Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery  | 7/4/23 

COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery   

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]


Is the Israeli Government Anti-Semitic?    BRUCHA WEISBERGER

It’s hard to come to another conclusion, seeing the evidence.


JUL 3, 2023 – Something truly chilling is happening.

Why do the people in positions of power in the Israeli government act as if they want their population – specifically their Jewish population – DEAD?

Those who call the shots in the country that was supposed to be the safe harbor for Jewish people worldwide, that was supposed to ensure there would never be a Holocaust again, have acted and continue to behave in ways that are inexplicable.

The facts of what has been perpetrated are documented:

• They denied their citizens proper covid treatment – of which there was knowledge from the beginning – resulting in thousands of needless deaths. (Note: I have firsthand knowledge of this issue, as I was personally involved from afar in helping people in Israel access the simple, safe medications the government was keeping from them, like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. I started a group for this purpose two and a half years ago.)

See Rabbi Uri Sofer testify about this lack of treatment on the recording of my July 2021 event: https://rumble.com/v2xp9fo-the-truth-about-the-covid-vaccine.html

[Ed.:  Without disrespect to this excellent article, no, the IINO government is okay with people of Jewish decent, so long as they are not ‘religious’ Jews!  Remember the Altalena.  Remember Meron! Remember Amiran Ben Uliel, etc., etc., etc.  True anti-Semites hate even the erev rav government that has had the Jewish People in a choke hold since 1948…  It would be far more accurate to call the IINO government ‘Democrats’, or ‘leftists’, which is their true nature.]


WHO Says Henipaviruses Are Next Big Threat to Global Population + More: ‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly  By Children’s Health Defense Team

In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president on leave, and Polly Tommey, CHD.TV programming manager, Mary and Polly discuss the latest news on COVID-19 vaccines and other issues.

07/03/23  – This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president on leave, and Polly Tommey, CHD.TV programming manager, covered the latest headlines on COVID-19Big Pharma and other issues, including what Polly called an “extraordinary story” on a “bombshell” study of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine distribution showing vaccine batches could be divided into three groups — one of these groups demonstrated higher-than-normal severe adverse events and a third group appeared to be a placebo.

Polly and Mary also discussed the release of confidential BioNTech documents, which revealed tens of thousands of serious adverse events and thousands of deaths. The documents, dated Aug. 18, 2022, include data from the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials and post-marketing period from Dec. 19, 2021, to June 18, 2022. Pfizer insisted during this time that they saw no safety signals.

Plus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unanimously voted in favor of recommending a 20-valent Pfizer pneumococcal vaccine for children. CDC advisers also approved new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunizations for adults.

Also on tap this week: Some scientists, attempting to identify the source of the next pandemic, point to henipaviruses, such as Langya, as a future threat to the global population. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists the henipavirus family of pathogens on its prioritization list for vaccines and therapeutics in public health emergency contexts.


UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 3, 2023 5:40 pm – UFC Light Heavyweight fighter Anthony “Lionheart” Smith has publicly announced his stance against COVID-19 vaccinations.

Smith’s declaration comes on the heels of a personal tragedy; his mother fell into a coma two weeks after receiving the Pfizer booster shot and sadly never recovered. Moreover, Smith claims he developed a blood clot shortly after his COVID-19 vaccination.

Smith shared his experiences and concerns on Thursday during a conversation with Former UFC middleweight Champion Michael Bisping on ‘Believe You Me.’ They were joined by Themba Gorimbo, who discussed his recent win and life growing up in Africa.

During their conversation, Bisping and Smith delved into the potential health risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines.

“He’s only a young man. Why do you think he had a heart attack?” asked Bisping.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations — Here Is One Way To Do It

“I don’t know. I mean, anytime there’s a young person that has any kind of heart problems or strokes or things like that, I kind of point in one direction,” said Smith, adding, “It just go straight to vaccinations every time.”

Smith revealed, “When my mom passed, right, she got sick immediately after getting her booster. She was fairly healthy, but she got sick immediately after that. So she got her booster and was in a coma in like two weeks.”


Confessions of an Engineered Nanoparticle   Mark Tokarski

A fictional account told in first “particle” (as I have not yet achieved personhood status)

This is my story of how I am often mistaken as a virus . . .

It seems an appropriate time to speak out.

I am not a naturally occurring nanoparticle (i.e., produced by cosmic dust, volcanic activity, forest fires, iron mining, wind erosion, or solar energy).

I am synthesized for nano-bio interface projects that are often kept secret from civilians. I am called an engineered nanoparticle, or ENP.

I am not produced by gain-of-function virus research projects. However, it may be helpful to review that work and its implications in some instances.

