Rescue efforts underway for snowed-in California residents trapped in their homes

Mar 2, 2023 –  In the aftermath of two powerful back-to-back storms which pummeled California, many residents in mountain areas have been stranded in their homes for days because of the heavy snow. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has also declared a state of emergency.


‘People Are Probably Dying Up Here’ – SoCal Residents Snowed-In and Running Out of Supplies – Roads Remain Closed – NEWSOM AWOL   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila 

Mar. 5, 2023 12:45 pm – Residents in San Bernardino, California are snowed-in and running out of supplies after the latest winter storm dumped several feet of snow in the region.

Some residents are running out of supplies and roads are still closed.

Meanwhile Governor Gavin Newsom is AWOL.

ABC 7 reporter David Gonzales said it is a ‘life and death situation’ in Crestline.

“People are probably dying up here,” he said.

Desperate residents are writing SOS messages in the snow.


[Ed.:  Geoengineered genocide?  CUTE!  Those guys flying around up there in those DOD jets must be proud of themselves. Now they can supersede God Himself!]


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 4, 2023, # 395  [55:19]   Dane Wigington

The manufactured snowpocalypse is wreaking havoc on countless communities and crop producing regions, welcome to winter weather warfare. Many of the locations that are now buried under snow saw temperatures of 80 degrees or more in the days just prior to the commencement of the climate engineering winter weather warfare operations. [Emphasis added]  Matrix media propagandists are pushing the narrative that winter weather whiplash is now normal, natural and something we should expect. How toxic is this chemically frozen material? What are it’s characteristics compared to naturally nucleated snow? How will it affect runoff waters, soils, crops and forest health? And all of this taking place against the background of global ecological collapse. What’s next? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.


A ‘climate solution’ that spies worry could trigger war   By Michael Birnbaum

Solar geoengineering holds promise for reducing global temperatures. Absent international agreements, it could also spark conflict.

February 27, 2023 at 12:34 p.m. EST – It sounds like something out of science fiction: A country suffering from heat, flooding or crop failures decides on its own to send out a fleet of aircraft to spray a fine, sun-blocking mist into the earth’s atmosphere, reducing temperatures and providing relief to parched populations. Other countries view it as a threat to their own citizens and ready a military response.

But members of the U.S. intelligence community and other national security officials were worried enough last year to plot how to avert a war triggered by this kind of climate engineering. In a role-playing exercise, they practiced managing the tensions that would be unleashed, according to people familiar with the exercise, a sign that they see it as a credible threat in need of a strategy.

The practice, known as solar geoengineering, is theoretically possible. And as the world’s most vulnerable populations suffer more sharply from rising temperatures, global decision-makers will likely come under heavy pressure to deploy the technology, scientists and policymakers say. Compared to other methods to combat the effects of climate change, it’s likely to be cheaper and faster.

Because the technique could weaken the sun’s power across the globe — not just above whichever country decided to deploy it — security officials are concerned about the potential to spark conflict, since a single capital could make decisions that shape the entire world’s fate.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.