Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 6/10/24



Hundreds of police officers uproot orchard in Binyamin, planted by late Ahuvya Sandak

Civil Administration inspectors and hundreds of policemen used heavy equipment to uproot the orchard planted by Ahuvya Sandak and his friends, following a petition submitted by local Arabs.

Jun 10, 2024, 8:08 AM (GMT+3) Israel National News – Civil Administration inspectors escorted by hundreds of policemen arrived at the hill of Maoz Esther in Binyamin on Monday morning and used heavy equipment to uproot the orchard of fruit trees that was planted by the late Ahuvya Sandak, who was killed in a police chase in 2020, and others, five years ago.

Large police forces were deployed throughout the nearby community of Kochav Hashar to prevent the arrival of residents who wanted to protest against the destruction.

At the same time, a closed military area order was imposed on the area and police officers were stationed to prevent the entry of any civilians into the areas of Kochav Hashachar and the nearby hills.

The destruction was carried out after the State informed the High Court, in a petition submitted by Arabs from the neighboring village, that it would uproot the orchard within 180 days, subject to operational considerations.

“We woke up this morning and were shocked to see the destruction and devastation,” residents of Givat Maoz Esther lamented. “Hundreds of black-clad policemen were marching up to the hill, just to uproot a fruit tree orchard that was planted 5 years ago by Ahuvya Sandak and other boys, who were some of the founders of this community. The fact that Arabs murder Jews and then inherit their land echoes here this morning very loudly. The fact that in the midst of a comprehensive war, huge forces are still being stationed to attack Jewish communities shows the complete loss of direction that Israel has found itself in.”

“Despite everything, we will continue to hold on to the land and this destruction and harassment will only strengthen our grip on our country. The orchard that was uprooted today will be replanted please God in the coming days and one day we will still enjoy its fruits,” residents of Givat Maoz Esther concluded.

[Ed.:  This is disgusting!  This is embarrassing!  This is why it’s IINO.  They go way out of their way to protect “innocent civilians” in Gaza (even though there aren’t any,) and not win the war against a rather small gang of arabs (Hamas,) they have the time an resources to tear down homes and fields of Israeli Jews!  It’s unimaginable! It’s unforgivable.]


‘The elephant in the room’ | MFA highlights ‘civilian’ involvement in Hamas atrocities

New video notes how Gazan civilians participated in killing, raping, and abducting Israelis on October 7th and still assist in holding hostages.

Jun 10, 2024, 1:51 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – The Israeli Foreign Ministry published a video on Monday highlighting the involvement of “civilians” in the atrocities perpetrated on October 7th and since then.

“We need to talk about the elephant in the room,” the Foreign Ministry wrote in a post on social media.

“Many Gazan civilians participated in killing, raping, and kidnapping Israelis on October 7.

“It is also reported that Gazan civilians were paid by Hamas to hold hostages captive in their homes,” it added.

According to the Foreign Ministry, “Hamas is intentionally involving the civilian population of Gaza in its war crimes.”

The Ministry called on the world to “condemn this in the strongest terms.”

[Ed.:  There are no “innocent civilians” in Gaza.  NONEThis means that IINO’s extreme measures to protect the “innocent civilians’ was an absurd effort. It cost IDF lives for nothing.  IINO prioritized protecting these so-called “innocent civilians” over winning and ending the war.  This is squarely on the shoulders of the IDF leadership, not the heroic soldiers.]


Smotrich: We blocked Gantz’s plan to establish a Palestinian state   Hezki Baruch

The responsibility for the misconception that led to the massacre and the failures in the management of the war belongs to Gantz and Eizenkot.’

Jun 10, 2024, 4:37 PM (GMT+3) – Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, commented on the decision of Blue and White ministers to resign at a party meeting today.

“The disintegration of a unity government during a war is the least statesmanlike act that exists,” said Smotrich, “Gantz, Eizenkot, and Tropper decided to prioritize personal and political considerations over the national consideration, which requires unity to achieve the war’s objectives and to provide support to IDF soldiers who are currently fighting in the field.”

He added that “The responsibility for the misconception that led to the massacre and the failures in the war belongs to Gantz and Eizenkot no less than anyone else. They held the highest positions in the security system over the last decade and were partners in the war cabinet and in all the decisions made there.”

“Yesterday the cat was out of the bag when Gantz essentially admitted that the reason for his resignation from the government is that we blocked his plan under pressure from the Biden administration and other factors to establish a Palestinian state in the heart of the country, which would constitute an existential threat to the State of Israel,” Smotrich continued. “Even if they call it by various names – the day after, a political initiative or a regional solution – it is impossible to hide the truth that the steps Gantz is pushing towards are the establishment of a monster of terror hundreds of meters from the settlements of Sharon and a few minutes from all the major population centers in the center of the country, in Ra’anana, Kfar Saba, Netanya, Tel Aviv, Be’er Sheva, and Afula, in the north and the south.”

