Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL  (IINO) | 4/23/23


Thousands demonstrate across Israel: The people demand judicial reform

The demonstrations come ahead of a “million-man demonstration” which is expected to take place this Thursday in Jerusalem.

Apr 23, 2023 – Thousands of people protested on Saturday night at several intersections across the country, under the title: “The people demand judicial reform”.

The demonstrations come ahead of a “million-man demonstration” which is expected to take place this Thursday in Jerusalem, with the participation of hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country.

Saturday night’s demonstrations took place at the Shilat junction at the entrance to the city of Modi’in, at the Kiryon junction in Kiryat Bialik, at the Kfar Ganim Mall in Petah Tikva, in Rosh Haayin, in Ashkelon, at the police square in Hadera, at the Beit Dagan junction, at the Zichron Ya’akov junction, in Be’er Sheva and in other places throughout the country.

Earlier on Saturday night, Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister Yariv Levin announced that he will participate in the “million-man demonstration” this Thursday in Jerusalem. Levin called on the public to participate in the demonstration.

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Jews and the Land of Israel: Part VII: Conferring Sovereignty of Palestine to the Jewish People  By Alex Grobman PhD.

*Editor’s Note: This is the seventh installment in the most recent series of articles from Jewish 2 Iyyar 5783 – April 23, 2023  – Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD

The “broad lines of the struggle over Palestine” occurred during World War I, when the Western Allies, believing the Ottoman Empire would be conquered and ultimately dismantled, focused on the future of its non-Turkish territories. The French and the British were vying for Palestine. [1] In the autumn of 1917, the British anxiously wanted Russian Jews to urge their government to revive Russia’s deteriorating war effort, and believed a future Jewish Palestine would be a compelling incentive for them to act. On October 24, 1917, British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour told the War Cabinet: “The vast majority of Jews in Russia and America, as, indeed, all over the world, now appeared to be favourable to Zionism. If we could make a declaration favourable to such an ideal, we should be able to carry on extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America.” It did inspire American Jews, especially those born in Russia, to volunteer to fight in Palestine against the Turks as part of the British Army. [2]

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