Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL / (IINO) | 3/11/25



SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE   Full Video  [57:00]   A documentary film on the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7th, Screams Before Silence is a documentary film led by American businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg, that explores the sexual violence by Hamas during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, on 7 October 2023, including events at the massacre at the Nova Festival and abductions to the Gaza Strip.


In Cruel Battle, Attorney-General Tried To Force Religious Parents To Cremate Their Daughter’s Body

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara who thinks herself to be ‘The God of Israel’

March 11, 2025  Yeshiva World NewsThe Beis Din Rabbani HaGadol recently published a sharply worded ruling in which it completely rejected a cruel appeal by Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara against the decision of the Regional Rabbinical Court in Ariel that the religious parents of a mentally ill woman did not have to pay for their daughter to be cremated.

The tragic story behind the ruling began in September 2023, when a mentally ill 31-year-old Israeli woman was found lifeless in the town of St. Moritz, Switzerland after taking her own life. The woman’s Israeli passport and her will were found in the room. The  nifteres had written in her will, which was signed and notarized in Israel about two weeks earlier, that if her death was determined in Switzerland, “her body should be brought for cremation nearby and quickly.”

The nifteres also wrote in the will that her ashes should be stored in Switzerland until her brother collected them. She also appointed her mother as the administrator of her estate and her sole heir.

The will’s validation process began in the Regional Rabbinical Court in Ariel. The nifteres’s mother stated in the hearing that her daughter suffered from “many mental difficulties, delusions and false visions and was not sane when signing the will.”

Following the hearing, the Beis Din ruled that since the nifteres was not of sound mind, she was incompetent to make decisions regarding her property and body and therefore the will is considered void and her body should be flown to Israel for kevurah as soon as possible.

However, Baharav-Miara’s Office filed an appeal against the ruling of the Regional Rabbinical Court to the Great Rabbinical Court with the claim that the Rabbinical Court has no authority to discuss the issue of the body as it is not part of the estate.

On the other hand, the mother claimed that the entire will was void because at the time of its writing, her daughter was not competent to make such decisions. The mother also requested to bring her daughter to Kever Yisrael for several reasons, including the family’s wish to have a kever to visit.

In their ruling, the dayanim, HaRav Shlomo Shapira, HaRav Tzion Louz and HaRav Tzvi Ben-Yaakov, ruled that the nifteres’s family members, including her sick father, who wished to bring her to Israel for kevurah, are not obligated to act against their faith and finance the cremation of their daughter’s body, especially since according to them, the nifteres was not of sound mind when writing the will.

The dayanim noted in the p’sak that the purpose of the appeal is unclear – what is the State-Attorney’s interest in preventing the parents’ wish to bring their daughter to Israel for kevurah? The dayanim slammed the prosecution’s conduct, stating: “It seems that a great deal of callousness, perhaps heartlessness, was needed to act as mentioned. The conduct of the prosecution in this case does not contribute to increasing public trust in the judicial system.”

“To our repeated questions, the prosecution’s representative said that the State of Israel will not act and has no means to finance the cremation of the body. Therefore, in the absence of an operation to fulfill the request in the will, the matter will not be realized. And what will be done from now on? Will the deceased remain in a temporary burial in Switzerland forever?”

“It is very likely that in the absence of the ability to fulfill the will, a judicial decision will eventually be issued allowing the family to receive the body in order to transfer it to Israel. And what is the point of harassing the suffering family, without reason or cause? The request that the Beis Din revoke its decision will not change the situation and will only cause suffering to the deceased’s relatives.”

The dayanim noted the irony of the current situation in which “the State of Israel invests many resources to return the bodies of the murdered and abducted in the difficult war… and at the same time the prosecution invests efforts in the prevention of bringing a Bas Yisrael to Kever Yisrael against the pleas of her parents and family.”

The Dayanim rejected the appeal, ruling that Beis Din has the authority to rule on the validity of the will in its entirety, upholding the p’sak that the will is void and the young woman must be brought to Kever Yisrael. They also ruled that the State-Attorney’s Office must pay the nifteres’s mother NIS 30,000 for legal expenses.


WATCH: “His Green Card Won’t Save Him” – WH Press Sec Shuts Down Reporter on Mahmoud Khalil Deportation   [1:49]

March 11, 2025  Jewish Breaking News

During a heated exchange at the White House press briefing, Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt forcefully pushed back when a reporter asked whether Mahmoud Khalil, a green card holder, needed to be charged with a crime to be eligible for deportation.

Leavitt shut down the premise of the question, making it clear that his lawful residency status offers no protection, emphasizing that Secretary of State Marco Rubio has full authority to revoke his visa under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

“The Secretary of State has the right to revoke a green card or a visa for individuals who serve or are adversarial to the foreign policy and national security interests of the United States of America,” she shot back.

Leavitt didn’t hold back, blasting Khalil’s actions and calling out his support for Hamas terrorists despite being given the opportunity to study at a prestigious American university.

“He was accepted to one of the finest colleges in America, yet he took advantage of that opportunity, of that privilege, by siding with terrorists—Hamas terrorists—who have killed innocent men, women, and children.”

She detailed his role in disrupting campuses, harassing Jewish students, and spreading pro-Hamas propaganda, even revealing that she had direct evidence of his activities:

“Flyers with the logo of Hamas. That is the behavior and activity that this individual participated in, and I have those flyers in my desk. They were provided to me by the Department of Homeland Security. I thought about bringing them to share with you, but I didn’t think it was worth the sanity of this room to bring that pro-Hamas propaganda in here.”

Leavitt’s remarks signal the Biden administration’s unwavering stance on targeting individuals engaged in activities deemed adversarial to U.S. national security, making it clear that Khalil’s green card will not shield him from deportation.

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GRAPHIC WARNING: Over 7,000 Alawites and Christians Massacred by Islamists in Syria as Israel Sends the Cavalry to the Rescue



March 11, 2025

A massacre is taking place in Syria right now. The Sunni Muslim ISIS/Al-Quaeda/Taliban forces are indiscriminately murdering Alawites and Christians in the streets, in the fields and in their homes. And the world is silent, because nobody cares when Muslims murde*r people, only when Muslims are kille*d by the Jewish state of Israel in self-defense.

Syrians are literally pleading with the world, and the world is silent, no media attention whatsoever to the actual massacre they are experiencing (and plenty of video clips to prove it).

