THE DIMMING   [1:56:50]   The most comprehensive climate engineering documentary.


NEW ORLEANS CHEMICAL SNOW BLIZZARD   [55:13]  Dane Wigington | GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 25, 2025, # 494

“New Orleans has seen more snow than Alaska’s biggest city so far this winter” (FOX Weather).  The FOX report continues with this, “The Big Easy has also received more snowfall since the start of meteorological winter than many cold weather cities across the country, including Philadelphia and New York.” But even more alarming than that, while there were blizzard warnings in New Orleans, there were above freezing temperatures with rain, not just in regions of Alaska, but also in Greenland, Iceland and Siberia. Welcome to the world of climate engineering.

Proposal To Ban Geoengineering In Shasta County, California, 90 Second Alert  [1:28]

January 24, 2025 – Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org has just provided information on climate engineering to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in order to assist them in moving forward with a legislative draft to ban such operations over Shasta County. Previously, in 2014, Geoengineering Watch organized a climate engineering educational presentation for the Shasta County Supervisors board. This is a follow up meeting. At the conclusion of the current meeting and Dane Wigington’s brief climate engineering update, the board unanimously voted to place the climate engineering issue and a proposed ban of it on their 2025 agenda.


Weather manipulation: Damaging our health, our economies, and our world    DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

Any effective military will invest whatever it can to predict, manage, and manipulate weather systems.

JAN 21, 2025 – Since the first time Man planted a garden or fought a battle, weather has been vital to success and survival. The weather has famously decided wars. In some cases, weather has been the key factor in the rise and fall of whole Empires. Like many other contemporary real experts, today’s guest, Jim Lee, is an independent researcher, in this case, into weather modification.

Why Weather Matters

George Washington avoided surrendering his army in the Battle of Long Island by deceiving the British about his movements and then withdrawing 9,000 men, supplies, and cannons overnight and into the next morning across the East River while a fog miraculously provided cover. If that Providential escape had failed, the War of Independence could have ended.

Napoleon attacked Imperial Russia as winter arrived and was soundly defeated by both poor planning and the vicious cold, decimating the French army, which had over 100,000 men captured, 380,000 dead, and only 27,000 returning to France.

Decades later, despite France’s failure in 1812, Hitler’s army tried attacking the Soviet Union during World War II and managed to hang on with brutal tactics until winter arrived and the Germans were soundly defeated. Many of the German survivors who managed to make it back to Germany alive were badly disfigured by frostbite, which had claimed noses, eyelids, fingers, and toes. The Germans also murdered over 1 million civilian Soviet Jews during the invasion. The German army troops captured over 5 million Soviet troops and deliberately starved over 3.3 million Soviet prisoners of war in brutal disregard for the established rules of war. Despite the most savage and determined fighting, the weather heavily influenced the failure of the German assault upon the Soviet Union.

Any effective military will invest whatever it can to predict, manage, and manipulate weather systems.

More recently, during the Vietnam War, the US seeded clouds over the Ho Chi Min trail in order to mire down enemy North Vietnamese soldiers from moving South.

Growing Concern About Abuses of Weather Control in the US

Many concerns have arisen that Earth’s weather is being manipulated in ways harmful to the citizenry and the economy. The hurricane that hit the Hawaiian Island of Maui and the accompanying firestorm that devastated the town of Lahaina in 2023 with grave loss of life and destruction of the community appeared very suspicious. Hurricane Helene and then Milton chewed up Florida and demolished Southeastern Appalachia communities in North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. Have behaved in unusual ways and produced unusual and shockingly high amounts of damage and loss of life. Many citizens have questioned what aspects of the storms may have been “enhanced” or manipulated. The lack of official assistance being provided to survivors of these devastating events has understandably increased suspicion.

The federal government has done nothing to alleviate citizen concerns; instead, it has encouraged censorship through social media. The usual claims of conspiracy theory have been lobbed against anyone raising these questions, but as it turns out, citizens are asking very good questions.

Government Censorship

The federal government censors and curtails information and public discussion on subjects like weather manipulation. For a good review of the state of government censorship in the world today, listen to the Joe Rogan interview with Mike Benz that aired this month. The federal government funds, coordinates, and gives orders to its own branches and federal agencies and to non-government organizations (NGOs), nonprofits, universities, and others to censor and eliminate free speech. There are literally hundreds of thousands of hired individuals manipulating the truth as hired guns through traditional news outlets, social media, university outlets, book publishers, and scientific journals.

Weather Modification, Inc.

The absurdity of these government denials was recently highlighted by a photo of a plane on TikTok with a large corporate logo across its fuselage that said, “Weather Modification, International.” The Weather Modification International website was surprisingly empty, but when I checked the web archive for earlier versions, I found that their website started being stripped of data in early 2020. The 2019 archive offered a more robust introduction to the company. Turns out, Weather Modification Inc. has been operating since its founding in 1961 by two farmers/pilots. As of 2019, the company had grown to almost 40 aircraft and 100 personnel. Here is a screenshot of the 2019 “Who We Are” web page.

Continue reading


Cloud seeding revisited: Can the government control the weather   COOPER WILLIAMSON

A deep dive into the major historical cloud seeding and weather modification projects in the United States.

This is a follow-up to a previous investigation into the origins of cloud seeding. Read the first article here. [Blaze subscribers only]

JANUARY 18, 2025 – Does the government control the weather? As more people realize that cloud seeding is a long-established technology that many governments have pursued, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the answer isn’t simply “no.” However, it’s important to understand in what ways and to what extent it does. That said, and with the recent cloud seeding exploration in mind, it’s time to explore the fuller history of weather technology and weather manipulation in the United States.

Many countries across the globe have weather modification departments in their governments. From Thailand’sDepartment of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation to larger countries’ “cloud-busting” operations like China’s, almost every country has some capacity for weather modification. Cloud seeding was such a widespread concern after the Vietnam War that a treaty was created and signed to regulate weather modification. This was largely an attempt to delimit the use of weather modification in war, like the United States’ Operation Popeye in the Vietnam War. The text of this 1978 agreement, known as the Environmental Modification Convention, and the list of signatories can be found here.

The government has been playing the same game for almost 80 years, pleading innocence when its interference with the weather wreaks havoc on a population.

One of the first hurricane manipulation projects was called Project Cirrus. This was conducted in 1947, a year after Bernard Vonnegut and Vincent Schaefer discovered the possibility of cloud seeding and partnered with General Electric to develop this technology. It seems the military wasted no time. A report on Project Cirrus from that year reads: “The energy expended by a hurricane is enough to drive machinery in the world for three or four years. Yet the Army, the Navy, and General Electric are collaborating in a daring meteorological experiment to determine whether or not the colossal vortex that we call a hurricane can be broken by precipitating the thousands of tons of water it contains.”

Harnessing the power of a hurricane

In this project, three planes intercepted Hurricane King and dropped several pounds of dry ice into the system “just to see what would happen.” They returned to base after the drop and checked on the storm the next day: “To their astonishment, the hurricane had made a 135-degree left turn and was now moving due west. On top of that, it was strengthening! By the afternoon of the 15th, Hurricane King struck Savannah, GA. One person died in the storm surge and US$2 million in damage was done to Georgia and South Carolina.”

The public was outraged, especially when General Electric’s Dr. Irving Langmuir said he was “99% sure” the swerve was caused by cloud seeding. However, the lawsuits slowly dissipated when U.S. Weather Bureau scientists published a similar case that showed that an unseeded hurricane could “swerve like that.”

Another project that the United States carried out was Project Stormfury(1962-1983), which sought to manipulate hurricanes with cloud seeding. The hypothesis of this project “involved artificial stimulation of convection outside the eyewall through seeding with silver iodide.” Essentially, the introduction of silver iodide via cloud seeding would “invigorate” the convection of the eyewall, which would consequently “lead to reformation of the eyewall at a larger radius, and thus, through partial conservation of angular momentum, produce a decrease in the strongest winds.” In simpler terms, the force would be lessened if the hurricane’s structure were enlarged. The researchers sought to decrease the hurricane’s strongest winds by 10% or more to reduce the strongest winds’ potential destruction.

This project involved the modification of four hurricanes on eight different days, and the experiments did in fact produce positive results on four of the days. However, the results were deemed unsatisfactory because the experiment did not sufficiently “discriminate between the expected results of human intervention and the natural behavior of hurricanes.” They also concluded that cloud seeding would not successfully manipulate hurricanes because hurricanes have “too much natural ice and too little supercooled water.”

Try, try again

One of the longest-running projects was Project Skywater, which ran from 1961 to 1988. This project, which coincided with others like Operation Popeye in Vietnam, was “part of a national attempt to collect systematically atmospheric data by testing cloud seeding technology on a local scale and evaluating it against broader patterns in weather behavior.” Essentially, Skywater was a national data-collection project that gave wide leverage to local operations, especially in the Western United States. It “directed most of its attention to augmenting the nation’s water supply,” but it never fully got off the ground nationally due to insufficient funding.

All of these projects showed that weather modification is possible. However, they also demonstrated that the weather is ultimately unpredictable and that weather modification may have potentially deadly consequences.

However, this project was also operationalized locally for some experiments and became especially interested in winter snowfall levels in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming mountain ranges, to name a few. “Skywater featured a series of pilot projects across the western states to study seeding in different environments at different times of the year.” Some locals in these areas worried about “impacts on snow levels and avalanches, damages from heavy snowfall, [and] costs of snow removal.” One Colorado miner even said, “If those weathermen screw up life around here, they may suddenly discover their equipment blown to bits.”

