Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 6/26/24


                                                                                                                                              IDF moves toward Lebanon


🔅 WED morning June 26, 2024 @ 2:38 a.m. Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

( 1 / 2 )

⭕ SUICIDE DRONE attack at Eilat by IRAQ SHIA (Iranian) MILITIAS, interception failed but drone missed, hitting the sea.

▪️ON THE ULTRA-ORTHODOX DRAFT.. the Attorney General: The recruitment of 3,000 yeshiva students must be started immediately, all the ultra-Orthodox who are required to be drafted must report to the recruitment center, any budget that concerns those who do not enlist must be stopped.

.. COMMENTARY:  One of the principles for rabbis ruling for a community is not to attempt to uphold a law that the community will not keep – turning the community as a whole into violators.  Apparently the justice system believes if they declare it will happen?  Whether you agree with drafting Torah students or not, saying “do this” to a large group who is already refusing is… silly.

▪️RELATED – POLITICS & CONSCRIPTION LAW CHANGES.. Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Edelstein in the conscription law debates: “Either the adjusted conscription law will pass with broad agreement or the law will not pass at all.”  (Hint: there is no broad agreement possible.)

.. The MK says: “I know that the High Court’s ruling will not bring even one recruit – I will continue the committee’s deliberations on the way to a correct, agreed upon and historic (conscription) law.”

▪️LEGAL WAR BLOCKERS.. The military attorney’s office ordered not to eliminate Gazan citizens who participated in the Oct. 7th massacre. The reason: they are not defined as Hamas terrorists.  From the interpretation of the military attorney’s office for the laws of war, it is claimed that only those who belong to a fighting force can be killed intentionally in war. Targeted elimination is a preventive measure, not a punishment, and therefore, since the “civilian” is not part of the fighting force, he cannot be killed in retaliation.

If the Shin Bet and the IDF learn of the location of Gazans who have murdered, looted, raped or kidnapped Israelis, they do not have legal authorization to eliminate them. (N12)  [Emphasis added, isn’t that fucked!]

🔥ARSON ATTACK.. Overnight a huge wildfire fire broke out near the “Ofrit” base on Mount Scopus, believed to be started by Molotov cocktails from nearby Arab neighborhood of Jerusalem.  Damage to the Hebrew University Mt. Scopus campus.  Brought under control.

▪️AID – WATER.. In an official letter sent from the Office of the Minister of Defense to the Chief of Staff, the head of the Defense Ministry and the Ministry of Energy, the request is made – the desalination plant in Gaza must be connected to electricity for the first time since the beginning of the war, due to a humanitarian need that would allegedly prevent the sewage from flowing into the sea.

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🔅 WED morning – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[2:38 AM, 6/26/2024] +972 54-668-0334:    ( 2/ 2 )

▪️AID – FOOD.. for the 5th time so far, the United Nations threatens to suspend its humanitarian activities in the Gaza Strip, if the security of the aid workers does not improve while being attacked by Hamas again and again (( and therefore complaining to Israel? )). Over 1,500 trucks are backed up by Kerem Shalom.

▪️AID – ORDER 9 COMMENTS: The State of Israel continues to provide aid to an enemy that continues to spit in its face. Risking soldiers for treats to the terrorist organization that massacred our children is a terrible crime. The State of Israel must immediately stop aid to Hamas in its current form.”

▪️PROTEST – RETURN THE HOSTAGES!  Sderot Reger in Be’er Sheva.  Sm…

[2:29 PM, 6/26/2024] +972 54-668-0334: 🔴 WED night – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

‼️INFILTRATION ALERT – Hashmonaim (by Modi’in Illit).  8:24 PM Wed night.  Lock doors!  Grab a weapon!  (Homefront!)

▪️DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS – ‘YOU KILLED OUR DOCTOR’ – – IDF, HE OPERATED A ROCKET LAUNCH ARRAY!   The Doctors Without Borders organization claims that the terrorist Fadi al-Wadia , who was killed last night in Gaza City, belonged to them.  IDF spokesman: “Always check who you recruit, Fadi al-Wadiyya operated an Islamic Jihad’s rocket array.”

▪️NOT FIGHTERS, WARRIORS!  A “Lochem” from Gaza contacted me, noting language used on the recruiting article in English translation used the word “fighters” – but the appropriate translation is warriors, combat warriors.  Many blessings for success and safety to our IDF combat warriors who are defending us!

🔺GREEK NAVY SHIP DEFENDING RED SEA SHIPPING – “IT WAS HELL”.. “We came back from hell, and the mission was suicidal.”  The frigate crew was unable to confront the modern weapons systems in the possession of the Yemenis.

▪️GET OUT OF LEBANON!  Dutch Foreign Ministry – citizens, leave Lebanon immediately!  Germany: ask citizens to leave Lebanon immediately!  US: We ask the Americans in Lebanon to be careful.

