Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 10/23/2023



“Make It Stop” – Israel Shares 43 Minutes of Gruesome Hamas Attacks to Horrified Journalists in Private Screening Not Yet Released to Public – Includes Young Children Burned and Pregnant Women Cut Open   By Cullen Linebarger

Oct. 23, 2023 12:20 pm – Israel on Monday screened for some 200 foreign journalists 43 minutes of shocking crimes committed by Hamas savages during their October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed. Some of the presentation includes never-before-seen footage.

They decided to release this screening to counteract a “Holocaust-denial” phenomenon which is starting to permeate across the globe.

We are witnessing a Holocaust denial-like phenomenon unfolding in real time.

So tomorrow, Israel will screen for foreign journalists the raw, unedited footage of Hamas’ atrocities in the October 7 Massacre, as captured by its death squads’ body cams. pic.twitter.com/wm7rjuvFsn

— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) October 22, 2023

The Times of Israel and other outlets printed the gruesome details shared by the IDF. With very few exceptions, journalists were only allowed notepads and pens as the IDF forbade them form sharing the most terrifying footage to the public.

Here are some of the most shocking details revealed:

In one video, a man rolls around on the ground, bleeding from his stomach, as a Hamas terrorist tries in vain to chop his head off with farming equipment. In another clip, an Israeli woman is trying to determine if a partially burned corpse with a mutilated head is that of a family member.

The dead woman’s dress was pulled up to her waist with her underpants removed. She had been raped and torured by the medieval savages before being set ablaze.

In yet another video, a 19-year-old female Israeli soldier is seen wearing bloody sweatpants while being dragged out of the trunk of a car to a chorus of sickening cheers. One man yells in English, “You’re in Gaza!”

A male soldier is pulled from a car, tossed to the ground, and then beaten by a bloodthirsty Palestinian crowd.

Joel Pollak of Breitbart News then describes perhaps the most horrifying video of all: one child had been blinded by the Hamas savages and was covered in his father’s blood after they deliberately targeted his family:

A terrorist peers over the fence and lobs a grenade into the shelter. It bounces off the back wall and explodes.The father’s body falls forward. A boy appears, covered in his father’s blood, looking at his father.

We see the boy on the couch, now doubled over on the rug. “Why am I alive?” he wails.

He then looks at the brother in the chair. There is a red, black space where his eye used to be. He asks if his brother can see out of that eye. He says that he cannot. The other brother asks again. Are you joking? He repeats that he cannot see.

Pollak also reported he heard fellow journalists whisper “make it stop” as the presentation on Hamas’ atrocities continued.


— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 23, 2023

The IDF went on to release still images to journalists showing a headless soldier, several charred human remains, including those of young children, dead bodies in a bomb shelter, and several Islamic State (ISIS) flags.

The IDF also revealed that a pregnant woman was not only killed by Hamas savages, but they also cut her unborn child out her belly and beheaded it.


— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 23, 2023

The little footage Israel did allow journalists to share with the public were previously viewed. Nonetheless, they do give small taste of the horrifying war crimes committed by Hamas.

The IDF just screened 43 minutes of horrors from the Hamas massacre on October 7 for foreign journalists. I was not there, my colleague @cjkeller8 was.

Here is the one minute of footage approved for mass publication at this point, barring most of it out of respect for the dead. pic.twitter.com/UDmQSrkYBL

— Amy Spiro (@AmySpiro) October 23, 2023


The IDF hosted a meeting for over 200 international reporters where a special film produced by the IDF was presented, showing materials and documents highlighting the actions of Hamas on October 7th.

While the… pic.twitter.com/ldYC85cAuU

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) October 23, 2023

Hamas’s savagery can be best summed by one terrorist named Mahmoud. He was seen today’s footage boasting about killing 10 innocent Israelis with his “bare hands.”

“Their blood is on my hands, let me speak to Mom,” he exclaims. “Please be proud of me, Dad.”

Should the Gateway Pundit obtain additional footage, we will share it with our readers so they can see the full truth of Hamas’ cruelty with their own eyes. Obscuring evil only allows it flourish.

[Ed.:  What Israel needs to do besides showing gruesome videos to journalists and withholding it from the Israeli public, is to explain to the Israeli public where the army was for eight hours while this was happening.  So far, not a word from the government.  Their silence and silencing the media is in itself incriminating on them! So far, it appears that they knowingly let this happen…]


“Moderate” Palestinian Authority: ‘All mosques must teach that extermination of Jews is an Islamic imperative”   By Pamela Geller

October 22, 2023 – For YEARS, I have spoken out against the genocidal Islamic texts and teachings against Jews. The existence of the State of Israel is deeply offensive to the Muslim world. Islamic Jew hatred is an Islamic imperative. When the PA says it, millions march in support of the Jewish genocide. When my colleagues and I quote them or the Quran, we are racist-islamophpbic-anti-Muslim bigots. We are smeared. defamed, libeled – our names destroyed.

