Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 8/7/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery 

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]

Detransitioner Sues Medical System that Left Her “Permanently Disfigured” – Says Pro-Trans Bias Led to Double Mastectomy   [VIDEO  1:16:17]   By Margaret Flavin

Aug. 6, 2024 8:20 pm – When Soren Aldaco was only 17 years old, she went on transgender hormones.  By the time she was 19, she had a body-altering double mastectomy.

Aldaco, who is now a 22-year-old student at the University of Texas at Austin, is suing the medical providers who allegedly enabled the body mutilations she now regrets.

According to The Dallas Express, in mid-July, a Tarrant County judge issued an order to reinstate her paused claims against a DFW area medical group and worker in the lawsuit.

The judge’s order ensured that Del Scott Perry, a nurse practitioner, and his employer, Texas Health Physicians Group, would face legal action. Aldaco alleged that Perry initiated the process of putting her on transgender hormones when she was 17 years old.

“[Perry] definitely had an agenda,” Aldaco recently told DX in an exclusive interview. “His child is transgender. I don’t think anyone is evil, but I do think he was mindless in his prescription of these drugs because of that familial connection that gave him blinders to the vulnerabilities of other children.”

Aldaco said her taking transgender hormones caused her to experience complications, such as vaginal atrophy and joint pain. Still, she said she never encountered any pushback from medical workers during her initial transition.

“I was not thinking what concretely was going to happen to my body,” Aldaco told DX. “I thought about it a lot, but it was more of a fanatic, obsessive thinking.”

Aldaco faced complications from the surgery, risks she said were not adequately addressed, and she was diagnosed with  “massive bilateral hematomas,” which required additional medical intervention.

Aldaco also said in her suit that medical workers failed to weigh how her history of ADHD, depression, and anxiety impacted her gender dysphoria and her desire for a drastic solution.

She praised Texas’ law banning the administration of transgender hormones and other related medical interventions when it comes to minors telling DX, “I think Texas is effective in many ways, but I do wish we had a more standardized therapeutic approach for these children who are struggling with reconciling their sex.”

“I do not think people under 18 should be making such permanent medical decisions.”

You can read Aldaco’s lawsuit here.

Aldaco is not alone in her regret.

In 2023, a  25-year-old North Carolina woman filed a lawsuit against doctors who aided her sex change when she was only 15 years old.

Detransitioner Prisha Mosley told Charlie Kirk, “I was promised male puberty, and instead I got menopause.”

Mosley was left with a disfigured body, deepened voice, joint pain, bone pain, and facial hair, to name just a few irreversible side effects.

In July of 2023, Chloe Cole spent her 19th birthday before the U.S. House of Representatives reliving her horrifying, life-altering experience with “gender-affirming” care.

Cole pleaded with House lawmakers during a hearing on gender-affirming care for minors to put an end to child sex changes and shared the heartbreaking details of how her parents were manipulated by a sinister “gender specialist” into having her mutilated.

Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz, however, has worked to make this type of type of disfiguring, life-altering decision even more accessible to children.

Walz signed HF 146, also called the Trans Refuge Bill,  which makes Minnesota a “refuge” for children seeking gender-affirming treatment. It also allows the state to take temporary emergency jurisdiction of a child who is not able to obtain gender-affirming treatment, such as when the parents do not condone such treatment.

It allows the state to take temporary emergency custody of minors who travel to Minnesota to receive gender-affirming treatment and bars the enforcement of subpoenas and extradition requests from other states when the request is related to the requesting state’s prohibition on gender-affirming treatment.

The bill also bars the removal of a child from the custody of a parent/guardian if the reason is due to providing gender-affirming treatment.

Watch Soren in her own words


Former Alabama Football Player’s Family Accuses Hospital of Trying to “Kill Him” to Harvest Organs   By Anthony Scott

Aug. 6, 2024 10:00 pm – Former defensive back for the Alabama Crimson Tide, Terrance Howard, died at Atrium Hospital in North Carolina on August 1st after he was tragically struck by a car on I-85 in North Carolina.

News One reported after being struck by a car, Howard suffered a traumatic brain injury and was placed on life support.

Howard’s parents, in a series of videos uploaded to Facebook, have expressed their outrage over Howard’s care at Atrium Hospital and have claimed the hospital attempted to “kill” their son in an organ harvesting scheme.

Howard’s father, Anthony Allen, claimed the hospital “put something in Terrance’s IV to kill him.”

The former football star’s mother, in a video, shared, “They’re trying to kill my son because they want his organs.”

