Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO) | 9/5/24


SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE   Full Video  [57:00]   A documentary film on the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7th, Screams Before Silence is a documentary film led by American businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg, that explores the sexual violence by Hamas during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, on 7 October 2023, including events at the massacre at the Nova Festival and abductions to the Gaza Strip.


Elul in Rafa: IDF soldiers are preparing for Rosh Hashanah


ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[12:52 PM, 9/4/2024] +972 54-668-0334: 🟦  Wednesday night – events from Israel

⚠️NORTHERN TOWNS continue to be warned to stay near protected spaces.

▪️ISRAEL HACKER GROUP FROZE HAMAS DONATIONS.. “The Al-Qasim Brigades are a wing of the terrorist organization Hamas. We were able to get into their donation email and neutralize a crypto wallet network that transferred $600,000 of terrorist funds intended to fund attacks.  This is a drop in the ocean, but is the real way to pressure Hamas.”  The Red Evils Israel hacker team.

▪️LEBANON – HEZBOLLAH TO GO AFTER XIAN COMMUNITY?  The Christian community expresses its criticism and accuses Hezbollah of being involved in the Hamas-Israel war and dragging Lebanon into the war without prior consulta…

[3:05 AM, 9/5/2024] +972 54-668-0334: 🟧  Thu – events from Israel

ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️DISTURBING JUSTICE REVELATIONS.. disturbing revelations: Ch. 12 brought evidence of prohibited meetings and secret activity surrounding the appointment of Mandelblit to the position of Attorney General.  The recordings that were revealed paint a difficult picture of manipulations, conflicts of interest, and improper interference in appointment procedures for the most sensitive position in the law enforcement system.  (Movement for Quality Govt.)

.. Revealed: The chairman of the Bar Association put someone on his behalf in the search committee and passed on to Mandelblit the questions that would be asked by the committee.

.. Revealed: The chairman of the committee, Mandelblit’s friend, made sure to talk to the judges of the High Court and make it clear to them that they should reject the petition against Mandelblit’s appointment because whoever is appointed in his place will be bad for the system.

.. Revealed: Mandelblit made it clear to the top of the attorney’s office what would happen if they were not in his favor, he would be replaced by a candidate who would not align with the system.

▪️US & HAMAS.. A report in the US: the Americans are considering a unilateral deal with Hamas to release the hostages with American citizenship.

▪️HOUTHIS – YEMEN THREATEN.. The Houthis announced an operation to transport soldiers to Gaza. They are currently in the Sada Mountains not far from the border of Saudi Arabia.

▪️THE TUNNEL THAT LEAD TO THE MURDERED HOSTAGES.. entrance was in a children’s kindergarten, with walls covered in Disney characters.  Children shields.

.. Examination of the hostage remains: they were starved.

▪️UN.. After 11 months, the Security Council discussed the situation of the Israeli hostages for the first time.

🔸DEAL NEWS.. Hamas demands Israel’s withdrawal from the buffer zone surrounding the Gaza Strip – the defense belt that Israel created within a kilometer of the border, in order to protect the surrounding settlements. This may be an even more fundamental issue than the Philadelphia axis.

.. The head of the political department of Hamas abroad, Sami Abu Zahari: “We will not fall into the circle of fraud, and that is why we boycotted the last round of negotiations.  The American administration is not serious about reaching any real agreement and its goal is to cover the Israeli position.”

Over 100 ROCKETS fired by HEZBOLLAH at northern towns yesterday, and 3 rounds of ROCKETS since our last report.

ROCKET from HAMAS at Nachal Oz.

♦️IDF ATTACKS LEBANON.. A wave of attacks that began at night and continued until dawn… the air force attacked and destroyed targets that were hidden in the forests in southern Lebanon, rocket depots were clearly destroyed.

♦️IDF ATTACKS SAMARIA.. helicopter airstrikes in Tubas and Fara.  5 named terrorists killed.

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Frozen PA Terror Funds Awarded to Israeli Victims

September 4, 2024  JBN News – An Israeli court has ordered the seizure of 160 million shekels ($43.1 million) from frozen Palestinian Authority funds to compensate Israeli victims of terrorism.

The reward granted on Wednesday by Jerusalem’s District Court relies on the government’s new anti-terrorism Financing Law. Under the new law, families of terror victims can be awarded up to 10 million shekels from frozen PA funds, while wounded terror survivors may claim up to 5 million shekels.

Israel annually collects hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues on behalf of the PA as part of the 1994 Oslo Accords. The money is supposed to go to covering a substantial portion of its operational budget, including salaries for PA civil servants and security forces.

However, following a series of terror attacks in Judea and Samaria in 2018, the Knesset passed a law withholding annual tax funds from the PA as long as the PA continues to pay salaries to terrorists under its infamous “Pay to Slay” program.

The officially titled “martyr payments” program is a policy that dispenses lavish cash rewards to Arabs and their families who carry out terror attacks against Israel. Disturbing beneficiaries include terrorists involved in the Hamas-led massacre on October 7 that saw 1,200 innocents killed and 250 taken captive.

