Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO) | 7/30/24



𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦  7/30/24   Beit Lid: The Force 100 soldiers are currently being brought for hearings in a military court, while demonstrations are held outside. Additional companies of infantry have been sent to prevent protesters from disturbing the proceedings.


ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[12:50 PM, 7/30/2024] +972 54-668-0334: 🔘 TUESDAY evening

▪️UK DELAYS.. decision on changing arms export policy to Israel, contrary to yesterday’s announcement.

▪️MILITARY PROSECUTOR.. admits to the Knesset that they are CALLING released terror suspects in Gaza to ‘inquire about complaints during detention.’  (( ARE WE CRAZY? ))  This confirms claims by Fin. Min. Smotrich.k

▪️SHIN BET (Israel FBI) and POLICE 443 UNIT (Israel Special Investigations) CAUGHT.. a Shin Bet employee and two others leaking classified information.  Arrested.


.. ISRAELI PRESIDENT SAYS.. President Herzog:  I believe that an immediate, in-depth, sensitive and responsible examination of the manner in which the soldiers were detained for questioning yesterday is required. This investigation has nothing to do with and must not have anything to do with the very necessity and authority to carefully investigate suspicions of serious acts.

.. The military court accepted the request of the defense and ordered to withhold the details of the suspects in the Sde Teiman prison case to protect their safety.

.. The military prosecutor requested to extend the detention of all nine detainees until Sunday.

▪️TERROR STABBING ATTEMPT.. attempted stabbing in Beit Anon north of Kiryat Arba, terrorist neutralized.

▪️POSSIBLE SHOOTING – LOD.. in the parking lot of Osher Ad grocery?  No further info.

🔹Lebanon:  TURKEY THREATENS AGAIN.. Erdogan threatens again: “We will send Turkish forces if Israel invades Lebanon”.

🔹Lebanon:  UK SUPPORTS HEZBOLLAH.. The new British foreign secretary will visit Beirut on Thursday.

🔹Lebanon:  Lebanon ‘ships docked at the port of Beirut are moving away to the sea for fear of an Israeli attack on the port.

🔹Lebanon:  FAKE NEWS – Israel Hadera power plant evacuates non-critical workers due to Hezbollah attack concerns.  REAL NEWS – no overtime, reducing staff, during war risk.

🔹Lebanon:  Iraqi Shia militias, with Iran permission, to resume attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria if Israel attacks Hezbollah.

🔹Lebanon:  KATZRIN (Golan), instructions of the IDF: asked to reduce gatherings, asked to reduce non-essential activity (large events/swimming pools, etc.)

🔹Lebanon:  SAFED (North), mayor advice: no unnecessary gatherings, minimize trips, know your shelter, have extra food, water, radio, flashlight, emergency supplies.  Prepare.

🔹Lebanon:  STAY NEAR A PROTECTED SPACE in Alma, Kerem Ben Zmra, Rihania, Dalton.

ANTI-TANK MISSILE attacks from HEZBOLLAH at Metulla and Yaraon.

11 rounds of ROCKETS BARRAGES (15+ rockets) and SUICIDE DRONES at northern towns from HEZBOLLAH.

❗️ TUESDAY night – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[1:03 PM, 7/30/2024] +972 54-668-0334:

❗️LARGE EXPLOSION in the HEZBOLLAH section of Beirut, Lebanon – southern area of ​​Da’ahiya.

❗️Possible ISRAELI strike.

❗️One report says suicide drone (which Israel hasn’t used so far).

❗️Another report says precision bombs and an attack on a senior Hezbollah leader.

❗️The building that was attacked belongs to Hezbollah’s Shura Council.

🔴Hitting Beirut has been clearly defined as an absolute RED LINE for Hezbollah, which they say will trigger attacks on Haifa and Tel Aviv.

(More to come)

( Alert report )

♦️LARGE EXPLOSION in the HEZBOLLAH section of Beirut, Lebanon – southern area of ​​Da’ahiya.

♦️IDF spokesperson:

The IDF targeted in Beirut the commander responsible for the murder of the children in Majdal Shams that killed many Israeli civilians.  At this point, there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command. If there are any changes we will update.