▪️ANTI-SEMITISM – JFK AIRPORT, VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRLINE.. Two Jewish women removed from flight after checking in, abused by staff, anti-semitic comments, lost their flight and cost of flight, threatened with arrest by staff.  Complaint filed, they rebooked at large expense on El Al.

▪️THAT TEST MISSILE LAUNCH.. Russian source says reached Malta (off Italy), which is the same distance to Iran.

▪️US SENATOR JOHN FETTERMAN.. is visiting Israel, met with PM, in his standard hoodie (a white one for the fancy meeting)!

♦️IDF ARRESTS.. Tulkarm terrorist who attacked Bat Hefer.

♦️AIRSTRIKES LAST NIGHT, LEBANON.. fighter jets of the Air Force attacked several military infrastructures of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the area of ​​Sheba and Al Matamura.

♦️AIRSTRIKES TODAY, LEBANON.. bombed the city of Hayam and the town of Ita al-Sha’ab in southern Lebanon.

⭕HEZBOLLAH ANTI-TANK MISSILES.. hit Avivim, house destroyed.

⭕HAMAS FIRE MORTARS – at UN AID convey, a UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) convoy, part of a mission to reunite children from northern Gaza with their families in the south.

⭕HAMAS ROCKETS at Nirim, Ein HaShlosha.

⭕HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS x 3 rounds at northern border towns.

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Hamas Officially Rejects US-Proposed Gaza Ceasefire

June 26, 2024  JBN News – The US State Department have officially confirmed that Hamas has rejected President Joe Biden’s efforts to broker peace in Gaza.

“Hamas gave us a written response that rejected the proposal that had been put forward by Israel, that President Biden had outlined, that the United Nations Security Council and countries all around the world had endorsed,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told the press on Tuesday.

While Miller refrained from releasing the text of Hamas’s response due to the sensitive nature of the talks, he did confirm that it included a written rejection and counter-proposal.

According to Reuters, Hamas’ rejection came with a list of demands, including explicit written guarantees from the US forcing comprehensive Israeli withdrawals from Gaza and the mass release of dangerous Arab prisoners.

Biden first revealed his plans for a phased ceasefire during his State of the Union address back in April, where he also raised expectations of a humanitarian aid pier off the coast of Gaza that ended up being a costly disaster.

The first phase reportedly called for a gradual release of the living Israeli hostages currently held captive in Gaza and an initial withdrawal of Israeli forces from certain parts of the enclave. In the second phase, efforts would be made to solidify a permanent ceasefire, complete the full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, and secure the release of hundreds of violent Arab prisoners being held by Israel.

The third and final phase envisioned the reconstruction and rebuilding of areas in Gaza that were damaged during the war, as well as the return of deceased hostages back to Israel.

In reality, Hamas’s rejection of Biden’s proposal should come as no surprise as it reflects their violent desire to see Israel destroyed from the “river to the sea.”


West Bank: Arabic media has recently begun publishing notices calling for anyone with a gun to set ambushes for Israeli vehicles near Palestinian towns.

June 25, 2024 @ 3:09 p.m. Eastern  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦


🟡 TUE evening June 25, 2024 @ 11:48 a.m. Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️HIGH COURT RULES ON CHAREDI CONSCRIPTION.. Unanimous decision the govt is required to recruit given current laws.

(Amit Segal) Court actually says that it will go with recruitment of 3,000 this year, provided the law is passed.  Therefore, the ultra-orthodox party’s goal will be to pass a law around this number, with increase in the coming years, and recognition of “Torah study is his profession” (as a value to the State). This will allow the return of the budget to those who study.   If the law passes, the crisis will be postponed to 2025.

.. Many announcements so far by ultra-Orthodox politicians, none of them contain a threat to dismantle the government.

.. The ombudsman instructed the security system after the High Court ruling: to recruit 3,000 more yeshiva students this year.

.. MK Benny Gantz called at the Herzliya conference to implement an outline of national service for both ultra-Orthodox and Arabs and said that he would stand by it if he formed a government.

🔥LARGE WILDFIRE.. Dishon area, caused by rocket interception.

▪️MIN OF TRANSPORTATION TO REDUCE FINES.. by 50% for passengers who have an annual, monthly o weekly pass but forget to validate it.

▪️TRANSPORT RATE INCREASE.. traveling by bus trips will become more expensive via apps immediately, light rail no change. Starting next week – the rates will also be updated for the other payment methods as well.

▪️TAXI RATE INCREASE.. The Ministry of Transportation is planning: the intercity trips by taxi will be 20% more expensive.

▪️UGLY MSM PROPAGANDA.. Haaretz supposedly reported that the PM’s wife Sarah said ‘they want to carry out a coup against my husband’.  She never said it (per other sources).