And it is so sad that the world doesn’t care, because there are no Jews to blame, so no news.

While this ethnic cleansing is taking place in Syria, as the Western powers embrace the ISIS leader behind this massacre, we must internalize the following.

This is happening on Israel’s Northern border, in Syria.

These barbaric Islamonaz*is are out to take over the whole world, kill and subjugate all of us non-Muslim’s, and they surround us in Israel and are even living amongst us as Israeli citizens.

With that, it must be understood that we are living in a time of miracles.

Against all odds, the Jewish state of Israel stands strong against this Islamonaz*i evil that surrounds us.

We are blessed to have God watching over us, guiding us through these stormy waters, even though that periodically experience tragedies of terror, like Oct. 7th.

But as history shows, we must also do our part—we must be warriors, unshaken in our mission, because survival alone is not enough. We are here to win.

While the Alawites under Bashar Assad and his father before him, ruled Syria, they were also barbaric against the Sunni Muslims, because they knew up front the evil of the Sunni Muslim community that lived amongst them. That’s why they allied with the Shiite Muslims of Iran, as they are both minorities in the Muslim world, hated by the majority Sunni Muslims.

While the Alawites were brutal to the Sunni Muslims in putting down their periodic uprisings, other minorities in Syria, like Christians and Druze were relatively safe.

While the Alawites ruled Syria, their mistake was allowing the Sunni Muslims to live amongst them, waiting for the day for them to take their brutal revenge against the Alawites.

And with Assad now gone, and the Sunni Muslim terrorists now in control of Syria, the Sunnis are now massacring the Alawites and other minorities in Syria, like the Christians and Druze.

Israel cannot afford the same mistake. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran—they do not just oppose us politically. They want us dead. And the horrific tragedy of Oct. 7th. 2023 has finally imposed this truth upon a majority of Israelis. The people of Israel today understand that This war is not just about “managing” the conflict. It is about winning and putting an end to the Islamonaz*i evil that surrounds us.

Back to Syria, The Alawites remained a vulnerable minority because they never changed the demographics in their favor.

Israel must not and can not fall into this trap.

We see it now—the push for a “Palestinian state” and for the Arab world to rebuild Gaza for the Islamonaz*i Gazans to remain there, is nothing but a recipe for our destruction. The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. And annyone who supports our destruction can not live amongst us. And It’s time we start acting like it.

On the geopolitical front, the Alawites of Syria trusted Iran and Russia. But when they needed them most, they were abandoned. The Turkish supported Sunni terrorists overthrew the Assad regime in literally days.

Iran was not able to help because Israel weakened Hezbollah and Iranian, and Russia was involved in its war with Ukraine, and couldn’t help either.

Bashar Assad was alone, and his regime fell like a deck of cards without help from Iranian and Russia.

Israel cannot rely on others. We can never rely on others.

The 12 years of Obama and Biden highlighted this in a big way.

Especially the Biden administration’s policies that harmed us from winning this war.

Their policies were disastrous for Israel, giving money to Hamas in Gaza, forcing us to give aid to Hamas, and withholding weapons from Israel, in the middle of us fighting an existential war on 7 fronts! And the US is our ally!

We can never be in such a situation again.

While we are thankful to the very supportive Trump administration, it won’t last forever. And Israel must be prepared for future problematic US administrations.

But despite the horrible international pressure from the Biden administration, and despite the corrupt deep state within Israel that tried to stop him from winning this war, Netanyahu has led us to this moment of winning this war. He refused to surrender, and Israel is still standing. Stronger than ever.

It is critical that people understand the reality of international relations.

It has nothing to do with human rights or justice, otherwise the Western world would be crucifying the leader of the new ISIS/Al-Queda regime in Syria.

Instead, the new chief prosecutor of the international court Karim Khan met him, giving him legitimacy!

Funny how ICC Lead Prosecutor Khan jumps to put out an arrest warrant for PM Netanyahu at the same time as he shakes hands with Syrian “President” Al-Julani whose ISIS gangs slaughter innocent civilians in an ethnic cleansing campaign. But it was never just about Jews right?

This one picture below highlights the hypocrisy and evil of the leaders of the western world.

Let’s deep deeper into the reality behind international relations.

The European Union “supports” Ukraine because it serves their agenda, since Ukraine is their buffer country that protects them from Russia. Europeans don’t care about Ukranians.

So too, The Alawites were abandoned by Iran and Russia because they were only of secondary importance to them on a geo-political level, they didn’t actually care about them.

The lesson for Israel annd the Jews is clear, the Jewish state of Israel must always act in its own interest.

We will always show compassion to others, especially the endangered minorities around us like the Druze?

But The Islamonaz*i Gazans and those in Judea & Samaria who cheered the massacre of our people? Never. We will not sacrifice our future for empty moral posturing.

And it is about time for the virtue signaling Jews in the West to internalize this lesson as well.

The bottom line for us in the Middle East is that Alliances are temporary. We can only rely on our own strength

Once upon a time, Iran was an ally of Israel, but then the Shiite Muslims took over and Iran turned into an enemy.

Then Turkey was an ally of Israel, until the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood took over and today Turkey is an enemy.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan— friendly today, but maybe enemies tomorrow.

Israel can never rely on any Arab Muslim country.

As Dr. Mordechai Kedar said to me in an interview once, agreements in the Middle East are like the sand in the desert, it all depends upon the wind, and things change quickly, even overnight.

So Israel must always be ready and can never rely on any alliances with Arab Muslim countries.

One mistake in the Middle East can lead to slaughter. We have no margin for error.

Israel is not here to educate the world or to win moral arguments. We are here to survive and to thrive., by living as proud and moral Jews.

And part of that morality is standing up strong against a barbaric Islamonaz*i enemy. We must be an example of that morality to the world.

The Biden administration tried to break us, but we are still here. Most Israelis now see the truth: there is no “two-state solution.” There is no coexistence with Islamonaz*i jihadists who want us dead. There is only victory.

We help save humanity by acting morally as a regional superpower in the Middle East

The Alawites chose Iran and are paying the price. Hamas chose Iran, and are on the road to elimination in Gaza.

The Syrian Druze chose Israel and they have the chance to survive, as Israel has warned the Turkish/Syrian Isis terrorists that if they attack the Druze in Southern Syria then they will feel the wrath of the Jewish state of Israel.

The Middle East is changing, and Israel is leading that change. The world sees it. The global media may lie, but the reality is clear: Israel is the strongest force in the region. And our enemies know it.