♦️The one eliminated: Hajj Mohsen, number 2 in Hezbollah.  Other reports say unclear if they got him.

♦️Remember the press conference of DM Gallant and PM Netanyahu? “When you hear that they attacked us in Beirut, you will know that they crossed the red line”

♦️Israel puts Hezbollah on the horns of a dilemma:  Israel didn’t attack civilians or mass attack Hezbollah, but did attack Beirut and a most senior leader.  They can’t claim to be defending the masses or Lebanon, but their honor is on the line.

♦️Senior Israeli: Whether or not war breaks out depends on Hezbollah. We have no intention of starting a regional war.

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INSANITY: Prosecutors Called Hamas Terrorists In Gaza To Testify Against IDF Soldiers

July 30, 2024  6:36 am  Yeshiva World News – The IDF soldiers who were arrested on Monday for allegedly abusing a terrorist held at the Sde Teiman detention camp were held overnight and are being brought for a hearing on Tuesday afternoon, where military police will ask for an extension of their arrest.

                                                               IDF soldiers who were arrested on Monday for allegedly abusing a terrorist held at the Sde Teiman detention camp 72824

The soldiers’ arrest led to widespread anger and an unprecedented “revolt” – with protesters, including ministers and MKs, storming the Sdei Teiman facility and later the Beis Lid military police base, where the soldiers were interrogated and held.

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich revealed shocking details about the behavior of the Military Prosecution in the case. “They proactively called Hamas terrorists in Gaza – terrorists who were held in Sde Teiman and were released to Gaza – and asked them if they had any testimony against IDF soldiers who guarded them there,” Smotrich revealed on Channel 14 News on Monday evening.

“This is unacceptable,” Smotrich continued. “It’s one thing if there’s a complaint, then it should be investigated. But to send investigators to proactively call Hamas terrorists in Gaza and ask for evidence against IDF soldiers. I’m saying this based on reliable information from people in the military system who were shocked by the instructions they received to carry out against IDF soldiers.”

Smotrich’s words were confirmed on Tuesday morning during a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. The top prosecutor at the military prosecutor’s office admitted that calls were made to terrorists in Gaza to find out about the treatment they received from IDF in Sde Teiman.

This means that 10 IDF soldiers were arrested, interrogated, and held overnight based on terrorists’ testimony!

Meanwhile, over nine months after the October 7 massacre, the Military Prosecution has not completed even one indictment against the Nukbah terrorists but they somehow have time to investigate IDF soldiers.

Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech, who participated in the Foreign Affairs and Defense meeting, told Arutz Sheva: “We are dealing with a Military Advocate General whose worldviews are sick and distorted. We don’t begin to understand the depth and breadth of the consequences of yesterday’s events in relation to our soldiers, in relation to the message that goes out to the world, and in relation to those who are holding our hostages.”

It should be noted that Military Advocate General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi was summoned to the Knesset meeting on the issue but did not show up.

Journalist Akiva Bigman wrote about Tomer-Yerushalmi: “Since entering office, Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi has not missed an opportunity to lead the politicization, polarization, and radicalization of the military prosecution system. Under her leadership, the military prosecutor’s office became a branch of The Hague, a hostile body trying to introduce foreign interests into the IDF and harm its fighting spirit.”

MK Almog Cohen responded: “I am astonished that phone calls were made to terrorists inside Gaza while our holy soldiers are fighting the most justified war in history. This is a moral bankruptcy of the army commanders, led by the Military Prosecution, who are seeking victims from our children who were sent to battle.”

[Ed.:  Be sure to read the comments to this article!]