According to Palestinian Media Watch, monthly payments to imprisoned terrorists have skyrocketed by $2 million since Oct 7. All told, over 9,750 terrorists are now recognized by the PA as qualifying for the program, which costs approximately $16.4 million per month.


🟢Wednesday morning – events from Israel 

[2:33 AM ET, 9/4/2024] +972 54-668-0334:  ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

—> Content note: Content from sources, ( single parens ) our team adding info, (( double parens )) our team adding COMMENTARY, which is sometimes snarky.

▪️Britain’s Daily Telegraph: Labour’s Israel arms boycott is a shameful betrayal of a heroic ally. “To impose sanctions on the grounds of harming innocents a day after Hamas murdered six innocents is satire at its best.”

▪️US INDICT – WHY NOW?  The US Department of Justice filed indictments against 6 senior Hamas officials – for the murder of American citizens on Oct. 7.  ( Almost a year later. Why not earlier? It would interfere with negotiations, and was leverage [agree and we won’t indict you]. )  (( Why now? Most of the indicted are dead. In other words, this has US election value for Jewish voters while no real diplomatic impact. ))

▪️SO THE TUNNELS.. The IDF has increased the number of located tunnels in Rafah to Egypt to: 180.  (Kaan 11) ‘Here is 11’: Muthana Najjar, the Gazan journalist who entered Kibbutz Nir Oz with the terrorists on Oct. 7 and documented the massacre in real time – managed to secretly escape from the Gaza Strip to Egypt through the Rafah crossing. Najjar fled the Strip shortly before Israel took control of the Philadelphi border corridor and crossing.

▪️JAFFA – POLICE RAID.. The Israel Police raided an apartment in Jaffa and found explosives and grenades. Three suspects were arrested.

▪️BUDGET WOES.. the costs of the war are adding up, the society decisions to cover it are getting difficult.  The Finance Ministry Treasury presented the planned budget for 2025: the budget will include 160 billion shekels for the security expenses of the war, 44 billion for civilian needs, and 20 billion for reconstruction. In order to finance the budget, a series of measures, including cuts in government offices, freezing Bituach Leumi benefits (meaning no cost of living increase for disability, old age pension, unemployment, etc) and raising the income tax and VAT tax to 18.5%.  This is an early proposal, the shouting and negotiations begin.

.. Disability organizations announce they will publicly protest.

DRONES FROM IRAQ!  Suicide drone last night from Iraq, and again a few minutes ago – towards the Golan.  Air defense intercepted the first, the second is in progress right now.

.. Islamic Resistance Iraq claims it was an attack on the port of Haifa.

🔸DEAL NEWS.. Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan: “There is nothing new regarding the deal. Our position regarding the Philadelphi (border) corridor is clear – we refuse any formula that concerns an Israeli presence there, this is part of the previously agreed withdrawal from the Strip.   ( No such previous agreement exists. )  The Israeli hostages will return only on the condition that there is a permanent cease-fire.”

.. Senior Israeli and American officials this evening: an updated “final” proposal for the release of the hostages will soon be presented.

.. Report: Israel agrees to withdraw from the Philadelphia axis in the second phase of the deal – this is what a senior Israeli says to brokers in recent days, although this directly contradicts statements by PM Netanyahu.

.. Our poll: 87% oppose the deal.  Direct Plus national poll: 62% oppose a temporary withdrawal from the Philadelphi border corridor, 35% in favor ( and note the phrasing of the question, “temporary” – and the amount that oppose it if it is permanent?  That’s ours, 85+%. )

.. The White House: Israel should withdraw from densely populated areas in Gaza.

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ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[3:28 AM ET, 9/4/2024] +972 54-668-0334:

▪️BORDER/HOSTAGE POLITICS.. The political football in Israel right now is the Philadelphi Egypt-border corridor and crossing control.  The Prime Minister insists Israel maintain control, particularly after finding 180+ cross border tunnels, at least one truck sized.  Opposition National Unity leader Gantz insists Israel made a deal, and the only way to get a deal is to abandon the border, returning control to Hamas.

Gantz was asked how he will ensure that there will be no (weapons) smuggling (and re-arming): “if it is necessary to return and take control of the border, Netanyahu cannot claim that he (Israel) is strong enough to stay but not strong enough to return.”

(Amit Segal) To summarize the two press conferences, there are two significant differences:

1. Netanyahu thinks that withdrawal from Philadelphi is irreversible (due to political pressure and lack of international legitimacy) and that there are no other solutions (Israel cannot trust anyone to prevent weapons smuggling).

Gantz and Eisenkot (National Unity) support the position of the heads of the security system that it would be possible to return to Philadelphi if necessary, and talk about underground solutions coordinated by Egypt which they claim Netanyahu is not promoting (“Observation towers alone are duck range for our fighters and not buffers from tunnels).