▪️OVERNIGHT ROAD WORK.. Thu 10pm – Friday 7pm, Route 20 south near Moshe Dayan interchange Rishon L’Ziyon, shut down for road work.

▪️ICC ISSUES WARRANTS.. International Criminal Court in The Hague issued arrest warrants against former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (who serves as Putin’s National Security Advisor) and Russian Army Commander Valery Gerasimov.  As a non-member of the ICC, Russia rejects.

▪️PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY PETITIONS HIGH COURT.. with a request to cancel two laws for compensating victims of terrorism from its frozen funds. Judge did not dismiss the petition outright.

▪️ECONOMY.. “Arabic Post” reports that 37 Egyptian companies obtained a kosher certificate and export 206 different food products to Israel, including frozen fruits and vegetables.  25 Moroccan companies export 113 products to Israel.  And one from Saudi Arabia and one from Tunisia.

▪️DEBT REFORM.. Law passes first reading: debts of less than NIS 35,000 may NO LONGER foreclose moveable property (meaning going into peoples homes and taking), and legal fees are limited to NIS 450 (previously was NIS 4,500).  This is an ugly process as the debts are never actually covered between the fees and no significant value of used personal property taken.

▪️WEST NILE VIRUS CASES GROWING.. 42 cases, 36 hospitalized, 5 critical.  All in Tel Aviv.

▪️TRAVEL WARNING – LEBANON AND.. Kyrgyzstan has issued a travel warning to Israel and Lebanon.

▪️STARLINK IN ISRAEL?  Calcalist says “In Feb, an operating license was signed for Starlink in Israel”, and today reports that Israeli govt offices may order Starlink as an emergency backup in case of damage due to war with Hezbollah.  However, Starlink is NOT accepting orders via their web site for Israel – for private people.

⭕ HAMAS – ROCKETS – at Kerem Shalom aid transfer station x 2 rounds.

⭕ HEZBOLLAH – ROCKETS & SUCIDE DRONES – at northern border towns x 4 rounds.

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Lebanese Journalist Close To Hizbullah: In Case Of Total War, Hizbullah Is Prepared To Invade Galilee, Strike Civilian Facilities In Israel, Attack Targets Off Mediterranean Coast, Including In Southern Europe

June 25, 2024  MEMRI – In a June 24, 2024 article titled “What Has the Resistance Prepared for the Enemy Army, Its Settlements And Its Allies[?],” Ibrahim Al-Amin, editor-in-chief of the pro-Hizbullah Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, offered commentary on a June 19, 2024 speech by Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah. Al-Amin wrote that any “high-quality” military action by Israel against Lebanon will be perceived by Hizbullah as a declaration of total war. In such a war, he said, Hizbullah may invade the Galilee and attack military and civilian facilities in Israel. Al-Amin added that Hizbullah may also attack “the defense systems deployed along the Mediterranean and near its ports, whether those off the coasts of Lebanon and Palestine or the ones off [the coast of] southern Europe” – apparently hinting at Cyprus, which Nasrallah threatened in his speech.[1]

The following are excerpts from Al-Amin’s article:[2]

“‘If war is forced on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without constrains, rules or limits’; ‘We have a comprehensive and genuine bank of targets and we have the ability to reach those targets in a way that will rock the foundations of the entity [Israel]. It’s not just a matter of quantity, and in any case they understand what I mean.’ These expressions and this defiance were part of the latest speech by Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah. They are messages that the resistance wanted to convey to the world and to the enemy’s public and leadership, as to what will happen in a total war…

“Eight months after the resistance launched a war of attrition against the occupation forces in order to support Gaza, the rules that underpin the confrontation are still in force. We should notice that the enemy is handling the Lebanese front with a great deal of caution, which may indicate that [its hands] are tied. But accuracy forces us to say that [the enemy] is sticking to the rules that have been imposed on it, and that, if it decides to deviate from them, it may enable the resistance to seek new rules…

“The confident assessment is that the enemy’s military and security leadership has convinced the political leadership that there is a large bank of targets in Lebanon and that a surprise blitz attack… will be able to destroy Hizbullah’s effective capabilities and force it to choose between an agreement on new terms and [the option of] facing a cruel and broader war.

“Without preamble and without unnecessary, [let me say that] the resistance, at the same time, decided to call the attention of the enemy, on all levels – military, security, political and popular – and the attention of [the enemy’s] allies to the fact that it is taking this possibility [of a blitz attack] into account, and that it has decided to adopt a strategy that is different from all the previous ones. Based on what we have seen from the resistance and based on Nasrallah’s remarks, we can make things clearer for everyone concerned by saying as follows:

“First, the resistance regards every high-quality military action by the enemy as a declaration of total war. From now on, the lexicon of the resistance will not include [terms like] ‘response to a [specific] attack’ or ‘days of fighting,’ but [only] open-ended war.