“We managed to thwart Gantz’s demand to establish a Palestinian state in the government, and I am now acting on the ground to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state. The countries of the world can declare morning and night that they recognize a Palestinian state, but we set facts on the ground and ensure that a Palestinian state will never be established.”

Smotrich conveyed a message to the Prime Minister: “I hope and believe that the departure of Gantz and Eizenkot will allow us to act much more decisively and resolutely against the Palestinian Authority, which stands behind the campaign of persecution at the International Criminal Court in The Hague against the Prime Minister and senior IDF officials, including economic sanction measures that will hurt them very much, remove the restrictions to bring about a major renewal of construction in Judea and Samaria, allow the completion of the regulation of the young settlements and demolish the illegal Arab construction in the open areas, which is intended to take over the territory and establish a de facto Palestinian state.”

“Even now, I reiterate my call to transfer the security strip in the north from Israel to southern Lebanon and launch a lethal attack against Hezbollah and the infrastructure in Lebanon. Gantz’s resignation should not affect the decisions that need to be made, they have broad backing from the entire people. And I again call on you, Mr. Prime Minister: Give the order and launch the attack.”  [Emphasis added]

In response to the issue of the conscription law, he said: “We are in a great opportunity that should not be missed. We must not push the haredi public into a corner. Mr. President, I call on you: Go out today, call on the Supreme Court to suspend the discussions because it will not work by force. Call on everyone to stop and invite them to you at the President’s residence to create dialogue sessions, and there we will find agreements, there we will find a compromise.”

Related articles:


Hostages Rescued “Under Fire In Daring Gaza Raid”: Israel, Hamas Cries “Massacre”, Vows No Surrender   [VIDEO  8:06]

Jun 8, 2024 • Israel has freed four hostages in a special operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, said the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Noa Argamani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv, were reportedly rescued from two separate locations in Nuseirat.

An officer of Israel’s elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit died after sustaining injuries in the hostage rescue operation, Israeli media reported.

The Israeli PM said that his security forces “have proven that Israel does not surrender to terrorism.”

US President Joe Biden, who is a staunch ally of Israel, welcomed the freeing of hostages in the  IDF operation







June 9, 2024 – (Via YNet, translated) In the heart of the Nuseirat refugee camp, after eight months and a day in captivity in Gaza, one of the most daring operations since the beginning of the war took place. Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv, and Andrei Kozlov, who were kidnapped from the Nova party, were rescued in “Operation Arnon,” named after YAMAM fighter Arnon Zamora, who was killed during the operation. This is how the action unfolded, minute by minute.

**Thursday, 6:30 PM**: After meticulous planning, drills, models, and advanced intelligence tracking that lasted for many weeks, the political echelon approves the operation initially dubbed “Summer Seeds.” The approval was made in a classified discussion, under heavy compartmentalization and waiting for the right moment.

**Saturday, 10:00 AM**: Two main spearhead teams, disguised, leap from several directions towards the Nuseirat refugee camp near the coast. The forces move stealthily in broad daylight towards the two buildings where the hostages were held, passing through thousands of Palestinians and hundreds of local Hamas fighters who did not notice them. According to the Palestinians, the forces entered using a humanitarian aid truck – and Al Jazeera even published footage of it with IDF vehicles, apparently from moments after the operation. The IDF denied this and also denied using the American pier later on.

**10:45 AM**: Special ground observations and technological tracking means from Air Force aircraft identify that the area is clear and there is no suspicious movement in the two buildings, each 3-4 stories high. In one of them, Noa Argamani was held, and in the other, the three other hostages, along with Gaza families and armed guards.

**10:50 AM**: The information and live footage of the alleys, hundreds of meters long, separating the two targets are transmitted to screens in the two command centers from where the operation was commanded: the Shin Bet center in central Israel, attended by the head of service Ronen Bar and the Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, and the Southern Command in Be’er Sheva, from where the Southern Command general managed the surrounding and rescue forces.

**11:00 AM**: The two ground teams receive the “go” command, personally approved in real-time by the head of the Shin Bet and the Chief of Staff. They storm the buildings simultaneously and in full coordination, at the same second, to prevent the terrorists at the second target from discovering it – which would endanger the hostages.

**11:10 AM**: While the elimination of the terrorists guarding Argamani and her rescue went relatively smoothly, the operation in the second building was much more complicated. Commander Zamora’s team reports that he was hit in the crossfire. The fighters who eliminated the terrorists at that target are treating their commander and trying to save him while exiting the building, under increasing fire.

**11:15 AM**: The message everyone was waiting for is reported on the radio: “The diamonds are in our hands” – meaning the hostages are with us.

**11:20 AM**: Under the cover of the delay, dozens of terrorists gather around the building where the three hostages were held, and hundreds of armed men approach from all directions with RPG launchers, PK machine guns, and Kalashnikov rifles. They run through the narrow alleys and the nearby market, crowded with thousands of Gazans.

