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Chief Rabbinute instructions with details
Erev Shabbat, Parshat Tzav, Leviticus 6:2, where G‑d instructs Moses to command Aaron and his sons regarding their duties and rights as kohanim (“priests”).
Shabbat Times here ->
NORTH – Risk MEDIUM-HIGH, particularly in Safed, Meron, Acre, Nahariya, Teveria, and Golan. Precautions required, know your shelter options at synagogue, school, work and home – even shopping.
SOUTH – Risk LOW, occasion rockets from GAZA almost exclusively near-Gaza villages, Sderot and Ashkelon and occasionally Ashdod. Outside of those areas resume normal activities.
EILAT and NEGEV – Risk LOW, but occasional attacks from Yemen. Keep an eye open on shelter options.
This is a LIFE and DEATH WAR – due to Pikuach Nefesh you MUST have a way to receive alerts on Shabbat! Here’s how…
SILENT CHANNELS – Radio & TV stations go “silent broadcast” for Shabbat, ONLY alerts.
No TV or Radio? STREAM IT on phone or computer.
SILENT TV – Channel 14 – stream (doesn’t work with adblocker)
• Kol Chai radio – on radio 92.8, 93 and 102.5. – stream
• Kol Barama Radio – on radio 92.1, 104.3, 105.7 and 107.6. – stream
• Galei Israel – on radio 89.3, 94 and 106.5. –
ON COMPUTER – leave a computer open to (only in Israel) – alerts will display and sound on the screen. Turn OFF screen saver, sleep and hibernate so the computer doesn’t turn off.
VIA APP – leave on phone with red alert app. Set app to YOUR area so it only alerts for your area. We suggest Tzofar Red Alert or Homefront Command – available in Play Store and App Store. IF an alert goes off for your area CLICK THE PHONE TO VERIFY ALERT TYPE – to see if infiltration! Yes, on Shabbat – this is Pikuach Nefesh!
ENGLISH SILENT CHANNEL – is there a silent channel in English? NO. But you can use Pikud HaOref ON SCREEN in English, see “ON COMPUTER” option above.
It is a mitzvah to take actions to protect and save and preserve life on Shabbat, not a violation. But ONLY actions which do so.
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Report: Smotrich is bringing down the PA’s banks Itzik Brandwein
Finance Minister Smotrich is acting to collapse the Palestinian Authority’s banks, contrary to the security establishment’s position.
Mar 28, 2024, 9:58 AM (GMT+2) – Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is working to disconnect the Israeli banks from the Palestinians.
According to The Marker, the first step in the process is disconnecting the Israeli banks from the Palestinians, despite the opposition of the security system. Starting Monday, Palestinian banks will begin to be disconnected from Israeli ones, and with them, the rest of the world’s finances.”
Smotrich responded to the article and criticized it: “Haaretz and The Marker have learned nothing even after 7.10, but the truth is that it does not surprise me. Allowing money to be transferred to the enemy does not buy quiet, it only feeds the monster and invites the next massacre”.
Member of Knesset Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionist Party) added: “Even by their standards, this is already exaggerated. It turns out that for Haaretz and The Marker, not transferring money to terrorists is to endanger Israel. What Minister Smotrich did was to stop giving immunity from lawsuits to the banks through which the Authority transfers money, among other things, to terrorists. The moment the Authority stops transferring money to Jew-murderers, no bank of theirs will be harmed”.
The Message is: As Israel Sees Fit by AFSI Staff
March 28, 2024 – An official in the American government claims that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office informed the White House that it would send a delegation to Washington to discuss the upcoming Rafah operation.
Netanyahu had previously canceled the delegation following the U.S.’s decision to allow the UN Security Council to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Earlier this week, the Prime Minister’s Office denied the report. “Contrary to publications, the Prime Minister did not approve the departure of the delegation to Washington.” Netanyahu said, “My decision not to send the delegation to Washington in the wake of that resolution was a message to Hamas: Don’t bet on this pressure, it’s not going to work. I hope they got the message,”
However, just today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed the War Cabinet he will dispatch a delegation to Washington next week. No date for the meeting has been set and the delegation’s departure is not yet approved.
