency of self-amplifying RNA systems.

I was asked to expand on this idea. I don’t want to alarm unnecessarily nor fail to alarm when appropriate. Let me give an example: how I approached the COVID mRNA vaccines before they were released.

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Journalist Who Criticized Aaron Rodgers for His Views on COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Dies Unexpectedly’ at 43   By Jim Hft

Jul. 26, 2024 9:00 am – Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday.

Driscoll’s death was announced by his news network.

…Driscoll reportedly suffered an apparent medical emergency from which he could not be revived. The official cause of death is yet to be determined, according to TNT.

It was reported that he had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

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[Ed.:  How bad was his batch!]


Chemotherapy: Fraudulent and Deadly?   by Dr. Vernon Coleman

AUG 21, 2023 – Patients who are diagnosed with cancer find themselves in a state of shock. And yet, while in a state of shock, they find themselves needing to make a number of vital decisions very quickly.

One of the big questions is often this one: “Should I have chemotherapy?”

Chemotherapy might improve a patient’s chances of survival by three to five per cent though that modest figure is usually over-generous. For example, the evidence suggests that chemotherapy offers breast cancer patients an uplift in survival of little more than 2.5%.

When you consider that chemotherapy can kill and does terrible damage to healthy cells, and to the immune system, it is difficult to see the value of taking chemotherapy.

I don’t think it is any exaggeration to suggest that much of the hype around chemotherapy has taken the treatment into the area of fraud – far more fraudulent indeed than treatments which are dismissed as irrelevant or harmful by the establishment.

Chemotherapy is a cull, designed by the conspirators and the medical establishment to cut the cost of caring for cancer patients.

The chances are that the doctors looking after you – especially the specialist oncologists in hospital – will recommend chemotherapy. They may push hard to accept their recommendation. They may even be cross or dismissive or assume you are ignorant or afraid if you decide you don’t want it. Cancer charities often shout excitedly about chemotherapy. But they are also often closely linked to the drug companies which make money out of chemotherapy – which in my view makes them part of the large and thriving “cancer industry.” It is important to remember that drug companies exist to make money and they will do whatever is necessary to further this aim. They lie and they cheat with scary regularity and they have no interest in helping patients or saving lives. Remember that: the sole purpose of drug companies is to make money, whatever the human cost might be. They will happily suppress potentially life-saving information if doing so increases their profits. It is my belief that by allying themselves with drug companies, cancer charities have become corrupt.

Little or no advice is given to patients about how they themselves might reduce the risk of their cancer returning. The implication is that it’s chemotherapy or nothing. So, for example, doctors are unlikely to tell breast cancer patients that they should avoid dairy foods, though the evidence that they should is very strong. The one certainty is that it is extremely unlikely that anyone you see will tell you all the truths about chemotherapy. The sad truth is that the statistics about chemotherapy are, of course, fiddled to boost drug company sales and, therefore, drug company profits. And the deaths caused by chemotherapy are often misreported or underestimated. So, for example, if a patient who has been taking chemotherapy dies of a sudden heart attack their death will probably be put down as a heart attack – rather than as a result of the cancer or the chemotherapy. There may be some mealy-mouthed suggestion that the death was treatment-related but the drug will probably not be named and shamed. Neither the chemotherapy nor the cancer will be deemed responsible. What this means in practice is that the survival statistics for chemotherapy are considerably worse than the figures which are made available – considerably worse, indeed, than whatever positive effect might be provided by a harmless placebo.

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BIRD FLU: additional information     MERYL NASS

And a TV show I filmed yesterday for CHD-TV with Brian Hooker goes into the details about the various vaccines and the 2 methods being employed to roll out experimental vaccines legally

JUL 26, 2024 – I did a 2 hr, detailed bird flu presentation and about 45 minutes extra Q and A for IPAK-EDU, an organization founded by James Lyons-Weiler to provide science education. The organization graciously made this available for free, and has made clips from the presentation as well, to make it easier to digest.

