2nd floor C-17 Globemaster

THE DIMMING   [1:56:50]  the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary


Nobody Gets Out Alive from Climate Engineering Disaster – Dane Wigington   By Greg Hunter 

February 10, 2024 – By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says huge lies are being told daily to cover up the speed in which the climate is imploding on a global scale. Sure, there have been all sorts of ways harm has been done to the environment, but Wigington contends the biggest single of damage being done to the planet right now is man-made climate engineering being sprayed from the skies. Wigington explains, “The bottom line is we are fighting for our lives right here and right now. The current paradigm is over. It’s in the death throws. The oceans are dying. The insects are dying. Plankton is dying. Our atmosphere is changing radically. Nothing can adapt to changes at this speed. Again, we are talking about toxic elements that should never be in our atmosphere. . . . We know there are patented processes for chemical ice nucleation. They have openly announced they are doing this. . . . If you bring this up, they spit out the conspiracy mantra from the fact-less and the fearful, and they don’t do any investigation whatsoever. Since when do we have winter storms coming out of the record warm Gulf of Mexico? We had water temperatures in Florida of 101 degrees. That is the same temperature range that Jacuzzi recommends for their hot tubs. It killed everything — everything.”

Wigington says people need the truth, and they need to wake up because time is running out for the world you grew up in. Wigington says, “We have layer of layer upon layer of total insanity by a military industrial complex that is completely out of control. . . . If we remain on this course, none of us will be here much longer. I don’t care who rolls their eyes, walks away and tells themselves they don’t believe it. Unfolding events will tell you otherwise. . . . Refusing to acknowledge climate engineering being the single most damaging human activity in this moment in time. . . . How can these environmental groups ignore this massive destructive part of the equation? It’s because they want to protect their 501(c)(3) non-profit. GeoEngineeringWatch.org thinks that is criminal hypocrisy. . . .On the current course, nobody gets out alive, and that includes those who think they are going to go underground and ride this out. . . .We have caused a certain amount of planetary heating, and climate engineering is making that worse. . . . We have triggered this feedback loop and triggered these massive methane explosions. It covers the planet and traps heat like a layer of glass. That heat causes more methane releases and causes more heating. That is a feedback loop, and we have about 50 of those kinds of feedback loops occurring.”

Wigington asks, “What does it take to wake people up and show them we are fighting for our lives? . . . . We have AccuWeather and Weather Channel, and if it was not so tragic and terrible, it would be comical to watch the Weather Channel climate engineering cover-up actors try to explain away why it is snowing in 40 degrees on the ground and it is 50 or 60 degrees up in the sky. Their job seems to be, at this point, to cover the tracks of the climate engineers. This is ludicrous.

In closing, Wigington does hold out some hope, but it is going to take the public waking up. Wigington says, “In the (GeoEngineeringWatch.org) movie “The Dimming,” I always try to make this point, and that is anyone of us could be the final grain of sand that can trigger the landslide of awakening. . . . That means if we learn to fight effectively and efficiently, and that does not mean pointing to the sky and ranting, but passing on credible data. That can be done for free from your own home computer. Share links to “The Dimming” (a free film which already has more than 6.2 million views).  Send that link out to Congressmen and anyone because you are planting a seed that will be forced to grow. I want to stress that, it will be forced to grow. So, we are not powerless, and those controlling things are not gods. We can make a difference. We absolutely can make a difference.”

There is much more in the 51-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with climate researcher Dane Wigington, founder of GeoEngineeringWatch.org, with an update on the calamity geoengineering is causing for 2.10.24.


CREATING CLIMATE CHAOS   [54:14]   Dane Wigington  GeoengineeringWatch.org

February 10, 2024 – “Snowstorm eyes northeastern US just before Valentine’s Day”. That new headline from AccuWeather stands in stark contrast to the following FOX News headline from the same day, “Spring Heat Surges Into Midwest, Northeast”. How severe does the climate chaos need to be before populations look up and face reality? Extreme climate chaos is wreaking havoc with ecosystems and populations all over the world. How soon till we all pay the price?

