Daily Shmutz | ECLIPSE APRIL 8, 2024 | 4/2/24


                                                                                                                                                           Planetary Lineup During April 8th Eclipse


Solar eclipse of Biblical proportions will transverse the continental United States   ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ

And in that day —declares my God— I will make the sun set at noon, I will darken the earth on a sunny day.”  Amos 8:9   (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

FEBRUARY 25, 2024  (BIBLICAL NEWS) – On April 8, a total solar eclipse will transverse the continental US, passing from the southwest California border with Mexico and crossing to the northwestern United States. While skeptics claim this astronomical phenomenon has no spiritual significance, others note that the last eclipse that transversed the United States ushered in a catastrophic hurricane season, the global COVID epidemic, the war in Ukraine, and the horrific Hamas attack on Israel. Such a series of events has led many to take note of the upcoming eclipse which takes place on the first day of Nisan, the first month of the Biblical calendar that also marks the beginning of the redemption from Egypt.

The total eclipse will pass over Mexico from the Pacific Ocean at around 11:07 AM PDT and continue over the United States, starting in the Southwest and moving northeast until it passes over the shore of the northeast U.S. in northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The eclipse will exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at 5:16 p.m. NDT.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between earth and the sun, thereby obscuring the image of the sun for a viewer on earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s apparent diameter (as seen from earth) is larger than the sun’s, blocking all direct sunlight and turning day into darkness. As it happens, the moon will make the month’s closest approach to earth (just 223,000 miles) one day before the total solar eclipse, thereby appearing its largest on the day it crosses between the earth and the sun.Total eclipse occurs only in a narrow path across the earth’s surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of miles wide.

It will be the first solar eclipse visible in the continental U.S. since Aug. 21, 2017, and the only total solar eclipse in the 21st century where the totality will be visible in Mexico, the United States and Canada. It will also be the last total solar eclipse visible in the contiguous United States for the next two decades – until Aug. 23, 2044.

Whereas the path of the 2017 eclipse crossed from the Pacific northwest to southern Florida, the upcoming solar eclipse will begin traversing the continent from the southwest of the US and end in the Northeast. The paths of the two eclipses form a transcontinental ‘X.’ In a strange coincidence, the only spot in the path of both eclipses, receiving a double-dose of this modern plague of darkness, and the point of the longest duration for both eclipses, is a particular part of southern Illinois, known appropriately enough as Little Egypt. The Egyptian connection is so strong that there are several cities in the area named for ancient Egyptian places like Karnak, Cairo, and Thebes.

The 2017 eclipse was also known as “the Seven Salem Eclipse” because the path of that eclipse crossed over seven U.S. locations named “Salem”:


Major Events Surrounding the April 8th Solar Eclipse  [5:44]   GREG REESE

Masonic rituals planned worldwide to usher in New World Order

APR 02, 2024 – The solar eclipse on April 8th is becoming a major event. The National Guard is being deployed and the people are being advised to have two weeks of food and to fill their fuel tanks. This could all be explained due to the fact that tens of thousands of visitors are expected along the path of totality. But many people believe they could be preparing for possible earthquakes due to the Devil comet aligning with the April 8th eclipse, and due to the fact that in 1811, a comet also appeared in the skies during a solar eclipse on the same path and was followed by the biggest earthquakes in American history.

Known as the New Madrid earthquakes, around 10,000 earthquakes occurred in just three months time. The biggest being measured at 8.8 magnitude. They were the most devastating series of earthquakes in recorded history. But it was a different comet. And while some claim that a solar eclipse can trigger earthquakes, this scenario seems unlikely.

This eclipse season is however, a very rare event. The recent eclipses in August of 2017, and October of 2023, along with the upcoming one on April 8th, forms an Aleph and a Tav over the United States. The Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. These eclipses mark the end of the Great Year, a twenty-six thousand year period that starts anew with the dawning of Aquarius and a new golden age.

Manly P. Hall wrote that high level Masons designed America for a “peculiar and particular purpose.” A secret destiny to bring about a new Atlantis, or a New World Order, where in a King descended of a divine race will rule over all. In rituals, this King is symbolized as Apollo, Horus, or Nimrod, the father of Freemasonry. And is thought to be a descendant of the biblical Nephilim, or the Sumerian Anunnaki. According to Thomas Horn, this will happen in 2025. Which corresponds to several documents published by Intelligence agencies, such as, Global Governance 2025, Global Trends 2025, and the 2025 Deagle Forecast on world population.

NASA is notorious for performing Masonic rituals based on the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Apollo being the same character as Horus. Sirius representing Isis. And Atlantis being the new golden age they hope to restore. And during the eclipse on April 8th, NASA will fire three rockets named after Apep, the Egyptian serpent god whose goal was to devour Ra, the sun. And when the sun re-emerges after three minutes of darkness, it will be likened to the rebirth of Horus. Their new King of the golden age.

CERN, known for practicing occult rituals at a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god who symbolizes death, destruction, and the end of an age, will be firing up their Large Hadron Collider to full power during the solar eclipse.

And Israel, who is in the midst of committing Genocide, [emphasis added] is preparing to sacrifice a Red heifer. A ritual sacrifice to prepare them for taking back the Temple Mount.