The presentation and clips are posted here:


Bird flu vaccines are fast approaching   MERYL NASS

Yesterday the Federal Register published a required declaration by HHS Sec Becerra (a lawyer who proved clueless about medicine during COVID) which allows the FDA to issue BIRD FLU EUAs

JUL 25, 2024 – This is what happened yesterday. A PREP Act declaration, which allows the FDA Commissioner to simply decide (with or without data) that the benefit of a bird flu vaccine, drug, test or medical device is likely greater than the risk, and thereby issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the product. Without a license, without standard testing (and possibly with no human testing) an EUA can be issued. It gives the manufacturer, the government, the doctor, the clinic, the shipper—everyone—a waiver of liability for the product.

And the American Medical Association issued a set of CPT codes for doctors to use when administering a CSL Sequirus bird flu shot, last Friday.

CSL Sequirus made the H5N8 bird flu vaccine being used in Finland right now, where the first humans are receiving a Sequirus bird flu vaccine grown in chicken eggs (and not made in the US). 15 EU countries have order 665,000 doses with an option for 40 million total.

The US government has ordered 4.8 million doses of bird flu vaccine from CSL Sequirus, made in the US, grown in MDCK dog kidney cells in a factory in Holly Springs, North Carolina with a troubled past.

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[Ed.:  Quack-quack everybody! Where is Fauci when you need him?]




July 25, 2024   ICANEarlier this year, The HighWire broke an alarming story on how the U.S. government is funding the development of “self-spreading vaccines.” Through FOIA, ICAN’s legal team discovered two companies that are engineering viruses designed to “hijack” our God-given immune systems, force our cells to become factories of these “therapies,” and spread person-to-person.

ICAN sounded the alarm on the grave, and potentially irreversible, threat this technology would pose to our bodily autonomy if released. The segment received record-breaking attention and it appears our coverage, FOIA requests, and the subsequent public backlash have struck a nerve.

One of the two companies, Autonomous Therapeutics, Inc., has rebranded itself since the segment aired. The company website used to brag about how it is building “inhalable,” “artificial immune systems” with its “encrypted RNA” vaccines and therapeutics. [Emphasis added]  Now, the company claims it is simply developing “precision medicines” that are “disease-activated.”

Rest assured, we are not fooled by this pathetic attempt at damage control and ICAN has directed its legal team to continue closely monitoring Autonomous Therapeutics and the many other companies and federal agencies developing concerning biotechnology.

ICAN’s tireless legal team has filed more than 30 FOIA requests demanding answers about the push for self-spreading vaccines. So far, this has included filing three lawsuits against agencies that have refused to comply with our requests. The American people deserve to know whether their government is using their tax dollars to extinguish their right to informed consent.

To support future legal actions like this, click here to donate.


Reports Of Autopsies In VAERS And Associated Adverse Events Linked To Cause Of Death    JESSICA ROSE

Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc; Independent Researcher and Data Analyst; ORCID: 0000-0002-9091-4425

JUL 25, 2024 – This is the manuscript I have been working on for a while now, and I finally got my ass in gear to present a draft to you lovely people here. Please feel free to comment prior to my posting to a preprint server! Comments more than welcome. It gets very depressing toward the end and my discussion is not complete.


Background: Since the roll-out of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2, Moderna mRNA-1273, Janssen Ad26.COV2.S and Novavax COVID-19 injections in the United States, millions of individuals have reported adverse events (AEs) using the Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS).

Objectives: To examine reports of death in VAERS associated with autopsy reports in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products and Influenza vaccines for equivalent timeframes.

Methods: VAERS data was used to examine the frequency of reporting of general AES, and specific AEs linked to autopsy reports since the beginning of the COVID-19 mass injection campaign – up to and including July 2024. COVID-19 injectable product AE data collected from 2021-2023, were compared to Influenza vaccine AE data collected from 2018-2020, thus matching timeframes of administration and VAERS reporting of AEs associated with each product. The total number of shots administered per product type was also calculated and used to calculate rates of AEs per million doses. Autopsy reports made in association with the COVID-19 injectable products were also further examined in the context of fetal and child deaths. In addition geographic locations were mapped according to ratios of autopsies to deaths per state in order to visualize which states ordered the most autopsies.

