
                                                                                                                                      Stopping the jets from home!


‘The Dimming”   (1:56:51)


LOOK UP!  [9:57]

108,673 views [since] Nov 25, 2013Ever see long white trails in the sky that don’t dissipate? Geoengineering is the deliberate creation of false cloud cover intended to reverse global warming through spraying highly toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from aircrafts.  Unregulated. Health risks unknown. Even the biggest skeptic is now finding it hard to deny that what is occurring with the weather is normal.

Watch “Look Up!” a multi-award winning documentary film, narrated by William Baldwin.  Look Up. Wake up. Get involved

[Ed.:  It’s so hot that we need to ‘Block The Sun’!  I get it!]


Key Ocean Current Is Close To Collapse, Study Suggests   weather.com

July 28, 2023 – The AMOC, or Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, is close to collapse according to new research published in the journal Nature Climate Change. A collapse would mean dramatic changes to the climate as we know it.


Climate Watch: Which Heat Record Should We Look at?   MERYL NASS

JUL 24, 2023 – From the incomparable Jane Orient, MD who has been dissecting these lies a lot longer than I have.

I hope your electric grid is able to meet the demand in this heat.

In response to my last dispatch, it was said “well it’s only one day” and “the increase is cumulative.” More graphs from Tony Heller’s exhaustive data set of dates and places:

Every temperature over 100 °F ever recorded at Yosemite National Park

Here’s a comparison of heat waves in 1936 and 2023:



Oceans Without Oxygen   Sonia Fernandez

Researchers dive into the biogeochemistry of ocean anoxic zones

December 17, 2020 – With no dissolved oxygen to sustain animals or plants, ocean anoxic zones are areas where only microbes suited to the environment can live.

“You don’t get big fish,” said UC Santa Barbara biogeochemist Morgan Raven. “You don’t even get charismatic zooplankton.” But although anoxic oceans may seem alien to organisms like ourselves that breathe oxygen, they’re full of life, she said.

These strange ecosystems are expanding, thanks to climate change — a development that is of concern for fisheries and anyone who relies on oxygen-rich oceans. But what piques Raven’s interest is the changing chemistry of the oceans — the Earth’s largest carbon sink — and how it could move carbon from the atmosphere to long-term reservoirs like rocks.

“What happens to our carbon cycle as we get these large areas of the ocean that are oxygen-free?” she said. This question was central to research conducted by Raven and colleagues Rick Keil (University of Washington) and Samuel Webb (Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory) in a paper published in the journal Science.

‘A spinning wheel’
In oxygen-rich oceans, carbon is moved around largely by food web processes that begin with carbon dioxide-fixing phytoplankton that photosynthesize at the water’s surface.

“Most of the time they just get eaten by zooplankton,” Raven said. If the zooplankton aren’t eaten by larger animals, they head to the depths where they respire carbon dioxide and excrete organic carbon.

“It’s like a spinning wheel — COgoes to plankton, goes to CO2,” Raven said.

In the absence of zooplankton and fish, however, more of the sinking organic carbon can survive and be deposited at depth, she said. In fact, sediments under these anoxic zones generally have more organic carbon deposits than their oxygen-rich counterparts. But, according to the researchers, we lack a “full mechanistic understanding” of how this occurs.

[Ed.:  Yeah, we can’t understand how this occurs.  We’re baffled!]


A small dinghy carries several people across open water in front of an iceberg in Antarctica.

It’s even hot in Antarctica, where it’s winter

Snorkeler among yellowish coral.