Top 28 Reasons to Join the IDF  Chananya Weissman | chananyaweissman.com/

  1. You can be part of “the most moral army in the world”, so called for their policy of sacrificing you to protect the other side.
  2. You can still be hated and persecuted by the world anyway.
  3. You can get killed by “friendly fire” incidents and “operational mistakes”.
  4. You can get sent into death traps by traitors and useful idiots who use the IDF as a vehicle to kill Jewish fighters and turn over our land.
  5. If you die you will be honored in very moving state ceremonies, and some people will think of you in a vague way during moments of silence. It won’t bring you back, but it’s your best chance of being remembered as a hero. (And your headstone will be left blank instead of wishing for Hashem to avenge your death. The people who led you to your death definitely don’t want that.)
  6. Your organs might be donated to those you were fighting. Hopefully you will actually be dead by the time they are taken, but if not, close enough to make a final sacrifice.
  7. You can get your legs blown off instead, and be celebrated in statist promotional videos.
  8. You can be forcibly injected – not physically forced, but basically forced – with lots and lots of safe and effective vaccines that definitely won’t hurt you. Probably.
  9. It’s rough losing your limbs, but you also get to enjoy handicapped benefits for the rest of your life. The state will rob you less than it robs people with all their limbs.
  10. If you’ve successfully been indoctrinated to hate religious Jews, you can join special units where you get to beat them up with no consequences. The state has your back.
  11. If you have a sadistic streak, the Shabak might recruit you to torture people.
  12. You won’t be allowed to be victorious over the Arabs, but you can let out your aggression on Jews and throw them out of their homes, sometimes by the thousands (just call it an evacuation for their safety).
  13. You can stay in shape running away from Arabs who throw rocks at you.
  14. You can get outdated, malfunctioning weapons. This is a good thing, lest you have an urge to open fire on Arabs who throw rocks at you. Sticks and stones will break your bones, but the state will break your body and your soul if you open fire.
  15. Jews around the world who have been indoctrinated to support the IDF will lavish gifts upon you. This is good, because you will need the basics.
  16. You can get prosecuted for accepting these donations, because it’s unsafe, and might make it harder for you to be killed, which would slow down the agenda.
  17. You can get arrested by military police wearing black masks for being too rough on monsters who tortured and brutally massacred your people, then treated worse than the monsters.
  18. You can be ordered to stand down when the traitors let the next massacre happen.
  19. You can be ambushed at your base and killed in your sleep before the next massacre.
  20. Brainwashed citizens who support the IDF will dance with you before you get sent into a death trap.
  21. If you follow orders really well and aren’t religious, you can get promoted pretty high.
  22. If you follow orders really well and are religious, you get first crack at the death traps.
  23. The girls in the IDF are indoctrinated to have loose morals, and they REALLY follow orders.
  24. If you have no soul and are willing to sell out your own people, you can really go places.
  25. You get to laugh at all the fools who believe what the media – which we control – tells them.
  26. You don’t ever have to think again, just follow orders.
  27. You get to serve your country.
  28. The rabbis who work for the state all agree: It’s a Mitzvah

[Ed.:  INSANITY: Prosecutors Called Hamas Terrorists In Gaza To Testify Against IDF Soldiers]



ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️ “Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime”

July 28, 2024 @ 8:44 a.m. ET – There is enormous pressure inside Israel for the government to respond with overwhelming force. Over the past nine months, Hezbollah has fired almost 7,000 rockets, missiles, and drones at Israel, resulting in the deaths of 40 Israelis and forcing close to 100,000 people from their homes.

The murder of Israeli Druze children marks the most serious escalation in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran’s Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.

The Prime Minister is meeting with his cabinet today to decide on the next level of response. Potential Israeli strikes could penetrate deeper into Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut, senior commanders, and even Hassan Nasrallah himself.

Iran might escalate the situation by firing hundreds of missiles and drones from its territory, as it did on April 13. This would force Israel to combat multiple fronts against Khamenei’s terror armies.

We are on the brink of a massive regional war, which the Biden-Harris administration has inadvertently invited with its reluctance to fully back Israel, project American power, and its strategy of making maximum concessions to Tehran.  [Emphasis added]

Since this morning, there have been numerous reports of Israeli drones and reconnaissance aircraft flying intensively over southern Lebanon and the western sector.

Intelligence sources indicate that an intense and powerful strike may occur within hours, potentially involving major figures. Syria is also a possible target.