2. Gantz and Eisenkot think it is necessary to reach a deal and transfer effort to other arenas such as the North and Iran (even though in their estimation the fighting in Gaza will continue for years). Netanyahu is increasingly settling-in (asserting active control of) the Gaza Strip, including assigning humanitarian care to the IDF.

▪️US INDICTS – CORRECTION..  I received an informative response letting me know they indicted in February, but just unsealed the indictment.  Apparently the hiding of it under seal is to allow for possible arrests without alerting the target.  And now they have given up on being able to arrest, hence the unsealing now.  (( Assuming no US electoral considerations, that’s a good explanation. ))

.. The six defendants are:

1. Ismail Haniyeh (deceased)

2. Mohammed Deif (deceased)

3. Marwan Issa, Deif’s deputy (deceased)

4. Yahya Sinwar, absolute leader of Hamas

5. Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas’s external branch

6. Ali Barakeh, Hamas representative in Lebanon

The locations of Khaled Meshaal (usually in Jordan) and Ali Barakeh (in Lebanon) are known and accessible to US forces, should they choose to act.

▪️AID.. PM Netanyahu has ordered the IDF to prepare to take over aid distribution in Gaza.

▪️THWARTED TERROR.. (Ch. 14) The Shin Bet thwarted 2 significant terrorist attacks that were planned to be carried out in the heart of Israel in recent weeks.  2 powerful explosive devices were seized in the last few weeks in the Shechem area, from where the terrorist apparently left from the failed car bomb attack in Tel Aviv about two weeks ago.  Since the beginning of the year, about 200 bomb attacks have been thwarted due to Shin Bet intelligence.

▪️MILITARY DRILL – NAHARIYA.. Today (Wednesday), in the afternoon, a military exercise will take place in the Nahariya area. As part of the exercise, the movement of vessels and security and medical service will occur.  IT’S A DRILL.

♦️JENIN, TULKARM.. The IDF continues offensive military activity in several sectors in Judea and Samaria with an emphasis on Tulkarm and Jenin.

♦️GAZA.. the IAF carried out a precise strike on Hamas terrorists who were operating inside a command and control center. The command and control center was embedded inside a compound that previously served as the Numaa College in Gaza City. According to unofficial Gazan sources, at least 7 dead and several injured from the attack.

8 rounds of ROCKET and SUICIDE DRONE attacks by HEZBOLLAH overnight at northern towns.

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Israel Has the Right to Win   by Daniel Greenfield

Not a right to defend itself. A right to win.

September 3, 2024 – “Israel has a right to defend itself,” Kamala told CNN. And then insisted that the “war must end.”

What Kamala was really saying was that Israel has a right to defend itself against an attack, but it doesn’t have a right to win.

Democrats and some Republicans have offered the same formulaic responses since Oct 7.

And long before that.

“Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks,” Obama said in 2014 before calling for a ceasefire. Israel has a right to defend itself, Bush and Clinton used to say before urging a quick end to the fighting in order to make a deal with the terrorists Israel is defending itself against.

Israel has a right to defend itself is the bare minimum allotted to anyone. Everyone has a right to defend themselves when they are attacked. Agreeing to it is not a pro-Israel statement. It is at best a neutral position to which the alternative position is that the Israelis should have allowed themselves to be overrun, destroyed and massacred, men, women and children, on Oct 7.

Anything less than the assertion that Israel has a right to defend itself is a declaration that it deserves to be destroyed. And that is the state of the debate within the Democratic Party.

On one side are the supporters of a two-state solution who want to split Israel between the Jews and the Islamic terrorists. Every time the terrorists invade and kill Jews, the Israeli army would have the right to briefly defend the country before the politicians make a new deal with the terrorists. On the other side are the one-state solution backers who don’t believe Israel has a right to exist and therefore no right to defend itself and support the Islamic terrorists who call themselves ‘Palestinians’ in their quest to destroy it by any means from BDS to genocide.

The ‘extremists’ want Israel gone now while the ‘moderates’ want Israel to keep making deals with terrorists until it ceases to exist. Along the way it’ll have plenty of chances to defend itself on a diminishing amount of territory using static defenses that the enemy will plot to subvert.

Israel does not need a right to defend itself. It needs a right to win.

Continue reading

[Ed.:  No, Daniel, let’s keep the same military leadership that ignored all the warning signs, and keep the same ‘Supreme Court’ that rules over all of us.  We need to lose!  That’s what we’re structured for, and what asking for. We’re ‘a Democracy’ – remember?]



September 3 2024 @ 12:29 pm ET  Jewish Breaking News – The Arabic “Sky News” network reported today, citing an Israeli security source, that there is significant concern within the Palestinian Authority over a potential attempt by Hamas to carry out a coup in Judea & Samaria, similar to what they did in the Gaza Strip.

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ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

[11:51 AM, 9/3/2024] +972 54-668-0334: Tuesday evening – events from Israel – Since yesterday, many excellent arguments have been heard against Netanyahu, but not a single reasonable argument in favor of leaving the Philadelphi Egyptian-border corridor.