If Prime Minister Netanyahu’s message is a bit confusing, too bad! Israel is conducting its business as a sovereign nation as it sees fit. That’s the message here.
After dodging, Netanyahu greenlights delegation to Washington, by. Ynetnews, March 28, 2024
Report: Netanyahu to send delegation to DC despite UN vote, by Israel National News, March 27, 2024
Released Israeli Hostage Amit Soussana Details Sexual Assault by Hamas Captor By Margaret Flavin
Mar. 27, 2024 10:15 am – The Gateway Pundit reported on the admission of a captured Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist that his team raped Israeli women during the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks.
Evidence of the use of rape by Hamas terrorists as a tool of war has been collected by Lahav 433, Israel’s top national police unit.
In December, The New York Times published a lengthy report after a two-month-long investigation into the sexual violence and brutality Israeli women faced at the hands of Hamas terrorists.
The report culminated from interviews with 150 people, including witnesses, medical personnel, soldiers, and rape counselors.
A report from The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (AARCC) detailed the systematic nature of the “sadistic sex crimes” committed by Hamas.
Now, hostage Amit Soussana, 40, who was released in late November, has stepped forward in a courageous interview with The New York Times to share her experience in captivity and the sexual assaults and abuse she was subjected to by her Hamas captor.
Soussana, an Israeli lawyer, was abducted from her home during the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on civilians and was beaten and dragged into Gaza by at least 10 men, where she was held for 55 days.
In the interview, she shares how she was held alone and chained up in a child’s bedroom where the attacks occurred.
If Israel treated the terrorists like Russia, there would have been no terrorists attempts on a daily basis in israel, and of course no one cares when Russia torture islamic terrorists
but if Israel would be doing that you would have heard a lot of commotion about it.
ככה מטפלים בטרוריסטים
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[Ed.: I just LOVE it! I wonder if the musloid realized that the Russians could have had him eat his own dick, but that they were just being merciful? At least the Russians could have wrapped the ear in bacon... “Know your enemy!”]
No Veto, No Visit by AFSI Staff
Message from the Prime Minister’s Office:
The US withdrew from its consistent position in the Security Council where it only a few days ago linked a ceasefire with the release of the abductees (Article 1).
China and Russia vetoed the previous resolution partly because they supported a ceasefire without the release of the abductees.
Russia and China supported the current decision, along with Algeria and other countries.
The US did not veto today the new text that calls for a ceasefire without the condition of releasing the abductees.
This is a clear retreat from the consistent position of the US in the Security Council since the beginning of the war.
This withdrawal hurts both the war effort and the effort to release the hostages, because it gives Hamas hope that international pressure will allow them to accept a cease-fire without the release of our hostages.
Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear last night that if the US withdraws from its principled position, he will not send the Israeli delegation to the US to confer on the upcoming Rafah operation.
[Ed.: In other words, fuck y’all.]
Putin Went Crazy! Missile Attack On NATO Bases Has Begun! IDF Launches Airstrike On Russian Bases! [8:43]
[Ed.: The title of this news clip is misleading and slanted. Putin certainly did NOT go crazy,]
The Emergency Department of the Ministry of Justice has issued a directive to its employees, urging them to ready themselves for an imminent conflict in the northern region, expected to impact the electricity infrastructure.
The letter advises, “It is prudent to anticipate several days of nationwide blackout due to the potential of a Northern war.” Furthermore, “The National Emergency Authority has mandated government ministries to brace for substantial infrastructure damage and a ‘national blackout,’ wherein a minimum of 60 percent of the population could be without electricity for a duration ranging from 24 to 48 hours, with certain areas potentially enduring up to 72 hours.”
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SHUSHAN PURIM day – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Happy Shushan Purim, where Purim is celebrated in Jerusalem and the walled cities of Israel!
Air attacks on Israeli civilians…
Anti-Tank Missiles – Hezbollah, Lebanon – at Metulla.
Rockets – Hezbollah, Lebanon – at Netua.
JORDANIANS SAY.. A demonstration last night in front of the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian capital: “We want terrorist attacks from the Jordan Valley to Eilat. We want to cross the border and kidnap soldiers.”
