Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 8/28/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery 

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate .  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]

27-Year-Old Football Player Dies After Sudden Collapse During Match   By Jim Hft

Aug. 28, 2024 8:45 am – 27-year-old footballer Juan Izquierdo has tragically passed away just days after collapsing during a match in Brazil.

The tragic news was confirmed by his Uruguayan club, Nacional.

“It is with deepest pain and shock in our hearts that Club Nacional de Football announces the passing of our beloved player Juan Izquierdo. We express our sincere condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and loved ones. All of Nacional is mourning his irreparable loss. RIP. Juan, you will be with us forever,” Nacional announced on X.

Izquierdo collapsed on the field last Thursday during a Copa Libertadores match at São Paulo’s Morumbi Stadium, according to ESPN.

He was immediately rushed to Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital, where he was placed under intensive care. [Emphasis added]

“Patient Juan Manuel Izquierdo Viana was admitted to the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein on August 22, 2024, at 8:55 p.m., in cardiac arrest, of undetermined onset, secondary to an arrhythmia,” according to the update provided by the hospital.

“The hospital immediately began cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including a defibrillation procedure, and the patient regained spontaneous circulation. Since then, Juan has been hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit, sedated, on mechanical ventilation and under neurological intensive care.” [Emphasis added]

On the next day, Nacional provided another update, stating, “According to information provided by the attending physicians at the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo, Juan’s cardiac arrhythmia is stable. He remains sedated in the ICU, where he will continue to be observed for at least the next 72 hours.”

Despite initial reports that he was in a stable condition, his health took a turn for the worse.

“Patient Juan Manuel Izquierdo underwent new tests this Sunday, August 25. The evaluation showed a progression of brain involvement and an increase in intracranial pressure. Juan remains in neurological intensive care, dependent on mechanical ventilation,” according to the update last weekend.

The hospital released a statement late Tuesday revealing that Izquierdo had suffered “cardiorespiratory arrest associated with his cardiac arrhythmia.”

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[Ed.:  This story sounds so familiar!  They killed him with the drugs and the ventilator – for the money. The guy isn’t even a statistic!!]


How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

The data that shows horrific, unrecognized consequences of vaccination.

AUG 27, 2024


I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article.

Evidence shows that vaccines may not just be responsible for injuries that we can easily see, but also for widespread subtle brain damage which leaves unrecognized neurological disorders, sometimes precipitating a life of dysfunction and criminality.

If this is true, then vaccines have shaped society in the worst way, that we never imagined.

If the DPT vaccine can cause “acute encephalopathy” in a small number of cases (which was acknowledged by the Institute of Medicine in 1991), it must cause a milder condition in a larger number of cases as the reactions of a group of individuals to a given biological stress are never “all or nothing,” but fall along a continuum.

A variety of conditions were created by the American Psychiatric Association which spanned the range from how minor to severe brain damage manifested itself in behavioral disorders (e.g., minimal brain damage, oppositional defiance disorder, conduct disorder, sociopathy). Coulter emphasized that as the DPT encephalitis condition exploded across America, the psychiatric profession tried again and again to gaslight the population by blaming it on unresolved psychological conflicts or poor upbringings rather than providing treatments holistic doctors had consistently found could help these conditions. As far as I can tell, this psychological gaslighting continued until the newer psychiatric medications (e.g., the disastrous antidepressants) entered the market, at which point psychiatric pivoted to mass-prescribing these lucrative products to the post-encephalitic patients.

Many of the complications of encephalitis (e.g., a myriad of learning disabilities or psychiatric and neurologic illnesses such as autism) became dramatically more common in our society starting in the 1940s and 1950s, a rise which paralleled increased vaccinations and increased vaccine injuries (predominantly as a result of DPT) and could be directly observed rippling through society as these children grew up. For example:

Rimland and Larson have called attention to “the striking, almost mirror-image correlation, starting about 1963, between the curves showing the decline in SAT scores and the upsurge in violent crime [which was often psychotic in nature],” suggesting “the existence of one or more common causal factors.”

There is much, much more on this topic, so please read on.

By A Midwestern Doctor, April 2024 (link to original at end.)

Story at a Glance:

•A long history exists of a wave of severe injuries following new vaccinations being introduced to the market. In most cases, those injuries were swept under the rug to protect the business.
•In many cases, the severe “mysterious” injuries we see now are remarkably similar to those that were observed over a century ago. Unfortunately, a widespread embargo exists on ever allowing this data to come to light (as that would instantly destroy the vaccine program).
•A variety of independent studies (summarized below) have shown that vaccines cause a wide range of chronic illnesses.
•A 1990 book made a strong case that widespread vaccination was also causing an epidemic of widespread brain damage which was both lowering America’s IQ and causing a massive rise in violent crime.
•In this article, we will also review exactly what is in that 1990 book and the classic signs that can be used to determine if someone has a vaccine injury.
I frequently recall events that happened in the past which perfectly mirror what is unfolding before us, and in turn, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve witnessed humanity repeat its same mistakes. During COVID, I realized we were again reenacting the same tragedy humanity had ever experienced since the smallpox vaccine was brought to the market, and I had a thought. If people became aware of what had happened before and ended our collective amnesia, perhaps this could at last stop.

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Former BUD/S commander: Covid vaccine caused soaring attrition rate for Navy SEAL training classes   JORDAN SCHACHTEL

“Over 100 people quit within 72 hours” of taking the shot.

