Daily Shmutz ISRAEL  (IINO)  1/30-2/1/23




February 1, 2023  – In a response to last week’s terror attack that killed seven Jews in Jerusalem, police started sealing the murderer’s home in preparation for demolition.

olice and city official were also given the green light to begin knocking down illegal arab structures across the Eastern neighborhoods in Jerusalem. The response from the arab sector in Jerusalem was violent.

Arabs shot fireworks at security officials and threw rocks and pipe bombs.

So why is this happening now?

While we saw violent acts and terrorism during the last government’s tenure, the uptick over the last few days has moved the barometer to another level. The fact is the previous government let the terror squads grow underneath the radar and now Bibi’s government is tryin g to dismantle.


Palestinian Authority calls for ‘direct destruction of Israel,’ says military expert   By Shimon Sherman, JNS

February 1, 2023 – A communique issued by the PA, PLO and BDS “calls for the direct destruction of Israel and praises terrorism,” says military intelligence expert Yossi Kuperwasser.

By Shimon Sherman, JNS

The Palestinian Authority, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) last week called “on the peoples of the world and their democratic and progressive forces” to actively participate in the BDS Movement against Israel and to “dismantle Israel’s system of settler colonialism, apartheid, and military occupation.”

The joint PA-PLO-BDS statement demands “the dismantling of Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid.” Their communique refers to Zionism as a “racist, genocidal ideology that encourages terrorism and fascism.”

Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, a senior project manager at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) and ex-head of the IDF Military Intelligence research division, told JNS that “the communique calls for the direct destruction of Israel and praises terrorism.”



For Israel to win, the judicial system must be reformed     ALEX NACHUMSON

The Supreme Court should not have a veto over Israeli security and counterterrorism policies.

(January 29, 2023 / JNS) The American Declaration of Independence famously guarantees the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Over the last 250 years, people have tended to focus on “liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” but it is no coincidence that the phrase begins with the right to life.

The right to life is and should be paramount over all other considerations, because it is the basis of existence. In the current debate over potential reforms to Israel’s judicial system, this element has been glaringly absent.

The conflict with the Palestinians has been raging for over 100 years. It has taken many forms—economic, diplomatic and mainly terrorism. It is not a war that can end Israel’s existence in one fell swoop, but it can deliver devastating blows to the longevity of the Jewish state.

Let there be no doubt, this war will continue until one side gives up. Sadly, we have witnessed this once again with the deadly terrorist attacks over the weekend.


Terror Strikes Again in Jerusalem

Hear the truth about the “Cycle of Violence” and “Coexistence”  [13:31]   Avi Abelow

Jan 29,2023 – We ended Shabbat hearing about two more horrific terror attacks in Jerusalem. Hear the truth that the media is not telling you.

[Ed.:  Meir Kahane was right!  “They MUST go!”]



January 30, 2023  –  On Thursday, Jan 26, the Palestinian Authority announced that it was suspending “security coordination” after Israel broke up a Jenin terror cell that had been planning a major attack.

On Friday, Jan 27, an Islamic terrorist opened fire outside a Jerusalem synagogue killing 7 Israelis, including Asher Natan, a 14-year-old boy, Eli and Natali Mizrahi, a married couple who rushed out to help the victims, and Shaul Hai, a 68-year-old synagogue sexton.

The shooter, despite being branded a “lone wolf” with no previous connection to terrorism, was described as having advanced shooting skills. And the death rate testifies to that. It seems highly likely that he was selected and secretly prepped to carry out this attack.

On Saturday, Jan 28, a second shooting in Jerusalem injured two other Israelis. Another armed terrorist was taken out by the town’s security team in Kedumim. That may not be the last of it.

There is nothing coincidental about the timing of this surge of violence: the deadliest in years.



Survival And Sensibility In Israel  By Daniel Greenfield

January 29, 2023  After weeks of hysterical liberal tantrums against the new conservative Israeli government, Muslim terrorists struck killing Israeli Jews of all ages: seven of them near a synagogue.

And after a moment of silence for the dead, who include a 14-year-old boy, the demands that Israel make deals with the terrorists, the claims that the government is “extremist” for trying to stop the terrorism, for trying to reform a judiciary that is biased toward the terrorists, will resume.

Along with the protests and official boycotts.

The part of the Torah that the 7 dead Jews in Jerusalem never had a chance to hear was Parshat Bo which describes the final plagues on Egypt.

Pharaoh began the enslavement and genocide of the Jews by enlisting Jewish collaborators. There are Jewish taskmasters to manage the Jewish slaves and even the midwives are enlisted to kill newborn children. When Moshe rises up and kills an Egyptian who is beating a Jewish slave, it is the slave himself who tells on him. Egypt has succeeded in getting the Jews to oppress themselves, to inject slavery into their souls and it will take some of the greatest miracles the world has ever seen to change that.


Defense minister: Every terrorist will either go to court or the cemetery   By EMANUEL FABIAN 

IDF to deploy 2 companies to help cops in capital, West Bank barrier area; Shin Bet chief said to warn against sealing off E. Jerusalem neighborhoods, as Smotrich, Ben Gvir sought

29 January 2023, 8:40 pm – BEIT EL, West Bank — Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Sunday that Israel was seeking calm, but would not hesitate to act against terror, as tensions remained high following a series of Palestinian attacks.

Speaking after an assessment at the military’s West Bank headquarters, Gallant said Israel “will act decisively and forcefully against anyone who threatens our citizens… Every terrorist will either go to court or the cemetery.

“We will enact offensive and proactive actions against those who try to harm our children. Anyone who helps the terrorists will be harmed. If needed, we will demolish their homes. We will deprive them of their rights. If needed, we will expel them,” Gallant said at the army base on the outskirts of the settlement of Beit El, which overlooks the West Bank city of Ramallah.

“We will not allow our blood to be spilled. We will do what is necessary to bring them to justice,” he continued.

[Ed.:  How utterly foolish, these “peace partners” revel in their deaths, they then get an instant passport to their paradise with their 70 perpetual virgins.  What they fear is what is important, if they die contaminated, for example from a bullet with pigs blood or pigs fat, no paradise, no perpetual virgins.  This is similar to what Egged Bus used in the past to stop bus bombings, they put pigs blood on their buses, lo and behold, no more bus bombings. Expect a mere defense minister to know this, just because he has lived in Israel all his life?]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.