Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL  (IINO) |  6/9/23


Israel’s largest hospital honors Dr. Fauci

Sheba Medical Center honors Dr. Anthony Fauci with the “Sheba Champion of Global Health Award”.

May 2, 2023, 5:56 AM (GMT+3) – Sheba Medical Center, Israel’s largest hospital, on Monday honored American immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci with the “Sheba Champion of Global Health Award”, i24NEWS reports.

The award recognized Fauci’s work as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and his contribution to the COVID-19 response.

Fauci played an important role during the pandemic as Chief Medical Advisor to then-President Donald Trump and then to President Joe Biden. He stepped down from his role at the end of 2022.

The award, presented to Dr. Fauci at a private ceremony in Washington, D.C., celebrated cooperation between Sheba Medical Center and the US government during the COVID-19 pandemic, including sharing data on infections, vaccinations, and boosters.



[Ed.:  IINO and the IINO press has been lying to the Israeli public ever since Bibi signed the secret deal with Pfizer to use Israeli citizens as test subjects (read: guinea pigs,) for the death-jab.  The following is their latest play on words, building ever further their Tower of Babel of bamboozelment.]

Israel’s Health Ministry: No young adults without preexisting conditions died of COVID-19

Health Ministry says n0 reports of people 18-50 dying of COVID-19 without preexisting conditions – but bases its information only on epidemiological investigations.

May 25, 2023, 9:53 AM (GMT+3) – Former MK Moshe Feiglin published on Twitter a Health Ministry response to queries regarding various coronavirus statistics.

In the document, the Health Ministry clarified that no adults without preexisting conditions who were between the ages of 18-49 at the time of their death, died of coronavirus.

At the same time, the Ministry emphasized that its information is “based on information which the patients themselves or their family members volunteered as part of an epidemiological investigation, if an investigation was conducted and the patient chose to share [the information] with the investigator.”

Therefore, the Ministry emphasized, “The existing information does not necessarily reflect the patient’s medical situation.”

Related articles:

Feiglin, however, wrote that the government “locked you up in your homes, and stole a year of normal education from your children…all for a ‘plague’ which hurt zero citizens below the age of 50 without preexisting conditions.”



Almost half of American ‘Jews’ actually are not Jewish  Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

Reform leader Rick Jacobs travels the USA proudly proclaiming that “interfaith families are now the majority of the movement.” Op-ed.

Jun 8, 2023, 1:12 PM (GMT+3) – The recent Israel-bashing, Jew-hating graduation speech by a “Palestinian Arab” at CUNY Law School made national news. The Zionist Organization of America took the lead, as it almost always does among the Presidents’ Conference “major” Jewish organizations, in fighting back. ZOA demanded that the CUNY Law den of corruption be defunded by New York State, that the administrators who approved and facilitated the Nazi-like speech be fired, and that the Jew-hater graduate be denied a New York State Bar license to practice.

Amazingly, that lowest-tier (ranked #154, among the lowest 20% in the country) school’s so-called “Jewish Law Student Association” praised the speaker’s vicious anti-Zionist venom and lies. Their pathetic self-hate appears here in its entirety. That self-flagellating screed is so warped that one initially would suppose it a forgery, impossible to be authored by Jews even in a world of self-hating Jewish apostates like George Soros, Bernie Sanders, and Ben & Jerry.

That document helpfully demonstrates that almost half the people in America who call themselves “Jews” are in fact not Jews.

The numbers:

Much of current American “Jewish” demographic data emanate from a landmark Pew report. Pew asked interviewees to self-identify. If someone told Pew’s pollster he or his parents are or were “Jewish,” Pew took it as gospel.

But who really is a Jew? Through 3,300 years of Judaism until 1983, the only definition of a “Jew” was to be born to a Jewish mother or to convert to Judaism by accepting and undertaking the laws (halakhah) and traditions (mesorah) of Judaism completely and unequivocally, and affirming total belief that every word in the Torah is true and the word of G-d spoken to Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our Teacher).


12,000-year-old flutes that imitate bird calls discovered in Israel

Rare prehistorical objects found in the Huleh Valley in northern Israel according to new scientific paper.