“Second, the constraints and prohibitions that the leadership of the resistance has [until now] imposed on its units on the ground, which also benefitted the occupation army and the settlers, will instantly by lifted. As a result, the damage [caused by the resistance] will affect everything, both civilian and military facilities and other [targets].

“Third, [Hizbullah possesses] the necessary information on the enemy’s strategic targets, the weapons suitable for attacking them and the readiness to attack. This is complemented by the desire [to act]. The relevant resistance units have been authorized to immediately initiate an attack on all those targets without waiting for any discussion, investigation or political action.

“Fourth, if the enemy launches a large-scale military escapade in Lebanon, it will transform the Lebanese front from a front that is supporting Gaza into a front of liberation and of punishing the occupation forces. This front has its own special tools, including a decision to invade the Galilee and take over military positions or liberate Lebanese or Palestinian villages.

“Fifth, the resistance in Lebanon, with all its experience, does not underestimate the enemy, which has capabilities and is a criminal [force] that has nobody to deter it from perpetrating massacres like the ones it perpetrated in Gaza. The resistance will therefore act on the assumption that it can inflict general harm in lives and in material damage, more harm than the enemy is doing to Lebanon.

“Sixth, and this is the most important point: The enemy, and especially the Americans, who are behind it, must take into consideration that a large-scale blitz operation by the Israeli air force, no matter how many targets it hits – assuming the enemy has precise information [about them] – will not damage all the assets [of the resistance]. Whatever remains will be enough to carry out devastating attacks on the occupying entity. Moreover, the resistance has closely followed the operation methods of [Israel’s] comprehensive air defense array, which, [on April 13, 2024, also] called on the West and some of the Arabs to defend Israel against the Iranian attack.  [The resistance therefore] knows that this alliance will not be able to provide the same defense umbrella against a rain of missiles and drones, nor will it be able to defend the defense systems deployed along the Mediterranean and near its ports, whether those off the coasts of Lebanon and Palestine or the ones off [the coast of] southern Europe.

“And if everyone has [already] formulated ideas about the capabilities of the party [i.e., of Hizbullah] in the sea and in the air, there is nothing to keep it from giving an enjoyable demonstration of its intentions in the sea, whenever necessary.”

[1] For Nasrallah’s statements, see MEMRI TV Clip No. 11191, ” Hizbullah Leader Hassan Nasrallah Warns Cyprus Against Allowing Israel To Use Its Airports And Bases In War With Hizbullah; Adds: We Will Target All Of Israel’s Beaches, Ports, And Ships In The Mediterranean Sea; They Should Expect Us In Land, Air, And Sea,” June 19, 2024.

[2] Al-Akhbar, June 24, 2024.


Hamas Murders the Nephew of the Israeli Doctor Who Saved Hamas Leader Sinwar’s Life   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

One Israeli doctor knows Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar well.

JUN 24, 2024 10:00 AM – “Repaying a debt with blood: Israeli doctor saved Sinwar, nephew killed on Oct. 7,” Jerusalem Post, June 21, 2024:

Dr. Yuval Bitton treated Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a prison clinic in 2004, saving his life with a brain tumor diagnosis and facilitating an immediate transfer to the hospital.

Nineteen years later, Bitton’s nephew was killed by terrorists on October 7 in an attack orchestrated by the now-Hamas leader, he told CNN.

Bitton was employed as a dentist at Nafha Prison when he met Sinwar, who was serving four life sentences for the abduction and murder of two IDF soldiers.

The terror leader never completed his sentences, having been freed as part of a 2011 prisoner-hostage exchange that saw some 1,000 terrorists released in exchange for Gilad Shalit.

Bitton told CNN he felt he knew the attack was coming and immediately knew who was behind the devastating murders of more than 1,200 people.

“I know the person who planned and conceived and initiated this criminal attack,” Bitton said. “I have known him since 1996 – not only him but the entire Hamas leadership in Gaza – and it was clear to me that this is what they were planning.”…

Continue Reading


SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE   Full Video  [57:00]

A documentary film on the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7th

Screams Before Silence is a documentary film led by American businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg, that explores the sexual violence by Hamas during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, on 7 October 2023, including events at the massacre at the Nova Festival and abductions to the Gaza Strip.


40 percent of Israelis favor future control over Gaza, survey reveals

Only 19 percent of Israelis consider the military actions to be excessive

June 01, 2024 at 03:11 PM i24NEWS – A new survey of 1,001 Israelis has revealed a significant shift in public opinion, with 40 percent advocating for Israel to assume control over Gaza following the ongoing conflict.

The survey, conducted at the end of March and beginning of April, prior to recent developments, also highlights broad support for the current military actions.

According to the results, 39 percent of respondents believe that Israel’s military response to Hamas in Gaza has been appropriate, while 34 percent feel that the measures have not gone far enough.