[Ed.:  Alex Jones’s INFOWARS reporter Greg Reese pronounces here that Israel (as everybody knows) is ‘committing genocide’.  They are obviously unsympathetic to the fact that we need the blood to make our matza…]


Niagra Falls Declares State of Emergency to Prepare for Total Solar Eclipse  By Anthony Scott

Apr. 1, 2024 9:15 am – Canada’s Niagra Falls region has declared a state of emergency to prepare for the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th.

In a press release, Niagra Regional Chair Jim Bradley said he issued a state of emergency “out of an abundance of caution.”

Bradley continued in the press release, “Declaring a State of Emergency under the EMCPA strengthens the tools the Region has at its disposal to safeguard the health and safety of residents and visitors and protect our critical infrastructure in any scenario that might arise.”

Ontario Mayor Jim Diodati is expecting the Canadian side of Niagra Falls to receive over one million visitors on the day the eclipse is set to occur, which is the main reason why Niagra officials decided to issue a state of emergency a week in advance before the solar eclipse is set to occur.

Per The New York Post:

Niagara Falls, Canada, has declared a state of emergency ahead of the April 8 total eclipse as 1 million people are expected to flood the area.

The Ontario side of the falls has started to prepare for the expected influx in visitors coming to see the total social eclipse in early April.

The famous falls have been listed by National Geographic as one of the best places to see the eclipse – a phenomena not seen in the area since 1979. The city is within the path where the moon will entirely block the sun for a few minutes.

Mayor Jim Diodati estimated the city would see the most visitors in a single day on April 8 with an estimated 1 million expected. On average, the city see 14 million visit per year.

The state of emergency, which was announced Thursday, will allow the city to execute additional planning to help prepare for traffic jams, cell phone network overloads, and a higher need for emergency services, and more.


Sun’s Magnetic Field is About to Flip, and There’s a Problem    [14:59]   The Secrets of the Universe

March 5, 2024 – The Sun’s magnetic field is about to reverse as it reaches its peak activity in its 11-year solar cycle. The magnetic field reversal comes at a time of the Artemis mission, humanity’s return to the Moon after more than half a century.

So, what will the upcoming solar maximum do to our planet in the coming months? What are the anomalies in this solar cycle that NASA is concerned about? Finally, and most importantly, will the upcoming phase of the Sun’s activity risk the life of the astronauts of the Artemis mission on the Moon?


CERN Will Test Powerful Particle Accelerator During Upcoming Solar Eclipse in April    By Anthony Scott

Mar. 30, 2024 12:20 pm – The European Organization for Nuclear Research, best known as CERN, will smash protons together at nearly the speed of light on April 8th, which happens to be the day a total solar eclipse will occur.

After close to a two-year hibernation, CERN will fire up its Large Hadron Collider in an attempt to discover dark matter, dark energy, and what the universe is made of.

According to CERN, “The Large Hadron Collider is the most powerful accelerator in the world, and it boosts particles, such as protons, which form all the matter we know. Accelerated to a speed close to that of light, they collide with other protons. These collisions produce massive particles, such as the Higgs boson or the top quark.”

Scientists are already starting preliminary testing on the $4 billion LHC machine.

Per The Daily Mail:

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set smash protons together on April 8 to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.

Theories have suggested there are 17 different particle groups and the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN, confirmed the existence of one using its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012.

Now, the team has restarted the LHC after a two-year hibernation with hopes of unraveling more mysterious – specifically dark matter.

Scientists began preliminary tests by sending billions of protons around the LHC’s ring of superconducting magnets to boost their energy and ensure the $4 billion machine was in working condition.

And next month, CERN will shoot them down a 17-mile-long tunnel at nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions a second after the Big Bang.

Joshua Ruderman, a physics professor at New York University, has described the LHC as “a particle creation machine and a particle discovery machine.”

CERN has not received a favorable opinion from the public eye in the last two decades.

In 2004, CERN received backlash after placing a Shiva Statue outside its headquarters in Switzerland.


In Hinduism, Shiva is regarded as the “god of destruction.”


The 7 Other Planets In Our Solar System Will Form A Line As The Path Of The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 Crosses America

February 21, 2024 – The Great American Eclipse of 2024 is truly going to be a once in a lifetime event.  A few days ago, I wrote about how this eclipse will pass over 7 locations named “Ninevah” as it moves across our country.  Since I wrote that article, I have also learned that the eclipse will go over a location in Texas named “Jonah” too.  That is pretty incredible, but what I have to share with you today is even more amazing.  Last week, I shared something that Rachel Baxter has discovered with my core subscribers.  I wanted to get their feedback before I shared it with the general public.  Like me, many of them were absolutely blown away by this discovery.

This information is so explosive, and I feel that it is important to try to get it out to as many people as possible before the eclipse arrives.  So I can’t hold it back any longer.  Today, I am going to share with the whole world what I shared with my core subscribers last week…

Since the Great American Eclipse of 2017, we have been waiting for the Great American Eclipse of 2024, and now it is less than 2 months away. On April 8th, the Great American Eclipse of 2024 will complete the giant “X” over America that the Great American Eclipse of 2017 started. Amazingly, on that exact day the seven other planets in our solar system will “line up” in the sky. This is an extremely rare event, and it will never be seen again.   [Emphasis added]


How Close Are You To The Eclipse’s Path Of Totality?   [VIDEO]

March 30, 2024 – April’s total solar eclipse will fall over more U.S. cities than any total eclipse in recent history. How close will you be to the path of totality?


What Just EMERGED At New Madrid Terrifies The Whole World!   [35:07]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.