Hezbollah is on high alert and has preemptively cleared out key sites in both southern Lebanon and the eastern Bekaa Valley in anticipation of a possible Israeli attack.

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Iran-Proxy Hezb’Allah Fires Rocket at Children Playground on Shabbat, 14 DEAD ALL CHILDREN, 35 Injured   [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

July 27, 2024 – Slaughtering babies.

Biden/Harris is financing this terror.

And these savages are invited to the Olympics but Russia is banned.

Israel must obliterate them.


GRAPHIC IMAGE: Reports of at least nine children and teenagers dead and numerous others injured following a direct Hezbollah rocket strike from Lebanon on a soccer field in northern Israel.

Continue reading


ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

SUNDAY July 28, 2024 @ 3:06 a.m. ET

📌 HEZBOLLAH ROCKET ATTACK kills 14+ children, ages 10-20, critically and seriously injured: 34+ mostly children, in Majdal Shams – north Golan Druze city.

.. 2 more died of their wounds, dead increased to 14.

♦️IDF attacked during the night in Lebanon: Shabriha, Burj a-Shamali, Baka’a, Kfar Kila, Rab a-Taltin, al-Khyam and Tir Harfa.

♦️YEMEN.. Satellite photos show almost all the oil tanks in Hodeida port were destroyed or damaged by the Israeli attack.

▪️ANALYSIS (Adam Gold):

“Hezbollah is afraid of a ‘Druze reaction’ much more than an Israeli reaction.

Why is Hezbollah not afraid of Israel? Because .. Israel is doing everything to convey that it is afraid of a war with it. And worse, all the statements hint that the ‘war’ .. will be another ‘Second Lebanon War’.  A meaningless maneuver and bombing buildings. And maybe some pyrotechnics in Beirut. Nothing to do with the destruction of Lebanon or a long-term occupation. Certainly not the killing of tens of thousands of Shiites in a short time – and damage to Iran – as which was expected of any sane country at war for its existence.

In other words: there is no meaning to power and strength, but only to the rules that activate them. All the power in the world will not help a nation that refuses to exercise it.

It is clear to everyone that this war can only be won with the help of a determined war “without the High Court and without B’Tselem”.

A country that, in an existential war, adopts limitations – legal, technical, international, moral – that prevent it from protecting its children, is a ridiculous, stupid and impotent country.

We must wake up.”

▪️SINCE THE INCIDENT.. there has been great silence in the north, Hezbollah has not fired a single bullet.

▪️UN SAYS.. The special coordinator on behalf of the United Nations for Lebanon:  “We demand maximum restraint at the Lebanon-Israel border.”

▪️US SAYS.. John Kirby: “Our support for Israel’s security is strong as iron and unwavering against all terrorist organizations supported by Iran, including the Lebanese Hezbollah.”

▪️SYRIAN DRUZE SAY.. Announcement from the Syrian Flag Brigade, a Druze militia in Syria: “The terrorist Hezbollah committed a war crime against our people in Majdal Shams. The horrific crime committed by the terrorist Hezbollah against our people in Majdal Shams clearly and explicitly indicates Hezbollah’s insistence on pressuring the Druze community and dragging them into the ongoing war in the Middle East. .. We consider what happened today a clear and public declaration of war by the terrorist Hezbollah and Iran against the Druze community..”

▪️DID THE IDF SPOX REALLY SAY THIS?  After Oct. 7?  IDF spokesman Hagari: “No one thought that a murderous terrorist organization would fire a missile at a soccer field where boys and girls hang out.”

▪️PM IN TRANSIT.. back to Israel from the US.  Arriving in the afternoon, Israel time.

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[1:58 PM, 7/27/2024] +972 50-997-7784:

IDF SPOKESPERSON UPDATE: The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, along with the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, the Head of the Operations Directorate, the Commanding Officer of the IAF, and other members of the General Staff Forum, are currently conducting a situational assessment following recent missile launches at Majdal Shams and other areas of northern Israel.

It is important to clarify that the projectile launched at Majdal Shams was a rocket, not a suspicious aerial target.