Right now, Israel is the only non-Arab, non-Muslim nation in the Middle East with true sovereignty. And we are thriving, despite the evil perpetrated against us by our Islamonaz*i neighbors.

That is a miracle. A nation of 8 million Jews standing strong against hundreds of millions of enemies, decade after decade.

Europe is collapsing under its own moral weakness. The Islamic world, Sunni and Shiite, is a global empire without borders, sowing chaos everywhere including in the United States, waiting to unleash its barbaric ways there too on a large scale.

And yet, Israel fights on and is thriving.

We are fighting on seven fronts, and we are winning. It’s not easy—I know. And we are far from over.

But we were never meant for an easy road. We are the Generation of Victory, not just for Israel, but for the entire free world. And with God’s help, we will win.

We are The Jewish People – the Generation of Victory and a Light unto the Nations by highlighting true morality against evil, that the godless world of the West ignores.

Stand with the Jewish state of Israel, Because we are a beacon of strength, of resilience, of truth and of morality.

Am Yisrael Chai!


The Truth About Hostage Release Ceremonies: Hamas Paid $200 To Each Participant

March 10, 2025  Yeshiva World News – “I was at their central headquarters at Islamic University. I know a lot of people who joined Hamas, despite the fact that they don’t identify with them, just to benefit financially. Good friends of mine joined them,” Hamza said.

“It’s not easy to protest against Hamas. Everyone knows that any criticism against them will at least end with you in intensive care— after they shoot you in the knees—so on the contrary, I will fly the Hamas flag over my house. Think of them as ISIS, with better public relations people.”

Hazma addressed the fact that Hamas has recruited thousands of new terrorists since October 7. “Who enlists in Hamas? People who live in tents, who stand all day to get a meal and fail to get it at the end. Hamas says to those people: ‘Come, and we’ll give you a monthly salary’, and that’s it.”

“In the past, it took over two years until you could enlist in the Al-Qassam Brigades. Today, they say in the Strip that participants in the hostage release ceremonies each receive $200, and half of them are not even active in Hamas. They put on uniforms and weapons to broadcast a picture of victory.”

“Even if I was in Gaza and they told me to take $200, I would do it, then take off the uniform and go my way,” he admitted. “They forget about you and you about them.”

Hamza added that even in Berlin, there are neighborhoods where you can’t speak out against Hamas, “because they will attack you and shout at you until you think like them.”

Hamo also interviewed Rami, a former resident of the Strip, who spent years in and out of Hamas prisons because he called for normalization with Israel – one of the most serious crimes that can be committed according to Hamas.

Rami said: “On October 7, Hamas carried out an attack for the first time in front of all the media. Usually when they carry out attacks, the media is not allowed to report on it but they wanted the pictures to be broadcast to show that the people support them.”

Regarding the crowds at Hamas demonstrations, Rami said: “Part of the interest of these people in the demonstrations is money. The participants, those who loudly shout ‘Hamas, Hamas and Sinwar’ – have applied for refugee status and asylum.”

Ahmed Mansour, one of the prominent voices in the fight against radical Islam in Europe, spoke about Hamas supporters in Europe. “In my opinion, most Gazans who came to Europe didn’t support Hamas but became supporters here. We have people, unfortunately, who have absorbed the extreme ideology of Hamas. Hamas propaganda is everywhere in Gaza, in kindergartens, in educational institutions, on television and in public places. Even if you don’t want to see it – it’s there all the time.”

Yasmine Bedja, a journalist specializing in Islamic immigration in Germany, told Channel 12 that since October 7 she has been looking for Gazan immigrants who still want peace.

“I’m still looking for them,” she said. “I found only a few.”


Channel 14’s Tamir Morag – Israel’s Current Pressure Tactics on Hamas Significant, But Not Enough:

March 10, 2025 @9:52 am ET – Jewish Breaking News

1.Israel has abandoned its previous stance that “all negotiations will take place under fire”—this is a fact. Why? Mostly due to U.S. pressure to “give it another chance.” The American administration genuinely believes that Hamas might surrender and disarm before Gaza is completely destroyed, though they still support flattening the strip if Hamas refuses to give in. Either way, the current situation—where there is a ceasefire without hostage releases—must change, and fast.

2.Halting humanitarian aid has been a major pressure point for over a week now. Hamas’ food reserves are depleting quickly, prices in Gaza are already soaring, and a severe food crisis is expected much sooner than some media estimates suggest.

3.Cutting off electricity today is a step in the right direction, but it’s less dramatic than it sounds. Here’s why:

Nearly all electricity in Gaza is generated locally through fuel-powered generators. The only direct power line from Israel supplies electricity to Gaza’s desalination plants, which provide less than 20% of the strip’s water. The rest comes from three water pipelines from Israel (yes, even throughout the war, Israel has continued supplying drinking water to sustain its enemies).

Israel is now considering shutting down these water lines. The first pipeline likely to be cut off is the one supplying northern Gaza, which could trigger another wave of evacuations from the area. Cutting off water would be a significant pressure move, but as of now, it remains partial.

As for electricity, estimates suggest Gaza has enough diesel to run generators for another month or two. After that—darkness, or close to it.

Bottom Line:

The pressure on Hamas will only intensify over time, but for now, Israel is still in second gear. Cutting off water and resuming aggressive strikes (even without a ground invasion) would significantly increase the pressure on Hamas. If those measures don’t lead to hostage releases, the next step will be the full conquest, destruction, and dismantling of Hamas.

That’s likely where this is headed—because Hamas probably won’t surrender. The real question is how long this will take and whether more hostages can be freed before it happens.

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March 9, 2025  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦Hostage Negotiations Update: Special US envoy Adam Boehler gave a round of interviews this evening to American and Israeli media, saying that a new peace agreement was emerging in direct talks between the US and Hamas:

* Hamas would voluntarily and completely disarm, including an international coalition ensuring that no military infrastructure remained in Gaza

* Hamas would agree to US supervision, to ensure that they could not harm Israel

* Hamas would release all hostages

* Hamas would voluntarily renounce any part of Gaza’s political leadership

* A 5-10 year truce would take effect between Israel and Hamas

* The US and other countries would contribute to rebuilding Gaza

[Ed.:  NOW they’re talkin’!!


