Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO) | 4/28/23


‘March of the Million’ shatters opposition claim nation opposes judicial reform   BY DAVID ISAAC

“We are told that if the reform passes there will be a dictatorship. There is no bigger lie than that,” Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin told the crowd.

(April 28, 2023 / JNS) The “March of the Million” near the Knesset in Jerusalem on Thursday evening may not have hit its target (organizers say 600,000 attended; police say 200,000), but it succeeded in putting to bed opposition claims that Israelis are united against judicial reform. It also provided much-needed backing to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s beleaguered government.

Supporters of reform have been slow to respond to months of protests against it, which have forced the coalition back on its heels, leading Netanyahu to pause the process and enter into negotiations with the opposition under the auspices of President Isaac Herzog.

Those favoring reform worry that the result will be a watered-down version of the legislation. Among the crowd’s chants at the rally: “Stop being afraid” and “We don’t want compromise.”

[Ed.: In today’s terms, the following is referring to the power elite/deep state vs. citizens/patriots:


Minister Zohar: We’ll advance judicial reform unilaterally if no agreements are reached

Culture and Sports Minister says the public wants the judicial reform and voted in favor of it in the elections.

Apr 28, 2023, 9:38 PM (GMT+3) – Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar (Likud) told Channel 12 News in an interview on Friday that if no agreements are reached, the government will advance the judicial reform unilaterally.

Zohar stated that passing the judicial reform is just as important to the public and the government as reducing the cost of living.

Commenting on the “million-man demonstration” in favor of the reform, which took place in Jerusalem on Thursday night and in which he participated, Zohar said it was “our first moment of comfort as a camp since the elections”.

At the same time, the minister said that the demonstrators who trampled on huge signs with the images of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara and the President of the Supreme Court Esther Hayut “made a serious mistake and harmed the success of the demonstration”.

Minister Zohar repeated his argument that those in the Israeli public who oppose the judicial reform are afraid of it because the government “did not explain it well”, and that half of the public voted in favor of it in the elections.

“The reform is not intended to harm anything, but only to do good for the State of Israel,” stated Zohar. “It must happen, the right-wing public was promised a reform and that’s what they want.”

Related articles:

The Culture and Sports Minister also said that the government’s desire is to reach agreements as part of the talks that are currently taking place at the President’s Residence, but not at any cost.



December 4, 2022 – Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request from an Israeli non-profit organization, Maccabi, one of Israel’s largest medical insurance companies, provided the data and it is scary.

From an analysis by David Schuldi (in the Hebrew images below) of the data received according to a FOIA request, from the Maccabi HMO (a medical insurance company for about 25% of the general population) regarding the monthly infant mortality between the ages of 0-27 days.

The data shows a 150% increase in infant mortality in the month after birth in the second quarter Q2 of 2021 compared to the same period in the previous 2 years!

The data also shows a 220% increase in the fourth quarter Q4 (after the Israeli booster campaign) compared to the same period in the year 2020 and almost 45% more than in the year 2019.

It appears that in the period from April 2021 to March 2022 – 51 Babies died. That number is double the number of babies who died up to 27 days after their birth, compared to the corresponding period in 2019.

The main death waves were correlated – after the vaccination waves:

Quarter 2 in 2021:
20 babies died.
2.5 times compared to the corresponding periods in previous years.

Quarter 4 in 2021:
16 babies died.
3 times more than the corresponding period in 2020 and 45% more than in 2019.

* Israel rolled out the booster wave in August 2021.

[Ed.: Nobody knew about Bibi’s secret contract with Pfizer, and nobody gave informed consent to the mandated death-jabs.  Don’t expect Israelis to give birth to normal children, or for Israel to have any ‘future generations’ to speak of.  Bibi decided all of that when he sold Israel out to the Devil; Pfizer But Bibi’s final sentence will be meted out in the courtroom upstairs. It won’t be pretty!]


Judicial Deform   Steve Apfel

The High Court Judgment that plagues Israel permanently.   Op-ed.