According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. This launch targeted a soccer field in Majdal Shams, causing multiple civilian casualties, including children, earlier this evening.

The Commanding Officer of the 210th Division, BG Yair Peli, is currently holding a situational assessment at the operations center in Majdal Shams. He is accompanied by the commander of the Home Front Center in the Northern Command and additional commanders, following the attack on the area.

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📌 HEZBOLLAH ROCKET ATTACK kills 10+ children, ages 10-20, critically and seriously injured: 34+ mostly children, in Majdal Shams – north Golan Druze city.

‼️HEZBOLLAH fired a drone (unknown if suicide or info gathering) at the Harish GAS RIG in the Med.  IDF Navy intercepted.

♦️♦️ SATURDAY after Shabbat – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[2:17 PM, 7/27/2024] +972 54-668-0334: ( after Shabbat summary report #2 )

🔷IDF SPOX.. at this time there is NO CHANGE to Home Front Command instructions.

🔹Hezbollah have evacuated their front line bases, assuming an incoming Israeli response.

🔹PM may start his return from the US, on Shabbat (US time), due to situation. The Wing of Zion national plane can act as a mobile command center.

🔹(( Inject standard Israeli propaganda here. )) An Israeli source: Israel will reveal and use various weapons, which the world has not yet known. They are now preparing for a severe escalation, and for a response that will change the face of the war with Hezbollah.

🔹We’ve seen various reports on type of attack.  Initially thought suicide drone.  Then Fajir heavy rocket.  Another report says Grad 122 – which is a smaller rocket but videos which caught the event seem to show a larger explosion.

🔹( Unconfirmed ) The head of the Druze community: “I give a 4-hour ultimatum to the state to respond or we remove responsibility and take control of the event!”  (( Reminder: during the Syrian civil war when Druze towns were under attack in Syria, the Israeli Druze marched across the border to defend. )) [Emphasis added\

🔹POLITICS.. Several opposition politicians insulting the PM for not being in the country.  Some commentary voices insulting the PM for not jumping on the national jet and heading right back, immediately.  And a number demanding immediate strong action against Hezbollah, both opposition (Gantz) and coalition (Ben Gvir).

🔥WILDFIRES in the Golan due to today’s rocket attacks.

🔶DEAL NEWS.. Hamas demands the dismantling of everything the IDF has built in the Netzer Gaza dividing corridor and Philadelphi Egypt border corridor – Hamas offers to release only a third of the abductees and demands 600 trucks a day.

♦️IDF ATTACKS HAMAS COMMAND COMPOUND inside another school, the Khadijah school in the center of the Gaza Strip.

♦️YEMEN.. American and British warplanes attack the Hodeidah airport again Shabbat night.

Missile attack towards the American base in the Koniko gas field in Deir ez-Zor, Syria.

TERROR SHOOTING out of SHECHEM at IDF outpost, 1 soldier injured – IDF sweeping the source area.

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[2:26 PM, 7/27/2024] +972 50-997-7784:

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari stated, “This is the most serious incident since October 7th. We will act accordingly. As of now, there are no new instructions regarding the Homefront Command.”

The head of IDF’s Northern Command spoke to Sheikh Mowafq Tareef, the spiritual leader of the Druze community in Israel, explaining the details of the horrific massacre in Majdal Shams and expressing his deepest condolences and reassurances.

🇮🇱 The next 24 hours are a critical decision-making point for the state of Israel 🇮🇱

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IDF SPOKESPERSON UPDATE: The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, along with the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, the Head of the Operations Directorate, the Commanding Officer of the IAF, and other members of the General Staff Forum, are currently conducting a situational assessment following recent missile launches at Majdal Shams and other areas of northern Israel.

It is important to clarify that the projectile launched at Majdal Shams was a rocket, not a suspicious aerial target.

According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. This launch targeted a soccer field in Majdal Shams, causing multiple civilian casualties, including children, earlier this evening.

The Commanding Officer of the 210th Division, BG Yair Peli, is currently holding a situational assessment at the operations center in Majdal Shams. He is accompanied by the commander of the Home Front Center in the Northern Command and additional commanders, following the attack on the area.