**11:22 AM**: The forces attempt to escape in  the rescue vehicle, but it is hit by heavy fire and starts to malfunction. Southern Command General Yaron Finkelman activates the pre-prepared rescue plan.

**11:25 AM**: Air Force fighter jets and helicopters launch dozens of munitions towards the terrorists to isolate the area. Hundreds of soldiers from the 7th Brigade, paratroopers, Givati, and Kfir, positioned as reinforcements, are mobilized on foot and also in tanks and Namer APCs into the refugee camp, with navy ships providing cover from the west.

**11:30 AM**: The reinforcement forces and the Air Force manage to isolate the main combat zone, thus providing a safe escape route for the main force with the three hostages. The Southern Command exceptionally approves Air Force Yasur helicopters to land for evacuation deep inside the Gaza Strip, under fire cover from fighter jets. The aerial fire hits the terrorists, tens of meters from the soldiers.

**11:50 AM**: The last special forces soldiers board the helicopters that take off to hospitals in Israel. Attempts to resuscitate Commander Zamora continue in the air, but at the hospital, they are forced to declare his death. Reinforcement forces from the IDF brigades continue to engage the terrorists in the operation’s perimeter – eliminating dozens more of them until the operation ends.

**1:33 PM**: The IDF, Shin Bet, and police officially announce the rescue of the four hostages, and spontaneous celebrations begin – both in Israel and among Israelis abroad.


Israeli Defense Forces Confirms Al Jazeera Reporter as Hamas Terrorist Who Held Three Israeli Hostages in His Home in Central Gaza’s Nuseirat   [VIDEOS]   By Jim Hft

June 9, 2024 1:00 pm – The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have confirmed that Abdallah Aljamal, an Al Jazeera reporter and photojournalist, was actively holding three Israeli hostages within his residence in central Gaza’s Nuseirat.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that four hostages, identified as Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), were rescued on Saturday in a daring IDF operation.

Noa Argamani was abducted while attending the Nova music festival on October 7. The young woman was reunited with her father and her terminally ill mother after being held captive for nearly eight months.

The IDF released a statement following the successful operation, “It has been 245 days since Noa hugged her father and her mother who is terminally ill. It has been 245 days since she was dancing with her friends at the Nova festival. For 245 days, Noa was held captive by Hamas terrorists who only seek to cause pain and suffering. Today, Hamas’ torment of Noa came to an end as she was reunited with her loved ones.”

Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov experienced a heartwarming reunion with his mother.

Rescued hostage Almog Meir Jan reunites with his friends for the first time.

Shlomi Ziv, after enduring 245 days of captivity, was finally brought home to his wife and family.

IDF wrote, “Shlomi Ziv (40) was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 at the Nova festival. Shlomi was working as security director at the festival when he was brutally taken hostage for 245 days. We brought him home today back to his wife and family. We will continue operating to bring all our hostages home.”

On Sunday, the Israeli military confirmed that Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv were held in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a reporter for Al Jazeera and a confirmed Hamas terrorist, in central Gaza’s Nuseirat.

According to the IDF, Aljamal held the hostages alongside his own family members.

The Times of Israel reported that Al Jazeera denied claims that the three hostages were held at an employee’s home.

The news outlet reported:

Qatari news network Al Jazeera is stridently denying any link to Gaza-based journalist Abdallah Aljamal, amid unverified rumors that hostage Noa Argamani had been held at his home in central Gaza’s Nuseirat.

According to various rumors, some of which have been picked up by Hebrew-language media with varying levels of credulity, Argamani was held at the home of Dr. Ahmed Aljamal and his son Abdallah. They also claim that Abdallah is an employee of Al-Jazeera.

The reports base the claim on Rami Abdu, head of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, who tweeted that soldiers climbed into the Aljamals’ home during the raid and killed several members of the family, including Ahmed and Abdallah. He notes that Abdallah is spokesman for the Hamas-run labor ministry in Gaza and has contributed to several news outlets in the past.

“This man is not from Al-Jazeera, and he did not work for Al-Jazeera at all, and he is not listed as working for Al-Jazeera neither now nor in the past,” al-Jazeera Jerusalem bureau chief Omar al-Walid says. “We do not know him, and all the rumors that have been spread are empty of content and not true at all.”

However, the IDF asserted that the suspect works for Al Jazeera, providing evidence by posting the reporter’s own biography from the Al Jazeera website.

“Journalist” Abdallah Aljamal was a Hamas terrorist holding Almog, Andrey and Shlomi hostage in his family’s home in Nuseirat. No press vest can make him innocent of the crimes he has committed. Al Jazeera what’s this terrorist doing on your website?” IDF wrote on X.

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[Ed.:  Coincidentally, “Journalist” Abdallah Aljamal is the son of the doctor who kept hostages in his home.  IT WAS THE SAME HOME!]