Jun 9, 2023, 1:53 PM (GMT+3) – A new paper by Dr. Laurent Davin, a post-doctoral fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem (CRJF), and Dr. José-Miguel Tejero, (the University of Vienna and the University of Barcelona, Spain), published in the prestigious journal Nature Scientific Report, uncovers that rare prehistorical objects found in the Huleh Valley in northern Israel, crafted 12,000 years ago, functioned as miniature flutes – and was perhaps used for hunting, music or some form of communication with the birds.

The Eynan/Ain Mallaha site, in the Huleh Valley of northern Israel, was first excavated by a French mission since 1955 and later in 1996–2005 by a joint team from the CRJF and the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), directed by François Valla of the Centre nationale de recherche scientifique (CNRS) and Dr. Hamoudi Khalaily of the IAA. In the settlement circular structures, homes of hunter-gatherers, the bones of a variety of animal species, including birds, were found.

As part of the material culture study and funerary offerings at Eynan/Ain Mallaha from the final Natufian period (12,000 ago), Dr. Laurent Davin, examined the bones of birds that were recovered by the excavators. According to Prof. Tal Simmons of Virginia Commonwealth



Pedophiles and eugenicists are coming for our children, to mutilate, sterilize, and abuse them. Hiding behind a fake-righteous cloak of “love and inclusion.”

JUN 8, 2023 – Some things are so self evident – and yet they still need to be screamed from the rooftops. G-d hates immorality.

There are only two genders.

You can never change genders.

Marriage is between a man and a woman.


P.S. Abortion is murder. It is allowed only when the mother’s physical life is in definite danger. (See Zohar at end of article for how abortion brings tragedy and destruction down upon the world.)

If you want to know the view of Judaism – of G-d and His Torah, the gift of instructions for life that He gave us – THAT is it. No, it’s not open to “reinterpretation.”


A Controversial Trend on Israel’s Doorstep: Ms. Abigail Shrier Brings the Transgender Debate to Tel Aviv   ETANA HECHT

Ms. Abigail Shrier held an event in Tel Aviv to celebrate the Hebrew launch of her book, “Irreversible Damage”, while hundreds of activists protested outside the venue.

As originally published on DailyClout

JUN 6, 2023 – “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters”

“Transgender Ideology” is an issue that’s delicate, and painful for many involved. I attended a book launch event that took place in Tel Aviv last week for a book that discusses this complicated topic.

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” was written by journalist and author Ms. Abigail Shrier, and thoroughly explores a sharp increase in young girls identifying as transgender.

As written in the book, (p. 26) “Between 2016-2017 a number of gender surgeries for natal females in the U.S. quadrupled with biological women”. Ms. Shrier states that while gender dysphoria has a 100-year history of diagnosis, it has historically presented mostly among very young boys, usually between the ages of 2-4 years old. Some boys grew out of their gender dysphoria, some grew up to be gay men, and some remained what used to be called “transsexual”. The explosion of gender reassignment surgeries among adolescent girls suggests that there’s something going on beyond classic clinical cases of gender dysphoria.


Manipulating Israeli Public Opinion    by Naomi Linder Kahn
June 8, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • The results of the survey indicate that the Israeli public has far greater trust in the Knesset — by dozens of percentage points — than it does in Israel’s judiciary, from the Supreme Court down to the legal advisors and counselors who answer to the Supreme Court.
  • As almost always, the different answers are the result of differences built into the questions. The wording of the question posed in the Israel Democracy Institute survey referred to the “level of trust in the Knesset” while the “Direct Polls Trust Index” survey examined trust “in the members of the Knesset you elected.”
  • [T]he purposefully phrased IDI survey was crafted to justify weakening the powers of the legislative branch and granting excessive powers to the judicial branch.
  • The way [the IDI’s] question was worded regarding the public’s trust in the Knesset ensured that the results would create the totally false impression that the public does not trust the members of the Knesset and favors the judges of the Supreme Court.
  • The relevant question, which is more closely reflected in the wording of the Direct Polls survey, is the level of the public’s trust in the members of the Knesset chosen by them, and the results show that an absolute majority of the public trusts its elected representatives — a fact that points to an extremely healthy parliamentary democracy.
  • These campaigns to undemocratically overturn the result of a free and fair election would surely have caught the eye of George Orwell — especially as they were all conducted under the rallying cry of “protecting democracy.”

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.