ICYMI: President Trump Issues Stark Final Warning To Hamas: ‘Release All Hostages or It’s OVER For You’

[Ed.:  After Trump promised Hamas that “all hell will break loose” if the hostages are not released by Inauguration Day (Jan.20), the hostages were not released, and hell did not break loose. Trump’s mouth farts cannot and will not be taken seriously seven weeks later.]  


Trump May Extend Gaza Plans to Judea and Samaria in Favor of Israel

March 8, 2025  World Israel News  – The Trump administration may recognize Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria as part of his overall plan to rehabilitate Gaza.

According to a report by the Open Source Intel account on X, a senior Trump administration official has signaled that the U.S. will permit Israel to officially annex Judea and Samaria while Gaza’s Arabs would move to third countries..

“U.S. discussions include proposals to transform parts of the region into a joint American-Israeli project, while promoting Palestinian emigration to [the] Sinai [Peninsula in Egypt] and Jordan,” the report stated.
In early February, Trump hinted that annexation of Judea and Samaria was on the agenda when asked about the prospect by a reporter.

“We’re discussing that with many of your representatives. You’re represented very well,” Trump said when asked by an Israeli reporter if he was in favor of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. “People do like the idea, but we haven’t taken a position on it yet. We’ll be making an announcement probably on that very specific topic over the next four weeks.”

In January, Yesha Council chairman Israel Ganz told the Jerusalem Post that annexation of Judea and Samaria was “on the table,” but he added that it would “take time” to come to fruition. Notably, the Israeli government has reportedly held off on annexation on a previous occasion, in order to secure the Abraham Accords peace agreements. Its unclear if potential normalization with Saudi Arabia could impact Israel moving forward with officially applying sovereignty to Judea and Samaria.

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[Ed.:  Since the modern state of IINO is incapable of recognizing the birthplace of Israel as legitimately Israel, and unwilling to declare sovereignty,  perhaps a blond-haired foreign strongman can set their priorities straight, despite themselves.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink!  Similarly, you can give “a stiff-necked People” the Torah, but you can’t make them believe in God…]


Palestinian Authority Appears To Resume Terrorism Payments It Vowed To End   Andrew Tobin

March 7, 2025  Freebeacon – JERUSALEM—Less than a month after the Palestinian Authority supposedly ended its longstanding payments for terrorism, the funds appeared to go out this week as usual.

The Palestinian Authority post office on Wednesday announced “the start of disbursement of financial allocations tomorrow morning … at main post offices and through ATMs.” While Palestine Post and the authority’s other official channels did not specify that the monthly payments were for terrorism, social media users were more forthright.

“The payment of salaries to the families of the martyrs, wounded, and prisoners begins on Thursday morning,” the administrator of a Telegram group for Palestinian Authority employees told his several thousand followers on Wednesday.

Palestine Post’s announcement is the clearest sign yet that the Palestinian Authority does not intend to follow through on its announced reform of “pay for slay,” as critics call the system of payments to security prisoners and the families of terrorists killed while carrying out attacks against Israelis.

“All the talk about them changing the system—we don’t see it happening,” Itamar Marcus, the head of Palestine Media Watch, an Israeli watchdog group that first flagged the post office’s announcement, told the Washington Free Beacon. “They are still paying the same terror salaries.”

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, under growing financial pressure from Israel and the Trump administration, last month decreed a reform of the system of terrorism payments, which account for a large and ballooning share of the authority’s budget. Abbas indicated that terrorists and their families would no longer receive special treatment but instead be “subject to the same standards” as other welfare recipients, who are generally compensated much less generously.

But Abbas and other Palestinian officials have since reaffirmed their support for mass murderers of Israelis in general and the terrorism payments in particular.

“We repeat and emphasize that we are proud of the sacrifice of the martyrs,” Abbas said at a meeting of his Fatah political party’s parliamentary faction two weeks ago. “Even if we only have one cent left, it will go to the prisoners and martyrs. They must receive everything as in the past, for they are more precious than all of us put together.”

Marcus noted that the Palestinian Authority generally pays salaries and benefits via bank transfers, only relying on Palestine Post to disperse the terrorism payments. The post office took on the role in 2021 after Israel, at Palestinian Media Watch’s urging, cracked down on Palestinian banks for processing the illicit funds. Since then, terrorists and their families have had to visit a post office branch or special ATM to get paid.

“If the Palestinian Authority could pay the terrorists and their families through the banks, they would,” Marcus said. “It would be much more convenient for everyone. They don’t do that because they know these are not welfare payments.”

Abbas’s office and Palestine Post did not respond to requests for comment.



March 6, 2025  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 Defense Minister Prepares For Protest Flotillas: At a recent situational assessment, the IDF asked the Defense Minister for instructions for handling the protest ships. In response, Katz instructed the IDF to allow the flotillas to arrive in Gaza, for the protesters to disembark in the strip, and then to seize the ships and take them to the port of Ashdod. According to him, the move will allow for the ships to be used to evacuate the residents of Gaza who wish to leave.

“Those who come to protest on the shores of Gaza for the residents of Gaza – we’ll send them into Gaza and will use the ships to take residents out of Gaza,” Katz stated.



Military analyst: IDF inquiry into Oct. 7 failures shows criminal investigation is needed

Military analyst Yossi Yehoshua slams defense echelon’s inquiries into failures which led to the October 7 massacre, calls for criminal investigation.

Mar 5, 2025, 10:39 AM (GMT+2)  Israel National NewsYediot Aharonot military analyst Yossi Yehoshua harshly criticized the defense echelon’s inquiries into the failures which led to the October 7 massacre, calling to open criminal investigations against the Military Investigate Police.

According to Yehoshua, the IDF’s inquiries raise serious questions about command responsibility, which requires not only a government inquiry commission but a criminal investigation as well.

“When you read the IDF inquiries, it’s definitely easy to wonder why the Chief Military Prosecution is not considering a criminal investigation against some of those involved in the failure,” he wrote.

“In any training accident with injuries, a criminal investigation is opened by the Military Investigative Police. And here, in a disaster which saw over 1,000 civilians and soldiers killed, suddenly we make do with taking responsibility and implementing it, and very late.”

“The findings require not only a government investigative committee but also a military investigation,” he stressed.

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Ben-Gvir: ‘Absolute disgrace’ PM accepted Witkoff ceasefire extension

Otzma Yehudit leader says Israel should have followed Trump’s lead in giving Hamas the ultimatum of releasing all hostages or hell would be unleashed rather than following the lead of Trump envoy Steve Witkoff.