Per The New York Post:

Former Alabama football player Terrance Howard’s family accused the hospital that treated him for brain damage of “trying to kill him” for the purpose of organ harvesting after he was struck by a car on I-85 in North Carolina in July.

Howard’s parents released a series of videos on social media accusing the hospital that treated him, Atrium Health, of malpractice and organ harvesting.

Howard’s father, Bishop Anthony Allen, alleged that the hospital “put something in Terrance’s IV to kill him” and prevent a transfer to another hospital.

“They told me that they wanted my son’s organs,” Howard’s mother said in a video. “They’re trying to kill my son because they want his organs.”

Howard suffered brain trauma and was placed on life support, but ultimately died on Aug. 1, according to North Carolina Central University.

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[Ed.:  We’re worth more to the dead than alive. Fact check it!]


No sick animals or humans. But now Massachusetts is demanding to test all dairy herds in the state. Did USDA provide a big enough bribe?    MERYL NASS

On May 30th nearly a $1 billion was allotted to the states for “livestock health” and today MA took the bait

AUG 06, 2024 – The feds do not have the right to go test healthy herds. But the states do, if sufficiently encouraged. Today Massachusetts brought down the hammer.

You can find ANYTHING with a properly chosen PCR test and enough iterations (cycles). Massachusetts admits it in today’s letter: there are NO sick cows. NO sick humans. But we need the damn virus! We can’t play the Biosecurity game or give out the vaccines without a virus!

The MDAR claims it will provide results quickly when it receives them from “the lab.” Did no one tell MDAR that any results at the state level will need to be verified by a federal USDA lab, so there are two labs that may be involved, and everyone will just have to live with USDA’s results? No private labs are allowed to perform a verification.

Again, no cows are sick. No humans are sick. No one has caught bird flu from food, ever.

There is NO evidence farm workers wearing PPE or keeping flocks indoors protects farmers or birds from anything.

If there was no PCR test we would not know this disease exists. There have been confirmed human cases in the US in the last 2.5 years and before that, none. There are 5 other possible cases that probably tested negative, which is why CDC has not confirmed them. In the entire USA. None went to the hospital and none died.

Farmers and citizens need to get on the phone and start calling all our elected officials, as we did with the WHO, and say no more!

The excuse that avian flu viruses could recombine with human flu viruses is a pathetic joke—there is virtually no human influenza till January each year. If that was the real fear, you might start these efforts in winter.

But it is a mild disease, with mostly just pink eye. Why do we even care if a mild pink eye transmits between humans? ? Well, maybe there is a plan to make it BOTH transmissible between humans AND make it dangerous:

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August 6, 2024  – While heart conditions and other physical adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines have been well publicized, psychiatric adverse reactions have mostly flown under the radar (or, perhaps, have been swept under the rug). Recently, however, a study found a significant connection between certain mental disorders and COVID-19 vaccination, including anxiety and depression.

In light of this study, ICAN conducted a new analysis of all V-safe data released to date for reports of depression or anxiety symptoms following the COVID-19 shot. The results were shocking.

To date, the V-safe productions show more than 10,000 reports of either depression or anxiety after receiving the vaccine. Some entries report increased depression or anxiety, while others report these symptoms as a completely new condition. Disturbingly, there are also various reports of suicidal thoughts and/or ideations. Obviously, those that did commit suicide would no longer be in a position to submit further reports.

Here are a few examples:

  • “[T]he shot gave me severe symptoms of depression and anxiety. Yesterday and a little bit today I felt like I wanted to die [sic] some of it was feeling under the weather but a big part of it was that I was emotionally miserable for no apparent reason [and] I didn’t want to live.”
  • “I have been getting waves of unusual anxiety since the day after my second shot.”
  • “Extremely irritated, suicidal thoughts at times, extremely angry, severe depression and moderate anxiety the past 36 hrs”

One would think that CDC would thoroughly investigate (or at least pretend to care about) these highly concerning entries. However, they did the exact opposite. Approximately four months after this V-safe data started rolling in, CDC released a report which only analyzed anxiety symptoms that occurred within the 15-minute observation period following COVID-19 vaccination. CDC concluded that “most events resolved within 15 minutes of supportive care” and they “might be caused by anxiety about receiving an injection.”

It is appalling that CDC could make such blatant misrepresentations to the public when it had numerous reports through V-safe from vaccine recipients who were being hospitalized for panic attacks and wanting to end their lives.

ICAN will continue analyzing the V-safe data and will update you as we know more.

To support future legal actions like this, click here to donate.


New EU digital vaccination cards   PETER IMANUELSEN

A new pilot project sees several countries trying a new electronic vaccination card.