It’s even hot underwater


Chemtrail Advisory Group   MICHOEL GREEN

JUL 24, 2023 – Anyone interested in creating a Farmers’ Almanac for chemtrails?
I mean an online group in which members record chemtrail patterns, calendar dates, times, etc., in each one’s local skies, and share the results with others.
For example, suppose there was heavy streaking over the skies of London on Friday, July 21st. This information would be recorded for all group members who wish to chart the chemtrail patters of London. Next year, everyone will know that Friday, July 21, was a significant chemtrail day. If a pattern forms — for example, let’s say members start to notice that the 21st of every month is a significant chemtrail day, or that the 3rd Friday of every month is, etc. — people can start being better prepared for future airborne assaults, perhaps by staying indoors that day, or avoiding prolonged outdoor exposure.
We could also record the specific type of chemtrail. For example, one day there might not be visible streaking but lots of chemtrail haze. Other days might be faint puffs of chemtrail smoke, etc. All this should be recorded, for each area for which members post information.
Furthermore, we could share symptoms. For example, if someone felt a headache (or some other condition) after being outdoors on a significant chemtrail day, s/he could share that information, perhaps anonymously.
This group might prove to be a valuable online resource for folks seeking to shield themselves from lethal toxins sprayed incessantly by sociopath eugenicists and their henchmen.
Thoughts? Or does a group like this exist already?

Please send me your comments, and kindly let me know if you’d like to assist in the launching of this vital project.


Graphene Rain, Scientist Sounds Alarm   [37:55]   Dane Wigington,  GeoengineeringWatch.org

July 13, 2023 – Graphene rain, are climate engineering operations the source? What aren’t we being told? A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis, this is a must watch report.


The Globalist New World Order swamp is poisoning us on purpose…time to wake up   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS


The atheist Globalist demons are poisoning us on purpose for the Climate Change cult. Arsonists keep starting these fires – then they use HAARP and lasers to heat up the atmosphere and direct low and high pressure systems so that the “wind” blows the smoke into America. Don’t be conned. This is NOT nature.

Why doesn’t Biden send help to put out the fires? This is a national emergency. You know why. What is in this smoke? It’s NOT normal smoke. It burns my eyes.



Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 22, 2023, #415  Dane Wigington,  GeoengineeringWatch.Org

“Four Times More Toxic”: How Wildfire Smoke Ages Over Time, that’s the headline from a new European Commission report. So what changes occur with smoke over time? It becomes far more toxic due to oxidation and atmospheric chemical reactions. Will “official sources” ever address the ongoing geoengineering atmospheric particulate spraying that is taking place directly over the top of smoke canopies as a part of this equation? Not likely. Almost a thousand fires are now burning in Canada, climate engineering operations are inseparable from the incinerations that are occurring all over the world. “Climate collapse could happen fast” and the current “extinction event will be worse than first predicted”, two not so pleasant admissions just issued by matrix media. Not because they care about the truth, but because they can no longer hide it. Is there still time to alter our current course before impact at full velocity? We will very soon know the answer to that question.

[Ed.:  How long can you hold your breath?]



TOP STORY   weather.com 

‘We Wish It Was Only 100 Degrees’

What’s It Like Living With 20 Straight Days Of 110+ Temps?


What It’s Like Living Through The Phoenix Heat Wave

July 20, 2023 – Phoenix has now gone 20 straight days with temperatures reaching at least 110 degrees. Their record-breaking streak has been life altering and life-threatening. Here’s what it’s been like living and working in the city during the heat wave.

[Ed.:  This condition was put in place for 20 days deliberately to convince us that we do need to block the sun after all! We’re being ‘played’, folks!]


Almost Half of U.S. Tap Water Contaminated With ‘Forever Chemicals’

A U.S. Geological Survey found 45% of U.S. tap water is contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, with measured concentrations in both private wells and public water sources.

07/19/23 – A study in Environment International (August issue) by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) finds that almost half of U.S. tap water is contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, with measured concentrations in both private wells and public water sources.

Authors of the study “estimate that at least one PFAS could be detected in about 45% of U.S. drinking-water samples.” Although there are more than 12,000 different types of PFAS, only 32 are detectable by USGS lab tests, so 45% is likely a low estimate.