In the information battle-space, they have won.

Fox News: the words “kill more Jews” were shouted at Palestinian protests in the US. pic.twitter.com/L6UpM2xY64

— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) October 22, 2023


FLASHBACK: Leaked Audio Reveals Election Denier Hillary Clinton Suggests Rigging Palestine Election in 2006   By Jim Hft

Oct. 23, 2023 7:45 am – On October 28, 2016, the New York Observer, owned by former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, released a leaked audio clip from back in 2006 in which Hillary Clinton proposed rigging a foreign election to achieve the desired outcome that she wanted.

The media did not report on the audio clip when it was released in 2016 because it would have been extremely damaging to then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The Gateway Pundit was one of the few news outlets in 2016 that covered this explosive report.

The audio, which is making rounds again on various news platforms due to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, captured Hillary Clinton, during her tenure as a U.S. Senator, discussing the idea of rigging the Palestinian elections to ensure the “right” outcome.

NY Observer reported:

On September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator. Her trip making the rounds of editorial boards brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.

The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of Jewish Press staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audiocassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.

Speaking to the Jewish Press about the January 25, 2006, election for the second Palestinian Legislative Council (the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority), Clinton weighed in about the result, which was a resounding victory for Hamas (74 seats) over the U.S.-preferred Fatah (45 seats).

One of the striking revelations from the tape is Senator Clinton’s critique of the U.S.’s push for elections in the Palestinian territories. Referring to the January 25, 2006, election for the second Palestinian Legislative Council, Clinton expressed regret over the U.S.’s encouragement for an election which eventually saw Hamas clinching a victory over the U.S.-preferred Fatah. She went on to suggest that had the U.S. decided to influence the elections, it should have ensured a favorable outcome.

This sentiment, as recalled by Chomsky, was shocking as it came from a national leader, implying a tolerance towards meddling in foreign elections.

In the audio, Clinton is heard saying, “I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”


Who Says Hamas Does Not Represent The Palestinians?   by Bassam Tawil
October 23, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • The Biden administration’s assertion that Hamas is an insignificant group of terrorists that does not enjoy the support of many Palestinians is not only false; it is dangerously so. This assertion contradicts the reality, which proves that Hamas actually does represent a significant portion of the Palestinians.
  • This inconvenient reality is based on public opinion polls conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) and the results of elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council and university student councils and professional unions. It is also based on mass demonstrations and rallies in support of Hamas before and after the October 7 carnage in which Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,400 Israelis and wounded more than 4,000.
  • The most recent PSR poll, published last month, showed that if new presidential elections were held today, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would win 58% of the vote, while Mahmoud Abbas would only receive 37%. Hamas’s “armed struggle” (terrorism) against Israel was supported by 58% of the Palestinian public, the poll showed…
  • This means that a majority of Palestinians share Hamas’s desire to eliminate Israel as expressed in the terror group’s 1988 charter. The poll also showed that 71% of the Palestinians support the formation of armed groups to murder Israelis.
  • In the past few months, Hamas-affiliated students won elections at two major Palestinian universities in the West Bank.
  • “The [university] elections are considered the bellwether of West Bank politics… With no general Palestinian elections on the horizon, student polls are seen as a ‘test for measuring public opinion’…” — Middle East Eye, May 25, 2023.
  • In 2021, Abbas cancelled elections he had called for the Palestinian Authority presidency and parliament after realizing that his Fatah faction was poised to lose to Hamas, as took place in the 2006 parliamentary election.
  • If, according to Biden and Blinken, Hamas does not represent the Palestinians, how do they explain the fact that… hundreds of Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip joined the Hamas terrorists who attacked the Israeli communities near the border with the Gaza Strip?
  • The Biden administration is presenting a false claim according to which most Palestinians are opposed to Hamas and that Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, which rewards terrorists who murder Jews with monthly stipends, is a “peace partner” for Israel. This is a complete distortion of reality and does not represent the truth.
  • Recently, Abbas reminded everyone that he is an antisemite and a Holocaust denier.
  • When will Biden and Blinken grasp that there is no difference between the murderous Hamas leaders and Abbas the antisemite? Surely, Biden and Blinken are aware that Abbas has not condemned the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. Abbas’s silence is a rambunctious approval of the cold-blooded massacre of hundreds upon hundreds of Israelis. Let there be no mistake about it: both Hamas and Abbas represent a majority of Palestinians whose goal is to murder Jews and destroy Israel.