OPINION: (1) why are we providing Jordan with water and natural gas? (2) LOSS OF DETERRENCE. That is as great a concern as attacks themselves, as it is fear of Israel’s response that stops them from trying.
LARGE AMMUNITION CACHE CAPTURED IN GAZA HOSPITAL.. Al-Shifa hospital apparently used as ammunition storage among hospital equipment storage. “In recent days, during a raid, a large amount of ammunition was found hidden among medical equipment and among patients and guards who were in the hospital.”
POSSIBLE GAZA INFILTRATION – IDF DETERMINES ALL OK, MAYBE.. This morning, intelligence information was received about the possibility of a security incident west of road 232, after investigation and assessment of the situation, the army ordered the cessation of agricultural work in this area and alerts of the standby teams and forces in the frontline settlements (Saad and Alumim) and closure of roads.
According to the directive of the IDF, it is possible to return to regular routine in the rest of the localities, and despite this, an instruction was given by the council to the standby teams and the security chiefs in all the villages to increase alertness.
(11 AM) The blocked intersections in the Gaza Envelope reopened to traffic. There is a security directive that prohibits agricultural work adjacent to a fence – and it is still in effect at this point.
GPS DISRUPTIONS INCREASE IN ISRAEL’S NORTH.. GPS jamming is happening in Israel, particularly strong in northern Israel. Waze and Google Maps are sometimes inaccurate, as are sports watches, and other location based phone apps are often coming back with unexpected location responses – as are commercial ships coming into Haifa port. Similar GPS disruptions are happening in parts of Europe.
PROPAGANDA OF THE DAY – EVEN HAMAS SAYS IT’S A LIE.. “After investigations carried out by Hamas, it appears that the story of the rape of the women in the Shifa hospital is a fabrication. Of course, the enemy does not hesitate to commit genocide. The woman justified the exaggeration and her incorrect words about the rape as much as she wanted to arouse enthusiasm among the people of the nation.”
Why are they suddenly repudiating this propaganda success (spread by Al Jazeera)? Because families with daughters are fleeing northern Gaza due to fear of rape.
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ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Over 70 Percent of “Palestinians” Support Hamas’s October 7 Terror Attack: Poll By Pamela Geller
March 23, 2024 – The “Palestinians” elected Hamas. They voted for this war. Where else in the world are the aggressors, the mass murderers the heroes? Only if the victim is the Jew.
‘Innocent’ Gaza civilians
Over 70 Percent of Palestinians Support Hamas’s October 7 Terror Attack: Poll By Zach Kessel, National Review
Palestinians celebrate after gunmen infiltrated areas of southern Israel and rocket barrages were launched towards Israel from Gaza, in the southern Gaza Strip, October 7, 2023.
March 21, 2024: Seventy-one percent of Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank believe Hamas made the right decision in attacking Israel on October 7, according to a new poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, an organization primarily funded by the European Union and the United States-based Ford Foundation.
The percentage of West Bank residents who support the Hamas attack has decreased slightly since December, when 82 percent of West Bank respondents said they agreed with the decision, though support for the terror attack has increased in Gaza, rising from 57 percent in December to 71 percent in March.
Released Hostage Mia Schem: “There Isn’t a Single Innocent Person in Gaza, They Just Don’t Exist”
‘Don’t Supply the Enemy’: Families of Hostages Turn Back Aid Trucks to Gaza
“Jews Are Our Dogs, Our Dogs, Our Dogs” – Young Palestinian Girls Play Jew-Hating Game in Gaza
Israel’s HIGH-STAKES West Bank Counterterrorism Operations [11:07] Yair Pinto
March 23, 2024 – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports of the rising terrorism threat in Judea and Samaria, otherwise known as the West Bank. Pinto reveals how Iran wages its war of attrition against Israel through weapons smuggling and funding terror groups, and how Israel’s IDF and Shin Bet are cracking down on these terrorist cells at Palestinian universities. Pinto also sits down with Oded Revivi, Mayor of Efrat, a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria, about the city’s increased security measures. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.