Only 19 percent consider the military actions to be excessive. When asked about the likelihood of Israel achieving its war objectives, 40 percent expressed certainty, and 27 percent were optimistic.

The potential for the conflict to escalate to other regions is a concern for 61 percent of those surveyed. In terms of Gaza’s governance after the war, only 14 percent of respondents think that the residents of Gaza should decide their future, and a mere 6 percent support the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas taking control. An additional 12 percent would prefer the Palestinian Authority without Abbas.

Support for the two-state solution has waned, with only 26 percent backing the idea, down from 35 percent the previous year. Regarding US President Joe Biden’s approach to the conflict, 60 percent of Israelis disapprove of his handling, and only 41 percent believe he maintains an appropriate balance between Israeli and Palestinian interests. Confidence in Biden’s ability to manage global affairs has also dropped by 10 percent since last year.

The survey also highlights a stark contrast in opinions among Israeli Arabs, with 74 percent viewing Israel’s response as excessive and only 3 percent supporting Israeli control over Gaza post-conflict.


US officials confirm: Arms shipments from the US decreased by 50%

In the first months of the war, about 240 arms shipments were transferred from the US, recently the number dropped to 120.

Jun 23, 2024, 9:07 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – US officials confirm that there has been a decline in the number of arms shipments from the US to Israel in recent months, Channel 12 News reported.

This includes one shipment of precision bombs that was delayed.

In the first part of the war, about 240 shipments of weapons were delivered to Israel. In recent months, only 120 shipments have been delivered; which is a decrease of about 50%.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu again claimed at the cabinet meeting today (Sunday) that “there has been a dramatic decrease in the supply of munitions from the US.”

“I greatly appreciate the support of President Biden and the US administration for Israel. Since the beginning of the war, the US has supported us both in spirit and in material means, with supplies for defense and attack,” he added.

According to Netanyahu, Israel has been appealing to the US government for many weeks to “speed up the shipments.” “We did it again and again. We did it at the highest levels, at all levels, we did it in closed rooms. They gave us all sorts of explanations, but we didn’t get one thing – the basic situation hasn’t changed. Certain items trickled in, but the great mass of weapons remained behind.”


Bereaved father: ‘Herzi Halevi is a war criminal, I will haunt him’    Hezki Baruch

Itzik Bonzel, the father of SSG Amit Bonzel, swore that he would make sure that the IDF Chief of Staff and others at the helm of the military pay for the failures that led to the war.

Jun 23, 2024, 10:26 PM (GMT+3) – Itzik Bonzel, who lost his son SSG Amit Bonzel in battle in Gaza, launched a harsh and unprecedented attack on IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi for his part in the failures that led to the October 7th massacre.

“Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi is a war criminal. I swear here, as swore in other places, that I will haunt him and the others until their last day. They will not get away with an inquiry commission,” the bereaved father declared.   [Emphasis added]

He added: “We, like many others, visit the cemeteries and I stand there, look, and say to myself – this boy should have been alive now – if these criminals would have paid attention to the intelligence warnings and would be running a military as they should. They will stand trial. In the past six months, I met hundreds of thousands of Israelis who swear as I do and we will put them on trial. It will not end like the Meron disaster where 45 Jews died and no one paid the price.”

Bozel claimed: “We the parents have the legal right and we will stand at every place and wait for them. Do you know why they don’t resign? Because they know that the nation is waiting for them.

“They are getting the papers and documents ready. They know that they will need to be judged for the deaths of hundreds of Jews, for those who were abducted, for the nation of Israel who was hurt, and for the country which is close to falling apart. They know that the people, from right and left, agree that they need to be put on trial,” he concluded.


Netanyahu: Jewish civilian presence in Gaza: ‘Not realistic’

In his first interview with the Israeli press since the war in Gaza began, Prime Minister Netanyahu said the war in Gaza is winding down.

Jun 23, 2024, 9:53 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Sunday with Channel 14 in his first interview with the Israeli press since the war in Gaza began, and announced that the stage of intense fighting in Gaza is coming to a close.

He discussed the situation in the north and said that if a deal is not obtained, Israel will return the residents to their homes through military action.

Regarding a deal to bring back the hostages, the Prime Minister stated that he is prepared to advance such a deal, but not at the cost of stopping the war.

When asked about restoring a Jewish civilian presence in the Gaza Strip after the war, Netanyahu answered: “It isn’t realistic and it does not line up with the war’s objectives.”

The Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum Headquarters claimed that the Prime Minister walked back, in the interview with Channel 14, the Israeli proposal for a deal to release the hostages.