Biden: “Humanitarian aid” to Gaza was my main goal during Israel trip   By Pamela Geller

October 20, 2023 – The very same people that elected Hamas and streamed into Israel to join in the raping, pillaging, and slaughter on October 7th. Did the allies provide German people with 100 million in “humanitarian aid”? Aid which we know will be used to conduct more brutal massacres.

Biden’s giving them 100 million dollars. https://t.co/XoHjoG9pMD

One commenter summed it up perfectly: “Israel’s worst enemy, Biden and the Democrat U.S. government, successfully blackmailed Israel to stand down its defenses, betray its sovereignty, and sacrifice still-surviving helpless Jewish captives to the  savages and Iran.  [Emphasis added]

Biden’s “main goal” in aggressively intervening obviously has nothing to do with “humanitarian aid” to Hamas Gaza (cf. Nazi Germany).”

(Not satisfied with crushing any public Jewish resistance, he proceeded to humiliate Israel’s blackmailed government by daring anyone to publicly report any “pushback.)


Hamas terrorists were told by commanders to behead Israelis and cut their feet and what they did to the bodies of Jewish women…..   By Pamela Geller

October 21, 2023 – Hamas terrorists were told by commanders to behead Israelis and cut their feet on October 7th, according to an Israeli interrogation video obtained and reviewed by Fox News. A militant in his 20s also describes how Hamas used Telegram to share videos in real time as they conducted the massacre. This militant says his commander, a man from Gaza City, told them they should not expect to return. We’ve left out some incredibly graphic details about what Hamas did to the bodies of women they slaughtered. They are too disturbing to explain on TV.

80% of the victims were tortured. And the Democrats are protecting these savages by demanding no response. A ceasefire is complicity.

And the Democrats are protecting these savages by demanding no response. A ceasefire is complicity. https://t.co/41jlcX3hY9

Israeli Morgue: ‘Evidence of mass rape of so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children.’ ‘People whose heads have been cut off. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out. A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded’


There are no “innocent” Gazans   Jack Engelhard

Nuts: Israel is cautioned to do no harm to “innocent” Gazans.

Oct 22, 2023, 7:57 AM (GMT+3) – I hope I don’t come across as being angry.

For what Hamas did to my People, I guess it’s okay to be sad, horrified, dismayed…but not angry.

As the Rebbe says, all other nations may fight to win, but only Jews must turn the other cheek. They must not be angry.

That was Biden, appropriately providing military equipment to the Israelis, then by degrees, backtracking and backsliding.

It didn’t take long for him to be reminded, by people like Chuck Schumer, that he is a Democrat, and that for Democrats, support for Israel is always conditional.

Therefore, the Israelis, fighting for their very existence, may engage the enemy…sending in its finest sons into the trip-wired, booby-trapped jungle that is Hamas/Gaza…where what awaits them are thousands of savages…armed to the teeth…ambushes prepared house to house, corner to, corner …BUT, they must not do so in anger.

Do not be blinded by rage, Biden warned the Israelis.

They must do no harm to those “innocent civilians.”

In time of war, what other nation gets conditions like this? Only Israel…and in all our US wars, millions of civilians died through collateral damage…because it was them or us.

So it is, nation to nation.

In rules of engagement, there is no prize for runner-up or second best, and the dead get no second chances.

Innocent civilians?

Those Gazans voted for Hamas. After every suicide bombing against Israeli civilians, they cheered and gave out candy…as they did after our 9/11.

The surveys have them supporting Hamas 87 percent. The rest were too busy digging tunnels.

There are no innocent Gazans.

Not even 10 as in Sodom, which was destroyed by sulfur and fire when there was no righteousness to be found; only wickedness.

How’s that for “blinded by rage,” justified.

Thus, every casualty in Gaza is the responsibility of Hamas and the assorted terrorists who turned lush greenery into garbage and terror cells.

Hamas started this. Israel must finish this with justified Biblical ferocity.


Calls for Israel to Restrain itself are ILLEGAL   [27:46]   Caroline Glick

10/16/2023 – In the face of the West’s rising calls for Israel to permit “humanitarian assistance” to Gaza and respond proportionately to Hamas’s massacre of 1,300 Israelis, wounding of 3,000 and seizure of 200 hostages, I sat down with international law expert Prof. Avi Bell from Bar Ilan and University of San Diego law schools. Bell explained the actual stipulations of international law in relation to the Gaza conflict.


