THE DIMMING  [1:56:50]  The most comprehensive climate engineering documentary


HIGHWAY APOCALYPSE: 158 Cars Crash During “Super Fog” Conditions in Louisiana on Monday, Killing at Least Seven People – Weather Expert Reveals What Caused the “Super Fog”  (VIDEO) By Cullen Linebarger

Oct. 24, 2023 10:45 am – Manchac, Louisiana – Louisiana State Police revealed a massive 158 car crash occurred Monday morning along I-55 just outside of New Orleans, killing at least seven people and injuring several more. The fatalities may increase.

The exact number of wounded is not currently known but at least 25 individuals were rushed to the hospital, some of them in critical condition according to reports.

The horrifying incident occurred during “super fog” conditions. Ari Sarsalari, a meteorologist from the Weather Channel, explained what caused the super fog and how it contributed to the pileup.

It was a particularly dense patch of fog. And if you look closely here on the east side of New Orleans, you can see the origins of some marsh fires that are going on.

And with the wind blowing from the southeast toward the northwest, that was a really unlucky direction for the wind to be blowing in this case because it added some smoke into the picture. Smoke was directly blowing into that batch of dense fog and that creates something called a “super fog.” And that’s what happened on the west side of Lake Pontchartrain with this big pileup on Monday morning.

Click the link below to watch the video.

What contributed to yesterday’s awful, deadly pileup in Louisiana? We explain what “superfog” is and how it likely played a role: https://t.co/eTgqNkIXOP

— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) October 24, 2023

Drone footage and videos show terrifying scenes from the aftermath of the massive wreck. Once can see a long stretch of mangled and burned cars.

[Ed.:  The “Weather Expert” referred to in the title, didn’t actually “reveal” what caused the “Superfog”.  Weaponized weather engineered by real “weather experts” (who just as easily could have prevented it,) is “what” (who) caused it.  Before today, we did not have “Superfogs”.  Now, “weather experts” can also help with global depopulation efforts.]


Control the weather control the world  [56:59]  Dane Wigington | geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 21, 2023, #428

Control the weather, control the world. The existence of weather warfare isn’t a conspiracy theory, it is a matter of historical record. Project Popeye in the Vietnam war is but one example. Yet, even now, the mere mention of the climate engineering subject triggers programmed knee jerk reactions of denial in far too many. For decades such operations have been used covertly to impact agricultural production and societies, available data indicates that these practices are now more widespread than ever before. How long do we have till the breaking point of total climate collapse? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.