Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery  | 8/10/23

COVID-19 / Malicious Medical Quackery  

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Canada, Suriname and Argentina, July 31-August 7, 2023   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Ontario scholar-activist Howard Adelman, ER doc Ian Donald MacLeod, sociologist Fred Diamond; hockey star Gilles Gilbert; B.C. mathematician Shaun Alfred Strohm; PEI poet Cynthia French; & 382 more


Anthem Medical’s Vaxx-Incentive Plan Exposes How Much Doctors Got Paid to Push the Death Jabs   JD RUCKER

Follow the blood money.

AUG 10, 2023 – Following the rollout of the Covid-19 “vaccines,” there was a hardcore push by people in authority to get as many men, women, and children jabbed as many times as possible. Politicians and bureaucrats made threats and restricted those who refused. Journalists gaslit us. Celebrities ridiculed us. It has only been in the last few months that the pressure campaign has let up a bit, but it’s still there in the background.

While most Americans have a healthy distrust for politicians, corporate media, and Hollywood stars, a strong majority of people got jabbed anyway for one huge reason: Most doctors were on board with the mass-vaccination program. Many might laugh when Bill de Blasio or Sean Hannity advise us to get jabbed, but with so many doctors echoing the sentiment, millions if not tens of millions dismissed their better judgment based on recommendations from medical professionals.

Studies and strong data points demonstrating the jabs were neither safe nor effective started coming out mere weeks after the rollout, so why did it take most doctors so long to get clued in? A recently surfaced copy of Kentucky Anthem Medical’s “Covid-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” may offer the obvious answer:



BREAKING: Early onset dementia is being caused by the COVID vaccine (~25X increase)   STEVE KIRSCH

AUG 10, 2023 – The medical community is never going to admit this and the mainstream media is never going to cover this, but I thought you should know. People who work in nursing homes are seeing a 25X increase.

Executive summary

No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines are causing a very significant increase in the likelihood of people developing sudden dementia.

I just got off the phone with a charge nurse at a rehab/long term elderly care facility. She’s been a nurse for 32 years and has never seen anything like this in her history.

She told me that they would rarely see anyone suddenly exhibit dementia behaviors like sudden onset hallucinations for no reason (nothing showing in the labs); maybe around 2 a year.

Now, just in the last 12 months, she’s seen this happen nearly 50 times, which is a 25X fold increase in the dementia rate.


Same Old Playbook: Health Experts Sound Alarm on New COVID Variant EG.5 Just In Time for the Next Election   By Jim Hft

Aug. 10, 2023 12:15 pm – Another fear porn from the so-called health experts just in time for the next election. The same old playbook.

The World Health Organization on Wednesday classified the EG.5 coronavirus strain circulating in the United States and China as a “variant of interest” but stressed it did not seem to pose more of a threat to public health than other variants. Despite the message from WHO, some health experts are sounding the alarm.

“As of 7 August 2023, 7354 sequences of Omicron EG.5 have been submitted to GISAID from 51 countries. The largest portion of EG.5 sequences are from China (30.6%, 2247 sequences). The other countries with at least 100 sequences are the United States of America (18.4%, 1356 sequences), the Republic of Korea (14.1%, 1040 sequences), Japan (11.1%, 814 sequences), Canada (5.3%, 392 sequences), Australia (2.1%, 158 sequences), Singapore (2.1%, 154 sequences), the United Kingdom (2.0%, 150 sequences), France (1.6%,119 sequences), Portugal (1.6%, 115 sequences), and Spain (1.5%, 107 sequences),” according to WHO.

EG.5, a subvariant of omicron and descendant of the XBB strain, has been circulating in the country since at least April. However, as of Aug. 5, it reportedly accounts for 17.3% of COVID infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


WAYNE ROOT: A Covid Vaccine Nightmare Story Everyone Needs to Hear. The Next Person Crippled, Disabled, or Dead Could Be You!   By Wayne Allyn Root

By Assistant Editor Aug. 10, 2023 1:00 pm – There is a silent tragedy of epic proportions going on in our country. It’s silent because the media refuses to connect the dots.

Have you noticed the tsunami of recent headlines about high-profile Americans who “died suddenly” or suffered heart attacks, strokes, or blood clots at young ages? Celebrities, athletes, entertainers, and CEOs are dropping dead, or having heart attacks.

Still, the media whistles past the graveyard.

There are always a thousand excuses. Anything and everything, EXCEPT blaming the Covid vaccine. It can never be the vaccine.

Strange thing though. Virtually every one of these dead, crippled, disabled or seriously-ill people have one thing in common: they were vaccinated. What a wild coincidence!