.. National Unity leaders Gantz and Eisenkot: tonight at 20:30 we will refute Netanyahu’s arguments about the Philadelphia corridor.

.. Amit Segal also brings historical discussions in the Knesset about leaving the border corridor, and how the IDF could just step back in:

(2005) Zebulon Orlev from the Israel Defense Forces: “Imagine if your assessments of the situation, that the Palestinian Authority will control the Gaza Strip, do not come true, and it turns out that Hamas wins the elections in Gaza and controls it, even then we leave the border as it is? After all, Hamas and Jihad explicitly say that our escape from the Gaza Strip is not the end of terrorism. Why take this risk? What’s the rush?”

Shimon Peres, scolded him: “If the Palestinians return or Hamas returns to terrorism, they are endangering their own future. No one in the world will help them and give them money. Egypt also has a definitely good influence on the Palestinians.”

1,175 dead from Oct. 7, including 36 children.

3,400 wounded.

247 taken hostage.

▪️HIGH SCHOOL STRIKE UPDATE.. The talks ended without a breakthrough – classes will not take place tomorrow either (as of mid-afternoon).

▪️STATE COMPTROLLER ON OCT. 7 AUDIT.. says the IDF is blocking investigations and preventing their work.  IDF: The IDF respects the auditor’s institution and works to allow any criticism, and this without harming the war effort and command attention, just as the court ruled.

.. The State Comptroller: “It’s been a month and a half since the Shin Bet did not conduct the investigation into the release of the Shifa administrator – this is unacceptable.”

▪️UK DEFENSE MIN. SAYS.. “The suspension of arms export licenses to Israel has no material effect on its security.” (( COMMENTARY:  What?  “Oh, we cut off replacement engines for tanks (Israel buys those from the UK), but that doesn’t affect your war.”  On what planet can such a statement be true? ))

.. Netanyahu: “a shameful decision that will encourage Hamas.”

▪️PROTEST – ANTI-DRAFT FOR CHAREDIM.. A number of ultra-Orthodox were blocking Highway 6 at the Baca south interchange.

▪️MIN. OF TRANSPORT CANCELS.. the Afula – Jenin bus line: “There is no reward for terrorism.”  Used by Arab Israelis for discount shopping trips to Jenin.

🔹LEBANON MOVEMENT.. A Lebanese report indicates that UNIFIL forces and the Lebanese army are evacuating headquarters and stations in the village of Ita al-Sha’ab.  It includes the evacuation of all equipment.  Why is UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army redeploying?

🔹US AIRCRAFT BATTLE GROUP LINCOLN has entered the Gulf of Aden off of Yemen.

♦️JENIN.. heavy firefights continue, particularly in the Kfardan district.  Arab channels: The IDF collapsed a building in Kfardan on its occupants.

♦️LEBANON.. IDF continues constant bombing of Hezbollah positions in south Lebanon, as well as artillery fire.


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[11:51 AM ET, 9/3/2024] +972 54-668-0334:  ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

Following an idea from another channel, we duplicated their survey with some tweaks on our Telegram channels (polls on WhatsApp are harder – so we limited it to Telegram readers).  We presented this preliminary info:

SURVEY:  Do you support a deal with Hamas under the terms below, with the knowledge that 30% of released terrorists will return to terror and for every 30 terrorists who return to terror at least 1 Israeli civilian will be murdered in the future?  But no deal means the remaining live hostages will be murdered.

TERMS: Hamas has been publicly and consistently announced these terms:

1. Permanent ceasefire.

2. Withdrawal of the IDF from all areas of the Gaza Strip (including the Netzer dividing corridor,  the Philadelphia Egypt-border corridor, and the 1 km buffer zone established along the border with Israel to prevent attacks and movement to the border fence).

3. The rehabilitation of the Strip. (Meaning Israel and the international community pays to rebuild Gaza, as well as providing heavy equipment and supplies.)

4. Release of Palestinian prisoners: in the first phase of the deal: 50 Palestinian prisoners for every female soldier, 30 Palestinian prisoners for every civilian. In the second phase of the deal – 500 Palestinian prisoners for each soldier.

5. Israel has no or very limited veto power on which prisoners, whether terror leaders or mass murderers or torturing murdering baby killing terrorists from the Oct. 7 massacre are selected by Hamas.



Yes – 5%

No – 85%

It’s Impossible, I don’t know – 10%

Here’s our poll link, feel free to votehttps://t.me/Israel_Realtime_Updates/5928

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ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

Monday night events from Israel  September 2, 2024 @ 2:29 pm ET

▪️Britain suspends 30 arms export licenses to Israel due to “fear of violating international law”.

.. Defense Minister Galant:  Disappointed to hear about the sanctions that are coming while we are fighting against seven different fronts. A war started by a savage terrorist organization, without provocation. And at a time when we are mourning 6 hostages who were executed in cold blood by Hamas inside tunnels in Gaza. As we fight to bring 101 hostages home.