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🔴  ‼️ ROCKET ATTACK from HEZBOLLAH KILLS – – 9-14 children killed, 30+ injured, 15+ critical to serious, by large Fajir rocket hit from Hezbollah on Majdal Shams soccer field.  Majdal Shams is a Druze city in the northern Golan Heights.

.. Conflicting reports of whether it was a suicide drone or a rocket.

.. A soccer match, two teams of youngsters, was being held there at the time of the hit.

.. IDF spokesperson:  Alerts that were activated in the north of the country at 17:24, about 30 missiles were detected that crossed the territory of Lebanon, air defense successfully intercepted several missiles, the rest of the missiles fell in an open area, there were no casualties

Following the alert that was activated in the Neve Ativ area at 17:55 p.m., about 10 missiles were identified that crossed the territory of Lebanon and fell in an open area, there were no casualties.

A short time later, an alert was activated in the area of ​​Majdal Shams, as a launch was detected that crossed from Lebanese territory.  A hit was detected.

We emphasize that a rocket was fired into the Majdal Shams area and not a suicide drone.

We state Hezbollah is behind the shooting at Majdal Shams.

❗️Hezbollah DENIES attack: The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon categorically denies the allegations made by some enemy media and various media platforms about the targeting of Magdal Shams.  (( Denying because the victims were Druze instead of Jews. ))  Amit Segal: After murdering ten Druze children, Hezbollah denies that it fired, fearing the revenge of the Druze in Lebanon.

▪️Prime Minister (abroad), Defense Minister and IDF Chief in war consultations.

▪️Israeli sources: The American administration asked Israel that the response be “balanced”.

▪️Sources in the security establishment say: “There will certainly be a widespread response to the disaster in Majdal Shams, we will have to decide whether to go to war and not be dragged into it.”

( More after Shabbat news soon. )

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🚨 BREAKING: AT LEAST 10 CHILDREN KILLED AND DOZENS WOUNDED IN HIZBULLAH ATTACK ON CIVILIANS IN MAJDAL SHAMS 🚨At least 10 children were killed, and dozens were wounded after Hizbullah directly targeted a group of civilians playing football near a children’s playground in Majdal Shams.

Israeli media quotes senior officials in both Washington, DC, and Israel as calling the attack on Majdal Shams a “fatal mistake” by Hizbullah and a “turning point” in the conflict with Hizbullah and Lebanon.

Reports indicate that politicians from across the political spectrum, including those within the governmental coalition, are calling for drastic changes in the situation in northern Israel.

Channel 13 News reports that more than 50 people were present across several football fields. The impact occurred on the field where young league teams (children aged 8-10) were playing, right near the exit as the children began running for cover.

[10:55 AM, 7/26/2024] +972 53-756-8320: Massive police escort required to protect Israel’s Olympic Team in Paris, France, following credible terror threats.

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⚠️🚨 BREAKING – At Least 10 Killed in Hezbollah Rocket Attack on Majdal Sham

[1:33 PM ET, 7/27/2024] +972 53-756-8320

A Hezbollah rocket attack on the northern Golan Heights town of Majdal Shams has killed at least 10 people and wounded over 30, according to Israeli officials. The death toll is expected to rise, with at least three victims in critical condition.

The rocket struck a soccer field where children were playing. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) described the projectile as relatively heavy and are investigating the failure to intercept it.

Top IDF officials are conducting assessments of the attack, which is the deadliest by Hezbollah amid ongoing skirmishes along the northern border. A military response against Hezbollah is currently under consideration.

Hezbollah has denied responsibility for the rocket attack on Majdal Shams, which resulted in the death of at least 10 Israelis, including children. In a statement, the group asserted, “We have no connection to the incident and categorically deny all false allegations.”

Earlier, Hezbollah claimed it had launched dozens of rockets at an IDF base in the Golan Heights near Majdal Shams. However, the IDF maintains that Hezbollah was behind the rocket fire that struck the town, causing multiple deaths and injuries.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.