All of these projects showed that weather modification is possible. However, they also demonstrated that the weather is ultimately unpredictable and that weather modification may have potentially deadly consequences. When severe weather events occur in populated areas, and people or property are affected, scientists usually say they cannot attribute the damage to their experiments because weather is ultimately unpredictable. One scenarioof this disaster cycle, weather modification in the area, and a plea of plausible deniability by the scientists was the “torrential flood that ripped through South Dakota’s Rapid City in the summer of 1972,” which claimed 250 lives and caused $100 million in damages.

An outside observer of weather modification at the University of Washington summed up this tension well: “When it gets to the point where there is a possibility of really catastrophic side effects, and when these catastrophic side effects are occurring close enough to the weather modification as to raise the possibility of a cause-and-effect relationship, there [are] serious questions in my mind as to whether we ought to be fooling around with it at all.”

Other weather modification programs?

N Now for some controversy. Colonel Douglas Macgregor recently sat down with Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch to discuss weather modification in the wake of the most recent hurricanes on the Eastern Seaboard. There are two types of weather modification that are at issue here, and they need to be distinguished in order to get an accurate picture of the debate.

First, cloud seeding is understood as a process that can augment or suppress already-occurring weather systems. Historically, government projects like Project Cirrus or Project Stormfury have tried to either augment or disperse the strength of hurricane winds. In both cases, the results were skewed because no one could adequately distinguish the natural process from human intervention. However, the fact that there was human intervention itself is undeniable, and these projects seemed to yield strange results, such as Hurricane King’s 135-degree swerve in 1947.

However, Dane Wigington claims that there is a different type of weather modification at issue here. In the interview, he said: “The cyclones are being kept weakened over with manipulation of atmospheric pressure zones. And once they’re near enough to the land-based network of frequency transmitters, the NEXRAD network, they are steered, and that steering is incredibly inarguable.” He continued: “Climate engineering is the crown jewel weapon of the military-industrial complex because they can and are bringing populations to their knees without those populations ever knowing they’re under assault, and they blame it on nature.” He also mentioned HAARP’s Ionospheric Heater, which can allegedly manipulate the pressure zones in the atmosphere, causing them to bulge and then compress. He likened this to a “chain reaction” that does not immediately affect the weather but changes the atmospheric conditions.

For context, the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a programbased at the University of Alaska Fairbanks since 2015. Before the university assumed control in 2015, the United States Air Force had operational control of this program. Wigington refers to HAARP’s “Ionospheric Heater,” which is also known as the Ionospheric Research Instrument: ”a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range.” “The IRI can be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.” This program and Dane Wigington, then, essentially agree on HAARP’s function while they disagree on the scope or degree of its impact. If you think about it, though, it seems highly unlikely that affecting one part of a system will not affect other parts of the system.

During the interview, this video overlay shows the frequency transmissions during Hurricane Helene. There is a noticeable lack of transmissions on the Eastern Seaboard. Wigington explains in the video that these transmissions have a “repelling effect” on weather systems, “especially if and when the air masses have been seeded with electrically conductive nanoparticles.” Silver iodideis very electrically conductive. While this is not enough evidence to conclude that people are “controlling” the weather, it could at least be said that there is a possibility of human influence based on what we know about the fragile balance of weather systems.

It isn’t necessary to just take Dane Wigington’s word for it, however. William S. Cohen, Bill Clinton’s secretary of defense, said at a 1997 conference, “Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.” Two questions immediately arise: Who are these “others,” and does the U.S. do the same? Though this is somewhat vague, it is very interesting that he would state this at a public conference.

A common critique of these types of views — that the government controls the weather and can steer hurricanes and the like — is that the human influence could not possibly be strong enough to have a substantial impact on the weather system. This is certainly a fair argument, especially considering the overwhelming power of a hurricane. However, we know for a fact that cloud seeding has been around for close to 80 years and that there is a large amount of evidence that it does in fact influence the amount of precipitation.

A double-edged sword

The well-known projects described earlier provide ample evidence of the unpredictability of human intervention on the weather. For example, Project Cirrus sought to dissipate a hurricane’s strength once it was far enough away from land. The effect, however, resulted in a stronger hurricane changing direction, making landfall, and ultimately killing someone and causing a large amount of property damage. One can, of course, accept the outcome of the lawsuits that granted the project plausible deniability due to a precedential instance. But at the same time, the government has been playing the same game for almost 80 years, pleading innocence when its interference with the weather wreaks havoc on a population.

Therefore, this accepted pattern should no longer put our doubts and scrutiny to rest. The scientists themselves were “astonished” by the behavior of this hurricane, meaning they could not possibly have expected what happened next. In short, if these operations say they are going to accomplish a certain task, there is absolutely no guaranteethat this task will be accomplished. What’s more, the actual effects may be as disastrous as they are unpredictable. Therefore, the people involved in geoengineering can’t have it both ways: The fact that the weather is unpredictable cannot continue to be both a shield from scrutiny and a justification to continue modifying the weather.

So does the government control the weather? It depends on what you mean by “control.” The government has a vast array of weather modification technologies, it has been experimenting with these technologies for nearly 80 years (at least), and the infrastructure is continuously being refined and developed. The government does not deny that HAARP is blasting radio waves into the atmosphere to heat up the ionosphere. It doesn’t deny Project Cirrus, Project Stormfury, Operation Popeye, or Project Skywater. No one who has done even a tiny bit of research denies that cloud seeding is real. Why are so many governments and private companies interested in this technology if it doesn’t work? However, the people wreaking havoc on populations with weather modification have always hidden behind a plea of plausible deniability that has shielded them from accountability. This cyclical trick has gone on for far too long. The cost of weather modification has always been far too high because of its unpredictable outcomes compared to its negligible benefits. No, the government doesn’t control the weather. And that is exactly why these operations are so dangerous.


INAUGURATION CHEMICAL COOLDOWN  [55:52]  Dane Wigington | GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 18, 2025, # 493

“Fire and floods: the rise of climate whiplash” (Financial Times). “L.A.’s ‘off the charts’ dryness keeps risk of new fires high. Rain is desperately needed” (LA Times). “Weather whiplash: “Winter storm systems to sweep across East this weekend ahead of massive arctic outbreak” (FOX Weather). “Trump inauguration moves indoors due to record cold” (The Washington Post), welcome to chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding winter weather warfare. From precipitation blocking engineered atmospheric high pressure zones to chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding, covert climate disruption operations are wreaking havoc around the world.



November 15, 2024  – This week, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a powerful public comment to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) taking a strong stand against weather modification and geoengineering. ICAN calls for NOAA, absent a ban on geoengineering, to implement a policy that discourages research, field experiments, and deployment of any weather modification or climate intervention technologies without the informed consent of the American people. Submit your own comment by November 19.

NOAA is currently soliciting public comments on whether it should grant a petition to amend its reporting regulations so that they apply to private solar radiation modification (SRM) activities, which is a form of climate intervention known as solar geoengineering—i.e., manipulating the amount of sunlight reaching the earth.

ICAN opposes the amendment as written because it would normalize geoengineering by allowing individuals who want to inject chemicals into the stratosphere to simply fill out a form and report the activities to NOAA. We don’t need regulation of geoengineering (thereby allowing it). Instead, we need an outright ban. Until we have a ban at the federal level, ICAN’s comment encourages NOAA to implement policies discouraging research, field experiments, and deployment of SRM.

The federal government has been ramping up SRM research across federal agencies under the current administration since at least 2022, focusing on stratospheric aerosol injection which would inject chemicals into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space in an effort to cool the earth.

But this technology may come at great cost to our weather, agriculture, natural ecosystems, and human health. According to SRM researchers, there are potentially catastrophic risks to SRM deployment, including drought, flooding, disruption of the monsoon cycle, air pollution, temperature extremes, acid rain, food shortages, ozone layer depletion, diminution of solar power, and geopolitical conflict. Worse yet, scientists predict that once we start SRM, we will become dependent on it and won’t be able to stop. Read ICAN’s comment to learn more about these risks.

ICAN encourages supporters to review the petition and submit a public comment sharing why you oppose geoengineering, as well as the petition’s attempt to normalize such potentially dangerous technology. You can submit your comment to NOAA by following the instructions here.

Act fast! The deadline to submit comments is November 19, 2024. We will keep you updated as ICAN closely monitors NOAA as well as any geoengineering activity of any kind.

To support future legal actions like this, click here to donate!

[Ed.:  Although this has expired, we should stay connected with ICAN as they constantly continue to end geoengineering!]


Episode 407: CLIMATE CONTROL   [2:14:01 starts at 51:00]

January 16, 2025  The Highwire – Del Bigtree interviews Catherine Ybarra, Esq.


CALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS ENGINEERED STORMS  [56:08]  Dane Wigington | GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 11, 2025, # 492

“Los Angeles begins to face ‘apocalyptic’ devastation as wildfires continue to burn” (PBS). “It feels apocalyptic: Californians on the loss and devastation from LA wildfires” (Guardian). “Economic loss from L.A. wildfires could top $50 billion, making it one of the costliest U.S. natural disasters” (LA Times). And in the rest of the US, “Biggest snowstorm in years shuts down travel across southern US” (Accuweather), what’s wrong with this picture? Welcome to the world of weather warfare.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


Chemtrails: Look Up at the Sky and Notice the Harm Being Done. Ask Questions, Demand Answers   By Rhoda Wilson

Carbon is not the enemy. The climate has always changed. But human-made geoengineering is a real threat to the environment and humanity.

JAN 10, 2025  – Carbon is not the enemy. The climate has always changed. But human-made geoengineering is a real threat to the environment and humanity.