▪️Netanyahu in tonights speech: We need to be united against a cruel enemy who wants to kill us all.  The axis of evil needs the Philadelphia axis. If we leave there we can’t come back

▪️Netanyahu on Biden: after a terrible massacre to change the angle and place the blame on Israel? I can’t believe he said that.

.. A senior Israeli official on Biden’s words: “It is strange that the US president is putting pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu, who agreed to the American offer as early as May 31 and the American mediation offer on August 16, and not on (Hamas’s) Sinwar, who continues to vehemently refuse any deal. The words of the US president are especially dangerous when they are said just days after Hamas executed six Israeli hostages, including an American citizen.”

▪️Netanyahu at the cabinet meeting: Everyone understands the importance of Philadelphi (border corridor) and (Hamas’s) Sinwar understands it best. That is why he insists. All smuggling of weapons to Gaza was through Philadelphi. If we change the cabinet’s decision, it will be a terrorist award, you will not return the hostages.

.. Netanyahu: Until now, the focus of effort (against Hamas) has been military. Now the focus of effort will be the denial of governmental capabilities. There will be a change in humanitarian aid.

▪️US candidate Harris: The time has come for a ceasefire, to return the hostages to their homes and end the suffering in Gaza.

▪️Internal documents reveal: Hamas’ preparations for the ‘war of the tunnels’ in Gaza..  In the US, they revealed documents seized in Gaza, which include a “terrorist’s manual” with precise instructions for fighting underground . Hamas commanders were required to measure times and disguise entrances, while the fighters were instructed to move with automatic weapons and shoot from the shoulder to kill. In addition, a letter was found from Sinwar to Deif, in which it was confirmed allocation of $225,000 dollars to upgrade the tunnels.

▪️HAMAS releases a movie trailer that includes the 6 murdered hostages in a psychological warfare move.

6 rounds of HEZBOLLAH ROCKET FIRE at northern towns since this afternoon.

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Iran’s Gaza War: Unfortunately, A Ceasefire Deal Will Not Bring the Hostages Back   by John Richardson
September 2, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • The Biden-Harris administration apparently sees no problem with a Palestinian state being yet another terrorist state, committed to annihilating Israel — as both Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force commander General Esmail Qaani (“Israel is a cancer that must be eliminated”), and senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad have straightforwardly vowed.
  • A ceasefire might sound as if it is a “good thing” that benefits everyone — understandably if a friend or family member is a hostage. The problem seems to be the Hamas demand that Israel should leave the “Philadelphi corridor” on the border between Gaza and Egypt, so that Hamas, backed by its patrons Qatar and Iran, can resume smuggling weapons and ammunition into Gaza, rearm, rebuild and attack again.
  • It is probably more convenient, for all those trying to overthrow Netanyahu, to look at him rather than at the real perpetrators: Hamas, Iran and Qatar.
  • Qatar, “the Trojan Horse in Washington D.C.,” has long been financing Islamic terrorist organizations, as well as bestowing more than $6 billion on US universities to teach American youths whatever Qatar’s leaders decide. Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris administration decided that these qualifications made Qatar perfect to negotiate the Gaza war on America’s behalf, the same way the administration unfathomably decided to have Russia negotiate on America’s behalf with Iran over restarting the nuclear deal.
  • The Biden-Harris administration seems to want Netanyahu gone to be able to work with “their” prime minister: one who presumably would be delighted not only to have a terrorist Palestinian state on his borders — a state sworn to Israel’s destruction — and who would also be delighted if Iran — also sworn to Israel’s destruction — had nuclear weapons. It is the policy embraced by Obama, so long as Iran did not acquire nuclear weapons “on his watch.” Down the road, however, would be an altogether different story.
  • What many Israelis seem unwilling or unable to see is, sadly, that even with a ceasefire, the hostages will not be released. Hamas will hold on to as many of them as they can for as long as they can, to keep them in play as a weapon.
  • With a ceasefire, Israel unfortunately will not get peace and will not get the hostages. The Israelis might see a few hostages at a time dribbled out, the living ones first, they hope, each one exchanged for hundreds, if not more, of convicted Palestinian terrorists released from Israeli prisons, whose first job would be to go right back to terrorizing.
  • Meanwhile, the negotiations over every hostage would allow plenty of time for Iran and Hamas to bring more weapons in through the unguarded border from Egypt into Gaza, in order to rearm. The current leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, is himself a convicted terrorist who confessed to murdering four people with his own hands. Sinwar was serving four life sentences in an Israeli prison when he was released, among more than 1,000 terrorists, in exchange for one Israeli hostage, Gilad Shalit, in 2011.
  • There is at least one way to get the hostages back quickly…. “Many Americans believe that they owe Qatar for its hosting of the U.S. CENTCOM base. The truth is precisely the opposite: It is Qatar that owes the U.S., for locating this base there. Without this base’s presence in the country, Qatar would disappear within less than a week – its neighbors would eat it up.” — Yigal Carmon, MEMRI, June 10, 2024.
  • Instead of saying, as the propagandists no doubt like, “Bring them Home,” meant to sound as if Netanyahu is hiding the hostages under the Knesset, Israelis would be better off saying, “Release the Hostages” — directed at Hamas, Qatar and Iran.
  • A ceasefire deal unfortunately will not bring back the hostages any time soon. Hamas will drag out each negotiation, continue attacking Israel and try to make Israelis miserable enough to give up the fight, as many seem to be doing even now.