AUG 06, 2024 – You have probably heard about digital ID.

You have probably heard about digital ID.

But have you heard about the new European vaccination cards?

Several European countries including Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Greece and Latvia are going to try out a new digital vaccination card.

The goal is to gather vaccination data in one easily accessible place.

This system was made possible thanks to the Global Digital Health Certification Network run by none other than the WHO. Originally it was developed during covid for the EU digital covid certificate.

So what we are seeing now is that basically the same system that was set up during covid, is making a comeback. Were the covid passports just a test run?

These new vaccination cards will come either in the form of a physical card or digitally on smartphones.

Guess what? The vaccination cards will contain a QR code that will be scanned.

This is just a pilot project, but they are planning on implementing it widely in the EU, with further plans being announced in 2026.

Do you know who else had something similar? Germany in the 1930s…

They had something called a ”health passport”.

You can read all about it in my article here:



This video is amazing. Please watch. I encountered this over and over again during COVID while I was working behind the scenes with families trying to save their loved ones from hospital protocol.


[ED.:  Stay away from the hospital!  Develop and maintain nosocomephobia.]


Why Was Moderna Allowed to Use A Toxic mRNA Dose?   A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

The data that proves Moderna used a deadly dose and the psychopathy that led to the choice to use it

AUG 04, 2024

•One of the major problems facing mRNA technology was finding a dose that was strong enough to elicit the desired effect but simultaneously not unbearably toxic. Moderna in turn chose a dose that was 3.3X greater than what even Pfizer felt was safe enough to use.

•Since the vaccines hit the market, numerous datasets have shown the Moderna vaccine is roughly 50% more likely to injure recipients (which includes deaths, miscarriages, and birth defects). Despite this, no regulator has done a basic comparison on the safety of the vaccines.

•Steve Kirsch recently got access to a country-wide dataset on deaths following vaccination. It showed clearly and unambiguously that the Moderna vaccine caused 30% more deaths than Pfizer’s. Additionally, it also showed that Pfizer’s vaccine raised the risk of death by 34% and that both vaccines had minimal efficacy in preventing COVID-19 deaths.

•Moderna’s decision to bring a toxic mRNA dose to market reflected the corrosive culture at this startup, which swindled billions from investors over false promises of the miracles of mRNA and fired any employee who did not repeat the mantra, “mRNA gene therapies are safe and effective.” Likewise, Moderna’s approval and protection once on the market go hand in hand with the government’s heavy financial investment in Moderna.  [Emphasis added]

One of the most common questions I received at the start of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout was if it was better to take Pfizer, Moderna or to wait for J&J’s to come out. Given all the potential risks of the mRNA technology (e.g., of it not breaking down, it potentially integrating into the genome, or it having a high theoretical risk for causing cancerautoimmunity, and blood clots—all of which there was still no public data on), my typical advice was to wait for J&J’s likely safer one to come out as that would give them more information on the risks and benefits of each one and simultaneously to provide them with early treatment options for COVID-19 so they didn’t need to be as concerned about catching the infection.

Note: each of the sources I linked to above demonstrates why it was possible to know this risk existed prior to the vaccine rollout.

Based on their comparative designs and the reports I received, I suspected Moderna was the worst. For example, someone I knew who developed a common debilitating autoimmune condition after Moderna was told by their rheumatologist that they had seen the exact same thing happen in multiple patients after Moderna, while someone I know who had a sudden expected tendon rupture was likewise told the same thing by their orthopedic surgeon. Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible to come to a clear conclusion here as the majority of the people who shared their adverse reports with me (and I compiled here) knew it was Pfizer or Moderna but weren’t sure which, and since far more Pfizer vaccines were given in the United States that it became quite hard to know if proportionally I was receiving more reports of severe injuries from Moderna.

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Public Health has brought us:  by Jennifer Margulis, PhD

12:36 PM · Aug 4, 2024  Jessica Rojas

Toxic water in Flint, Michigan

An addiction crisis that results in 70,000 drug overdose deaths per year, nearly 70% from opioids

Some 600,000 unnecessary C-sections a year

One of the highest maternal mortality  rates of any industrialized country

23 million Americans suffering from autoimmune conditions

1 in 36 children  with ASD

Suicide rates rising, especially among young people and medical doctors , and a life expectancy rate that has fallen (slightly but enough to be considered statistically significant) for the past 3 years.

Public Health prioritizes profits over people, resulting in one of the most bloated vaccine schedules in the world.

I love America . We all want the same thing: our children and our planet to survive and thrive. It pains me to see so many parents suffering because their children have environmentally induced iatrogenic brain and immune system damage.

