Daily Shmutz ISRAEL  (IINO)  2/3/23


They murder and so we must build   Victor Sharpe

Military responses to Arab violence are effective up to a point. A more devastating response is filling Judea and Samaria with Jews. Op-ed.

Feb 3, 2023, 9:37 AM (GMT+2) – In an earlier incarnation as Israel’s Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu wanted to hear the world, or at least the allegedly civilized Western world, condemn in emphatic words the barbaric slaughter of an entire Jewish family – the Fogels.

They were slaughtered by the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians on a Friday night, even their infant’s throat was slit.. But the Prime Minister needn’t have bothered because the world, apart from a few individuals, ignored the crime and, perhaps, always will – as Caroline Glick suggested in her article at the time, Our World: Three Jewish Children.

Most of the world only wants one thing, and that is that the Jews first leave Judea and Samaria (which the nations all call by its Arab name, the ‘West Bank’), then leave the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, and finally what’s left of the rest of Israel. Only then, this morally compromised world believes, will there be nirvana, peace in our time, and a new golden age of harmony and brotherly love: Yes, and cows have wings!

No. The world, especially Europe, is proceeding at an ever-rapid pace towards appeasement of the Muslim world, acceptance of Sharia law, and abasement as dhimmis towards triumphant Islam.

Unless very soon, very, very soon, they come to their senses and physically remove the Muslim threat, they will become dhimmis in their own lands and will have no one to blame but themselves – and the Israel-Palestinian conflict will have had absolutely nothing to do with it: So much for “peace in our time.” Instead, a 7th century pestilence will arrive.

The same threat that already is plaguing the West laps at the very gates of the Jewish villages and towns (do not cal them ‘settlements’ – let us stop using that self-abasing term) that grace the hills and valleys of Jewish Judea and Samaria.

The pestilence came to the Jewish village of Itamar in the form of Muslim beasts from a nearby Arab settlement who slaughtered with long knives a young Rabbi, his wife and three children, including a baby.


Building, Illegal Arab Building, Victor Sharpe

[Ed.:  Victor Sharp writes an excellent article here, but is mistaken by omission (of the elephant in the room) in his title!  The title should have read: They murder and so we must remove them.  But if he wrote that in the land of IINO today, he would be arrested for ‘incitement’. Our best writers and thinkers have to be very careful how they say thingsSo, I will scream it here as loudly as possible: “THEY MUST GO!”, or else!  You cannot coexist with people who want to kill you.]


Conspicuous by their…presence   Dr. Martin Sherman

The Palestinian Arab flags, on unabashed and unhindered display at recent demonstrations against the proposed reform of Israel’s legal system, tear off the facade of hypocrisy that masks what really motivates them. Op-ed.

Feb 3, 2023, 8:19 AM (GMT+2) – We need to understand that the High Court of Justice is one family. Even if there are different opinions, it is to the benefit of the State [of Israel] that there be a coherent Court, in which the relationships are like those of a family. Despite any differences, it is impossible to include someone who is not part of the system—Former President of Israel’s Supreme Court, Aharon Barak, at the annual conference of the Israeli Association of Public Law, December 1, 2016.

We go to the polls, vote, elect, and time after time, people we didn’t elect choose for us. Many sectors of the public look to the judicial system and do not find their voices heard. That is not democracy…I’ve warned against the damage caused by judicialization. Now, the time has come to act—Justice Minister Yariv Levin, at a press conference at the Knesset, January 4, 2023.

Over recent weeks, tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets, ostensibly to protest the measures proposed by the newly ensconced justice minister, Yariv Levin.

At stake is the fate of the current system which, in essence, subordinates the elected organs of government (the executive and the legislature), voted into office, by a wide swathe of the public, to the discretion of a small group of un-elected officials (the judiciary and like-minded functionaries in the Justice Ministry).

Accordingly, the proposed measures are aimed at curbing what is a virtual stranglehold, which un-elected jurists have today on national policymaking and on the control of political decision-making. Clearly, this impinges on the formulation and implementation of national strategy at widely diverse levels—from economics to national security.

The reform measures

In broad brush strokes, the proposed reform addresses four aspects of the prevailing system:


Watch: Bus of high school students pelted with stones on Mount of Olives

Feb 2, 2023, 7:32 PM (GMT+2)  – Bus of 11th grade girls leaving has windows shattered by stone throwers as it leaves ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

A bus of 11th grade ulpana students was pelted with stones while leaving the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives. Several windows were shattered and the bus was filled with glass.

No one was injured in the attack.


Israel challenges US handover of First Temple-era artifacts to Palestinian Authority    David Rosenberg

Artifact from First Temple-era Judea seized from Jewish philanthropist’s collection declared ‘example of Palestinian cultural patrimony.’

Feb 3, 2023, 10:33 AM (GMT+2) – Israel’s new government is challenging the transfer by American authorities of a rare artifact from ancient Israel to the Palestinian Authority, after the item was seized from the collection of a prominent American Jewish philanthropist.

In 2017, a multinational investigation was launched into the collection of billionaire hedge funder and Birthright Israel cofounder Michael Steinhardt, amid allegations he had illegally acquired numerous artifacts and works of art.

Authorities in New York began seizing items from Steinhardt’s collection in January, 2018.

In December 2021, Steinhardt reached an agreement with prosecutors to relinquish control of 187 artifacts out of his collection of over 1,000 items.

The artifacts, which Steinhardt is said to have acquired illegally – including from sites in Israel – were returned to their respective countries of origin.

One item’s return, however, has sparked a dispute between American officials and the new Netanyahu government.

An ivory spoon from Steinhardt’s collection, dating back to between 800 and 700 BCE, during the First Temple period, was transferred to the Palestinian Authority on January 5th, “the first event of such repatriation,” the United States State Department said. Arutz Sheva wrote about it here.

George Noll, who heads the State Departments’ Office of Palestinian Affairs, said in January that the US “is proud to facilitate the return of this rare antiquity, an example of Palestinian cultural patrimony.”

[Ed.:  Excuse me!  Artifacts were returned to ‘the Palestinian people’?]


Gun licenses: 17 thousand citizens waiting for application to be approved   Orly Harari

Ben-Gvir’s reforms will enable 7,000 licenses to be issued per month, process to be streamlined.

Feb 2, 2023, 8:54 AM (GMT+2) – National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has held an additional meeting with employees of the firearms licensing department within his ministry, and has made a number of decisions relating to his desire to dramatically reform the licensing requirements and procedures so that thousands of new licenses can be issued each month.

Among the decisions made is one to recruit many more employees to the department so that the total number of those working there will double. The days and hours during which the department functions will also be extended, and the number of interviews held per hour will double.

Anyone who has previously served in the security forces (including police, Shabak, Prisons Service, the Mossad, and special forces) as well as those working in the Fire and Rescue Service will no longer need to be interviewed prior to receiving a firearms license, which will significantly shorten the process for obtaining a license and enable many more licenses to be granted per month.

Over 17 thousand applications for a firearms license that were submitted over the past year have yet to be processed, according to official data. Ben-Gvir wishes to see between five and eight thousand licenses processed per month, in order to clear the backlog.

Total Page Visits: 422

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.