Geoengineering, including chemtrails, is being used to modify the weather and environment. The operations are secretive and have the goal of depopulation. And these nefarious operations are indeed causing death and disease in plants, animals and humans.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has promised to put an end to chemtrails, which have been poisoning the world for decades. His simple statement on Twitter has helped raise mass awareness of this issue, which the perpetrators would have you believe is a “conspiracy theory.”

Carbon is Not the Enemy. End Chemtrails!

Introduction by Professor Anthony J. Hall

We are being induced to feed and consume the “Net Zero” and “Climate Change” nonsense being peddled by the predators disguised as our governors. Carbon is not our enemy. Carbon is not the magic knob that we can turn to control the entire climate. And why would we want to?

The climate does change and always has changed. That’s the essence of what the climate is. Climate is the medium of atmospheric change. “Climate” is more like a verb than a noun.

The idea of declaring war on changes to the climate is absurd. Justin Trudeau is absurd. Our climatic environment is well within the range of the historical experience of humanity even before the Industrial Revolution.

Carbon is a major constituent of all life on Earth and the major food of the plant realm. We humans are made of carbon. All our plant and animal relatives are made of carbon.

A real enemy that we are not supposed to talk about is human-made geoengineering. Much of the modification of weather and fire and other components of our environment is taking place under the auspices of military forces.

Geoengineering is widespread. Geoengineering is often done secretly. Some see aspects of geoengineering as an extension of the Covidian wars against all of humanity. Kill, kill, kill. That’s the preoccupation of our predator governors.

Geoengineering is sometimes directed at reducing large numbers of humans, often on the basis of the specious claim that depopulation is to fight climate change.

Chemtrails paint in the sky a visual expression of geoengineering. Among the purposes of chemtrails is to block out the sun and rain death and destruction down on all life forms.

Chemtrails can be seen as the theft of natural skies and the basis of a message that unknown forces are trying to take control of all aspects of our environment including our mental environment. We are never given a satisfactory public explanation of the reason for chemtrails. Now the issue of chemtrails has been inserted into the US presidential campaign.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Promises To End Chemtrails

By David John Sorensen

Bobby Kennedy Jr. promised on X (formerly Twitter) that they will put an end to the chemtrails that have been poisoning the entire world for decades, with trillions of gallons of toxic substances that have been sprayed over everything that is alive on Earth, causing death and disease in plants, animals and humans.

“We will end this crime,” said RFK Jr. in a comment under a post where an aviation whistle-blower spoke about how they are paid big money to spray chemtrails.

Kennedy’s comment was seen by 4,6 million people, which in itself is raising mass awareness of this crime against humanity.

Concerned Citizen on Twitter, 26 August 2024.
Response by Robert F. Kennedy
, 26 August 2024.

The impact of this short comment from Kennedy is monumental. As long as chemtrails have been sprayed over the world population, it has been labelled a “conspiracy theory” by the corporate news media, Google, Wikipedia and others. The insanity of this denial is beyond any reasonable comprehension, as all you have to do is look up and see the indescribable horror of countless planes spraying toxic substances in our skies.

The argument used to deny chemtrails is that they are always condensation trails, or contrails, which are caused by the exhaust of aeroplanes. The difference between chemical trails and condensation trails is, however, easy to spot.

Contrails evaporate immediately, while chemtrails linger, spread out and after a while cover the entire sky with a thick layer of chemicals that block the sunlight and modify the weather. That can be clearly seen in the slideshow below. These 4 photographs, taken in sequence over the period of an hour, show the progress from initial spraying to creating a full blanket that covers the entire sky.

Blocking The Sun Is A Direct Act Of Mass Murder

Both the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates have publicly stated that, in order to create a better world with less climate change, governments around the world must block out the sunlight.

Meanwhile, a scientific study shows that exposure to sunlight is the best early treatment for covid. THIS study establishes that increased exposure to sunlight lowers mortality, while another study reveals that less sunlight increases mortality.

These scientific studies reveal that blocking the sunlight from reaching humanity is in effect a direct act of mass murder, as it significantly increases illness and death.

Chemtrails Are Not A Conspiracy Theory

The statement from Bobby does more than just promise the world there is a new era coming, where these horrific crimes against humanity will be coming to an end. He also validated what hundreds of millions have come to understand today: There are forces in our world that have been poisoning our air, water, soil, food and our own bodies – our blood, our brains, and our soul and spirit – with every imaginable poison.

The human race has never been so severely poisoned as in our time. But the end is near for these evil entities and a bright new day is dawning.

Watch World Famous Documentaries About Chemtrails

Source: Stop World Control.
You can also watch the documentary ‘The Dimming’ HERE.

To create the illusion of climate change, which is then used as the excuse to impose tyranny onto the world population. I also ask you to explore this subject on one of the Web pages of Stop World Control, see HERE.

Although we are enjoying the first golden rays of a Great Awakening that is rising over the horizon of mankind, the vast majority of people are still blind, deaf and completely ignorant of what is happening to them.

They get sick as never before; their children are more ill than any child ever was in all of human history, with millions of little kids suffering from vaccine-inflicted heart disease; millions are obese beyond imagination; most so-called “food” is nothing but industrial waste that slowly sends people to the hospital; governments are as corrupt as ever; virtually everything they see on the news is blatant and shameless nonsense and deception … yet they live as if everything is just fine.

This blindness is not normal, as we know, but it is stunning to observe. Yet, more and more people are beginning to notice things. Slowly, gradually but surely. When I talk to people in our town, I often tell them they are starting to pay attention. The truth is slowly seeping through the cracks of the mind control and people are asking questions.

So, this is the time to forward our page about chemtrails to your contacts, and post it on social media. Don’t be afraid. The veil is being lifted. Don’t be the one who helps keep the dark cloak of deception over their heads but be one of those who assist in lifting it off of them. Let’s do what we can to wake up the world, so the works of evil can increasingly be exposed, and ultimately come to an end. Thank you so much!

About the Authors

Anthony Hall is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. He specialises in Liberal Education and Globalisation Studies. Hall received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Toronto in 1984 and joined the University of Lethbridge in 1990 as an associate professor of Native American studies. He retired in the fall of 2018. Hall is also known for his work as editor-in-chief of the American Herald Tribune since its inception. He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Looking out at the World from Canada’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

David Sorensen is the founder of the website Stop World Control and Hope for Humanity ministries. He holds a master’s degree in media and communication from the University of Science and Arts in Ghent, Belgium. Sorensen works as a “missionary journalist,” reporting on critical truths that he believes are censored by mainstream media. He has authored eight books and built several websites with a large worldwide audience. During his media training, he learned about the manipulative techniques used by mainstream media to influence public behaviour and actions. The website Stop World Control aims to inform people about the alleged agenda of the United Nations to reduce the world population and rule over the survivors.


Winter Firepocalypse, 90 Second Alert  [ 1:57]   

January 10, 2025 – Cloud patterns directly over the LA fire zone on January 7th and 8th, the days the fires started and accelerated. Your thoughts?

Alarming satellite captures reveal frequency transmission impacts on aerosol cloud canopies over the LA firestorm zone. “APOCALYPSE: Fire chief warns LA wildfire is worst case scenario” (Fox News). “Weather Whiplash Fueling LA’s Wildfire Could Make It Costliest in History” (Science Alert). For over a decade and a half Geoengineering Watch has warned of the coming firestorms, worse is yet to come. Climate disruption operations must be fully exposed and halted, that effort will take all of us.


Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed    Dane Wigington | GeoengineeringWatch.org

August 11, 2022     32 Comments

Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth’s last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes. A formerly classified US military document titled “Forest Fire As A Military Weapon” is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The US Forest Service actually participated in the research and planning that went into this military instruction manual for carrying out orchestrated forest fire catastrophes. What part have climate intervention operations played in the preparation of forests for extreme and unprecedented incineration all over the world? The short video report below reveals the shocking degree of research that the US military and the US Forest Service has put into preparing forests for extreme incineration.



Flash Freezing US, 90 Second Alert   [2:04]  Dane WigingtonGeoengineeringWatch.org

 January 7, 2025 – Icy winter storms and patented processes of chemical ice nucleation, what could go wrong? Climate engineering operations continue to create winter weather chaos in parts of the US, Canada, Europe and Asia. Chemical ice nucleation elements are a core component of global geoengineering programs. Winter weather whiplash, freezing rain, freezing drizzle / fog, and “thunder snow” conditions, all are indicative of chemical ice nucleation materials being dispersed into available atmospheric moisture. Ice nucleating elements create an endothermic (energy absorbing) reaction that, in turn, produces a colder, heavier air mass. The heavy dense air then sinks to ground surface levels. This shallow layer of cold air lowers surface temperatures and thus produces the sensationalized headlines of cold weather that the climate engineers and the power structure corporate media are seeking.  “Winter Storm Blair” recently took its toll on specific regions of the US, “Winter Storm Cora” is next. Naming “winter storms” adds to the sensationalizing of these completely engineered events.


Biggest D.C. Snowstorm in Years Threatens to Derail 2024 Election Certification as Congress Flees Capital Despite Advisory to Stay

[Ed.:  Ah-ha!!  Now we understand how geoengineering the weather is weaponized weather!]


Mysterious ‘Chemical-Smelling’ Fog Blankets U.S. States, Sparking Health Concerns and Bioweapon Fears


FREAK FOG AND FLASH FREEZES   [54:32]  Dane WigingtonGeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 4, 2025, # 491

“62 million people under threat of major winter storm set to deliver season’s most significant blow yet” (CNN). “Dense fog advisory for Denver goes into effect Saturday, incoming storm system to drop snow across Colorado” (CBS). “UK weather: flight disruption expected until Sunday due to thick fog” (Sky News). “Spain weather warning as brutal -6C freeze and intense fog threatens flight chaos” (MSN). From freak fog to flash freezing temperatures, natural winter weather is no more.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

[Ed.:  It’s a man-made ‘act of God’!  We’re omnipotent! We watched them seed this ‘Winter Storm’ from our back porch!]


