Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO) | 1/14/24



How much Hamas Spent on Gaza Terror Tunnels    By Pesach Benson, TPS

Hamas diverts millions intended for Gaza Strip to build underground terror infrastructure, IDF finds.

                                                                                                                           Money down the hole

Jan 14, 2024 – Hamas spent tens of millions of dollars, which was intended for the Gaza Strip, building underground terrorist infrastructure, the Israel Defense Forces said on Thursday evening, citing intelligence findings.

Hamas “opted to invest precious resources in building terrorist infrastructure used to harm Israeli civilians and IDF forces, while cynically exploiting the civilian population in the Gaza Strip,” the military statement said.

An analysis of tunnel shafts discovered since the start of Israel’s ground operation in the coastal enclave last year shows that Hamas diverted at least 6,000 tons of concrete and 1,800 tons of metal to build “hundreds of kilometers” of underground infrastructure, added the statement.

The IDF’s search for terror tunnels is aided by a trove of intelligence seized by soldiers, including 65 million digital files and half a million physical documents.

In some tunnels, soldiers found large sacks belonging to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The sacks were filled with sand, possibly intended to stabilize tunnels before concrete layers were added.

Earlier on Thursday, the IDF said it expanded its operations in the southern Hamas stronghold of Khan Yunis in the past 24 hours, exposing a vast tunnel network used by the terrorist group to hold hostages.

“The tunnel was connected to an extensive underground tunnel network beneath a civilian area in the city,” the army said. “Millions of shekels are estimated to have been invested in excavating the tunnel and equipping it with air ventilation systems, electrical supply and plumbing.”

Following an investigation, the IDF confirmed that some Israeli hostages had been held captive in the tunnel. They were held in cages, some 60 feet underground, per a CNN report that cited Brig. Gen. Dan Goldfus, commander of the IDF’s 98th Division.


WATCH: An In-Depth Look at the Tunnels Where Hostages Were Held

Jan 14, 2024 – As the footage rolls on, the immense size, depth, and intricacy of Hamas’s tunnels are staggering. This tunnel system where hostages were held is nearly 60 feet underground.

Lights, ventilation pipes, and running water show the dedication Hamas has to destroy Israel. Tons of cement were used to construct them, with millions of dollars funneled into the project, creating the hardest setting of urban warfare ever seen.

With no connection to the outside world, the hostages were kept in complete isolation, not knowing what to expect. It’s been 100 days since the hostages were taken.



There are no ‘innocent’ Palestinians in Gaza   Jonathan Pollard

57% of Gazans support Hamas, 71% have a favorable opinion of Islamic Jihad. Clearly, there are no “innocent” Palestinians in Gaza.  Oped.

Oct 19, 2023, 9:39 PM (GMT+3) – As I listened to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and President Joe Biden drone on about the need for us to allow an unmonitored humanitarian aid corridor to be created for the displaced Palestinians of Gaza, I was reviewing a recent poll of Gazans issued by the Israel Advocacy Movement. The results of the poll indicated that 57% of Gazans supported Hamas, while 71% had a favorable opinion of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These numbers were then compared unfavorably to the 44% of Germans who voted for the Nazis. Clearly, there are no “innocent” Palestinians in Gaza.

Why the international media has taken up the cause, once again, of these murderous people is not hard to understand. After all, most of the press enjoys disseminating the false impression of Israelis as wicked colonial oppressors, which is an antisemitic narrative echoed on virtually every college campus around the world. But what could be the reason for our ostensible allies, the Americans, to forget that both our countries have legally defined Hamas, in particular, as a terrorist organization and that all this unchecked humanitarian aid is most likely going to flow directly into their hands to do with as they see fit. Are the Americans really so dense that they actually believe a distinction can be drawn between a terrorist organization and its supporters? Apparently, they can’t or won’t.