Col. Richard Kemp: ‘Incredibly impressive, difficult to rescue hostages from 2 places’    Gary Willig

Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan speaks Arutz Sheva about the difficulty and achievement of the rescue of 4 hostages yesterday, warns Hamas will attempt to make further rescues more difficult.

Jun 9, 2024, 12:08 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of the British military forces in Afghanistan, spoke to Israel National News – Arutz Sheva about the daring rescue operation in Nuseirat yesterday (Saturday) in which four hostages were rescued alive, eight months after they were kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7.

“This was an extremely significant event in this war,” Col. Kemp told us. “The IDF has been fighting very hard, very effectively, and with immense success in Gaza. They have destroyed most of the Hamas terror army and are on the path of its final destruction as a fighting force that can threaten Israel. But all Israelis’ hearts are firmly with the hostages and this dramatic rescue operation of four of them is a much-needed shot in the arm for people who have endured so much for so long in what is becoming Israel’s longest-ever war.”

He noted that such successful hostage rescues are rare during warfare. “Successful hostage rescue in a hostile environment is probably the most difficult of military operations. I have been involved in the rescue of British hostages in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is rare for them to succeed. There are two prerequisites that are both extremely hard to achieve. First, you must have pinpoint intelligence to tell you exactly where the hostages are being held and in what conditions, including who and how many are guarding them. Second, you must be able to achieve surprise, in other words, to launch the operation without prior detection. Bearing in mind it is likely that hostages will have a gun to their heads and any warning that a rescue is coming will likely see them killed immediately. Terrorists will also often be expecting a rescue and will prepare to kill the rescuers eg by booby traps, snipers, etc.”

“In this case, hostages were rescued from two separate locations which is incredibly impressive given the necessity to coordinate them so precisely to avoid terrorists in one location being so that one assault does not trigger reaction from terrorists in the other,” he said.

“I have the utmost admiration for those soldiers, police, and intelligence officers who carried out this operation. Each one of them knew well the lethal dangers they faced, which has been tragically shown by the death of Yamam Chief Inspector Arnon Zemorah.

When asked about the question a BBC presenter asked about the possibility of the IDF issuing a warning prior to launching the rescue operation in order to reduce Gazan casualties, Col. Kemp responded that “that sort of question can be dismissed as a sign of complete ignorance of the reality of war. To give a warning that you are about to launch a hostage rescue operation would be a guarantee of that operation’s failure.”

While the rescue has been widely celebrated, there have been some who have condemned it, including United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese, who called the rescue “genocidal intent turned into action” and quoted the Hamas terrorist organization’ claim that over 200 people were killed in the operation.

Responding to this criticism from the UN official, Col. Kemp said that “Albanese’s heavy anti-Israel bias is well known. She doesn’t know how many civilians or terrorists were killed during this operation and as usual is relying on figures provided by the terrorists themselves. Rather than condemning Israel, she should condemn Hamas. It is Hamas that savagely kidnapped the hostages on 7th October. It is Hamas that has been holding those hostages within the civilian population, deliberately risking civilian lives knowing that efforts would be made to rescue the hostages. It is Hamas that attacked the rescuers from behind human shields. Every death during this operation is due entirely to Hamas who also have total responsibility for all of the bloodshed since this conflict began.”

He warned that Hamas would respond to this defeat by attempting to make it even harder to find and rescue the hostages who remain in Gaza. “We must hope that the IDF and Shin Bet is able to gain further intelligence to enable them to rescue more of the hostages. They are working flat out to achieve that and have been since the war began. We can be encouraged by Operation Arnon that Israel has such impressive capability and may be able to repeat it.”

“Nevertheless, we should not be too optimistic because, as I have explained, achieving success in hostage rescue is incredibly difficult. After this success, there is no doubt that Hamas will be even more alert to future rescue attempts and will already have taken steps to make further operations even harder,” Col. Kemp concluded.

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MK Danny Danon appointed as Ambassador to the UN

MK Danon will be stepping into the position for the second time, after serving as ambassador from 2015 to 2020.

Jun 9, 2024, 4:26 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz have decided to appoint MK Danny Danon (Likud) as Israel’s Ambassador to the UN.

MK Danon will be stepping into the position for the second time, after serving as ambassador from 2015 to 2020.

“MK Danon has considerable experience in the international arena and there is no doubt that his talents and experience will find expression at this time,” an official announcement of the decision stated.

The appointment will be submitted for Government approval after which Ambassador-designate Danon will begin his second term as Israeli Ambassador to the UN.

Danon will be replacing Ambassador Gilad Erdan, who announced last month that he would be concluding his term after four years in the summer.

MK Danon commented on the decision: “Since the beginning of the Swords of Iron War, I have been fighting to defend Israel’s position in the world in a variety of ways. Last week I hosted Ambassador Nikki Haley in Israel, an important visit, and one of many such visits of world leaders who came to Israel at my invitation since the tragedy of October 7th.

