Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL  | 10/15/23























IDF attacking Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon   i24 News

October 15, 2023   03:08 PM –  News Flash Headline only


LIVEBLOG: As IDF holds out on ground maneuver in Gaza, rockets fired in north   i24NEWS

October 15, 2023 at 03:08 PM – Israeli toll from Hamas attacks reaches at least 1,400 killed, 3,500 wounded, IDF stations troops at Gaza border for possible land invasion of the strip

Israel entered its ninth day of war after Hamas’s surprise combined attack. Over the weekend a report revealed that the Palestinian terrorist group planned civilian massacres to the smallest detail, as part of its infiltration which killed children, women and elderly, with over 1,300 brutally murdered.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has since struck several terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip, including high-ranking Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) members. After numerous attempts to warn Gaza residents, the Israeli army continued to hold out on a ground maneuver, giving more time for evacuations.



THE LATEST: 1 killed by anti-tank missiles; unity gov’t convenes as deadline for Gaza expires; PM vows to ‘take apart’ Hamas

Rocket fire toward Tel Aviv and Herzliya; no casualties reported • IDF targeted Hezbollah positions in Lebanon after five anti-tank missile launched toward Israel • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will arrive in Israel Monday • A terrorist was killed in a car-ramming attack.

10-15-2023 18:32 – Operation Swords of Iron entered its ninth day on Sunday as Israel continued to strike Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in the north. The number of fatalities on the Israeli side murdered by Hamas in the weekend attack has reached 1,300, with over 3,300 wounded. Some 500 bodies have yet to be identified due to the horrific abuse by the terrorists.

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The IDF continued to strike with intensity in the Gaza Strip during the night, between Saturday and Sunday. The commander of Hamas Nukhba Force in southern Khan Yunis was killed, as well as the one who led the attack in Nirim. Israel reportedly attacked an airport in Aleppo, Syria.

According to The New York Times, quoting senior IDF officers, the ground invasion is expected to start very soon. The leader of Hamas’ political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, met with the Iranian Foreign Minister in Qatar.

In the morning, IDF targeted Hezbollah positions in Lebanon following three anti-tank missile attacks towards Israel that killed one and injured three. Rocket hits home in Sderot, no casualties reported. IDF thwarts terrorist attack on border village in south.

Here are the latest key developments:


IDF awaits order for ‘very aggressive’ operation that resembles 1948 war   By  Lilach Shoval

10-15-2023 10:59 – In the IDF, and justifiably so, they talk about the need not to end this war without eliminating the threat, as it is a war that is no less than a matter of our existence and future here in the State of Israel.

Unless there is a very surprising and significant change, the IDF is soon going to embark on a ground operation defined by military sources as “aggressive” and even “very aggressive” – a proper response to those who murdered children.

The decision regarding the timing and nature of the operation will certainly not be disclosed through the media, but the operation will be launched in accordance with operational considerations, the ongoing effort to evacuate the population, humanitarian pressure, the need to carry out the operation from the air, and weather conditions.

In the IDF, and justifiably so, they talk about the need not to end this war without eliminating the threat, as it is a war that is no less than a matter of our existence and future here in the State of Israel, just like in 1948.


‘This is where the killer stood and slaughtered the children’: A haunting visit to a decimated community   By  Omer Lachmanovitch and Uri Dagon

Israel Hayom editor-in-chief and newsdesk director visit the scene of the Hamas slaughter, seeing firsthand the Holocaust-like aftermath.

10-15-2023 14:19 – On Route 242, at the northern exit from Nir Oz, facing the IDF jeep, a surreal scene unfolds: Thousands of turkeys that fled from the kibbutz’s coops are slowly wandering everywhere – on the road, in the yellow fields, under the eucalyptus trees.

They are looking for food, clucking, gathering in shaded areas. Dozens of them have already been run over on the asphalt. We drive carefully not to harm any of them. But the whole situation is almost absurd. The western Negev, a thriving and prosperous region, is now a disaster zone.

We set out to explore the torched homes of Nir Oz, along the scorched paths of Be’eri, within the sandstorm that still shakes the banners and props that were set up for the nature rave near Re’im, where hundreds of partygoers were slaughtered.


New declassified footage published by the military shows Israeli Air Force combat helicopters striking and shooting at Hamas terrorists infiltrating into Israel on the dark morning of October 7.

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Man jumped on Hamas grenade to save his wife

A survivor of the invasion tells how her daughter was saved by her son-in-law’s sacrifice.

Oct 15, 2023, 8:57 AM (GMT+3) – Neta Epstein lived with his partner, Iran Shavit, in Kfar Aza and was murdered while protecting her with his body.

