Daily Shmutz | HEALTH | 4/21/23


MRNA IS ALREADY IN MEAT! – More evidence EXPOSES Eugenics Operation! [30:42]

Josh Sigurdson reports on the mounting evidence of mRNA in the food supply as unvaxxed strangely appear to be getting the same blood clots as the vaxxed and samples of meat have been shown to have traces of mRNA already.

Attorney Tom Renz has also noted that mRNA has been used to some degree in a lot of pig meat going back as far as 2018 with “customized” mRNA injections.

They’re not only destroying the supply chain to force us to eat bugs and eat FEMA mRNA infused food rations, but they’re attempting to kill off those of us who weren’t ignorant enough to inject ourselves with poisonous substances like the covid shots.

This is simply more reason why we should start to withdraw from the conveniences of grocery stores and grow and raise our own food.

Will people stand up and live by example or fall into the death cult trap?


Some US meat products have been tainted with mRNA vaccines for YEARS, warns Dr. Mercola   by: Arsenio Toledo

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 – (Natural News) New reports show that certain meat products have been tainted with mRNA vaccinations for years, and there are plans to expand which meat products are injected with mRNA vaccines.

Research by Dr. Joseph Mercola shows that American pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based vaccines on their herds since 2018. (Related: Government and Big Pharma plan to taint food supply by injecting animals with mRNA vaccines.)

“[Pork] is one of the most popular meats worldwide outside of the Middle East and places like that … and they’re already putting [mRNA] in the food supply,” warned Josh Sigurdson of “World Alternative Media.”

“There’s evidence that there is already mRNA technology being found in meat at grocery stores,” he added. “Big Ag has already kickstarted the plan by injecting pigs … with mRNA gene therapy.”

What Mercola’s report means is that Americans have likely eaten pork products treated with gene therapy mRNA vaccines for nearly five years already.


RF RADIATION – Cell Phones & Weird Pulses You Need To Be Aware Of!!  [34:07]   Cory Gray

April 20,2023 – Today I want to share with you what I have been observing that is quite new and strange. I have recorded it now about 8 times. Extreme pulses all at the same mW/m2.

I will explain all this and why you should never hold your phone in your hand for long.


Looking for Answers to the Autism Epidemic in All the Wrong Places   by Joan Swirsky


(Apr. 20, 2023) — According to the Atlanta-based U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest statistics, in 2020 one in 36 children (approximately four percent of boys and one percent of girls) was estimated to have autism spectrum disorder, estimates that are significantly higher than those in all previous years. White children are about 19 percent more likely than black children and 65 percent more likely than Hispanic children to be diagnosed with autism.

Experts offer various reasons for the general increase in this condition:

  • The role that being an older parent plays not only in the incidence of autism but also Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.
  • Genes.
  • “Something” in the environment.
  • The increasing number of vaccines given to infants and children, which today routinely number 16.

What is consistently omitted, however, is the role that ultrasound exams during pregnancy may and probably do play not only in this seeming black/white disparity, but in the rapidly escalating incidence of the condition. More about that below.
Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the normal development of the brain, causing self-defeating behaviors and an inability to form social relationships. It usually appears before the age of three. Most scientists believe that autism is strongly influenced by genetics but allow that environmental factors may also play a role.
To be diagnosed on the autistic spectrum, a child must have deficits in three areas:

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