PFAS are a group of chemicals found in a variety of common household products such as nonstick pans and stain-resistant carpeting, as well as pesticides and biosolids used as fertilizer.

Long-chain PFAS, such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), are more widely known because of their high toxicity and controversial use in the past.

Today, long-chain PFAS are often replaced with short-chain PFAS, as the latter are not as bioaccumulative; however, short-chained PFAS also pose a significant threat because they remain highly persistent in the environment.

Past Beyond Pesticides articles have described the prevalence of PFAS in products as well as their negative health consequences, including cancerdecreased fertilityobesity and hormone suppression.

PFAS are concerning because of their persistence in the environment alongside their contamination of food and water.

“The quality and sustainability of drinking water are rising concerns in the United States because of population-driven water demands, increasing contamination of drinking-water resources, and a growing understanding of potential human-health consequences associated with exposures to contaminants,” according to the study’s authors.

PFAS can contaminate drinking water sources as a result of biosolids application, outdoor pesticide use, industrial and wastewater treatment discharges, firefighting foams and septic or landfill system contamination.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued health advisories on PFAS, emphasizing that it failed to adequately regulate this group of dangerous chemicals.

[Ed.:  The title to this article is understating the problem by 50%.  100% of the world’s rain water is contaminated With ‘Forever Chemicals’.  There is not one drop of rain falling anywhere on the planet that is uncontaminated pure water. Every ocean, lake, pond, river and stream are thoroughly contaminated.  Translated, this means that we should not eat any fish or seafood.  We must also avoid feeding it to our pets as well.]


Is Climate Engineering Real?  [59:52]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

White House Confirms: Blocking Sunlight Isn’t a Conspiracy

July 19, 2023 – For years, anyone who said weather modification was being used was labeled a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist. It turns out it was true all along, and with this White House ‘block the sunlight’ report just released, mainstream naysayers are suddenly admitting it.

n the video above, U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change. Wigington also produced the documentary “The Dimming.”

While Wigington has tried to raise awareness about the reality of climate engineering for the last two decades, his work is now gaining traction after the White House announced it’s backing a plan to block sunlight in a climate engineering effort.


  • U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently interviewed Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change
  • The White House is considering a plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the earth in a bid to halt global warming, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM)
  • A supercomputer called Derecho is analyzing the effects of solar geoengineering to help climate scientists decide whether SRM will be a good idea
  • According to Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health
  • Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years


Canadian Smoke Returns to Northern Plains and Upper Midwest as National Weather Service Issues Air Quality Alerts   By Shawn Bradley Witzemann

Jul. 16, 2023 7:13 pm – The National Weather Service has issued air quality alerts from the Northern Plains into the Upper Midwest as smoke from Canadian wildfires once again drifts into the United States.

As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, many Americans share a lingering concern about the toxic smoke as well as what role arson may have played in the development of such an active fire season.

But while opposing worldviews continue to battle it out over the cause, the effect remains obvious with millions of Americans once again suffering complicated breathing conditions as a result.


Midwest Sunset Toxic and Too Unsafe to Breath  by Ed.

Watching the evening sunset.  Not a cloud in the sky, but the sky is thick milky white!  The sun looked bloodier red than normal.  I went out to sniff the air and it was thick and icky!  Then I went www.airnow.gov and learned that breathing the air this evening is not a great idea.

So we’re waiting for it to pass:



Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 15, 2023, # 414

July 15, 2023 – Record deluge, record heat and record drought catastrophes are causing chaos and devastation from the US to China, Brazil, Australia and everywhere in between. We are still officially told that global climate engineering operations are only a dangerous proposal though those that take the time to look up are finally beginning to ask questions. From farms to fisheries global food production is plummeting and reserves are running dry. How much longer till store shelves empty out? What happens then? How many actually want to know?Daily Shmutz | GEOENGINEERING WEATHER / “CLIMATE CHANGE”  |  7/23/23

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.