Yael Shavit, Iran’s mother, told about Neta’s heartbreaking act of heroism and the story of her daughter’s survival.

“Neta’s grandmother was murdered this morning,” Yael said sadly. “She was the first to be murdered. His uncle Ofir was the second to be murdered. Neta and Iran heard and knew all this while they are still besieged in the shelter. We were in contact with them the whole time. At 10:30 we received a message from them that the terrorists are outside, breaking the windows and breaking into the apartment.”

“The terrorists managed to open the shelter and threw two grenades. Neta and Iran clung to the wall and hid. After that they threw the third grenade. It rolled in the direction of Iran. Neta immediately jumped on the grenade, so that Iran wouldn’t get hurt, and he even shouted ‘grenade’, while the criminals shot him a bunch of bullets. Iran saw how part of his body landed in the door, and part next to the bed.”

“The terrorists did not jump over the body to see if there was anyone else in the room. They simply decided to confirm their kill and threw another grenade. Luckily, Iran was not hit by it. The grenade ignited a picture that was on the floor, and it started to catch fire. From inside the room, Iran wrote to us: ‘Neta is dead and there is smoke in the room and the picture is on fire.'”


Urgent video ends unexpectedly after ZAKA CEO overwhlemed by emotion

“We’ve exhausted our supply of body bags, vital protective gear is gone”. says ZAKA’s CEO, Duby Weissenstern.

Oct 13, 2023, 4:02 PM – In an emotionally-charged video message, ZAKA’s CEO, Duby Weissenstern, delivers an urgent appeal to the global community, amidst the calamitous circumstances unfolding in Israel. ZAKA, an organization dedicated to disaster response and recovery, now finds itself grappling with an unparalleled emergency.

Weissenstern’s voice breaks towards the end of his message, his words weigh heavy with palpable grief and desperation as he details the harsh realities faced by ZAKA’s team on the ground in Israel. Click here to watch

In the heart of the chaos, ZAKA has been endeavoring to provide respect (kavod hameis) to the fallen, ensuring each individual is given due dignity in the aftermath of tragedy. However, as Weissenstern details amidst choked-back tears, their resources are dangerously depleted.

“We have run out of body bags, we are dangerously low on protective equipment, and our store of gloves will soon be gone.” Click here to help

Weissenstern pleads with an international audience for assistance.

As the video concludes, viewers are left with an echoing silence, a poignant reminder of the grave situation in Israel, and an invitation to act, to contribute to alleviating the overwhelming challenges faced by ZAKA.


IDF reservist: ‘This is what soldiers really need’

An IDF reservist explains what items citizens can buy to make a tangible difference to combat soldiers in the field.

Oct 15, 2023, 1:53 PM (GMT+3) – Ben Hayton, an IDF reservist, has published a video addressing the public who are preparing donations to support the Israeli forces who have been mobilized since the Hamas invasion.

Most of the donations, he explains, are in the form of sweets or snacks, which are enjoyable but not helpful to soldiers preparing for combat. Instead, he recommends, there are a number of items readily available in stores throughout Israel and online that can improve a soldier in combat.

Paracord and duct tape, both sold at sporting and camping stores such as the Rikushet chain in Israel, help soldiers fasten their gear properly so it does not fall off or move out of position.

A number of readily available medical items, such as Licoplast ointment for minor cuts, small bandages, small prepacked first aid kits, and blister bandages, can be of great help to a soldier whose injuries to not require the attention of his unit medic.

A windlass tourniquet, or CAT, he says, is a vital piece of equipment for everyone to have at home, and the more that can be sent to the IDF’s front lines, the better. The tourniquet can mean the difference between life and death when a soldier is injured and in danger of losing too much blood. Black permanent markers are also needed to mark the time a tourniquet was applied, as well as marking ownership of equipment.

Dehydration, he says, is a serious concern on the front lines. People can donate hydration packs, known colloquially as Camelbacks, and Electro-Rice additive powder to speed up the rehydration process for a soldier who loses too much water.

Related articles:

White-out can be used to apply distinct, permanent markings on the IDF’s olive-colored gear, letting both the soldier and his comrades know exactly what equipment is where at a glance.

Leatherman-style folding multitools can be used to clean weapons, preventing deadly jams when a soldiers is under fire.

If someone insists on buying snacks, Hayton concludes, it must be something that can fit into the pocket of a tactical vest. He particularly recommends protein bars as a way for every soldier to carry enough food for a full day on their person.


Gaza Resident: Hamas is blocking the evacuation

A man from Gaza confirms to the IDF’s intelligence services that Hamas troops are preventing civilians from leaving targeted areas.