“At a time when the State of Israel is fighting on a large number of fronts, each of us must do the best within our skills and experience. This is how I acted in the past and this is how I will continue to act in the future.”

He added: “In the face of the diplomatic terror that rears its head these days, I am obliged to present the truth for the sake of the people of Israel and our common future in our homeland.”

[Ed.:  Danny Dannon is unquestionably one of the very best we have.  But, IMHO, IINO needn’t waste the time and money or Dannon’s talents on the UN, and should not belong to such a terrorist organization altogether.]


How IDF soldiers entered refugee camp where hostages were held

An undercover force entered the densest refugee camp and within an hour began the rescue operation, supported by additional forces and heavy Air Force cover

Jun 9, 2024, 3:55 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Eyewitnesses to the rescue operation of four hostages on Saturday morning told the Saudi channel Asharq that the operation began when an undercover force disguised as displaced residents entered the Nuseirat refugee camp, from the direction of Netzarim Corridor at approximately 11 am.

The undercover force, including male and female combat soldiers, came in a vehicle full of belongings similar to those the displaced residents in the Gaza Strip had and responded to the residents’ questions that they had escaped from Rafah and were looking to rent an apartment in the market area.

The channel reported that Israel chose the busiest moment in the refugee camp and the entire operation was covered by heavy bombing from the Air Force and tanks that came to the area.

Eyewitnesses said that the operation began an hour later when a truck that rescued the hostages arrived and soldiers from other trucks in the area covered the force.

The rescue operations lasted a little more than half an hour from the moment the forces broke into the buildings until the helicopters took off for Israel. The rescue time included, among others, the arrival of additional rescue vehicles after a truck carrying three of the hostages got stuck due to a problem with the gear.

The paratroopers, who were operating not far from the site, jumped in to help and, with cover from the Air Force, were able to overcome the technical fault in the truck.

The hostages were held together with families under heavy security inside three or four-story buildings, with only 200 meters between the buildings. The male hostages were held separately from Noa Argamani.

The forces split into two and operated simultaneously, with the understanding that if they operated in one location first, there would be a danger to the hostages in the other location.

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What will be the impact if Gantz departs the unity government?   Caroline Glick

He has used his presence in the war cabinet not to give a boost to Israel’s war effort but to serve as a drag on it. The government will be more stable without him.  Opinion.

Jun 9, 2024, 6:08 AM (GMT+3) INN – What precipitated Gantz’s departure? Are new elections upon us? How will his decision affect the trajectory of the war?

Two forces are responsible for Gantz’s move: the Biden administration and the far-left, anti-government political campaigners popularly known as the Kaplan force. Gantz joined the government in response to U.S. pressure and a call from the far left to undermine the government from within. He is leaving due to pressure from both.

As Politico reported on Thursday, Biden’s main focus these days is to end the war as quickly as possible. To achieve this goal, he is applying pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to capitulate to Hamas’s demands for a permanent ceasefire.

“The president and his aides are working to make sure Netanyahu is feeling the squeeze from all sides,” the magazine reported.

The report explained that Biden and his team are working not only with international actors but with “Israeli citizens and Netanyahu’s political allies and foes alike.”

The main Israeli citizens in question are the deep-pocketed far-left political campaigners that have been carrying out protests, riots and other direct-action campaigns since 2019 to oust Netanyahu and the political right from power. Since Netanyahu returned to the premiership in December 2022, U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken and other senior officials have regularly met with leaders of the Kaplan force in Israel and in Washington.

Although Gantz’s departure is significant, it isn’t a surprise. When he announced his agreement to serve in a national emergency government days after Hamas’s Oct. 7 invasion and slaughter, most Israelis were relieved. At a moment of national peril, Israelis believed it was imperative to abandon the domestic rancor that had characterized life in Israel during the Kaplan force’s 10-month insurrection that preceded Hamas’s invasion.

Three types of unity governments

Over its history, Israel has seen three types of unity governments. In the weeks before the Six-Day War in June 1967—as Israel readied for the anticipated pan-Arab invasion—then-Prime Minister Levi Eshkol invited then-opposition leader Menachem Begin to join the cabinet. The purpose of the government was to show the world and the Israeli public that at that critical moment, the country stood as one.

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Minister Benny Gantz expected to resign this evening    Hezki Baruch

Minister Benny Gantz will make a statement to the media at 20:00 in the evening, where he is expected to announce his resignation from the government.

Jun 9, 2024, 3:35 PM (GMT+3) INN – Minister Benny Gantz will make a statement to the media this evening (Sunday) at 8:00 p.m. Israel time, where he is expected to announce his resignation from the government. Gantz’s statement was postponed by a day following the rescue of four hostages from Hamas captivity.

Last night, Prime Minister Netanyahu requested Gantz to remain in the government. “This is a time for unity and not division,’ Netanyahu wrote. ‘We must remain united in facing the great tasks ahead of us. I call on Benny Gantz – do not leave the emergency government. Do not give up on unity.”