Apr 27, 2023, 3:00 PM (GMT+3) – A cosmetic policy changed the climate for Israel. Not the weather climate but what’s more lethal, the political climate later knocked off kilter by a (mis) judgment of the High Court, Aharon Barak presiding. It doubled down on the first bungle. The consequences were predictable and perpetual.

Israel had done the unforgiveable: it won a defensive war. To an egregious world it did something still more depraved by taking territories from aggressors intent on a second Holocaust – one they would not have denied but proclaimed. The penalty for victory and the spoils from it would be purgatory. Anticipating that the floodgates over Israel would open, what did its leaders do? They triggered climatic consequences by some well-intentioned naivety.

Alan Baker, formerly legal advisor to Israel’s Foreign Ministry, takes up the torrid tale.


Glick and Sharansky – Unify Around Zionism   [59:40]

04/28/2023 – While the domestic strife in Israel is enough to make anyone feel distressed, the fact is that the fissure tearing Israelis apart is not as deep or as wide as they seem from the news. While the angry, massively funded rallies of the left against the Netanyahu government and its voters, and the angry responses of the government’s voters make it seem like Israel is tearing itself apart, the vast majority of Israelis remain completely committed to the State of Israel and the Zionist vision of Jewish national salvation and renaissance in the Land of Israel.

To explore the vastness of the shared ideal and significance of the State of Israel for the Jewish people, former Prisoner of Zion, former government minister and former chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky was my guest on the show this week. Sharansky has spoken out against the government’s judicial reform effort, while I am an outspoken advocate for massive reform of the legal system. We chose to ignore what divides us and instead had an in-depth, inspiring discussion of the meaning of Israel and Zionism for the Jewish people in Israel and around the world.

In my opening, I discussed the left’s threats to wreak havoc during Memorial Day ceremonies at military cemeteries and the path that Israel must cross to bridge the gaps that divide society as Israel enters its 76th year.

Don’t miss this special discussion of the Jewish state, the Jewish people and Zionism.

To watch the show on YouTube, click HERE.  


600,000 Patriots March in Jerusalem to Save the Holy Land from Biden Regime Insurrection!   By Richard Abelson

Apr. 28, 2023 – An estimated 600.000 patriots demonstrated in Jerusalem in favor of the conservative government Thursday as left-wing radicals were arrested for attacking economics minister Nir Barkat in Tel Aviv.

Patriotic NGOs Im TirtzuRegavim and others had called for a “Million Man March”  on the day after Israel’s 75th birthday to show support of the right-wing government’s attempts to clean up the Justice System, which has been highjacked by far-left activists.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich spoke at the demonstration outside the Knesset:  “Look how much strength we have. They have the media and tycoons who finance demonstrations. We have the majority of the people, who demand and give us full backing to fix what needs to be fixed. The people demand judicial reform and they will get it. We will not give up,” Smotrich said.

“It’s amazing to see here all the hundreds of thousands of people who came to say: ‘Reform now! Reform now!’”, said National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir:  “You are patriots! You are lovers of the people of Israel! You are the beautiful people of Israel! Those [left-wing protest] organizers – like (former Prime Minister) Ehud Barak – don’t just care about the reform, they care that the right is in power. They did not accept that we won the elections, they are not ready to accept it, they will do everything to damage us and harm the State of Israel.”

[Ed.: In today’s terms, the following is referring to the power elite/deep state and patriots:




25,000 attend Independence Day celebrations in Binyamin

Visitors from across the country enjoy attractions, tours of Biblical and nature sites on Israel’s 75th Independence Day.

Apr 26, 2023, 9:33 PM (GMT+3) – About 25,000 people from all over the country attended the celebrations held in the Binyamin region today (Wednesday) for Israel’s 75th Independence Day.

This is the second year that the Binyamin Regional Council and the Binyamin Community Center held the Independence Day events at different complexes throughout the region.

