‘The Dimming”  (1:56:51) 


Tropical Firepocalypse   Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 12, 2023, #418

Maui: flash drought and anomalous 85 MPH winds perfectly timed to create an unprecedented inferno. “Maui experienced a two-category increase in drought severity in just three weeks from May to June, with that rapid intensification fitting the definition of a flash drought” (ABC news). “Even in the past week there’s been a quick acceleration of that drought”, said University of Virginia hydrologist Venkat Lakshmi (ABC news). “Flash droughts occur when the rain stops and it gets so hot that the atmosphere literally sucks moisture out of the ground and plants, making them more likely to catch fire (ABC news). “Major differences in air pressure drove unusually strong trade winds that fanned the destructive flames, according to meteorologists” (ABC news). An anomalously powerful clockwise rotating high pressure zone north of Hawaii combined with the anomalously resilient counter clockwise rotating Hurricane Dora south of Hawaii to create a surface level wind tunnel effect over Maui. Was the convergence of all these conditions just coincidence? Just random acts of nature? Or is there much more to the story that we are not being told? What puzzle piece is being systematically omitted from climate collapse catastrophe reporting of events that are unfolding all over the world?  [Emphasis added]

What’s really happening in Maui (assuming we’re allowed to ask)?   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

Let’s talk out loud about the flaws in the official Maui story, and the larger narrative on “climate change,” before those subjects too becomes as dangerous as “vaccination” and election theft

AUG 13, 2023 – Here are just a few of many worthwhile pieces out there.

[Ed.:  Wow, this Maui thing really got my mind off the Biden inquiry! Every time they’re under pressure, they kill off Americans as a distraction. That distracts me all the way!]


Were The Maui “Wildfires” Caused by Directed Energy Weapons?   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

AUG 13, 2023 – The official Mockingbird narrative blamed strong Hurricane Dora winds for the the series of unprecedented wildfires.

As of this writing, the MSM are claiming at least 80 people have died, and around 1,700 buildings were destroyed.

Hawaii Democrat Governor Josh Green stated that this is the largest natural disaster in the state’s history, concluding:

It does appear like a bomb and fire went off, if I may. And all of those buildings virtually are going to have to be rebuilt.

What if it was not a bomb that went off, but, rather, a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) was deployed to transform this tropical paradise into a future dystopian UN project?

The resort town of Lahaina was the most devastated, and offers the most important clues as to the true nature behind this devastation.

Here are the before and after images:

According to the below eyewitness account, she claimed that the weather system came from the East, which never occurs. She also went on to state that the damage was caused by DEW, and that many more had burned alive in the streets and in the water than is being reported:

What is being reported by the news is not true, and I lived it firsthand.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.