AUG 27, 2024 – There are fewer active Navy SEALs in the U.S. military than there should be, and it’s largely because of the Biden Administration’s Covid vaccine mandate enforced upon active duty troops, according to the Navy captain who was in charge of several classes of SEAL training.

Captain Bradley Geary, the former Commanding Officer of the Naval Special Warfare Basic Training Command (which oversees the heralded Navy SEAL (BUD/S) training program), has attributed the soaring attrition rates under his command to the effects of the Covid vaccine mandate on the U.S. military.

Appearing on the “Shawn Ryan Show,” Captain Geary, who has had a long, decorated career, with various combat deployments in the SEAL Teams, said the vaccine was the “only variable” that caused a spike in attrition during training.

“The only thing that changed between class 350 and 351… the mandatory Covid vaccine. It’s the only variable that changed,” he tells the host, Shawn Ryan, who is a retired Navy SEAL who just interviewed President Trump.

Capt Geary was the commanding officer who oversaw BUD/S classes 350 through 353.

“The mandate for the vaccine came down for class 350, but it was the week before Hell Week, so we said no we are going to waive that,” he said. “That’s way too close. That’s way too much risk. We don’t know what’s going to happen, so we let them do it after Hell Week.”

Capt Geary continues:


New mother collapses and dies at one week postpartum   Orly Harari

One week after giving birth to her seventh child, a 35-year-old new mother collapses at home and dies.

Aug 26, 2024, 2:01 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv has declared the death of a 35-year-old new mother, one week after she gave birth to her seventh child.

The woman, named as Yenta Bracha Neuhaus, collapsed Saturday night in her home and was rushed to the emergency room. Following extensive attempts to revive her, the hospital staff was forced to declare her death.

Ichilov reported that the new mother arrived at the hospital’s emergency room one week after her seventh birth, unconscious and while Magen David Adom (MDA) was still attempting to revive her.

The hospital attempted resuscitation and conducted an emergency operation to save her life, but doctors were eventually forced to declare her death. According to the hospital, it is likely that she suffered an aggressive infection.

Neuhaus and her family are Gerrer hasidim and live in Bnei Brak. Her funeral began at 1:30p.m. Monday afternoon; she will be buried in the Ashdod cemetery.

Related articles:


Pandemic after Pandemic, Each with Only One Solution–Mass Vaccination    [VIDEO  43:29]    PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex Rolled Out COVID-19, Monkeypox, Bird Flu in Rapid Succession, Dr. McCullough on InfoWars Hosted by Alex Jones

AUG 25, 2024 – In our book we define a working syndicate called a Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that is running the table on the creation, declaration, and management of pandemics which is an extraordinarily profitable business plan for those in the countermeasure business (personal protective equipment, testing, therapeutics, vaccines). Of these, the prize appears to be mass vaccination. A counter-measure that is high-tech and every person in the world conceivably must take the product. The profits of these shots sold to governments dwarf all other pharmaceuticals which must be developed, approved, and marketed to physicians and the public.

Please join me in studio on InfoWars with Alex Jones to break down how this business plan is being executed by the Complex and what you can do to get educated, stay informed, and protect your family from what is coming next. Filmed August 23, 2024.



August 23, 2024  – New Moderna COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial documents keep coming in from FDA, and recent batches include some unusually large files with more than 5 million rows of data.

As supporters may remember, this clinical trial data was wrested from the hands of FDA by the attorneys who regularly represent ICAN. FDA wanted to take 23 years to release the data but, instead, it was ordered to release all documents by June 2025. As of August 1, 2024, FDA has released approximately 1.4 million pages of Moderna data, out of an estimated 4.3 million pages total.

One large file recently released appears to be a “time to event” analysis of adverse events that occurred during the trial, including death. Crucially, it matches subject IDs with the arm of the trial each subject was in (vaccine vs placebo), which is data that was missing in several adverse event patient case reports previously received.

Several other data files appear to contain electronic diary data collected from clinical trial participants in the days following vaccination. It includes yes/no data on various symptoms they were experiencing (such as fever, headache, arthralgia (joint pain), and nausea) and whether those symptoms affected their ability to perform daily activities. It will be very interesting to compare the symptom rates in this data set with that of V-safe’s “check-the-box” data that we obtained from CDC in 2022.

We encourage those interested to download and examine these files for yourselves, and ICAN will continue to keep you posted as more Moderna documents roll in.

To support future legal actions like this, click here to donate!


New paper in peer review confirms Covid-19 vaccine batch variability in both Denmark and Sweden   SASHA LATYPOVA

AUG 23, 2024

I would like to bring your attention to this paper, newly published in peer review. I know the authors, and their work is top notch. This study is the continuation of the work by Vibeke Manniche and Max Schmeling on batch variability data:

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[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?]


FDA Approves Fresh Round of COVID Vaccines… But Americans Simply Aren’t Interested   By Ben Kew

Aug. 23, 2024 8:30 am – The FDA has approved a fresh round of COVID-19 vaccines from pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna, although less than a quarter of Americans are expected to take the jab.

Vaccines are expected to start shipping in the coming days. However, despite a resurgence of COVID-19 in some parts of the country, interest in taking the latest vaccine or “booster” is at a record low.

This lack of demand has led to a decline in the fortunes of both Pfizer and Moderna. Earlier this year, Moderna posted a $1.2 billion loss after sales of the COVID jab collapsed, having previously reaped billions in profits from the pandemic.