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Massive Israeli labor strike planned in response to hostage deaths

“Whoever murders hostages – does not want a deal,” Netanyahu said in a press release on Sunday.   By Terrance Kible

September 1, 2024 1:41pm – Israel’s largest labor union on Sunday called for a one-day strike after the country recovered the bodies of six Oct. 7 hostages taken during Hamas’s terror attack. The Israel Defense Force said Hamas “cruelly murdered” the hostages before they could be saved.

The Histadrut Labor Federation, which represents thousands of workers, wants its members to strike on Monday, the New York Post reported.

“We are getting body bags instead of a deal,” said Histadrut Labor Federation leader Arnon Bar-David.  [Emphasis added]

“We must reach a deal. A deal is more important than anything else,” Bar-David added.

The labor leader accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of politicizing the ceasefire negotiations, which have stalled over a dispute about whether Israel will vacate the Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza–Egypt border.

“Whoever murders hostages – does not want a deal,” Netanyahu said in a press release on Sunday. He added that “Our efforts to free our hostages are continuing constantly.”

“Since December, Hamas has refused to hold genuine negotiations,” Netanyahu said in the release. “Three months ago, on May 27, Israel agreed to a hostage release deal with full backing from the US. Hamas refused. Even after the US updated the deal framework on August 16 – we agreed, and Hamas again refused.”

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, the largest advocate for the hostages, endorsed the strike.

“Israel’s social, financial, and municipality leadership voices the people’s demand: Seal the deal now!” the group said.

The Israel Business Forum, which represents many of the nation’s private-sector workers, and the Israel’s Manufacturers’ Association, also endorsed the strike.

The strike is expected to impact much of Israel’s economy and lead to an airport and public transportation shutdown, the Jewish News Syndicate reported.

The strike is not expected to impact pharmacies, hospitals, defense plants, food plants, or special education.

[Ed.:  IINO has democrats too!  (They’re everywhere!)  In the modern state of IINO, they’re known as the Histadrut’,  which means getting things in order – in Bolshevik. They’re called ‘Liberals’ and they’re called ‘Progressives’.  But they are not liberal at all, and they’re certainly not progressive – they’re regressive.  So let’s just call them ‘Leftists’ because they are left behind with the dregs of the earth, seeking the of demise humanity, and we remain in the right of human intelligence and behavior. In Hebrew, the word ‘Democrats’  looks like this:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fukin’ dangerous assholes, should be outlawed.


6000 terrorists infiltrated Israel: The real numbers behind the October 7th attack

Newly-revealed numbers show that 6,000 terrorists – including 2,200 Gazan ‘civilians’ – infiltrated Israeli territory on October 7, and 1,000 more fired on Israel from Gazan territory.

Aug 31, 2024, 9:20 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Channel 12 News journalist Omri Maniv has revealed the true numbers behind the Hamas terror group’s October 7, 2023, attack on Israel.

On October 7, 6,000 (not 3,000) terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory, of them, 3,800 were Hamas Nukhba terrorists and another 2,200 were Gazan “civilians” – terrorists and looters, also entered Israel, and 1,000 Hamas terrorists fired towards Israel from within Gaza.

In total, 7,000 terrorists fired at and infiltrated Israel over the course of the morning of Simchat Torah (October 7).

In addition, the border fence between Gaza and Israel was breached in 119 places (not 60). A total of 4,300 rockets were fired over the course of October 7.

These numbers are based on an in-depth investigation by the IDF’s Gaza Division, which was submitted to IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

An IDF spokesman responded: “The operational investigations have not yet been completed, and are ongoing in accordance with the situational assessment and in light of operational needs. When it is completed, it will be presented to the public with complete transparency.”

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3 police officers killed in shooting attack near Hebron

Terrorists open fire near the Tarqumiya Checkpoint in the Hebron area, killing a female and 2 male police officers.

Sep 1, 2024, 7:28 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Three police officers, a woman and two men, were murdered Sunday morning in a terrorist shooting attack near the Tarqumiya Checkpoint in the Hebron area, according to initial reports.

First responders are treating the wounded at the scene. The MDA reported that two victims were critically wounded and one seriously wounded, all of whom were treated at the scene. All three victims were later declared dead.

