Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL  (IINO) | 5/25/23


Israel’s Health Ministry: No young adults without preexisting conditions died of COVID-19

T. Belman: This article “raises the question of how much a society is willing to do in order to protect its most vulnerable members.” No it doesn’t.. The hypocritic oath says the standard is “do no harm”.  There was never a scientific basis for the over-reaction. The question remains “was the government’s handling of the crises illegal?”

And remember the government’s unscientific banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

Health Ministry says 0 reports of people 18-50 dying of COVID-19 without preexisting conditions – but bases its information only on epidemiological investigations.

Moshe Feiglin, however, wrote that the government “locked you up in your homes, and stole a year of normal education from your children…all for a ‘plague’ which hurt zero citizens below the age of 50 without preexisting conditions.”

Israel National News   May 25, 2023, 9:53 AM (GMT+3)

Former MK Moshe Feiglin published on Twitter a Health Ministry response to queries regarding various coronavirus statistics.

In the document, the Health Ministry clarified that no adults without preexisting conditions who were between the ages of 18-49 at the time of their death, died of coronavirus.

At the same time, the Ministry emphasized that its information is “based on information which the patients themselves or their family members volunteered as part of an epidemiological investigation, if an investigation was conducted and the patient chose to share [the information] with the investigator.”

Therefore, the Ministry emphasized, “The existing information does not necessarily reflect the patient’s medical situation.”

Related articles:

Feiglin, however, wrote that the government “locked you up in your homes, and stole a year of normal education from your children…all for a ‘plague’ which hurt zero citizens below the age of 50 without preexisting conditions.”



[Ed.:  Today is the holiday of Shavuot, which means ‘Weeks’.  Shavuot will end at sunset May 27th.  Below, Retired ambassador to the US, Yoram Ettinger, explains some of the finer points of this special holiday:]

Shavou’ot (Pentecost) guide for the perplexed, 2023  Yoram Ettinger

May 22nd, 2023

The significance of Shavou’ot  (May 26, 2023)

Shavou’ot is one of the three liberty-oriented Jewish pilgrimages to Jerusalem:  Passover, Shavou’ot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles), which constitute game-changing milestones in the formation of Jewish history, documenting the 4,000-year-old Jewish roots in the Land of Israel, and the unique linkage between the Land of Israel, Judaism and the Jewish people.

Shavou’ot is a historical, national, agricultural and spiritual extension of Passover. Passover highlights the physical liberty from slavery in Egypt; Shavou’ot highlights spiritual liberty, embracing the values of the Torah, the Ten Commandments and six chapters of The Ethics of our Fathers (Pirkey Avot). The eve of Shavou’ot is dedicated to an all-night study of Jewish values.

Shavou’ot is also called the Holiday of the Harvest (ביכורים), since it concludes the harvesting season, which starts during Passover.

Shavou’ot (שבועות) means “weeks” in Hebrew and its spelling is identical to the Hebrew word “vows.”

Shavou’ot commemorates the 40 years of the Exodus, which entailed tough challenges on the road to the Land of Israel, forging the state-of-mind of the Jewish people and the Jewish State.

For example:


Amiram Ben Uliel to be released from solitary confinement for Shavuot

Man convicted of Duma arson to be allowed to interact with other prisoners during holiday under Ben-Gvir’s policy.

May 24, 2023, 10:23 PM (GMT+3) – Amiram Ben Uliel will not remain in solitary confinement for the Shavuot festival on Thursday night and Friday, thanks to the new policy of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Instead, he will spend the holiday with another prisoner – with whom he can study and hold the holiday and Shabbat meals.

Ben Uliel had previously been released from solitary confinement for the night of the Passover Seder, which he was allowed to celebrate in the prison’s religious wing.

Ben-Gvir has directed the Prison Service to ensure that the conditions of Jewish prisoners be brought in line with those of other prisoners such as Arabs convicted of terrorist actions..

Related articles:

Ben Uliel was convicted of the 2015 Duma arson attack in which three members of an Arab family, including an 18-month old baby, in the firebombing of their home. He was sentenced to three life terms plus 20 years in prison. He has been kept in solitary confinement for the vast majority of the seven and has barely seen his now eight-year old daughter.

Ben Uliel accused the Shin Bet of torturing him to extract false confessions and this was found to be true. Despite that, and despite a lack of hard evidence proving his guilt, in September 2022, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal lodged on behalf of Ben Uliel, arguing that his confession was legally admissible even though lower courts had already invalidated two of Ben Uliel’s three confessions, accepting his claim that he was tortured in order to extract them.

[Ed.:  Eight years in solitary confinement for a forced confession procured by torture?]

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