Stop Spraying Us with Aerosolized Pandemics!   KAREN KINGSTON

Pandemics are caused by aerosolized bioweapons, including H5N1. Dr. Demetri Daskalakis stated on CNN 2 days ago that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of H5N1 bird flu.

January 2, 2025: With the recent increase in chemtrail skies, the emergence of unmanned, low-orbit drones spraying local communities across America, and the emergence of a mysterious fog across Europe and North America, the 2021-22 breaking news that COVID-19 was an aerosolized bioweapon attack is now “breaking news” again.

Over the past 4 years, I’ve frequently reported that the there was no human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2, but that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by aerosolized biosynthetic proteins encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles during interviews with Brannon Howse., including this June 16, 2022, interview.

You can view the full 23-minute interview on WorldViewTube.com.

Pandemic “Viruses” are Biosynthetic Nanotechnology Bioweapons

In 2023, the producers of Died Suddenly and I even made a movie entitled, “Final Days,” detailing the patents, EcoHealth Alliance DARPA proposal, and statements from James Giordano (DARPA contractor) explaining how militaries can aerosolize nanoparticle technologies to cause illness, disease and death in the population, as well as induce neurocognitive dysfunction (aka – the nanoparticles are also neuroweapons).

You can view the 1-hour documentary Final Days on Rumble.

Is H5N1 an Aerosolized Bioweapon Pandemic Too?

Yes. H5N1 is also a nanoparticle lab-created pathogen created and funded by NIH/DARPA/DoD/BARDA that is currently inoculating mammals around the globe, specifically targeting dairy cows and chickens, through aerosol attacks, as well as contaminated food and/or water.

Continue reading



Reminder: You are not sick you are being POISONED

DEC 31, 2024

Heavy fog with a chemical smell has been reported in the US, UK, and Canada:



Actual evidence: This American has been having “respiratory issues — since the fog started” in her area.

She just changed the filter in her air purifier recently, she checks it again because of all this fog and WOW “What in the actual, f*ck.

Look at this filter, y’all. I’ve never pulled out a filter this dark in my life.

This is not normal. It’s black. Look at the new one. Oh my God, y’all. Oh my god.

This is f*cking crazy”

She says she’s had her windows open and it’s never looked like this before “Never in my life have I ever seen a filter like this. Never. I change these all the time. I have a ton of them. This is bananas”

This filter needs to be sent off and tested.


It appears to be a a massive chemical attack aimed at making as many people sick as possible.


Nothing is new under the sun. They have done it for decades, utilizing chemical agents to induce illness and subsequently attributing the effects to non-existent viruses.

“They simulated illness with something, some chemical weapon or something. And the main point of this was to deploy these biological weapons, which are the shots”

Sasha Latypova: COVID Wasn’t a Pandemic. It Was a Military Attack


DEC 16


Continue reading



Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 28, 2024, # 490

Under the cloak of climate mitigation operations, weather warfare continues to be waged on completely unaware populations. “Is it time to talk seriously about geoengineering?” (Politico). Headlines like this are intended to further propagate and perpetuate the public’s already programmed denial. Extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios are worsening by the day which is crushing crop production and causing overall environmental chaos around the world. Empty food shelves are not just a problem in some far away countries, it’s coming soon to a market near you.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


ENGINEERED WEATHER GRINCH   [55:48]    Dane WigingtonGeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 21, 2024, # 489

“Brown snow falls over Maine town; officials warn against touching, eating it” (ABC News). “Atmospheric river brings weather whiplash to East Coast as bomb cyclone develops (AP News). “Wild temperature swings are coming the rest of the year” (CNN).”Grocery Prices Set to Rise as Soil Becomes Unproductive” (Newsweek). How much longer do we have if we remain on the current trajectory?


HURRICANE HELENE MYSTERY: Weather Modification, Climate Intervention and the Planned Destruction of a Region for the U.S. Government’s Pilfering of Natural Resources   By S.D. Wells

In the wake of Hurricane Helene’s destructive path through North Carolina, a storm shrouded in mystery and suspicion, the true extent of the devastation and its underlying causes have come to light.

December 13, 2024

  • Hurricane Helene caused extensive damage in North Carolina, with 1,400 landslides and significant damage to water and sewer systems.
  • The aftermath revealed alarming levels of toxic substances like arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium in the Nolichucky River silt post-Hurricane Helene.
  • Geologists found elevated levels of these substances, surpassing permissible exposure levels by significant margins.
  • Weather modification programs, disguised as “weather intervention,” raise ethical concerns due to intentional alterations of atmospheric dynamics for specific goals.
  • The use of weather modification technologies for geopolitical gains, like resource extraction, highlights the exploitation of natural disasters for economic interests.

In the wake of Hurricane Helene’s destructive path through North Carolina, a storm shrouded in mystery and suspicion, the true extent of the devastation and its underlying causes have come to light. The catastrophic impact of Hurricane Helene on North Carolina’s communities was not merely a natural disaster but a man-made calamity orchestrated by the U.S. government under the guise of weather modification and climate intervention.

Within a span of three days, North Carolina experienced a deluge of rainfall equivalent to five months’ worth, leading to catastrophic consequences. Roads were washed out, deadly landslides occurred, power outages persisted, and water shortages became a looming crisis. However, the aftermath of Hurricane Helene revealed a more sinister truth. Soil samples taken post-Hurricane Helene unveiled alarming levels of toxic substances associated with weather modification programs. Arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium were found in the Nolichucky River silt, surpassing permissible exposure levels by staggering margins.

The use of chemicals for weather modification purposes raises grave concerns about the ethical implications and the hidden agendas behind such interventions. Weather modification, often cloaked as “weather intervention,” involves intentional alterations of atmospheric dynamics to achieve specific goals. The most common practice involves cloud seeding with agents like silver iodide to manipulate precipitation patterns. However, the consequences of these interventions are far-reaching and devastating, as seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

Climate intervention, on the other hand, focuses on long-term strategies to address global climate changes. Despite the differences between weather modification and climate intervention, the boundaries between the two remain blurry, leading to potential misuse of technology for ulterior motives. The history of weather modification is marred with failed attempts and questionable practices, highlighting the dangers of playing with nature’s balance.

The deployment of weather modification technologies for geopolitical gains, such as resource extraction like lithium-ion mining for electric car batteries, underscores the ruthless exploitation of natural disasters for economic interests. The manipulation of hurricanes and weather patterns for strategic advantages is a blatant disregard for human lives and the environment.

Hurricane Helene and the revelations of government-sponsored weather manipulation

As we confront the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and the revelations of government-sponsored weather manipulation, it is imperative to question the ethics and consequences of such actions. The planned destruction of regions for resource extraction under the guise of weather modification must be condemned and investigated thoroughly. The lives and livelihoods ruined by Hurricane Helene’s wrath demand accountability and justice for those affected by this man-made catastrophe.

In a world where the line between natural disasters and human interference blurs, the need for transparency, ethical standards, and responsible environmental stewardship is more crucial than ever. The lessons learned from Hurricane Helene must serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of weaponizing the weather and manipulating natural phenomena for selfish gains. The voices of the affected communities in North Carolina must be heard, and those responsible for the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene must be held accountable for their actions.

Geologists did a soil sample test in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene, they found elevated levels of things typically used in weather modification programs. They were searching specifically for arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver, and manganese above the permissible exposure level. “This is from the silt of the Nolichucky River (Western North Carolina) post hurricane Helene because of where that sample was taken.” Here’s what they found:

Arsenic, permissible exposure level 0.01. Actual, 8.27

Barium, permissible, 0.05. Actual, 853.73

Chromium, permissible, 0.05. Actual, 57.42

Lead, permissible, 0.05. Actual, 194.06

Selenium, permissible, 0.2. Actual, 2.26

So, you be the judge. Was “climate intervention” used to flog the NC region so the Biden Regime could steal some lithium? Tune your apocalypse dial to preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving the government’s pilfering of resources while they destroy people’s lives and livelihood.

Sources for this article include:





ATMOSPHERIC WEATHER TRIPLE THREAT   [55:43]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 14, 2024, # 488

“Atmospheric river triple-threat bringing rounds of rain, mountain snow across West” (Fox News). “Record-breaking lake effect snow arrives as winter starts” (NOAA). “Why Is Lake Superior Full Of Icy Snowballs?” (The Weather Channel). And then there is this headline (also from NOAA): “Great Lakes experience record-warm water temperatures heading into winter”. Record breaking snow from record warmth, welcome to the world of climate intervention operations.



Winter Weather Warnings  [55:42]    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 7, 2024, # 487

“Winter Weather Warnings for 13 States” (from Newsweek). Are geoengineering operations a part of this equation? “No amount of research or small-scale testing can ever demonstrate what would happen if these dangerous technologies (geoengineering) were unleashed on a planetary scale”, a quote from the Center for International Environmental Law. Too late, the damage that has already been done can’t be undone in any time frame that matters. The “CIEL” organization continues with this statement, “There is nothing in the history of humanity to suggest that we could fairly and responsibly govern an undertaking like geoengineering that would need to be sustained over hundreds of years”. Question, does the suggestion of such a timeframe have any relevance when the collapse of industrialized militarized civilization is already unfolding by the day?