Four events were held at different locations in Binyamin, including a new location in Gush Audmim. Amusement park and inflatable attractions were set up in the Sha’ar Binyamin Industrial Zone.

At the heritage site of ancient Shiloh, visitors enjoyed children’s facilities, workshops and tours of the exhibits on the ancient Tabernacle which stood in Shiloh in Biblical times.

Related articles:

At the Sde Ephraim Farm, visitors enjoyed animal attractions such as petting zoos, as well as nature trails, horseback riding, and tours.


A witness to the rebirth of Israel: Jewish DPs in Austria   Dr. Alex Grobman

The story of US Army Chaplain Oscar M. Lifshutz and the Jewish DPS’ at Camp Riedenberg in Salzburg Austria, May 14, 1948.  Op-ed.

Apr 26, 2023, 11:00 AM (GMT+3) – There are many descriptions of how the new state of Israel was welcomed.

US Army Jewish Chaplain Oscar [Lt. Colonel] M. Lifshutz was an officer dealing with Jewish Affairs, whose duty was to visit Jewish displaced persons camps in post-war Europe. On May 14, 1948 in Tel Aviv, David Ben-Gurion, chairman of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the State of Israel. Jews throughout the world celebrated the establishment of the first Jewish state in 2,000 years.

Lifshutz experienced the creation of a free and independent Jewish nation on a personal level, through the eyes of his fellow American troops, and the liberated Jewish DPs. His description of that event from the DP camp is especially poignant:

“At 9:00 o’clock on May 18, 1948, I visited with the leaders of Displaced Persons at Camp Riedenberg in Salzburg, Austria,” he said. “There was shouting and dancing in the parade area of this old and dilapidated ex-German barracks. The American Military Police (MP), who formerly guarded the outside gates and policed the surrounding area, were now dancing the Hora with the refugees.

Suddenly, a jeep loaded with officers drew up to the gate and a group, headed by a colonel, dismounted and headed toward the flagpole. ‘Good morning, Colonel,’ I said greeting him with open arms.’ How can I be of service to you.?’

‘This is a great day for you Rabbi,’ he quipped, ‘and I am here to see to it that we are going to do things in the right way.’’

Lifshutz sensed that the officer wanted to ensure that something special occurred.

‘What do you have in mind, sir’ I asked?”

‘Rabbi,’ he said ‘I am a Christian and I feel that I, too, have had a hand in helping to bring the Children of Israel to the Promised Land. I want to tell my children that I helped a people find a homeland. I have been away from my home for three years to regain freedom for all people. And, I am going to ask you, as a Rabbi, to help me do something.’

‘Do what,’ I asked?


Overnight, we became Jewish soldiers, Montreal, May, 14, 1948  Jack Engelhard

The Sunday following the Israeli Declaration of Independence our antisemitic neighborhood bullies got the shock of their lives. Op-ed.

Apr 26, 2023, 7:41 AM (GMT+3) – We were just kids. But we understood.

A momentous event had taken place. Israel had declared its Independence, and the American president, Truman, had endorsed the Declaration.

Later, we would learn that Truman had caught his own ministers by surprise, as when he announced his decision at a press conference.

His UN envoys and his State Department were furious.

Meanwhile, we were just kids, the children of Holocaust Survivors. We lived on Saint Urbain Street in Montreal. We attended Fairmount School for regular classes and Talmud Torah for after-school and Torah classes, and at the Talmud Torah we were taught the importance of ancient Israel and modern Israel – so modern that it came true only moments ago.

For this miracle, the streets and boulevards were on parade, thousands singing David, Melech Yisroel, dancing the Hora, and finalizing the festivities with Hatikvah.

At that, people wept openly.


Watch: Israel at 75 – a bird’s eye view

Apr 26, 2023, 10:27 AM (GMT+3) – In honor of Israel’s Independence Day, Ezri Tobe presents a stunning selection of photos showing Israel from a drone’s perspective.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.