Biden’s Impossible Demand

10/22/2023 – In nearly every statement and speech U.S. President Joe Biden gave during his brief sojourn in Tel Aviv, he insisted that Hamas does not represent the Palestinians and that the Palestinian Authority is their true representative. The P.A., the president insisted, does not share Hamas’s goal of eradicating the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Biden foresees a future where the P.A. is in charge of the Gaza Strip, and Israel agrees to a Palestinian state in Gaza, as well as in Judea and Samaria.

On Friday morning, the P.A. provided guidance to its mosque preachers ahead of its weekly services. They were told to declare war on Israel and join the jihad whose goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state and people.

As HaKol HaYehudi news service and Regavim’s research department revealed in a joint release, the P.A.’s guidance read: “We call upon our Palestinian people: The preservation of public and personal property is a religious and moral national duty … our Palestinian people … cannot raise a white flag until the occupation [aka Israel] is removed and the independent Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital.”

The guidance continued with the passage from the Islamic hadith that calls for genocide of the Jewish people.

“The time will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, until the Jew hides behind the stones and the trees and the stones or the trees say, ‘O Muslim, O Servant of God, this is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him.”

As the hours passed on Friday, Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria added more sandbags and firing positions for Israel Defense Forces to their already reinforced entrances.

Biden’s visit to Israel was a study in cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, he spoke warmly and emotionally about the U.S.’s commitment to Israel’s security. And on the other hand, the goal of his visit—to enable supplies to enter Hamas-controlled Gaza and preserve the open falsehood that the P.A. is a responsible, non-genocidal alternative to Hamas—indicates that his actual policy is deeply hostile towards Israel. As he put it on his way back to Washington in remarks to reporters aboard Air Force One: “My goal was … basically to get humanitarian aid into Gaza and to get as many Americans out who wanted to get out—could get out as possible.”

After noting that he secured Israel’s agreement to his demand, Biden added: “And the second thing was that I wanted to make sure there was a vehicle, a mechanism, that this could happen quickly.”

In other words, it wasn’t enough for Israel to bow to his demand; he wanted to ensure that the acceptance would be followed by action. According to cabinet ministers, Biden also conditioned U.S. military supplies to Israel on Israel’s pledge not to preemptively attack Hezbollah, which has been steadily escalating its aggression against northern Israel through cross-border raids and missile strikes.


Why has Israel not gone into Gaza yet?  Caroline Glick

As Biden turns against Israel, Netanyahu must stand strong

If Netanyahu fails to stand up to the United States, if he buckles, the pressure from Washington won’t stop.

October 16, 2023 – On Sunday, U.S. President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan all announced that the United States expects Israel to permit “humanitarian aid” into Gaza.

The implications of this position are devastating for Israel. According to reports, there are “hundreds of trucks” lined up on the border in Egypt to enter the Gaza Strip carrying so-called “humanitarian aid.” These trucks, if permitted to enter, will not be inspected in any significant way. There is no reason to believe they are carrying baby formula and foodstuffs that will be delivered to the needy. There is every reason to believe they are carrying war materiel and jihadist fighters who have arrived to augment Hamas.


WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Israel Warns to Cut Off ‘the Head of the Snake’ — Threatens to Wipe Iran and Lebanon Off the Face of the Earth   By Jim Hft

Oct. 22, 2023 3:40 pm – In a stern warning, Israel threatened to cut off “the head of the snake” and launch a military attack against Iran if the Tehran-backed Hezbollah joins the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

In a no-holds-barred interview with the Daily Mail on Sunday, Israel’s Minister of Economy, Nir Barkat, said that Iran and Lebanon would be “wiped off the face of the earth” if Hezbollah, operating from Lebanon, joins the war against Israel.

In a bid to deter Iran from further intrusion, Barkat explicitly stated that Israel would not only “eliminate Hezbollah” if a ‘northern front’ is initiated but would also target Iran directly.

“The plan of Iran is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we find they intend to target Israel, we will not just retaliate to those fronts, but we will go to the head of the snake, which is Iran,” Barkat said.

“The Ayatollahs in Iran are not going to sleep good at night, we are going to make sure they pay a heavy price if, God forbid, they open the northern front.”

“If our enemies attack, we will wipe them out.

“Lebanon and Hezbollah are going to pay a heavy price, similar to what Hamas is going to pay. But that’s not enough.

“The very clear message is that we are going to be going after the heads of Iran as well. When will we do that? When we decide.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.