CHEMICAL WEATHER   [56:09]    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 30, 2024, # 486 

“The U.S. Is Building an Early Warning System to Detect Geoengineering” (from The New York Times). How absurd is that? To monitor themselves? “Major lake-effect snow event halting travel around the Great Lakes” (AccuWeather). “Maps show danger from lake-effect snow” (USA Today). “Cold blast brings major lake-effect snow to several states” (ABC News). From devastating drought to destructive deluge, to crushing chemical snow, the awareness is finally starting to grow. Florida is the latest US state to push back against climate engineering with proposed legislation to ban such operations.


Florida Republican Lawmaker Introduces Legislation to BAN Weather Engineering Amid Rising Concerns Over Climate Manipulation   By Jim Hft

Nov. 27, 2024 8:20 pm – A Florida Republican Senator has introduced SB 56, a bill that aims to prohibit weather modification activities within the state.

Introduced by Senator Ileana Garcia, this legislation targets chemical and technological methods used to manipulate weather patterns, temperature, or sunlight intensity, effectively halting a controversial practice often linked to geoengineering.

What Does SB 56 Say?

The bill repeals existing provisions in Florida statutes related to weather modification.

It specifically prohibits the “injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of 36 a chemical, a chemical compound, a substance, or an apparatus 37 into the atmosphere within the borders of this state for the 38 express purpose of affecting the temperature, the weather, or 39 the intensity of sunlight.”

Violators could face stiff penalties, including fines of up to $10,000 and potential misdemeanor charges.

SB 56 is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, but it will likely encounter opposition from industry stakeholders and environmental scientists.

Florida is not the only state taking a stand against weather manipulation. Earlier this year, the Tennessee State Senate took a definitive stance against the controversial topic of “chemtrails” by passing SB 2691/HB 2063.

The bill, which aims to ban the intentional release of chemicals into the atmosphere for geoengineering purposes, was sponsored by Representative Monty Fritts (R-Kingston) and Senator Steve Southerland (R-Morristown) and won approval in the Senate on Monday, The Tennessean reported.

The legislation is predicated on the claim that “it is documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government’s behalf or at the federal government’s request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee.”

This new bill seeks to outlaw any such activities, stating that, “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.”

In New Hampshire, two motivated House Representatives, Jason Gerhard, Merrimack – District 25, and Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19, have introduced “The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act” NH House Bill (HB) 1700.

The three-page bill establishes regulations to prevent the intentional release of polluting and harmful emissions into New Hampshire’s atmosphere. This bill aims to bring forward a subject many experts have warned us about for years, as well as the necessary transparency for NH citizens so we can educate and unite to stop this destructive environmental onslaught we are experiencing.

HB 1700 cites pollution released during cloud seeding or weather modification activities and associated electromagnetic radiation, all defined as pollution by scientists. “Even Verizon and AT&T define what we are referring to as pollution. To be clear, we are not worried about snow-making cannons, since we know what comes out of those, or looking to regulate domestic airplane engine emissions as some have disingenuously suggested,” Rep. Gerhard said.

Marjorie Taylor Greene also made headlines last October.

After Representative Greene tweeted a simple and accurate statement last week regarding weather manipulation, the mainstream media went on autopilot mode, calling her an “unhinged conspiracy theorist”.

A community note was added to Rep. Greene’s tweet, stating, “While small-scale ‘cloud seeding’ to create localized rain is possible, hurricanes and other large storms cannot be produced with modern technology.”

Interestingly, even this note acknowledges that weather can, in fact, be manipulated—proving Greene’s point. Rep. Greene didn’t specifically mention hurricanes in her tweet; instead, she broadly suggested that scientists have the ability to influence weather patterns.



November 27, 2024  ICAN – The U.S. federal government is considering solar geoengineering—manipulating the amount of sunlight reaching the earth—as a possible “solution” to the “problem” of so-called climate change, despite the potentially deadly risks of such technology.

Records obtained by ICAN show the federal government has been ramping up a solar geoengineering research program since at least 2021. The focus has been on stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) which would inject chemicals into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space in an effort to cool the earth. The federal government appears serious about this potential option even though prevailing research on solar geoengineering cautions that it could lead to drought, heat waves, acid rain, food shortages, ozone layer depletion, and geopolitical conflict.

The program, called SABRE, is operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). According to SABRE’s website, researchers are using NASA WB-57 high-altitude research aircrafts to build a “comprehensive database of stratospheric aerosol” to establish the baseline state of the stratosphere and build climate models to predict the impact of man-made changes to “stratospheric aerosol loading.”

ICAN even obtained a 2021 contract between NASA and NOAA for SABRE’s flight operations researching “the potential injection of material into the stratosphere to combat global warming.” The contract shows the program is expanding quickly as the agencies increased the original award from $3.9 million to $12.85 million and extended it two more years.

When producing these documents, NOAA completely redacted 12 pages of the contract because it claims disclosure of those pages would invade an individual’s personal privacy. NOAA did not explain how or whose privacy would outweigh the public’s interest in knowing whether the government is considering deploying SAI to intentionally alter our climate. ICAN’s legal team will, of course, be suing to lift these redactions.

ICAN’s legal team has also sent multiple other requests for the emails of the researchers leading SABRE. We will keep you updated as ICAN digs further into these government geoengineering research programs.

To support future legal actions like this, click here to donate!



Tampa Sees Strange Clouds Overhead    [VIDEO  0:39]

November 25, 2024  Weather.com, (who never tells the truth about anything)

If you were looking up in the Tampa area this morning, you may have noticed some strange and extremely rare clouds. Here’s what was going on.

[Ed.:  Gaslight me, please. Tell me sweet lies.]


“Bomb Cyclone”, 90 Second Alert  [1:40] Dane Wigington

November 25, 2024  GeoengineeringWatch.org – “California’s rainy season begins with a bomb cyclone bang” (CNN). “Major storm drops record rain, downs trees in Northern California after devastation further north” (AP News). “California storm: Rare high-risk warning for excessive rain issued” (San Francisco Chronicle). From a summer of record heat and undisclosed record drought, California is now being given a round of seeded rain. Is this so called “bomb cyclone” event as dramatic as corporate media would have us believe? Or just a dose of what weather once was before geoengineering operations derailed the entire global hydrological cycle? Either way, the climate engineers control the flow of precipitation.

[Ed.:  Environmental Modification Convention]


MANUFACTURING HOLIDAY WEATHER  [1:00:02]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 23, 2024, # 485 

“Bomb cyclone pummels Northern California with heavy snow and record rain, knocks out power for hundreds of thousands in Seattle” (PBS). “Atmospheric river dumps snow and record rain on California” (BBC). “Whiteout Traffic Nightmare In Northern California” (The Weather Channel). Wild weather headlines just in time for the holidays, exactly what the controllers and the climate engineers seek to create. The resulting difficult holiday travel instills an even deeper impression on populations. Is global conflict the next card to be played as geoengineering operations and biosphere collapse become impossible to hide?


“Bomb Cyclone”, 90 Second Alert    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.orgNovember 22, 2024 – ”California’s rainy season begins with a bomb cyclone bang” (CNN). “Major storm drops record rain, downs trees in Northern California after devastation further north” (AP News). “California storm: Rare high-risk warning for excessive rain issued” (San Francisco Chronicle). From a summer of record heat and undisclosed record drought, California is now being given a round of seeded rain. Is this so called “bomb cyclone” event as dramatic as corporate media would have us believe? Or just a dose of what weather once was before geoengineering operations derailed the entire global hydrologicalcycle? Either way, the climate engineers control the flow of precipitation.


Second wind storm to pummel US Pacific Northwest, heavy rains through Saturday   by Rich McKay

November 21, 2024  MSN – (Reuters)  A second powerful wind storm, called a bomb cyclone, will hit the Pacific Northwest by Thursday evening, even as hundreds of thousands of people remain without power from the torrential rain and snow still falling from the first one.

The first bout of winds had eased across the region of Southwest Washington and Oregon by midday on Wednesday in a system pushed into the U.S. by the first “atmospheric river” storm of the season.

But images of cars and houses crushed by fallen trees in Washington filled social media. Two women died in separate incidents of tree falls near Seattle and others were injured.

About 350,000 homes and businesses remained without power in Washington, Oregon and Northern California, down from 600,000 earlier.

The windstorm and heavy rain also damaged the power system in Canada’s Pacific coast province of British Columbia and cut power to some 225,000 customers on Tuesday night, according to provincial electricity provider BC Hydro.

By Wednesday evening, about 64,000 customers, mostly on Vancouver Island, remained without power.

About 11 inches of rain had already fallen on Wednesday and overnight into Thursday in Northern California, bringing several feet of snow in higher elevations, said Rich Otto, a forecaster with the National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center.

Otto said the storm was stalled over Northern California and was going to bring another 5-to-10 inches of rain.

Wind gusts of 65 mph (105 kph) were expected on Thursday evening, and risks of life-threatening flooding, mud and rock slides remained throughout the region, the NWS warned.

The wind storms, called “bomb cyclones”, occur when they rapidly intensify in 24 hours or fewer when a cold air mass from the polar region collides with warm tropical air in a process that meteorologists call bombogenesis.  [Emphasis added]

The rain will continue over Northern California in the next few days, Otto said, not easing until Saturday.