I’ll soon write a column about 65 friends, acquaintances, and business associates of mine…people I personally know…who have died or suffered serious illness since being vaccinated. The numbers are piling up. These are not coincidences. It’s a pattern. Studying a pattern like this used to be called “SCIENCE.”

In the meantime, I have one up-close and personal story that every American needs to hear. Last week I went out to dinner with one of my best friends (let’s call him Mike). He told me the story of his own sister, who was badly injured and disabled by the Covid vaccine. He then informed she’s a big fan of mine and watches my Real Americas Voice TV show every Saturday. He said she’d like to talk to me and share her story.

We spoke yesterday. Here’s her story.


Remote Control of Bodily Functions Can Be Enabled by Transgenic DNA Modifications Scientists describe a working mechanism to cure diabetes in mice   IGOR CHUDOV

AUG 9, 2023 – Can we alter people’s genes via a surreptitious DNA transfection to remotely control their bodily functions? In the past, such discussions belonged to the realm of science fiction, supervillain cartoons, or conspiracy theories.

Not anymore.

new study published in Nature described a particular transfection of human cells (HEK293 cells) that altered certain genes inside those cells. These reprogrammed human cells, placed inside lab mice for experimentation, would perform a certain biological process when stimulated with an electromagnetic signal externally.

[Ed.:  It’s therefore reasonable to think that some mice prefer jazz.]


WHO COVID-19 Standing Recommendations   JAMES ROGUSKI

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued “Standing Recommendations for COVID-19 in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR).

AUG 9, 2023 – The Director-General of the World Health Organization has issued “standing recommendations” regarding COVID-19.

These standing recommendations will be in effect from August 9, 2023 to April 30, 2025.

The use of standing recommendations will help with the transition from the emergency phase of the response, which included the use of temporary recommendations, to the new normal, as we increasingly bring COVID-19 into the mainstream of infectious disease management.

https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/documents/ihr/final-report-rc-srs-covid-19_4-august-2023.pdf (page 16)

For months, I have been saying that THE WHO IS SIMPLY GOING TO IMPLEMENT the very things that they are PRETENDING TO BE NEGOTIATING in regards to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the proposed WHO CA+ Framework Convention.


BOMBSHELL: FDA Admits Guidance on Ivermectin was Illegal, Invokes ‘Sovereign Immunity’ for Misleading Statements (& Crimes Against Humanity)   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

AUG 9, 2023 – This Substack has chronicled the illegal war on PSYOP-19 early treatment therapies by the very perpetrators of the “pandemic,” and their associated criminal mandates. It is no surprise that the most vilified early treatment repurposed drug Ivermectin has also been by far the most effective:

The reason that the captured FDA along with their partners-in-crime the CDC, WHO, UN, WEF, CFR, DoD, Pentagon, CIA, the illegitimate Federal government, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofits,” et al. have targeted Ivermectin is threefold: it is exceptionally effective as an early C-19 treatment, mass administration would have resulted in plummeting global (turbo) cancer rates, and this wonder drug attenuates and reverses the slow kill bioweapon DEATHVAX™ damage.

A landmark lawsuit filed against the FDA by doctors Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik, and Robert Apter was heard in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday. Part of this lawsuit against the FDA was specific to fraudulent and illicit claims made by the agency against Ivermectin.


Beyond Belief: Covid Shots Leaving a Trail of Murder in Communities   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

G-d, please call an end to the suffering, send the redemption, and bring the killers speedily to justice, in our days.

AUG 9, 2023 – A woman I’m personally in contact with posted Steve Kirsch’s recent article with her own introduction, as follows:

At this point only a purposely blind zombie could deny the obvious danger of the vaccine.

In this substack Steve Kirsch highlights one person’s factual, provable and undeniable observation of the sudden deaths/sickness/injury in his circle that can only point to the vaccine. Every single one of us can share similar observations….I actually have started a list on my phone’s notepad every time I hear of a sudden death/injury of a vaxxed person and I think I even beat Jay Bonner’s tally. Perhaps my network is broader….below is what is on my list. All vaxxed.

7 of my friends lost their mothers suddenly.

13 of my friends lost their fathers suddenly.

A Rabbi I know, his young wife dropped dead.

My friend’s Dad has turbo cancer and my friends mom has turbo cancer. Both in 60’s.

My friend’s uncle dropped dead.


Returning to dsDNA contamination by diving into VAERS  JESSICA ROSE

What do the AEs look like in the context of vax lots found to be contaminated?

AUG 9, 2023Please re-read Kevin McKernan’s piece about dsDNA contamination that you can find here, published on February 16, 2023.