Mar 2, 2025, 8:33 AM (GMT+2)  Israel National NewsOtzma Yehudit Chairman MK Itamar Ben-Gvir sharply attacked this morning (Sunday) the Prime Minister’s Office’s announcement that was published overnight announcing that Israel is adopting the “Witkoff Outline” to extend the ceasefire through Ramadan and Passover.

According to Ben-Gvir, “The very fact that the government is not adopting President Trump’s own proposal, and is not now setting Hamas an ultimatum to release all our hostages unconditionally, otherwise the gates of hell will open on Gaza, is an absolute disgrace.”

Ben-Gvir added: “Continuing to beg Hamas to agree to a continued ceasefire, instead of crushing it with tremendous force – is a double disgrace.”

The Israeli government has agreed to adopt a proposal by US envoy Steve Witkoff for a temporary ceasefire during the months of Ramadan and Passover, the Prime Minister’s Office said.

The decision was made during a special defense meeting headed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attended by Defense Minister Israel Katz, top defense officials, and the negotiating team.

As part of the agreement, half of the hostages – alive and dead – will return to Israel on the first day of the agreement and at the end of the period, if an agreement for a permanent ceasefire is reached, the rest of the hostages, living and dead, will return to Israel.

Witkoff proposed the plan due to an understanding that currently, there is no way to bridge the gaps between Israel and Hamas regarding the end of the war, and additional time is needed for talks on a permanent ceasefire.

The Hamas terrorist organization’s spokesperson, Hazem Qassem, announced that the organization will not accept Wikoff’s proposal and would only agree to release additional hostages if the second phase of the ceasefire deal is achieved and if Israel ends the war once and for all.

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[Ed.:  Nit-witkopf!]  


It’s a miracle! Hamas is back from the dead with weapons from Israel!   CHANANYA WEISSMAN

Also, a new dating service for maimed Jewish soldiers, and much more

FEB 26, 2025 – Here’s a headline from Captain Obvious: Military correspondent: Hamas was not defeated in the war – far from it.

According to the report, thousands of terrorists returned to northern Gaza where they rebuilt militant battalions.

That didn’t take long…but at least we got back those five zaftig actresses and got to enjoy those reality TV family reunions. (At least you did; I ignored it all.)

In addition, during the ceasefire, Hamas terrorists have collected a large amount of explosive materials from unexploded IDF explosives and used them to create new minefields.

How convenient.

Remember this?

Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel.

By either count, years of sporadic bombing and the recent bombardment of Gaza have littered the area with thousands of tons of unexploded ordnance just waiting to be reused. One 750-pound bomb that fails to detonate can become hundreds of missiles or rockets.

The steady stream of huge quantities of weapons being “stolen” from IDF bases is also well documented, but citizens near the Gaza border had their personal firearms confiscated by the IDF before October 7 to keep them safe.

I spoke about this and shared devastating sources here.

Of course, all of this is COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL.

At the same time, the terror organization reestablished its intelligence capabilities with cameras and drones and has found rocket launchers that were not destroyed during the war and re-aimed them at Israel.

I find ten agorot in the street, they find rocket launchers and explosive material the IDF deposited for them. The same IDF that stood down on October 7.

Hamas is also preparing the tunnels that were not found by the IDF for a possible attack and is repairing tunnels that were damaged by the IDF.

Over a year in Gaza and they still missed so many tunnels, and left so many tunnels in easily repairable condition? With building materials sent from Israel?

There are commanders who the IDF and ISA were certain that they were eliminated, and returned to life.

It’s a miracle! And you were so happy when you read the fake media reports that they were killed in brilliant operations. Did they have the intelligence failure…or did you?

Who still believes this isn’t all planned and coordinated treason, and that the people cheering for more Jews to go back into Gaza death camp to “finish the job” aren’t controlled opposition stooges? Who’s willing to bet their life, their child’s life, or at least their arms and legs?

Here’s a reminder for the masses with dementia:

Netanyahu is 1st Israeli to get COVID vaccine: ‘Start of return to normal life’

Watch the Emmy-award winning performance

Tell me again that October 7 was somehow a leftist coup attempt to make Mr. Security look bad and bring down his “right-wing government”, because you clearly thought that one all the way through and it makes much more sense than all of them being in on it.

If you believe it’s a coup attempt, you need to explain how the people behind a coup can control an entire army, media, justice system, and essentially the government, but can’t bring down a single man who supposedly stands in their way (how?), or why they would even need to.

Also, you need to explain why the victims of the coup seem to have no idea about it after all this time (but you do), and you need to explain why the Prime Minister continues to support them instead of having them purged and prosecuted for treason. Why do your “right wing” heroes allow “left wing” traitors to send our people into death traps, and in fact continue to call for it?

Don’t you think they should do something about the traitors first?

Wouldn’t they, if they weren’t in on it, and just making tough “right wing” statements to keep you docile?

Trump shares “Trump Gaza” AI-video showing him and Netanyahu sunbathing, Musk eating hummus and throwing dollar bills in Gaza, and partying. This is not a Purim joke. Here’s one “Israeli right wing” media source kvelling about it.

I’m so proud that thousands of Jewish soldiers were maimed and killed in this milchemes mitzva.

Now that the media told me to be outraged that Hamas killed a baby, and that the world is on our side now, and Trump is giving us permission, and Smotrich and Ben Gvir are reciting scripted lines about destroying Hamas and total victory, I’m really pumped for kofrim and traitors to send even more Jews into Gazan death traps to get maimed and killed.

Nothing inspires me more than photos of young Jewish men with their arms and legs blown off smiling, doing rehab, and promising to rejoin their units as soon as possible, and ceremonies honoring the kedoshim who were killed.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Speaking of which, there’s FINALLY a new dating service for maimed IDF soldiers:

It’s about time! I’m glad the stock photo shows a guy who still has one hand to hold, but why are they holding hands before marriage?

“The generation of victory is seeking the love of its life. Am Yisrael Chai!”

The shidduch world has been insane for a long time, but this is downright Orwellian.

Something tells me there will be a LOT more men signing up for this than women, and men without all their arms and legs will be at a distinct disadvantage. Will they need a separate service?

Maybe after the next round in Gaza there will be enough of them to make it viable. Join the IDF today and bring a “haredi” with you to share the burden.

I really don’t think the people who allowed October 7 to happen should get to make ceremonies “honoring” the victims. But that’s just me.