[Ed.:  “Bombogenesis”?  WTF!!  These weather ‘scientists’ sure have a dark sense of humor!   Since they’re so advanced in controlling the weather, to the point where they can pinpoint hurricane targets, why is it that they do not steer oncoming storms away from us instead of at us?  Is attacking us some kind of perverse sport? Just wondering…]


CHEMICAL WINTER  [55:43]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 16, 2024, # 484


GEOENGINEERING WINTER  [56:42]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 9, 2024, # 483


ELECTION WEATHER   [55:49]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 2, 2024, # 482


GEOENGINEERING WITH DIAMOND DUST?  [56:00]    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 26, 2024, # 481

October 26, 2024 – To read or post comments on this video, please go directly to the article: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/g…

Our hope and goal is for this video to be forwarded far and wide. DO NOT re-upload any part of this copyrighted video.

“ScienceAdviser: Geoengineering in the sky with diamonds” (science.org). Seriously?


Chemical Cooldown, 90 Second Alert  [1:30]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

An anomalous atmospheric low pressure zone was utilized to pump southern chemically cooled moisture into multiple US States. “Storm brought blowing dust, snow to Arizona” (FOX News). “Snow piles up at Utah’s ski resorts as cold front snaps record heat” (ABC news). “The drastic drop in temperatures could also bring freezing overnight lows, prompting a freeze watch for Utah County and a freeze warning for central and southern Utah. NWS said Utahns can expect widespread freezing temperatures with some areas getting as low as 22 degrees. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation or damage any unprotected outdoor plumbing in the area.” From record heat to snow, welcome to patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations, chemical cooldown. What is scheduled after the winter weather whiplash flash freeze? A return of the heat.


CHEMICAL COOLDOWN  [55:19]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 19, 2024, # 480

From unnatural firestorms to chemical cooldowns, “Global water cycle off balance for first time in human history, threatening half the planet’s food production” (CNN). “Scientists Warn of Irreversible Damage in 2024 Climate Report – The Future of Humanity Hangs in the Balance” (SciTechDaily). After decades of covert climate intervention operations, how’s it going so far?


Why is the U.S. Department of Defense giving $90 million to a private corporation to reopen an old lithium mine in Western North Carolina?   LEO HOHMANN

The citizens of Kings Mountain, N.C., do not want the dust, debris, truck traffic and environmental degredation of a lithium mine in their community, but will their local politicians sell them out?

OCT 16, 2024 – The United States is moving aggressively to bolster its national battery supply chain as globalists seek to force consumers into more expensive and less practical electric cars as part of their so-called Net Zero climate agenda.

In order to produce EVs, you need lithium for the batteries. Lots of lithium.

China is a top-3 global producer of lithium along with Chile and Australia. But U.S.-China relations are coming apart at the seams over Taiwan, Ukraine, and other issues, so the U.S. cannot depend on future lithium imports from China.

Even the World Economic Forum has gone on the record highlighting the need for more lithium heading into the digital age and the globalists’ penchant for electrification of everything. Not just cars and trucks but lawn equipment, stoves, water heaters, you name it, they want it to run on electricity instead of coal, oil or gas.

Against this backdrop, the U.S. government is looking inward for more sources of lithium. That’s where North Carolina enters the scene.

The federal government is pressuring a small town in North Carolina to allow an old lithium mine to be reopened, despite local backlash against the corporation seeking a permit.

In mid-September, just two weeks before Hurricane Helene blasted this area of North Carolina, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded Albemarle Corporation a $90 million grant to restart mining operations in Cleveland County.

The money will help purchase mining equipment for the operation, which sits off of Interstate-85 in the city of Kings Mountain.

The city manager of Kings Mountain, Jim Palenick, told WBTV that a total of $240 million from the federal government has been awarded to recuscitate the city’s long-closed mining operation.

You might wonder, why is the U.S. government handing out $240 million of our hard-earned tax dollars to restart an old lithium mine so that auto manufacturers can produce more electric vehicles that nobody wants to buy because they’re inefficient, dangerous, and too expensive.

The Kings Mountain lithium mine, about 50 miles west of Charlotte, N.C., shut down back in 1988. But in recent years, lithium, which is the world’s lightest metal, has been growing in demand.

While EV battery makers in need of this metal are chomping at the bit and foaming at the mouth, Palenick told WBTV that the city wants to make sure it’s the right move for the community.

And the community doesn’t want the mine reopened.

Palenick told the outlet:

“What you have here is one of, if not the only source of hard rock lithium in the United States.”

Palenick added, “There’s a lot of due diligence that still has to go into this from the city’s perspective; we’ll be dealing with truck traffic, with noise, with dust, with water issues, with environmental issues, so all of that must be worked out; there has to be a permit for a special use that hasn’t been granted yet.”

According to Albemarle Corporation, the lithium deposits would initially support the manufacturing of 1.2 million electric vehicles each year.

Albemarle says 70 percent of the lithium it processes goes into electric vehicles. But what about the other 30 percent? Turns out it’s used in triggering devices for nuclear weapons and in aerospace alloys, among other weapons systems. Could this be why the Department of Defense is throwing so much money into getting the lithium out of North Carolina’s foothills?

Some say it might not be a coincidence that a 500-year storm, Hurricane Helene, hit this area of North Carolina three weeks ago. I can’t speak to that.

Unlike lead-asset batteries, used up lithium batteries cannot be recycled and are toxic to the environment.

Palenick said the Kings Mountain City Council is under “tremendous pressure” from state and federal officials to approve the mining operation but will do what’s right for the city.

I’d be shocked if the city council does what is right. If I was a betting man, I’d put my money on this city’s elected representatives voting against the wishes of the people and in favor of the federal/state military-industrial complex.

Below is a PBS mini-documentary [from 2020!], 7 minutes long, on North Carolina’s lithium rush:

[Ed.:  Must be more civilized and legal ways for the government to get Eminent Domain besides incinerating or drowning the land owners, no?]

                                                                                                                                                                                      Lahaina, Maui Hawaii


“Weather Wars”? 90 Second Alert   Dane Wigington

October 14, 2024 – Joe Biden: “No one should make the American people question whether governments… (inaudible babble) to make sure that when disaster strikes they’ll be there.” Your thoughts?


“WEATHER WARS”?   [55:55]   Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 12, 2024, # 479


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation — Shocking Facts Revealed!   By Cara Castronuova

Oct. 8, 2024 7:30 am – Marjorie Taylor Greene was right. Yes, scientists do control the weather.

But as the old saying goes- “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

After Representative Greene tweeted a simple and accurate statement last week regarding weather manipulation, the mainstream media went on autopilot mode, calling her an “unhinged conspiracy theorist”.

See MTG’s tweet here:

A community note was added to Rep. Greene’s tweet, stating, “While small-scale ‘cloud seeding’ to create localized rain is possible, hurricanes and other large storms cannot be produced with modern technology.”

Interestingly, even this note acknowledges that weather can, in fact, be manipulated—proving Greene’s point. Rep. Greene didn’t specifically mention hurricanes in her tweet; instead, she broadly suggested that scientists have the ability to influence weather patterns.

Despite some reactions dismissing her claims as conspiracy, research into weather modification, including techniques like cloud seeding and other geoengineering efforts, has been well-documented over the years.

However, the public largely continues to view geoengineering and weather manipulation as “conspiracy theories”. Even with historic and “scientific evidence” frequently published all over the internet, the taboo subject still invokes images of cooky tin foil hat wearers.

Please take the time to read this heavily researched article to begin to truly understand how and why the weather is manipulated so you can understand why this topic must become part of our national discussion.



Geoengineering, or weather modification, is real. Read about the US Government’s “Five Year Geoengineering Study Plan” here. Read the USDA’s report on cloud seeding here. Read a White House statement here.

Yes, the government is actively modifying the weather. They tell the media it is to “combat climate change”. Wouldn’t it be appropriate for a journalist to ask the obvious question, “Is it safe?

According to environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates has “hijacked geoengineering” and Gates is funding these projects around the world.

“They aggravate the problem then sell us the solution,” said Kennedy. “The solution that they want is more social controls. Geoengineering is a threat that the environmental community needs to know about and the rest of us needs to know about.”

Watch the video below after you finish this INSANE article:  [59:52]

The general public needs to be start learning about weather modification rather than blindly trust the government and corporations to their own devices when it comes to their use of these powerful technologies.

There is little to no public oversight or discourse on the subject matter. While these tools can be used for good, they can also be used for nefarious purposes and have been misused in the past.

For example, during Vietnam War, the US Government reportedly used cloud seeding in their secret Operation Popeye to amplify treacherous monsoons in Vietnam and devastate roads with flooding.

Project Cirrus of 1947 attempted to modify a hurricane off the coast of Florida only to artificially redirect it to demolish parts of Georgia. As technologies develop rapidly, the sky is the limit on how potentially helpful OR dangerous weather modification can become.

Check out this excellent resource website here on the dangers of weather manipulation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene said “they” can control the weather. “They” are the federal government, individual state governments and municipalities, over 52 foreign nations, various stakeholders and insurance companies.

Continue reading


HELENE AFTERMATH – MILTON IS NEXT  [55:07]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 5, 2024, #478

“October hurricane forecast: Brace for the return of big hurricanes” (USA Today). “Milton expected to become a major hurricane before slamming into Florida” (Fox News). After a perplexing lull in what was scheduled to be the worst hurricane season ever, the storms are now being ramped up. Multiple states are still reeling in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton is approaching Florida’s west coast. What does Hurricane Milton have in store for the Sunshine State? About an overall perspective, this new headline from Time Magazine, “Planet Earth Is in Critical Condition”. And through it all, no major media source is acknowledging the issue of climate engineering, no surprise.


FEMA Announces Non-Citizen Aliens Will be Granted Disaster Assistance   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 4, 2024 11:20 am – As Americans suffer through the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, and communities in North Carolina continue to search for over 200 missing loved ones lost in flooding, there is a glimmer of hope for non-citizens.