The New York Times explains:

The availability of boosters has not translated into actual vaccinations. By spring, only one in five adults had received last year’s updated Covid vaccine. Even older Americans, who are at far greater risk of being severely sickened, largely spurned the shots, with only 40 percent of people 75 and older taking last year’s vaccine.

The prospects for this year’s rollout remain dim. Older people were still dubious about the need for additional doses, doctors said. The Biden administration has been scrambling to find money to vaccinate uninsured Americans.

And public health departments remained short on funding for the proactive vaccination campaigns that drove uptake earlier in the pandemic, officials said.

As extensively exposed by The Gateway Pundit, most COVID-19 vaccines that were given to the American public were neither safe nor effective, despite claims from Joe Biden and other political leaders that they would stop the spread of the virus in its tracks.

Having blown the whistle on this issue for many years, our position was vindicated back in May when AstraZeneca announced the worldwide withdrawal of its COVID-19 vaccine after acknowledging that it could cause rare but serious side effects.

While the taking of vaccines used to be a nonpartisan issue, the Democratic Party’s weaponization of the COVID-19 jabs and their implementation of “vaccine mandates” led to millions of Americans losing their jobs or being unable to participate in typical societal activities.



Adverse events are now available in single dose servings. Only around 22.5% of U.S. adults received the latest round of shots that came out last fall. This insanity needs to STOP.

AUG 22, 2024 – In June 2024, the CDC recommended that everyone over 6 months old receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine and flu jab this year.

On August 22, 2024, the Food and Drug Administration approved updated Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, putting the new shots on track to reach most Americans in the coming days amid a summer surge of the virus. 

The new shots from Pfizer and Moderna are specifically approved for people ages 12 and older and are authorized under emergency use for children 6 months through 11 years old.  

The jabs target a strain called KP.2, a descendant of the highly contagious omicron subvariant JN.1 that began circulating widely in the U.S. earlier this year. KP.2 was the dominant Covid strain in May, but now only accounts for roughly 3% of all U.S. cases as of Saturday, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

  • Unvaccinated individuals 6 months through 4 years of age are eligible to receive three doses of the updated, authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or two doses of the updated, authorized Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.
  • Individuals 6 months through 4 years of age who have previously been vaccinated against COVID-19 are eligible to receive one or two doses of the updated, authorized Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines (timing and number of doses to administer depends on the previous COVID-19 vaccine received).
  • Individuals 5 years through 11 years of age regardless of previous vaccination are eligible to receive a single dose of the updated, authorized Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines; if previously vaccinated, the dose is administered at least 2 months after the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Individuals 12 years of age and older are eligible to receive a single dose of the updated, approved Comirnaty or the updated, approved Spikevax; if previously vaccinated, the dose is administered at least 2 months since the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Additional doses are authorized for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 6 months through 11 years of age as described in the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine fact sheets.

Individuals who receive an updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may experience similar side effects as those reported by individuals who previously received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and as described in the respective prescribing information or fact sheets.


VSRF Live #140: Down the Rabbit Hole part 3: Dr. David Martin

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

This week’s guest, Dr. David Martin, PhD., is an expert in a wide range of scientific, historical and other forensic areas of study, he never fails to deliver eye-opening revelations of the well-orchestrated maneuvering which has occurred over the last decades between military groups, big pharma, world governments and clandestine cabals, all of which have created these chaotic times we now inhabit.

Join us for this mind-blowing discussion and as always, please share this link and bring some friends.

Dr. David Martin:


EXCLUSIVE: Active-Duty and Former Service Members Affected by Vax Mandate Continue to Plead for Congress to Lend Them an Ear, Part 1    By J.M. Phelps

Aug. 22, 2024 12:20 pm – Over a month ago, former U.S. Army captain and Special Forces Green Beret John Frankman sent a letter to Republican House Armed Service Committee (HASC) members, petitioning for a series of hearings to be held to address the unlawfulness of the mandate as well as its effect on force readiness.

A 2022 hearing did little to address the accountability that needs to take place nor the longstanding repercussions to recruiting and retention that are still prevalent today.

In the year prior to the letter, Frankman—on behalf of himself and thousands of other service members—had already called upon various congressmen to hold such hearings.

“This is extremely important because we’re talking about the readiness of our military and our ability to defend ourselves,” he explained.

“Even while tens of thousands of service members were forced out and vaccine injuries were sustained, the national security of our country was not enough to make Congress rush to take advantage of the majority power they have in the House,” Frankman lamented.

As he and other service members continued to be ignored, Frankman took a more direct approach with his letter, admitting “it’s been almost a nonresponse.”

He attributed the silence to the prioritization of investigating the attempted assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump and the removal of Joe Biden from the 2024 election. “It would be understandable with everything going on had it not been three years since the mandate went out,” he shared.

“In this period time, they’ve held hearings on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” Frankman pointed out. While both are harmful to the military, in his opinion, he asked, “How many people got kicked out for DEI versus how many were kicked out for the COVID shot?”

“You tell me which one has had the greatest impact to our national security?” Frankman questioned. In recent weeks, it appears some congressmen are receiving his message and may be willing to help. “I’m hopeful and happy to continue to engage with them,” he offered.