We have to remember that we are currently engaged in an existential struggle for survival with Hamas. Indeed, after what their blood-crazed zombies did to our people in the south, no one should be laboring under any illusion as to what their intentions are towards us. They are totally committed to carrying out a genocide of our people. And this is a goal that their ostensibly “innocent” civilian supporters thoroughly endorse. Just watching thousands of them rejoicing at the news of our slaughtered fellow countrymen on October 7 should dispel any doubt about their wholehearted support of our extinction. Indeed, once our security barrier had been breached, a horde of them poured across the border, pillaging our frontier communities and actively participating in the slaughter of our men, women, and children. Without a doubt, these Palestinians were not acting as “innocent” civilians. Rather, they were eagerly performing the role of Hamas auxiliaries, just as eagerly as Ukrainian and Baltic civilians assisted the Nazi Einsatzgruppen exterminators of our people in Eastern Europe during the Churban. But this similarity of the Gazan “civilians” with their European predecessors is apparently lost on Blinken and Biden, who feel that they’re somehow worthy of our compassion and humanitarian aid rather than a prison cell- or worse!

Does anybody really have a doubt as to what these “innocent” Palestinian civilians would have done had Hamas managed to overrun Ashkelon? Does anyone question that they would have helped Hamas slaughter and dismember our babies in their cribs and engage in an orgy of rape? However, according to the Biden Administration, we are supposed to overlook this probable outcome and treat these Palestinian “civilians” as innocent victims of Hamas intimidation and brainwashing.

During the Second World War, the Allies understood that there could be no distinction drawn between a murderous aggressor regime and its willing civilian enablers. That is why both the RAF’s area bombing raids against Nazi Germany and the 2Oth Air Force’s comparable firebombing campaign against Imperial Japan’s cities went largely unopposed by the citizens of Great Britain and the United States. This didn’t mean that there was a desire to massacre German or Japanese civilians in cold blood. Rather, it was felt that by dehousing Nazi Germany’s industrial workers and destroying Imperial Japan’s largely urban-based military industrial workshops, such aerial operations would bring the war closer to an end.

Likewise, we in Israel have finally realized that if Hamas chooses to embed their fighting forces amidst their civilian auxiliaries, the latter should not expect to be accorded any degree of compassion or consideration. Whether willingly or not, Gaza’s civilians are either voluntary human shields or simply unavoidable casualties of war. To be sure, we are not purposely killing them. On the contrary! We have gone to the trouble of warning Gazans living in the northern part of the Strip to leave before our anticipated ground invasion occurs. If they are without food, housing, or medicine as they assemble in the southern part of Gaza, it is not up to us to facilitate the provision of so-called humanitarian aid to these terror-supporting individuals. Indeed, for us to do so would make about as much sense had the English in 1943 provided humanitarian aid to German industrial workers who had been blown out of their homes by the RAF.
And lest we forget, these particular Palestinians voted for Hamas by a very wide margin and have enthusiastically endorsed this organization’s desire to exterminate us “from the river to the sea” ever since. Now, it’s time for them to reap the consequences of their bestial hatred. Let the UN take care of them all in a camp based in Sinai, as Avigdor Lieberman has correctly suggested. And let Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken refrain from coercing us into taking care of Hamas’ civilian auxiliaries. We owe these Arab Nazis nothing but our contempt and indifference.


Houthis train to attack Israeli towns   [Video] Israel National News

A new video by the Houthi faction in Yemen shows training to attack an Israeli town and take the residents hostage before demolishing the town with explosives.

Jan 13, 2024 – The Houthi faction in Yemen has published a video of a military exercise held in the Sa’ada region in northern Yemen which simulated the conquest of an Israeli town and the capture of hostages.

The exercise was part of a larger operation that has been dubbed, “Preparing for the Battle of Assured Victory and Holy Jihad.”

Related articles:

In one of the buildings that served as the targets in the exercise, the militants fired at and stepped on a picture of Prime Minister Netanyahu, and destroyed US and Israeli flags. Other portions of the exercise included attacking Israeli targets from the air and ground, as well as taking over military positions.

The exercise comes against the backdrop of recent US airstrikes against the Houthis. According to American sources, the main target was a radar base near Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. The sources claim that Tomahawk cruise missiles were used, and that the strikes were a continuation of the attacks from January 12th.