If you are one of the millions of non-citizens that the Biden-Harris regime granted asylum to, you may qualify for FEMA aid.

FEMA will grant illegals assistance including:
* Permanent Residents
* Non-citizens granted asylum
* Certain non-citizens of their spouses or kids

Via Natalie Winters.

If you’re Cuban or Haitian you qualify for assistance.

Via the FEMA website.

Oh, and FEMA is running out of money because they dipped into the disaster relief funds to help pay for the millions of illegals they allowed to walk across the US border in the past 3.5 years.



FEMA Drained $1B for Illegals!   Brigitte Gabriel

Calls for FEMA to Reallocate Funds for Hurting Americans Now


Biden-Harris administration blasted for running out of money to deal with Hurricane Helene after blowing billions on migrants

Jon Michael Raasch | Daily Mail UK | 10-3-24

The federal government’s disaster response agency doesn’t have enough money to help Americans left in distress by Hurricane Helene after blowing billions on illegal migrants.

Over the last two years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has handed out more than $1 billion taxpayer dollars to specifically support illegal migrants with housing.

But now there’s no money to help out the 150,000 American citizens who have reached out for federal assistance after their homes were damaged by Hurricane Helene.

‘FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season,’ Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Wednesday.

Only last week, Congress passed a funding bill for an additional $20 billion for the anticipated hurricane season.

But it won’t be enough after Hurricane Helene ripped through Appalachia and the south killing nearly 200 Americans – with additional storms on the horizon.

And that is triggering lawmakers who are baffled after the taxpayer-funded agency pumped billions into nonprofits supporting illegal migrants.

FEMA was given $640 million to support migrants in the 2024 fiscal year – and outrage is mounting that the agency is refusing to re-allocate those funds to disaster relief for Americans.

 ‘Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane,’ Texas Gov. Greg Abbott posted on X.

‘Put Americans first.’

‘WTF!’ Donald Trump Jr. wrote on X in response to a report about FEMA running out of money.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody also ripped the federal department for prioritizing migrants ahead of Americans.

‘They have taken the FEMA emergency food and shelter program and over time siphoned off hundreds of millions of dollars into basically making it an illegal immigrant resettlement program,’ she said Thursday.

Mayorkas was impeached by the House of Representatives earlier this year for his handling of the U.S.-Mexico, where lawmakers say over 10 million migrants have been encountered by authorities under his tenure, a record number.

Many Republicans, and a select few Democrats, have openly criticized his leadership of DHS and have said he is more focused on facilitating migrants entering the U.S. than enforcing laws to restrict the flow of illegal immigration.

This is evident in the 2023 creation of FEMA’s non-citizen-only Shelter and Service Program (SSP).

‘The Shelter and Services Program (SSP) provides funds to state, local, tribal, and nonprofit organizations to support sheltering and other eligible activities, including facility improvements, to support noncitizen migrants who have been encountered and released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),’ according to the DHS website.

The program to provide shelters for non-citizens has received over $1 billion in funding since its inception two years ago.

Its budget nearly doubled from $363.8 million in 2023 to $650 million 2024.

There has been no indication that this money earmarked for migrants will help Americans in dire straights as a result of Hurricane Helene.

‘We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have,’ Mayorkas said Wednesday. ‘We are expecting another hurricane hitting.’

‘Mayorkas says FEMA doesn’t have enough money to make it through hurricane season, but apparently it had enough to spend $1B resettling illegal aliens into the U.S. over the past few years,’ Rep. Eric Burlison, R-Mo., wrote in a statement Thursday.

‘That’s the Biden/Harris admin summed up in a nutshell. They put Americans last, always.’

Iowa Republican Rep. Ashley Hinson posted on X: ‘FEMA shouldn’t be able to spend taxpayer funds to support illegal immigrants & perpetuate the border crisis created by Biden & Harris.’

‘The agency should be solely focused on disaster relief & keeping Americans safe. Harris & Biden always put illegals over Americans.’

Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn similarly posted on X: ‘Under the direction of the Biden-Harris admin, FEMA has been siphoning more than $1B in taxpayer dollars meant for disaster relief to support illegal aliens.’

‘Even in the face of massive destruction and heartbreak in our communities, this administration puts America last.’

Another Republican, Rep. Mark Alford of Missouri, decried how migrants are occupying homes that could house Americans impacted by the disaster.

‘Let this sink in: Millions of illegal immigrants are occupying homes that could be used to house American victims devastated by Hurricane Helene. This is the Harris-Biden America.’



FEMA Sets Up ‘Rumor Control’ to Battle ‘Confusion’ About Failed Hurricane Helene Response   By Kristinn Taylor

Oct. 4, 2024 8:30 am – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is waging a PR battle to combat ‘rumors’ and ‘confusion’ about the failures of the Biden-Harris administration to take care of Americans affected by Hurricane Helene.

In a post on X Twitter on Thursday, FEMA said, “There has been a lot of rumors spreading about the #Helene response. Rumors can create confusion & prevent people from getting assistance they need. Help us share accurate information: http://fema.gov/helene-rumors

Hurricane Helene: Rumor Response

Help keep yourself, your family and your community safe after Hurricane Helene by being aware of rumors and scams and sharing official information from trusted sources.

Do your part to the stop the spread of rumors by doing three easy things:

Find trusted sources of information.
Share information from trusted sources.
Discourage others from sharing information from unverified sources.


Rumor: FEMA does not have enough money to provide disaster assistance for Helene.
FEMA has enough money right now for immediate response and recovery needs. If you were affected by Helene, do not hesitate to apply for disaster assistance as there is a variety of help available for different needs.

October 3, 2024

Rumor: FEMA is asking for cash donations and turning away volunteers.
This is false: FEMA does not ask for or generally accept any cash donations or volunteers for disaster response. We do encourage people who want to help to volunteer with or donate cash to reputable voluntary or charitable organizations. After a disaster, cash is often the best way to help as it provides the greatest flexibility for these reputable organizations working on the ground to purchase exactly what is needed.

If you encounter someone claiming to represent FEMA and asking for donations, be careful as that is likely a scam. Government employees will never solicit money.

Learn more about how to help after a disaster: How to Help After Hurricane Helene

October 3, 2024

Rumor: Funding for FEMA disaster response was diverted to support international efforts or border related issues.
This is false. No money is being diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA’s disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts. Disaster Relief Fund money has not been diverted to other, non-disaster related efforts.

October 3, 2024

Rumor: FEMA is confiscating donations for survivors.
Rumors about FEMA turning away donations, stopping trucks or vehicles with donations, confiscating and seizing supplies often spread after a disaster. These are all false.

FEMA does not take donations and/or food from survivors or voluntary organizations. Donations of food, water, or other goods are handled by voluntary agencies who specialize in storing, sorting, cleaning, and distributing donated items.

FEMA does not conduct vehicle stops or handle road closures with armed guards — those are done by local law enforcement.

October 3, 2024

Rumor: FEMA will only provide $750 to disaster survivors to support their recovery.
This is false.

One type of assistance that is often approved quickly after you apply is Serious Needs Assistance, which is $750 to help pay for essential items like food, water, baby formula, breastfeeding supplies, medication and other emergency supplies. There are other forms of assistance that you may qualify to receive once you apply for disaster assistance. As your application continues to be reviewed, you may still receive additional forms of assistance for other needs such as support for temporary housing and home repair costs. Learn more about the types of assistance available. If you have questions about your disaster assistance application and what you qualify for, contact us at 1-800-621-3362 to speak with a FEMA representative.

October 3, 2024

FEMA spokeswoman Jaclyn Rothenberg also posted on X:

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Hurricane HELENE “Steered into the Coast!?   n2ThinAir

This is a VERY scary topic – WARNING You now!

Was Helene “Modified” to flood North Carolina to control Lithium production for the US?

This will BLOW your mind! All Sources attached!

October 2, 2024 – We are discussing theories and evidence so Community Notes, you are NOT needed!

United States Patents to “Steer Hurricanes” & “Tornadoes” in 2007! (17 Years ago) You think they stopped trying???

Asheville and much of Western North Carolina sit on the biggest Lithium deposits in the entire United States!

Why is that significant? I thought you’d never ask!

When we left Afghanistan, we left behind our BIGGEST Lithium Score EVER!

Now, the largest deposit we have, while demands skyrocket, is underneath the flood-ridden area.

Watch closely as people may be told they CANNOT rebuild, and a ‘Disaster Zone’ may be declared, allowing the Government to take this land and Mine, Mine, MINE!

Please share this important information!


This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives.    Chris Martenson, PhD

October 2, 2024 – This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government

Me: What the heck…? That’s quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can’t…even. I’m stunned. This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It’s what humans do. They are violating every possible custom … on purpose. Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you’d be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it the message needs to get out. Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute.

Multiple truckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help.

Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions. Please amplify the message!!!


How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium  [5:02]

October 2, 2024   Reese Report


Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

September 30,2024 – Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature? What do you think? Are networks of ground based frequency transmitters being utilized to manipulate and steer hurricanes? This video footage provides visual evidence of the interaction between ground based frequency transmitter installations and the path of Hurricane Helene.

[Ed.:  Hurricane Helene was manipulated (weaponized) just before landfall by the US Department of Defense. Frequency transmissions from the NEXRAD network of transmitter installations, plus seeding with electrical conductive nanoparticles, amplified the magnitude of the storm and controlled its direction. Once again, we were attacked by our own government.]