Advocating for Service Members

Frankman isn’t alone in his call for congressional action. Take, for example, former senior airman Briana Céspedes, who submitted a religious exemption request to the COVID-19 shot in September 2021.

She was unfairly punished, targeted with threats to her career, and spent more than 140 days in isolation as a result. She now represents and advocates for the thousands of involuntarily separated veterans, hoping senior officials of the Department of Defense will, one day, be held accountable for their actions.

According to her, the fallout from the tyrannical enforcement of the COVID-19 military shot mandate has “affected the entire morale of our military. She noted that “it’s kicked out tens of thousands, and we’re continuing to see low recruitment numbers.”

“Our nation’s security has been affected, so why haven’t we had a hearing in over two years about it?” Céspedes wondered. “Why can’t one single member within HASC call that forward to have specific hearings on this issue?”

“Every member of HASC has been encouraged by email to do this, and some of them were met face to face,” she said. “What we’ve told these congressmen is that we’re at your service, so use us,” she said.

“We have the data, we have the witnesses, and we can assist you, so please give us hearings that are more directed towards military matters.”

Roundtables concerning COVID and Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) data are not enough, she explained.

“Some congressmen appear to be listening to us, but they’re not calling out anything or anyone in a hearing,” Céspedes said. She praised Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for being “the only member that’s really been willing to put himself out there and really speak up and not let go of the issue, [but added] we’re ready for more than discussion at this point.”

Regarding Rep. Gaetz, she noted, “he tried to put forward an amendment to the NDAA that would include back pay [for service members separated for refusing the shot].”

For service members, the effort was a disappointment, because “it didn’t even get through the House Armed Services Committee.”

“Many are saying we’re going to get change with a new president, but isn’t it Congress’s job to ensure the rights of the people even outside of a Republican president?” Céspedes asked.

“We’re being dismissed to wait for the next administration to do something, even though we have a Republican House, and that’s just a terrible disappointment to the thousands involuntarily separated by an unlawful mandate who continue to live with the repercussions of being kicked out.”

Echoing the words of others on the topic, she wants to see someone held accountable. But like the others, she’s been largely ignored.

Controller of Conscience: God or Government

Even the highest court in the federal judiciary has failed to help address the problem. On April 29, the Supreme Court denied a petition by 38 military chaplains to reinstate Alvarado v. Austin.

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Ocular Hemorrhage Attributed to COVID-19 Vaccination   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Risk Factors Include Diabetes, Prior Eye Surgery, and Ocular Injections but Not Oral Anticoagulants

AUG 22, 2024

In clinical practice I have seen a range of ocular pathologies in patients after COVID-19 vaccination and confirmed findings with ophthalmologists. One thing I have learned is that the Spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination can cause a wide array of both bleeding and clotting abnormalities long after injection. This may be worsened by intercurrent COVID-19 illness. Because of the widespread use of fibrinolytic and anticoagulant supplements (nattokinase, bromelain) and medicinal antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (aspirin, clopidogrel, apixaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, warfarin), I wondered if use of these agents was worsening the risk of bleeding in the eye among the vaccinated.

I found numerous reports of ocular hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccination. Diabetes, prior cataract surgery, and injections for macular degeneration were cited as risk factors or co-incident conditions. It was interesting that not a single report cited an over-the-counter or prescription blood thinner as a contributing factor.

While all supplements and drugs have risks and benefits, I believe our usual and customary practice of warning patients concerning mucosal and major bleeding is reasonable. The risks of clotting after vaccination far outweigh the risks of bleeding, and thus will continue to recommend anticoagulant regimens in the appropriate clinical scenarios with bleeding caveats given to patients.


Deep Learning Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy on Twitter in 6 High-Income Countries: Longitudinal Observational Study    PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Confidence in Vaccines Plummets as Safety Data Emerge

AUG 21, 2024 – As trust has been lost in the healthcare industry and mainstream media which funneled government pandemic health narratives to the public , there has been a rise in the use of Twitter for information on COVID-19 vaccine safety and loss of theoretical efficacy.

Zhou et al, collected 5,257,385 English-language tweets regarding COVID-19 vaccination between January 1, 2020, and June 30, 2022, in 6 countries-the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Ireland.

“On average, the prevalence of intent to accept COVID-19 vaccination decreased from 71.38% of 44,944 tweets in March 2020 to 34.85% of 48,167 tweets in June 2022 with fluctuations. The prevalence of believing COVID-19 vaccines to be unsafe continuously rose by 7.49 times from March 2020 (2.84% of 44,944 tweets) to June 2022 (21.27% of 48,167 tweets).”

So by mid 2022, 65% of Tweets indicated they were not taking any more COVID-19 vaccines and the sentiment was they were unsafe for human use. The bottom line is that Twitter was impactful in getting safety information out to the public in the midst of censorship observed in the peer-reviewed literature, mainstream media, and Meta (Google, Facebook, Instagram).


Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

AUG 20, 2024 – As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

…what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown…

They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada…

Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective.

Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold.

Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting:

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Merck MMR case ruling: “You can defraud the American people when government agencies go along with it”   STEVE KIRSCH

An Appeals Court has ruled that it is OK for drug companies to make false claims as long as the regulators don’t object. This has huge negative implications for whistleblowers going forward.

AUG 19, 2024

Executive summary

Andrew Wakefield produced an awesome movie, Protocol 7, documenting how Merck defrauded the US government in order to keep their vaccine on the market even though it didn’t meet the required efficacy standards.