Nepetalactone Newsletter

Deep sequencing of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent vaccines identifies contamination of expression vectors designed for plasmid amplification in bacteria

Deep sequencing of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent vaccines identifies contamination of expression vectors designed for plasmid amplification in bacteria. February 16th 2023 Introduction As universities in the United States continue to mandate liability-free injections (COVID vaccines) for students at limited risk of contracting COVID, it becomes imperativ…

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He identified dsDNA contamination in a number of vials of COVID-19 injectable products. I covered this here and here and interviewed Kevin on this subject matter here. The Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen products were all implicated. Including the bivalent shots.


What do the real stats look like for geriatric practices and nursing homes post-vaccine? Please take this very important survey.   STEVE KIRSCH

We never hear of any success stories from nursing homes about how the all-cause mortality plummeted after the COVID vaccines rolled out. Do you know why? It’s because there aren’t any.

AUG 7, 2023 – Over 9,000 views and no success anecdotes.

Hmmm… I can’t say I’m surprised.

This means we are being lied to. If they were telling the truth, we’d be reading about all these success stories in mainstream media. I’ve not seen a single success story. Not one!

If the vaccines reduce death, why aren’t there any success stories?

Clearly, I’m not the only one who hasn’t seen any “success” stories. Nobody else has either!


Growing Concern Vaccine Heart Damage in Adolescents May be Permanent   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Hong Kong Study Finds 58% of COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Confirmed by MRI Not Resolved at One Year   

AUG 8, 2023 – Almost everyday the news brings another story of a young person dying of cardiac arrest. It is a sickening realization that COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis could leave a zone of scar in the heart, risking the chance of ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest at any time. Recently Hulscher et al have conclusively shown by autopsy that COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis can be fatal.

Now a Hong Kong study by Yu and colleagues have found that of young persons who had heart damage confirmed by MRI and who underwent a second scan one year later, 58% had residual abnormalities suggesting a scar could be forming in the heart muscle.

Forty adolescents, mean age of 15, mostly boys were evaluated. It was notable that 73% had no cardiac symptoms, so without an evaluation, the parents would have had no idea their child was suffering heart damage from the COVID-19 vaccine. Approximately 18% of cases initially had reduced left ventricular ejection fraction indicating they were at risk for the development of heart failure.


More Vaccines Equal More Deaths   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Do More Jabs Lead to More Deaths? Here Are the Latest Data

August 8, 2023 – We know what the data showed for infant vaccines and mortality rates back in 2009, but has the picture changed since then? How about the COVID shot? What do the latest data show for outcomes for those who were jabbed versus those who were unvaccinated?


  • A peer-reviewed study published in 2011, using 2009 data, demonstrated that “among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates”
  • Earlier this year, that study was replicated using 2019 data, still finding a robust negative correlation with vaccine doses. A second follow-up analysis also included mortality data on neonates and children under 5, using datasets from 2019 and 2021. All three categories — neonates, infants and under 5’s — have higher mortality rates the more vaccine doses they’re given
  • Other studies have shown that the timing of vaccine administration can impact the mortality risk. The gender of your child can also make him or her susceptible to injury and death, and the sequence in which they receive the vaccines can heighten or lessen the risk of death
  • A German study compared outcomes between people who got the COVID shot and those who didn’t. During 2021, symptomatic COVID-19 complaints were more frequent among the unjabbed, but during 2022, the ratios of COVID infection in the two groups narrowed until, finally, the jabbed group was 18% more likely to get COVID, and the COVID infections experienced by the jabbed group were more severe. The rate of severe persistent symptoms of COVID was also 2.5 times higher among the jabbed
  • The jabbed report being diagnosed with new chronic health problems at a rate 2.5 times higher than the unjabbed, and menstrual problems among women are four times more frequent in the jabbed group than the unjabbed group


The spike protein, ACE-2, cysteine content and redox shifts – Part II   JESSICA ROSE

Oxidative stress, cellular respiration, mitochondrial damage, Warburg effect and more

AUG 8, 2023Let’s now talk about oxidative stress and the Warburg effect and what we can do to minimize them.

Oxidative stress can lead to cell damage (including sperm DNA fragmentation guys) and manifests when an abundance of reactive intermediates of oxygen metabolism accumulate due to insufficient of antioxidant activity. The damages can lead to a multitude of disease states including cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Lafora disease, Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fragile X syndrome, sickle cell disease, lichen planus, vitiligo, autism, infection, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, enhancement of inflammatory disorders

1 and fibrotic pathways.