STEERING HURRICANE HELENE   [55:24]  Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 28, 2024, # 477

“People should not be there: ‘Unsurvivable’ 20-foot storm surge predicted as ferocious Hurricane Helene heads to Florida” (from Live Science). Was Hurricane Helene everything official sources said it would be? Or, are there elements in the equation that no official source will ever make mention of? Why would we think otherwise? “World’s Oceans on Verge of Being Too Acidic to Sustain Life, Scientists Warn” (from Science Alert). “Political Momentum for Solar Geoengineering Non-Use Growing” (from the Center for International Environmental Law). Can global climate engineering operations be exposed and halted in time to make a difference?


EXPERIMENTING WITH THE STRATOSHERE  [54:47]    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 21, 2024, # 476

“Geoengineering is becoming a necessary option”, so says a new report from Earth .com. The article continues by stating global climate engineering operations “might exacerbate droughts, increase acid rain, and thin the ozone layer. These unknowns could affect global food production and biodiversity”. Like everything that has been and is happening right now in real time? How much longer can the facade continue of climate engineering only being a “proposal”? The damage done is already catastrophic, what will it take to wake the masses?

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


WEATHER GODS  [56:33]   Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 14, 2024, # 475

“The Weather Gods Who Want Us to Believe They Can Make Rain on Demand” (from Mother Jones News). “Amazon rainforest drier than Sahara as drought hits Brazil” (from the Daily Express US). “Great Barrier Reef already been dealt its death blow” (from RNZ News). Man’s interference with nature has done irreparable damage, how much longer can civilization survive without a functional planet?


FROST WARNINGS AND RECORD HEAT   [55:41]    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 7, 2024, # 474

“Frost Warning Issued for Three States as Temperatures Plunge. Cooler weather has hit the Northeast and the Midwest this week, with Montana seeing a storm cause 12 inches of snow in Glacier National Park” (from Newsweek). “Heatwave across US west breaks records for highest temperatures. Hottest summer on record continues, with millions from Phoenix to Los Angeles to Seattle under heat alerts (from The Guardian). Geoengineering operations have pushed the climate far past the breaking point, impact is coming fast. This week’s installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


Nanobiotechnology Chemtrails are Decimating Earth’s Life Support Systems     KAREN KINGSTON

“The human psyche needs to change. People need to stop cooperating in their common demise just because someone in authority, or they perceive in authority is telling them to do so.” – Dane Wigington

September, 3, 2024: In an exclusive interview with Dane Wigington, Maria Zeee exposes the imminent threat that chemtrails pose not only to human life, but all biological life forms. On September 1, 2024,Vigilant News Network reported;

“Poisoning of Our Skies”

“Beautiful blue skies that we enjoyed so much in our childhood have often become hazy, littered with these long white stripes that seem to stay put, then evolve into a monstrous cloud cover that blankets the sky. This phenomenon has a name. It has many, actually, but the most common tagline given to it is chemtrails, which is short for chemical trails.

Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington has been fighting to expose the “poisoning of our skies” for decades. He insists, “What we’re seeing in our skies are not condensation trails… they are sprayed particulate trails.” – VNN-Sept 1, 2024


Chemtrails are Contaminating Virtually Everything – Decimating Earth’s Life Support Systems

Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington asserts, “Short of nuclear cataclysm, there is no larger threat than (chemtrails) completely…decimating the planet’s life support systems with toxic elements, contaminating virtually everything. We’re seeing totally contaminated soils, waters showing up everywhere.”

Feel free to share this FREE to article.


Checkout this 1-minute video clip:

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ENGINEERING SUMMER SNOW    [56.:16]    Dane Wigington  |  GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 31, 2024, # 473

“Unusual weather leads to summer snowfall in western mountains of US” (from AP News). “Several Feet of Hail Falls in Colorado in Only 15 Minutes” (from Newsweek). “Scientists warn grocery shelves may soon be missing pantry-staple food” (from Yahoo News). “Global Food Production Is Being Limited by a Lack of Pollinators” (from EcoWatch). Climate intervention operations are inseparable from these equations.


“We Are Going To Stop This Crime”, 90 Second Alert   [1:21]    Dane Wigington |GeoengineeringWatch.org

August 29, 2024 – RFK Jr. has now made his voice heard in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, this has added yet more momentum to the rapidly rising awareness of global weather warfare operations. Exposing and halting the atmospheric aerosol dispersions will take all of us, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to each and every individual that has summoned the courage to face this most dire issue head-on.

Thank you, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for the courage you have shown by announcing “We are going to stop this crime”.

US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Are Chemtrails Real?”


NANOPLASTIC RAINFALL   [56:21]    Dane Wigington |GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 24, 2024, # 472

“Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’ “, a new report from The Guardian. “Microplastics Invade Human Brains, Researchers Call For Global Emergency” and “The global use of plastic has led to severe environmental contamination, with microplastics now found in air, water, soil, food, and human organs” (from NDTV). “Nanoplastics ‘hijack’ their way into the brain” and “plastics with ties to cancer”, both quotes are from CNN. Is microplastic (a.k.a. polymer) an element named in climate engineering patents? The short answer is yes.


STEERING STORMS   [56:08]   Dane Wigington |GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 17, 2024, # 471

”The Risks of Experimenting with the Sun” (from The New York Times). From the report: “This technology could never “restore” the climate but would further destabilize an already disturbed climate system… leading to unforeseen and irreversible ecological disasters, and severely affecting current and future generations”. From ForeignAffairs.com: “The Battle Over Blocking the Sun, Why the World Needs Rules for Solar Geoengineering”. The report then states: “policymakers have given little attention to the potential dangers of unilateral SAI” (stratospheric aerosol injection, AKA, jet aircraft sprayed aerosol dispersions in our skies). If we remain on the current course, our days are numbered.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count.


Was Hurricane Debby’s Path Manipulated?   [1:29]  Dane Wigington |GeoengineeringWatch.org

Was Hurricane Debby’s path manipulated? Is it just a coincidence that the current Hurricane Debby has just occurred almost exactly on the “45th anniversary of Hurricane Debbie seeding”? This is the exact headline from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Meteorological Laboratory. Another direct quote from the NOAA report: “The Debbie flights (1969) were the most extensive weather modification experiments carried out to date for the Project and the ones that yielded the most encouraging results.” Are we actually expected to believe the official denial of climate engineering / hurricane modification operations when the historical record proves that the US government first deployed such operations all the way back in 1947? How much has this technology advanced in the last 77 years? Please view this short report and decide for yourself.



CLOUD CONTROLLING PARTICLES   [56:34]   Dane Wigington |GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 10, 2024, # 470 ( Dane Wigington )

“Scientists have spotted unexpected X and C-shaped structures in the atmosphere. They are struggling to explain them” (from AccuWeather). Question, what else is taking place in our atmosphere on a day to day basis that the so called experts don’t even try to explain? Other than telling us we are not really seeing what we are seeing. “Researchers reveal origins of climate-controlling particles” (from Science Daily). The report continues with this subheading “climate-controlling clouds”. Are the atrocities in our skies now becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight? And from MSN, “Earth systems critical to all life are on the verge of total collapse”. Have we reached the end of the line?


HORROR: Passenger Plane Carrying 62 People Spirals Out of the Sky, Crashes Outside São Paulo, Brazil   (VIDEOS)   By Cristina Laila

Aug. 9, 2024 1:40 pm – A passenger plane fell out of the sky and crashed in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Friday.

According to preliminary reports, 62 souls were on board the Voepass Linhas Aéreas flight when the plane crashed in the city of Vinhedo.

The plane went into a flat spin before it crashed into several homes.

According to reports, all 62 people aboard the flight – 58 passengers and 4 crew members – perished.

It is unclear if people were inside of the homes when the plane crashed.

“There is still no confirmation of how the accident occurred or the current situation of the people on board,” according to a statement by airline Voepass.


Additional footage shows the impact site.  (warning: graphic)  WATCH

Brazil’s president Lula da Silva [the tyrant communist dictator who stole the las election from Yair Bolsonaro,] delivered brief remarks on the plane crash.

“Very sad news. All my solidarity to the families and friends of the victims,” Lula da Silva said.

[Ed.:  Sao Paulo is in the Souther part of Brazil where snow and flooding are very rare. But Southern Brazil has been experiencing both abnormal snows and flooding lately. This is most likely due to geoengineering manipulation and nucleated snow.  If an airplane flies through these chemicals, ice will form on the wings rendering it inoperable. The pilot requested an alternate flight path, but the communication did not get through.  62 souls died, and no one will ever know why, or prosecute their murderers!]


Who had Snowpiercer on their bingo card? What a crackpot.   Jessica Rojas

August 4, 2024 – Sulfur dioxide (SO2) will result in higher concentrations of acid rain. Let’s say you cooled the earth by a degree, what will it matter when it will be at the expense of every living thing on Earth?

If your goal is to destroy all forms of life on Earth then yes it will work.

Gates backs this insane plan as well. [Emphasis added]

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VERY SCARY CLIMATE STRATEGY   [56:37]    Dane WigingtonGeoengineeringWatch.org

AUGUST 3, 2024 – “Scientists Study This Very Scary Climate Strategy” (from Mother Jones Journal). “Introducing particles like sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere could create a plethora of new and unpredictable problems. Possible negative impacts may include changing regional weather patterns—creating or shifting areas of drought or regions that receive extreme precipitation—or altering tropospheric chemistry and ocean circulation patterns. Partially blocking the sun’s rays could interfere with normal plant processes and reduce agricultural yields. Adding sulfate aerosols to the stratosphere would degrade the ozone layer (thereby increasing global cancer rates) and increase acid rain. The potential effects of solar radiation management are so large and wide-ranging as to implicate almost every aspect of life on the planet.”

To those that are still trying to convince themselves that climate engineering operations are just a proposal, please look up.



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.