[Ed.:  Houthi militia totals 2,000 (+or-) men!  It’s an Irani proxy group backed by the Republic of Iran Armed Forces.]


Nadia Matar, Sovereignty Movement: ‘From the river to the sea, Israeli sovereignty’  [Video  7:02]   Israel National News

The co-chair of the Sovereignty Movement says that there is only one way to victory: Full Israeli sovereignty over the Gaza Strip, and the emigration of Arabs from Gaza.

Jan 13, 2024, 10:47 PM (GMT+2) – Nadia Matar, co-chair of the Sovereignty Movement, spoke with Arutz Sheva – Israel National News from the Land and Nation Sovereignty Conference in Jerusalem. Matar called the entire event “a wake-up call” from Gaza.

“We are in an insane situation. We were attacked, fourteen hundred Israelis were murdered, and we went to war in Gaza, and now we hear from international parties that we need to drive out Hamas so that the Gaza Strip can be handed over to another terrorist group, the Palestinian Authority,” she said.

“We are here to say to them: ‘No way.’ We need full Israeli control of the Gaza Strip, renewed Jewish settlement in Gaza, and voluntary emigration of the Arabs from Gaza. The war, of course, is not only about Gaza, and so we are also here calling for full Israeli sovereignty over all of Israel, starting with the Jordan Valley.”

She said that her message is directed to the government of Israel as well: “We are also speaking to the government, calling on them not to give in to international pressure. There are plenty of other countries that have expelled hundreds of thousands of enemies, and no one has said ‘boo’ to them. We must be the same way, and say that the Gazans are the people of Hamas and should be expelled. Gaza is part of the land of Israel, and we are making our slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Israeli sovereignty.’”

She also presented a poll showing how widespread the call for Arab emigration has become: “74% of the population is against the creation of a Palestinian state. 76% are in favor of Arabs emigrating from Gaza. It has become a national consensus of right and left.”

“The Arabs want to leave as well – if they want to leave, it is immoral to keep them in the prison of Gaza. Why did the nations that welcomed Ukrainian refugees close their gates now? They want to keep the Gazans as Israel’s problem. We call on the government to send them out, and we will take care of Gaza, turning it into a more beautiful place than they ever could, with 300,000 Jews and huge cities in Gaza. We want the same for Judea and Samaria, starting with the Jordan Valley.”

“We also want, just maybe, to send a message to the Arabs. They do not care how many people we kill or houses we destroy, only about losing territory, especially territory that was never theirs in the first place. Victory will be when we return to the land we so foolishly abandoned in 2005, and apply sovereignty there and in Judea and Samaria, finally ending the Six Day War. Only then will the Arab states understand that there is no room for a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the sea – only Israeli sovereignty.”


Jonathan Pollard supports Mothers’ March   Israel National News

Jonathan and Rivka Pollard meet with and encourage the director of the organization demanding an end to aid in Gaza.

Jan 14, 2024, 1:05 AM (GMT+2) – The director of the Mothers’ March organization, Sima Hasson, met with Jonathan Pollard and his wife Rivka, who expressed their support for the demand by the parents of soldiers and the Torat Lehima organization to reach a victory over Hamas.

Hasson, a mother to two soldiers, told the Pollards about the activities by the mothers of soldiers and their demand to end humanitarian aid to Gaza, which they claim reaches Hamas.

The Pollards expressed their appreciation for the activities and said: “Since the beginning of the second war for our national survival on October 7th, two groups of Israelis have shown unconditional loyalty to our state.”

Related articles:

“One of these groups is our brave soldiers, who with their blood and faith have prevailed over our lack of leadership and our enemies. The second is the patriotic parents of these wonderous soldiers who demand complete victory over Hamas. These women have proven why, throughout history, it is our women who have show morality without parallel to the land and people of Israel.”

“When the question arises where our soldiers get their bravery, everyone knows the answer – they got it from their mothers.”

Hasson said after the meeting: “The touching statements from the Pollards have encouraged us and given us the strengthen to continue our fight to support our dear sons, the soldiers. We call for all the public to demand an end to humanitarian aid and to continue fighting to victory.”


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.