In the paper we discussed in Part I, the authors state that in the context of COVID-19, a metabolic rewiring takes place whereby cells rely on glycolysis for ATP supply. Cancer cells undergo this kind of rewiring.

Before we continue, please watch Dr. Eric Berg’s video about oxidative stress and viral infections. I must say it is excellent and covers a lot described in the paper originally intended for review. The one thing that Dr. Berg doesn’t cover are the effects of the COVID-19 shots.

As a side note, the authors of the article do address this briefly in Section 4:


Is the Israeli government antisemitic? Of course! Just as the US government is anti-American, the UK government is anti-British, and the Japanese government is anti-Japanese (and so on, worldwide)  MARK CRISPIN MILLER

AUG 7, 2023  – Check out the latest figures on excess mortality and disability from all four countries.


Jay Bonnar’s anecdote is statistically impossible if the COVID vaccines are safe   STEVE KIRSCH

Jay lost 15 of his friends who all “died suddenly.” All were vaccinated. Four dropped dead within 24 hours of the shot. 3 of the 4 were ~30 years old, perfectly healthy before their death. Whoa.

AUG 7, 2023 – High tech sales executive Jay Bonnar, age 57, had 15 of his direct friends (not “friends of friends”) die unexpectedly since the COVID vaccine rolled out. All his friends who died were vaccinated. In his entire life, he’s never had any friends die unexpectedly. Zero. If the vaccines are safe, the chances of this happening are near zero. In other words, Jay’s experience is proof that the vaccines are causing people to die unexpectedly. Think I’m wrong? Where is your anecdote showing that the unvaccinated are dying unexpectedly at the same rate as the vaccinated? Surely, those anecdotes should be TRIVIAL to find, right?

Executive summary

Most people who call themselves “scientists” are dismissive of anecdotes, especially if the numbers are small (such as less than 20). They are fond of educating people that “the plural of anecdote is anecdotes, not data.”

This is simply untrue. In fact, it is misinformation.

A single, independently-verifiable anecdote can be extremely powerful. It can totally destroy the scientific consensus and prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the CDC is lying.

I’m going to show you an example of this in this article.


Anthony Fauci’s Deceptions   By David Zweig

A trove of emails, Slack messages, and other documents reveal Fauci’s behind-the-scenes involvement. ‘Tony doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories.’

August 7, 2023 – On April 17, 2020, with much of the country still in some form of lockdown and news of overwhelmed hospitals dominating the headlines, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then a member of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force, was asked a question toward the end of a White House press briefing: Was there a possibility that this novel virus came from a lab in Wuhan, China?

“There was a study recently,” Fauci said confidently, “where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences there and the sequences in bats as they evolve, and the mutations that it took to get to where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.” In other words, it wasn’t from the lab.

This moment set the template for much that would follow from Fauci over the next three years. That is, evasion, deception, and misdirection about his support of high-risk virology research and its connection to the possibility that a lab leak in Wuhan caused a worldwide catastrophe.

Fauci, who was the face of the public health community during the crisis, pushed the idea that the evidence strongly indicated that the virus was just a tragic, natural occurrence. He insisted, repeatedly, that an epidemic that started in Wuhan was unlikely to have been the result of an escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

But Fauci had an incentive to arrive at his conclusion about the deadly pandemic that started in Wuhan. The WIV was known for doing high-risk virology research studying and manipulating coronaviruses. Fauci, as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for almost 40 years, had funded such research at the WIV.

Fauci’s posture—dismissive toward the theory of the lab leak, and later, condescending toward those who entertained it—set what became the accepted narrative about the origins of the pandemic. It was a narrative that was parroted by the government, public health officials, and the media, and even enforced by social media platforms at the request of the Biden White House.

But last month, a trove of explosive emails and other documents were released by the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. These revealed evidence of Fauci’s and other officials’ behind-the-scenes involvement with scientists and journalists, demonstrating their efforts to quash the lab leak theory.



The spike protein, ACE-2, cysteine content and redox shifts – Part I   JESSICA ROSE

The power of antioxidants and what they actually do in the context of COVID-19

AUG 7, 2023


This article took me a long time to write because I needed to learn, and relearn, a lot of chemistry. I am a biologist, not a chemist by ‘trade’ (I felt a little out of my ‘element’ here – hardy har har) but when it comes to living systems, so many of our fields and subject matters are integral parts of each other. It also took me extra time because my original intention – to simply review a specific journal article – got somewhat railroaded, primarily because I don’t think the article is readily ‘consumable’ by the average reader even if that reader does have a science background. I realized along the way that it wasn’t going to be as easy as summarizing points raised by the authors, and that I would have to go quite deep into the fundamentals of chemistry in order to have any chance of conveying a meaningful biological message.

