Daily Shmutz FOOD SHORTAGE  3/2/23


Humans are now being pushed to consume fake meat products made from the same cultured cells used in vaccines  by: Oliver Young

Wednesday, March 01, 2023 – (Natural News) Over the past few decades, Big Pharma companies have cultured large volumes of cells to produce vaccines and other biotherapeutics.

Now, food companies want humans to eat these cells, too.

Leading fake meat industry startups Believer Meats, Eat Just Inc. and Upside Foods Inc. have raised more than $1.2 billion in combined venture funding to bring products to grocery shelves.

Their research facilities and pilot plants have produced small amounts of chicken that didn’t come from a slaughterhouse. Late last year, Upside became the first to get a greenlight from the Food and Drug Administration to bring its products to market. All three companies have also announced partnerships with restaurants.

These companies are making an effort to promote their products as “real” meat.


Food shortages are coming to Europe, and it can all be traced back to the U.S. destruction of Nord Stream   by: Ethan Huff

Wednesday, March 01, 2023 – (Natural News) Energy costs are now so high across the United Kingdom that the country’s agriculture system is showing signs of a collapse.

Many U.K. farmers were unable to use greenhouses to plant winter crops this year because the costs of doing so have reached epic highs. Consequently, some fresh produce is now having to be rationed, according to the BBC.

“Field crops such as tomatoes, peppers, lamb’s lettuce, cauliflower or cucumbers are sometimes only sold in limited quantities,” Free West Media reported.

“Meanwhile, wholesalers are looking for new suppliers from other countries – but this means that the harvests have to travel much longer distances to Europe, which is not in the interest of the environment.”

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