“This is a neglect of the 120 hostages and a violation of the state’s moral duty towards its citizens. The end of the fighting in the Strip, without the release of the hostages, is an unprecedented national failure and a failure to meet the goals of the war. The families of the hostages will not allow the government and its leader to withdraw from the basic commitments to the fate of our loved ones, from the responsibility and obligation to return all the hostages. There is no greater test than this for the Prime Minister,” said the Headquarters.

The Prime Minister’s Office said in response, “It is Hamas which opposes a deal, not Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that we will not leave Gaza until we return all 120 of our hostages, living and deceased.”

[Ed.:  When God gave Israel the “gift and the inheritance” of the Land of Israel, it was ‘realistic’ both for Him and for us. But today, for the modern state of Israel In Name Only (IINO,) Gaza is needed for our enemies to live in.  After all, God’s Word about this were a long time ago.  Certainly much longer than we can remember!]


Israelis who lost loved ones on October 7 sue UNRWA

Approximately 100 Israelis will file a lawsuit in New York, accusing UNRWA of crimes against humanity and aiding a terror organization in perpetrating a massacre.

Jun 24, 2024, 8:14 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Approximately 100 Israelis whose loved ones were injured or murdered in the October 7 massacre will file a federal lawsuit in New York against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), Kan News reported.

The suit alleges that UNRWA allowed Hamas to carry out the massacre and commit crimes against humanity.

Among other things, the suit notes that over the course of years, UNRWA operated a money laundering system which caused some of the aid funds transferred to Gaza to be used by the Hamas terror group instead of by the Gazan civilians for whom they were intended.

The suit also notes that UNRWA allowed Hamas to dig terror tunnels and set up command centers beneath UNRWA facilities, and that UNRWA employees took part in the October 7 massacre.

The suit will be filed in New York, where UNRWA’s central offices and top staff are located.

Related articles:


🟢🟢 SUN night June 23, 2024 @ 2:42 Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

⭕ ANTI-TANK MISSILES at METULLA from Hezbollah – injuries (one report says serious, one report says light)

⭕ SOLDIER HIT BY SUICIDE DRONE from Hezbollah – seriously injured, shrapnel in the shoulder.

▪️MAJOR ATTACK ON A SYNAGOGUE IN RUSSIA.. Central Synagogue of the Caucasus in Makhachkala, 9 killed, event hall set on fire, but no services at the time of attack (may be guards only).

▪️HEZBOLLAH STORING IRANIAN MISSILES AT BEIRUT CIVILIAN AIRPORT.. per the UK Sunday Telegraph. Which make the airport an early target.

.. The Lebanese Minister of Labor: Beirut’s airport is subject to a smear campaign that harms Lebanon’s reputation.  We invite all the media and all the ambassadors to tour all the airport facilities tomorrow to check after 10:30 AM.  (( As trucks drive in and out. ))

▪️Republican Senator Lindsey Graham after meeting with Def. Min. Gallant: “We will work in Congress to provide weapons to Israel.”

▪️IDF MANPOWER.. 40,000 potential combat reservists have not been called up for service since Oct. 7.

▪️WHY DID THE DEFENSE MINISTER GO TO THE US?  there is s shipment from the US of about 3000 heavy weapons that is being ‘delayed’ by the Whitehouse.

🔹WAR PREP – Home Front Command and the Ministry of Economy ordered manufacturers and grocery chains to prepare with a large inventory in case of a large-scale attack from the north. In every city, “iron branches” were established with large warehouses and protected areas where food could be purchased even during a massive attack.

🔹WAR PREP – THE BIG ONES. “In the event of a war, Israel will be required to use military means and weapons that it has never used before, and we are only talking about conventional. It’s the kind of thing that if we don’t activate them, we’ll never stop the shooting and the fire from there. (Nir Debori – N12)  [Emphasis added]

[Ed.:  In my opinion, we are going to use massive numbers of neutron bombs (nukes,) (more than 3,000,) the moment Hezbollah starts their 3,000 a day routine. We may even remember to spread dried pig blood over their carcasses!  ]

▪️MORE WEST NILE VIRUS CASES.. 25 cases, elderly, Tel Aviv area.  Disease is usually mild, this is unusual. The cases this month from North Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Givatayim, and the Savion area.

.. Symptoms include fever, headache, weakness, joint and muscle pain, conjunctivitis, rash and sometimes nausea and diarrhea.  1% of cases become serious with neurological symptoms (partial paralysis).  NO RISK of spread from person to person, by mosquito ONLY.  No vaccine.

.. If extended fever, extended vomiting, rapid breathing, extreme headaches that wake you up, or decreased consciousness – go to the ER.

.. 2 deaths so far from the disease.

♦️MAJOR ATTACK GAZA CITY – IDF planes attacked the headquarters of the terrorist organization UNRWA while dozens of terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihadwere staying there – at least 30 were killed.

♦️COUNTER-TERROR SHECHEM – An exchange of fire developed between terrorists and the IDF forces, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Islamic Jihad, and the “Lions Den” terrorist cell.