The lawsuit had been in the courts for nearly 15 years.

It’s finally over. No more appeals will be made. Merck won, the American people lost.

Merck defrauded the FDA as to efficacy claims, but the FDA and CDC knew about the fraud but continued to buy the product anyway. The court ruled that because the FDA was a willing participant in the plan to defraud the government, it wasn’t fraud that is actionable by whistleblowers acting in the public interest to expose the fraud.

What this means is that, unless there is a change in US law, government agencies can continue to collude with the drug companies to defraud the American people and market drugs that are fraudulently marketed as safe and effective. Nobody will be held accountable.

Future whistleblowers will have their careers destroyed and have nothing to show for their work. No lawyer will take on any similar cases in the future.

There was a mainstream media blackout on the decision.

This decision is very important because it basically greenlights government agencies to conspire with drug companies to defraud the American people.

I expect that Congress will do nothing to fix this loophole because they are dependent on support from pharma companies.

Protocol 7 documents the fraud. I highly recommend this film.

The MMR case is brought to life in the movie Protocol 7 which was produced by Andrew Wakefield.

You can watch it for $10 here.

I highly recommend this film. It is riveting. Rated 4.8/5.0 stars. It’s just 90 minutes long.

You can read more about the film in this CHD article:

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New Oxford study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died   STEVE KIRSCH

We now know kids should NOT get the COVID vaccine.

AUG 19, 2024

Executive summary

A major study at Oxford University which tracked equal numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated kids shows that only the vaccinated kids are dying unexpectedly and experiencing myocarditis and pericarditis.

Expect health authorities to ignore this because otherwise it would make them look bad.

Oxford study shows only vaccinated kids are dying and getting myocarditis and pericarditis

new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus.

The new study looked at the official government data of more than 1 million English children and adolescents aged between five and 11 and 12 and 15.

The study compared vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects.

Vaxxed: 12 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis, 3 deaths
Unvaxxed: 0 cases; 0 deaths

Considering there were no COVID deaths in either cohort, health authorities such as the CDC should be IMMEDIATELY telling parents not to vaccinate their kids.

The myo and pericarditis cases difference is highly statistically significant (p=0.00024). The death differences (3 vs. 0) were just short of statistical significance (p=.13).

For more details

See the full story on Slay News: Major Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge


There is now no question that the increase in heart conditions in young people were caused by the COVID vaccine and not by the virus.

Expect the medical community to ignore this study and continue to advise parents to vaccinate their kids, even though the data says otherwise.


Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm?   A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

An explanation of the zeta potential concept

AUG 16, 2024

Story at a Glance:

•Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases.

•Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases—a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine.

•Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic.

•Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential.

Note: this is an abridged version of an article I previously published here. Since I receive many questions on this topic and readers wanted an concise version of it, I worked to distill it down to its key points so this topic could easily be shared with others.
Many medical problems stem from the diagnostic approach of physicians, especially with complex illnesses, which are often misdiagnosed and lead to ongoing patient struggles.

Complex conditions can present with varied symptoms across patients and resemble other illnesses (e.g., fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome). In turn, poorly trained physicians often default to psychiatric explanations, overlooking the true causes.

Vaccine injuries have a wide range of symptoms and hence have confused doctors for over 200 years (with many doctors in the past labeling them as “encephalitis”).  Presently, I believe three main mechanisms underlie the myriad of vaccine injury:

Immune Dysfunction: Vaccines frequently cause chronic autoimmune disorders and varying degrees of immune suppression.

Cell Danger Response: Cells can enter a primitive state under threat, stopping normal mitochondrial function. This temporary state can become chronic, underlying many severe conditions. Treating this response has resolved conditions linked to vaccination, like autism.

Impaired Circulation: Vaccines can impair fluid circulation by affecting the body’s zeta potential. This causes fluid clumping (i.e. micro blood clots and blood thickening) and obstructs blood flow in capillaries.

My focus was drawn to the zeta potential concept once I realized that many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the COVID-19 vaccines) were due to the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential. I now believe that patient outcomes would significantly improve if the medical system prioritized the zeta potential.

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The American Board of Internal Medicine Revoked All 3 Of My Board Certifications    PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA

Although I can still practice medicine, the ABIM’s actions against me and Paul Marik threaten the sanctity and autonomy of the physician-patient relationship. The harm to patients will be immense.

AUG 17, 2024 – I will just start by saying that I believe that the ABIM’s decision was 100% predetermined even before we first received their accusation in June 2022. There was no way they were going to declare us innocent of misinformation, even though a good portion of this country knows how effective and accurate our deeply evidence-based Covid treatment guidance was (and still is).

One of the reasons why they were never gonna let us off is that, if they declared us “innocent,” (i.e. accurate) that action would have immediately imperiled the decisions by medical boards across the country who persecuted hundreds of doctors for using ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or for recommending against Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy products. More importantly, it could potentially launch hundreds of thousands of lawsuits by the families of patients who died due to lack of early treatments offered by clinics and hospitals or filled by pharmacies.

The above examples which led to the deaths of so many shows the sheer power of mega-corporations that put their financial interests ahead of our health and our lives. Through their overwhelming influence over nearly every institution of society and Science (media, journals, health agencies, politicians, medical schools, physicians etc), they literally succeeded in depriving a whole country (and world) of the most effective, inexpensive, safe, and widely available treatments for Covid. My biggest worry is that this crime against humanity may never enter the history books and thus will be eventually erased from memory. Which is looking probable.