Results: The number of autopsy reports in VAERS domestic data following COVID-19 injection spanning 2021-2023 is 18 times higher than the average of Influenza vaccines for the timeframe spanning 2018-2020. This represents a 1,714% increase in absolute number of reports of autopsy for equal timeframes in the context of four COVID-19 products versus twelve Influenza vaccines. The average age of the reports involving autopsy in the COVID-19 shot context is 53 whereas it is 25 in the Influenza shot context. 69% of all COVID-19 shot autopsy-linked reports were associated with cardiovascular AEs, and more precisely, 11%, 12% and 16% of these reports are associated with myocarditis, cardiac arrest and pulmonary embolism (PE), respectively. Likewise for Influenza autopsy-linked reports with regard to percentage of autopsy reports associated with cardiovascular issues (67% of total), but only with 7% associated with myocarditis; there were no autopsy reports involving cardiac arrest or pulmonary embolism. The rate of reporting of autopsies in the COVID-19 shot context decreased significantly (p = 0.03) by a staggering 77.6% when compared to the Influenza shot context indicating a questionable discrepancy between standard autopsy request rates and rates in the COVID-19 era.

Conclusions: The rate of autopsy reporting in the context of death AEs when comparing Influenza vaccine to COVID-19 injectable product reports is statistically significantly different. Despite the fact that there is a 1,714% increase in absolute count of autopsies in VAERS when comparing Influenza vaccine to COVID-19 injectable product reports, there is a 77.6% decrease in the rate of autopsy reporting in the context of deaths. 69% (N=262) of autopsy-linked VAERS reports in the context of COVID-19 injections involve cardiovascular AEs including myocarditis, cardiac arrest and PE and supports the theory that the COVID-19 injectable products are deterministic for myocarditis, cardiac arrest and PE. Noteworthy, is that 67% (N=14) of autopsy-linked VAERS reports in the context of Influenza vaccines involve cardiovascular-related death, but with no reported involvement of cardiac arrest or PE.


SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; myocarditis; VAERS; adverse events (AEs); serious adverse events (SAEs)

Word Count: 7,600

Funding source(s): None related

Conflict of interest: Nothing to disclose. Author had access to data and wrote the manuscript.


An autopsy is generally ordered when the cause of death is not known, if there is a public health concern, foul play is suspected or is associated with infants. [1] Pharmacovigilance databases such as VAERS are designed to detect safety signals in data. [2] If safety signals emerge in the context of a particular marketed product, such as a sudden cluster of reports of sudden death or death following cardiac arrest without known etiology, this would provide reason to perform an autopsy. A recent study by McCullough et al., 2024 revealed that of 325 reports of autopsy published in the literature in the context of COVID-19 injectable product administration, that the injections themselves were deterministic of 240 (73.9%), whereby the primary causes of death included cardiovascular-related injuries including sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%). [3]

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U.S. Navy SEALs secure victory in class action settlement over COVID-19 vaccine refusal

JUL 25, 2024  THE CANADIAN INDEPENDENT – Ft. Worth, TX — First Liberty Institute and Hacker Stephens LLP have announced a significant settlement with the U.S. Department of the Navy, impacting thousands of service members who objected to the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds.

Initially filed on behalf of several Navy SEALs and Special Operators, the lawsuit expanded to represent all Navy personnel with religious objections to the vaccine mandate.

Key points of the settlement include:

  1. The next three promotion boards cannot consider adverse information related solely to COVID-19 vaccine refusal where religious accommodation was requested.
  2. Records of current and former affected service members will be reviewed to remove any negative information related to non-compliance with the vaccine mandate.
  3. The Navy will post a statement affirming respect for religious service members and provide additional training for commanders reviewing religious accommodation requests.
  4. A policy related to accommodation requests that was changed during the mandate will be revised.
  5. The Navy agreed to pay $1.5 million in attorneys’ fees.

The legal challenge began in January 2022, when First Liberty Institute and Hacker Stephens LLP achieved a major victory against the vaccine mandate in Navy SEALs 1-26, et al. v. Biden in Fort Worth, Texas. The case evolved into a class action, securing an injunction that prevented the Navy from discharging service members with religious objections. Despite the Fifth Circuit ruling the Navy’s appeal moot after Congress rescinded the mandate, the case continued to address broader issues of religious discrimination.

Although the Navy sought to dismiss the lawsuit, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division, denied the request, leading to the recent settlement.

“This has been a challenging journey, but the Navy SEALs’ perseverance has paid off,” said Danielle Runyan, Chair of the Military Practice Group and Senior Counsel at First Liberty Institute. “We are delighted that these dedicated service members will not face career repercussions for adhering to their faith.”