⭕ ( report a bit unclear) 2 IEDs (bombs) set off by security wall between Tulkarm and Bat Hefer.

⭕ RED ON RED.. firefight between Hamas and local clans in Nuseriat over food distribution. Casualties and stabbings.

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ISIS Fanatic Charged in Murdering Young Israeli Shepherd

June 22, 2024  JBN News – A 21-year-old Arab was indicted on Friday for the murder of a 14-year-old Israeli shepherd in Judea and Samaria

According to the indictment, Ahmed Dawabsha allegedly became interested in ISIS ideology about a year ago, believing that all non-Muslims are infidels.

On the morning of April 13, Dawabsha armed himself with a 20cm knife and went to the area near the outpost of Malachei Shalom. Upon arrival, he spotted a woman and a child but finally determined that Benjamin Achimeir, who was alone with his flock, would be a more vulnerable target.

Dawabsha then concealed himself in the grass, waiting for the young shepherd to come closer. When Achimeir was just a few meters away, Dawabsha rose and began pursuing him, reportedly shouting, “I will kill you.” After Achimeir stumbled and fell, the terrorist killed him; however, details of the attack were deemed too graphic for public release by Israeli authorities.

After the gruesome murder, Dawabsha is said to have searched for more potential victims before being chased away by a dog.

The ISIS-inspired terrorist was arrested eight days later in a joint operation by Israeli police, military, and intelligence services at his home in the Arab town of Duma near Ramallah. Officials say he implicated himself during initial questioning. Prosecutors are calling for the death penalty, though this is rarely applied in Israel.

Violence has dramatically escalated in Judea and Samaria after October 7 when Hamas attacked southern Israel, killing nearly 1,200 people and taking over 250 hostages. Since that fateful day, 20 Israelis have been killed in the area and over 4,150 Arabs arrested.

[Ed.:  The death penalty doesn’t carry much weight and is not going to work with these musloid monsters. They actually look forward to death as martyrs.  Then they get the virgins! However, if they are buried wrapped in pig skin, or with pig blood, they go to hell. Dried pig’s blood is available in England cheaper than the price of the postage!   Burial with pig’s blood would serve as a strong deterrent.  Arabs would be a lot more careful about getting themselves killed!  But this common knowledge is unknown to IINO where Jewish blood is cheapest…]


On The Brink Of War: Israel has ordered multiple nations to immediately remove their aircraft and ships from Lebanese territory before it launches its invasion of Lebanon.

June 22, 2024 @ 9:18 p.m. Eastern – 𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦

[Ed.:  Nothing like announcing to your enemy exactly when you are going to attack him!  Isn’t this ‘aiding and abetting the enemy’ in a time of war?  But this is the strategy of IINO’s military elite.]


Israel Ready to Invade Lebanon: Israel has informed the USA that it is prepared for a ground offensive into Lebanon under the cover of a wide campaign of airstrikes.

June 22, 2024 @ 8:58 p.m. Eastern – 𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦


🔘 SAT after Shabbat June 22, 2024 @ 6:09 p.m. Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

🔹FAKE WAR RUMBLES – many channels are sending FAKE messages like:

“Israel will probably attack Lebanon in the next 48 hours” – No source, FAKE.

“US security official: We have entered a very dangerous period between Israel and Hezbollah, and war could suddenly break out without warning.” – Real, but not from now.

“Israel informed countries to evacuate planes from Beirut airport and avoid Lebanon airspace.” – FAKE.

“Reuters: Israel will attack Lebanon in 48 hours” – FAKE, Reuters: Lies, we never said this.

“Iron Domes throughout Israel put on high alert” – who knows? But that’s the point, it wouldn’t come out on public news channels

** MOST ARE FAKE NEWS or manipulative propaganda – a FLOOD of war panic messages.

Hezbollah IS issuing threat videos, and the wise will prepare, but there is no specific “in the next hours” information.

And the situation remains on edge, build some protection planning into your life.

But panic, YES – MUST BUY ALL TOILET PAPER IMMEDIATELY!  Or not.  Really, please don’t.

🔹FAKE WAR RUMBLES – Lebanese report: The Israeli army launched flare bombs into the airspace of the Nakura beach (about 5 km north of Israel).  UNLIKELY.

🔹REAL WAR RUMBLES – KUWAIT.. calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon.  Real.

⭕ HOUTHIS SAY THEY ATTACKED – HAIFA?  Announce that they have attacked 5 ships in Haifa and the Mediterranean Sea together with the Iraqi resistance.  FAKE, no such attacks known.

▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. in battle in Gaza:  Gross Malkia, 25, from Susya. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood.  Fallen soldiers & police in Gaza operations = 315.

▪️Defense Minister Gallant will take off this night for meetings in Washington with senior administration officials.