The massive financial opportunities that Covid immediately presented to Big Pharma were threatened by the “inconvenient truths” Paul and I put out there. This ABIM action is one way in which Big Pharma punishes those who are foolish enough to do so. Foolish is not quite the right word in our case as I would argue we were simply naive to the consequences of advocating publicly for the use of off-patent medicines for an immensely profitable disease. It wasn’t heroism as some think, but rather extreme naivete.

I really never thought I would have to lose/leave three jobs and now three Board certifications for speaking truths. Recall that I was very well known in my specialty prior to Covid and was about to become Full Professor when I resigned as Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin (where I was also the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center). Reading that Washington Post article above was a pretty sobering reminder of how far I have supposedly “fallen” (Not so fun fact: they completely overstated my salary as the money I received in 2022 included retroactive pay for 2021).

But I am still standing folks. I am happily practicing medicine at my Leading Edge Clinic with my amazing partner Scott Marsland. As many know, we specialize in treating vaccine injury syndromes and Long Covid, and I believe we are soon closing in on having treated our 1,400th patient.


Bird-Brained Public Health Management of H5N1 Avian Influenza    [50:51]    PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex Inept or Methodically Slow-Walking World into Mass Vaccination?   

AUG 16, 2024 – Natural immunity has handled the problem of avian influenza or bird flu over a century of observation.   Human agency has worsened the global burden of this viral zoonosis with every public health intervention.  About 20 years ago China and other countries in Southeast Asia started vaccinating poultry.  Because the shots are not sterilizing, they allowed more birds to carry the virus, spread it, and the birds failed to develop natural mucosal immunity.

In the summer of 2023, the French attempted to vaccinate meat ducks and it backfired with greater spread of the virus and a response from the US and Japan by banning French duck meat.

The current strain of H5N1 or highly pathogenic avian influenza circulating in the United States is most likely a result of serial passage or gain-of-function research conducted in the US Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia.  The experiments were successful in expanding the host range into mallard ducks and migratory waterfowl allowing spread from farm to farm.   However, this adaptation resulted in the virus no longer being characterized as “highly pathogenic” with no large numbers of lethal cases in birds and very mild and rare cases in farm workers.

Legacy reports carried forward to May 30, 2024, indicate the case fatality rate (CFR) for human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus was 52%, with 463 deaths out of 889 reported cases largely from Southeast Asia since January 2003.  Malnutrition, very poor working conditions, families sleeping with sick chickens, lack of early therapeutics and care for secondary bacterial pneumonia appear to be the explanation for deaths from this treatable illness.  McCullough Foundation was unable to find any human deaths in the US over decades of avain influenza.

Despite these observations, bio-security measures have been taken in multiple states (Texas, Michigan, Iowa, Colorado) which are “bird-brained” unnecessary government PCR testing of poultry, culling or intentionally killing healthy flocks of chickens with payment to farms for testing and culling.  US FDA approved the CSL Seqirus Audenz antigen vaccine in 2021 based on antibody studies in normal human volunteers.  There were 11/2395 deaths from the vaccine and 1/796 with placebo in the volunteer group indicating it was not safe for human use.   Oblivious to the risks, the European Commission’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority tapped CSL Seqirus to deliver 665,000 doses of its bird flu vaccine for 15 European countries. Under a four-year contract, authorities can purchase up to 40 million more doses.  Moderna received an infusion of US government dollars ($176M) to develop mRNA human bird flu vaccines.

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‘Medical Warfare’: Doctors Who Questioned COVID Shots, Promoted Ivermectin Lose Certification  by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

The American Board of Internal Medicine last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, following a two-year investigation into their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for COVID-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

AUG 15, 2024 – Two doctors who spoke out about vaccines and alternative treatments for COVID-19 received notice that their medical certifications were revoked, while another doctor said her certification was revoked without her knowledge.

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, following a two-year investigation into their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for COVID-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

According to The Washington Post, the two physicians continued “to promote ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medication, as a treatment for COVID long after the medical community found it to be ineffective.”

Kory and Marik are co-founders of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which promotes alternative treatments for COVID-19.

Citing unnamed experts, the Post claimed the FLCCC “spread misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic.”

MedPageToday quoted an ABIM spokesperson, who said the organization “does not comment publicly on the reasons for the revocation of certification.”

However, in a summary of the ABIM’s decision reviewed by The Defender, the organization stated that the doctors’ “conduct poses serious concerns for patient safety and undermines the trust that the public and the medical profession place in the meaning of ABIM board certification.”

In a press release, the FLCCC Alliance said it “categorically disagrees” with ABIM’s decision.

“We believe this decision represents a dangerous shift away from the foundational principles of medical discourse and scientific debate that have historically been the bedrock of medical education associations,” the press release states.

Marik told The Defender:

“The bottom line is we’re disappointed because we stand up for the truth. To censor science is to censor progress. Science is based on dialogue and people can have different points of view. That is the principle of science: it’s people having different points of view.

“We’ve never been in a situation before where physicians who have opposing points of view are silenced … It sets a really bad precedent that you can’t really challenge the status quo, and as we know, in medicine, there have been very dramatic changes based on changing understandings of science.”