Heather Gebelin Hacker, lead counsel for the class and partner at Hacker Stephens LLP, echoed this sentiment, stating, “This is a meaningful victory for all military members and for the principle of religious liberty.”


A case study, well documented, of how hospital staff murdered a 19 year old patient who was doing well, in cold blood   MERYL NASS

I did not believe this story when I first heard about it from my friend Vera Sharav. But I have examined the evidence and it is true.

JUL 23, 2024This one post is not enough to tell the whole story. Grace Schara was a 19 year old girl, full of life, with Down’s syndrome. She drove a car and a tractor, played the violin, told lots of jokes and was altogether delightful.

She got COVID, her O2 level dropped, and she wound up in the hospital, like so many others. Everyone knows by now that hospitals collected huge $ bonuses for each patient who went to the ICU, was placed on a ventilator (still more $) and died with COVID (even more $).

Grace drew a bad hand. She was cared for by doctors and nurses in whom a switch had been flipped. We don’t know know what was going on in their heads. But we do know they were willing to (or perhaps got pleasure from their ability to) break the law and all ethical norms to murder this patient.

A physician placed a DNR on her chart, against her family’s and the patient’ wishes. A doctor told the family she was markedly improved and close to discharge. Then she was given huge doses of morphine and lorazepam in what is charitably called euthanasia. A doctor gave the order. A nurse administered the drugs. A pharmacist presumably dispensed death-sized doses of the drugs for a 19 year old.

I met up with Scott in Denver last month, and again at the Maine Health Choice retreat this weekend. Here is a part of his and Grace’s story. This premeditated murder case could be the one that blows up COVID hospital murders for good. More details are on the Amazing Grace substack.

Our Amazing Grace’s Newsletter

GraceSchara.com Lawsuit Updates

The Diagnosis is the Patient

Landmark lawsuit

Our Amazing Grace

The Diagnosis is the Patient

By Grace’s Dad

June 8, 2024

Special Note:  We were blessed to have The Blaze run a shortened version of this Op-ed on June 7: https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/standards-of-care-or-standards-of-death

Covid exposed the message in the title.  I pray this article will open eyes and hearts to what is going on in the walled gardens we call hospitals.

This is a picture of Grace at 11:10 a.m. on 10/7/21:

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If you are a parent who follows the CDCs VACCINE schedule, here are some facts you need to know and understand to make an informed decision.   Jessica Rojas  @catsscareme2021

July 22, 2024

1. I understand that the pharmaceutical company who made this vaccine has NO liability.

2. I understand that I pay a $0.75 Federal Excise Tax per vaccine, used to pay

vaccine injured families through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) created by the government.

3. I understand that this vaccine contains neurotoxins such as aluminum that far exceeds “safe levels” deemed by the EPA.

4. I understand that this vaccine contains carcinogenic ingredients.

5. I understand that this vaccine was made from aborted fetal cell lines, animal and bug cells.

6. I understand that getting this vaccine does not ensure that I will be protected from the disease.

7. I understand that my child could get the very illness they was vaccinated for.

8. I understand that my child could be a carrier of the illnesses/he was vaccinated for and spread it (“shedding”) for up to six weeks.

9. I understand that my doctor may get monetarily rewarded for having a high percentage of his/her patients who are fully vaccinated.

10. I understand that if my child is injured by a vaccine, my doctor would have to spend an exorbitant amount of hours filling out paper work in order to report it to VAERS (the only way to officially report a vaccine injury).

11. I understand that my doctor has no incentive to fill out paperwork for a vaccine injury.

12. I understand that vaccine injury is under-reported.

13. I understand that vaccine mandates (like SB277) literally hand over new customers to pharmaceutical companies.

14. I understand that pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to make their product better.

15. I understand that pharmaceutical companies spend up to 4x more on advertising than they do on research.

16. I understand that corporate media gets 70% of their advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies.

17. I understand that corporate media does not want to lose revenue, certainly not 70% of it.

18. I understand that when pharmaceutical companies conduct a study (on their own product) it is in their best interest to have a favorable outcome.

19. I understand that this vaccine schedule has never been tested on children collectively and ACIP assumes it’s safe as long as different limbs are used for injection.

20. I understand that this vaccine could cause injury or death, and my child could be one of them.

21. My doctor has informed me on all the risks and side effects and has reviewed the vaccine insert with me.

22. I understand that if my child dies from this vaccine I will be awarded no more than $250,000 and most cases are never heard.