▪️Foreign Minister Katz, by agreement of the cabinet, temporarily assumes Defense Minister duties while Gallant visits the US.

▪️AID.. UN sources: More than 1300 trucks of humanitarian aid are on the Gaza side of the Kerem Shalom crossing, however the international aid organizations refuse to distribute the aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip for fear of looting and robbery of the goods.

▪️PROTESTS – ANTI-GOVT .. Large Tel Aviv / Kaplan protest demanding new elections and a deal.  Protests with road fires in Jerusalem blocking King George street calling for elections now.

▪️PROTESTS – PRO-VICTORY .. Evacuees from the north demonstrate near the String Bridge in Jerusalem and burn Hezbollah and Lebanese flags: “You took our home, we will not be satisfied with momentary silence.”

♦️COUNTER-TERROR OPERATIONS.. now in Jericho, and Shechem.

♦️MAJOR FIREFIGHT in Rafah, Gaza.

⭕ ISLAMIC JIHAD LAUNCHES SAM-18.. “Yesterday we launched a SAM 18 shoulder-fired missile at an Israeli helicopter that was evacuating wounded from Rafah.”  Soviet missile design from 1983, the SA-18 Grouse has a simple infrared tracker, and therefore can be misdirected with flares.  However, it would be unusual to fire at a helicopter and miss unless the copter was constantly firing flares.

⭕ ROCKETS from Hezbollah at Metulla.

⭕ ROCKETS from Hamas at Sufa.

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SAT June 22, 2024 @ 3:32 p.m. Eastern- after Shabbat – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

Shavua tov – may we have a good and blessed week, may our hostages be freed health and whole, and our soldiers be successful and return home safe.

▪️UN AID TEAM COMPLAINS.. hears gunfire nearby on the humanitarian no-attack route, was IDF attacking gunmen headed towards the aid.

▪️ON THE HOSTAGES.. “political official”: “If we withdraw the forces from Gaza unilaterally, the meaning is clear: most of the hostages will remain in the hands of Hamas. If we go to a deal without exact clauses that oblige Hamas to comply, Hamas will manipulate and not release everyone. We have not let up on the lever of military pressure – this is what we have left.”

▪️ISRAELI KILLED IN KALKILYA.. and car set on fire. Amnon Mokhtar, 67 years old from Petach Tikva comes every Saturday to shop.  IDF entered the city, located and killed terrorist who killed him.  Video shows IDF troops then tied the terrorist body of the terrorist to the vehicle and drove through town – IDF: “The conduct seen in the video is not consistent with the IDF’s orders and what is expected of its soldiers, will be investigated and dealt with.”

▪️CHIEF RABBI HOSPITALIZED.. Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef taken to hospital over Shabbat.

▪️HEAVY GPS JAMMING.. reported in central Israel through northern Israel, and Eilat. Make sure rocket alert apps are set to specific city instead of location.  Other location based apps (such as lunch ordering!) and map/driving apps might miss your location.

🔹REGIONAL WAR THREAT.. Iran informs the UN:  “Hezbollah can defend itself against Israel easily without our help. But if the US helps Israel, we will help Lebanon.”

🔹US AIRCRAFT CARRIER INBOUND.. US aircraft carrier battle group Eisenhower moving from the Gulf of Aden / Red Sea area to the Eastern Mediterranean (via Suez), while the US aircraft carrier battle group Roosevelt will come from Korea to the Gulf of Aden after exercises in Korea this week.


🔸ARAB DESK ANALYSIS:  an escalation and not a surprise… Israel is being dragged into war (with Hezbollah) instead of initiating it.

🔸Videos show Beirut airport loaded with people trying to leave after multiple countries advise their citizens to evacuation.

🔸Canada is preparing to evacuate about 45,000 of its citizens who are in Lebanon.

🔸A US administration official told CNN: The US has pledged to fully support Israel if a full-scale war with Hezbollah breaks out.

🔸IDF attacks Hezbollah observation post, Eyta al-Sha’ab.

🔸IDF airstrike, Hezbollah military structure, Ramiyah.

🔸IDF airstrike, Hezbollah military structure, Yaron.

🔸IDF airstrike, looks like phosphorus bomb, Khula.

🔸IDF assassination, weapons supplier Ayman Ratma, Bekaa.


♦️TARGETED ASSASSINATION – The IDF tried this morning to eliminate Raad Saad, one of the top Hamas officials in Gaza. Believed killed in airstrikes in Gaza City.

♦️US/UK ATTACK HOUTHIS – airstrikes at Hodeidah, Yemen.


⭕ 2 ANTI-TANK MISSILES FIRED – at Metullah by Hezbollah.  Buildings damaged, fires caused.


⭕ HOUTHIS CLAIM.. to have attacked 2 cargo ships AND the US Aircraft Carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea.

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