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Dane Wigington

[Ed.:  Please listen to (at least) the first part of this podcast. Or, take it in doses.  I had to cut it off when he finished talking about the chemically nucleated ice and the deer and alpaca…  I’ve found that if I slow the speed one notch, he doesn’t sound so much like a machine gun…]


The Military Routinely Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Deadlier Than the Vax: Is the Military Dropping Mini ‘Death Bombs’ on Us?

 The military is dropping about 500 tons of this from the skies each year. And, although you’re being told it poses no risk, research shows they’re basically guessing. This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding a risk which is so immense, it poses an extinction level threat to humanity.


  • Militaries around the world routinely disperse tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar
  • Chaff has been used for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment
  • In response to a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in August 2021, the U.N. announced it’s considering spraying sulfate aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere to modify climate. The tiny reflective particles would act as reflectors, bouncing sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface
  • The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using “climate science” as a vehicle to promote socialist ideology
  • According to Dane Wigington, founder of Geoengineeringwatch.org, the risks of geoengineering are so immense, it poses an extinction-level threat to humanity, and the window of opportunity to save ourselves is rapidly closing

February 8, 2024 – In addition to the weather modification1 going on around the world, militaries around the world are also routinely dispersing tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar.2 Not surprisingly, this has been done for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment.

According to a 1998 General Accounting Office report3 and a 1999 follow-up report4 by the Naval Research Laboratory, the environmental, human and agricultural impacts of chaff used in military training scenarios at the time were “negligible and far less than those from other man-made emissions,” but does that really mean it’s safe? As explained in a 2001 Navy Medicine paper:5


Engineering Deluge, 90 Second Alert     Dane Wigington  GeoengineeringWatch.org 

February 7, 2024 – Flash floods and freak firestorms, what aren’t we being told?

Please watch the full broadcast here,


Wild Winter Storm Hits SoCal: Flooding, Mudslides and Debris Flow Damage Homes in Hollywood Hills   (VIDEOS)   By David Greyson

Feb. 5, 2024 7:00 pm – California was hit hard with a winter storm and record-breaking flooding on Sunday night into Monday.

LA Fire Department responded to over 130 flooding situations and almost 50 incidents involving mudslides or debris flow.

To make matters worse, there were several structure fires that the Fire Department had responded to. There were also numerous rescues for stranded motorists who were caught in flood zones.

LA Police have also been called to over 65 traffic accidents with some involving injury. This was according to Kristin M. Crowley, who is the LA Fire Department Chief.

NBC News reported:

LOS ANGELES — Fire officials have responded to over 130 flooding incidents and 49 mud and debris flows, extinguished half a dozen structure fires, and conducted several water rescues for stranded motorists since the storm began this weekend, Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin M. Crowley said today.

Los Angeles police have also responded to over 65 traffic collisions resulting in injuries since the storm began, Crowley said.

She stressed that “the hazards of this storm have not passed” and said the city is anticipating “another wave of heavy rain this afternoon.”

Debris flow buried a large SUV on Beverly Drive:   Watch   

A storm chaser posted video of damaged vehicles:  WATCH   

The storm has affected numerous areas of California from Northern all the way down to Southern California. There are flood alerts for 38 million people within the state. There are over 400,000 homes and businesses that are experiencing power outages, mostly in Central and Northern California.  [Emphasis added]

There were mandatory evacuations in some areas of Ventura and Santa Barbara County for heavy rain and flooding. Tragically, at least two people have died from fallen trees.

The weather situation is changing so check for updates on local weather stations.

[Ed.:  It’s called ‘Weaponized Weather!  The good news is that those weather engineering ‘experts’ at the DOD were completely successful in their efforts to attack American citizens, and blame it on ‘an act of God’.  What a blasphemous scam job they do with our tax dollars!  (He really doesn’t appreciate it, and besides, it’s very expensive)!]