Security forces reported that the vehicle used by the terrorists was abandoned shortly after the attack. The IDF stated “Following the initial report, terrorists arrived at the area of the Idna Tarqumiyah Junction and fired at a security vehicle. There are three injured individuals of varying degrees at the scene. Security forces have begun to search for the terrorists.”

MDA said in a statement, “This morning, at 07:09, calls were received at the Magen David Adom 101 emergency call center in the Negev region about a shooting attack targeting vehicles on Route 35 near the Tarkumiya Crossing towards Hebron. Large Magen David Adom forces were immediately dispatched, including an MDA helicopter, ambulances, mobile intensive care units (MICUs), and MDA volunteers on medicycles.”

“After performing resuscitation efforts, Magen David Adom paramedics were forced to pronounce the death of a woman and a man, both in their 30s. Another man, approximately 50 years old, was evacuated by MDA helicopter to Soroka Hospital while resuscitation was performed, but his death was later confirmed at the hospital.”

MDA EMT Tzuriel Edri and MDA paramedic David Dahan, who were the first to arrive at the scene, reported: “This was a very severe attack. We saw a vehicle with bullet marks on a mound beside the road. Three passengers were extracted from the vehicle: two men and a woman. A man and a woman in their 30s were unconscious with gunshot wounds, with no pulse and not breathing. We fought for their lives and performed resuscitation efforts. After a few minutes, with the assistance of IDF medical forces, we had to pronounce the death of a woman in her 30s. A man in his 50s, who was also unconscious and suffering from gunshot wounds, received medical treatment and was evacuated to the helicopter pad where an MDA helicopter transported him to Soroka Hospital in critical condition while resuscitation was ongoing. The third man, around 30 years old, was also evacuated to the pad, and unfortunately, his death was confirmed there.”

MDA senior EMT Mordechai Azran and MDA paramedic Efrat Hirsch reported: “A man in his 30s was extracted from the vehicle, unconscious with gunshot wounds, with no pulse and not breathing. We provided medical treatment, fought for his life, and evacuated him to the helicopter pad where an MDA helicopter was waiting. Unfortunately, we had to pronounce his death at the pad.”

Senior MDA helicopter paramedic Rafi Sheva reported: “Immediately upon receiving the call about the attack, we took off with the helicopter and arrived at a nearby pad, where we met MDA intensive care units that brought two men in critical condition to the pad. One of them, a man in his 30s, was already undergoing resuscitation. Despite efforts to save him, we had to pronounce his death at the pad. Another man, around 50 years old, was also in critical condition. We tried to fight for his life and transported him by helicopter with ongoing resuscitation efforts until we reached the hospital, where we handed him over to the medical team. Shortly after, his death was confirmed.”

Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council Yaron Rosenthal responded to the attack: “Unfortunately, this morning we witnessed a serious attack on a bus in the area of Tarkumiya, which joins the car bombs on Shabbat and the explosive device that was detonated last week in the east of Gush Etzion. We must preemptively go out to a purge operation of the terrorist nests in the Hebron district and the surrounding area. Terror must not be allowed to raise its head. I send my best wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded and encourage the IDF soldiers who are fighting valiantly against terror.”

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[Ed.:  The 7th front is inside of Israel (courtesy of IINO)…]


IDF Spokesman: ‘Hamas murdered the 6 hostages shortly before we reached them’

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari says bodies of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarus, and Ori Danino were found 1 km from location where Qaid Farhan al-Qadi was rescued last week.

Sep 1, 2024, 7:40 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari delivered a statement Sunday morning following the recovery of the bodies of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarus, and Ori Danino, who were murdered by Hamas after nearly eleven months in captivity.

Hagari stated, “This morning, our hearts are broken alongside the families of Ori Danino, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat, and Eden Yerushalmi, may their memories be a blessing. A few hours ago, we informed the families that the bodies of their loved ones had been located by IDF troops in an underground tunnel in Rafah. According to our initial assessment, they were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists shortly before we reached them.”

“They were abducted alive on the morning of October 7th by the Hamas terror organization. Their bodies were found during combat in Rafah in an underground tunnel, approximately one kilometer from the tunnel from which we rescued Farhan al-Qadi a few days ago. Since Farhan’s identification, the forces have been instructed to act with extra caution, even more so than usual, understanding that there might be additional hostages in the area. We did not have information on the exact location of the hostages. Combat was ongoing above ground, and the troops eliminated terrorists even during the battles there yesterday. The troops are still operating in the field at this time,” Hagari said.

“Last night, IDF troops located and retrieved the bodies of the hostages from the tunnel and brought them to Israeli territory for further identification. After the process, which was conducted by medical officials and the Lahav 443 Unit of the Israel Police, IDF representatives informed the families,” he said.

“We share in the great sorrow of their families during this difficult time. It is impossible to put into words what the hostages have endured in Hamas captivity since October 7th, now 331 days, and what their families have been going through. This morning, this news shakes us all,” Hagari concluded.

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6 hostages murdered in captivity; bodies recovered   Yoni Kempinski

IDF and families of hostages Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarus, and Ori Danino announce that they have died.