A minute later, Gantz released a statement, “Citizens of Israel, a week ago I spoke with great pain with Noa Argamani’s father. His concern, and the concern of the other families of Andrei, Shlomi, and Almog, was replaced with great joy and relief. Indeed, we have reason to rejoice. We have much and many to be proud of. One can imagine the shock of the released who, in an instant, had their world changed again, this time for the better.”

“My friends and I, along with the entire people of Israel, rejoice with the returning families and support at this time the families still waiting for the return of their loved ones. This is a very complex operation that required great courage from the approvers, the commanders, and primarily the soldiers. I have immense appreciation for them and am glad that the operation succeeded, and I would have supported it even if, God forbid, it had ended otherwise.”

“I want to express my sorrow for the fall of the brave commander and fighter, Inspector Arnon Zamora, and to strengthen his family.”

“Alongside the justified joy of achievement, we must remember that all the challenges facing Israel, concerning the return of the remaining 120 hostages, as well as other security challenges in all war arenas, in the region, facing the world, and internally – remain as they were. Therefore, I say to the Prime Minister and the entire leadership – even today, we must look responsibly at how it is possible and right to continue from here. Have a good week.”

Related articles:

[Ed.: THANK GOD!!  BARUCH HASHEM!!  Gantz the shwantz was Blinken and US deepstate’s main stooge in the Land of IINO.  This is a great disappointment for them due to the loss of their primary kapo in the IINO government.  (Crocodile tears…) On the other hand, this will be one small but significant step toward helping IINO become more Israel. In addition, this will not prevent his future prosecution for treason. But there again, soon enough, The True Judge (Dayan Emet), will give Gantz his eternal sentence!  I’m good with that]


Jewish Breaking News   June 9, 2024 @ 2:32 am Eastern

🚨⚠️ REVEALED: “The Diamonds Are in Our Hands” Minute by Minute in “Operation Arnon”

In the heart of the Nuseirat refugee camp, after eight months and a day in captivity in Gaza, one of the most daring operations since the beginning of the war took place. Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv, and Andrei Kozlov, who were kidnapped from the Nova party, were rescued in “Operation Arnon,” named after YAMAM fighter Arnon Zamora, who was killed during the operation. This is how the action unfolded, minute by minute.

*Thursday, 6:30 PM*: After meticulous planning, drills, models, and advanced intelligence tracking that lasted for many weeks, the political echelon approves the operation initially dubbed “Summer Seeds.” The approval was made in a classified discussion, under heavy compartmentalization and waiting for the right moment.

*Saturday, 10:00 AM*: Two main spearhead teams, disguised, leap from several directions towards the Nuseirat refugee camp near the coast. The forces move stealthily in broad daylight towards the two buildings where the hostages were held, passing through thousands of Palestinians and hundreds of local Hamas fighters who did not notice them. According to the Palestinians, the forces entered using a humanitarian aid truck – and Al Jazeera even published footage of it with IDF vehicles, apparently from moments after the operation. The IDF denied this and also denied using the American pier later on.

*10:45 AM*: Special ground observations and technological tracking means from Air Force aircraft identify that the area is clear and there is no suspicious movement in the two buildings, each 3-4 stories high. In one of them, Noa Argamani was held, and in the other, the three other hostages, along with Gaza families and armed guards.

*10:50 AM*: The information and live footage of the alleys, hundreds of meters long, separating the two targets are transmitted to screens in the two command centers from where the operation was commanded: the Shin Bet center in central Israel, attended by the head of service Ronen Bar and the Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, and the Southern Command in Be’er Sheva, from where the Southern Command general managed the surrounding and rescue forces.

*11:00 AM*: The two ground teams receive the “go” command, personally approved in real-time by the head of the Shin Bet and the Chief of Staff. They storm the buildings simultaneously and in full coordination, at the same second, to prevent the terrorists at the second target from discovering it – which would endanger the hostages.

*11:10 AM*: While the elimination of the terrorists guarding Argamani and her rescue went relatively smoothly, the operation in the second building was much more complicated. Commander Zamora’s team reports that he was hit in the crossfire. The fighters who eliminated the terrorists at that target are treating their commander and trying to save him while exiting the building, under increasing fire.

*11:15 AM*: The message everyone was waiting for is reported on the radio: “The diamonds are in our hands” – meaning the hostages are with us.

*11:20 AM*: Under the cover of the delay, dozens of terrorists gather around the building where the three hostages were held, and hundreds of armed men approach from all directions with RPG launchers, PK machine guns, and Kalashnikov rifles. They run through the narrow alleys and the nearby market, crowded with thousands of Gazans.

*11:22 AM*: The forces attempt to escape in the rescue vehicle, but it is hit by heavy fire and starts to malfunction. Southern Command General Yaron Finkelman activates the pre-prepared rescue plan.

