Daily Shmutz – ISRAEL  (IINO)  – 3/15/23


2 Huwara riots suspects arrested, denied food

Court orders Jewish Samaria residents provided with food, extends detention extended by 3 days after Shin Bet, police ask for 10 days.

Mar 13, 2023, 4:04 PM (GMT+2) – Two Jewish residents of the Samaria community of Givat Ronen were arrested this morning (Monday) by the Shin Bet and police on suspicion of involvement in the violent riots in Huwara which followed the murder of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv.

In the afternoon, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court extended the suspects’ detention for three days.

At the hearing, it was revealed that the police and Shin Bet had denied the suspects food since their arrest in the early morning until the time of the hearing. In light of this, Judge Amir Shaked ordered that the detainees be provided with food.

The Shin Bet and prosecution requested that the suspects’ detention be extended by 10 days, but the court only ordered them to be held for three days.

[Ed.:  Food is always good.   A-rab terrorists don’t get denied food.  But Jewish prisoners, THAT’s another story.  Jews in Israel should be denied food, right? The best place in the world to persecute Jews is in Israel, after all…

Bomber infiltrated from Lebanon, killed by security forces, Hezbollah possibly involved

Security forces investigating possible Hezbollah involvement in bombing in which 1 person was injured by terrorist from Lebanon.

  Mar 15, 2023, 6:00 PM (GMT+2) – The roadside explosion in northern Israel in which one person was seriously injured Monday morning was the work of a terrorist who crossed into Israel from Lebanon and planted a bomb on eastbound Route 65 near the Megiddo Junction, it was cleared for publication Wednesday evening.

The bombing and the infiltration are the ‘security developments’ which led Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cut short his visit to Germany this week.

Security forces began searching for the bomber immediately after the bombing. A vehicle was stopped in the area of Moshav Ya’ara, in which the bomber was found. The terrorist was armed and presented a danger to the Shin Bet and Yamam counter-terrorism officers who stopped his vehicle, leading them to shoot and kill him.

An explosive belt was found in the terrorist’s possession along with other weapons, leading authorities to believe he was planning to carry out another massive terrorist attack.

According to the investigation, earlier this week, the terrorist crossed the Israel Lebanon border and carried out the bombing attack at the Megiddo Junction. After placing the bomb, he hitched a ride north.

Related articles:


Musloid training film: ‘How to kill Jews in Israel’  [1:30]


Bill restoring freedom of movement to Israelis in northern Samaria passes first reading   By JNS

 March 14, 2023 – The proposed legislation repealing the Disengagement Law would restore freedom of movement to Israelis in four communities razed in 2005.

The Knesset approved on Monday night in first reading a bill repealing sections of the 2005 Disengagement Law that prevent Israelis from entering or living in parts of northern Samaria.

The 2005 Gaza disengagement led to the destruction and evacuation of the Israeli communities of Sa-Nur, Homesh, Ganim and Kadim in northern Samaria, as well as 21 communities in Gaza.

The bill, sponsored by Likud Knesset member Yuli Edelstein, seeks to restore freedom of movement to Israelis in the four Samaria communities. It passed by 40-17.

“There is no longer any justification to prevent Israelis from entering and staying in the evacuated territory in northern Samaria, and therefore it is proposed to state that these sections [of the disengagement law] will no longer apply to the evacuated territory,” reads the introductory text to the bill.


DERSHOWITZ: ‘This is not about judicial reform, it’s about overturning the election’  [10:03]

 March 15, 2023 – “This is all about trying to undo the election, this is all about Netanyahu,” says renowned attorney Alan Dershowitz, stressing, however, that “compromise is essential.”


Netanyahu returns early from Germany for mysterious, unspecified ‘security incidents’

March 15, 2023 – Netanyahu has cut short his trip to Germany, while Gallant instructs team to continue striving to maintain “the daily routine of Israeli citizens.”

By JNS and World Israel News

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has held several situational assessments over the past 36 hours with regard to unspecified “security incidents.”

Gallant’s office released an unusually cryptic statement on Tuesday evening, revealing that the meetings were attended by top-ranking officials, including Israel Defense Forces chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) head Ronen Bar.

[Ed.: The “mysterious, unspecified ‘security incidents’” referred to here are:  5 Hezbollah terrorists were caught who rented an apartment in the city of Tzfat (Safed) and planned to carry out a massacre at the Ziv Hospital in the city.  In addition, there are several (more) tunnels from Lebanon being worked on right now.]


Color Revolutions: Biden Regime Sponsoring a Coup and Training Palestinian Terrorist Army in Israel   By Richard Abelson

Mar. 15, 2023 10:00 am – While US banks fail and the world teeters on the brink of WW III, the criminal Biden Regime is embarking on a series of regime change “color revolutions” around the world, seeking to destablize conservative governments and install Washington-controlled puppets to do their bidding. The Gateway Pundit will expose these Open Society / National Endowment for Democracy led coup attempts, which seem to be the only thing the Blinken / Nuland / Sullivan Regime is any good at. Today: Israel.

Thanks to phony corruption charges against Israel’s longest-serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has gone through five elections in three years, finally getting a stable conservative government again this year. Since the Israeli population is one of the few around the world to reliably vote for conservative, patriotic, right-wing parties, the Soros-funded Israeli left has no option other than to use foreign-funded NGOs and lawfare in the left-wing legal system to sabotage their country.

The Israeli Supreme Court has usurped the right to strike down democratically-ratified laws it finds “inappropriate”, to veto democratically elected ministers, and to nominate its own members in perpetuity. That is the reason why the top priority for the new Netanyahu government is to reform the legal system to be more like that in the US and other Western countries, where judges are appointed by the executive and ratified by parliament, and can only strike down laws that explicitly violate the Constitution. The reform enjoys broad support in Israel, since the Israeli populace has grown ever more right-wing, while the courts have veered ever further to the hard left.

Watch Avi Abelow explain judicial reform in Israel here:

[Ed.:  With friends like that, who needs enemies?]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.