In the FLCCC Alliance press release, Kory said, “This fight is about more than just our right to speak — it’s about protecting the future of healthcare. When doctors are silenced for questioning the prevailing narrative, we all lose.”

Kory and Marik participated in an ABIM hearing in May, but internist Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, told The Defender that ABIM revoked her certification without her knowledge.

Nass said she was blindsided by ABIM’s decision to revoke her license, which she said she found out about only when she searched for herself in the organization’s database of certified physicians.

Nass told The Defender:

“After the Maine Medical Board suspended my license illegally — even though none of my alleged transgressions met the statutory requirement for an immediate suspension — the board later found me guilty of things I had not done and continued the suspension … All of this with never a single patient complaint.

“Now I learn, by chance, that the ABIM has suspended me without ever informing me I was even under an investigation, which is illegal according to the ABIM’s process.”

Dr. Peter McCullough also faced similar difficulties with the ABIM over his positions on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. According to MedPageToday, ABIM revoked his certifications in 2022 — although, as of today, ABIM lists him as certified.

McCullough told The Defender, “The ABIM is violating principles of equal protection, due process, rules of evidence and has gone ex post facto to find reasons to attack qualified ABIM-certified doctors who innovated and saved lives early in the pandemic.”

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Here We Go: Pro-China World Health Organization Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency Just Months Before Presidential Election  (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Aug. 14, 2024 3:20 pm – The China-friendly World Health Organization announced today that a global emergency had been declared over a recent monkeypox (mpox) outbreak in Africa less than three months before Americans are scheduled to vote for president.

CNN reported that WHO convened its emergency “mpox” committee amid concerns that a deadlier strain of the virus had spread into four additional regions in Africa. More than 17,000 cases and more than 500 deaths have been reported in 13 countries in Africa since the beginning of 2024 according to the outlet.

The monkeypox outbreak had previously been contained to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

According to the outlet, independent “experts” on the committee met virtually Wednesday to advise WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to emphasize the “severity” of the situation. Following the discussion, Ghebreyesus announced that he had declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), the highest level of health alarm under international law.


As CNN notes, PHEIC is a status given by WHO to “extraordinary events” that pose a public health risk to other countries through the international spread of disease. These outbreaks often require a coordinated global response.

The outlet further reports WHO previously authorized the Emergency Use Listing process for monkeypox vaccines along with a regional response plan requiring $15 million in funds. $1.45 million of these finds have already been distributed.

The current strain of monkeypox is deadlier than the previous one that entered America in 2022. Symptoms of monkeypox are quite nasty. They include a fever, a painful rash, body aches, enlarged lymph nodes, and extreme fatigue.

However, unlike COVID, monkeypox cannot be spread via the air and is nowhere near as contagious. Monkeypox spreads through close contact via kissing, touching, and sexual intercourse with someone is infectious. The virus is primarily spreading via sex and predominantly affecting gay and bisexual men like the previous strain.

Moreover, not a single case of the new variant has been located in the U.S. yet, but the CDC is requesting doctors to look out for symptoms like skin rashes and lesions. No other continent has reported infections at this point either.

It is unclear why WHO felt the need to declare a worldwide health emergency given these facts rather than one limited to African countries. No doubt this will spark a wave of speculation regarding other potential motives.

[Ed.:  So now they expect us to stop fucking monkeys until after the election?]

‘MILLIONS of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities’ in COVID-19 Injections   KAREN KINGSTON

400x magnification of 54 COVID-19 vials further confirms mRNA injections contain millions of undisclosed, bioengineered ‘smart’ entities that respond to electromagnetic signals and are highly toxic.

AUG 13, 2024 – Before we dive into the details of this newly published peer-reviewed article, I want to emphasize why this new scientific analysis is a critical piece of evidence in our battle to stop the extermination-level assault on humanity with mRNA nanoparticle technologyWe can’t stop the crime if we never identify the weapon.

This newly released analysis is further evidence of the toxic (and sometimes lethal) self-assembling, Ai nanotechnology entities found in the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ vials. Under the fraudulent promotion of “safe and effective vaccines” these toxic nanobiotechnologies were injected into billions of adults and children around the globe causing an unprecedented level of disease, disabilities, and death.

“Visible Artificial Self-Assembling Entities”

The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) published a scientific analysis of 54 COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ vials (45 Pfizer, 7 Moderna, 1 AstraZeneca, 1 Novavax) confirming the presence of “3-4 million self-assembling entities per milliliter” of the COVID-19 injections. Specifically, Pfizer mRNA injections contained 900,000 – 1.2 million self-assembling nanotech entities per dose, and Moderna contained 1.5 – 2.0 million nanotech entities per dose.

The scientific peer-reviewed analysis was conducted by Dr. Young Mi Lee and Daniel Broudy (PhD) and was aided by the Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDoc).

Self-Assembling and Self-Spreading Nanotechnology Confirmed

The scientific researchers confirmed that both the replication and self-assembly of the pre-programmed nanoparticles is activated by internal and external conditions (including external electromagnetic fields from cell phones and laptops).

These external electromagnetic fields create activation periods that are part of the unpredictable shedding phenomenon that occurs during “nanoparticle overproduction” causing transmission through sweat, saliva, semen, and other excretions.

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Fauci Shocked That He Keeps Getting WuFlu Despite Being Infinity Vaxx’d and Boosted   DANA LOESCH

“I can’t believe throwing the virgin into the volcano didn’t placate the angry sun god,” says Dr. BS Fairydust.