23. I understand that not one vaccine has gone through a saline placebo, double-blind study.

24. I am making an informed choice to vaccinate my child.


Recovering after COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Sjogrens Syndrome   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Alison Jane Reid, Iconic British Luminary, Tells Her Story of Triumph over Illness Using Spike Detoxification

JUL 22, 2024 – Please listen to this full length interview I had with Ms. Alison Jane Reid. She was pressured by her family to take a single AstraZeneca adenoviral DNA vaccine. Vaccine Spike protein damage left her with Sjogren’s Syndrome. Sjögren’s syndrome, also known as Sjögren’s disease, is chronic autoimmune disorder that causes the body’s immune system to attack glands that produce moisture in the eyes, mouth, and other parts of the body.

Alison Jane is a British feature writer, fashion editor and author. For the past twenty five years AJ has roamed the world, interviewing A list cultural icons from Sir David Attenborough to Karl Lagerfeld, the actors from Sex and the City and the leads from Downton Abbey. Alison Jane is renowned for her thoughtful, beautifully crafted, descriptive interview style.

Alison Jane worked as a contributing editor at The London Times for almost a decade, creating cover story interviews and main interviews on actors, national treasures and sporting heroes. She trained as a reporter a Mirror Group Newspapers and The Photographer Magazine. She has written and worked for – The Sunday Times, You Magazine, Country Life, The Lady and The Illustrated London News.

Now moving into the digital age, Alison Jane is the founder and editor-in-chief of Ethical-Hedonist.com – the No1 online magazine for slow, sustainable living, with the focus on fair-trade, organic food and farming and glorious ways to slow down and live a vibrant authentic life. Finally, Reid is currently the editor of the Luminaries Magazine. She is an amazing talent that could not be stopped with a COVID-19 vaccine injury.

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A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022   by Rhoda Wilson

Actual “vaccine” excess deaths may be far in excess of what this study concluded…

JUL 21, 2024 – A new study published on Friday found that the excess all-cause mortality for the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease.

The authors argue that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality over this period are due to mandated measures such as lockdowns; harmful medical interventions such as the use of ventilators and the denial of use of antibiotics; and, covid injections.

A study published on Thursday analysed excess mortality across the world during the covid years of 2020 to 2023.  It was conducted by researchers from the Canadian non-profit Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières.

The paper, titled ‘Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions’, was authored by Denis RancourtJoseph Hickey and Christian Linard.

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries, comprising approximately 2.7 billion people which is about 35% of the world’s population.

Not all countries had sufficient data necessary for calculations.  For example, only 93 countries had sufficient data to calculate excess all-cause mortality rates.  From these countries, the researchers calculated the overall excess all-cause mortality rate for the 3 years 2020-2022 to be 0.392 ± 0.002 % of the 2021 population.  That is between 0.390% and 0.394% of the total population of the 93 countries.

Using the excess all-cause mortality rate for the 93 countries, the researchers were able to calculate the global excess deaths in numbers of people as between 30.7 and 31.1 million people.

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Breaking: Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus   by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines.

JULY 19, 2024 – A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines.

“We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon,” the authors of the study wrote.

Researchers from the Canadian nonprofit Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières analyzed excess all-cause mortality data prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with the March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration and ending on May 5, 2023, when the WHO declared the pandemic over.

The results, presented in a detailed 521-page analysis, establish baseline all-cause mortality rates across 125 countries and use those to determine the variations in excess deaths during the pandemic.

The researchers also used the baseline rates to investigate how the individual country variations in excess death rates correlated to different pandemic-related interventions, including vaccination and booster campaigns.

Not all of the results on a country-by-country basis were the same. For example, in some countries, mortality spikes occurred before the vaccines were rolled out, while in other places, the mortality spikes tracked closely with vaccine or booster campaigns.

In some places, excess mortality rates returned to baseline or close to baseline in 2022, while in others, the rates persisted well into 2023. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., lead author of the study, told The Defender the disparities result from the complex nature of pandemic measures — and the data — in different areas.

Once Rancourt’s team was able to establish the baseline and excess mortality data for each place, they clustered and examined the data through different filters to interpret it, and drew several conclusions.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.