Leaked IDF Report Exposes Catastrophic Failures at Nachal Oz Military Outpost on October 7

February 25, 2025  Yeshiva World News – A shocking leaked IDF probe has revealed a stunning security lapse at the Nachal Oz military outpost on October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched its unprecedented assault on Israel. According to the report, only one soldier was on guard duty that fateful morning, stationed at the entrance to the base—leaving the entire outpost virtually defenseless against the oncoming terrorist onslaught.

Situated less than a kilometer from the Gaza border, the Nachal Oz outpost suffered horrific losses in the attack. More than 50 soldiers were slaughtered, and 10 were taken hostage, with Hamas gunmen overrunning the base in a meticulously planned operation that had been years in the making.

The IDF probe, first reported by Israel’s Channel 12, paints a devastating picture of negligence and missed warnings. At the time of the attack, 162 soldiers were present at Nachal Oz—yet only 81 were trained combat troops, with another 9 armed but not combat-ready. That left nearly half the base unarmed and unable to defend themselves.

Compounding the tragedy, Hamas knew every detail of the base’s layout—having studied it from afar for years, according to the report. The terror group had mapped out “where every room was,” anticipating the vulnerabilities of the outpost. Even more damning, the attackers knew the base would be operating at reduced capacity due to Simchas Torah, which fell on that day. This calculated exploitation of a known weakness proved catastrophic.

The IDF investigation further reveals that Hamas began its final attack preparations on the evening of October 6, a full 12 hours before the first air-raid sirens sounded in southern Israel. Senior IDF officers were aware of unusual movement near the border but dismissed concerns, deciding against deploying troops to defensive positions.

Had the military acted on those early warning signs, “the battle picture would have looked different,” the report states—suggesting that better preparedness could have saved lives.

Adding to the devastation, the probe highlights the deadly impact of Hamas’s relentless rocket fire. With Israeli soldiers seeking shelter in bunkers, terrorists easily stormed the base and massacred groups of soldiers huddled inside, taking full advantage of the IDF’s reliance on traditional defense tactics that had never before been tested in such an overwhelming attack.

The full findings of the investigation are set to be presented to grieving families on Thursday before being officially made public. The revelations are likely to ignite intense scrutiny over Israel’s military preparedness, command failures, and the broader intelligence breakdown that allowed one of the darkest days in Israeli history to unfold unchecked.

[Ed.:  “Leaked”?  “Leaked”, huh!  We know that game by now. We already know every detail of the who-what-where-when and why/ We know more than they can leak! I’m going to go take a leak, as we speak.


LEV TAHOR: 2 Cultists Arrested After Being Mechalel Shabbos To Smuggle Children – Who Are Still Missing

February 25, 2025  Yeshiva World News – The saga of the extremist “Lev Tahor” cult has taken yet another bizarre twist. While prominent rabbanim and askanim tirelessly work to dismantle the notorious cult—known for child abuse, forced marriages of minors as young as 13, and a slew of other crimes—three men staged a daring escape last Saturday, smuggling eight children across the border from Guatemala into Belize.

The escape was part of a broader abduction case that began roughly a month ago, when eleven children were kidnapped. Three of them were discovered early on and returned to Guatemalan welfare facilities, but the remaining eight had been hidden away, waiting for the right moment to be smuggled out of the country. That moment came on Shabbos—a time when authorities least expected an operation of this scale—allowing the captors to exploit the lapse in surveillance.

However, the high-stakes smuggling attempt quickly turned into an international manhunt. Guatemalan and Belizean authorities launched a widespread search, culminating in the arrest of two key figures: 25-year-old Chaim Tzvi Malka and 35-year-old Avraham Dinkel.

Dinkel, no stranger to controversy, was previously caught on camera assaulting a Charedi activist who had traveled to Guatemala in an effort to rescue children from the cult’s clutches.

The operation was carefully orchestrated. On Shabbos, Malka and Dinkel fled Guatemala with a group of young girls and called a third accomplice, Moshe Yehuda Leib Alter, to transport the boys separately. But their plan unraveled when Belizean police grew suspicious of their movements. While Malka and Dinkel were quickly apprehended, Alter managed to escape—along with all eight children. Now, Belizean authorities are scrambling to track them down.

Adding a layer of complexity to the crisis is the tense border dispute between Guatemala and Belize. Sources assisting in the rescue efforts claim that the two nations rarely cooperate on extraditions, and Belize’s relatively weak legal framework means there is currently no formal extradition order for the missing children.

This latest incident comes in the wake of the December 20, 2024, raid on the “Lev Tahor” compound in San Rosa, Guatemala, roughly 60 miles from the capital. Authorities, responding to reports of severe abuse and neglect, rescued at least 160 minors from a life of malnutrition, forced isolation, and physical mistreatment at the hands of cult leaders. The children remain in state care, slowly recovering from the horrors they endured.

This is far from the first time Lev Tahor has resorted to extreme measures. In 2018, under the cover of night, cult leaders orchestrated a brazen kidnapping in Woodridge, in Upstate NY. In the early hours of Shabbos, they forced two young children—who had managed to escape with their mother—into a vehicle and whisked them away. Within hours, they had fled the United States, using an obscure Pennsylvania airport near Scranton to board a flight to Mexico City.

The kidnappers went to great lengths to conceal their tracks. In a calculated move, they had purchased non-traditional clothing just days before the abduction in Lakewood, New Jersey, dressing the children in unfamiliar attire to mask their identities as kidnapped Charedi minors.

Now, the questions remain: Will Belizean officials track down Alter and his captives? Will Guatemala push for extradition? And most importantly—will these children finally escape the grasp of what is likely the most dangerous cults in modern Jewish history?


Jonathan Pollard: Will Israel’s Government Fall?  [8:17]

February 24, 2025  Machon Shilo – Discussion between the head of Machon Shilo Rabbi David Bar-Hayim & Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard

[Ed.:  A house built on a weak foundation cannot stand. Israel is not built on Torah.  Therein lies the problem.]


Jonathan Pollard: Is Trump LOSING PATIENCE with Netanyahu?  [51:23]

February 23, 2025  Machon Shilo – Discussion between the head of Machon Shilo Rabbi David Bar-Hayim & Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard.