I may cause certain conditions that can be mis-attributed to viruses, but are instead novel forms of cytotoxicity produced by oxidative stress from ENPs, which I call nano-bio cytotoxicosis.

I am designed to enter into the human body by targeting the ACE2 receptor, thereby gaining quick and easy access to the neurological system. Once engaged and aggregated in the nervous system, ENPs like me can wreak havoc, including vast and obscure adverse health effects. As a neurotoxicant, one of my more mild effects is to inactivate a person’s sense of taste and smell. This occurs because I hijack neurons, and tend to “knockout” receptors, causing slight perturbations of synapse function where the neurological signaling for taste and smell transpires. Over the years, I (and naturally occurring nanoparticles) have been a causal factor in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Depending on where I take refuge in the human body, I can cause inflammation (especially in organs) and create macrophages (which lead to antibody, cytokine, and exosome production). This inflammation results from generating reactive oxygen species (ROS). My presence and bio-distribution results in oxidative stress (and therefore, production of ROS), which can be mistaken as a viral infection.

Allow me to tell you more about myself . . .


Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm – Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs    (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 1, 2023 2:40 pm – Jo Lindner, a German bodybuilding icon and a beloved YouTube influencer known by his online alias “Joesthetics,” tragically passed away. He was 30.

Jo Lindner was a celebrated bodybuilder who rose to global fame through his online content. Known for his impressive physique and commitment to fitness, Jo amassed a massive following on social platforms, with almost a million subscribers on YouTube and 8.4 million followers on Instagram.


Tragic News: Actress Succumbs to Assisted Suicide Following Covid-19 Booster Injuries   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 1, 2023 3:15 pm – Katarina Pavelek, a Slovakian actress known for her work on Fox Sports Live (2013), The Mindy Project (2012), and Marry Me (2014), died earlier this month in Liestal, Switzerland following an assisted suicide.

The model and actress had received her Covid-19 booster shot a year ago, which she believed would enhance her immune system.

Tragically, Pavelek experienced significant health deterioration thereafter, according to Evie Magazine.

The outlet reported:

Like most people, Pavelek thought the jab would improve her immune system – instead, it did the opposite, and she suffered heavily as a result.

Pavelek was diagnosed with an incurable chronic neurological illness known as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms that affects daily activities. At times, this condition may confine people to their beds. ME/CFS can worsen if individuals with this illness overwork themselves. The model was also suspected to have respiratory ALS, a neurodegenerative disorder that weakens the muscles involved in breathing and swallowing.

According to CDC, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling and complex illness. People with ME/CFS are often not able to do their usual activities. At times, ME/CFS may confine them to bed. People with ME/CFS have overwhelming fatigue that is not improved by rest. ME/CFS may get worse after any activity, whether it’s physical or mental.


Unlawful Orders: Our Military Betrayed   [1:02:12]    Children’s Health Defense

June30, 2023 – Were COVID-19 vaccine military mandates legally justified? The panelists on ‘Friday Roundtable,’ this week, explain how this method of coercion led to the loss of service members’ careers and caused immense injury. Viewers, tune in to this episode on CHD.TV for a powerful discussion about our nation’s defense readiness and those who fight to protect our country.


COVID Vaccine Advocate and Popular Mexican TV Doctor Dies of Heart Attack   by Tony Gray

July 1, 2023 – Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno, 42, a well-known Mexican TV doctor and prominent COVID-19 vaccination advocate, died Monday morning.

In a press conference, Puebla Gov. Sergio Salomón Céspedes Peregrina confirmed the doctor’s death, noting it resulted from natural causes but did not provide specifics, according to an Intoleranciadiario report.

[Ed.:  Age 42, wow!  He likely got time off for good behavior.  Naturally!]


Fatal and Debilitating Smallpox Vaccine Induced Myocarditis   By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Department of Defense Relies on VAERS System to Study Symptomatic Heart Damage from Vaccine

July 1, 2023 – Over the course of the COVID-19 crisis we have heard from government officials and those supporting the mass vaccination campaign that the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event System (VAERS) is not reliable and that patient/family/healthcare provider reports into the system may not be accurate and thus cannot be used to assess causality. I can tell you as an epidemiologist, analyses VAERS are invalid if they attempt to calculate incidence or declare an outcome is “rare”—that is because VAERS represents a gross under-reporting of the actual numbers of side effects.

I found this paper from Engler et al, US Department of Defense, which relied upon VAERS do to research approved by an Institutional Review Board to assess the smallpox vaccine utilized in the US military. After vaccinating more than a million personnel from the theoretical threat of smallpox bioterrorism with the old-fashioned type of smallpox vaccine grown on the skin of calves, the US military switched to a second-generation vaccine that’s grown in laboratory cell cultures.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.