THE DIMMING,  [1:56:50]  the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary


Thousands Without Power After Heavy Rain, Wind Slams Florida

Wind-Downed Trees Crash Into Cars, Business Near Miami

November 16, 2023 – A storm brought gusty winds and heavy rain to portions of eastern Florida. In Miami Beach, downed trees toppled onto multiple cars and a well-known Cuban restaurant.

[Ed.:  This is a perfect example of ‘weather engineering’ and ‘weaponised weather’.  Every aspect of the weather is already controlled.  Every drop of rain is toxic with the chemicals they sprayed.  Therefore, this “un-named storm” was produced for the entertainment of its creators. It could have been prevented if they had not created it intentionally.  It was done for their kicks, spontaneously, without even enough time to name it.   They’re on a roll, a power trip never approached before by human kind.  Wait a minute!  They’re not the human kind.  …Never mind.]


Mysterious Bright Light and Loud Boom Reported In Minnesota  (VIDEO)   By Anthony Scott

Nov. 16, 2023 9:00 am – Residents all across Beltrami County, Minnesota saw a bright light followed by a loud boom in the sky on Monday evening around 6:40 pm.

County officials initially said it was a meteor but now those same officials are taking back their comments.

Beltrami County is in northern Minnesota.

Christopher Muller who serves as the Beltrami County Emergency Management Director stated, “This has certainly been an interesting puzzle to try and solve, and we still don’t know exactly what it was.”

Muller continued, “We appreciate the assistance we’ve received from federal agencies and science community in ruling out what it wasn’t and will continue to provide any subsequent information that is learned.”


[Ed.:  Don’t hold your breath for NASA to reveal DoD playing with their hi-tech weapons!]


Thunderstorm Asthma   [51:45]   Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 11, 2023, #431

“We need geoengineering”, so says a Time Magazine report as they push for climate engineering operations that have already been deployed for over 75 years with catastrophic consequences. “Thunderstorm asthma” is sending thousands to emergency rooms, what is being seeded into these storms? Extreme droughts are hammering all the Middle Eastern countries that are not cooperating with US “foreign policy”. Just a freak coincidence of nature that just happens to completely benefit the western power structure? Bloomberg news has just reported that as many as half of US and Canadian citizens may lose power this winter due to grid shutdowns. Is this just a prediction? Or what is scheduled? Temperature and weather whiplash scenarios are worsening by the day, climate intervention operations are inseparable from all of it. How long till cascading collapse goes exponential?

The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering: https://youtu.be/kyxmrwbTKoM

To see firsthand film footage of the climate engineering impact on our forests and its vanishing inhabitants, view the new series: “Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington”: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

Geoengineering Watch has conducted our first ever high altitude particulate testing. Film footage of the flight and lab testing processes are featured in “The Dimming”, a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This is a new 12+ minute insight segment on the upcoming film. https://youtu.be/4x3z35HA6JQ


Chemtrails: The Toxic Aerial Spraying Program    Makia Freeman

August 23, 2023 – Chemtrails are the gaseous trails of barium, aluminum and strontium oxides, in addition to other bacteria, viruses, fungi and pathogens, which are being deliberately sprayed into the atmosphere from planes in order to carry out numerous nefarious purposes as part of the NWO geoengineering and depopulation agendas. The chemtrail program, also known as “Project Cloverleaf“, is so top secret and compartmentalized that even the pilots themselves have no real idea of why they are actually spraying! As this photo shows, barrels of toxic barium sulfate and other poisons are placed onto planes. The gases are then delivered by tubes to nozzles on the plane wings (to make it look as though they are coming out of the jet’s engines), from where it’s dispensed into the atmosphere to poison the lands, rivers and people below.

Chemtrails are not contrails! As any experienced pilot will tell you, contrails are the condensed vapor trails left behind by the jet’s engines which quickly dissipate – normally within 10-20 seconds. There has been a massive disinformation campaign launched to baffle people and get them to confuse the two. The cover story for chemtrails is that they are being sprayed to protect us from the sun ray’s, partially blocking them to stop global warming. However, the real purposes behind chemtrails are much more nefarious, including depopulation, destruction of the natural, organic food supply, mind control, obstruction of DNA evolution and as an aid to Project Bluebeam. People are even contracting a deadly new disease called Morgellon’s disease, and the evidence is linking it to chemtrails.


Maui DEW: Gov. Green Admits Land Grab Agenda – Video #22  [9:45]  Makia Freeman

August 17, 2023 – We take a look at Hawaii Governor Josh Green’s words, plus the Maui DEW site and the factor of chemtrail metals in the air to accelerate burning.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.