Daily Shmutz ISRAEL  (IINO) 3/3/23


Should American Jews intervene to stop Netanyahu?  JONATHAN S. TOBIN

Groups claim that they are trying to “save” Israeli democracy. But their support for extreme rhetoric aims at toppling a democratically elected government and aids anti-Zionists.

(March 2, 2023 / JNS) Rabbi Rick Jacobs had a point when he was asked recently to defend his efforts to intervene in Israel’s debate about judicial reform. Jacobs, the head of the Union of Reform Judaism, said that it was hypocritical of those who back the Israeli government’s legislation to say that American Jews should shut up about controversies in the Jewish state. “That criticism is only ever used one-sidedly,” said Jacobs. “They say we can’t have an opinion, but then they say that ‘we need your help on this important issue in Congress.’ ”

Jacobs is right when he says American Jews have every right to voice their opinions about anything that happens in Israel. The Jewish state is important to all of the Jewish people.

But the problem with what’s been happening as he and the heads of a number of other leading Jewish groups have sought to involve themselves in the bitter dispute about judicial reform is that they are not merely stating opinions. The statements emanating from mainstream groups like the Jewish Federations of North America, liberal religious denominations and left-wing groups like the National Council of Jewish Women go further than that.

They are using what prestige and influence they have in the United States to lend credence to the kind of extremist discourse that is not just fueling a partisan effort to topple a democratically elected government. They’re also putting their stamp of approval on the kinds of arguments about Israeli democracy and the nature of its current government that gives aid and comfort to the forces of the intersectional and anti-Zionist far-left.


Smotrich clarifies call to ‘wipe out’ Huwara, says state must exact ‘heavy price’ for terrorism

The clarification comes after Washington slammed the finance minister’s comments as “repugnant” and called on Israel’s government to repudiate them.

Smotrich clarifies call to ‘wipe out’ Huwara, says state must exact ‘heavy price’ for terrorism

The clarification comes after Washington slammed the finance minister’s comments as “repugnant” and called on Israel’s government to repudiate them.

(March 2, 2023 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich clarified on Wednesday remarks he made calling for the Palestinian village of Huwara to be “wiped out” in response to a deadly terrorist attack that killed two Israelis on Sunday.

“To avoid any doubt, I did not intend to suggest erasing the village of Huwara; rather, to act in a focused manner against the terrorists and supporters of terrorism within it, and to exact a heavy price from them in order to restore security to the residents of the area,” tweeted Smotrich.

During a panel discussion earlier on Wednesday, Smotrich had said that Huwara “needs to be wiped out,” adding, “I think the State of Israel should do this and not—God forbid—private citizens.”


Netanyahu objects to ‘gag order’ barring him from judicial reform debate

Imposing limitations on the prime minister harms the freedom of expression of millions of citizens, the court filing states.

(March 2, 2023 / JNS) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu filed an objection with the Supreme Court on Wednesday against the attorney general’s order forbidding him from taking part in the debate over his government’s judicial reform program.

On Feb. 2, Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara ordered Netanyahu to essentially recuse himself from the debate currently roiling the country due to a potential conflict of interest.

She based her directive on a May 2020 Supreme Court ruling that Netanyahu must avoid conflicts of interest pertaining to his ongoing criminal trial.

Netanyahu’s filing on Wednesday stated that the opinion of the attorney general contradicts the resulting 2020 conflict of interest agreement, “while raising theoretical and remote concerns of conflict of interest.”

It said that the final draft of the agreement only prohibited the prime minister from dealing directly with affairs pertaining to judges of the Supreme Court and the Jerusalem District Court. His trial is being held in the latter.


The roots of the tragic template of Palestinian Arab terror  [1:05:26]

“Top Story” With Jonathan Tobin and guest Oren Kessler, Ep. 86

(March 2, 2023 / JNS)The recent surge in Palestinian terrorism illustrates how commonplace the murder of Jews remains. But according to JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin, part of the problem is the way we regard the history of the conflict.

While the international media seems to be ignorant of everything that happened before last week, the Palestinians still seem intent on trying to erase all events of the past century, says Tobin. Meanwhile, Jews and Israelis are still confused about what conclusions to draw from events, especially since the minimum demands of each side—for the Jews, a Jewish state, and for the Palestinian Arabs, no Jewish state—are irreconcilable.

That, continues Tobin, is the context in which the recent terrorist murders of Jews—and a Jewish riot in reaction to those crimes—must be understood.


Purim guide for the perplexed 2023   YORAM ETTINGER

Attachment to historic and religious roots is the foundation of growth, security and respect from fellow human beings.

(March 2, 2023 / JNS) “Purimfest 1946!” yelled Julius Streicher, the Nazi propaganda chief, as he approached the hanging gallows in Nuremberg. On October 16, 1946, 10 convicted Nazi war criminals were hanged, just as the ten sons of Haman were hanged in ancient Persia.

Julius Streicher’s ranch served as a camp for young Jewish Holocaust survivors on their way to Israel. One of them was the late Eliezer Cotler, the grandfather of my son-in-law. While reading books in Streicher’s library, he noticed that the Nazi war criminal had a collection of books on Purim, with red ink underlining all references to the fate of the Amalekites and Haman.

Streicher assumed that the origin of the Aryan race was in Persia, with a connection to the descendants of the Amalekites, who were the worst enemies of the Jewish people. He believed that Purim documented the fate of the enemies of the Jewish people. Hence, Streicher’s yell, “Purim Fest 1946!”

Purim’s historical background:

[Ed.:  Purim begins the evening of Tuesday March 7, 2023.]


Missing Something? A Little More Detail for You on Judicial Reform   by AFSI Staff

March 2, 2023 – Olam Katan magazine has published attorney Zeev Lev’s detailed responses to claims that have been made by the left and other objectors to Justice Minister Yariv Levin. Lev is the legal counsel of the Movement for Governance and Democracy that was established a decade ago by Levin’s ally, MK Simcha Rothman. The Jewish Press received permission to translate the entire article. David Israel took the liberty to expand and explain some of the terms which the author assumed Israeli readers would be naturally familiar with.

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Judicial Reform but Got the Feeling your News Media Aren’t Telling, by David Israel/Jewish Press, February 27, 2023

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.