*11:25 AM*: Air Force fighter jets and helicopters launch dozens of munitions towards the terrorists to isolate the area. Hundreds of soldiers from the 7th Brigade, paratroopers, Givati, and Kfir, positioned as reinforcements, are mobilized on foot and also in tanks and Namer APCs into the refugee camp, with navy ships providing cover from the west.

*11:30 AM*: The reinforcement forces and the Air Force manage to isolate the main combat zone, thus providing a safe escape route for the main force with the three hostages. The Southern Command exceptionally approves Air Force Yasur helicopters to land for evacuation deep inside the Gaza Strip, under fire cover from fighter jets. The aerial fire hits the terrorists, tens of meters from the soldiers.

*11:50 AM*: The last special forces soldiers board the helicopters that take off to hospitals in Israel. Attempts to resuscitate Commander Zamora continue in the air, but at the hospital, they are forced to declare his death. Reinforcement forces from the IDF brigades continue to engage the terrorists in the operation’s perimeter – eliminating dozens more of them until the operation ends.

*1:33 PM*: The IDF, Shin Bet, and police officially announce the rescue of the four hostages, and spontaneous celebrations begin – both in Israel and among Israelis abroad. (Via YNet, translated)

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June 8, 2024 @ 5:21pm Eastern  Saturday late night – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️MASSACRE OF THE DAY.. the terrorists of the Nuseirat area, and the civilians they put into the crossfire.  Hamas has variously reported 50 (Al Jazeera), 100 (Al Jazeera), 200, 250 dead from the battle with the IDF as the IDF rescued the hostages.

.. Jordan protest opposite the US embassy due to this massacre.

.. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: “Reports from Gaza of another “massacre” of civilians are appalling. We condemn this in the strongest terms. The bloodbath must end immediately.”

.. HAIFA protest.. against the Nuseirat “massacre”.  After refusing to disperse by police instruction, 3 arrested after fighting police.

.. IDF Arab spox: “No we didn’t come in aid trucks and we didn’t use the US pier. Stop lying Hamas!”

.. Gaza tweet: “Hamas fired indiscriminately today in the Nuseirat.  We will not be surprised that most of the civilians injured today were shot by Hamas members.”

.. Egypt and Jordan: “condemning the barbaric attack in Nuseirat”.

..  Norway condemns the rescue operation: “another massacre of the citizens of the Gaza Strip”.

(( Two serious problems:

(1) officials are believing Hamas’s numbers – which are absolutely multiplied by 5-10x EVERY .. SINGLE .. TIME.

(2) more importantly, we have a significant number of countries who are now effectively saying “you can’t defend yourself if the enemy, terrorists, criminals hide behind THEIR civilians.”  Which renders Israel defenseless AND incentivizes the terrorists to do it again. ))

▪️PROTEST – KAPLAN – POLICE ACTION.. protest gets out of hand, water cannon and mounted police deployed to prevent them blocking the Ayalon highway, again.  Arrests.

▪️PLANNED PROTEST.. In the morning at 10:00 the members of the Forum of the Families of the Fallen are expected to demonstrate in front of the government meeting in Jerusalem, demanding to continue the military operation until the destruction of Hamas.

▪️FIRE AT HARRODS HOTEL.. Eilat.  Quick action by the Fire Dept. prevented further spread in what started on a 12th floor balcony.  Visitors successfully evacuated.

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🇮🇱 June 8, 2024  Saturday after Shabbat @ 2:07pm Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

Shavua Tov!

🇮🇱4 HOSTAGES RESCUED ALIVE.. from Nusayrat shuk (market) area in central Gaza.  The rescued are Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40).

🇮🇱HERO COMMANDER KILLED.. The commander of the rescue, Arnon Zamora, 36, was killed.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and his memory is a blessing as he saved the lives of others.  This hero leaves behind a wife and 2 children.

On October 7, he led a battle against Hamas near the border community of Yad Mordechai, killing dozens of terrorists and preventing them from infiltrating the kibbutz.

After that battle, Zamora was involved in fighting at the Nahal Oz base and in Be’eri.


.. Hamas on X: “The Israeli prisoners who were released a short time ago were with civilians, not at the hands of Hamas, and for this reason the occupation was able to release them easily.”

(( Hamas admits that the “uninvolved residents” of Gaza are a legitimate military target. ))

.. Military spox of Al-Qassam: “What the enemy committed in Nusayrat is a complex war crime, and the first victims of it were its prisoners.  By committing terrible massacres, the enemy succeeded in freeing some of his prisoners, but at the same time he killed some of them during the operation.  The operation will pose a great danger to the enemy prisoners and will have a devastating effect on their conditions and lives.”

(( Rescuing hostages is now a war crime! ))

.. Hamas threatens: “The resistance can increase the number of prisoners.”

.. Spokesman for Hamas Gaza: “We killed a number of Israeli prisoners in response to what happened today.”