[Ed.:  These men reflect the Editorial position of Krakennews.us]


Hamas Subhumans Bring Jewish Hostages to Watch Fellow Hostages Being Released While They Plead For Their Freedom But Are Returned to Islamic Captivity   By Pamela Geller

February 22, 2025 – Hamas brought additional hostages to the release location today, compelling them to witness their fellow captives being freed while they pleaded to return home. Among those hostages were Evyatar David and Guy Dalal Gilboa. They subsequently filmed a propaganda video in which they begged for help.

If you thought these Muslim terrorists couldn’t be more depraved or sink any lower in the depths of hell, you’d be wrong.

The Red Cross saw it all and did nothing.

These sadistic, subhuman terrorists just dragged two Jewish hostages, Evyatar David and Guy Gilboa-Dalal, to the release point—not to set them free, but to psychologically torture them. They forced them to watch as other hostages were let go, dangling their own freedom in front of them like a sick, twisted joke. And then they filmed them begging for their lives, begging to be brought home.

This is who we are dealing with. A death cult of bloodthirsty jihadists who don’t just kidnap and kill—they get off on breaking people down and humiliating them.

This is not an enemy to negotiate with. This is an enemy that must be erased.

No mercy. No sympathy. No half-measures. Every single one of these jihadis needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

There is no “two sides” here. There is humanity, and there is Hamas. There is civilization, and there is savagery. And anyone who still dares to defend these monsters has chosen the side of pure evil.

Continue reading


Israel Issues Extradition Request For Lev Tahor Leader Elazer Rompler

February 23, 2025  Yeshiva World News – Israel’s International Department of the State Prosecutor’s Office submitted an extradition request to El Salvador for Elazer Rompler, one of the leaders of the Lev Tahor cult.

Rompler fled Israel in 2020 after being indicted for severe child abuse while serving as a principal of the Lev Tahor school in Canada.

Rompler, who fled Guatemala after local authorities raided the cult’s complex about two months ago, was arrested in El Salvador as he attempted to enter the country, unaware that an international arrest warrant had been issued against him by Interpol at Israel’s request.

Another Lev Tahor leader, Jonathan Emanuel Cardona Castillo, was also arrested in El Salvador last month after Interpol issued an international arrest warrant against him.

As YWN reported last week, efforts by Rabbanim and askanim alongside authorities in Guatemala to break apart the Lev Tahor cult have produced results in recent weeks and after extensive intervention with local authorities, four families have left the cult, and a six-year-old girl was placed in the custody of her extended family in Israel.


Opportunity missed:  Hundreds of thousands of murderous Hezbollah supporters scream, “Death to America! Death to Israel”.   [0:24]

February 23, 2025  Yeshiva World News

Join a YWN Live Alerts Group for Live Breaking News Updates!

[Ed.:  Today Hezbollah gathered en masse for Nazrallah’s funeral.  Israel, in a ‘show of strength’ flew a squadron of bombers over their heads.  But, you know how some people can’t step on the line in the sidewalk?  IINO can’t pull the trigger!  Our military and political (so-called) ‘Leadership’ doesn’t have the balls or the backbone to decimate our enemies.  Here we had them gathered in one place, and we wasted all that jet fuel only to make some noise over their murderous heads!  What a disgrace!]



February 23, 2025 ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️AFTER THE ATTEMPTED BUS BOMBINGS – The US Embassy in Israel prohibits American government employees and their family members from using public transportation in Israel for two weeks, including buses and light rail.

.. Keeping in mind details are censored, “the attempted bus attacks planned in the Tel Aviv area are much more serious than previously reported.”

▪️HAMAS COMPLAINS – Hamas spokesman Abdel Latif al-Qanoa: “Israel’s failure to commit to releasing the prisoners in the seventh round on the agreed date constitutes a blatant violation of the agreement. We call on the mediators and guarantors of the agreement to exert pressure on Israel to respect the ceasefire agreement and implement its provisions without delay.”

▪️HAMAS ON PHASE 2 – ( Keeping in mind yesterday the Israeli opposition parties said we should do EVERYTHING to get to phase 2 and return the hostages, living and dead…) Senior Hamas figure Mushir al-Masri is out of hiding today and giving an interview to Al Jazeera. In the interview he said: “We are ready to move on to phase two of the deal. We emphasize that we will release the captives alive only as part of a deal that will include the release of ALL Palestinian prisoners, a full IDF withdrawal from Gaza, a halt to the war, and an Israeli commitment to reconstructing the Strip and breaking the siege.”

▪️TRUMP SAYS – President Trump: “Did you see what happened with Hamas and the babies? Do you think that can be tolerated? I don’t think so. I can’t tolerate it.”

▪️ELON MUSK SAYS – “The world was more shocked and gave more media coverage to a FAKE story about me giving a Nazi salute than to the torture and murder of Jewish babies in Gaza.”

🔪JEWISH SHEPHERDS STABBED – Arab terrorists from the village of Deir Debwan carried out an organized lynching of Jewish shepherds near the village of Ma’ale Michmas in Binyamin (a few miles north east of Jerusalem). The terrorists arrived in three vehicles and stabbed one of the shepherds in the face, who fell to the ground bleeding. His friend, who tried to help him, was also beaten, and both were later taken to the hospital. No arrests have been reported yet.

▪️INTERNAL POLITICS – CHAREDIM AND THE DRAFT – The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee will hold 4 discussions this week on the conscription law. Netanyahu is trying to present progress with the Charedim, but his main goal is to convince them to agree to pass the budget and only then deal with the draft (which will prevent leverage of threatening a govt. collapse).

🎗️LATEST ESTIMATE – after gathering info from freed hostages is that 21 hostages remain alive.

🔹HOUTHIS FIRE AT U.S. – Senior Pentagon officials reported that the Houthis launched surface-to-air missiles for the first time at an American F-16 aircraft.

🔹LEBANON – Congressman Joe Wilson:  At Beirut airport, people step on the American flag (built into the floor) – it’s disrespectful.  Since 2006, the United States has provided Lebanon with $3 billion in military aid. We must put the United States first.

( Congressman Wilson spotted in photos of ‘dignitaries’ arriving for the funeral of the evil Nasrallah that the airport path has an American flag embedded, forcing all passing to step on America – while receiving aid from America. )

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Is Israel Preparing to Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites?    Jonathan Spyer

With Iran’s Proxies Weakened and Its Air Defenses Damaged, the Time Is Ripe for Israel to Act Against Tehran’s Nuclear Program.