For me, it’s not enough to just say ‘take antioxidants’. I want my readers to understand why they should take antioxidants, if it is suggested. I want my readers to understand what an antioxidant actually is and doesI want to understand what an antioxidant actually is and does!

My hope for this article is to pick out (and apart) the most important points made in this and other related articles, and to very clearly define why certain people fair better than others with regard to COVID-19 pathology severity (and pretty much all ‘diseases’ and disorders, including cancer) in the context of redox reactions and the environment that pre-determines such things as binding events, in the first place. I have also decided to make it a multi-part series. The amount of important information to convey is too large, and too important, for a single article.


Belfast Cardiac Surgeon Dies Suddenly During Cycling Trip in France   ANDREAS OEHLER

What were the odds?

AUG 7, 2023 – “Belfast cardiac surgeon dies suddenly during cycling trip in France” (Belfast Telegraph, 2023.08.01):

Simon MacGowan split his time between Bray and Northern Ireland. He was part of a group who set off on a holiday cycle across the French Alps, enjoying several days together on their bikes before reaching their destination of Nice over the weekend, where sadly Mr MacGowan suddenly passed away overnight.

So, not even “during cycling trip”, just when “relaxing” afterwards? Could it be related to the propensity of Irish healthcare workers to inject indiscriminately? “Healthcare workers in Ireland have highest rate of the Covid-19 booster vaccination” (Irish Medical Times, 2022.05.09):

[Ed.:  And that man was a ‘Doctor’!]


Cardiac Mortality Up During 28 Days after COVID-19 Vaccination in Self-Controlled Studies from England, Italy, United States   PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD

Cardiac Fatalities Jump up for a Month After the Shot

AUG 7, 2023 – Because such large populations took COVID-19 vaccines, it is hard to see secular trends after injection. One method is to take a group where follow-up is assured for a prolonged period and then go back and look at what happened during a shorted period of time after exposure.

Marchand et al, found three self-controlled cohorts where the first 28 days after injection could be critically examined after COVID-19 vaccination. Compared to the longer-term of observation over 25 months, the first 28 days carried a pooled hazard ratio (HR) suggesting that COVID-19 vaccination is associated with an increased risk of cardiac-related mortality (HR = 1.06, 95% CI [1.02, 1.11], p = .007). Subgroup analysis showed that male gender is significantly associated with increased risks of cardiac mortality (HR = 1.09, 95% CI [1.02, 1.15],= .006).


Excess Crude Morality: DEATHVAX™ Germany Edition   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

AUG 7, 2023 – Last month this Substack covered the horror show US data:

From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program

·JUL 9 – Today we will review the latest excess crude mortality coming out of Germany:


VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans)   STEVE KIRSCH

AUG 6, 2023 – It takes about 30 seconds to do a VAERS query that shows the COVID vaccines are deadly. The shape of the “onset curve” makes this obvious. An estimated 676,000 Americans have been killed.

Executive summary

72% of the IUS death reports in the 33 year history of VAERS are from one vaccine: the COVID-19 vaccine.

Unlike other vaccines, the COVID vaccines keep on killing people, for months and years after the shot.

The statistics I’ve been able to collect estimate that the COVID vaccines kill 1 person per 1,000 doses. These vaccines aren’t close to safe, so we don’t even have to get into a discussion as to whether they are effective.

They are clearly unsafe and nobody should be taking them.

And we can prove that with one VAERS query which nobody can explain away. Anyone can replicate this themselves.


How the current version of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty (aka Bureau Text) encourages rather than prevents pandemics   MERYL NASS

AUG 5, 2023Weapons of Mass Destruction: Chem Bio

Traditionally, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) were Chemical, Biological, Radiologic and Nuclear (CBRN).

The people of the world don’t want them used on us—they are cheap ways to kill and maim lots of people at once. And so international treaties were created to try to prevent their development (sometimes) and use. First was the Geneva Protocol of 1925, banning the use of biological and chemical weapons in war. The US and many nations signed it, but it took 50 years for the US to ratify it, so we believed we were not bound by it.

The US used chemical weapons subsequently. The US probably used biological weapons in the Korean War, and perhaps in Vietnam, which experienced an odd outbreak of plague during the war. The use of napalm, white phosphorus, agent orange (with its dioxin excipient causing massive numbers of birth defects and other tragedies) and possibly other chemical weapons led to much pushback, especially since we had signed the Geneva Protocol and we were supposed to be a civilized nation.



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.