♦️A BIT ABOUT THE OPERATION..  IDF special forces penetrated the center of the crowded Nusayrat market.  Vehicles entered from two axes to advance towards Nusayrat under cover of artillery, airstrikes and offshore ship fire.

▪️ POLITICS.. National Unity MK Gantz cancels his statement for this evening announcing breaking the war coalition, instead releases: “We are finally doing something right, I will not resign at this time from the war coalition emergency government/“

▪️AID – THE FLOATING U.S. PIER IS BACK.. as of Friday afternoon.

▪️LEBANON PREDICTIONS.. Sources in Lebanon: “Diplomatic attempts to prevent a war in southern Lebanon have failed, and June and July will be particularly difficult.”

▪️NATION OF COLOMBIA.. suspends coal sales to Israel.  (( It is a bit bizarre that Israel, while having a large supply of natural gas, is still operating its coastal power plants on coal. ))

( more after Shabbat updates to come )

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– – – – –

🔵 June 8, 2024  Saturday after Shabbat @ 3:24pm Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

( 2nd after Shabbat report )

▪️INTERESTING DETAILS OF THE RESCUE COME OUT.. Noa Argamani was rescued in a separate operation, she was not with the other three hostages. Both operations were carried out simultaneously.

.. Noa was kidnapped by a Gazan family, not by Hamas or Islamic Jihad. A rich family. She ate relatively well. She was taken out of the house several times disguised as an Arab.

.. All the terrorist guards were eliminated during the operation.

.. The hostages were rescued from buildings above ground, not from underground tunnels. The hostages were held in rooms in private homes of Gazan citizens – and their rescue was carried out from these rooms, while there were many civilians around.

.. Inside the buildings where the hostages were kept, the IDF created conditions to allow the forces to reach the abductees before their guards would shoot them.

.. During the rescue, many terrorists opened heavy fire, fired RPGs at the troops and the hostages from the alleys – therefore the fighters were required to open heavy fire at them, and from this shooting in the alleys many Gazan civilians were killed.

.. The rescue vehicle came under fire, it then got stuck, and several battalions that had been prepared in advance jumped to the scene. Rescue helicopters also arrived at the scene – and surface-to-air missiles were fired at the helicopters in an attempt to shoot them down.

▪️PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY ON THE RESCUE.. (( I’ve only seen this from 1 source – it’s a little too much what I would expect and therefore may be fake ))

Abu Mazen ordered the representative of the Palestinian Authority at the United Nations to demand an emergency meeting of the Security Council to discuss the consequences of the (IDF hostage rescue) operation in Nusirat (Gaza).

▪️FUNERAL FOR A HERO.. hero Arnon Zamora, hy”m, will be laid to rest tomorrow at 4:00 PM in the police section on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem.

▪️BIDEN ON THE RESCUE.. “I welcome the return of the four hostages who returned home to Israel, we will not stop until they all return and there is a deal.”

▪️GERMANY ON THE RESCUE.. “Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Schulz, on the release of the abductees: this is an important sign of hope, especially for the many families in Israel whose loved ones are still being held by Hamas. 4 abductees are now free – Hamas must release them all and the war must end.”

(( Notice the difference in the 2 statements above, one is worried about a deal, the other about the hostages. ))

▪️PROTEST – KAPLAN.. large “elections now” protest in Tel Aviv. ( Our estimate from picture using online crowd counter – 25,000. ). A similar protest was held at Ra’anana Junction, though much smaller.

▪️INFILTRATION ATTEMPT – BEITAR ILLIT.. 4th time in a week, 2 Arabs from Kfar Nachalin tried to enter Beitar Illit on Shabbat night.  Caught, transferred to Shin Bet for interrogation.

on Shabbat – ANTI-TANK MISSILES from Hezbollah at Misgav Am.

.. Large wildfire started, firefighters unable to deploy to due rocket risk.

on Shabbat – 4 rounds of SUICIDE DRONES from Hezbollah at northern towns.

on Shabbat – 5 rounds of ROCKETS from Hezbollah at northern towns.

❗️of particular note, rockets at Safed and drones at Kfar Yehezkel!

on Shabbat – HAMAS rockets at Kissufim

after Shabbat – HAMAS ROCKETS at Kfar Aza, Nir Am, Mefalsim, Sderot, Tkuma, Ibim

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BREAKING: Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Is RESCUED by IDF Soldiers in Gaza – Was Taken Hostage by Palestinian Barbarians at Nova Music Festival – Reunites with Her Father! – 3 Other Hostages Also Rescued!   [VIDEOS]   By Jim Hoft


June 8, 2024 8:15 am – Watch  

Here is more video of Noa reunited with her father today.  

And Argamani was not alone!

The IDF also rescued three other hostages on Saturday along with Argamani.

Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40) were rescued in a special operation by the IDF on Saturday!


What amazing news!

As reported earlier…

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