February 21, 2025 – In a soon-to-be-published article in Middle East Quarterly magazine, Colin Winston, a 30-year veteran of the CIA and former head of research at the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), lays out a succinct case for an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“Hezbollah and Hamas no longer pose a threat to Israel,” Winston writes. “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ lies in ruin. Both Iran’s and Syria’s air defense systems have been destroyed, and Iran’s missile capabilities decimated.

“Despite this, Iran is on the verge of producing enough weapons-grade uranium to build several bombs – so close, in fact, that relying on a timely warning from US or Israeli intelligence of Iran’s imminent ‘breakout’ may no longer be a reliable strategy.

“Now is the time for Jerusalem and Washington to take decisive military action against Iran’s nuclear program, ideally through a coordinated and joint strike.”

There is growing evidence that thinking along these lines is now prevalent at the top of Israel’s security system. Recent regional media reports suggest that there is also broad agreement between Jerusalem and Washington on this issue.

The US, the authors of these articles assert, wants to try another round of diplomacy, backed by a return to the strategy of “maximum pressure” maintained by the first Trump administration. But if efforts to induce a firm Iranian commitment to abandon its nuclear ambitions fail, then the focus is likely to return to the military option.

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ lies in ruin. Both Iran’s and Syria’s air defense systems have been destroyed, and Iran’s missile capabilities decimated.

HOW ACCURATE are these reports? And is a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities likely, and perhaps imminent?

Israel’s growing willingness to entertain the possibility of military action derives from a number of factors.

Firstly, as Winston notes in the passage quoted above, Iran is currently accelerating its advance toward a nuclear weapons capability. Tehran has been increasing its enrichment of uranium to 60% in recent months, apparently in response to recent setbacks it has experienced on other fronts. The time it would require to produce sufficient uranium to produce a nuclear bomb is now weeks rather than months, according to International Atomic Energy Agency estimates.

Secondly, Iran’s ability to deter an Israeli attack declined very significantly in the latter part of 2024. The destruction of 80% of Lebanese Hezbollah’s rocket arsenal by Israel during this period, and the removal of the organization’s top echelon and a large number of its fighters, reduce in importance one of the main factors that had hitherto severely complicated any Israeli move against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Yet it should be understood that this is a perishable advantage, which will decline over time, as Iran sets about rearming Hezbollah.

In its large-scale retaliation against Iran on October 26, 2024, Israel destroyed a large part of Iran’s air defense capacity. This is also a perishable asset from the Israeli point of view. Iran’s S-300 systems may have been damaged or destroyed. But Tehran’s burgeoning alliance with Russia is likely at some stage to secure the provision of the more advanced S-400 system.

So Iran’s disadvantage cannot be assumed as a now permanent factor in the Mideast strategic picture. Rather, it is an asset that will eventually decline or even disappear, unless exploited. This increases Israeli motivation to carry out a strike.

Iran Is Still Our Most Significant Adversary

Thirdly, despite its weakened state, Iran remains the most significant adversary for Israel in the region. Contrary to some overheated Israeli media reports, Iran’s regional project has not collapsed as a result of the setbacks of 2024.

Iranian allies and assets remain in commanding positions in a number of key regional locations. In Yemen, the Tehran-aligned Ansar Allah, or Houthi movement, is in control of a large swathe of the country, including the capital, Sana’a. Its campaign against international shipping on the Gulf of Aden/Red Sea route succeeded in severely disrupting traffic along this vital trade artery.

In Iraq, the Iran-aligned Shi’ite militias retain their independent military capacity, and in their political iteration form a key element in the current government of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

In Lebanon, despite its mauling at the hands of Israel in the last months of 2024, Hezbollah remains the strongest military force in the country. Despite the recent notable political changes in the country, there are no indications of any emergent willingness on the part of the current government or any other factor to challenge this supremacy.

This means that Hezbollah’s current weakness must be utilized, if it is to be utilized, within a limited available period.

The only “permanent” setback suffered by the Iranians in the last year is the loss of the Assad regime in Syria. This, without a doubt, severely weakens Tehran’s regional deployment.

But even here, it should be noted that the Sunni Islamists who now rule in Damascus have yet to impose their authority throughout the country. For the moment, Iranian smuggling networks have not been entirely cut. The recent fighting between Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and Hezbollah in the area of Qusayr in western Syria attests to this.

Now is the time for Jerusalem and Washington to take decisive military action against Iran’s nuclear program, ideally through a coordinated and joint strike.

ALL THIS means Israel has the motivation, and apparently also the capacity, to strike a severe blow at the Iranian nuclear program, using its air power, and perhaps also with the involvement of its special forces. And because Iran has permanently lost only a limited part of its capabilities, any such strike needs to happen relatively soon.

The remaining element needed for a strike of this kind will be a green, or at least yellow, light from the US. A recent article by Ben Caspit, a well-connected Israeli journalist, at the al-Monitor news site, quoted an unnamed Israeli associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on this subject.

The “associate” sounded optimistic on the matter. “The gates of hell will be opened for Iran,” he told Caspit. “[US President Donald] Trump will give Netanyahu the green light, and the Americans will not stand idly by, but will help Israel with whatever it takes for such an attack to succeed.”

This last point remains very much to be seen, of course. As of now, Trump seems to have made clear that he desires to end wars, rather than support ambitious military operations.

It appears likely that the US administration will take its desire for a new, more rigorous nuclear accord with Iran seriously, rather than regard it as a failure guaranteed in advance that will serve as a mere prelude to military action.

Iran’s ability to manipulate this situation should not be ruled out. And Trump’s intentions and desires appear changeable, not subject to easy prediction.

Nevertheless, the chance of an Israeli strike to set back and severely damage Iran’s nuclear facilities appears higher now than at any time since the discovery of Iran’s secret nuclear program two decades ago.


Hamas releases 6 more Israeli hostages under ceasefire agreement   By Nicholas Ballasy

Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners were released in return

February 22, 2025 8:59 a.m.  Just The News – Hamas released six more Israeli hostages on Saturday under the ceasefire deal.

More than 600 Palestinian prisoners were released in return.

According to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the hostages first released to the Red Cross and transferred over to Israel were Avera Mengistu, Tal Shoham, Omer Shem Tov, Omer Wenkert and Eliya Cohen.

The sixth hostage has not been identified publicly.

According to Israel, 59 hostages will be remaining in Gaza after the first phase of the ceasefire ends on March 2. About half of them have reportedly been killed.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.