Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL  (IINO)| 4/4/23


Amiram Ben Uliel to be let out of solitary confinement for Passover Seder

Man convicted of Duma arson murders to be allowed to have the Passover Seder with other Jewish prisoners for the first time.

Apr 4, 2023, 4:07 PM (GMT+3) – Amiram Ben Uliel, the man who was convicted for the 2015 murder of the Dawabshe family in the village od Duma, will be released from solitary confinement for the first time to participate in the Passover Seder in the religious wing of the Ayalon Prison, Kan News reported.

Shmuel Medad, the head of the Honenu legal organization, appealed yesterday (Monday) to Chief Rabbis Yitzhak Yosef and David Lau to work with the Israel Prison Service to allow Ben Uliel to have a traditional Passover Seder with other prisoners instead of being forced to remain in solitary confinement.

In his letter, Medad described the harsh conditions in which Ben Uliel is being held: “Amiram Ben Uliel, a young man and the father of a younggirl, has been imprisoned for 7.5 years in the most difficult conditions in the State of Israel, isolated in a small cell in a prison without any contact with anyone from the outside, not even with other prisoners.”

“It seems that there are those who want to hurt Amiram and cause him to go mad. Amiram was convicted for the arson incident in the village of Duma in one of the most heinous verdicts the State of Israel has ever seen, when he was sentenced to three cumulative life sentences based on a confession that was extracted from him under severe torture and without any other supporting evidence,” explained Medad.

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[Ed.:  It is widely known that Amiram did not commit the arson, and that he was tortured in prison until he ‘confessed’ to the crime.  The ‘Supreme’ Court does not deal kindly with people who are religious Jews, but does deal kindly with musloid terrorists who kill Jews.]


Top court rules against booting E. Jerusalem Palestinian family after 32-year battle

Supreme Court dismisses case filed by KKL-JNF, which acted on behalf of right-wing group seeking to take over Sumarins’ home in Silwan, located inside City of David national park

3 April 2023, 10:40 pm  – The Supreme Court on Monday ruled against evicting a Palestinian family in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, which was sought by the Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael-Jewish National Fund, bringing an end to a 32-year legal battle.

The eviction of the 18-member Sumarin family was pursued by KKL-JNF and backed by the right-wing group Elad, which seeks to expand the Jewish presence in East Jerusalem. The Sumarins’ home is located in the middle of the City of David national park, which is managed by Elad.

The first lawsuit to evict the Sumarins was filed in 1991, with KKL-JNF’s subsidiary arguing that the home was considered absentee property, which would allow for its confiscation by the state.


Jerusalem Post Publishes Op-ed Calling for Coup Against Netanyahu   By JOEL B. POLLAK

3 Apr 2023 – The Jerusalem Post, once a reliably right-of-center newspaper, published an op-ed on Monday calling for a coup against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — to “rise up against Netanyahu and force him from power.”

The op-ed, written by Alon Ben-Meir, comes a week after Netanyahu paused his controversial judicial reforms to allow more time for negotiations between the government and the opposition. But the opposition has not let up, and continues to hold demonstrations — even invading the offices of a think tank that proposed the reforms.

Ben-Meir accuses Netanyahu of attempting a “de facto coup d’état under the guise of judicial reforms.” (As Breitbart News has noted, most of the reforms parallel existing institutions within the American judiciary.)

Ben-Meir also declares (original emphasis):

It’s time for Israel to rise up against Netanyahu and force him from power

It’s time for the Israelis to rise up – yes, rise up – as admirably as they have against Netanyahu’s sinister scheme to overtake the judiciary, again and again, to force him out of power and spare Israel from his ominously dire behavior. There is no way to make this clearer. The time is overdue for the Netanyahu government to realize that its approach to domestic policies that have torn the country apart and its discord with Israel’s closest ally, the US, is exactly what Israel’s enemies hope and wish for.

In his speech during this past week’s White House-hosted virtual Summit for Democracy, Netanyahu stated that US-Israel relations remain unshakable. That may be so but not as long as he is in power. Netanyahu is simply unfit to be the prime minister of Israel. He is a liar, a schemer and a fraud. If he has an ounce of integrity left in him, he should resign and save the country instead of stopping short of nothing, however evil, to save his skin.


Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2023 (US-Israel shared values)  Yoram Ettinger

[Ed.:  Passover begins Wednesday, April 5th in the evening, and ends April 13th in the evening.]

April 3rd, 2023

  1. The Passover Exodus, in general, and the Mosaic legacy, in particular, inspired the US Founding Fathers’ rebellion against the monarchy, which evolved into a concept of non-revengeful, non-imperialistic and anti-monarchy liberty, limited (non-tyrannical) government, separation of powers among three co-equal branches of government and the Federalist system, in general.

The goal of Passover’s liberty was not the subjugation of the Egyptian people, but the defeat of the tyrannical Pharaoh and the veneration of liberty throughout the globe, including in Egypt.

  1. The Passover Exodus catapulted the Jewish people from spiritual and physical servitude in Egypt to liberty in the Land of Israel.
  2. The Passover Exodus highlights the Jubilee – which is commemorated every 50 years – as the Biblical foundation of the concept of liberty. The US Founding Fathers deemed it appropriate to engrave the essence of the Jubilee on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thus, the Liberty Bell was installed in 1751 upon the 50th anniversary of William Penn’s Charter of Privileges with the following inscription: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof (Leviticus, 25:10).”

Moses received the Torah – which includes 50 gates of wisdom – 50 days following the Exodus, as celebrated by the Shavou’ot/Pentecost Holiday, 50 days following Passover. Moreover, there are 50 States in the United States, whose Hebrew name is “The States of the Covenant” (Artzot Habreet –ארצות הברית).

  1. The Passover Exodus spurred the Abolitionist Movement and the human rights movement. For example, in 1850, Harriet Tubman, who was one of the leaders of the “Underground Railroad” – an Exodus of Afro-American slaves to freedom – was known as “Mama Moses.” Moreover, on December 11, 1964, upon accepting the Nobel Prize, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “The Bible tells the thrilling story of how Moses stood in Pharaoh’s court centuries ago and cried, ‘Let my people go!’” Furthermore, Paul Robeson and Louis Armstrong leveraged the liberty theme of Passover through the lyrics: “When Israel was in Egypt’s land, let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go! Go down Moses, way down in Egypt’s land; tell old Pharaoh to let my people go….!”

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.