AUG 14, 2024 – Dr. Anthony Fauci is shocked that he got the WuFlu a third time despite having all of the magical jabs and mcboosters:

“I got infected about 2 weeks ago. It was my third infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.”

“I can’t believe throwing the virgin into the volcano didn’t placate the angry sun god,” says Dr. BS Fairydust, former head of the National Institute of Actual Dumbasses. Despite surrounding his bed with an impressive rotation of crystals every night, wearing face panties carefully positioned over every orifice, and rubbing menthol paste on the soles of his feet, the sometime Hoggle coplayer from “Labyrinth” still contracted the virus. His greatest regret remains his inability to persuade millions of people that the only way to stop the spread of an unstoppable virus (by its very nature of being a virus) is for everyone to receive an injection of ¯\_( )_/¯ serum, but the mystery serum only works if everyone takes it. Unlike herd immunity, which creates, you know, actual immunity, this approach makes Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci a lot of money which is the next best thing to herd immunity.

I think throwing an actual virgin into a volcano would have done more for inoculation at this point.

In 2021 Fauci told CBS’s ‘Face the Nation” that vaccinate people become “dead ends” for the coronavirus:

“So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic and the level of virus is so low it makes it extremely unlikely — not impossible but very, very low likelihood — that they’re going to transmit it.” …

When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said. “In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

But Fauci didn’t become a “dead end.” Neither have any other the millions of people who got the shot(s) and yet still contracted the virus. Fauci accused millions of Americans who didn’t get the shot of propagating the virus, calling it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Big Pharma was in heaven: they got to rush out a taxpayer-funded, wholly experimental shot that did more for Big Pharma profits than it did for actual inoculation and to prevent the tapped public from running dry lawmakers sought to mandate the shots annually. We knew the masks for the purpose of the virus was all performative garbage, the social distancing, quarantines, and in the end the shots themselves — but it was forced anyway as the great public pacifier.

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ABIM: “Follow the consensus, not the science. Saving lives is not a priority.  STEVE KIRSCH

That’s the message ABIM is sending to physicians by revoking the board certifications of Doctors Marik and Kory. “Follow the consensus, not the science.” It’s about compliance, not saving lives.

AUG 14, 2024

Executive summary

Today, the Washington Post gleefully reported the revocation by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) of the certifications of Paul Marik and Pierre Kory.

The message they are sending is clear: “All physicians must toe the line. If you disagree with the medical consensus, we will make it impossible for you to practice medicine for the rest of your life. We just don’t give a damn what the scientific evidence is or how many lives you save.”

In this article, I’ll go through the evidence and the mortality stats.

Why they revoked their certifications

This is Paul Marik. He’s arguably the most published intensivist in the world. And on top of that, he’s one hell of a nice guy.

It’s simple. Kory and Marik said publicly ivermectin works to treat COVID.

The ABIM thought this was misinformation so revoked their certifications. This means they can’t practice in any hospital or academic setting.

Dr. Pierre Kory. Kory is the world’s #1 advocate for ivermectin. For that, he had his ABIM board certification revoked. That’s ridiculous when there are two systematic review/meta-analysis papers in peer-reviewed journals saying it works.

The top of the evidence-based medicine (EBM) pyramid is the systematic review and meta-analysis

Evidence based medicine pyramid. Note the top of the pyramid. That’s where ivermectin is.

The highest standard of evidence based medicine (EBM) is the meta-analysis and systematic review published in a peer reviewed journal. It doesn’t get any better than that.

So what does EBM say about Ivermectin? At least two of them say it works:

There are others that say it doesn’t work, but no physician should lose their license if there are one or more systematic reviews/meta-analysis supporting their recommendation. That would be unethical of course. It would be anti-science.

But that is what ABIM did.

Basically, they are sending the message that what you have to follow is the medical consensus as dictated by the FDA and CDC. Nothing else matters. If you go against the FDA and CDC, you lose your license. It’s that simple. Do not challenge authority.

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Trust in Doctors Plummets During the COVID-19 Pandemic: 50-State Survey of US Adults   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

Failure to Treat Early at Home and Pushing Unsafe Ineffective Vaccines at Root Cause

AUG 10, 2024 – Patients from all over the country fly in for appointments in my DFW office. When I ask them why have you come from so far? The most common answer I get is “I don’t trust my doctors anymore.” Patients feel burned by doctors who refused to prescribe medications in the McCullough Protocol featured by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons since October of 2020. Some ended up being hospitalized for lack of early treatment and sadly some loved ones died because of therapeutic nihilism. But the capper was the relentless push with novel, genetic, unsafe and ineffective COVID-19 vaccines. Most will never forgive their doctors, mid-level providers, and nurses for lifelong injuries and disabilities resulting from COVID-19 vaccination. Many physicians have not apologized despite the obvious errors in medical judgment.

Data from Perlis et al support this sentiment from internet surveys conducted between April 1, 2020, and January 31, 2024, among 443,455 unique respondents aged 18 years or older residing in the US, with state-level representative quotas for race and ethnicity, age, and gender. Overall, the proportion of adults reporting a lot of trust for physicians and hospitals decreased from 71.5% (95% CI, 70.7%-72.2%) in April 2020 to 40.1% (95% CI, 39.4%-40.7%) in January 2024. Wisely declining COVID-19 vaccination and boosters was strongly associated with loss of trust.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.