Engineering Deluge  [56:15]   Dane Wigington  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 3, 2024, #443

“Imminent Deluge: Southern California Braces for Potentially Catastrophic Storm” (from Yahoo News). A manipulated atmospheric flow of moisture is scheduled for the Southwestern US. During the same span of time and beyond the eastern half of the US is scheduled for an extended period of record high temperatures, again. The Great Lakes region is in the bullseye zone of the big winter warm-up. Wildfires are raging from South America to South Africa and even Canada’s record firestorms of 2023 are not yet completely extinguished though it’s the middle of winter. Global conflicts, chaos and carnage continue to escalate in lockstep with unfolding planetary ecological collapse. And through it all the dimming of our skies gets worse by the day. How long till impact at full velocity?


Dimethylamine Skies, 90 Second Alert    [1:22]   Dane Wigington   GeoengineeringWatch.org







January 31 – Is there more in our clouds than just water vapor? Any objection to dimethylamine rain?

[Ed.:  Although not acutely toxic, dimethylamine undergoes nitrosation to give dimethylnitrosamine, a carcinogen.]


Bill introduced in New Hampshire State to halt geoengineering    by Rain Trozzi

And The Celebrating Cancer Treatments That Actually Work

JAN 30, 2024


Bill NH HB1700 (The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act)  is an act in New Hampshire, USA which:

Prohibit[s]… the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition.

To view the full bill, click here.

Summary of New Hampshire Bill HB1700

The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act of New Hampshire speaks to weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), solar radiation modification (SRM), and other forms of deliberate geoengineering which involves polluting emissions. As the Bill states, this is to prevent damages to “human health and safety, the environment, agriculture, wildlife, aviation, state security, and the economy of the state of New Hampshire.”

The Bill aims to heavily penalize “SAI geoengineering and other intentionally polluting activities” and protect New Hampshire from the Federal government of the US, under the authority of the tenth amendment “where federal programs and restrictions have become oppressive or destructive.”

The Bill aims to dedicate new resources for public reporting (especially lab research) of weather modifying activities, such as stratospheric aerosol injection, and judicial punishment for criminals who break the new laws. Should the perpetrator be found guilty by a court of law, they will incur charges of:

I – …a fine of not less than $500,000 or be imprisoned for not less than 2 years, or both;

II – Shall be guilty of a separate offense for each day during which violative activity has been conducted, repeated, or continued…

The Bill is sponsored by Reps Jason Gerhard and Kelley Potenza. Follow these links to verify that these reps are indeed sponsoring NH HB1700.

What is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)?

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) is a geoengineering technique that involves the intentional release of aerosol particles into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth, with the aim of cooling the planet.

The most commonly discussed aerosol for SAI is sulfate aerosols, which can be dispersed at high altitudes by high-flying aircraft. Once released, these aerosols spread throughout the stratosphere and create a reflective layer, reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.

Making it rain: New Nevada law allocates $1.2 million for cloud seeding    Babooschka  @Tboo211

January 29, 2024 – We’re just going to propel silver iodide into the clouds… – call it what you want cloud seeding, stratospheric, aerosol injection, contrails filled with chemicals… What goes up must come down…



#SaveFloridaSkies #StratosphericAerosolInjection #GeoEngineering #haarp #freethesky  #weathermodification #lookup  #SAI #cloudseeding #solarradiationmanagement #chaff #SRM #globaldimming #StopTheSpraying #weathermanipulation


From Flash Freezes To Flash Flooding To Freak Fog   [56:10]   Dane Wigington   GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 27, 2024, #442

Chemical flash freezes followed by flash flooding in the middle of winter, what’s wrong with this picture? And what’s coming after the relatively warm winter rains? More chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding ice storms are currently scheduled. On the wider horizon wars and rumors of wars, will global conflict be the final card played by the power structure? A “supercomputer” predicts that “25%” of life on Earth will soon be extinct. Does this seemingly dire estimation actually fall far short of how bad it already is? And how much worse it will very soon be? Will the vast majority remain completely asleep at the wheel until the moment of impact?

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.