Oct 15, 2023, 12:22 PM (GMT+3) – Arutz Sheva – Israel National News has obtained a recording of a conversation between an IDF officer in Unit 504 – the IDF’s HUMINT unit for undercover intelligence agents – and a resident of the Gaza Strip.

The man from Gaza, a resident of the Jabaliya in the northern region of the Gaza Strip, tells the IDF officer that Hamas forces are preventing civilians from leaving the areas the IDF has declared would be targeted. According to him, Hamas confiscates the identification and car keys of anyone trying to leave the targeted area.

Related articles:

The IDF officer, also speaking in Arabic, asks for the exact location of the roadblocks, and confirms with the man from Gaza that it is indeed Hamas troops preventing civilians from leaving the targeted area.

This comes after several thousands of flyers were dropped from aircraft over the Gaza Strip, telling the population that the IDF would be attacking the northern region of Gaza and ordering the civilian population to evacuate to the south of the Gaza Valley.


Israel eliminates one of the leaders of the Hamas massacre

The IDF and ISA targeted a company commander of the Hamas “Nukhba” commando forces who led the Hamas terror attack against Israel

Oct 14, 2023, 7:06 PM (GMT+3) – The IDF and ISA targeted a company commander of the Hamas “Nukhba” commando forces who led the Hamas terror attack against Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip

Based on precise IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF aircraft killed Ali Qadi, a company commander of the Hamas “Nukhba” commando force, who led the terror attack in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip last weekend. In 2005, Ali was apprehended following the kidnapping and murder of Israeli civilians and was released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.


⚠️ Trigger Warning: Hamas releases footage of the Israeli children and toddlers it took hostage during its barbaric massacre in southern Israel last Shabbat.

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Minnesota Woman Who Advocated for Palestinian Rights and Protested Against Israeli Actions Killed by Hamas Alongside Husband   By Jim Hft

Oct. 14, 2023 7:15 am – In a tragic twist of fate, a Minnesota woman and her husband who had vocally advocated for Palestinian rights and protested against Israeli military actions were killed in a Hamas attack.

Cindy Flash, a 67-year-old originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, had emigrated to Israel decades ago. She married Igal Flash, a 66-year-old Israeli and the son of Holocaust survivors, and they settled in Kfar Aza, a community located just a few miles from the Gaza border.

The couple’s home in Kfar Aza sat right next to the security fence that Hamas militants broke through as they attacked Israel by land, sea, and air.

What makes Cindy’s story particularly poignant is the irony that she, an advocate for Palestinian rights, became a victim of the very group she sought to help.

Cindy was known for her advocacy for Palestinian rights. She would often protest against Israeli military operations in Gaza, standing up for the dignity and humanity of Palestinians, according to CNN.

“Whenever there was a military operation, (she) would always protest,” according to their daughter Keren Flash, 34.

“She was there protesting all the time so they won’t destroy it – so that people will see what’s happening because you don’t treat human beings like that no matter what their religious belief is and what their ethnicity is.”

“They were some of the best people that I have ever known,” she added of her parents. “They were good people. They cared about other people. They fought for other people’s rights and other people’s voices.”

However, on a fateful Saturday, the couple was killed inside a safe room at their home during a large-scale attack by Hamas. Keren Flash received a text message from her mother that read, “they managed to break into the safe room.” That was the last time she heard from them.

After days of agonizing silence and uncertainty about their fate, Keren Flash told CNN that the only sliver of solace she could grasp from the devastating news was that they “died instantly so at least it was quick and relatively painless.”

[Ed.: “… I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.” – Genesis 12:1-3]


HORRIFIC Video Emerges Of Unimaginable Butchery at Israel Peace Festival in Israel   By Pamela Geller

October 13, 2023 – Warning graphic. Hamas must be obliterated. GONE.

Hamas represents Gaza and Palestinians; majority of Palestinians approve Hamas attacks on Israel, polls indicate that. I didn’t hear Palestinians condemn the recent massacre neither the ones before; I saw them happy and distributing sweets in the streets after each attack, I saw… pic.twitter.com/RqL5k5jjHJ

— Brother Rachid الأخ رشيد (@BrotherRasheed) October 13, 2023

I have seen no condemnation in the Muslim world.

BREAKING: Hamas intentionally targeted elementary schools in Israel, instructed terrorists to seize hostages, move them into Gaza, and to “kill as many people as possible,” maps and documents recovered from the bodies of attackers show. https://t.co/UL0vlypmrh

— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 13, 2023

No words.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.