Public Health is failing the 327 million people who live in this country. Anyone who takes the time to look at the big picture understands that this is true.

Having concerns about the CDC’s current childhood vaccine recommendations isn’t about being anti-vaccine. It’s about being in favor of children’s health, evidence-based medicine, science, and intact brains.

Journalists, it’s time to report fairly and accurately on this topic.

Politicians, responding to the failure of Public Health by trying to force for-profit medicine on every family is absurd.

Doctors, enough already. Come out of the closet. We need you to fight for our children not for Big Pharma.”


‘Stunning’ 620% Higher Risk of Myocarditis After mRNA COVID Vaccines

‘Stunning’ 620% Higher Risk of Myocarditis After mRNA COVID Vaccines –A peer-reviewed study of 9.2 million South Koreans published in Nature Communications uncovered a 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% higher risk of pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Researchers also noted increased risks of several autoimmune conditions, especially after booster doses.

26 July 2024 – A large-scale peer-reviewed South Korean study has found significantly increased risks of serious cardiac and neurological conditions following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, and lesser risks of several autoimmune diseases. The nationwide population-based cohort study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, followed nearly 4.5 million people for an average of 15 months after vaccination. Researchers found a striking 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% increased risk of pericarditis in people who received the vaccine compared to historical controls. The study also revealed a 62% increased risk for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder.


“Blood Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Lipid Nanoparticle mRNA Vaccine in Humans”   JESSICA ROSE

A summary of the newly uploaded preprint by Kent et al.

AUG 03, 2024 – A new preprint hit the presses on July 27, 2024 entitled: Blood Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Lipid Nanoparticle mRNA Vaccine in Humans”.1 It was written by a group out of Australia and describes experiments that they did to show that the lipid nanoparticles used in the Moderna COVID-19 injectable products stick around and circulate on the blood. Shocker. They describe how so-called ‘anti-vector responses’ – such as the production of anti-PEG antibodies in the case of the modified mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based injectable products – can be potent effectors in an immune response; be it beneficial, or not. As the authors point out, the long-term effects of boosting anti-PEG antibodies is not known.2

What they did

They wanted to compare the decay rates of both the LNPs and anti-PEG antibodies to see whether the latter influenced the former decay-kinetics-wise, and how, if so. They took 19 people who got the Moderna bivalent ‘booster’ shot by intra-muscular IM-injection, and measured the modified mRNA by PCR and an ionizable lipid (LNP proxy) by mass spectrometry from plasma-derived samples. This small cohort of people all got at least 3 doses of monovalent COVID shots previously. The also took samples from everyone prior to ‘boosting’, and everyone was at least 139 days out from their last shot. This was their control.

One half-decent piece of news is that of the samples tested prior to the ‘booster’ shot being administered, none showed signs of modified mRNA according to their assays: a reverse transcription droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) method. The ddPCR step uses oil droplets to partition the reaction mixture, enabling the absolute quantification of target DNA without the need for standard curves and apparently is highly sensitive and accurate.3

Four hours after the ‘booster’ however, modified mRNA was detected in all samples and in half of the people stuck around for 28 days.

To examine the LNP kinetics, they used a mass spectrometry-based lipidomics method to detect and quantify SM-102 lipids. For those of you who are new to this SM-102 ionizable cationic lipid, I have written extensively on this and you can read about that here and here and here and here.

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Meta-Analysis Finds Massive Failure of COVID-19 Vaccines to Stop SARS-CoV-2   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

68 Studies Combined Demonstrates Lack of Theoretical Efficacy

AUG 03, 2024 – Virtually every vaccinated person I meet has contracted COVID-19. Many still believe vaccination was worth the risk because they did not end up in the hospital in 2021 through the present day. Vaccine-takers tended to be younger working age individuals who were mandated by work or school, and therefore healthier than those not forced into taking the jab. In my practice, the senior citizens who took the vaccine tended to be healthier and far more worried about COVID-19. They were the first to get early treatment for the illness. Finally, we all saw COVID-19 illness become far milder on the second, third, and fourth infections because of natural immunity as we were faced with milder strains. So in the midst of this confounded set of relationships, how did the COVID-19 vaccines perform?

Wu et al, published a meta-analysis of 68 studies evaluating efficacy of COVID-19 vaccination. Keep in mind only favorable studies were accepted by editors. The results indicate a stunning failure of vaccination. Because the data are not from high-quality, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trials, and publication bias, we must be conservative and consider the lower-bound of the confidence interval as the statistic of interest. This means that vaccine performance could be as bad as that number.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.