Sep 1, 2024, 6:15 AM (GMT+3) – The family of hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin announced on Sunday morning that he was dead.

“With broken hearts, the Goldberg-Polin family is devastated to announce the death of their beloved son and brother, Hersh. The family thanks you all for your love and support and asks for privacy at this time,” they said.

The family of hostage Eden Yerushalmi also announced that she was murdered in the captivity of Hamas. “With great sorrow we announce the murder of our Eden in the captivity of Hamas.”

The family of hostage Ori Danino also announced his murder.

Yitzhak Danino, Ori’s brother, wrote in a post on Instagram, “I’m sorry my brother that I wasn’t able to do everything and on time, I’ll live with it forever. I know you’ll watch over me from above and I can’t believe I’m even able to talk about you like that.”

The family of Carmel Gat also announced that she had been murdered while in captivity. Her cousin, Gil Dickmann, wrote on X, “The nightmare has come true. It was in our hands. Get out of your homes in order to stop the next murder.”

On Saturday night, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit confirmed that a number of bodies were located during combat in the Gaza Strip.

“At this time, the troops are still operating in the area and are carrying out a process to extract and identify the bodies that will last several hours. We ask to refrain from spreading rumors,” the statement said.

Hersh Goldberg-Polin was kidnapped at the Nova Music Festival on October 7. He was wounded in the arm by a grenade that was thrown into a shelter in which he was hiding after fleeing the party.

In April, the terrorist organization Hamas published a sign of life from Hersh. In the footage published by Hamas, he is seen with his left arm amputated and reading messages against the Israeli leadership that Hamas dictated to him.

Hersh’s parents, Jon and Rachel. spoke during the recent Democratic National Convention which was held in Chicago.

Jon Polin said during the remarks, “This is a political convention, but needing our only son and all of the cherished hostages home is not a political issue. It is a humanitarian issue.”

He added that the families of the eight American hostages “are heartened that both Democratic and Republican leaders demonstrate their bipartisan support for our hostages being released” and said that both President Biden and Vice President Harris are “working tirelessly for a hostage and ceasefire deal that will bring our precious children, mothers, fathers, spouses, grandparents and grandchildren home and will stop the despair in Gaza.”

Rachel concluded the remarks by turning to her son and saying, “Hersh, if you can hear us, we love you. Stay strong. Survive.”

Two more hostages, Alexander Lobanov and Almog Sarusi, also died in captivity.

On Sunday morning, the IDF confirmed that the hostages had been murdered by their Hamas captors.

“Yesterday (Saturday), the IDF and ISA located and recovered the bodies of the hostages Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Master Sergeant Ori Danino, from an underground tunnel in the Rafah area in the Gaza Strip and returned them to Israeli territory,” the IDF stated.

“They were all taken hostage on October 7th and were murdered by the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.

“Following an identification procedure carried out by the National Institute of Forensic Medicine, the Israel Police, and the IDF Military Rabbinate, the IDF Manpower Directorate’s Hostage team, which is responsible for accompanying the families of the hostages, notified their families. The IDF and ISA send their heartfelt condolences to the families.

“The IDF and Israeli security forces are operating with all means to bring home all the hostages as fast as possible,” the IDF statement concluded.

The Hostages Families Forum said in a statement, “With deep sorrow, we once again announce the murder of 6 hostages. These 6 individuals were taken alive, endured the horrors of captivity, and were then coldly murdered.”

“A deal for the return of the hostages has been on the table for over two months. Were it not for the delays, sabotage, and excuses those whose deaths we learned about this morning would likely still be alive. It’s time to bring our hostages home – the living for rehabilitation, and the fallen and murdered for burial in their homelands,” the forum stated.

[Ed.:  According to the IDF, the six were murdered by Hamas shortly before their recovery, likely within a day or two.]

From car and helmet cams: Dramatic footage of Hamas leader’s elimination in Jenin

Watch dramatic footage from helmet and vehicle cameras, showing the elimination in Jenin of Hamas leader in Jenin Wassem Hazem.

Aug 30, 2024, 3:19 PM (GMT+3) Israel National NewsOn Friday morning, Israel Border Police forces, following precise ISA intelligence, encountered and eliminated Hamas terrorist Wassem Hazem in Zababdeh, south of Jenin.

Hazem was involved in carrying out and directing shooting and bombing attacks, and advanced terror activities in the area.

The strike was carried out following intelligence that directed an IDF aircraft to eliminate Hazem and two additional terrorists as they attempted to flee from the vehicle that they were in.

Maysara Masharqa and Arafat Amer, two terrorist operatives in the Hamas terrorist organization in Jenin, operated under Hazem’s command and took part in shooting attacks against Israeli communities.

Border Police commander Yitzchak Berik commented, “Let all of our enemies know that the long arm of the State of Israel’s defense echelon will reach them, in any place and at any time needed. No terrorist is immune to the power of the State of Israel.”

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